kpop---scenarios · 1 year
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Pairing: Byun Baekhyun x Y/N
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: Eventual Smut, Mean people, Language.
A/N: I'm back baby! I hope you all enjoy the first chapter!!
"Miss Y/N?" A woman says, breaking you out of your concentration of looking at tikok’s. 
Startled, you look up and standing before you is a very pretty, well dressed woman holding files between her petite fingers. "Are you ready for your interview?" She asks. 
Taking a small breath, as you nod your head and smile at the woman. "I'm Ava, and I'll be conducting your interview on Mr. Byun's behalf." She says, walking through the office hallways. It's so plain, the white walls just dying for at least a pop of color, or even a picture of some sort. Ava leads you into a plain white room, nothing in it but the necessary items. Did you really want to work somewhere so boring? You were lost in your thoughts again after answering only a few routine questions. 
"I think you'd be a perfect fit for this job." Ava smiles. You'd only been talking for 15 minutes before she decided. 
"Thank you." You smile. 
"I'd like to offer you the position as the Senior Data Analyst. You'd be working directly under Mr. Byun." She tells you. 
"Sure. Yes, thank you so much." You say. One thing checked off your list. Find a job, find an apartment, and get settled in this new town. Luckily you had an apartment view right after this interview, and considering you were hired on the spot you had an extremely good feeling. 
The apartment sucked, but you took it anyway. You would try your best to make the small studio apartment feel like home, but you weren't quite sure how. You weren't the most stylish, if you really had to describe yourself, you were quite bland. You knew the clothes you wore were a size or two too big, but you had no urge to change yourself. For what, or for who? You had no one in your life to care about, you didn't even care about yourself.
You laid in your bed that night, staring at the popcorn ceiling, as you remembered why you moved here in the first place, and your heart broke all over again. 
Slowly and quietly you pressed your ear to the bedroom door at this party. 
"Stop telling Y/N she has a chance with me. Please, it makes me sick to even think about it." You hear Hongjoong laugh loudly. "I can't even listen to her talk for more than 30 seconds at a time. I don't know how you do it. Her voice is so fucking annoying." 
"Right? I swear to go sometimes I feel like my ears are bleeding. And you should see her when she cries. So fucking ugly." You hear Maya giggle. 
"And is it just me or is she fucking dumb? How could she love me for all these years and not realize how repulsed I am by her?" He asks. 
“I know math isn’t her best subject but Christ, can't she add up all the things you don’t do around her and see you’re not into her, and never will be? I mean, you try to leave the room whenever she enters." Maya laughs. "So there's no chance of you leaving me for her?" 
"You think I'm gonna leave a goddess like you, for that thing? Come on, baby, you should know me better than that. Plus, she doesn't have a set of tits like these." He laughs. 
As quickly as the hurtful words began, they stopped. You weighed your options of what to do but your body still felt too numb to move. 
You stood there, your ear pressed against the door feeling your stomach sink. You wanted to run away but it was like your feet were glued to the floor. 
The floor that made your knees feel weak as you turned the door knob and pushed the door open to see Maya, on top of Hongjoong. 
The music that was once pounding in your ears was now quiet. It was so muffled as you began to only hear your own shallow and fast breaths. You could hear and feel your heart pumping at a pace you were sure was off the charts, while also slowly ripping into tiny pieces. 
You felt like you couldn't breathe as his hands gripped her body. They hadn't heard the door opening. 
The walls were suddenly caving in as he slowly slid his fingers up and down her curves moving over her ass to squeeze it. 
Tears fell from your eyes as you watched him touching her in ways that you had once dreamt about. 
Your face begins to burn in complete embarrassment. The fucking betrayal you felt from someone who said they loved you. Maya was supposed to be your best friend. She was the one who was by your side when you cried, wondering why he didn't love you back. She held you as you sobbed into her lap, she wiped your tears away and always had comforting words for you. She would laugh at his Instagram page with you and acted as if she didn't even like him.
But here she was ripping you apart with him for their own enjoyment.  
Tears streamed from your face as you rolled over in your bed. You hated remembering that day. The day you lost your best friend. It hurt so bad and you know you needed to move on but that's always easier said than done.
The next morning you woke up, exhausted and not ready for the day but you had your first day of work. You'd tried to look up Mr. Byun last night, but there were no pictures of him anywhere. You thought that was a little odd, but didn't chalk it up too much. You got ready for the day in record time, putting on your too big skirt, with your too big shirt and oversized blazer. You put your hair up the best you could and avoided all makeup. 
Slowly, you walk into the building, making your way to the 35th floor, where your office was supposed to be. The entire floor was empty when you arrived. Just the way you liked it. You popped in your airpods, started your music and got to work organizing the 5 items on your desk. It took you roughly 3 minutes. You glanced at the clock, 6:55am. You still had 35 minutes until you were technically supposed to start, but it never hurt to get a head start. You worked for a little bit, listening to your favorite songs before you barely noticed a few people entering their cubicles. You mostly ignored them, offering a small nod of acknowledgement before getting back to work. You hadn't noticed anyone walking into the all glass office in front of you, until you felt your heart tug. A feeling you had never once felt before. You looked up and saw the most handsome, stone-cold looking man you'd ever seen. You couldn't take your eyes off of him, it was like you were drawn to him. 
"Handsome, huh?" You hear, breaking you out of your trance. 
"Who? What?" You say, looking up. Standing in front of you is a thin, blonde bombshell with a smile that could make you forget any worry in your life. “Hi. I’m Y/N.” You cough. She was so beautiful, it made you extremely nervous. 
"Hi, I'm Lisa, I work in that cubicle to your left." She says with a smile. “I just wanted to bring these over for approval from you, and introduce myself.” She explains, showing a small pile of papers in her hand. You were listening to her, but you had a hard time keeping yourself engaged in the conversation. Your eyes continued to dart towards the man who took your breath away and Lisa definitely noticed. She let out a small giggle to regain your attention. You swiftly looked back at her, giving her an apologetic smile. 
 "That's Mr. Byun.” She tells you. “Do your work, don’t get in his way and don’t question him and you’ll be just fine.” she tells you. 
“He looks mad.” You say, taking a quick glance at him before looking back to Lisa. 
“That’s just his face I think. He always looks like he’s got a painful stick up his ass." She whispers. 
"Why did you start whispering?" You asked. 
She sets the pile of papers on your desk, looking back towards Mr. Byun's office and looking back at you. "He hears everything." She whispers again, walking out of your office with a smile.  
Your eyes turned over to Mr. Byun, you were having a hard time turning your gaze somewhere else. There was just something about him that was driving you crazy. You watched as he shouted at someone on the phone, the veins in his neck and hands popping out intensely. His dark brown hair flowed perfectly on his head. His suit fit him perfectly, you could see the muscles all over his body. 
Suddenly he slammed the phone down onto the receiver, you were surprised it didn’t break with the amount of force he used. He rubs his eyes before running his fingers through his hair. He looks up, his eyes meeting yours without hesitation. Your heart pulls toward him. You wanted to get out of your seat and slip your tongue into his mouth. You wanted to be near him, holding him and you didn't know why. His eyes are still on yours as he walks out of his office, heading straight for you. Your heart begins to pound as he gets closer to you. 
"Who are you?" He asks, abruptly. You're looking directly in his eyes, you can’t help but almost get lost in them. They’re so dark, like they're filled with pure hatred. 
"Uh, I'm L/N Y/N. I'm your new Senior Data Analyst. " You respond. "Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Byun." 
"We’ll see about that. Get to work Miss. L/N." He says, walking out of your office and back to his. Your eyes meet again as he brings down his shade, his eyes still glued to yours. 
The rest of the day, you couldn't get him off your mind. You had a hell of a time trying to focus on any of your work. You just wanted to see him again. Anytime you let your mind wonder, it went to him immediately. You felt like you loved him but you didn't even know him.
After you had finally finished all your work, it was dark outside. You let out a big, loud yawn as you stretched your body from your desk. You gathered all your belongings and turned the lights out to your office. As you walked by Mr. Byun’s office, you noticed the lights were still on. You peaked in through a small patch of glass that was uncovered from the shade and saw him sitting at his desk with another extremely handsome man, sitting across from him. You knew you shouldn’t have been peaking in, but your curiosity got the better of you. Within seconds, Mr. Byun’s head whipped around, his eye’s shooting daggers towards you. 
You let out a small screech before you quickly take off to the elevator, hoping that either it comes fast or he doesn't come out of his office after you. You get onto the elevator and press the close door button as quickly as you can.
You made it home that night without incident and without Mr. Byun yelling at you for being nosey. You just needed to mind your business and not do that again. 
You dreamt of him that night. His hands gliding over your body, his tongue licking you everywhere, how he tasted, how it felt to have him on top of you. You woke up in a puddle of sweat the next morning. You had so wished it was real. 
The rest of the week went by, and he paid you no attention at all. He didn't even bring up your little snooping issue. Whenever he had a request from you, he sent Ava to ask you. Obviously he couldn’t be bothered to do it himself. You hated that. You wanted to see him again. 
He kept the shades of his glass office down, further avoiding any contact with you. It wasn’t until the next week that you’d finally be able to see him again. Lisa had ever-so apologetically placed a stack of papers on your desk, minutes before 5pm. You weren't one to just leave the papers for the morning, and honestly, you had no one waiting for you at home so why wouldn't you stay late and do them. Around 8pm, you’d finally finished and you were carefully planning Lisa’s murder for the next day. You were exhausted. You grabbed your coat off the back of your chair and rubbed your eyes while you walked towards the elevator. You were so tired you didn’t even look in Mr. Byun’s office as you passed it. You had expected him to have left hours ago anyways. You pressed the down button on the wall and waited silently. It wasn't until a few seconds later you felt someone standing behind you. The doors to the elevator ding, sliding open. You turn around and see him standing there, an unimpressed expression plastered on his face. 
He looks at you and at the open elevator doors, motioning for you to get in. your brain finally clicks and you get on as he follows behind you. You press the button for the first floor and prepare for an uncomfortable and silent ride down 34 floors. Mr.Byun takes a deep breath as he stands next to you, your arms just almost touching. “Why are you here?” he murmurs under his breath. You barely didn’t quite catch what he had said. 
“What was that?” You ask, turning your head to look at him. 
He sighs. Turning towards you, taking a few steps until you're backed into the wall. He places his hand next to your head, leaning himself in closer to you. 
“I said.. Why are you here?” he whispers, his lips so close to yours. “Do you have any fucking idea what youre doing to me?” he asks, breathing heavily. His head moves closer to you, his lips narrowly escaping yours as he places his head onto your neck, inhaling deeply. It was like he couldn't get enough of your smell. Before you could say anything the elevator dings, and he moves away from you as fast as he can, walking out into the lobby, leaving you there wondering what the fuck just happened.
Over the next several weeks after that incident, he kept trying his best to ignore you. Everyday. Occasionally you’d catch a glance of him, and the eye contact was so intense you could feel heat running through your entire body. Everyday that you didn’t see him, your heart hurt more and more. You couldn’t explain why but it felt like it was breaking you. You knew it was ridiculous, he was your boss, how could you love him? 
You didn't have an answer to why you did, but you did and you really didn't want to.
After working at your office for a few months, you decided you needed a change. You were tired of looking frumpy and exhausted while everyone around you looked bright and amazing. You needed to reinvent yourself, and spice up your life and you needed to do it now or you wouldn’t do it at all. That weekend you took the plunge. 
You went to the salon first. you got your hair done something that was better suited for you, a new style and new color. You went to the mall, and completely changed your wardrobe from the baggy clothes you were wearing to things you normally would never wear. You bought outfits that actually fit you, and showed off your body instead of hiding it. You bought proper bras and sexy panties. You felt good and different, but a good different. You couldn't wait to showcase the new you. You had never felt so confident in yourself before, and you loved it. 
Monday morning, you strutted into the office, your dress hugging your curves, your hair bouncing as you walked. You could feel all eyes on you as you walked to your office. You had never felt everyone watching you in a good way before and it felt amazing. You placed your jacket on the hook and sat in your chair to get to work. Lisa walked into your office with her mouth hanging wide open. 
“Girl.” She squeals. “You look phenomenal!” She eye’d you up and down, admiring your outfit.
You could feel your cheeks get hot from the compliment. “Thank you.” you laughed. “It feels weird, but good.” you tell her. 
“It should feel all good, girl. You look great.” she smiles. “Also Ava is out today, so i've been instructed to tell you that Mr. Byun needs to see you in his office.” She says, side eyeing his office.  
You try your best to swallow the lump in your throat as you nod your head. You hadn't seen him when you walked in, and you anxiously wondered what he would possibly think of your new look. You stood up, smoothed out your dress before heading towards his office. You stood in front of the door, breathing heavily as you knocked lightly on his door. 
“Come in.” you hear from a gruff voice. 
You turn the handle to his door and walk in and it’s like you can’t breathe. He sits there, his hands in his lap, leaning back in his chair. Fuck he looks so good. 
“You wanted to see me?” you ask. 
“You changed yourself.” he points out. His eyes trail your body up and down as he admires you. 
“Just a few things. What did you need to see me for, Mr. Byun?” you ask. You wanted to get out of there as fast as you could. Your heart was racing, you could feel the sweat covering the palms of your hands. 
“Call me Baekhyun.” he says, getting out of his chair. He walks towards you, almost in slow-motion, like he was gliding towards you. You step back as he gets closer to you. His head reaches out, caressing your face. 
“It’s getting too hard to fight, Y/N.” he whispers, looking deep into your eyes. “I don’t want to want you.” 
“I don’t want to want you either.” You admit. 
“You feel it too? The pull, the urge, the desperation?” he asks. You can’t speak, you can only nod your head. “Then it’s true.. You are my mate.”  
“I'm your what..” you ask. Before he can answer, his door swings open. Baekhyun backs away from you and in walks a brunette bombshell. She was absolutely stunning and you’d never seen her before. 
“Jennie.” Baekhyun says, clearing his throat. “What are you doing here?” he asks. 
“Poor girl looks frightened, Baeky.” she smiles. “I hope you're not scaring your staff too much.” she giggles. 
“Who are y..” you begin before she cuts you off. 
“Oh!” she laughs. “I’m Jennie Kim.” she announces, moving closer to Baekhyun,  wrapping her arm around him. 
“I’m his fiancee.” 
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whatsk-poppinhomies · 2 years
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A Million Miles of Heartbreak Pairing : Sim Jaeyun x F!Reader TW : long distance relationship ; breakups ; generally angsty ; Jake is kind of an asshole ; Word Count : 1.4k A/N : Starting off the New Year with a quick angsty one! Let's go!!
“Oh man, have you seen the new trainee? She’s so cute.” Jake said as he sat beside the guys at the table in the cafeteria. He had managed to pass by her on the way down to get lunch, and it was like seeing the girl of his dreams, it was almost like she was haloed in the fluorescent lights that hung in the ceiling, he could barely keep his eyes off of her. “Think she might be the one honestly. I’ve never seen anyone so beautiful.” He mused, earning himself chuckles, eyerolls, and sounds of disgust from the other six guys around the table. 
“Then go talk to her. Don’t tell us about it.” Jay grumbled, his nose wrinkled in disgust. “And don’t let your heart eyes mess up your practice. Just… pretend like she’s watching or something.” Jake grumbled incoherently under his breath at Jays clear lack of interest in the conversation, but quickly turned his attention to Sunghoon who seemed mildly curious. It felt like he just had to talk about it, he had to talk about her. He had only seen her once and she already took over every corner, nook, and cranny of Jakes mind, and he didn’t ever want her to leave it. 
The hands on the clock lined up perfectly, just as they did every single day, to the time where you’d jump on your computer and call your boyfriend. He was the love of your life, and you couldn’t wait until you were actually able to be with him in person. It was crazy just how much you were able to love someone over the internet, someone that you had never spent a day with in real life, but you spent every single day with through your computer screen at least for an hour or two, and for the both of you, that was enough. The promise of being able to see him, being able to hear his voice, that’s what kept you going throughout the day, that’s what kept you happy. 
The call tone chimed in your headphones as you waited for him to pick up, and you felt like every single weight that had been on your shoulders were removed when you saw his face come up on your screen. “Hey!” He called out to you, his smile making your heart skip a beat when he flashed it to you. “I’ve got something amazing to tell you!” He said, and you couldn’t help the excitement that swelled in your chest at his words. 
“I have something amazing to tell you too!” You exclaimed back, and you did. You had managed to purchase tickets to go to South Korea so you could see him in person, having saved up all the money you had made the last couple months and requesting time off work so you could go out there. The trip was booked for next week, and while you wanted it to be a surprise for him, you also needed someone to pick you up from the airport. “You can go first though. Do you have a big concert coming up, or a tour?” You hadn’t heard anything about either of the two, and you hoped that your plans didn’t class with his schedule. 
“Alright, alright… So…” His breaths were coming out quicker now, more heavy, it was like being in a wind tunnel in your headphones, but he seemed so excited, so you simply turned down the volume and listened intently to what he had to say. “There’s this new trainee at the building… Oh man… She’s so perfect, so beautiful. She’s like, the perfect girlfriend. I think I’m gonna talk to her, get to know her, ask her out. What do you think?” 
Had you heard him wrong? That would be impossible. You couldn’t have possibly heard his entire plan wrong… But… It didn’t make any sense to you and it felt like your head was spinning as you tried to wrap your brain around what he said. “I… I thought… I’m your girlfriend… We’ve been dating for two years…” You mumbled, the disappointment and hurt that you were feeling was evident in your voice.
His eyes wavered as he seemed to look around the room that he was in, and he’d take a deep breath as if he were about to talk, and then let it out in a heavy sigh, the process repeated about three times before he finally spoke. “Of course you are… I just thought that while we were waiting to see each other, to be together… Well, you know…” He shrugged his shoulders, his teeth barred as he inhaled sharply through them. “I mean, let’s be fair here… You can’t really have a life with someone over the computer. There’s never going to be anything really there.” 
You nodded your head in agreement although his words came as the biggest slap in the face. It was like your heart was being ripped from your chest and all you could do was sit and watch as he squeezed it in his hands until it stopped beating. “It’s not like I wasn’t trying…” You mumbled, unable to even look at him through the screen anymore. He was the love of your life, you truly thought that there would be something there between the two of you, you felt that there already was, but that clearly wasn’t a shared feeling. “I even… I bought tickets… To come out there…” 
His lips parted into a small o as he watched you, and even though he wasn’t really there, you could feel his eyes on you through the screen. “Really? Well… When were you supposed to come out? Was that what… Was that what you were going to tell me?” You weakly nodded, your head still lowered as you looked down at your phone screen, the email for the tickets pulled up and your tongue in your cheek as you stared at it. “You can still come out. I still want to see you… I didn’t know that… Hey… Come on, baby… Look up at me.” 
The pet name that would usually have you gushing or squealing now had you feeling disgusted and foolish, your skin crawling and the hairs on your neck standing on end. “So… If I didn’t have the tickets… You’d just go about your pursuit of the new trainee?” You whispered, your thumb hovering over the button for the refund. “I thought you really liked me… That you really wanted to be with me. You said that we’d be able to make this work… That you wanted this to work.” You shook your head, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath in an attempt to ward off the tears and fight back the sob that was building in your throat. “You lied… You didn’t want it to work, you didn’t even think it would… You just strung me along because it was convenient for you until you found someone that you could really be with. I was supposed to come out next week… Surprise!” You said unenthusiastically, pressing the refund button and finally looking up at the screen, scowling at him directly through the webcam. “But I’m not. You can spend that week chasing after the new trainee that would be the perfect girlfriend.” You mocked him, finding joy in the look of regret that was painted on his face. “Have fun.” 
“Y/N, that’s not what I want, I was just-” But before he could finish you ended the call, pulling off your headphones and placing them off to the side of your desk as you got up and walked over to your bed. You should have known this would happen, you should have known that it would never be real, but you were so blinded by the love that you had for him that you didn’t want to face that reality. Now you had been hit with it, blindsided by it, and while you had done well in acting unbothered by it when he was still on the call, now that you were alone you could cry, you could have that breakdown that had been building inside of you from the moment he uttered the first word about the new girl. 
Long distance relationships weren’t always awful, they sometimes worked out, but a long distance relationship with someone like him was destined to fail, and in the end, you were the one that was left broken hearted and crying into your pillow. He would move on and ultimately forget that it ever happened, he was far too busy to let someone like you fog his thoughts, but you had just the right amount of free time to have your heart broken, to let the thought of him and what you wished could have been plague every waking and sleeping moment of your day. 
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restlesswritings · 1 year
Restlesswritings KPOP Masterlist
A/N: This is a list of the groups I write for! REQUESTS are always welcome! If you have groups/artists you'd like to request, go ahead! Check out my JPOP masterlist!
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UPCOMING GROUPS: (Requests open)
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d0youngread · 2 years
I made a visual representation of myself with this portrait maker because I wanted to have my own character like an æ or something
Think of her as my æ? Idk
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Listen... Shes a cutie patootie
What do we name her?
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Stray Kids X Reader Oneshots (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/319359374-stray-kids-x-reader-oneshots?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks&wp_uname=YongShin_ehe STRAY KIDS x reader! oneshots, scenarios, stories has FLUFF ANDJUST A BIT of suggestive content in some chapters!
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ericshoney · 1 year
Imagine.... Niki being your twin brother and finding out your being bullied
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Y/n's POV
It was another day at this terri- I mean wonderful school. I was sat outside on a bench, eating my lunch quietly, when I hear a witches cackle. I mean the laugh of Ari Song, my bully.
"Hey bitch, aww couldn't find anyone desperate enough to have lunch with you?" She calls in a mocking tone.
"Go away." I mumble.
"What did you say?" She spits.
"Nothing, nothing." I reply.
"Thought so, now we have somewhere much nicer to be."
She walks away with her little followers. I sigh and go to continue my lunch, when my brother and his friends come over.
"Hey little sister." Niki said, ruffling my hair.
"Its two seconds Niki!" I shout.
"I'm still much taller though." He replies, sticking his tongue out.
"Kids." Heeseung mumbles.
"Why are you bothering me? Shouldn't you be chatting up some cheerleaders?" I ask.
"Just coming to check on you." Niki said.
"I'm good." I answer quickly.
"Okay, you coming to watch practise tonight?" I nod at my brothers question.
"Okay then, see you later baby sister!" I shake my head as they run off to cause chaos.
The day carries on quickly and soon the bell rings for the end. I walk out my last class slowly and towards my locker, since the guys have practise and I said I'd watch it.
As I walk towards my locker, I didn't see Ari coming the other way, making us bump into each other. I drop my books as she drops her bag.
"You rat!" She shouts.
"Sorry i-it was an accident." I apologise.
I bend down to pick my books up, when she pushes me over, my back hits the row of lockers with a crash.
"Ow." I mumble, trying to get up, but she pushes her foot onto my chest.
"Your just a dirty little whore. I mean always trying to get into your brother's friends pants. How desperate are you? I bet Niki wishes anyone else was his sister." She growls, pushing her foot harder onto my chest.
Just before I pass out from lack of oxygen, she removes her foot, only to kick me in the face. My head falls back against the locker in pain.
"Come on, try to stand up." She teases.
I groan, moving a bit, for her to only kick me again, she laughs but then I hear a shout.
"What the fuck is going on!"
I look to the side to see Niki at the end of the hall. Ari stands there frozen.
"Get away from my sister!" He shouts.
Ari runs away as Niki comes over, he bends down in front of me, holding my face gently.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He asks softly.
"Scared too. S-She threatened to hurt me, but guess that already happened." I answer.
Niki sighs and pulls out his phone. I see him typing away before putting it back in his pocket. He uses a tissue to wipe my face a bit before he pulls me up gently and moves to bend down in front of me.
"What are you doing?" I ask, rubbing my chest slightly.
"Get on my back, we're going home. I texted the others to come too." He answers.
I nod and slowly get on his back. The other arrive quickly as Niki explains what he saw.
"Don't worry, we'll deal with her, Ari Song won't be a problem to you no more." Jay tells me.
I smile a bit and lay my head on my brothers back. I'm just glad he was there to save me.
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etherealyoonghwa · 2 years
Seonghwa 2
Minnies Ateez Recommendations
S E O N G H W A ⇨ the reason why @atinybitofau
S E O N G H W A ⭇ art thief au @atinybitofau
S E O N G H W A ⇾ mafia au @atinybitofau
S E O N G H W A ⤨ mafia au @atinybitofau
S E O N G H W A ⤮ baby daddy au @atinybitofau
(I love their work. Please check out what they have wrote.)
Night Drive @latte-fairytaekwoon
muse @nari-nim
[10:26pm] @spinster-sisters
THE KISS THIEF - Park Seonghwa Social Media Au (Masterlist) @shiberpostshere
Something Sinister @hansols-yoda-boxers
You can’t even reach my neck @kpopscenario
Supplementary Lessons @yunhoes-twancings-nsfw
Fake Boyfriend @atinydise
tangled sheets ; p.s.h | preview @vintagejaemin
[10:34] @rosy-wooyoung
[1:13am] @sluttyhwaa
[2:15] -> Flight @yeosangs-horizon
𝐅𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 @midnightseonghwa
Limits of Fear @twisted-tales-of-all
bloodsucker @agustdiv1ne
Something tells me you don’t really hate me, do you? @celestiababie
the seat next to his @oldloveatz
Boyfriend Seonghwa @softhwa
Just a Kiss @kpoppwriter
you’re the one that i want masterlist @ateezmakemeweep
Park Enterprise @mingishoe
pervy roommates @vvaebae
pairing: idol!Seonghwa x trainee!childhood crush!reader @hoonieversed
“What do we have here?” vampire au. @mymoodwriting
My “Fake” Boyfriend @ateezreactionsandscenarios
hwa always seemed to find beauty in discomfort- @xeriprincess
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luvksj · 3 years
BIGBANG as Yandere Types
a/n: hewwo! here’s something for bigbang in honour of them having a comeback! like FUCKING FINALLY!!! ahhh i’m so excited for it, i legit cannot wait for it and you best believe i’m gonna be staying up for the MV release, everything else can be damned!
it’ll be weird w/o seungri ngl... and im happy top is free from the evil clutches of YG Entertainment and he can finally do things that makes him happy: which include a debut solo album!!! yes, the lord is blessing us w bigbang content after VIP waited so long bc we had faithed that they would come back one day! anyway, please enjoy this story!
WARNING: strong use of violence, cursing ahead. if you feel uncomfortable with themes of stalkers/stalking, violence, obsession, yandere aus, manipulation, torture etc or mentions of blood, killing, death, torture, kidnapping or anything similar please DO NOT read this story!
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- straight up stalker, like no doubt
- he has tabs on you. he knows where you are AT ALL TIMES.
- can be manipulative if needed, resulting in him acting clingy.
- won’t hesistate to kill someone if they are a threat
- you belong to him and that’s that.
- he can be aggressive when needed. especially if you disobey him. 
“do i need to remind you that you belong to me. you are mine, no-one elses.”
t a e y a n g
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- 100% aggressive and overprotective
- he controls what you do and says he’s doing ‘out of love’ or it’s for ‘your own good’
- wherever you are, he’s there with you by your side. he don’t care where you are, even if it’s the ladies bathroom, he’s there. 
- he does not trust anyone. he doesn’t even trust you. 
- probably the main reason you don’t have many friends because he either scares them away or kills them... depends.
- you are his. you belong to him and he’ll do whatever it takes to keep it that way.
“baby! i’m doing this because i love you! now please stop arguing.”
g - d r a g o n
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- he’s manipulative. fight me on this. and also clingy.
- can sweet talk anyone into doing anything he wants. it’s the reason why he has so many contacts worldwide and... also how he got you. 
- knows where you are AT ALL TIMES. even if he’s not with you. he’s got contacts for a reason ya know?
- enjoys being the centre of your attention. he enjoys doing skinship with you bc you give him the best reactions and just being around you. 
- you belong to him. and if somebody dares try anything, they’re dead. 
- can change from happy to angry real quick if you/someone else piss him off or something doesn’t go his way. 
“y/n! there you are, i’ve been looking for you! let’s cuddle. you’ve been spending too much time with them and i’m lonely.” 
d a e s u n g
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- he’s an obsessive stalker, 1000%
- knows every single thing about you and follows you everywhere. and i mean everywhere.
- believes he’s the only one worthy of loving something so precious
- if someone gets too close to you, they’re dead. he won’t hesistate to kill anyone that threatens him. he does not like sharing you.
- the reason your relationships don’t last long. longest they’ve lasted is one week.
- you are his entire world. he dedicates his life to you. without you, there’s no reason to live. 
“only i get to love something so special... so don’t even try it. she belongs to me, i’m the only one worthy of loving her.”
b i g b a n g
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things bigbang yandere have in common
- they’re stalkers. they know where you are AT ALL TIMES
- overprotective. they don’t trust anyone... not even you.
- won’t hesistate to kill someone if they pose a threat to them
- you belong to them. no-one else. and that’s that
- enjoys being the centre of your attention. 
- believes everything they’re doing is ‘out of love’ or ‘for your own good’
“you belong to us, y/n. and nothing can change that so stop acting bratty or we’ll have to punish you.”
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Pairing: ATEEZ Jung Woo-Young x Reader
Warnings: It’s A Suggestive My Dudes
Basic Idea: Dinner Time! Woo-Young is cooking and things get hot. Literally. The food on the stove, you know? 
Type: Suggestive & Fluffy
Inspiration: Sleep Deprivation. And from an ASMR I heard lmao (I’m so single I listen to ASMRs, don’t judge me.) 
Note: The ** is meant to show that that’s where the Fluff ends. If you wanna continue reading, it’s up to you. 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
His arms were exposed, veins popping as he held onto the handle, doing an up and down motion with his wrist as his eyes stared down. 
You were bewildered, unsure of what was unfolding in front of you. 
And then bam, he woke you up from your daze.
"Why are you staring at me like that?” Woo-Young chuckled when he caught you looking at him with an intense gaze. Shaking your head to wake yourself up, you giggle shyly and look away. 
“Why did you suddenly decide to cook?” you questioned as he glances back at you for a moment, giving you a look at the soft smile he was wearing. “I’ve been too busy preparing for the comeback that I haven’t had enough time invested on you,” 
“So, since I know that you crave my attention, I bestow upon you a dinner date and my full attention,“ Woo-Young ended while opening the pot’s lid and turning towards you. 
“Come, don’t just stand there, I need someone to taste the flavor,” he ushered as you made your way towards him. He quickly pecked your forehead and grabbed a clean spoon. 
He then scooped some of the soup and placed the spoon in front of your mouth, to let you blow on it by yourself. 
You then took a sip of it and hummed, “It’s so good!~” you chirped happily as you then told him to try it himself. 
But instead, he kissed you sweetly on the lips. 
Shocked, you slightly squeaked, staring at his closed eyes as you felt him smile. When he pulled away he then smacked his lips, “Hmm.. It is good, thanks sweetheart,” he smirks as you felt your cheeks burn up. 
“Jung. Woo. Young!” you screech while hitting him softly on the arm, he laughed at you while attempting to stop you from smacking your fists on his arm. 
“Stop, stop, stop,” he laughed as you then pouted, “Don’t you like my kisses though?” Woo-Young teased as you playfully lifted your right fist up. “Ok, ok, chill,” he chuckled while kissing your forehead softly. 
You then watch him cook, amused at his mastery. And after some time, he puts away everything he was using and leaves the pot to boil. “We still have to wait for the rice to cook, what do you want to do?” he asks as you hug him. 
“I just want a hug,” you said as he hugs you back, cooing at your cuteness. He pats you on the head softly while giving your crown a quick kiss. You then lift your head up to see him. 
He smiles back at you, you couldn’t help but stare in awe at how beautiful and handsome he was. He then closed his eyes and leaned closer to you, kissing you tenderly on the lips.**
You closed your eyes too, kissing him back as you softly clutched onto his shirt. His arms slid down from your waist to your hips, pulling you closer to him. 
Moaning softly in the kiss, Woo-Young pulls away, the two of you panting for air softly, rhythmically. Leaning down again, he trails soft kisses on your neck as you clutch tighter onto his dress shirt. 
“It’s been some time since I’ve kissed you like this.. Held you like this..” he whispered softly, his breath fanning your neck as you shivered at the warmth. 
“Woo..” you whispered out while pulling softly at the apron’s knot. He smirked devilishly, stopping you from untying it by pushing you back onto a counter. He lifts you up while parting your legs to place himself in between them. 
Wrapping your arms around his neck, he arms beside you. You pull him in for a kiss as he gladly responds to. Hungrily, his right hand softly pulls on the shorts that you are wearing. 
He then pulls away while looking at you lovingly, yet lustfully. Your intimates start feeling funny as he licks his lips to wet them. 
As he pulls down your shorts, he uses his left hand to skillfully untie his apron, throwing it onto a chair as he then lowers himself closer to your intimates. Licking your inner thighs with kitten licks as you hold back moans. 
Softly blowing on your sensitive bundle of nerves, you throw your head back and let out what you were originally hiding. You then feel him smirk as he licks your dripping area. Licking his lips again, clean. 
“I think I’d like my dessert, sweetheart… It tastes so intoxicating that I want it now... What would you like? The main course, or dessert? Of course, whatever you want, I shall give it to you. After all, you have all of my attention tonight. What the princess asks for, I shall give.. Because I love you..”
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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
Hi hi~ Hello~ Sorry I’ve been very, but heavily inactive.
I’ve been very overwhelmed with school and life as a whole so it’s been very hard to find time and motivation to write new scenarios.
But, as always, I will try to bring in new content for you all.
I must say do, I believe I’ll be deleting all of the content I’ve uploaded for Fluffy Tails… I just don’t like how I’ve typed it and I plan on restarting. I hope you all understand TT. You’ll see them disappear little by little throughout the week or month. 
Though, I think instead I’ll be focusing on typing more scenarios and imagines for you guys :D
Have you guys checked out ATEEZ’ comeback? Because it’s so freaking good TT. Seong-Hwa killed it. San killed it. Jong-Ho killed it. Hong-Joong killed it. Woo-Young killed it. Yeo-Sang killed it. Min-Gi killed it. Yun-Ho killed it.
The boys outdid themselves once again TTTTTT it was super refreshing to see Min-Gi once again and I just love Deja-Vu. The song caught me just by its first two notes. That’s how bad Deja-Vu slapped me. Oh my god.
I also want you guys to leave any suggestions :D
I generally have a hard time coming up with ideas because I always try to find stuff that correlates to the guys. I have a mindset that’s a bit too closed and since y’all are very creative I’d like to help you bring your ideas into words :).
Anyways, I hope you guys are doing well. Please stay safe out there and make sure to take breaks and drink water. Keep on listening to the new album and I’ll see you guys whenever I upload something new.
Bye bye for now!
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heeverseblog · 2 years
ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴍᴇ
berry 🍓 | 24 | she/her | filipino
fluff | angst | suggestive and smut (for hyung line only)
nct dream
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lynn0x1 · 3 years
Heart and moon
Soulmate!Dongmyeong au.
Summary: meeting someone you’re expected to spend your whole life with is scary, but destiny always finds away.
Genre: Fluff?
Warnings: none
Word count: ~0.6k
a/n: I’m slowly running out of ideas. If anyone has any request feel free ask however i can’t guarantee i will be able to actually finish them since I’m still a student (^-^;) anyway i hope you enjoy!
You laid on your bed tracing the heart and moon on the back of your wrist. Glancing at your phone you checked the time. 2:54 a.m. Your sister, Hyewon, was already asleep. Your mind was filled with all kinds of thoughts. One particular one was about what Heonhee and Hyewon said earlier that day.
Destiny will always find a way
Just then you heard a soft ping come from your phone. You opened up the message. It was Dongmyeong. You had discovered he was your soulmate about a week ago, although he didn’t know you were his. The more you tried to distance yourself from him, you found yourself being drawn towards him. Maybe it was the soulmate connection. However you weren’t sure if you were ready to commit to meeting your soulmate yet.
Dongmyeong: you’re probably asleep so I’m not sure why I’m texting you but if you aren’t. Hi!
His text made a smile form onto your face. You quickly typed out a reply and sent it.
You: hey :)
You: can’t sleep?
Dongmyeong: yeah just a bunch of things on my mind I guess.
Dongmyeong: why are you up?
You: same reason as you
You guys continued to chat for a bit. You felt a warm sensation on your wrist as you typed out this particular text.
You: actually, can we meet up?
Dongmyeong: suddenly?
Dongmyeong: I mean sure
Dongmyeong: at the park?
You: at the park
You: I’ll see you in 10?
Dongmyeong: I’ll meet you there.
You got up from your bed towards your desk. You wrote a quick note in case your sister woke up.
Listening to my heart rather than my head for once
-♡ ☽
You left it on your bed. You quickly grabbed your jacket before sneaking out. Your heart began racing as you made your way to the park. You could see the familiar silhouette waiting for you on the bench.
“Hi!” You snuck up behind him. He jumped in surprise which made you laugh.
“Don’t scare me like that!” He moved aside for you to sit. You sat down next to him looking up at the park around you. It was quiet, obviously, and a cool breeze blew past.
“Actually I want to tell you something.” Dongmyeong spoke up to your surprise. “I think I fell for you.” You blinked back in surprise. The warm feeling from before appeared on your wrist once again. “I know I shouldn’t. I have a soulmate and you have a soulmate. It wouldn’t be fair to any of us if I did. But still I fell for you. I fell for you so hard.” He looked at his lap.
You reached forward and gave him a kiss on the cheek. The sudden touch made him look up at you in surprise. You took his left arm into your own hands. You pulled up his sleeve revealing the heart and moon tattoo you’ve seen your entire life.
“I’d like to listen to my heart tonight.” You pulled up your own sleeve showing Dongmyeong the matching tattoo on your arm. He jumped up in surprise.
“What? No. Why? Oh my god. How?!”
He pulled you into a hug. You could feel your own heart still racing like crazy. Despite your brain going STOP. You just buried yourself deeper into Dongmyeong’s chest.
“I guess it was density all along wasn’t it?” Dongmyeong said softly as he looked at the sky.
You looked up as well realising there was a crescent moon. You looked back at Dongmyeong who was staring at you with heart eyes. Giving a big smile you leaned in to give him a kiss.
“I guess it is.”
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kpop---scenarios · 5 months
Good morning!
If you are interested in commissioning a story from me, they are open! I am trying to raise money to go towards my pups vet bill, from when we unfortunately had to put her down a few months ago.
I hope you guys have a wonderful day. Thank you.
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whatsk-poppinhomies · 2 years
♡ August 20, 2020 {9:43PM}
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♡ Word Count : 1.9k ♡ TW : none I think ; it's just soft ;
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<- / masterlist / ->
taglist : @butterfliesinthenightsky @thedeeppoet @seungkwan-s @yuzuxq @jcngh0-hq @raevyng
He remembers the conversation clearly, mainly because it had been something that irritated him to no end and it was only made worse by the fact that he was trying his best to be excited because he knew you were coming the very next day and the last thing he wanted to greet you with was an attitude because the management team failed to realize that even idols fall victim to that very strong feeling called love.
“Both of your contracts clearly state that you’re not allowed to date. This was made clear to the both of you when you signed your contracts because for some reason it’s the one rule that many idols just love to break. You both clearly stated that you didn’t mind and signed away the rights to date when you wrote your names at the bottoms of each of your contracts. If you continue to see both of those girls, your contracts will be nullified and you’ll both be the ones explaining to the other members and your fans that your love lives are more important than both the group and the fans happiness. Is that something that you’d like to do?” And just to make it more clear, the man at the table pulled out the folder with both Soonyoungs and Seungkwans contract in it, tapping their names that were signed by them at the very bottom. 
“Both of your contracts clearly state that you’re not allowed to date. This was made clear to the both of you when you signed your contracts because for some reason it’s the one rule that many idols just love to break. You both clearly stated that you didn’t mind and signed away the rights to date when you wrote your names at the bottoms of each of your contracts. If you continue to see both of those girls, your contracts will be nullified and you’ll both be the ones explaining to the other members and your fans that your love lives are more important than both the group and the fans happiness. Is that something that you’d like to do?” And just to make it more clear, the man at the table pulled out the folder with both Soonyoungs and Seungkwans contract in it, tapping their names that were signed by them at the very bottom. 
“Both of your contracts clearly state that you’re not allowed to date. This was made clear to the both of you when you signed your contracts because for some reason it’s the one rule that many idols just love to break. You both clearly stated that you didn’t mind and signed away the rights to date when you wrote your names at the bottoms of each of your contracts. If you continue to see both of those girls, your contracts will be nullified and you’ll both be the ones explaining to the other members and your fans that your love lives are more important than both the group and the fans happiness. Is that something that you’d like to do?” And just to make it more clear, the man at the table pulled out the folder with both Soonyoungs and Seungkwans contract in it, tapping their names that were signed by them at the very bottom. 
“Both of your contracts clearly state that you’re not allowed to date. This was made clear to the both of you when you signed your contracts because for some reason it’s the one rule that many idols just love to break. You both clearly stated that you didn’t mind and signed away the rights to date when you wrote your names at the bottoms of each of your contracts. If you continue to see both of those girls, your contracts will be nullified and you’ll both be the ones explaining to the other members and your fans that your love lives are more important than both the group and the fans happiness. Is that something that you’d like to do?” And just to make it more clear, the man at the table pulled out the folder with both Soonyoungs and Seungkwans contract in it, tapping their names that were signed by them at the very bottom. 
“Both of your contracts clearly state that you’re not allowed to date. This was made clear to the both of you when you signed your contracts because for some reason it’s the one rule that many idols just love to break. You both clearly stated that you didn’t mind and signed away the rights to date when you wrote your names at the bottoms of each of your contracts. If you continue to see both of those girls, your contracts will be nullified and you’ll both be the ones explaining to the other members and your fans that your love lives are more important than both the group and the fans happiness. Is that something that you’d like to do?” And just to make it more clear, the man at the table pulled out the folder with both Soonyoungs and Seungkwans contract in it, tapping their names that were signed by them at the very bottom. 
He was fuming at this point, and Soonyoung had nothing to say, his mouth hanging open as his eyes scanned over the contract, reading over the line that they had politely highlighted for the both of them prior to the meeting. “Do you really think people follow the rules that strictly?” Seungkwan asked, knowing damn well that he wasn’t the only idol in the business that had begun a relationship under a contract that strictly forbade it. 
“As long as we don’t see them breaking the rules, it doesn’t count. As long as the fans don’t know, it doesn’t matter. Does this make sense to you?” The man said, slipping the paper away and sliding it back into the folder before pushing it off to the side. “You two are careless and reckless when it comes to your relationships, and to be brutally honest, I don’t think either of you are ready for a real relationship, so you should be thankful for the contract.” 
Furious failed to explain just how Seungkwan was feeling at the words that were said to him, and he didn’t care who he was talking to, he didn’t care for respect, especially when the man sitting across from him didn’t care much for it either. “I know what I’m ready for, and Soonyoung knows as well. Your contract has been nothing but a hindrance on our happiness and I quite honestly don’t care for the sheet of paper. Our fans love us, our band members love us, and so do our girlfriends. If you want to put one silly rule above all of that, that’s on you. I won’t let that change my mind, and better yet, I’ll bring my girlfriend onto one of my streams just to introduce her to the fans because I’m sure they’ll love her just as much as I do.” He took a deep breath, cracking his neck as he rolled it before tapping his fingers against the table top, trying his best to hold back from lunging at the man across from him. “What you fail to understand is that our fans, the ones that truly love us and care for us, want nothing more than for us to be happy, and those are the only fans that matter to us. You only care for money, and money can’t buy happiness… Maybe that’s why you’re so miserable and have no ring on your finger in your fifties.” 
The smug look on the man's face immediately dropped and even Soonyoung let out a loud gasp as Seungkwan stood up from his chair and headed to the door, leaving the man rendered speechless, and neither of the boys wanted to stay behind to hear whatever it was that he could think to say once he did think of anything. The both of them had things to do, and the company policy was the last thing on their minds as they headed back to the dorms to prepare for the next day. 
“Can’t believe you risked everything like that…” You murmured as you laid in his arms, the dim light of the moon dusting your room in the softest white light. It had been a week since he had gone off on the man behind the desk, and he hadn’t lost his job, he hadn’t been told to leave the group and neither had Hoshi. It had actually come as a shock to him considering he was ready for the ball to drop like that, but instead, the two of them had actually gotten the blessings of PD Bang for a long lasting, healthy, happy, and loving relationship. 
“For you…” He whispered, letting his fingers trail delicately along your skin, the image of your body perfectly ingrained in his mind. The tips of his fingers lingered along the spot where the fresh scar had formed, a constant reminder of what you had gone through, only making him want to protect you more. “I’d risk it all over again. All of it means nothing if I don’t have you to talk to about it at the end of the day. How are you feeling?” 
Your only response was a content hum before pecking a quick kiss to his lips and settling into your pillow while scooting closer to him. “You know what’s funny?” You mused, walking your fingers up and down his arm absentmindedly as you looked over his features that looked even more perfect in the soft glow of the moon. “If I hadn’t been sent back home… I’d be in my last week here… I’d have to go home soon.” 
Even though his smile fell at the mention of such a sad truth, it was one that he didn’t have to worry about now. “I wouldn’t have let you go back home anyway. I meant what I said before…” He reminded you, moving his hand up to your waist to your shoulder and then down your arm before catching your hand, positioning it perfectly so that the diamond faceted ring on your finger would catch the beams of light, reflecting them into perfect prisms on the walls of the pristine white room. “This ring would have ended up on your finger whether I had to get you from LA or if you had stayed here the entire time.” 
He brought your hand to his lips, kissing along each of your fingers before letting it drop around his waist and allowing you to hide your flustered face in his chest, finding it adorable how shy you got whenever he acted like this, which only made him do it more often. “The fans seemed really happy to see me… especially when you pulled me on your lap, I’m pretty sure most of them went crazy. The chat was moving too fast to read all the comments.” You mumbled against his chest, but he remembered it well, and it had been such a relief to see the fans so calm about the announcement of not only your relationship, but the engagement as well. Of course, no one could escape the hate comments, but he made sure to catch your attention with something else whenever one would scroll across the screen. “I think ours was way more casual than Hoshis and Tillys announcement.” 
Seungkwan snorted loudly, hiding his face in your hair to muffle his laughter as his chest vibrated and shook with his silent chuckles. “It was awful but I loved it.” He said between small snorts, pulling you closer to him. “There’s actually a poll up on twitter from one of our carats about who the cuter couple is, and obviously I’ve been voting every day for us. I think Hoshi is doing the same thing for him and Tilly though.” 
You rolled your eyes as you shook your head, giggling softly as you playfully shoved at his shoulder. “You both are so competitive for no reason.” You teased, and he didn’t even disagree because it had been like this the entire time. Competing for who was the softest couple, who was the cringiest couple, who had the coolest ship name, and this was only one more of the many competitions they’d have. 
“How long do you have to be engaged in order to get married?” He asked as nonchalantly as possible, but you scoffed loudly, rolling over so your back was towards him, whispering out a quiet “Goodnight”, but he wasn’t going to let it go that easily. “It’s not to compete with him, I swear. I just want to make sure I don’t lose you again. You can be my Boo, my little Boo Bear, my Boo Boo…” 
You rolled over quickly and pressed your lips to his to quiet his rambling of cheesy nicknames, and the way his entire body seemed to relax as soon as your lips were against his just showed how much he loved you, how comfortable he was with you. “You talk so much when you’re excited, it’s adorable, but you also need to sleep. The last thing I want to hear is that I won’t let you sleep or that I’m keeping you up all night.”
He stuck his tongue out, the tip of it pressing against your nose causing your face to scrunch up as you tried to pull back, but his arms only tightened around you to hold you where you were. “I can’t sleep until you say it…” He dramatically whined but the act was only kept up for a fraction of a second before he started laughing at himself. 
“I love you… Now get some sleep, your makeup artist is going to kill me if you go in with eyebags tomorrow.” He let out a sigh of content, like his life was complete, those three words were just what he needed to hear and whenever he heard them it was like everything fell into place. 
The company policy was there for a reason, or so he had thought at the beginning of all of this, but now he knew that it was nothing, the rules meant nothing, not when they were put in place to keep him from you. He couldn’t imagine a single day without you in it, and while there was still a lot to be done to get your lives together started, he was grateful that he had taken that first step, or better yet, that he had been pushed to you. It was the greatest thing that had happened to him, you were the greatest thing that had happened to him. 
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kokobutterqueen · 4 years
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Kpop Imagines - Videogame Madness (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1038427613-kpop-imagines-videogame-madness?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=princessdimplez&wp_originator=E70U1HQR3b4XfFnEBjhI%2F1%2BqzJbw6dkMyjN5LnKXXiCewpFLEYWYJg4wiDpA50pOW%2Bal8yB6WIxMFK8LSifE5y4xVRAhd0CQDu%2FsqUDjJhPFEVoRXTQYNxabw%2Bf75gcg 
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bbeomiebby · 4 years
I’ve got your back
this is a drabble requested by @diandraxd​ (I’m sorry for being late :( )
Boyfriend! Jackson x reader 
genre: kinda angsty with a loot of fluff 
word count: 853
A/N: This is my first ever drabble and I hope you like it because I had sooo much fun writing it♥ 
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It was a  normal Friday afternoon. You walked in your apartment after a hectic day in college,the desire of just plopping in the couch and not getting up till Monday morning, getting stronger as every second passed. You had just failed a really important exam because your prof decided that you were out of context, just because he could.. You were beyond pissed and disappointed.  The moment you reached the couch, you gently left your phone on the table in front of it and laid down, not knowing what to feel or how to react. Suddenly your phone lit up and your ringtone echoed in the room. You sat up taking the phone in your hands and taking a look at the screen. It was your boyfriend, Jackson.   You have both been too busy to meet up the past week so he'd come over to your place to hang out after a looong week tonight. You picked up the phone trying to seem as calm and excited as possible. 
"Heyyy" you said already failing, your frustration taking the best of you, clearly audible in your voice. 
"Hey babe, I'm on my way! Are you okay?" He asked his tone changing after realising your own unusual one.  A sigh escaped your lips knowing that you won't be able to hide anymore. It’s not that you didn’t want to see him, you loved him and you missed him incredibly much. You just felt like it’d be better to stay alone tonight.  
 "I just- I had a pretty tiring day today... So I am not in the best mood, we can cancel if-" 
 "No cancelling! Get ready and we'll go out! I'm on my way." He cut you off and hung up immediately, not letting you object or even answer to his sudden offer. 
Since you were already dressed you decided to just wait on Jackson and maybe change his mind about going out. You took chance of the minutes until he arrived to take a look at your social media, since it hadn’t come up to do so till now. That’s how 10 minutes passed without noticing and that’s when you heard your doorbell rang. You tossed your phone on the couch beside you and stood up to open the door, already knowing who’s behind it. 
The moment you opened it you were greeted by a smiley Jackson holding a box of your favourite chocolate. 
“Hello milady” he bowed and extended his hand handing you the box.  “These are for you, it’s part of the cure to earn your beautiful smile back.” he said still bowing. It took you a while to take the chocolate so he looked up at you at some point to see your reaction. You really didn’t seem well, even if Jackson’s super short play, did make you chuckle a bit. 
“Thank you kind sir.” You answered and opened the door completely for him to come in. 
Seconds after he came in and the door had closed, he wrapped his arms around you, softly carressing your hair as as he pressed his lips on the top of your head. Your hands found immediately their place around his own waist. You had missed this. You had missed him. His hug felt like home and you weren’t ready to just let go. You were thankful he came after all because he knew exactly what to do to make your mood rise again. When he tried to pulled away, you pulled him back and both of you smiled, your gazes finally meeting for the first time since he arrived. 
“Are you ready? I know the perfect place for you to let it aaall out.” He asked softly and placed a stray strand of your hair behind your ear. 
You opened your mouth to talk or actually deny but then you thought again, it wouldn’t mind where you’d be as long as you were with him. 
“Yes I am let’s go.” You smiled finally pulling away to take your handbag and phone.  “Where are we going?” You asked as you were locking the door following closely behind him to the street, making your way to his car. 
“It’s a surprise.” He winked playfully and smiled back at you. 
After some time he parked his car at the parking lot of an amusement park and by now it was dark enough for its lights to shine brightly in the sky. You had told Jackson about a specific amusement park that you used to visit every Sunday with your family. It was your happy place. But after you grew up, your life got too hectic for it. 
You hopped of the car alread forgetting about anything that was bothering you. Jackson took your hand and pulled you straight in the park. You admired the scenery almost ecstatic.
“Do you like my surprise?” He asked as his eyes were admiring you. 
“Yes I do. Thank you for bringing me here” you looked back at him and smiled.
He hugged you tightly bringing his lips closer to yours for a soft peck. 
“Don’t worry, I’ve got your back” 
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tempobaekh · 4 years
Choi Yeonjun as your boyfriend (GIF)
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Smiling softly smiling when he sees you dancing silly behind the camera to 'distract' him.
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Eyeing you like this while eating the fruit snacks you brought for him and the rest of them
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Asking you for kisses cutely because he knows his cuteness is your weakness
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Walking towards you while chuckling softly when you cutely did grabby hands and asked him to carry you
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He made a song for you as a gift for your anniversary
"This song is for you my love. "
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Getting of guard from eating his food when you suddenly start to coo at him about how absolutely adorable and cute he is
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Feeling cocky when he sees how flustered and red you are still from the heated make out you two had a few minutes ago
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Feeling playful so he ate the orange like this to trigger you and annoy you
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