#Kosciuszko National Park
huariqueje · 5 months
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Charlotte Pass  - Nicola Woodcock, 2022.
Australian , b. 1975s
Oil pastel on timber, 63 x 63 cm. framed.
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sitting-on-me-bum · 2 years
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Three Mile Dam - Kosciuszko National Park, New South Wales
Photo credit: Charles Davis, New South Wales
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valleyforgery · 1 month
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Thaddeus Kosciuszko National Memorial
the smallest national park but definitely a must-see if you are in the philly area !! be sure to ask about the badges they are adorable
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paulpingminho · 7 months
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beachmere303 · 7 months
Jaw-Dropping Escapade: Our Thrilling Expedition Kosciuszko National Park...
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superblognetwork · 2 years
Cool List for The Wedding Venue
If you want to hire wedding venues, you can contact the nearest wedding planner or reach the professional. The style of your wedding venue must be unique and stylish.
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nixieofthenorth · 2 years
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@boenferguson spotted these two emus out for a family stroll in Kosciuszko National Park, New South Wales, Australia.
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adventureswithteddy · 5 months
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Moving through a treeless area in the highlands of Kosciuszko National Park, Teddy looked over a snowless area of the snowy mountains. He had little trouble imagining how this rock covered creek bed would look on a cold windswept morning. Luckily for him, this summer day was perfect, with a few ominous clouds in the distance to add texture to his views.
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tinydefector · 9 days
Laboratory logs 6
Word count: 2.2k
Warnings: Trauma, hints to human trafficking and Sex Trafficking.
Wooo, it's the weekend, which means more fanfic.
Enjoy how the stories come together.
Request and ask are open.
 "Feelin betta?" Rattler asked the smaller speedster. Traxies vented softly against Rattler's plating as he slowly onlines his optics after his emotional shut down. "...A little," he replied at last, voice gravelly from raw-edged sobs. 
 "Why...help me?" Traxies field flickered, "You don't know me. I could be anyone"
A rumbling chuckle answered Traxies. "You looked like you needed it. Ain't no crime in that." Servos rubbed his back reassuringly. "We all get tumbled by life sometimes. Best to lend a hand up when we can."
"Rattler! Fuck sake man! Why did you take off!" A voice over the hill yells, the firm if a human comes into view, he stands there panting, hands resting on his knees. When his eyes land on the blue mech that was pressed against Rattler's side the young man lets out a noise. "Oh my god Rattle really?, hookup right now?" . 
Traxies tenses before head floods his linescand his fans kick on in embarrassment. But the shuttler seemed unconcerned, chuckling softly as he hailed the newcomer. 
"Ain't like that, Tony! Just lendin' servo' is all." Rattler greeted. "Poor mech was tumbled up good." Tony slowly makes his way down to the two mechs, "fuck you have long legs, some of us can't Fly remember!" He huffs out before his eyes move back to the rather dishevelled looking younger mech.
Traixes peered at the man, still rather embarrassed over the situation. "Thank you for checking on me. But...where am I, precisely?" Carefully extricating himself from Rattler's hold, Traixes faced them both. " Kosciuszko National Park, Rattler here was meant to be helping me with plant documentation and seed collection!" He huffs out. "What you expect from me T, those plants are minuscule!. Ain't my fault you fleshies so small!."  Rattler rumbled a laugh, unbothered by Tony's grumbling. 
Traixes cycled a soft vent, anxiety uncoiling as he watched the two bicker, “I outta rearrange your wires, maybe take a crowbar to you!” Tony threatened only for Rattler to laugh loudly while getting treated by the human. 
"What plants were you studying?” Traxies voice is faint, but the curiosity in his optics is rather vivid. “ At the moment, Gentianella diemensis and Brachyscome, but really all of them, collecting seeds for storage and documenting and also just taking notes of what else grows in this area, makes it easier for foraging guilds." Tony hums while taking down notes. Traxies optics lit with interest, Over Earth-based botany.   
"Fascinating! Brachycomes are so diverse in form and colour. Gentianellas produce such vibrant blooms - so much beauty packed into such tiny packages." Field rippling with eagerly with excitement over someone else outside of Brainstorm and Perceptor. 
“Well would ya look at that, got ya Self an apprentice Tones” Rattler chuckled. “ Could I tag along?." Traxies was barely containing the urge to leap up and explore. The shuttler's field pulsed in amusement at the speedster's enthusiasm. "Course you can join, kid. Sounds useful to have extra hands and optics. Just watch your step - some critters out here got teeth meaner than Tony's bark!" 
"Yea and I'm the one who's gotta worry about getting bitten by a Mulga Snake. Cause you know, not made of metal!" Tony shoots back at Rattler. The shuttle burst into hearty guffaws at Tony's backhand comment. "Ain't that the truth! These pede just bounce the fangs right off. You thought - one lil' nip and it's bye-bye Tony Time." He teased down at the disgruntled human. 
"Fuck you Rattler, here I am housing and hiding you from the Government and your war and this is the way you treat me, might just leave you out on the airstrip " He calls out while flipping the mech off. In truth it was all fun and games between the two, neither of them took it to heart. "Aww, you know you love me really! Who else gonna haul your scrawny aft outta snake-infested bushes, eh?" 
"Come on let's get these seeds and photos, I wanna get out of here before tourist start showing up and asking questions, and I'd rather not get pinged for being around you lot, last time you were out you nearly ended up in a scuffle between bots and cons" Tony huffs out while continuing to find the dried flowers taking samples and notes. 
Traixes cast Rattler a sidelong glance, field rippling question. The shuttler responded gently, "Ain't easy bein' mech's on an organic world. Factions clashed here and there; we wanna avoid notice. We keep our heads down, stick to backcountry. Don't want Megatron's attention or lackies on us"
It makes Traxies stop for a moment. The war was over, where were the Decepticons and Autobots fighting on earth?Was it the DJD?, or some other side faction. Did he miss hear Rattler? Questions and unease slowly settle into the pit of his tanks. "Rattler, did you say Megatron?." He inquiries softly.   
Rattler glanced down at the Blue speedster. "Megatron's Decepticons came lookin' for energy way back. Went up against Optimus Prime and his Autobots, nearly got cuaght in the crossfire, it's How Tones and I met." 
 "Megatron, now - he's one pit-spawn mech you don't wanna meet, bits. Ruthless as they come." Traixes cycled a soft vent, studying flora to ground swelling emotions. Worry wells up in him. What time was this Earth year, had he jumped back really far again. Megatron had renounced the Decepticon cause, he was now Co-captain of the Lost Light, how far back had he jumped in time?. 
His spark pulsed a frantic staccato as fear crashed over him. Megatron leading Decepticons - the brutal tyrant had not yet walked his road to redemption. And Traxies was out here without his crew. He needed to get out of here. "Easy there, youngling. Breathe for me now, in and out...you're alright. ain't no Cons to hurt you here."
he choked out, "Time...jumped...how...far..." His spark whirled in helplessness and confusion.Tony spun around seeing the young Mech having a panic attack and quickly moving towards both Rattler and Traxies. “Hey, hey, He's not here can't hurt ya” the human man states while patting Traxies leg. 
"C-Can't stop it... ability… it hurts, please...." He choked on static, struggling to regain control over his processor and the memory. He had only ever felt this fear for Megatron once in his lifetime, but he had been grabbed by Ratchet when Optimus and Megatron ended up in a standoff. 
Slowly, through sheer force of will, He blinks. The sound of the wind over hills, the wildlife of earth disappears and it's replaced with talking, gears, engines and mechanical components. His energy field flickers like a dying flame. He slumped, utterly spent. 
"I'm...sorry. Not meant for time-hopping. Dangerous." He rasped shakily against Rattler's plating, optics dim and blurry. Never had his outlier gifts backlashed so violently. He never had trouble with it when he was younger, but it was only ever little jumps. What if he couldn't return?
Tony's mouth opens and closes, almost stunned at the scenery around them, Rattler holds Traxies close trying to sooth him. "Easy, easy. Think of your happy place, where do you feel happy" Rattler asked, trying to calm the young mech. "Easy Kiddo, it's alright, it's alright" Tony says softly. Their touch almost feels like the memory, similar to when the Ambassador would hug him.
This time he settles quicker, doesn't turn into a sobbing mess he had been when he had jumped to Earth, his optics flickering open, he gazed around also taking in the scenery, reading concern, his optics flicker up to the sky and there they are again, the Two unscared moons staring back at him. Traixes' vocalizer glitched. "Frag I've jumped, it feels like I'm losing control." 
He dared not think what becoming truly unmoored between space and time might drive one to. He needed to get back to his crew, back to Ratchet. But exhaustion weighed heavily on his frame as he slumped against Rattler. 
Rattler hadn't seen this in Millennium, it was Cybertron alive and beautiful as it once was. Tony stands there just looking stunned as he looks around. "Cybertron? But how...my ability, it never brought others along before!" Steadying himself, Traxies met their gazes, "I will get us back, I swear, frag im so sorry!."
"I think it's best if we find somewhere to lay low pits. I haven't seen this place in stellar cycles" Rattler states. "I second that" Tony's eyes watch the movement of such large bots in awe. "Whatever you do, don't put me on the ground!" The young man says quickly while trying to climb onto Traxies leg. 
Traxies’ leans down to grab the young man, helping him to get settled on his shoulder plating 
 "If I can remember how to get there I might know a place, Don't trust anyone, nor the mech we are staying with" Rattler states, he takes an uneven vent, "Ain't safe, not here at least, list of all for Him" Rattler states motioning to Tony. "Once we have somewhere safe then I'll try and get us some Fuel, ya look half offline Mech" The shuttler didn't like being here. He tries to push it away, optics flickering to Traxies. "Outlier?" He asked softly trying not to make a scene of it.  
Traixes nodded, His optics dimmed briefly at the question, but met Rattler's steadily. "Time and space are...difficult for me to fully grasp. Sometimes I slip between - it is not a talent I have mastered controlling, I'm sorry I brought you here." Shame washed his field.
“Ya don't tell anyone, if this Pre-war Cybertron Outlier isn't safe here, it's also best we switch over to Cybertronix, sorry Tony ” he explains and apologies to the human riding on Traxies shoulder. 
“Yea, yea. I get it, just keep me updated so I'm not out of the loop” Tony shoots him a nervous look, not liking The dread of being on another planet,  but he'd deal with it later.  
As they move through the streets a few mech's eye them, watching intensity, Rattler keeps an optic out trying his best to make sure he knows where Traxies and Tony were at all times, not wanting to risk them out here. When he finally leads them to a rather boring looking building, one that Rattler is hoping is the mech he's looking for. 
Rattler hammered his massive servo against the nondescript entry, venting gustily as he warily scanned their surroundings. Please let this rustbucket be home - his plating prickled under the stares, every sense attuned for threats. 
Finally the latch hissed open, revealing the Yellow and purple Combaticon within. His optics brightened in surprise that swiftly shifted to avarice as optics landed on Rattler's bulk. "Well, well! Never thought I'd see your aft round here after the last hoist, you elusive brute." Swindle's calculating smirk widened as he caught sight of the blue speedster and Organic standing rather close to him. 
Rattler growled. "Needa lay low, Swindle, and you owe me. We stay, you keep yaps shut an' servos to yourself. Clear?" He nearly demands while pushing past the mech. His field rippled warning at Swindle who huffed annoyance but stepped aside. His optics focus on the pretty blue bot who nearly sticks to Rattler's side. 
“Cozying up with an exotic beauty now, Rattler? My, my, standards slipping or is there profit to be had? And an organic too, you never fail to surprise!” Rattler rounded on him with an engine-rumbling snarl. “Watch it, Swindle. We stay one cycle, no more. Keep your grimy servos and optics to yourself, you hear?” His field radiated violence barely leashed. 
Traxies shifted closer to Rattler’s bulk, discomfort writ clear in his field despite Swindle’s conspicuous absence of Decepticon branding. This mech made his platting crawl worse than scraplets.
Swindle lifted his servos in a mockery of contrition. “Easy now, no need for dramatics. Yesh, what crawled up your booster .” His visor roved hungrily over Traxies once more before Rattler’s snarl deepened.“One cycle. Then we vanish, and your glossa with us.” Rattler rumbled, all too aware what kinds of “exchanges” interested Swindle most.
The three vanish into one of the back rooms, huddled together.  
Swindle sent out a private notice to one of his clients. // you'll never guess the treasures Rattler just dragged through my doors. A sleek blue speedster, practically untouched - if you catch my meaning. Plus an organic, a real live alien. And i know you have exotic tastes.//  
He sends another ping through. //Rattler's never stayed long. I can have them ready for transport within the joor. Knowing him he's going to do a fuel run shortly//
A response comes through only a few kliks after. //The speedster sounds very much one I would like, it's been a while since we have had a new one. But the organic…I want it alive, it be a lovely little message to a Mech which has been a truth thorn in my side. Have them ready within Breem. And this conversation never occurred, is that clear? I trust our transactions remain as discreet as ever, Swindle.// 
Swindle's engine revved. //Perfectly clear. Credits it is then. My docking bay, one Breem.// He cut the comm. After all, now it was the waiting game. 
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sonyaheaneyauthor · 3 months
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Snow gums in Kosciuszko National Park, NSW, Australia.
14th May 2009
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huariqueje · 8 months
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Kosciuszko   -    Will Ashton , 1930.
British-Australian, 1881-1963
Oil on canvas on board , 50.8 x 61.0 cm .
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canberramaidan · 8 months
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Two wild brumby stallions fighting in Kosciuszko National Park, New South Wales, Australia. Snowy Mountains.
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mutant-distraction · 2 years
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Magnificent, ancient Snow Gum Trees; Kosciuszko National Park, NSW Australia
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drhoz · 5 months
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gunelle · 10 months
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Photos and texts: @jake_anderson_photography
1-. Torres del Paine, Patagonia, Chile
2-. Torres del Paine has to be the most incredible place in the world
3-. @macduff75 - @jake_anderson_photography on the Roy's Peak. New Zealand
4-. Canyoning season is just around the corner! Things are starting to warm up, can't wait to slip the wetsuit and harness back on and plunge into these incredible places!
5-. Chasing the Aurora outside Tekapo
6-. Kosciuszko National Park
7-. Moeraki Boulders
8-. New Zealand
9-. Old Man of Storr - Isle of Skye, Scotland
10-. Pinnacles
11-. Taranaki. This rad volcano has to one of my all time favourites
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bvgeye · 1 year
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Kosciuszko National Park | The Pines Campground
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