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hrtkbu · 2 years ago
♂ 𝐍𝐂𝐓 | 𝑉𝑜𝑱𝑠 𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑧 𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑚𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑝𝑜𝑱𝑟 𝑱𝑛 "𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒" (đ‘»đ’‚đ’†đ’šđ’đ’đ’ˆ, đ‘±đ’Šđ’”đ’–đ’đ’ˆ, đ‘±đ’†đ’đ’, 𝑮𝒂𝒓𝒌)
Vous et votre groupe avait débuté depuis maintenant déjà 2 ans. Prenant la relÚve d'Ateez et NOir*, vous aviez subi une ascension fulgurante due à votre talent.
Dans le groupe, vous Ă©tiez la danseuse principale et rĂąpeuse secondaire.
Concernant la danse, votre nom était connu de tous. En effet vous étiez un réel prodige dans ce domaine.
Quand une liste de noms avait été donné à Taeyong, vous étiez celle qui devait bien évidemment performer avec eux pour la chanson écrite par ses soins : Zoo.
En arrivant dans l'agence, pour aviez été bien accueillis par Taeyong qui vous avait réellement pris sous son aile de par votre ùge. En effet, vous étiez une 02 liners*. Il c'était donc comporter comme un grand frÚre envers vous.
Il vous avait expliqué le concept de la chanson et vos parties. Studio, chorégraphies, vous aviez pu tout boucler en un rien de temps, ce qui confirma la décision de Taeyong de vous prendre.
Il vous aviez tellement apprĂ©ciĂ©, qu'aprĂšs la performance vous aviez garder contact. Dans toutes Ă©missions ou vous passiez, il ne pouvais s’empĂȘcher de vous faire des Ă©loges quand Ă  votre collaboration.
« La choisir pour collaborer avec nous était la meilleure décision que j'ai prise. Cette fille est super-talentueuse ! »
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Mark et vous, vous connaissiez depuis longtemps. En effet, vous aviez participĂ© Ă  la mĂȘme Ă©mission : High school Rapper.
Vous aviez tout de suite matché, et étiez resté de trÚs bons amis, avant de sortir ensemble par la suite.
Quand vous aviez su que vous aviez la chance de performer ensemble, vous vous étiez tout de suite appelé.
Votre collaboration était simple. Une réunion avec les icons de l'émission était organisé pour une performance spéciale de rap.
Vous Ă©tiez tellement heureux de pouvoir enfin vous voir. Vous alliez profiter de cette performance pour passer de longs moments ensemble avant de nouveau ĂȘtre sĂ©parĂ© de par vos plannings.
En entrant dans la piÚce, vous vous étiez directement dirigé vers Mark et étiez resté collé ensemble durant toute votre collaboration.
Mark n'avait d'yeux que pour vous. C'était votre fan numéro un d'ailleurs. Collaborer avec vous était aussi un accomplissement personnel mais surtout professionnel.
Vous Ă©tiez quand mĂȘme la grande gagnante de l'Ă©mission.
« En restant coller comme ça, les gens vont se douter de notre relation.
-Mark... Je penses que les gens sans doute déjà. »
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Jeno faisait Ă©galement partie du projet : "Zoo".
Il vous connaissait de loin, votre groupe bien connu de toute l'industrie. Alors quand Taeyong avait Ă©mis votre nom, il Ă©tait impatient de travailler avec vous.
Au dĂ©but, il Ă©tait assez silencieux, ce qui vous m'Ă©tiez lĂ©gĂšrement mal Ă  l'aise. Vous en aviez bien Ă©videmment parlĂ© Ă  vos membres, qui aprĂšs s'ĂȘtre moquĂ© de vous, vous aviez demandĂ© de tenir bon pour le bien de votre rĂ©putation.
Ce que vous ne saviez pas, Ă©tait que vous aussi l'intimider.
AprĂšs des moments de gĂȘne, vous aviez rĂ©ussi Ă  devenir de plus en plus Ă  l'aise ensemble. Vous rigoliez Ă©normĂ©ment et vous ĂȘtes mĂȘme trouvĂ© de nombreux points en commun.
En danse, Jeno ne pouvait que saluer votre talent. Le fait que vous puissiez suivre la chorégraphie fluidement, et que votre présence dans le groupe soit naturelle, lui procurait une satisfaction intense.
Vous faisiez clairement partie de ces collaborations favorite.
Votre énergie et votre seule présence emmenaient du frais dans la salle. Il ne pouvait qu'admettre et confirmer votre rang dans la sphÚre des danseuses.
AprÚs la collaboration, vous étiez resté en contact et parliez énormément ensemble.
Votre relation, tout d'abord amical, c'Ă©tait dĂ©velopper petit ïżœïżœ petit notamment du cĂŽtĂ© de Jeno. Il vous avait vraiment apprĂ©ciĂ© et remerciait Taeyong pour vous avoir choisi.
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Vous aviez débuté depuis un petit temps déjà, et vous étiez apprécier de nombreuses idols et fans de par votre personnalité.
Vous et Jisung deviez effectuer une petite chorégraphie pour un épisode d'Inkigayo.
Votre premiĂšre rencontre Ă©tait assez gĂȘnante. Pour faire court : vous Ă©tiez hyperactive et n'hĂ©sitiez pas Ă  engager les conversations. Lui ? Il ne parlait jamais !
Vous n'étiez pas du tout du genre à baisser les bras. Alors vous aviez continué à tenter de le mettre à l'aise, ce qui avec le temps avait semblé réussir.
Jisung s'Ă©tait ouvert petit Ă  petit mĂȘme si votre Ă©nergie le dĂ©passait toujours par moments.
« Cette fille puise toute mon énergie. »
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*đ‘”đ‘¶đ’Šđ’“ : 𝑼𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒑𝒆 đ’‡đ’†Ìđ’Žđ’Šđ’đ’Šđ’ 𝒇𝒊𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒇.
*𝟎𝟐 𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒓 : đ‘·đ’†đ’“đ’”đ’đ’đ’đ’† đ’đ’‚đ’ŠÌ‚đ’• 𝒆𝒏 𝟐𝟎𝟎𝟐.
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farfromsugafanfic · 1 year ago
Heyy!! Love your writing so much, and I wanted to request a skz getting reader flowers but reader is allergic to them. Lots of love<333
SKZ Reaction To Them Getting You Flowers, But You're Allergic
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Genre: fluff
Warnings: none
A/N: Enjoy! Sorry it takes me a while to do requests, but I try to always get around to them as inspiration strikes.
Chan: This poor baby feels sooooo bad. As someone with allergies and similar problems, he blames himself for not thinking of it earlier. As soon as you sneeze he'll put it together and immediately take the flowers outside, even if you protest. Once he comes in, he'll change (or just take his shirt off) so that any pollen on his shirt doesn't further bother you. Wrapping you in his arms, he promises to get you something else. The next morning, you'd wake up to the flowers arranged prettily in a terrarium where you can enjoy them without an allergic reaction.
A lesser known fact about Minho is that he's a very good and thoughtful gift giver. He's always bringing you little trinkets and snacks from abroad. So, it is not out of character for him to bring you flowers, but with spring in full swing, your allergies simply cannot handle flowers in the house. When you sneeze and have to leave the room, he doesn't immediately get it but follows you out of the room. When you tell him it's the flowers, his eyes soften significantly and he grabs the bouquet and is gone for around twenty minutes. This time he returned with some rose shaped chocolates and he gave the flowers to your elder neighbor.
Changbin didn't know that lilies were so infamous for how many people are allergic to them. He simply saw them when he passed a florist and had to stop to get them for you. They were beautiful and he just wanted you to have them. But, when your eyes start watering and become red, he looks between the lilies and you a few times before getting rid of the flowers as quickly as he could. Changbin would jokingly and cutely ask you to forgive him, which, of course, you do.
Hyunjin made this mistake early in your relationship--before the two of you were even official. Therefore, it's become somewhat of an inside joke between the two of you. It was your third date and he'd come bearing a beautiful bouquet of flowers that he had helped arrange. Though, it only took a few minutes for your body to react and a flush to come over your skin and tears to stream down your cheeks involuntarily. Hyunjin panicked. Luckily, you both find the whole thing hilarious now and on every anniversary of your third date, Hyunjin paints you a flower bouquet.
Ngl, he might cry. Jisung hates to think that he caused you to have an allergic reaction, even if it was minor. Even if he didn't, he would not hesitate to throw the bouquet away and try to salvage the situation he thinks is a complete disaster. Some part of him is even convinced that you might break up with him over this. Of course, you know it was an honest mistake and even find it a bit cute. The two of you spend the rest of the night watching anime and cuddling.
Felix had flowers delivered to your work none the wiser that you were allergic. When he comes to your place afterward, he sees the flowers placed in a vase on the table. But, he knows something is wrong when he sees your reddened nose and red eyes. When you tell him it's because of the flowers, he chastises you for bringing them in and carefully removes them, placing them on the balcony instead. Lightening the mood with a joke about how he's the only flower you need, he holds you the rest of the night.
One of the ways Seungmin shows that he loves you is by buying you small gifts and leaving them somewhere he knows you'll find them. So, when you wake up one morning to flowers on your doorstep, you know they are from him. Your allergies were hit or miss, so you hoped you wouldn't react to them. Unfortunately, an hour later, you're sniffling and have a headache. He FaceTimes you not long later for your reaction and he's so horrified by your reaction that he finishes his work as quickly as he can to go be with you. Throwing out the flowers, he brings over a few sheets from his diary--dated from after your first date and the way he felt about you so immediately.
Jeongin is excited as he approaches your place with flowers in hand. His was handpicked, having collected wildflowers and a few from a friend's garden. He knew that you would love the thoughtfulness of the present and he was right, beaming as he noticed your surprise and delight at how he assembled the bouquet himself. You didn't want to tell him about your hay fever and how some of the flowers he picked you were very allergic to because he was too sweet. Eventually, though, Jeongin noticed you wheezing and met your eyes to find them red and irritated. He feels bad when he finally gets the truth out of you and he will apologize, taking the flowers back with him. A few weeks later, he brings them back dried and pressed onto a framed canvas.
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restlesswritings · 2 years ago
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Restlesswritings KPOP Masterlist
A/N: This is a list of the groups I have or want to write for! Requests are always welcome! Masterlists: JPOP
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UPCOMING GROUPS: (Requests open)
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our-kpopreact · 2 years ago
Trying to shoot my shot without getting my feelings hurt like
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d0youngread · 2 years ago
I made a visual representation of myself with this portrait maker because I wanted to have my own character like an ĂŠ or something
Think of her as my ĂŠ? Idk
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Listen... Shes a cutie patootie
What do we name her?
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nymphadora-reverie · 9 months ago
@annora-black 😳😳😳 why does he do this😍😍
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kdream-factory · 4 years ago
SF9 Reaction to S/O having a hidden tattoo
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When he discovered your small dragon tattoo on your shoulder blade he’d constantly play with it by touching and naming it like it’d be a living thing. He’d sometimes show it off to the other members by lifting up your shirt and putting his face against it.
Youngbin: “Look this is little Bin dragon, it has my name”
Rowoon: “You don’t say!?”
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When you two were eating you rolled up your sleeves. This is when he spotted your flower tattoo. It was under your elbow and it was very small. He stopped drinking and immediately thaught of how he didn’t notice. No big reaction but he’d have a conversation with himself in his head.
Inseong: “You have a tattoo?”
Y/N: “Oh yeah haha, It’s so small I sometimes forget about it. I got it a year ago.”
Inseong: “Ah... Cool cool.”
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You were in the middle of cooking something when he came from behind and wrapped his arms around your waist while starting to kiss your shoulder up to your neck. You tilted your head so your hair fell a little to the side. He opened his eyes and stopped kissing you but his lips where still on your neck. You asked him whats wrong and he started wiping off what he saw there. When you turned around you saw his confused look.
Jaeyoon: “You have a tattoo?”
Y/N: “Well yeah it was my first one.”
Jaeyoon: “You have more? Wow okay. You have to show them to me. Hey maybe we could get couple tattoos?”
Y/N: “Yeah no think about getting one for yourself first honey. Let’s take babysteps huh?”
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When he saw you coming out in that new bikini you just bought he would run to you and hug you while the others would watch him. He lifted you up bridal style to through you into the water but then the thin lettering on your thigh jumped into his eye. While you were screaming for him to let you down he just whirled around with his head trying to find words. He let you down and kneeled infront of you. It actually looked really wrong but when he grabbed your leg he then asked you out.
Dawon: “Baby since when do you have a tattoo? Why did you never tell me? When did You get it?”
Y/N: “Uh... I told you ahaha. You don’t remember?”
Dawon: “I thought it was a joke???”
Y/N: “Well no it wasn’t”
Dawon: “Anyways let’s pose infront of the others!”
And there he was flexing his muscles while you stretched out your leg elegantly. All in all he would be confused but the whole situation would just be funny.
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Rowoon was in a rush and you were helping him with his tie as he tried to do his hair. His body was leaning towards you but his head was looking towards the mirror on the side. When you started having problems he looked down to you and your hands. But then he noticed your cleavage. He was frozen with his hands still in his hair and when you noticed where his eyes were looking at you stopped what you were doing and covered up yourself.
Rowoon: “I- I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to-“
Y/N: “Don’t worry... just don’t look anymore”
You did your second attempt to do his tie and Rowoon again tried to glance down but when he saw that there was some sentence written under your collarbone he stopped your hands from doing what they did.
Rowoon: “Oh come on how can I not?”
Y/N: “I am your best friend! That should be enough for you to not look at my boobs!”
Rowoon: “You really are a pain in the ass sometimes you know that? I’m a man and you look sexy... so what? This tattoo isn’t making it any less hard for me”
He would make lots of sassy comments and chase after you to get a closer look.
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The whole thing came out of nowhere. You lay on the sofa with your stomach and only had his shirt on with your underwear. Zuho as the big cuddler he is jumped onto you. His hands landed on your butt. He began to knead but stopped again relatively quickly when he discovered the tattoo under your butt. You turned around to caress his cheek but stopped halfway when you saw his surprised face. Then you realized where he was looking at.
Y/N: “Like what you see?”
Zuho: “Damn this is hot you know that?”
Y/N: “It’s just a tattoo baby”
Zuho: “Yeah but it’s under your butt!”
He was totally fascinated.
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He first saw your tattoo when you two started dating and you began walking around him without many clothes on early into the relationship. You were getting ready, walking around in just your underwear, rushing from one room to another passing him three to five times and hectically asking him where he put your stuff. Everytime you turned to him he saw Something on your hip bone. He mistook it as a mole at first but when you got closer to him because you had to reach for sonething he saw that it was actually a small ladybug tattoo!
Taeyang: “You have a cute tattoo there Y/N.”
Y/N: “Thanks baby :)”
Would compliment you if you had any other tattoos and tell you that he liked them and once in a while would ask you if he can look at them again.
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You were a person that would always cover up with as much clothes as you could as you didn’t like exposing that much of yourself. You would dress up a bit more when you had to go out for any event and when Hwiyoung had invited you to his birthday party you took the chance and put on a skirt that exposed your thigh very much. When you arrived Hwiyoungs chin dropped to the floor. He had a huge crush on you and he would lie if he said he didn’t think about you in something a bit more revealing before. When he saw that something black was twirling around your thigh he thought it was some fabric stuff dangling down from your skirt but at the second look he couldn’t keep his eyes away from it. He began sweating and rushed to you.
Hwiyoung: “Y/N so good to see you! That thing on your thight is-“
Y/N: “A tattoo. Yes”
Hwiyoung: “And a pretty big one too! You surprise me every time. What else do you got under all that huh?”
FLIRTY for the rest of the day because he is highkey turned on and his head imagines you in so many ways. Is good at keeping it a secret... if he wants to.
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You and the whole group were partying and somehow everyone ended up mocking you and Chani as you two were the most innocent ones in this round of people. Chani didnt say anything against what everyone was saying because he was used to it but you were full on defense mode and tried to say anything against them. For Chani it was very amusing. He liked it when you were upset as he thought you looked very cute. When you had enough you sat next to Chani again and mumbled to yourself.
Y/N: “They would be surprised about what I already did...”
This caught Chanis attention and so he nudged you with his elbow and asked you what you meant. While everyone was back at discussing things without you two you took out your phone and searched for a photo of you where- lets say it was seductive. You were sitting on the floor, hands around your chest to hide whats naked but not enough to hide your tattoo between your breasts which was rather large. You didn’t think twice and showed Chani.
Y/N: “If they’d know that I already got a pretty big tattoo they would talk differently...”
Chani was just staring at the photo in slight shock. You practically just showed him a nude and all you think about is that tattoo? You definitely are innocent. He just smiled at you and again kept his mouth shut. You don’t have to guess about what he was thinking forthe rest of the night. At least he couldn’t stop staring at your chest when you were talking.
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tempobaekh · 4 years ago
Choi Yeonjun as your boyfriend (GIF)
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Smiling softly smiling when he sees you dancing silly behind the camera to 'distract' him.
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Eyeing you like this while eating the fruit snacks you brought for him and the rest of them
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Asking you for kisses cutely because he knows his cuteness is your weakness
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Walking towards you while chuckling softly when you cutely did grabby hands and asked him to carry you
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He made a song for you as a gift for your anniversary
"This song is for you my love. "
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Getting of guard from eating his food when you suddenly start to coo at him about how absolutely adorable and cute he is
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Feeling cocky when he sees how flustered and red you are still from the heated make out you two had a few minutes ago
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Feeling playful so he ate the orange like this to trigger you and annoy you
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iuzooriaku · 4 years ago
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Today was my first time giving #Ateez a try and I was pleasantly surprised! #ATEEZ #FIREWORKS #REACTION NOW LIVE! Link in bio!! - - - - - - - - - - - - - #ateezreaction #ateezedit #ateeztrade #ateezjongho #ateezseonghwa #youtuber #reactionvideos #kpopedit #kpopreaction #ateezsan https://www.instagram.com/p/CMQx8dDL62_/?igshid=104e03lujdmm7
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mingimakesmetingly · 6 years ago
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‱ t e n ‱
*5 years later*
I wish I could say that life got easier.
Everything fell apart. My parents separated, my dad's ‘business trips” weren’t business trips after all, he was supporting another family that he neglected to tell mom and I about. A month before I was born, my dad also became the father of another little girl. I was never his one and only. The sparkle in his eyes when he looked at me reflected the love that he had for his first born with his high school sweetheart.
My mother lost her joy and wittiness. She became a shell of her formers self. She became alone. I like to think how she felt is how I felt when Hyunjin left. I never heard from him again. I still cherish the brief moments that we had together. When I realized that I was truly alone, I broke out of the shell that held me back and learned how to love myself. I became outgoing and rekindled old friendships that I thought ended because of me- not that I had a huge group of friends, it was enough for me to never be alone.
“El, what do you want for dinner?” Han snapped me out of my thoughts and I looked over at him and gave him a weak smile.
“Whatever you would like, don’t make me pick you know my default is pizza.” Han leaned over to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I don’t know the moment when Jisung turned to Han and my childhood friend turned into my first love but life has a strange way of working out.
“Pizza it is.” Han got up off the couch and grabbed his phone that was on our kitchen counter and began ordering. I never told Han about Hyunjin, I never wanted to admit to myself or anyone that I thought Hyunjin was meant for me. I managed to keep that secret to myself and never disclosed it to another soul.
“Han, do you think we could do something fun tonight? Whenever we order pizza, we tend to stay in and binge television shows. It is Friday night and you know, we are twenty two but we act like we are fifty.” His head snapped up and he looked at me with round eyes and a smile played across his lips.
“Really?” He began jumping up and down- I think he is surprised that I want to go out tonight.
I stood up and joined him in the kitchen, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in close. Our eyes locked and I reached out and moved his brown hair out of his eyes, my fingers traced his face and he leaned in and kissed me. It was always delicate the way he would kiss me, it would make the butterflies stir inside my stomach.
“Really really,” I whispered with our foreheads pressed together.
“I was hoping you’d ask because The Rose is playing tonight and I really wanted to go.” I stepped back and slapped his shoulder and began to laugh.
“You think I didn’t know that they were playing tonight? I practically had to beg the owner of the club to let them play.”
He grabbed his shoulder and began to whimper as if I had a steel hand.
“Whatever you say, business woman.”
“Don’t hold my successful title above my head.”
We arrived at the club The Rose was playing at, Han and I found our way to the bar and ordered our usual drinks. I scanned the room and was surprised at how packed it was, bodies were mingling and the sound of people laughing brought a smile to my face. I enjoyed hearing the different types of laughter people had, it was music to my ears. I’ll never forget his laughter.
Han leaned over and nudged my arm, “I should mention, you look really beautiful tonight. Who knew that you could wear something other than an oversized hoodie and ripped jeans.” I rolled my eyes at him and leaned into him. He felt safe.
I managed to find a red skirt in the depths of my closest and my favorite black leather jacket. I applied a little more makeup than usual and I knew after this drink, my cheeks would become flushed and would most likely end up matching my skirt.
“You don’t look so bad yourself.” I said back to his compliment and gave him a smile. He grabbed my hand and we made our way towards the side of the stage. I didn’t want to say hi to the boys because I didn’t want them to get nervous before the show. It’s not everyday that the owner of the label that you’ve been signed on to goes to your first concert. No pressure.
“I still can’t believe you found these guys, you’ve got a keen eye. Maybe that’s why we’ve been together for so long.” Han moved a strand of hair behind my eyes and I flushed at his touch. Han and I have been attached to the hip for the past four years so he had a point.
“You’re just so handsome that I have to make sure you’re mine for the rest of our days.” I retorted back. I found his hand and interlocked our fingers together and we sat in our own bubble, surrounded by laughter and voices. The lights dimmed and the talking stopped. I took a deep breath and wished the boys luck, hoping they wouldn’t notice me here.
When they got on stage, they started playing a song that I helped produce and write and the crowd was in a trance- it was one of the more personal songs that I have written and I was surprised they started the show with something slow and not upbeat- I hope the crowd didn’t lose interest. The first time I played my version of I.L.Y to Han was the first time that he confessed his love to me. The song was another secret of mine, I wrote it the day after I found out Hyunjin was never coming back.
Han put his arm around me and I rested my head on his shoulder and continued to drink until my throat was numb.
There was a point in the night where Han left my side because he saw his friends Felix and Changbin, he offered for me to join them in the crowd but I politely declined. My head was spinning and I knew I was teetering on the edge of being drunk. I really didn’t want to make a fool of myself in front of anyone. I was happy that people were enjoying themselves and I would continuously scan the room to make sure no one was losing interest in The Rose. I turned around in my seat and scanned those who were behind me and my eyes fell upon a familiar silhouette.
I was surely too drunk and my eyes were playing tricks on me.
Is that him?
He had the same hair color as he did 5 years ago, it’s little longer and styled better than when we were younger. He turned towards the girl standing next to him and smiled at her. He looked at her the way he used to look at me.
He felt my stare and turned towards me.
I quickly turned back around in my seat and laughed at the false alarm
There’s no way that Hwang Hyunjin is here.
I need to never drink again.
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honeyangle-blog1 · 6 years ago
your not useless
me:i dont have money , i dont have an album, i dont have a concert ticket , im useless:(
tumbler,twitter.spotfiy,youtub: shut up you little shit you have us :)
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foreverkpopdreamer · 6 years ago
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On my youtube channel is new kpop reaction video. It is Termin Want. Link for my channel os on my bio. Link: https://youtu.be/XCKLlXyYVto #taemin #shinee #taeminwant #kpop #kpopfan #kpopworld #kpopreaction #foreverkpopdreamer #youtuber #youtube https://www.instagram.com/p/Btvcvg7ANqy/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1jlo4cw2qeokh
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our-kpopreact · 2 years ago
When people give me directions and say “you can’t miss it” buddy you have no idea what I’m capable of
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acornplays · 2 years ago
British Girl Reacts To DreamNote 'GHOST' Official M/V *FIRST TIME REACTION*
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kpopicinst-blog · 7 years ago
REACTION to you having scars (BTS)
Description: You have scars and they learn about how you got them for the first time. Contains slightly triggering content such as self-harm / physical harassment, so please proceed with caution. 
P.s. For some reason, I always call Suga by his actual name, Yoongi. I never do this for J-Hope, R.M or V!
Jin: His cheerful personality would become dull and the light in his eyes would fade hearing about how and who gave you your scars. He would say things like “Why would anyone want to hurt my precious Y/N?”. Jin would be genuinely worried, and would be sulking that something like this happened to you. 
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Yoongi: When Yoongi heard for the first time that you used to self-harm, a dark expression would grow on his face knowing that depression and anxiety is something that is difficult to deal with. He’d let you know that you aren’t alone in this with a smile, and that you’re the most beautiful person he’s met (he’s a keeper ladies and gentlemen, please don’t throw Yoongi away).
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J-Hope: Just like Yoongi, I feel as if he’d be reminded of his own past having to deal with his personal struggles, and would 100% reassure you that he wouldn’t let anything bad happen to you ever again because he’s here to protect you.
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R.M: I can imagine that he’d actually be super pissed off that someone laid their hands on you and harmed you, and would be very physical about it. If he ever saw them in public he would 100% not hesitate to punch them up. But just like everyone else, he would be deeply hurt by this and would be there for you 24/7.
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Jimin: Out of all the members I think Jimin and Jungkook would be more “sensitive” about the fact that their s/o used to self-harm. Jimin would say things like “Ya! Why would you do that to yourself? You’re the most amazing person in my life, and you mean the world to me...”. He would say these things out of pure sadness and regret that he wasn’t there to stop you, but it would cause more harm than good, since he’s more on the emotional side (it’s not a bad thing, I’m like this too). 
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V: Would actually protest by ignoring you every time yo bring it up. Yes, it may be upsetting for you, but it’s also upsetting for him to hear that you’re ex used to physically harm you. It upsets him because you mean so much to him, and he can’t come to terms that you let yourself deal with it alone for years. Once he calms down, he’ll embrace you and tell you all the wonderful things he’s learnt about you and your time together. 
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Jungkook: As mentioned, I think he would be a combination of Jin, Yoongi and Jimin. Jungkook would 100% guaranteed tell you that you are worth so much to him and everyone whose had the privileged to know you. He’d also tell you that your scars do not own you, it makes you stronger for who you are in this current moment, and that you don’t need to go through it alone. 
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miaisfine · 3 years ago
hii, i just started a reaction channel on yt and I discovered “The Boyz” like yesterday and now i’m in love c:
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