#Kou Tea Ingredients
trueshellz · 3 years
Seeing your abusive ex: Bokuto Scenario
Based on something that happened to me today and ended with me having to call my auntie to calm me down while I cried hysterically in my car. This is based in my own symptoms but is not an extensive or absolute list. This cute boi is my comfort character from Haikyuu. If anyone ever needs to talk about stuff like this, I will happily listen. You are loved. You are amazing!
Warning: possible abuse triggers, some angst, anxiety, panic attacks, PTSD type symptoms, harassment, past abuse hinted.
You were sure the car behind you was one you had seen before, as it popped up four times on your walk home you started feeling anxious. The first time has been when you left work, it was parked across the road with lights turned off as you left the building. The second and third time were when you went and left the supermarket to get dinner ingredients that you had forgotten yesterday. This time however, you were sure it was following you as you walked home. And if you were right it belonged to your abusive ex-boyfriend, one that you hadn’t seen in over two years since you threw him out after you gathered the strength to do so.
You knew not to walk too fast or too slow, you were holding a deodorant can in your pocket and had your safety alarm in your other hand with your keys. Your main issue was getting home safe. If you went home, he would follow you and know where you live. If you went to a friend’s house, she could be in danger and you didn’t want anyone to experience what you had. At the same time, it was getting a little dark and being out after sunset was just as bad. You could feel the memories of the abuse flash through your mind like a film reel, the familiar feeling of terror as you re-lived what happened. Your breath was catching in your throat as you walked, not from exertion but from sheer panic. You tried the breathing techniques your therapist had given you, tried thinking about you lovely boyfriend and the happy memories you had made together, but nothing stopped the darkness clouding your brain.
On impulse, you dialled Koutaro’s number, knowing he was at practice there was a small chance he would pick up and if he didn’t, your best friend was next. Glancing behind you again, you stayed on busy main roads as you walked, willed and prayed to God that he picked up his phone. Weaving through people hoping that he would lose sight of you and give up, at least long enough for you to get home safely.
“Hey gorgeous, I was just going to message you. I-“
“Kou... Kou... I...l...”
Your voice broke off in sobs as you spoke, the world around you seeming too small and the noises too loud as you walked. You had a small idea where you were, relying on muscle memory walking around the city but right now, all you cared about was the car that kept coming in and out your vision.
“Baby, whats’s wrong? Where are you?”
Bokuto could hear your voice catch as you spoke, the sound hitting him right in the chest and making his heart hurt, he hated being on the other side of the city as he practiced for his upcoming match. It wasn’t often that he heard you like this, the nightmares had decreased and apart from the one time you opened up about a past relationship, you had never been this fearful.
“Baby, listen. It’s me, its Kou. Focus on my voice ok? Forget everything else. I love you. Tell me where you are.”
“I don’t know, Kou.” A pause as he heard you take a deep breath. “I’m scared.”
“I know, baby. Tell me what you see ok? You know this city way better than I do. Remember when I got lost on the way to your house? How late was I to our first date? I’m so lucky you agreed to a second one. You know this city like the back of your hand.”
You focused on the sound of his voice, the usual soothing melody as he spoke to you. The same voice that lulled you to sleep when you had a bad dream and screamed with happiness when you played games together. The one that groaned in your ear when he was too tired to moved or whispered how good it felt being inside you. Your bubbly, cute baby owl boyfriend. Remembering the instance he spoke about, he had gotten so lost that he was an hour late for your first date. You, thinking you had been stood up, had changed out your outfit and into a onesie. By the time he arrived, he had sweat through his shirt and looked like he’d walked about 50 miles. Being hesitant about the second date, he showed up with flowers an hour early and patiently waited outside while you got ready. His logic being the he could make the time up... somehow.
Telling him what you could see and reading out the name of the roads, you could hear his team in the background. Hinata being over-excited as usual, you could imagine him jumping up and down annoying everyone while Kageyama beat him up. While the other members were mumbling other background, Atsumu’s distinct accent was clear compared to everyone else. They were always so lively when you visited, jumping to talk to you or show you new moves, always thankful for the food and snacks you bought. Even if it made your boyfriend super jealous.
“Well done, baby. You’re doing so well. I’m so proud of you. Listen, you’re near Akaashi’s house ok? Remember him? He’s a year younger than me? We played in high school together. You met at our school reunion a while back. He’s a comic designer now.”
Casting your mind back, you nodded to yourself when you remembered the calm guy with dark hair that your boyfriend got along with so well despite being complete opposing personalities. The number of times you had heard ‘Akaashi’ shouted at various points, you had taken to copying Bokuto that night, much to Akaashi’s chagrin and your boyfriend’s delight.
“He’s expecting you ok? He’s a good friend of mine baby, I trust him with my life. He’ll keep you safe until I get there.”
Giving you his address, you started walking towards his apartment, it was near a main road and looking around you couldn’t see the vehicle anywhere. The panic from earlier still humming through your veins as you walked towards your destination.
“Kou, but-“
“Baby, don’t start saying anything. I know you’re thinking that you’re disrupting practice or ruining my game. That it’s a headache coming all the way over there when you haven’t even told me what’s wrong.”
His tone was calm and collected, but his words rang straight through your brain triggering your panic even further and the tears that had dried now coming back full force.
“Kou. I’m sorry.”
“Woah, hey. Don’t ever apologise. Ok? I never wanna hear you apologise for stuff like this. I’m leaving now. Go to Akaashi’s house and I’ll be there in as soon as I can, ok?”
“Ok, Kou. Thank you.”
“Welcome, baby. Love you.”
Waiting around for your boyfriend was making you edgy, you couldn’t sit still. What if your ex had seen Bokuto? What if he’d seen you come here? But you hadn’t seen him, a car was easy to spot right? What if he was tracking you? You had changed your number though? Akaashi had popped in twice to check on you, once to bring you a blanket and hot tea and the second time to ask if you wanted food. The tea was swirling in your stomach, the crying had made you fell nauseous and you were sure that your stomach would revolt against any food. Hearing voices from the hallway, your body tensed expecting the worst.
He found you.
He was going to hurt you again.
Instead, familiar grey-black hair popped up from behind the door and while your heart was still in your throat, the sight of him made the thread of fear loosen a little. Dropping his bag, Bokuto walked over to you before kneeling in front of you and holding your face in his hands as he leaned his forehead against yours. Thumbs wiping away any remnants of tears, he kissed you nose, cheeks and forehead before pulling you into his arms. The feel of his arms around you, the scent of his aftershave and faint smell of sweat from his sports wear eased the tension in your body a little but could do nothing against the sobs that broke free again.
“Shh, it’s ok baby. I got you. I’ll always have you. You’re safe now.”
“Kou... I saw him. He... he was behind me.”
Bokuto knew instantly who you meant, he wished he could personally do something about him but between his career and your fear, the idea of beating your ex to a pulp didn’t seem plausible. While he wasn’t super close with Daichi, he knew Kuroo was and was going to reach out and do something about it. Holding you at arms length, he brushed away your tears and kissed your forehead again, linking your wrists together so your couple bracelets latched on to each other. They were something you had seen on TikTok, two bracelets with magnets that would link when they were close. You thought he would reject the idea at first, but Bokuto thought they were the best way to show everyone you were his girl. Plus it gave him a great excuse to your hold hand when you went everywhere.
“See, baby? Look how these magnets find each other and attract one another. Just like you and me. Nothing could keep me away from you. I’ll always find you. Okay?”
You nodded, glancing down at the bracelets and then up at your boyfriend. His amber eyes full of worry but love and the way he held you like you were something so precious.
“Plus, if he tries anything I’ll beat him up, have you seen these muscles baby?”
You snorted as Bokuto flexed his arm, muscles straining against the sleeve of his tee and couldn’t help but fall into his chest giggling as he squished you. The tears from earlier forgotten as you embraced the loving nature of your gorgeous boyfriend.
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noctisfishing · 2 years
The Grand Enlightenment - Chapter 03
01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06
Summary: Koushiro and Hikari are dating, and they’ve been keeping it a secret from everybody else. But as it goes with any secret, well-kept or not, discoveries are bound to happen in the end.
Rated: T / Comedy & Romance
Ships: Koukari & featured/mentioned: Taiora, Kenyako, and Mimato
Note: Mostly the 02 kids, and mostly of FRIENDS influence ;)
Read below the cut, or click here for the start of the fic: AO3 | FFN
The ambiance of the apartment changed the moment that Daisuke walked in. In his arms, he carried the dry noodles, bottled sauces and a large pan as he entered. Following behind him were Ken and Iori holding plastic shopping bags of vegetables and other ingredients; and Miyako and Hikari walked in last, both of them chattering away as they carried the plastic bowls and cutlery. While everyone set their items down, Takeru alternated between greeting everyone one by one and helping them organize where to put what item in the kitchen. In the middle of it all, he greeted Hikari with a big hug.
“Hey, stranger,” he told her. “I’ve been wanting to catch up with you. I haven’t seen you in a while.”
Hikari hugged him back tightly. “It’s so nice to see you!” she replied. “Our brothers are probably a little too relaxed without the both of us teaming up against them.”
The two of them noticed that the kitchen became crowded with Ken and Koushiro helping Daisuke set up the stove, so they decided to walk over to the couch where Miyako and Iori had already taken a seat. 
“Oh, I forgot to ask,” Miyako said once she eyed Hikari. “How was the movie that you watched yesterday?”
“It was pretty good,” said Hikari. “I’m not usually into sci-fi or fantasy type of movies, but the one I got to see was nice.”
“Hey, Kou,” Ken called out toward the kitchen. “Didn’t you say you watched a sci-fi movie, too?”
“What was that?” Koushiro asked underneath the noisy fan over the stove that Daisuke had just turned on. He was called over by Daisuke soon after, but Takeru could have sworn that Koushiro’s eyes had widened for a split second.
“I guess we can’t bother them for a while,” thought Miyako aloud.
“I wonder if it was the same movie as the one you watched, Hikari,” Iori said. “He seemed to enjoy it a lot, but he’s really into that genre, anyway.”
“I-I’m sure he is,” Hikari said with a giggle. But knowing her, Takeru sensed the tinge of nervousness in her voice. The moment of her stuttering that caught his awareness.
“Anybody want something to drink?” Koushiro asked, as he appeared on the side of the couch where Iori sat. Everyone had declined except for Iori, who had mentioned that he wanted some tea, but he would insist that he make it himself.
“You look fabulous today, Hikari,” Miyako added. “I love that color of purple on you.”
“Aww, thank you!” Hikari said with a smile. “I even took out my earrings to match the outfit. I couldn’t find my favorite pair, though, I guess I misplaced them-”
“Ah! I hate when that happens!”
Takeru and Koushiro fell silent as the women continued their discussion of their wardrobe and their grievances of missing accessories. Takeru turned his head to Koushiro, ready to think of a topic to start, when-
“I have to tell you, Miyako. All I could find were my colorful bobby pins for my hair today. I guess I’ve been so distracted that I don’t know where I’ve been putting them. There’s this purple one that would’ve gone perfectly with what I’m wearing today.”
“Oh my gosh! I’ve seen you wear it! Is it the one with the stars on it?”
It was as though those glittery purple stars aligned in Takeru’s head, the connection dawning on him, just as he watched Koushiro’s expression change into horror as Takeru met eyes with him..
Takeru had promised not to tell anyone, but that didn’t mean that he couldn’t have fun with what he had just discovered.
“I might know where it is, Hikari,” Takeru said as he stared at Koushiro, a sly smile forming on his lips.
“You do?” Hikari asked, her and Miyako’s heads turning in their direction.
“Oh! That’s right!” Koushiro piped up soon after. “Takeru found it on the floor in their apartment the other day! I know he put it aside somewhere!”
“You did?” Hikari asked, curiously.
“Wait - I did?” Takeru asked, puzzled.
“Let’s go find it now!” said Koushiro. “Come, Hikari!”  Without warning, Takeru was pulled by his forearm from where he sat on the couch, and he was led out of Koushiro’s living room and into his own apartment. Koushiro was surprisingly strong as Takeru tried to struggle, and Takeru decided it was best not to protest.
“Koushiro, what is going on here?” Hikari asked as she closed the door behind her. “Did you guys really find my hair clip in here?”
Koushiro let go of Takeru’s arm, just as Takeru wrung it free.
“You’ve figured it out, haven’t you, Takeru?” he asked. “That it was Hikari in my bed last night.”
“Koushiro!’ Hikari cried, aghast. “I thought we said-”
“We aren’t going to fool him, Hikari. He’s connected the dots so easily. And he knows you too well for you to hide this.”
“So, it’s true?” Takeru’s eyebrows raised, forgetting his motive to tease. He was genuinely interested. “Is this what you’ve been hiding from me, Hikari? Koushiro is your new fling?”
“We’ve both been hiding this. From everyone,” Hikari corrected, though her voice was calm. She took a step in front of Koushiro and toward Takeru. “And he’s not a fling. He’s nothing like that.” She took Koushiro’s hand and turned to look at him. That was when Takeru saw the look in her eyes when she smiled at Koushiro, and the faint blush on Koushiro’s cheeks as he smiled back.
It was magical.
“Wow, I would never have guessed,” said Takeru. The more he watched the two of them together, the more he felt the warmth swelling inside of him. “This is incredible! Why haven’t you told anyone?”
Hikari gave him a look of disbelief. “Could you imagine the reaction from everyone else when they found out?”
“Your reaction was pretty tame,” noted Koushiro.
“But if you think about the likes of Daisuke-”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” said Takeru. “Daisuke knows? It’s a wonder that he hasn’t spilled the beans.”
“On that note, we should probably hurry back to my place,” said Koushiro. “Before he lets it slip somehow.”
“So, my hairclip was never in here?” Hikari asked.
Koushiro pulled the purple hair accessory from his pocket, then placed it into Hikari’s palm. Hikari in turn took out a small pocket mirror, which Koushiro held as she swept her bangs to the side with the clip.
“That’s more like it,” said Hikari. “How do I look, Kou?”
“You know what I’m going to say.”
“Tell me anyway.”
“You look beautiful, always.”
They were inches from kissing when Takeru took the moment to clear his throat. As much as he loved his two friends in love with each other, he did not want to start off as the third wheel for either of them.
“Sorry,” they both said sheepishly. Then, Hikari approached Takeru, an expression of guilt showing on her face.
“I hope you aren’t upset with me for canceling our catch up time.”
Takeru smiled. “At least now I know who you’re doi- uh, dating.”
Hikari smacked his shoulder playfully. “Listen. I know it might be a lot to ask right now, but we really don’t want everyone to know about us. Can you promise me that you won’t say anything?”
“I won’t.”
“Not even to Yamato, or Taichi?”
“I promise.”
“And even Daisuke?”
“What?” Takeru frowned. “Even if he knows?” How else would Takeru be able to talk about it?
“Promise me?” Hikari held up her hand curled into a fist, except with her pinky pointed up.
Takeru had always gotten away with his puppy dog expression, but Hikari’s batting eyelashes were admittedly way more persuasive. Feeling resigned, he hooked his pinky on hers.
The gang shared a lovely meal of Daisuke’s ramen that evening. There were the usual “Mmm, this is delicious!” comments from Miyako, and similar remarks of tastiness around the table, including from Ken himself. But Ken noticed that both Koushiro and Hikari gave more criticism to Daisuke after having a few bites. Hikari mentioned that Daisuke should cut back on the pepper, and Koushiro commented on how the vegetables in the broth complemented the flavors very well.
Ken had been surprised to see that the two were particularly invested in Daisuke’s cooking; yet, that was not the only example of them acting unusually. After all, Ken knew that Koushiro and Hikari were dating each other in secret. 
He had found out on his own, paying close attention to their interaction and even catching them exchanging glances that he wouldn’t have noticed if he and Miyako hadn’t been doing the same. Ken knew, and so did Iori, who mentioned it to him in passing. But they had both decided to keep it to themselves out of respect for the couple.
After some time digesting their food while they chatted among themselves, everyone decided to call it a night. Miyako joined Ken, Daisuke, and Takeru in their apartment. They pitched in with helping Daisuke to clean the kitchen and put his tools and condiments away before they got to settle down.
Right when the cleaning was done, and Daisuke had put his hands on his hips with a triumphant pose, his expression soured and he let out a groan.
“What’s up, Daisuke?” Ken asked. He had just plopped onto the couch with his leg crossed over the other.
“I forgot my sauce on the kitchen counter at Kou's,” Daisuke replied gloomily, and he started towards the door with his shoulders slumped. “I guess I’ll go get it real quick-”
Then, Daisuke jolted as he paused, and he stood up straighter. Everyone, including Ken, noticed his sudden change in posture.
“On second thought, maybe I could get it tomorrow,” he said.
“Koushiro’s probably still awake,” Miyako countered. “You know how late he stays up. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind.”
Daisuke continued to stay still, but Ken noticed by Daisuke’s widened stare that he was trying not to reveal what he knew. Then, Daisuke waved his hand in disagreement. “Nahh.” 
Miyako shrugged. “Okay. Then, I’ll go.” 
A chorus of repeated ‘no’s’ sounded from Daisuke, along with the surprising help from Takeru. Miyako stared at the two of them, clueless, but then she shook her head.
“Fine. Get it whenever you want.”
Ken had pulled out a novel to read, but he hid his smile from the amusement of what he was currently witnessing between his roommates. He looked up to see Daisuke give Takeru a long, curious stare.
“Do you… know something, Takeru?” Daisuke asked.
“I… don’t know,” Takeru replied. “Do you know something?”
"I do know something, but I wanna know if… you know what I know."
"Hmm." Takeru placed his thumb and forefinger on his chin, appearing deep in thought.
Daisuke went on. “I mean… we both know things, and there are things we both might know, and things that only one of us knows. I wanna know if there's something I know that you might know, too…"
Takeru's eyes shifted to stared hard at Daisuke. Ken noticed Miyako from the corner of his eye, her eyebrows crinkled as she tried to make sense of what Daisuke said. Even Daisuke didn't seem too sure. 
"Why is that?” Takeru began to ask with fervor. “Ooh, do you think I know what you know? Or maybe it's something that you know that you have been dying to tell me but I've already known all along?"
When Takeru curled his lips to a smile, Daisuke frowned. 
"How am I going to figure out if I know what you know if I know that you aren't taking me seriously??"
"Ugh!!!" Miyako groaned. "Daisuke, just tell us what you know already!"
“But, it’s a secret!” Daisuke argued, though his eyes immediately widened. “I mean… The secret about what…I… what I added in the broth for my ramen tonight…”
“Hey! I already saw you using the pressure cooker for the tonkotsu broth, and you definitely added more sesame paste! You aren’t fooling me!”
“Ha! Well, aren’t you Miss Smarty Pants!” Daisuke laughed, though Ken sensed uncertainty from him. “Secret’s out! You know I'm bad at keeping secrets, anyway! Guess I should head to bed!"
The room was silent as the other three watched Daisuke walk from the kitchen to his room, including when he shut the door behind him. Ken found himself impressed at the fact that, if what he suspected was correct, that Daisuke was better at keeping secrets than he had proclaimed.
"So, what do you know?" Miyako asked Takeru, turning the attention to him.
"I know.." Takeru began, and he casually held his arms up to stretch. "...that I am wiped from the day. 'Night."
Takeru went through the same door to his shared room with Daisuke, and Ken concluded that, after that conversation, that Takeru held the same secret as Daisuke.
"Hmm, that was weird," Miyako thought aloud. "For both of them. Do you know what's going on to make your roommates act like this?”
"I don't know," he replied; although he knew very well what both Daisuke and Takeru had known all along.
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passerine-writes · 2 years
Symbols - Chapter 24
Warnings: Mentions of nightmares, mentions of past abuse Word count: 3468
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Chapter 23 | Chapter 25
I woke up on Tetsurou's chest, his heavy arms holding me close to him after another rough night. Thankfully I didn't scream myself awake tonight but I did jump awake once or twice but I know he coaxed me through at least one or two nightmares in my slumber. Every time I woke up, he was quick to remind me of where I was and who I was with. We slept in Kenma's living room that night, grabbing Tets' air mattress from next door in order to make do. Bo slept on the couch, pushed up against the left side of the air mattress. Kenma used his pectoral as a pillow while Keiji was the big spoon against Kenma. I slept on the edge and using the rooster head as a form of body pillow. The television played softly in the back ground, the light emitting giving just enough light so someone can properly gauge their surroundings. I know the other three woke up throughout the night as well but they let Tetsurou handle it, obviously not wanting to overwhelm me.
"Up already?" I looked up a little at the black haired male. His deep morning voice rumbling and reverberating in his chest as he spoke. I simply nodded, exhausted after another strenuous night of horrible memories. One of his hands on my lower back came up and stroked my wavy hair. "At least you got more sleep tonight." I hummed in response. It was true, I accumulated more more sleep last night then I had in the previous two combined. I felt empty but being around these four made it easier for some reason.
"What time is it?" He craned his neck as he looked at the time on the television stand.
"Uh, oh wow, we slept in a bit. It's just past nine in the morning." My eyebrows rose in shock at the time, usually we woke up about an hour earlier. "Even Keiji's still sleeping." I looked over ad saw that he was right, the youngest in the room was out cold as he held onto Kenma's sleeping form. "Do you want to help me make breakfast? Get you some tea or something else that's caffeinated to help wake you up?" I nodded and rolled out of his hold, Tets' followed my lead and we made our way to the kitchen.
Thankfully, Kenma's parents stocked the fridge before leaving for their latest business trip so we didn't have to worry about ingredients nor Kenma running out of food anytime soon. Tetsurou made me a cup of tea before I could even process it, he was already handing me a mug of a steaming cup of tea to help me balance out a bit. I watched as he made his way around the kitchen smoothly, fluidly bouncing around as though it was his second nature.
"What can I do to help?" He hummed as he saw me leaning against the counter sipping my tea.
"Just sit there and look pretty. Relax." My head cocked to the side in confusion at his words.
"But.. I wanna help." He gave me a lazy look before he came over and stood in front of me.
He moved my mug to the counter top and out of my hand. His hands swiftly moved under my thighs as picked me up and set me on the counter. His eyes darted to my thighs where his hands sat, almost mesmerized by the flesh underneath before he looked at me again. My face bloomed red in confusion and embarrassment, as well as another emotion I couldn't quite pinpoint.
"And you can help, by sitting there and looking pretty. Relax for a bit, you had a long night." He quickly placed a kiss on my forehead before he made his way around the kitchen like it was natural.
"I don't see how that's helping though." I watched as he started cutting some ingredients near expertly.
"It's weird, I guess." I cocked my head curiously before taking another sip. "Growing up, my grandma taught me how to cook and it became something I enjoyed doing. I don't have a lot of time for it but when I can I like to. Sure, the help I'm asking for isn't the most standard but it helps. I know that you know your way around the kitchen, you spent so much time with Keiji and Kou's moms growing up so I don't doubt your skills. Especially from the times that we've cooked together. It's just that, whenever I cook, I realized that I get stressed when I'm alone. Cooking with Grams is nice and all but it's not the same. But when any of you four are just sitting there, talking to me or even just watching me cook, it's relaxing. It helps me unwind and just feel calmer just being around you guys. Cooking doesn't.. feel as stressful. It feels nice." I sat in shock, not knowing until now just how deep it really went for him.
"Then I'll just sit here." He smirked softly at my words before glancing up at me from under his bangs.
"The job is 'sit there and look pretty', so I'd say you're a natural." My heart sped up and my face felt warm again.
What is wrong with me?
Do I really have a bug or something?
All I could respond with was a shrug. Sure, I wouldn't consider myself ugly per se. However, I don't feel pretty. I'm not ugly but I'm not what I would consider 'conventionally attractive'. I'm not ugly, but I'm not pretty.
Tetsurou seemed to be in disagreement with my response and side eyed me for a moment before turning to the instruments on the stove top.
"We'll work on that at a later date, because I think.. No, I know you're pretty. You just don't see it." I sat on the counter top as I stared at my reflection in the tea. My legs swinging back and forth a little as I sat.
He thinks I'm pretty?
My confusion only grew the more I thought about it. I just couldn't see it. What about me even is pretty? If anything?
"Don't strain yourself. Like I said, you just don't see it yet." I slowly nodded as I took in all he had to say. "Plus, you had a rough few nights. You need some time to relax. Alright?"
"Okay." He softly smiled and I sat contently, watching him as he cooked languidly, it looked so easy for him. Almost as easy as breathing. "So did your sister learn to cook, too?" He snorted out a laugh at my question.
"Not at all. We all tried teaching her but it never stuck. Mira just never took to it. Growing up she burnt so many things, a neighbor asked us if there was a fire in the kitchen or something because so much smoke was coming out of the kitchen window. I just, took to it naturally I guess. Maybe it's because of how much I love chemistry but still, I enjoy it." His voice was smooth and steady, something about it was just so calming. "When I got older, I didn't love it as much. My parents tried to stay out of the house as much as possible to avoid another fight so usually I would cook something for myself and put left overs in the fridge. It just felt like a chore. After I moved in with Grams, I started loving it again. She got me back into it by having me make my favorite dish with her. She told me she was happy knowing that whoever my future soulmate was wouldn't have to be the only one doing the cooking, especially if it was a girl because housewives are overrated according to her. She told me that cooking is just another way to show someone how much you care about them, so I would cook with her for her and my sister if I felt in the mood. Cooking for any of you, it just, it calms me more or less. Cooking with any of you is special to me but sometimes, just having one of you with me to keep me company and knowing I'm cooking for you, it makes me happy." I reached over and placed one of my hands on top of his free one that he had resting on the counter space next to the stove. He let out a soft breath, his shoulders slumping a bit as he relaxed his tensed muscles. "Sorry, didn't mean to unload on you like that."
"Tets, what would you tell me if I said that?" He retorted with a smirk as he turned to face me better, the simmering food not needing the keenest of eyes on it right now.
"Yeah, yeah, I know." My eyes narrowed, waiting for him to actually say it. "Okay, fine. I would tell you that you weren't 'un-loading' anything because I like hearing you talk and knowing everything about you. Even the not so nice stuff, but it still makes you, you. It's not a burden so you shouldn't feel like it is." My chest fluttered at his words, not expecting him to get so deep about it.
"Well, the same goes for you. You aren't unloading anything and it's not a burden. I like listening to you talk, whatever it may be about." His hand turned under mine, our palms connecting as he lightly held my hand.
"Thanks." His voice was quiet as he gave my hand a small squeeze. I squeezed his in turn before he went back to cooking.
The rest of the time was mostly silent, but it was a comfortable one. There wasn't a drop of tension or anxiety floating in the air. We simply existed together in a calm environment.
"Is Tetsurou making breakfast this morning?" We looked to the door to see a tired Keiji wearing his glasses with a slight bit of bed head. I took another sip of my tea and took in the domestic moment they shared. The youngest hugged the older from behind as he manned the stove, placing a light kiss to his shoulder blade before sleepily resting his head there. "Smells good."
"Me or the food?" Keiji rolled his eyes and stepped back, walking towards me sleepily.
His arms extended a bit, silently asking if he could hug to which I nodded and opened my arms. He stood between my legs, wrapping his arms around my waist as he nuzzled his head into my shoulder. Even with me sitting on the counter, he was slightly taller then my five two build, his back hunching into the embrace as he let his shoulders sag. My arms came up and wrapped around them, one of my hands running through his raven black tresses. My breathing halted for a moment when I felt his forearm rest on the book. It wasn't as intense as when Kenma placed his hand on his symbol but I still felt the same rush of endorphins and emotions cloud my mind, yet at the same time it relaxed me.
"Good morning, sun flower." I smiled and tried to completely let my body relax, but part of me found it difficult. My brain was foggy and overwhelmed with the surge of feelings and I felt my face getting warmed but I blamed it on the heat from the stove not too far from me.
"Morning, Keiji." I didn't ask him if he got enough sleep last night. We both knew the answer and neither of us decided to comment on it. So I simply held him as he held me.
"You're not cooking this morning?" His warm breath tickled my skin as he spoke.
"Tetsurou just wanted me to sit here." He hummed in acknowledgement, clearly having done this before.
"I told her to sit there and look pretty, it's not my fault she's a natural at it." I rolled my eyes but Keiji let out a saccharine breath.
"Definitely a natural in my opinion." I scoffed and he held me tighter, almost like he was saying that he was right about this.
"I told her she's a natural but she doesn't want to believe me." I tried to shrink in on myself a bit but realized I couldn't so I played with the setters hair a bit more.
Kenma stumbled in, eyes half lidded with melatonin.
"Morning pudding head." Kenma grumbled something unintelligible as he made his way over to the three of us. Tetsurou placed a kiss on his mess of his bleached hair as he continued cooking. "Is Kou still sleeping?" Kenma shook his head as he pulled himself up to sit on the counter on my right, minding the mug beside me so he wouldn't knock it over, with Tetsurou cooking on my left.
"He's in the bathroom, he woke up cause he smelled the food." We all laughed a little, knowing all too well how accurate it was.
"That owl head and food." We all hummed in agreement.
Koutarou walked in after a moment, his two toned hair a mess and his chest on display. I averted my eyes, trying not to stare at his bare chest filled with muscles. He greeted everyone with a good morning kiss. Starting with Tets, he gave the younger a kiss on the cheek, me a kiss on the forehead, a kiss on top of Keiji's head and Kenma a kiss on the cheek as well. I blushed a deep red, not expecting that type of affection from him but with how many odd things have been going on lately, I shouldn't be too surprised.
Food was soon done and we all sat down to eat, shockingly enough, I wasn't allowed to do dishes because the last time I did, I hurt my finger. So I sat on the couch with Koutarou and Kenma. The shorter of the two used my thighs as pillows while we played on our PSP's together. Koutarou kept an arm wrapped around my shoulders as a volleyball match played on the screen in front of him. It looked to be a recording from a previous years Olympics. Stars were practically in his eyes but then the dreaded realization hit me that I would have to leave soon to take the hour ride back home. A rooster haired boy came over and leaned behind us on the couch, temporarily enamored by the match on the screen, Keiji came up beside him and leaned against Tetsurou. It was peaceful and I couldn't help but think just how much I enjoyed this.
We stayed there for a little while longer, Keiji thankfully braided my hair in the meantime and Tetsurou returned my hair ties to me. It was peaceful until I saw the clock strike one. I sighed before speaking, breaking the comfortable atmosphere with less happy news.
"I should probably start packing my stuff so I don't miss my bus." Everyone sighed but agreed in one way or the next. I dreadfully gave everyone a hug goodbye and walked to my stop, boarding the large motor vehicle to what was deemed my home.
When I stepped in the door, I was surprised to see my father sitting at the kitchen table waiting for me. Let alone, also sitting there with Komini and Arise.
"What's going on?" My father gestured for me to sit down, and I begrudgingly did so and scooted my chair as far away from Komini as I could.
"Komini has brought something to my attention and since I hadn't heard from you all weekend, I figured I would wait until you got home." I cocked an eyebrow in confusion, I hadn't even put my bag down yet and I was about to be interrogated. "He showed me pictures of you being a little too.. friendly with some boys that you posted online."
"Yeah, I hung out with friends on friday from Inarizaki, just like I told you I was going to. I got to Koutarou's house a little after eight, stayed the night there. Slept at Kenma's saturday night and now I'm home. All people you know, who you also know all the parents of and where they live and could have contacted if you felt you needed to. I'm not seeing the issue." My father grumbled and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"I never thought it was an issue until Komini showed me another perspective, I just don't want you getting taken advantage of by some boys you barely know. You should be hanging out with other girls your age, not boys who are turning into men."
"Dad, do you not hear how ridiculous you sound? You have personally witnessed how any friendship I've had with a girl has gone. They're mostly drama and if they aren't then they just use me to get closer to the guys I'm friends with. What do you not understand by that?" My fathers face set into one of anger.
"Do not talk to me like that, I don't know where this attitude is coming from but that is unacceptable. Especially after what happened on thursday, I don't know whether or not I should believe you now. How am I supposed to know my daughter isn't lying to me?" I stared at him in disbelief.
"Why is it that suddenly, you try to be a father to your other kid, and forget about the fact that you have two? You're blatantly playing favorites, because what? You want Komini to like you and warm up to you faster after you being absent? Don't talk to me like I'm some rebellious teenager doing drugs when the worst I've done is take my prescription medication as needed and have gotten my ears pierced, which you took me for almost all of them. What do you want proof or something about what happened thursday?" He stared at me blankly, almost berating in a sense to test me if I had any proof. I tried to rack my brain, not knowing where I'd get it from until it struck me. "Fine, I'm making a phone call then. Give me a moment." Everyone sat in a tense silence as I called the only one who would have a video and thankfully, he answered the call. "Hey, Suna."
"Kaara? How come you're calling me?" His voice was dull as he questioned me.
"I have an odd request. Did you get a video of what happened thursday?"
"Of course I did. Why?"
"Can you send it to me?"
"Sure?" His tone was curious but we said our goodbyes and I waited for the message to come through. Komini looked as pale as a ghost, clearly knowing he could no longer lie his way through this. I showed my father the first video of me blatantly rejecting Atsumu. Then the one of Komini disrespecting my boundaries over and over, including where I threatened him and Osamu stepped in. And finally, the one where he provoked me and tried to hit me. Arise looked distraught, my father looked indifferent. "There ya go. Is that enough proof?" Komini hung his head in shame, knowing that it wasn't something he could twist around anymore.
"I don't even know what to think of this. I need some time to process. I'm still disappointed in you though, Kaara. I raised you better then to run off somewhere because you didn't like how I handled something."
"Do you not hear yourself right now? So are you saying I shouldn't have run off from moms then when she was hitting me? When her boyfriends- y'know what? Nevermind." My voice dropped in a tone of defeat, my will to push back completely gone with my drained body. "I can't do this. I can't keep going in circles with you. I have barely slept this past weekend because all I've had each night are nightmares. Mama Mei woke up from me screaming myself out of one, but you don't care." My voice broke as a tear fell. "You don't care, do you? I have to prove to you time and time again and for what? For you to brush things off? Minimize the problem? Call me a liar? I'm just done right now. I can't do this." I stood up from the table as I wiped my steady flow of tears but they just kept coming. They wouldn't stop. I ignored my phone as it kept buzzing, I already knew it was four boys an hour away but I didn't have the heart to face them.
Not when I felt so utterly defeated.
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Diabolik Lovers BLOODY BOUQUET Vol. 2 Mukami Ruki [Track 1]
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Original title: 穏やかな日常
Source: Diabolik Lovers Bloody Bouquet Vol. 2 Ruki Mukami [CD not owned by me]
Audio: Here (00:00 ~ 10:55)
Seiyuu: Takahiro Sakurai
Translator’s note: I have only ever listened to one Bloody Bouquet CD, being Subaru’s, and I absolutely loved it. It was very cheesy, I will say that much. However, I am a sucker for the romantic fluff at times, so I won’t complain. xD Some might say these CDs aren’t very fitting for a franchise that works around the concept of sadism and the boys definitely act completely different from the HDB and MB saga, but if this is the route Rejet decided to take, who am I to blame them? 
This track was requested by If you would like to request a translation, please contact me through IMs or drop an ask!
Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4 ll Track 5
Track 1: A Peaceful Everyday 
“...Just like roses bloom amidst the thorns, love shall arise amidst the anger and burn passionately...Huh?��
Ruki closes his book.
“No, I suppose ‘no wonder’ is more fitting here.”
You ask him about his words.
“I just recited a verse from ‘Amidst anger and love’ by the German poet Ernst Arndt.”
You tilt your head to the side.
“What meaning it holds...? Good question. This is simply my own interpretation of the words, but I think he means to imply that the feeling of love can flourish feeding off a completely different emotion, and bloom beautifully just like the roses.
In other words, I suppose you could say that for love to grow stronger, it needs other emotions such as anger and jealousy. Even the most beautiful of roses has dangerous thorns. However, those thorns might be actually what makes roses so charming.”
You frown.
“Was that too difficult?”
Ruki gets up from his chair.
“Well then. It’s almost lunch time. Will you help me?”
You nod, getting up as well.
“I see. Let us get started then.”
“...Well then, let’s leave the clean-up for later and move onto our after-lunch tea time. I got my hands on some exquisite tea leaves.”
Ruki gets the tea set ready before sitting down and pouring you a cup.
“It smells great, doesn’t it?”
He gives it a taste.
“...Hm? Oh, you’re talking about the sandwich from earlier? I tried using a new sauce recipe, but I’m glad it was to your liking.”
You compliment him.
“You give me too much credit. My cooking isn’t worthy of such praise. For starters, sandwiches are very easy to make. Don’t you think you could say it would be difficult to make them taste bad?”
You tell him you look forward to dinner.
“Haha...You only just ate, but you’re already thinking about dinner? By the way, tonight I am making aglio olio. The pasta of despair. (1)”
You try and guess the meaning behind it.
“Exactly. It seems like they came up with its humorous nickname because you can make the dish even during desperate times when ingredients are running low.”
You ask if he’ll include Yuma’s cabbage.
“Yes. I figured we should use the cabbage Yuma sent us while it is still fresh. It seems like he is vigorously continuing his field work per usual. ...Hah, however, it seems like he finds the actual cooking part to be a hassle, so after growing as many crops as he can, most of them get sent our way.
If only Azusa or Kou were a little more skilled in the kitchen. If I leave it up to Azusa, most dishes would be based around mustard or pepper, while leaving Kou in charge means eating Vongole Bianco for nearly every meal.
...Haha. Good grief. They’re such an eccentric bunch.”
You ask if it’s okay to leave them by themselves.
“Hm? I’m not worried in particular. We are Vampires. We won’t suffer from hunger like we did as humans. It’s just...”
You frown.
“Haah...No, it’s nothing. Heh...I thought I was doing a good job distancing myself from my brothers (2), but once again...Although those guys seem barely even worried about us.”
Well, knowing them, I’m sure they are making it work in their own way. If anything, they might feel relieved now that the person nagging them is gone.”
You ask him if he feels lonely.
“Hm? Heh. I’m not lonely.  I’m living with you like this right now.”
Ruki shuffles closer.
“Since you’re saying that, could it be that you’re the lonely one instead?”
You shake your head.
“If not, why would you bring that up?”
You shrug.
“Good grief...On a whim, huh? Hmー Seems like you are still having your doubts. ...Do you have trouble believing my words? Or are you simply lacking confidence? No...I guess you are looking for confirmation. Confirmation that I am satisfied with just you.
...Lately I haven’t been calling you ‘livestock’ after all, huh? Could that be the reason?”
You get a little flustered.
“No need to be modest. If that’s what you wish, I shall cooperate at any time.You feel my love towards you much stronger when I call you that...Am I right?”
You remain quiet.
“I figured it would be better to treat you as an equal, but it seems like that was a mistake on my part. In the end, a livestock never changes. If I don’t treat you that way, you grow suspicious.”
“Look my way. ...Look me right into the eyes.”
“Don’t close your eyes without permission. ...Well then, I’ll take my time to thoroughly teach you that you are my livestock. ...Like this, okay?”
Ruki bites you.
“Nn...Mmh...Haah...Your blood really is more delicious than anything else.”
*Gulp gulp*
You tell him the tea will become cold.
I can just brew some new tea as many times as you’d like later. More importantly...”
He continues drinking your blood.
“Mmh...Nn...Haah...How many times do I have to tell you that livestock isn’t allowed to think about anything else but their master?”
You writhe around.
“Seems like I’ll need to punish you...Mmh...Nn...Slowly losing myself while getting drunk on the taste of your blood is quite the treat...Nn...”
“Seems like you’ve started feeling good as well. I’ll give you even more...Oh.”
The tea cup gets knocked over.
“Haah...Good grief...Perhaps I got a little ahead of myself. ...Heh, I suppose we should leave play time at this. When you make a troubled expression, I just can’t help but want to tease you.”
He starts cleaning up the mess.
“Haah...I really made a fool of myself this time. These were our matching tea cups as well...”
You seem a little upset.
“Hm? What’s the matter? Did you perhaps take my words seriously earlier? I no longer think of you as mere livestock. Right now you’d be...my beloved pet, I guess you could say.”
You puff out your cheeks.
“Don’t make such an expression. Unlike livestock, you no longer need to fear being eaten.”
You get even more upset.
“I’m joking. You are dear to me.”
You lightly punch his chest.
“...Don’t be so upset. My bad.”
He embraces you.
“Mmh...Come on, cheer up. After tonight’s pasta dish, I’ll make you some blancmange (3) for dessert as well. How does that sound?”
You stubbornly shake your head.
“Still not enough, huh? Then once I’ve finished cleaning up, let’s head out together. The weather’s nice today as well. Let’s do some shopping and then...I’ll take you to wherever you’d like to go.”
You smile, nodding.
“Seems like we’ve got a deal.”
Translation notes
(1) Pasta Aglio Olio is a very simple Italian pasta dish which features garlic and olive oil as its two core ingredients. I was a little surprised when Ruki called it 絶望のパスタ or ‘pasta of despair’ at first, but as he explains later, it got that name because it has such simple ingredients which are available even during difficult times.
(2) Ruki says 兄弟離れ or ‘kyoudai-banare’, which is a combination of the word for siblings (kyoudai) and the suffix ‘banare’. The suffix itself actually comes from the verb ‘hanareru’, which means ‘to separate yourself (from someone)’ Since he is now living alone with the MC, he probably needed some time to adjust to not being surrounded by his brothers the whole time.
(3) Blancmange is a French pudding-like dessert made from milk, sugar and gelatin. From what I could find, it actually has been around for as long as the Middle Ages!
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imaginethathaikyuu · 5 years
ACTUALLY WAIT! Not asahi!!! I’m sorry I know I asked for him a while ago 😅 I use love him :( but maybe if you have more inspiration for bokuto! :) sorry for the confusion! I love your posts!
this is. the longest thing i’ve ever written. i think it reads well tho so its ok. i just love bokuto. and i could write for him forever and ever. also! i tried rlly hard to keep this gender neutral and i think it turned out well! * lovey-dovey nsfw ahead *
word count: 4073 (holy fucking shit)
“Give me a fucking break,” Bokuto grumbled as he checked the time on his phone. It was nearing 9 pm, and you still weren’t home.
Just when he had that thought, though, he heard the rustling of the doorknob. He stood from the couch and walked to the door, waiting for you to stumble in.
“Stop it! I’ll see you tomorrow, I’m not hugging you goodbye again,” he heard you say with joyous laughter.
Bokuto’s suspicions were correct - you were with that guy again.
Apparently, you had been best friends with him since you were kids, or something. Bokuto didn’t care to know the details - he even pretended he didn’t know his name.
As soon as the door closed behind you, you saw your boyfriend standing in front of you with crossed arms.
“What are you doing?” he asked you.
You blinked - there are a lot of ways to answer that question. “Taking off my shoes… and now my jacket… what are you doing, babe?”
You felt your forehead wrinkle as your brows drew together at his tone.
“Do you even give a shit about me anymore? Or is that friend of yours finally getting what he wants and stealing you from me?”
Bokuto didn’t curse at you often - and even less often did he raise his voice in that way.
One word, that’s all you were able to say - your throat felt too dry to speak. But that one word made Bokuto feel even worse.
“Did you forget, Y/N? That I had a game today? That you were supposed to be cheering me on with my new college team? Or were you so busy with him that you just didn’t fucking care?”
Your heart sank. 
“Kou -”
“It’s alright,” he said, interrupting you - his words were as much of a lie as any. He wasn’t alright. His brown eyes became glossy, though his glare held strong. “Don’t even bother. I don’t want to hear it. You can go be with him, and I won’t stop you - it’s obvious who’s more important to you.”
With that he turned away from you, walking to your shared bedroom and closing the door - leaving you stood alone in the foyer.
With him? Why would he even say something like that - why would you want to be with anybody else?
You had to do something, you decided - the longer Bokuto sat alone, the more upset he’d be.
After searching your kitchen up and down for ingredients for a perfect dinner, you came up empty. Luckily, it is Bokuto, and he appreciates nothing more than ordering out.
You did make some tea, though, and left it sat on the counter to cool while you went to talk to him.
After standing outside the door for what felt like an eternity, you took a deep breath and walked inside. You found your boyfriend lying face down on the bed, very obviously sulking. His hair was a mess now that he had flattened it into the pillow, his shirt was rising up on his back, showing off his tanned skin. It’d be cute, if the situation was any lighter.
He didn’t even flinch when you placed a hand on his back.
He didn’t reply - he didn’t move an inch. You weren’t even sure if he was awake.
“I’m so, so fucking sorry.” You moved your hand across his back, massaging his stiff muscles firmly.
“I love you, Kou. I’m sorry I haven’t been showing it. I’m sorry I’ve been making you think the opposite. But please believe me, babe. I love you.”
You heard him mumble a sad “okay…” into the pillow. After a moment, you lied down next to him, your hand still moving across his broad back.
“I love you,” you said again, this time much quieter. You knew what’d make Bokuto feel better: words of affirmation. “And I love watching you play - I’m so sorry I missed another game. I promise nothing will keep me from the next one.”
He still hadn’t moved much, but you hadn’t run out of things to say, either.
“I love how passionate you are, on and off the court. It really shows when you’re playing, though,” you continued with a quiet laugh. Your hand had now made its way up to the nape of his neck, your fingers combing through his surprisingly soft hair. “I love that you love me. I’m so happy that you do. Thanks for doing that, by the way.”
You heard him chuckle quietly, and you giggled with him. Finally, he pulled his face out of the pillow and turned to you. His face held a small smile, to your surprise.
“You believe me, right?”
Bokuto shook his head, his grin widening, your laugh like music to his ears.
“Yes you do!”
“No I don’t! You have to tell me everything you love about me, or I won’t believe you.”  
“Kou…” your laughter died down, your hand caressed the side of Bokuto’s face, and his smile dropped as your voice took on a more serious tone. “Please forgive me, baby. I’ll tell you all the things I love about you every day for the rest of my life.”
Bokuto’s eyes closed, he released a shaky breath, his brows drew together. “I don’t…” he started, but he wasn’t sure he was able to finish the sentence.
This wasn’t like him, and he was embarrassed.
He couldn’t speak louder than a whisper - his fear and insecurity kept him quiet.
“I… don’t want you to leave me.”
Bokuto had never doubted the security of your years long relationship - not even once. Not until you reconnected with this old flame. You started coming home late, missing his games, cancelling dates - always to hang out with your old friend. And the guy was funny and attractive and sweet - above all else, he was touchy. Even while Bokuto was around, he couldn’t stop poking your sides or throwing an arm over your shoulders or hugging you - even kissing your cheek!
And you saw nothing wrong with it.
You must’ve been enjoying all the attention your friend gave you - and who could blame you?
Bokuto tried - he tried so hard to be the picture perfect boyfriend. But that just isn’t who he is - he doesn’t have the time to be.  He has to be the perfect volleyball player.
And he would never, ever admit it - but time after time, you came second to volleyball.
He’d cancelled dates because of surprise practice matches, he had tournaments on your birthday, he’d come home late almost every night at the beginning of this first year of college - and you never complained, not once.
So who was he, to complain about you putting him second? When all he has ever done was hold your relationship at a lesser importance than something else?
“Fuck -” he was crying, and he couldn’t help it - he wiped his face as fast as he could, but the tears wouldn’t stop flowing.
He wasn’t a good boyfriend to you - not by any definition of the word. And here you were, getting the attention you needed and deserved from someone else - he had no right to be surprised that this happened.
“ - this is fucking -” he struggled to inhale through his nose, which was now stuffed and runny, “ - stupid.”
You’d never seen Bokuto so upset - and you had no idea your actions had such an effect on him. You never pegged him as the jealous type - and he wasn’t. But this was obviously much, much different than jealousy. This was insecurity, this was fear. And you didn’t want to know how long he’d been keeping it in.
Based on the tears he shed, it was a long time.
“Kou… what do you want me to do?”
You were lost - completely and utterly lost, and your map was gone with the wind.
Bokuto was emotional, but you could deal with his mood swings. You had never seen him so hurt. The sight hurt you to the core.
“Stay with me.”  
“I’m not going anywhere,” you said, a loud sigh to follow. “Come here.”
You pulled him into your chest, and he happily took the invitation, wrapping his arms around your waist tightly. Your arms wrapped around his shoulders.
“I love you - I’ll do anything to show you.”
His sniffles were slowing down, and he was drying his face on your shirt.
“I love being with you. We’re meant to be, Koutarou, I’d never leave you for somebody else.”
“Are you sure?” His words were muffled, and he sounded so sadly sweet.
“Yes,” you said. Taking a chance, you pulled his face away from your chest to look him in the eyes. They were puffy and red, his cheeks were still a bit wet, but his tears had stopped flowing. “No one’s more perfect for me than you are.”
“Even though I’m a bad boyfriend?”
“You’re not a bad boyfriend - you’re not a perfect boyfriend, either, but I didn’t sign up for a perfect man, I signed up for you.” You brushed some of the loose strands of hair from his face. “And I knew what I was getting into when we started dating, Kou. I’m here for the long run. I love you.”
He nodded, and after that, you couldn’t help yourself - you had to kiss his pouty lips. Just a peck, then you pulled away.
“And I love kissing you,” you whispered before going in for more. “You’re such a good kisser, have I told you that?”
Another soft kiss, “Once or twice,” Bokuto said against your lips. You smiled; his flirtatiousness was back - a little bit, at least.
You tried kissing him deeper, running your tongue along his bottom lip before attempting to pry his lips open with your own - but he pulled away quickly, and when he did he looked scared.
“I’m sorry, I -” he said, interrupting himself with a sigh. His hands found your hips and pulled you closer to him. “I haven’t been saying it back. I love you, too.”
“You don’t have to say it back for me to know it.”
Maybe he didn’t have to say it - but he sure as hell liked to. The privilege of calling you his, holding you here, telling you he loves you was one he had taken for granted. And it was only now that he feared losing you did he realize that.
He was selfish. But so were you - and you took what you could from Bokuto. Despite his devotion to his sport, you never felt neglected. Always, you felt loved and needed and damn near worshiped - your boyfriend was never afraid to speak his mind or to show you affection.
You kissed his lips one time, before pushing him to lie on his back.
“Let me show you how much I love you, Kou.” You slid your hand into his and he nodded, looking at you with such a trusting gaze; Bokuto was completely vulnerable to you. He’d make himself your prey, if that’s what you wanted. He’d let you consume him.
You kissed his forehead, then his cheek, then his lips - that’s often the order he’d kiss your face in, as well. This time you didn’t hesitate to pry his lips open, you didn’t give him the chance to think about anything but your lips kissing his.
You had to hold back a smirk after the gasp he made when you bit his lip; while you weren’t trying to be rough, you still wanted to be playful.
“I love kissing you,” you repeated, as if saying it again would take away the fluttering in your heart that Bokuto’s soft lips on yours caused - it didn’t.
In fact, that fluttering only grew stronger when you slid a leg over his waist and straddled him while continuing your kiss. Bokuto’s arms wrapped around your body, his hands lied flat on your back, holding you close to him.
Your own hands slid underneath his shirt, sliding up and down his sides. “Can I take your shirt off?” you pulled away to ask, and when he nodded you sat up and helped him pull the fabric away.
As you looked at him, at his tanned skin and muscular frame, you couldn’t hold back your words. “God, your body is so perfect.”
You watched his chest rise and his lips curl into a shy smile. Bokuto hadn’t always been very body-confident around you - which took you for surprise at first - but you knew he had no reason to be insecure.
And just looking at him like this turned you on more than anything else so far.
“You can play volleyball forever if it means you’ll always look like this.”  
Bokuto snorted and rolled his eyes.
“Take yours off too,” he said, referring to your shirt, and he helped you pull it off.
Now that you were topless, Bokuto had even more of a reason to be into this; he moved his hands to your hips, gripping them tightly. He pulled his bottom lip between his teeth, his heavy lidded eyes examined your body.
As a test, you lifted yourself and moved from where you sat on his stomach and straddled his hips instead. The moment your core connected with his, Bokuto gasped. You would have too, except you expected to feel his hardness through your pants.
“You’re hard, babe,” you cooed, and the man nodded. “Do you want to keep going?”
He nodded quickly, stuttering out, “yeah,” before pulling your hips down to grind into him again, savoring any friction he could get.
“Oh, you’re so needy,” you teased again. “It’s so hot when you’re like this.”
“Babe, stop teasing me.”
“I’m not teasing!” you said with a giggle. You leaned down to kiss him once. “But I really want to be closer to you.”
He nodded in agreement, and that’s all you needed to sit up and pull your pants off. Bokuto did the same, undoing his belt and allowing you to pull his pants down his legs before you situated yourself on top of him again.
You took his dick into your hand, giving him a teasing squeeze before sliding your thumb around the head of his cock.
“Y/N -”
“I love your dick, Koutarou,” you told him. You tried your best to keep your voice steady as your hand began pumping. “It’s so big and so perfect, it fills me up so well.”
His moans were getting louder as your hand moved faster. “Fuck, Y/N -”
“Nobody else could make me feel as good as you, Kou.”  
You took your hand away, and grabbed both of Bokuto’s hands, pulling him to sit up. He was a bit confused, but he scooted back so he could lean against the bed’s headboard.
His confused look went away when you wrapped your arms around his neck and pressed your lips to his ear. “I need your big cock inside me, Koutarou.”
“Please,” he said, voice sounding desperate. Your words, your voice, the way you said his name all drove him crazy - his hips had been bucking up involuntarily every so often, and he needed to cum so bad that he felt like he was going to burst.
He was able to reach for a condom from the nightstand, which you slid onto him.
“Do you…” he started, but the feeling of your hands on him caused him to lose his train of thought. “Do you want my… my fingers first?”
“It’ll be okay -”
“No, babe,”  he said. “Let me get you started.”
You nodded, smiling at how considerate he was. You knew he was right - you could rarely have sex without getting you accustomed to at least three of Bokuto’s fingers first, the girth of his cock being too much to take with no prep.
His hand moved down to your center, and he slid two fingers into you immediately. You took them easily, and his long fingers were curved in just the right way, hitting just the right place, to make you a moaning mess.
“Kou -”
“What?” he asked teasingly, moving his fingers at an even faster pace.
Your hands gripped his biceps, your forehead rested on his bare shoulder, and your hips moved into Bokuto’s hand.
“Do you want another finger?” he asked, already knowing the answer. His third finger was already entering you by the time you nodded.
“Koutarou,” you moaned loudly - his fingers felt so good.
“What, baby?” he teased again. “Use your words.”
You weren’t even sure how to do that - the only thing you knew were his fingers inside you and, now, his lips attached to your neck. “I… Kou, I -”
“Are you gonna cum for me?”
“Yeah -”
“Yeah? You’re going to cum around my fingers?” He felt your walls tighten around his digits, and he pumped them into you even faster.
He knew you were right on the edge, it’d take no time for you to be cumming - and he loved it. He loved knowing that the only thing on your mind is him, the only thing you could think about is him. He could tell, because the only thing leaving your lips was his name, the only thing pleasuring you was his fingers, the only thing making you feel so good was him.
“That’s it, baby, cum for me.”
And you did, and Bokuto couldn’t take his eyes off of you. Watching you cum made him feel the same euphoria you were feeling - it made his dick throb, it made him moan, it made him needy for more of you. The face you made, the way your body moved, how tight you were around his fingers - it was all heavenly. And he wanted to experience it again and again.
“Fuck, you are so hot,” he said. His free hand grabbed his cock and pumped up and down at a fast pace as he watched, listened, felt you cumming for him. For him.
When he knew you were finished, he pulled his fingers out of you, but he didn’t stop jerking off.
You could watch him fucking his hand all day, but you’d much rather him fuck you.
“Please, put it in - I need it, I need your big dick, please.”
He didn’t need to be told twice - he helped position you over is cock, and then he buried himself inside you with a groan.
“Oh, fuck,” he moaned, “fuck, you’re tight.”
You didn’t move - you were busy trying to collect your thoughts in a coherent way, trying not to get lost in the feeling of being so connected to him.
“Kou?” you said.
Bokuto pulled his head from your neck to look at your face. “Yeah?”
You moved your hips slowly, the need for friction and movement becoming too strong.
“I love you,” you said through broken moans, and before he could reply you kissed him - you moved your lips against his slowly, but you didn’t bother lapping your tongue into his mouth like you had before.
He was going to reply, he was going to say it back, but he could hardly even think words - let alone say them. His heart was filled with so much love, so much admiration, and there was no way in hell he could ever think of a way to explain it.
All of his thoughts led back to you - your lips, your moans, your warmth. All of you. He figured that this is the closest he had ever been to making love; he never believed sex could actually feel this way. How could something so raunchy, so primal, make him feel so loved and needed? Maybe he was going crazy - his mind was spinning - but he didn’t even feel close enough to you, even though you were as close as you possibly could be.
He hadn’t even realized you stopped kissing him, or that he’d been moaning your name over and over, or that his arms were wrapped around you and pressing your body against his so tightly you could hardly even move your hips.
“I love you,” he said, before he even realized he was saying it. And he said it again and again; your forehead was resting on his, and he wanted to open his eyes and look at you, but he couldn’t figure out how to open them.
You were moaning his name and telling him you were about to cum, but Bokuto was already there; his hips thrust up into you so he could be inside of you as deep as he possibly could be before he came, filling the condom while imagining he was filling you instead.
His body felt like it was on fire, everywhere you touched him sparked another flame that burned through every tense muscle. But when you lifted your body off of his, when you pulled his cock out of you, when your forehead was no longer resting on his, it was as if you had just dumped a bucket of ice water over his head. And he could actually open his eyes again, he could think without being interrupted by his own loud moaning.
You had moved away from him, standing on your knees and hovering over him with your eyes closed, your hands holding yourself up on his shoulders being the only place you were touching him.
He looked up at you. “Come here,” he said, breathless and desperate. You simply nodded, Bokuto took the condom off and tossed it into the trash without moving from where he sat underneath you, and then you relaxed on his lap once again.
And he held you gently - as if he was holding a broken doll or an injured child. His calloused hands tried so hard to touch you softly, one of them resting on your back, the other running up and down your arm. While you rested your head on his shoulder, kissing his skin repeatedly, he slid so he was lying down, with you on top of him.  
No words were shared. It wasn’t necessary. Nothing needed to be said that hadn’t been, neither of you felt the need to speak. Bokuto was still catching his breath. You were trying to ignore the ache in your thighs. You had shifted your position, preferring to rest your head on his chest; his heart was beating quickly, and you were dedicating all of your attention to listening to it.
And then your phone rang. You felt Bokuto tense up underneath you, you heard his sigh at the familiar ringtone.
Way to ruin the moment.
You had to pull your phone out of the pocket of your pants, which were laying on the ground. Bokuto caught a glance at the caller ID when you were back on the bed.
Of course, it’s him.
Bokuto could hear the guy’s voice just slightly; he couldn’t pick up on every word, but he could make sense of the conversation.
“…got home, and I was thinking… and tomorrow would be a great day to go! So I’ll pick you up at noon -”
Bokuto scoffed and rolled his eyes - how rude of him, he didn’t even ask you, he just assumed you’d go. And you probably would.
But your next words caught him off guard.
“No, I’ll pass on it. I can’t keep hanging out with you every day, okay? We see each other too much - I have a boyfriend and other friends and, look, I’ll see you in a few weeks, okay? I’ve got to go.”
You hung up without giving your friend the chance to put up a fight or say goodbye, and you turned off your phone so there would be no more interruptions.
“You’re off tomorrow, right?” you asked Bokuto as you lied down next to him. He was happy that you remembered. “I wanna spend the whole day in bed with you.”
He chuckled and nodded, knowing he’d have to come up with something to get you out of the house.
“Lets go order a pizza. And then eat it in the bath.”
As he pulled your body closer to his, he nodded again. “Later. At least let me bask in your beauty a little while longer.”
You laughed at him.
“Ten minutes, that’s all I’m giving you.”
“Hey, what a coincidence,” he mumbled, “that’s all the time I need for round two.”
“And then we can order a pizza?”
got a request? send it in. i’ll write it.
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towaniegaita · 5 years
FAQs [Nozakibento, 16th October 2010]
Original post in Japanese
I collected together some of the questions I'm often asked.
 Basic Information
Name: Nozakibento
Date of Birth: 28th April 1986 (Showa 61)
Height: 177.5cm (as of 2018)
Weight: approx. 60kg
Blood Type: A
Home prefecture: Hokkaido. I was born in Sapporo. I also lived in Tokachi and Kushiro.
Current location: Tokyo (I moved there from Hokkaido in the year I turned 30)
Occupation: A 33 year old amateur idol
Hairstyle: I used to wear a wig, but now I mostly go for a messy style
Visual Acuity: Both eyes are around 1.5 without glasses
Characteristics: Nozakibento
Likes and Dislikes
Favourite food: Sliced senmai (boiled tripe), vegetables in general, meat in general (especially meat sashimi), seafood in general (especially octopus and oysters), anything cherry blossom flavoured, anything yuzu flavoured, rice, miso soup, soba, udon, niboshi ramen, yakuzen herbal soup, grated yam, tofu, shiokara, sushi, sashimi, seaweed, mochi, rice flour dumplings, wheat gluten cakes, keihan rice, oyster soy sauce, slow-boiled eggs, Indian curry from Tokachi, ice cream (especially citrus, mint chocolate, watermelon and vanilla flavours), hard gums, mini Ramune candy, agar jelly, almond tofu pudding, oroblanco
Least favourite food: None.
Favourite drinks: Tea in general, kale smoothie, scented but not sweetened sparkling water, vegetable juice, tomato juice, soba water, miso soup, dashi, non-alcoholic beer, ginger ale, black coffee
Favourite alcoholic drinks: Campari-based cocktails (especially Spumoni), Violet Fizz
Favourite animals: Daring crabs, spotted garden eels, owls, sea urchins when they eat cabbage
My type: Someone with a big heart, who isn't rude and doesn't complain all the time. Decisive, speaks logically and is a fast worker
Favourite scents: Bergamot, yuzu, oroblanco, lemongrass, lemon and lime, eucalyptus, vanilla, incense, hinoki cypress, the smell of hot springs, medicinal water, struck matches
Favourite sports: Table tennis, endurance running, non-competitive swimming, walking
Favourite instruments: When I listen to bands, I tend to focus on the drums, bass and keyboard. If I go to see a symphonic orchestral concert or something, I tend to watch the percussionists. I myself can't play any instruments.
Hobbies: Gaming, listening to game soundtracks, table tennis, reading, darts, being enveloped in aromas, checking my daily electricity bill using a bill management app
Special skills: Ability to work as a librarian, can sing The Tortoise And The Hare starting from different positions, a little bit of competitive eating (can eat up to about 2kg)
Qualifications: Librarian, teacher's licence (for primary, middle and high schools), certified member of the Sports Boy Scouts (link in Japanese), Kanji Aptitude Test Level 2, driving licence (for manual cars)
Person I most respect: My mother
Favourite subjects: Japanese (especially modern Japanese), contemporary society, ethics, politics and economics
Favourite season: The shade in midsummer
Favourite phrases: 
80% Preparation 20% Performance (dandori hachibu)
The early bird gets the worm (sente hisshou)
Niche business (sukima sangyou)
Information, Communication, Discussion (houkoku renraku soudan)
Easier said than done (iu wa yasuku okonau wa katashi)
Haste makes waste (tanki wa sonki)
Drink if you want, but be swallowed up (sake wa nondemo nomareru na)
The frog in the well knows nothing of the great ocean (i no naka no kawazu taikai wo shirazu)
A picture is worth a thousand words (hyakubun wa ikken ni shikazu)
Favourite Japanese poem:
'If I live long,
I may look back with yearning for these painful days -
The world that now seems harsh
May then appear sweet and good!'
By Fujiwara no Kiyosuke, translation by Peter McMillan
Favourite place to hang out: Inside a game
Favourite characters: Domo-kun (NHK), Moji-kun (Kotoba no Puzzle: Mojipittan), Zushi Hokki (official mascot of Hokuto city in Hokkaido), Jack Frost (Megami Tensei series), Morgana (Persona 5)
Favourite anime: Eureka Seven
Favourite manga: Love Roma by Toyoda Minoru
I Wonder If I Can Make 100 Friends by Toyoda Minoru
Yoake no Toshokan by Nonou Tao
Other manga I like: Nangoku Shounen Papuwa-kun, PAPUWA, Final Request, Yu☆Yu☆Hakusho, Revelations: Persona, Mind Assassin, Sayonara Zetsubou-Sensei, Arakawa Under The Bridge, Fushigi Yuugi, Ranma 1/2, Psychometrer EIJI, The Kindaichi Case Files, Rakudai Ninja Rantarou, Soul Hunter etc.
Favourite game: Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers
Other games I like: Shin Megami Tensei 1-4, Shin Megami Tensei 4 Final, Shin Megami Tensei if, Persona 1-5, Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha 1 and 2, DIGITAL DEVIL SAGA Avatar Tuner 1 and 2, Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 1 and 2,  Little Magic, Jake Hunter: Let Time Pass By, LIVE A LIVE, Final Fantasy 5 and 8, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light, Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem, Secret of Mana, Trials of Mana, Schoolhouse Horror Story, Banshee's Last Cry, Jungle Wars 2, Ranma 1/2: Hidden Treasure of the Red Cat Gang, Renegade, The New Hot-Blooded Tough Guy: The Eulogy of Kunio and Co., Puyo Puyo, Puyo Puyo 2, Saga Frontier, Monster Farm, Monster Farm 2, KOF98, SAMURAI SPIRITS, vib-ribbon, Clock Tower 2, Clock Tower Ghost Head, Maria: Kimitachi Ga Umareta Wake, Double Cast, Sakura Wars 2: Thou Shalt Not Die, Kotoba no Puzzle: Mojipittan, RPG Maker Series, etc. As for social network games, I like Kuroneko no Wiz Dx2 Shin Megami Tensei Revelation, and Ensemble Stars!
What I most want right now: Time
Do I smoke? Never. But I have nothing against those who do. I don't mind if someone smokes next to me.
Things I struggle with: Exercise, exercise, exercise, exercise, English, mental arithmetic, making other people cross.
What I like about myself: Large earlobes
What I don't like about myself: The fact that I easily neglect my work if I lose focus.
Do I like nurses? I like them if they're good at giving injections.
Favourite way of heating things up in a microwave: 2 minutes at 500W
Ideal way to spend a day off: Sleep like I've melted into the bed, do the cleaning and laundry when I wake up, play games like I'm bathing in them, sleep again.
Novels I’m glad to have read and why: There's a lot, so I'll just list what I can remember off the top of my head.
★ Criss Cross - Konton no Maou by Takahata Kyouichirou, published by MediaWorks. This was the very first book that made me interested in reading novels.
★ Natsu no Niwa - The Friends by Yumoto Kazumi, published by Shinchousha. When I felt down, I read this and my heart was cleansed.
★ Rirekisho by Nakamura Kou, published by Kawade Shobou Shinsha. Because it gave me courage.
★ Tsubasa wa Itsu Made Mo by Kawakami Ken'ichi, published by Shuueisha. I simply thought that it was a really good book, and reading it made me want to read more books like it in the future.
★ Tsumetai Kousha no Toki wa Tomaru by Tsujimura Mizuki, published by Kodansha. This was the book that reminded me that I wanted to keep reading novels forever.
NicoNicoDouga and Dance covers
When did you start using NicoNico? 2007, in the earliest days of the RC version.
What kind of videos do you watch on NicoNico? Anything.
Were you learning how to dance? I've never learnt how to dance.
Why did you start dancing? I wanted to take part in the first large-scale Cirno meeting. (T/N: An event where a whole bunch of people from NND get together to dance to Cirno's Perfect Math Class. Here's the 2009 version.)
What's the average production time for a single video? It varies.
What's been the most fun thing to dance to so far? Ren'ai Hunter
Which of your own dance videos are you most satisfied with? Domo-kun's dance to MERRY GO ROUND
Where you happy to be chosen in the Geiran videos (A series where a gay man ranked dancers on NND)? I was.
Which version is your current Domo-kun?
Hokkaido and Tokyo version: Tiramisu (Original version. Mainly stays at home. On active duty)
Osaka version: Chocolat (Retired)
Fukuoka version: Fondue (Retired)
Tokyo version: Belgium (Retired)
Tokyo version: Demel (Retired)
What kind of expressions do you make and what feelings do you have when dancing as Domo-kun or in the blue full bodysuit? None
What would happen to you if you drank a strange potion? I'd become aggressive.
Aren't you going to wear a wig anymore? I'd like to wear one again some time soon.
Were you in any clubs during middle school? I was in the table tennis club for all 3 years. My high school club is a secret.
Do you have a girlfriend? It'd be annoying to have to update this page if I got a girlfriend or if we broke up so that's also a secret.
What are your dreams and goals? To make the people I love happy. I want to live in a way that I can look back when I die and think that I lived a good life.
What are your habits? Looking at the ingredients and nutrition facts labels on food. Looking at the ingredients labels on shampoo. Moving around unsteadily. Clicking my tongue without any thought behind it.
What are your typical phrases? Okay (ii yo), I see (naruhodo), Why?! (nande dayo), hahahaha, hah hah hah hah, HAHAHAHA
What are your main principles? To always live calmly, and to never miss an opportunity
Does your Roomba have a name? It's called Junpei.
When did you first meet Domo-kun? A friend gave me a Domo-kun plushie for my birthday and the rest is history.
What was it that drew you to Domo-kun? His loveliness.
Where did you get such a large number of plushies from? Some of them I bought, some of them I received. A few of them I got from a crane machine.
What do you want to do right now? Sleep.
What part time jobs have you done in your life? Waiter at a sushi restaurant, library work, private tutoring.
If you have a child in the future, what book would you absolutely want them to read? You Are Umasou by Miyanishi Tatsuya, published by Poplar
Do you have any rivals? No (because no-one will compete in the same ring as me).
What's your image of the ideal human? Someone who can do fundamental things reliably.
What's your motto? Stress-free
What's the reason for your name?
Nozaki → Named after Nozaki Megumi from the idol group CHECKICCO
Bento → My inspiration
First published 16th October 2010, updated 1st December 2019
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specialgels · 5 years
Chosen muse: Kou Minamoto (Raikotsu)
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Cake or Ice cream? Sweet or Spicy? Potato Chips  or  French Fries? Seasoned or  Bland? Cookies or  Brownies? Salad or  Pizza? Turkey  or  Chicken? Hamburger  or  Cheeseburger? Sour  or  Bitter? Homecooked or  Takeout? Hot or  Cold? Beef or  Pork? Chocolate or  White Chocolate? Fruit or  Vegetables? Soft  or  Hard Shell Tacos? Tea  or  Coffee? Stuffing or Mashed Potatoes? Cake  or  Pie? Fresh Ingredients or  From The Can?
Tagged by: @fxtelism​ Tagging: @azotas​ 
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pill4pedia-blog · 6 years
Kou Tea REVIEWS - Green Tea, Slimming Tea! Ingredients & Side Effects!!
Kou Tea REVIEWS – Green Tea, Slimming Tea! Ingredients & Side Effects!!
A few people are not open to assuming weight reduction pills. They are worried about the possibility that that a pill will make them debilitated or will have non wanted symptoms. On the off chance that you are one of those individuals, Kou Teais the correct choice for you. By drinking two containers every day of this astonishing mix, you will thin down, feel stimulated and have 100 %…
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tkpro-scenarios · 6 years
[April Fool's] Hi! It's me again. May I have a scenario where Mamoru thinks of what present to give his s/o since it's almost their anniversary? Loving your blog as always and keep up the good work!
Thank you @airiatsuki for the request and soo sorry for the delay!!Hope you like it~!
Fujimura Mamoru
“An anniversary present?” Thethree boys blinked, the burgundy haired composer shrinking under their gaze.
“Heeh~? It’s already been a yearsince you and [Name]-san have been going out?” Kensuke mused, leaning back inhis seat and staring up at the ceiling.
“It’s a little hard to believe you’vebeen together for that long. Three hundred and sixty five is a lot of days, youknow?” Ryota hummed, taking a sip of tea.
“I’m as surprised as you are!” Mamoruretorted, fidgeting in his seat. “Th-That’s why I want to know what to give asa present…” he stared down at the teacup in front of him. “I don’t usually pick presents out myself, let alone for something as important as an anniversary so I don’tknow what to get…”
“Well since it’s Mamoru…a song wouldprobably be expected, wouldn’t it?” The teal-eyed youth suggested, crossing hisarms.
“I thought so too but then Irealized…” the messy-haired idol slumped his shoulders with a defeatedexpression. “…if we’re still going out for another year, I’ll need to preparesomething even better at that time.” He whispered in fear.
“Emphasis on ‘if’.” The wavy-hairedyouth replied, garnet eyes gazing into the distance with a faraway look. “If[Name]-san dumps Mamoru, that song will become a constant reminder of histragically short love life…”
“R-Ryo-kun…why are you havingworries I’ve been doing my best to suppress this whole time?! I thought aboutthat too but I don’t want to admit the possibility!” Mamoru exclaimed, shakingat the thought while Ryota laughed.
“Stop picking on him.” Koki finallyspoke up with a chuckle, blue eyes looking to the older man. “Mamoru, I don’tknow how good of a present it is but you have that, don’t you?”
“That?” Kensuke and Ryota blinkedat their unit Leader, Mamoru’s eyes lighting up as he stumbled back into hisroom.
“That’s it!”
Brown eyes sparkled as a chuckleescaped his lips.
“Stop staring so much…” you saidwith a nervous smile, a light blush dusting your cheeks at his overjoyedexpression.
“I can’t help it! I mean…it’s[Name]-chan in an apron!” Mamoru gasped in awe, hovering around you. “You’regonna cook a meal just for me! Ahh, what do I do~?”
“Stop being so excited for onething.” You chuckled wryly, pulling out the ingredients from the fridge. “Evenif I call it an anniversary dinner, I don’t cook often so I don’t know how it’sgonna taste…don’t get your hopes up too much, okay?” You warned, feeling quitethe pressure of cooking for someone that regularly enjoys meals cooked by Eto Koki of all people.
Mamoru’s messy wine-colored locksswayed left and right as he shook his head. “The lunch you made for our date lasttime was delicious! I promise I won’t leave anything on the plate this time aswell!” The young man nodded with a confident smile, making you laugh.
“Well then I guess I’ll have toput that much more effort into it now!” you replied, both of you laughingagain.
“Ah, but before that…” Mamoru mused,flashing you a smile. “[Name]-chan, could you come with me to the living roomfor a bit? I want to you give you something.”
[E/c] hues blinked, nodding as youlet him take you by the hand.
“Wow! They’re so pretty~!” youcrouched down to marvel at the yellow flowers growing in an earthen pot.
“They’re yellow violets.” The burgundy-hairedsinger explained, joining you to admire them as well. “I wasn’t sure what to getyou but I hope you like them! I’ve been growing them myself for a year now!”
“You have?” you turned your headto see Mamoru nod with a sheepish smile.
“Yeah, I bought them a year ago…on ourfirst date. Remember? We went to the botanical gardens.” Brown eyes gazed fondly at the flowers. “You really liked them so when I saw they were selling apacket of seeds in the souvenir shop, I decided to buy them.”
“So these are…” you gasped, lookingback to the violets once he nodded again.
“I’ve been taking care of themever since.” Mamoru continued with a wry smile. “I just bought them becausethey were pretty but after Kou-kun told me what their meaning, I ended upgetting really attached to them!” He admitted with a shy laugh.
You hummed in wonder, blinking atthe flowers. “What do they mean?”
“They apparently carry the meaningof ‘Humble Joy’.” He explained, recalling all the memories of the past year. “Ayear is a long time but at the same time, it’s over in the blink of an eye. Butwithin that span, a lot of things happened. Good things, bad things, evenunimaginable things…like us dating!” He chuckled.
“Even though we don’t get thechance to go on grand dates or even have the time to see each other regularly like a normalcouple, we still have fun doing really simple, everyday things…is what I’d liketo think!” He added with a nervous laugh.
“Even if it’s just eating a meal togetheror texting each other ‘good morning’ and ‘good night’, to me they’re stillthings that bring me joy. That’s why…I want to give them to you, [Name].” Browneyes glanced back at you, a warm smile decorating his flushed face. “They mightbe small, humble tokens of joy but I still want to share them with you…a-and Ihope we can continue enjoying these small moments for days to come!”
“Mamoru…” you breathed, [e/c] huesstaring at the man. Your expression softened as you returned his smile, shyly bumpingyour shoulder against his while Mamoru chuckled.
“Of course we can.”
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ariadnasdiary · 7 years
Ariadna Koizumi Martínez: character sheet (official)
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First Name: Ariadna
Last Name(s): Koizumi Martínez
Kanji: 小泉 純 マルティネズ ア リアドナ (not very sure though, I used Google Translator ^^’).
Japanese voice actress: Maaya Uchida
Japanese singing voice: Tao Tsuchiya
Ariadna = “Kind-hearted, compassionate”
Koizumi = “small valley”
Martínez = comes from the name Martín which means “from the war god: Mars”
Sign:  Scorpio (sun) ; Libra (moon)
Birthday: November 21
Age: 18 (but she looks younger)
Status: Alive
Race: half human / half founder
Ethnicity:  Mexican-Japanese
Gender: Female
Height: 156 cm (5′1).
Weight: 50 kg (110 lbs)
Blood Type: O+
Eyes: dark brown
Hair: dark brown (chocolate), wavy and reaches past her shoulders.
Any scars, birthmarks, etc: a small circular scar on the right side of her forehead (which hides under her bang). Moles on her back, her left arm, and a tiny one on her upper lip (she has moles all over her body actually xD)
Occupation: 3rd year High School Student
Hobbies: cellphone (social media and mobile games), writing in her diary, singing, dancing, drawing, and exploring.
Favorite Foods: Mexican, Arabic and Japanese food
Hated Food: onion, papaya and zucchini
Favorite snacks: chips, popcorn, cookies and cotton candy.
Favorite drink: tepache, matcha, calpis, coffee and tea
Fave Colors: all colors except neon colors, being strawberry pink and lilac her favorites.
Daisuke Koizumi (Father - missing)
Morena Martínez (Mother - alive)
Akane Koizumi Martínez (older sister - alive)
[More details on Ari’s family tree]
Skills: funny, good with words, good at not causing too much trouble, good at soothing, listening and comforting others, diplomatic and observant.
Ari -main nickname, used by everyone (specially Akane)
shorty - very close friends and family to “tease her”
pequeñita (little one) - by her mother
princesita (little princess) - by her father
Aria - but she hates it.
Ari-chan - by Yui
noisy - by Shu and Subaru
Miss Koizumi (Koizumi-san) - by Reiji
Useless chichinashi - by Ayato
Ariadna-san - by Kanato
Bitchii-chan - by Laito (because she’s shorter than Yui)
Livestock - by Ruki
Aria / kitty -  by Kou
Piglet / dwarf - by Yuma
Ari-san - by Azusa
Kisama / woman - by Carla
short idiot - by Shin
Tiny idiot / shorty / chibi (esp) / shortcake / hime-sama (princess) - by Kino
Curious Facts:
myopic (uses contacts)
likes to dance all music genres
blushes easily
naive / innocent (never gets dirty comments / jokes / sarcasm / flirting)
has a good singing voice
knows how to play the sweet and transversal flute
can sense when someone needs comfort
sometimes has premonition dreams
she’s good at cooking Mexican food (which is useless in Japan from the lack of ingredients), and is specially good with desserts
Her love language is physical touch.
loves fashion
speaks Spanish, Japanese, English and German
knows how to drive cars and ride horses
At first, it’s a reserved and quiet girl. However, that is because she’s shy and insecure. Sadly, she’s afraid of expressing her opinion, hurting someone’s feelings and scoldings. She keeps everything to herself and rarely speaks in groups of people she doesn’t know, because of that people tend to think that she’s absent minded, uninterested or indifferent. This all derived due to some events from her childhood, she grew up to be quiet, reserved and cautious with strangers. She won’t be the one that approaches new people, but if they approach her she’ll answer back.
She’s an asocial girl, but once she’s comfortable: she’s funny, helpful, loyal, extrovert, talkative, kind, clingy and adorable. However, she tends to try and worry a little too much, since she’s afraid of showing who she truly is. Is really rare to see her expressing other feelings besides being serious, excited or laughing in public. She doesn’t like showing herself weak in front of others, since she feels vulnerable. She considers that she should keep everything to herself since they are her problems after all.
She’s emotionally intelligent and her empathy allows her to support and help others, but that also causes her pain and sometimes having low depression episodes. She likes helping others and that’s why she works hard to be strong (both mentally and emotionally), so she can keep helping others.
She’s also the secretive type: it is difficult for her to trust others and let others enter into her heart. Once she feels safe with somebody, she’ll open completely, without reserves. She’s devoted and loyal towards those she loves. She hates fights so she tends to take the submissive part or give in on any relationship, but she isn’t completely like this. She has a high level of patience so she can stand a lot, however she can and will explode when she has enough. Being very trustful (naïve) and has a hard time understanding if someone is being sarcastic or serious.
Ariadna was born in an upper middle class Mexican family. She was loved and cared for all her childhood, making her a loving and kind child.  As a little girl she was very social and was described as “bright as a sunshine”. She grew up with the love and support of her family. She felt closest with her father, although he was a busy businessman and only saw him as much as three times a month. Her mother assured her that it was because her father “went out on trips”. But these trips were for both work and since he sought a cure for his illness, which Ariadna never asked what it was. 
However, when she was in primary school she suffered from bullying from all her classmates. She was psychologically and emotionally abused by them, since she was the “weakest” and was the “slowest” to grow up (since she was all innocent and kind). She couldn’t defend herself, so she endured it in silence and made her life in school a living hell for her. It took some time for her family to notice since Ariadna didn’t say a thing. She became quiet and reserved with everyone as a result of this.
As time went by, however, her father changed: making their marriage fail and they got separated. He kept traveling and kept in touch with him as much as they could. But some years later, her family received a letter from the police saying her father went missing during one of his trips. Things got tense and many discussions were held nonstop, making her life at home a nightmare for Ariadna since she saw this as a sight of her family breaking apart. Ariadna at this point fell into depression, but she hid it by helping others and acting as nothing was happening; distracting herself with social media, reading and focusing solemnly on studying.
By the time she reached High School, she entered one of the prestigious High Schools in Mexico. She had good grades and even started a huge project with her friends. This project even won a contest of international recognition. Everything seemed fine until an earthquake stroked and her school was destroyed. A mysterious letter came to Ariadna’s hands from a person called “Tougo Sakamaki”, offering her a scholarship to study abroad in the prestigious Ryotei High School Academy to continue her studies and project since “he was interested in it”.
She asked her family’s opinion, but they refused. Ariadna got into a discussion with her mother for the first time in years. Out of anger, Ariadna accepted, without her family’s consent, this “once in a lifetime opportunity” and flew alone to Japan (note: In Mexico, the legal age is 18 so she’s considered an adult there). Accepting this generous man’s offering of living in his house with his six sons. When she arrived at this house there was no sight of this man, instead she discovered that these six sons of his were in reality vampires. She tried to escape various times, only earning harsh punishments from the brothers. She finally gave up from escaping and tried her best to survive, regretting nonstop her decision since she was the one that got herself in this situation.
She spent most of the time with Yui Komori (a bride living in the mansion before her), the youngest sons (Subaru and Laito) and the second eldest (Reiji), not having an official keeper and all drinking from her. She met the Mukami family after living two months with the Sakamaki. Yui and Ariadna were constantly bothered by them, and needed to be saved by one of the Sakamaki since Ariadna got in even more troubles than she had already, by always trying to help Yui.
All things got worse when the Tsukinami brothers kidnapped them, drinking their blood as much as they could. Ariadna this time started to understand all the “Adam’s apple plan”, since she discovered that she had the same blood as Yui. Ariadna then discovered that was a half founder by her father’s side of the family, making her as precious as Yui from the Tsukinami brothers thanks to their blood. Ariadna’s father was a Founder that escaped during the Endzeit epidemic and somehow he caught it so he was seeking for a cure. After a brief rescue, Ayato inherited KarlHeinz’s power, the Founders were defeated and they left them both alone.
And just when Ariadna thought she could get to live in peace… a mysterious voice was heard in the mansion. Ariadna, being the small and light girl she is, turned her into an easy target and so a mysterious guy kidnapped her. He then introduced himself as Kino “KarlHeinz’s Zero prince”, his illegitimate son. Starting a new chapter in Ariadna’s crazy life with vampires, this time all alone.
Sakamaki Relationships:
Shu Sakamaki: She thinks his talent is being wasted. She thinks that he may be suffering from depression due to his lack of motivation. She tried talking to him, but he told her to be quiet. One day she was practicing her flute and he mentioned she sounded decent. She thinks he’s decent to be around, but boring.
Reiji Sakamaki: She is intimidated by him and admires him at the same time. How is he able to deal with everything in the mansion? He was her tutor in Japanese writing which she got scolded each time she made mistakes. Apart from that fact, she “gets along with him”. They both enjoy tea and he was “her studies guardian”.
Ayato Sakamaki: She thinks he’s loud, but funny. The first thing he mentioned about her was how another chichinashi came to the house. She hates when he bosses her around. He makes fun of her each time she is tongue-tied when she tries to defend herself (since Japanese isn’t her mother language). He thinks she’s useless, because Ariadna doesn’t know how to make takoyaki (He’s Yui’s keeper).
Kanato Sakamaki: She’s deadly afraid of Kanato. Avoiding him is a must! His mood swings scares her, but she tries not to show it. She’s polite to him and “she pays her life assurance” by preparing him puddings from time to time. He thinks she’s decent enough.
Laito Sakamaki: Ariadna’s first impression of Laito was that he seemed funny, easy-going and was very handsome. Ariadna is careful with what she says around him in Spanish, since he can understand what she’s saying. They sometimes (rarely) talk and joke around, but she also avoids him for his various attempts to suck her blood (or touching her).
Subaru Sakamaki: She thought he was very dangerous. It was very difficult for her to get him to even speak to her. She felt protected by him and he only harmed her while sucking her blood. Little by little they enjoy each other’s company. He likes how she’s able to calm him down, she never gets angry or annoyed by his company or violent swings and instead she’s understanding. They help each other in school (he’s Japanese and she’s good in English). (bonus: due to his lack of good taste bods, she cooks him from time to time her Mexican food, he doesn’t seem to mind what he’s eating).
Mukami Relationships:
Ruki Mukami: They first met at the library, because she crashed into him while she was reading a book in Japanese. She felt the coldness instantly. They encounter from time to time while she reads and writes in the library and he’s reading that strange book of his. He has told his brothers to try to “convince her” since she’s one of the Eves.
Kou Mukami: Three words: he annoys her. Not only did he calls her “Aria-chan”, he also used to bother her (harass) and got her in many problems specially with his fans. She’s cold and polite to him and she refuses to be a single second alone with him. He’s the most insistan when it comes to “turning him into Adam”.
Yuma Mukami: A damn giant! When she thought no one could be bigger than Reiji or Shu, Yuma came along. She thinks he’s rude and scary, she wouldn’t be surprised if somebody told her he’s a gangster or something like that. When he comes along she discreetly turns around or hides. She isn’t brave enough to speak back (out loud) whenever he calls her dwarf or piglet.
Azusa Mukami: She has talked to him various times. She thinks he’s really sweet and kind. She finds his love for knives disturbing and hopes it remains a collection merely (if she knew…). Azusa thinks she’s kind and likes her.
Tsukinamis relationships:
Carla Tsukinami: She doesn’t know what to think about him (Is he sick or something? He always uses a scarf…) His voice is so deep and loud, she trembles each time he speaks. He seems to hate everybody. He was the first to know what she exactly was and won’t stop until both (Yui and Ariadna) became his and his brother’s.
Shin Tsukinami: Annoying yet funny. He’s weird and he was her keeper for a period of time. Rude and mean yet they “had various things in common” (especially since they were both the young siblings and adore their siblings). She did start getting a crush on him, until he scared her with one of his actions and now refuses to be left alone with him.
Kino: That man! Since the moment he arrived he has been causing Ariadna problems already! She’s short and light so she’s easily carried around. She was kidnapped and is demanding her to turn him into the next leader. He’s a bully, yet strangely enough Aridna feels comfortable being around him. They share many interests and little by little they became closer. Who knows what is gonna happen~?
(Future: “Ariadna: Princess of the Ghouls”).
Updated: 01/10/2023
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cbd-hemp · 5 years
5 Reasons to buy KouTea
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KouTea is one of the most powerful weight-loss teas. It's a blend of Green Tea, Oolong Tea, Pu-erh Tea, and White Tea. In this post, you will find out precisely how KouTea triggers weight loss.
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Green Tea It's the first ingredient of KouTea. Green Tea increases metabolism and enhances fat burning. The Green Tea also contains powerful antioxidant compounds; it flushes out toxins that would potentially hatch diseases in your body. Moreover, Green Tea is great for your skin.
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Oolong Tea The second ingredient of KouTea is Oolong Tea. This tea contains many nutrients including Vitamins A, B, C, E, K, and there's also calcium, manganese, copper, folic acids, potassium, selenium, and carotin in it. Additionally, there's a chemical compound known as Polyphenol that interacts with bacteria in the stomach to boost weight loss.
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Pu-erh Tea Another ingredient of KouTea. It plays an essential role in the weight loss journey by eliminating free radicals from the blood, lowering cholesterol, enhancing digestion. This kicks up your digestive health. And causes your body to reach for the fat. In China, Pu-erh Tea is the in thing.
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White Tea The fourth major ingredient of KouTea. It contains powerful chemical compounds for eliminating gut toxins. Also, White Tea improves blood circulation, regulates blood pressure. This tea is famous for brightening up skin almost overnight. The KouTea is a perfect blend of the above teas. People are turning to the Kou Tea because of its effortless weight loss capability. Besides, it's an easy habit to incorporate in your life, unlike working out, because laziness sets in. But let's be clear. KouTea doesn't promise an overnight miracle. It would work far better if you were keen on other weight loss activities, particularly working out. Touted as the smartest way to lose weight, KouTea is a perfect and healthy combination of four teas, whose benefits are not tied to weight loss alone, but extend to skin health, blood circulation, and mental health. Why should you buy KouTea? 1. Stops cravings Food cravings commonly arise from the pleasure and reward part of the brain, aided by a hormonal imbalance. We normally crave for unhealthy but sweet-tasting junk. And so, we start piling on the weight. KouTea stabilizes the secretion of leptin and serotonin and helps us stop with the cravings. 2. Boosts metabolism Slow metabolism could very well cause weight gain. But once you start to partake of KouTea, its powerful chemical compounds stage a ramp up on metabolism. 3. Extreme fat burner KouTea practically turns your body into a fat crusher. Considering that it first eliminates the food cravings, it's easy to see why KouTea is so effective as a means of losing weight. 4. Eliminate free radicals Free radicals are to the body what the devil is to Christians; nasty. They make it hard to fight off infection, lower defenses and accelerate aging. Free radicals encourage weight gain too. But KouTea helps fight off these radicals. 5. Lowers cholesterol levels An overweight person usually has high cholesterol levels. But cholesterol is a bad guy. It clogs up blood vessels and heightens the risk for heart disease, stroke, peripheral artery disease. But cholesterol creates an enabling environment for obesity. KouTea lowers the cholesterol in your blood and helps you slim down. Want to accelerate your weight loss? Click on the button below to place your order! Read the full article
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dlvampires · 8 years
what would the vampires get their s/o for their birthday
[MTK: Would they even bother getting her a present...? To be honest I doubt it...]
Kou: Heee, that so mean, Neko-chan~ I did give you a gift on your birthday!
[MTK: Yeah, sure. You gave me that handmade gloves I did for Subaru-kun’s birthday. I still wonder how did you get them from him-]
Subaru: I AM VAMPIRE I DON’T FUCKING NEED GLOVES And he was naggin me.
[MTK: . . . tch.]
Shuu: Hey hey, we’re talking about the laziest person in the world, dear; do you really think he’s gonna bother looking for a present even if it’s for his lover? Nah, I don’t think so: she’d need to drag him around to get a present from him; so he’s just gonna get her the first thing she really wants and finally be free as soon as possible. But... if he doesn’t particularly like the present, I think he will refuse ;D.
Reiji: Tea sets I’m wondering if he’s more the “What would you like for your birthday” type or the “I’m gonna give you a useful surprise for your birthday” one; either way, for sure he will get her something she really needs and at the same time, possibly, which will please her: it could be elegant and ladylike clothes - if she doesn’t have too much of them, or stuff like hairbrush, scented soaps, etc.
Laito: Do I really have to answer for him? Hopefully, if he’s gonna refrain from... from... UGH, the best present he could choose would be clothes/underwear, perfumes, cakes or sweet food to share with her on her birthday (he might even bake them...) or potted flowers (so that they can last longer).
Kanato: A teddy bear bride for Teddy Uuuhm, I would expect him to give her something like doll-like clothes to always wear in his presence or something like that... I also think he’d probably buy her some ingredients so that she can bake him some cakes, lol. As if the whole birthday cake woudln’t be enough
Ayato: Bras? I would think he might even buy something nice for her?! Maybe, at the beginning he wouldn’t care that much and just tell her “My present for you is... Ore-sama, of course! You should have eyes only for me!”, but later on he would give her small and cute presents. Small. Because the biggest present is always gonna be him and just him.
Subaru: “What do girls even like???” He’d totally be panicking about what to give her even though if he told her “I don’t care, tch, this is worthless” some time before; are flowers ok?! Don’t they last very little though?! Are clothes ok?! What does she even likes, though?! Is food ok?! He has never even cooked before, though!! At last, the present for her is gonna be a nicely framed photo picturing both of them (where he failed smiling either out of embarassment or annoyance).
Ruki: If he’s ever going to give her a present, this is going to be either a book or something useful, or that can remind her of him owning her for eternity. Possibly, it would be something that she can also like, somehow; later on, after getting to know each other even better, he might buy her whatever she desires for, especially if she wasn’t to expect him to do so (for examples, he once heard or saw her being very attracted to something while buying groceries, and he would get it for her birthday),
Kou: Every year is the same story: he’s gonna pamper her with dresses, earrings, CDs (his, of course), hair accessories, candies and cute-but-useless things; at the end, he would demand something in return from her, for rewarding him of his thoughtfullness.If he could buy her a cat, though, he wound’t want something in return (because the cat would also belong to him).
Yuuma: He would give her some plotted plants or a miniature greenhouse (and if she’s a disaster with plants he would “patiently” teach her how to take care of these little one); I don’t really think Yuuma-kun has a clue of what kind of clothes/accessories/whatever a girl likes, so he’d rather do this. He might prepare a dinner for just the two of them, using his vegetables, too.
Azusa: No, Azusa-kun, knives aren’t really a proper present for your beloved one’s birthday... unless she herself has a hobby by collecting them, too. He would buy her a very cute jewel box and some earrings/pendants/whatever... I can picture him adoring his lover wearing what he bought her and being very good at choosing which jewel compliments her better. He would choose clothes and very cute and feminine accessories, too - unless she’s more on the casual style, but he will always choose comething that pleases both of them. An he’s surprisingly good at it.
Carla: At first, he wouldn’t really care about her birthday, but it’s not out of uncaring attitude; being very and very old, he doesn’t understand anymore the importance of the day one was born. Probably, he would make an exception for her after noticing her being a little bitter every passing year on her birthday: he would just spend the day with her, doing pleasant activities together, eating delicious food, conversing... just making that day special with his presence, being there for her more than ever.
Shin: Pfff, Shin giving his lover a present? Nah, not gonna happened for a long time during their relationship, unless he chooses some stuff that it is more to entertain him rather than being a proper gift for her. He might, later and later on, choose something more significant, either something she wants, or also a surprise... maybe allowing her to own one of his wolf-familiars?
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theninjasanctuary · 8 years
Skincare wish list post, just to keep track.
Things to repurchase in the next couple of months:
Velvizo Marine Hydrating Softener (not cheap, but it’s good enough to be a staple),
DHC Eyelash Tonic (my lashes have improved so much in 2,5 months!),
Too Cool For School Check UV Cover Pact (spf 50 compact with ok coverage, performance & tone match, what’s not to like? and spring is coming),
Tosowoong Pure Green Tea sheetmasks (think I slightly prefer these to the Deep Sea Water, cheap at RRS too),
Berrisom Real Jeju Skingel Green Tea sheetmasks (great + bang for buck at RRS), 
Banobagi Vitagenic Jelly Mask - Hydrating (so good!),
CosRX Galactomyces 95 Whitening Power Essence (staple),
CosRX BHA Blackhead Power Liquid (staple).
Things to buy in full size:
Su.m37° Air RisingTF Dazzling Base (fantastic illuminating primer, currently using samples, but willing to pay full price for this),
The Face Shop Mango Seed Silk Moisturizing Facial Butter (a mouthful, but it does not pill and is lovely otherwise, running out of samples),
Donginbi Red Ginseng Deep Moisturizing Toner (where to buy it remains a problem though).
Things I want to try soon-ish (have done homework, all have ok ingredients):
RiRe Silky & Light Sun Milk (cheap, strong sunscreen reported to be very good),
Hada Labo Gokujyun Premium Hyaluronic Acid Moisturizing Milk (rave reviews + I’ve been partial to Kou Shibasaki, the face of this, for well over a decade now, haven’t I),
Hada Labo Gokujyun Super Hyaluronic Acid Moisturizing Toner Light (popular, would be a cheaper toner alternative),
Banobagi sheet masks in other flavours (gonna get a 4-pack off eBay),
Berrisom Collagen Intensive Firming essence (could do with a not too expensive essence for backup, even if this looks a bit boring and the reformulated cream in this series annoys me by pilling),
Skin79 Face Fit Silk Cream (finally found the ingredients and they look good, I want more, hopefully non-pilling cream options),
Innisfree It’s Real Squeeze Mask - Lime (just for a change, good reviews), and Mugwort (longshot, as nobody sells this flavour).
Other than all that, I’m well stocked. Keep ogling the Velvizo lipstick in scarlet red, but all my lip product wishes are wants, not needs. Also liking the look of Dr.G Aquasis gel cream, but thinking it too expensive.
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Koutea Review – Safe Results and 8 Reasons for Buy!
What Exactly Is Kou Tea?
Kou Tea can be a unique combination of 4 popular teas on earth. They can be Green Tea, Oolong Tea, Puerh Tea, and White Tea. This fantastic combination exerts unwanted fats, detoxifies your system, increases digestion and the human body with energy, nutrition, and fats. This is but one among the most ingenious methods to drop weight owing to the regular makeup.
This tea combo can be a particular mixture which shows the ability of unprocessed components. You may lose un-necessary kilos without forfeiting flavour and positive aspects. This lovely blend is likely to cause you to get reluctant to grow the metabolic process, which at different speeds down fat burning off, energizes, struggles free radicals and also reduces cholesterol within your system. Tea contains exceptional tastes produced in the odd mixture of obviously liquefying tea.
Just how can Kou Tea Will Work?
Kou Tea unites the four excellent teas on earth. All these four brand names of tea help burn off unwanted weight within your system and also neutralize your order against the infectious and uncontrolled act of metabolites. Additionally, they provoke your resistance and offer nutrients, energy, and natural vitamins. These substances also have antioxidant properties which scrub toxins away, which bring about different health and fitness difficulties. The nutritional supplements that they feature excite your overall body’s fat-burning capacity and fundamentally help restrain weight problems. They additionally remove toxins out of your system that advertises superior digestion and cut back the danger of the massive intestine, though assisting maintain blood pressure. These teas also have shown their worth within the lengthy run only because they’ve mixes which can be essential to shed weight while producing considerable levels of nourishment within your system. Invented this tea is also a significant accomplishment in the wholesome weight-loss clinic.
Which Exactly Are The Components In Kou Tea?
Kou Tea is a combination of 4 Unique drinks, such as:
Green Tea –  Green tea extract was demonstrated to raise metabolism, and reduce threats of many different ailments, also improve fat burning off.
Oolong Coffee – Oolong tea was demonstrated to boost fat burning off, reduced blood glucose, also lessen hypertension.
Pu Erh Coffee –  Puerh tea was demonstrated to decrease food and cholesterol craving.
White Coffee –  White tea is more full of antioxidants also is being demonstrated to improve fat burning off, minimize excess fat, also keep from cardiovascular illness.
The wellness advantages of green tea extract and also these other conventional Oriental teas was well recorded. Therefore it is plausible a combination of those traditional teas could improve metabolism and health.
Advantages of Kou Tea
Weight reduction – with all the mixture of 4 most potent teas, Kou Tea, will be able to assist you to lose up to five lbs per week.
Enhances metabolic process – Tea ingredients at Kou Tea are proven to promote fat burning capacity.
Enhances Electricity – especially Green-tea may improve vitality
Stops Cravings – may prevent craving that will assist your system Get Rid of weight
Gets rid of free radicals – free radicals may result in health issues like cancer and cardiovascular illness.
Can Kou Tea Be Any Destructive Side Effects?
No – Kou Tea can be a nutritious tea comprising several teas that are traditional.
You will find no unwanted ramifications of Kou Tea, as it’s natural and organic. The single adverse effects are the ones which include some other drink with caffeine, for example, issues sleeping should obtain from the day also in rare scenarios with over-consuming caffeine, even heart issues.
The Way to Get Kou Tea
Kou Tea isn’t offered from wall-mart, GNC, or even alternative stores. As an alternative, Kou Tea has to be requested online during the state Kou Tea internet site or around Amazon.
Availiable Here – https://creativehealthcart.com/koutea-review/
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pill4pedia-blog · 6 years
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besthealthlab · 6 years
Kou Tea Review
What is Kou Tea?
  For a start, Kou tea is a dietary supplement. This simply means that it contains some crucial nutrients that your ordinary diet may lack. By taking it, you furnish these extra ingredients to your body but without having to consume too much food.
  It is also a slimming agent. It is specially formulated to reduce the quantity of fat from your body. It does so in a number of ways…
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