#Korean Crime Fiction
woniverse-writes · 1 year
"Moth to a Flame (part 5)"
Bada Lee x Reader
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part 4 ⟵ part 5 ⟶ part 6
series masterlist
summary: y/n l/n is the youngest team member of Jam Republic, competing in the second season of Street Woman Fighter. she’s got the sweetest smile and the most vibrant personality, but she also may or may not be the biggest hothead on the show when it comes to defending her teammates. apparently that’s attractive to Bada Lee.
word count: 6k
warnings: swearing, angst, y/n is a little psycho asshole in this chapter, but like- bada.... eeh scary, a lot of plot changes cuz I like playing the victim lol, not proofread, ending was kind of rushed, nothing i write is a reflection of anyone's true character and is a work of total fiction
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Shortly after Rie Hata’s message finished playing on the monitors all teams wrapped up their fun and began heading back to the studio to begin preparing for the mega crew mission. They all dry their hair and get changed, reapplying their makeup to prepare for filming again, when the host appears with another message. He congratulates the remaining teams for surviving, and at the mention of Tsubakill’s elimination y/n and the rest of Jam Republic immediately frown. 
Daniel continues to explain the mission and informs them that there will be three different concepts that they have to use, but the way they will be decided is by group discussion. On top of that team Bebe has the benefit of going straight for whatever concept they want without discussion. The three creative prompts consisted of ‘outdoor’, ‘structure’, and ‘all gender’. 
“Ooh we could definitely do something sick with structures” Audrey perked up and her partner-in-crime nodded in agreement before speaking
“Yeah but honestly I think we could do well with any of these…” y/n countered smirking cockily prompting Emma to hum and hold out her hand for a high five.
“I personally feel like we should go for outdoors. I already have so many ideas for what we could do and I know some of you do too…” the leader chimed in, eyeing Ling and Y/n at the mention of other members having ideas. They decide to have their three creative directors be Kirsten, Ling, and Y/n and the three begin coming up with their own separate ideas, with the help of another member. 
When the crew came back together after a few moments of planning and creative briefing, they all shared their ideas. Kirsten came up with the idea of showcasing the beauty of New Zealand since it was most of their crew’s homeland- she wanted to shoot on the beach and have the rocks behind them. Ling’s idea was to take more of an approach that would appeal to their Korean audience, by incorporating more K-pop dance styles and music and shooting in the heart of the city with all the lights in the back. Everyone really liked both ideas, but y/n’s quickly became their favorite when she explained it.
“Okay so this might be too much, and could easily get muddled- but what if we did a sports theme? Like- we each represent a different sport or activity while also representing our culture or background… each of us could get a highlight and we’d all have our “teams” that would dance in our own styles- then we’d all come together in the end as a sort of pep-rally type thing…” y/n finished off the basic ideas of her take, and everyone immediately either nodded or clapped, thoroughly impressed with how quickly she had come up with such an elaborate idea.
“And this is exactly why you’re here girlfriend- forever a genius…” the leader nodded and smiled at her youngest, clapping her hands slowly and appreciatively. It was an idea that could work with all three concepts so the team decided to mark y/n’s as the top choice as of right now.
When all the teams gathered to pick their concept Jam Republic and Bebe were the only groups that chose something other than ‘structure’, Jam Republic sticking to their outdoor idea and Bebe going with the all gender category. After the pink team explained why they picked what they did, it caused Deep n Dap to change their pick to outdoor as well, saying it was because they felt their crew could easily rival Jam Republic, which caused Kirsten to maturely and professionally nod, while y/n covered her mouth and snickered.
After Jam Republic has guaranteed themselves a spot in the outdoor concept, they head back to their team hideout and begin to plan out their ideas in full. Y/n already begins to map out choreography for her and Ling’s sections, while Emma does the same for herself and Audrey, leaving Kirsten and Latrice to pair up. The girls decided to head back to New Zealand and take advantage of the scenery as part of the expression of their members’ culture. It was a nice blend of y/n and Kirsten’s concepts. 
Y/n and Bada hadn’t really talked much since they began preparing for the Mega Crew mission, both focusing on their team’s success. Although they still texted daily, sometimes it was only a quick good morning or goodnight, while other times they had fuller conversations.
‘Have a safe flight, text me when you land plz!’ y/n read the message right before she got on the plane. She felt her heart swell at the little gesture of care, hearting the message and replying with a selfie of her in the airport paired with the words ‘thank you lovey, I will <3’.
Jam Republic boarded their plane and took off from South Korea to New Zealand, with many plans already going wrong as soon as the plane was in the air. You see, they had just been informed of how bad the weather was in the area, then about how many of the dancers they called for wouldn’t be able to make it. Each member was responsible for contacting and securing 10 members to come dance with them, explaining how the show would be paying for their trip and all the dancers had to do was show up and give it their best. It started off really well, with each of them actually coming back with more than 10 dancers. Then the weather hit. Flights were canceled or delayed to the point where people wouldn’t make it in enough time to learn the dance. On top of that, their idea to shoot at the beach was totally scrapped due to the intense winds. With the major setbacks of losing over half their dancers and not being able to use their original scene, the girls had to redo choreography and practically start the whole project over.
“This can’t be happening…” y/n was the first to start spiraling, ever the drama queen- but this time it was very justified. All six members of the crew stood in a circle in the middle of the studio floor, eyes flitting back and forth between each other and their leader, who was staring at the floor deep in thought. Kirsten let out a huge sigh and crossed her arms tensely.
“I’m sorry girls… but I really don’t know what we’re gonna do…” the leader ran her hands down her face and let out another deep breath, turning away for a moment with her hands on her hips. At that moment, the youngest realized how serious the situation really was, seeing as her leader wasn’t presenting her usual calm self. Typically when there was an issue, Kirsten was calm, cool, and collected- even if it seemed unsolvable… she always had an answer no matter what.
y/n being the perfectionist she is, began racking her brain for any possible solutions, already feeling her lungs begin to collapse at the possibility of complete failure. On top of being a perfectionist, the young girl also had a pretty bad case of savior complex, feeling like she had to fix everyone’s problems, especially when there was no one else who could- even if she knew that she herself probably wouldn’t be able to fix it either (at least not without bending over backward and bleeding herself dry). 
“No… no we can easily fix this-” all eyes went to the youngest member who ran off to grab all their notebooks and bring them back over to where the crew still stood. She spread them out, riffling through the pages until she found ideas they could use. 
“We can still use the stadium… it won’t be as grand of a scale as we wanted, but that can still work. And- and we can make it related to New Zealand instead of all of our different backgrounds, so it’s easier to put together and less choreography to make up… we can fix this!” y/n was frantically and hopefully (delusionally) explaining her ideas, trying as hard as she could to bring the team’s morale back up. They sat down in their circle and began connecting the ideas, just hoping for the best at this point
Even though the Jam Republic girls were frustrated, they only let it fuel their will to work even harder. It crushed y/n a little to have to scrap her idea, knowing it would’ve brought them an easy win, but she was determined to make their new routine strong. The team had ultimately decided to keep the athletic theme but changed it quite a bit to highlight rugby which was a big part of New Zealand culture. The girls planned on dancing in the bleachers and on the field to portray a Friday night lights feel, or a game- since it technically was still a competition between them and deep n dap.
A few days go by and it isn’t getting any easier for Jam Republic. As much as they try to stay positive, the insane lack of dancers makes it hard to achieve the impact they’re going for. Y/n kept saying how they needed to keep trying to find more dancers, but Kirsten just wanted to focus on perfecting the routine with what they had. The young girl also kept mentioning little ideas and elements to add in order to amplify the concept they were going for, but again the leader was more focused on solidifying the present piece. Y/n ended up getting so frustrated that she would just randomly start tearing up and crying during their breaks, not allowing herself to stop for more than 30 seconds, grabbing a quick sip of water, and then immediately going back to practicing. She thought that maybe if she gave it her all, she wouldn’t be as disappointed in herself when she wasn’t satisfied with the outcome. 
Of course, all of the girls were on edge but they at least were able to put it aside at some moments, still being able to enjoy parts of the process. y/n tried her best not to let her teammates see how anxious and worked up she was, but the girl was so overwhelmed with fear of failure that it would be impossible for anyone not to see it. Which is why it made everything so much worse for her when she continued to go through the rest of the preparation without a single person asking what was wrong. Y/n understood- really, she did. Everyone needed to focus on the end goal, and that meant there wasn’t time to deal with her feelings.
Bada was beginning to worry, seeing as the last response she had gotten from y/n was days ago. The girl had landed her flight and texted the Bebe leader immediately, letting her know she was safe, but also explaining the problems that had already arisen. They talked briefly about how the pink team was likely going to have to restart everything if the weather didn’t ease up. Then a couple of days later, they talked on the phone about the complete concept change and reboot of their whole routine. Y/n tried to keep her stress to a minimum, not wanting to be a burden to the other girl who was also beginning to get stressed. 
It had been many days since then, and she’d texted the younger girl three separate times as well as tried calling her twice. Bada finally got a response the day before Jam Republic would be flying back to Korea for the midterm mission check, where they as well as the other teams would be reviewing each other’s practice videos of the choreography. It had been a somewhat longer text message reading ‘hi. I’m really sorry for not responding at all for the last few days. I know you’re probably just as stressed as i am, so I’m sorry for not being able to be there. Things haven’t been going good over here and I’m honestly really scared to present what we have… but I’m sure everything will be fine haha. How have you been?’
Bada felt her heart clench at the girl’s words, understanding why she wasn’t responding but still feeling a bit upset nonetheless. It hurt her to see y/n try to brush off her stress and redirect her attention so it would focus on caring for others instead of caring for herself.
Jam Republic arrives back in South Korea and heads straight to the studio to film their reactions and judgments of the other teams. They immediately make their way to their pink hideout passing by other crews, but not having time to mingle or really do anything more than smile and wave. The girls were exhausted from the flight, jetlag, and overworking themselves. y/n didn’t even realize team Bebe wasn’t with the rest of the crews when they passed through the lobby.
Bebe sat in their room, feeling more anxious than usual, a bad vibe floating through the air. No one could quite put their finger on it, but something definitely wasn’t right and it was causing all of the members to feel its effects. It officially came time for all crews to review each dance practice video. Each team’s video played one by one and the members had time to fill out the review cards before moving on to the next. 
Bebe’s video played next and the reactions were not positive, to say the least. Everyone seemed disappointed by the piece as a whole, expecting something much bigger- the music was too big of a risk, the props were poorly utilized, and it was overall just too simple. It wasn’t a bad video- it just didn’t meet anyone’s expectations since they were all waiting for some elaborate project, knowing Bada was very capable of doing so. Shortly after, a similar reaction was felt while everyone watched the Jam Republic video.
“They don’t have enough people…” Mina Myoung was the first to observe the team’s lack of crew members. They even paused the video to count how many were shown, seeing 28, which was under the minimum limit of 30 people.
“It honestly isn’t powerful enough… it’s just not impressive” Buckey commented, crossing her arms over her chest. Yoonji sighed and frowned.
“This is so sad… I was really rooting for them” The girl mumbled, genuinely feeling pity for the international team, hoping they’d be able to pull through.
When it came down to voting for the team that should be eliminated, Jam Republic ultimately chose Bebe. They were originally tied between voting for Bebe and Wolf'lo, with y/n fighting her best fight to vote for Wolf'lo because it just didn't look entertaining to her and they had no story or plot.
"y/n…" Kirsten started off in a warning but gentle tone
"We can’t just not pick Bebe because of you and Bada… this is a competition babe." and y/n was kinda hurt by that because she knows how to be objective and she didn't even think she was biasing Bebe- she just personally didn't like Wolf'lo and thought they should be eliminated over any other team.
Then it finally came down to the results. Each team would be given a scorecard showing the comments and feedback they’d received from the others. One card would reveal the team voted as most likely to place first, and another would reveal who was most likely to be eliminated. When Jam Republic opens their card, it felt like all of the air suddenly got sucked out of the room. 
“God DAMN” Audrey laughed humorlessly in absolute shock, as they all stared at the words ‘MOST AT RISK FOR ELIMINATION’ in big bold letters at the top. y/n stopped breathing for a few seconds and she’s pretty sure everyone else did too, seeing as there was not a single sound to be heard in the dressing room. The young girl once again tried to convince herself to think rationally, but couldn’t get past the anxiety and crushing weight of failure that was starting to fill her lungs. She wasn’t even angry, even though she should’ve been because she understood. y/n understood that they didn’t meet the criteria, and their dance simply wasn’t as put together as it should've been, especially in comparison to other teams/
What really got her emotional was realizing that Bebe- that BADA- voted for them too… it felt like such betrayal and she wore that shit on her face like usual. But still- she didn't feel angry, just betrayed and heartbroken, and really fucking disappointed. The more mature and logical side of y/n was still trying not to jump to conclusions because maybe it wasn’t Bada that decided… Maybe it was the same situation her team had going on- maybe Bada didn’t want to vote for Jam Republic but the majority of others did. Y/n truly did understand everyone’s reasoning, but that didn’t make it hurt any less, especially having Bada vote to eliminate her as well
“It’s gonna be okay lovey… I promise” Kirsten wrapped her arm around the youngest’s shoulders and whispered reassuringly to her as she watched her begin to have a mental breakdown. Moments later, the rest of the crew’s ranking was revealed, showing 1 Million in first and Jam Republic in last, but also- Bebe in sixth, the second to last place. Seeing this, Bada sighed and began to have her own slight mental breakdown.
Some teams celebrated their rankings while others sat quietly, reviewing the feedback and pondering what to do. Jam Republic sat in silence as Kirsten read over the comments. Y/n sat by her side with her head in her hands sobbing silently, so overwhelmed that she didn’t know what to do. The entire team was at a loss, and soon Kirsten started crying too, wrapping and arm around the youngest members, who finally let her emotions be shown to her team. The loud cries were the only sound in the room.
Y/n was able to calm herself down after about 20 minutes of crying. The poor girl felt so awful about how things were going feeling responsible for a lot of it- thinking that maybe if she had pushed her ideas a little more, or gotten in contact with more people, or even just tried a little harder, maybe Jam Republic could’ve done so much better. Even though she’s calmed down, tears still flow down her face without her even realizing it. Y/n was never angry at anyone else for their opinions, but now she’s feeling awfully spiteful towards herself. The youngest member was filled with so much resentment and self-hatred, that it immediately sent her into an inescapable depression.
The show writers and staff were cruel. So cruel for making these girls show off their inspiration boards and creative briefs live in front of the other teams. Each team explains their given concept and how they came up with the details to highlight what they chose. While it was much more of a relaxed environment (in the sense that there would be no feedback or ranking based on this), a majority of contestants were nowhere near feeling at ease. 
The members of Jam Republic were able to build themselves back up and put on their game faces while presenting, except for y/n. She really did try her best to not look like she was about to cry at the drop of a hat, but it was no use. The girl was simply not herself. The small girl’s usually bright and energetic personality was nowhere to be found, not once cracking even a hint of a smile- even when Jam Republic received immense praise for their ideas. She didn’t find any enjoyment in the other crew’s presentations, although to be fair she wasn’t really able to focus on them- she just sat there in a daze.
It made everyone nervous to see Jam Republic’s youngest member like this. Her members noticed that she had become even more irritable than before- but now in a scary way that genuinely had them concerned for themselves and everyone else. The girl was calm but you could just feel the rage and depression and resentment radiating off of her to the point it made chills run down your spine.
After every crew had shared their ideas and idea boards, they were allowed to go back to head back to their hideouts to discuss any adjustments or further plans that had to be made before returning to their projects. Jam Republic had to get right back on a plane in a few hours to head back to New Zealand and somehow fix their entire routine, again.
Y/n just finished walking up the staircase leading from the fight zone to the crew lounges, when she heard someone call out her name from closely behind her. The girl turned around to come face to face with the tall leader she had been talking with for the last few months.
“Hey, are you okay? I called your name like three times…” Bada questioned worriedly, her eyebrows furrowed and head tilted as she waited for the younger girl’s response, with wide caring eyes.
“...I'm just really tired” y/n whispered in the meekest voice possible, already feeling her eyes start to sting again, but trying to cover it up with a smile. Bada sighs and pulls her into a big hug, and surprisingly y/n doesn’t burst into tears. The girl continues to try as hard as possible to keep the droplets from escaping her eyes as she squeezes them shut.
“Look… I’m really sorry” the older of the two began resting her head atop y/n’s, but the shorter one felt her body tense at the apology already not liking where the conversation was headed. y/n let go of Bada’s waist and backed away, waiting for the older girl to continue.
“It wasn’t personal… the dance was still very good, and it’ll look even better with all of the ideas planned out!” she finished, referring to how her team had voted Jam Republic as the worst crew. Y/n’s face lost any emotion she had regained, looking empty and exhausted again, making Bada’s skin prickle.
“no, I understand” was all y/n spoke, already trying to disconnect from reality to save herself from crying again or making a bigger fool out of herself than she already has. But Bada is only more upset by the reaction, seeing as y/n just doesn’t seem at all like herself. The girl genuinely looks empty inside and no one on the show has ever seen her like this, in fact- no one in Jam Republic has even seen her like this and they’re all beginning to become extremely worried about her. And even though it’s clear the small girl just needs time and space, Bada decides to keep talking 
“The vote was objective I promise, I don’t want you to think anything personally of it” At the end of the older girl’s sentence, y/n just felt the tiniest bit of a scowl make its way onto her face, feeling pissed off at the thought of someone once again thinking she doesn’t understand the concept of a competition.
“Obviously- I’m not stupid, this is a competition.” the harsh tone that comes out of the younger really throws Bada for a loop because she has never seen y/n speak to or about anyone like this- and it makes her feel sick to her stomach that her first time witnessing it is directed at her.
“I- no, what? Of course you’re not stupid! I just wanted to make sure… to make sure you knew. That’s all.” Bada started off a bit panicked and emotional but quickly was able to calm down and speak rationally, understanding the younger girl was known to have a bit of a temper. There was a long silent pause.
"did you decide on Jam Republic?" y/n asked a bit accusatorily
"Huh?" the older tilted her head, still absolutely confused about how this situation was occurring right now.
"did YOU, as in yourself, Bada Lee, decide to vote Jam Republic as the team to be eliminated, or was it someone else's idea…" There was silence for a moment before Bada sighed then pursed her lips
"We all decided-" 
"but who's idea was it? Did you even argue it? Were you even thinking of anyone else? Or did you just immediately decide and agree that my team should be the next to go?" Bada didn’t say anything as she started to get a little frustrated, but she watched as y/n just scoffed at the lack of response and turned to walk away, rolling her eyes. Bada followed her and pulled her aside, a few feet away from the outside of Bebe's dressing room
"well you voted for my team as the worst, so how is this any fair at all?" the tall leader finally let her emotions take control of her as she shot back with much less frustration than her counterpart, but still irritated nonetheless.
"because I didn't want to vote for you! I fought to vote Wolf'lo over you guys because I know you don't deserve to go home! I understand it from an objective perspective- I promise Bada, I do- but that doesn't make it hurt any less!" There were a few beats of silence before y/n continued
"and it's honestly really infuriating that you don't think I understand that this is a competition-" she finished off quieter than before but still filled with annoyance and betrayal.
"WOAH- now when did I EVER say that??" now it was Bada’s turn to blow up
 "Oh my god- you don't have to say it! You clearly think I'm just here to have fun and make friends!" y/n once again raised her voice, this time rising in pitch as well.
"Why would you say that??" Bada fired back and was immediately met with the calmest tone of voice y/n had spoken in since the argument began, and it terrified her.
"Bada- you haven't seen me as a threat once this entire competition… have you? Not to you, not to your team…" Bada stuttered for a second, completely blindsided by the argument
"where is this all coming from y/n?" the tall girl asked, genuinely concerned. y/n sighed and her eyes softened, shook her head.
"never mind" She turned and went to walk away, but Bada grabbed her by the wrist again and dragged her inside the blue team room, closing the door behind her
"you need to speak to me. You need to communicate with me what's going on right now because whatever you're feeling is totally valid- we had a rough day out there- fuck, we’ve had a rough few days, especially you- but that doesn't mean you get to take it out on me… so please tell what's wrong, so I can try to help." the older girl calmly and gently explained her thoughts and feelings to the girl in front of her, and y/n almost cracked. almost.
“I think it’s best for me to focus on the competition… building relationships clearly isn’t working out to my benefit" Her previously soft and watery eyes, had quickly cleared up within a few seconds, leaving her looking cold and unapproachable again. The response was petty and childish, y/n herself knew that, but she said to hurt Bada. 
why do you want to hurt Bada? She was apologizing, why are you making this harder? You’re being childish and proving everyone right- you’re not fit for this competition, you’re too young y/n and you don’t know how to handle things when you actually need to.
The younger girl’s internal dialogue was emotional and resentful towards herself, but for once, the expression on her face didn’t show how she was truly feeling. The anger and hatred taking over her features wasn’t directed towards the older girl in front of her, which is what anyone witnessing the interaction would assume. y/n could feel her stomach churning and her face getting hot with embarrassment. She didn’t understand why she was acting like this and didn’t know how to get herself to stop.
It felt like hours had passed before Bada spoke again and when she did it was led by an aggressive scoff.
“You can’t be serious right now…” she challenged so calmly that it sent a chill up y/n’s spine, the younger girl’s resolve finally breaking down and it became apparent that she wasn’t actually as tough as she was trying to be. Bada could see the cold glare falter for a split second, watching as her eyes became full of emotion before the younger was able to reel it in again.
“Why wouldn’t I be serious? This is a competition and the only people I should be trusting are my teammates, I shouldn’t be letting my emotions get in the way of things…” y/n responded just as calmly. If anyone else were to be present for the interaction they probably would've froze to death due to how cold the two were being.
“Next time I'll make sure to vote objectively and solely based on what I see in front, instead of trying to think about who deserves to be here more.” she finished with an empty, tight-lipped smile, tilting her head feigning understanding, and Bada let out a humorless chuckle
“God- have you always been this manipulative?” it was her turn to try and hurt the other girl. y/n’s cocky grin dropped immediately and she straightened up entirely.
“Excuse me?” the younger girl furrowed her brows and scowled again
“You heard me…” Bada replied cooly and nonchalantly as if this were any other normal conversation 
“I came to you, apologizing for what I did and your response to that is to start an argument- and THEN when you realize you’re in the wrong, you try to turn it on me?” the older girl finished, voice rising slightly
“I never turned it on you- I said how I needed to focus on the competition and stop being so friendly with everyone, how are you so self-absorbed to think that was about you?” y/n could barely even get her last word out before the other was shouting over her.
“BECAUSE IT WAS- it so obviously was a dig at me y/n, because who else are you close with? Huh??” the volume of Bada’s voice caused the younger girl to flinch, no longer being able to preserve her emotions. The tall girl took a few steps forward and leaned down, getting in y/n’s face.
“Who else can actually stand being around you…” shot after shot fired, Bada was doing a much better job at hurting y/n than y/n was doing hurting Bada. She wasn’t even thinking about how she used to tell herself that she would never be the reason y/n would be crying, and now here she is, feeling satisfied when she sees a single tear run down the girl's face. She wasn’t paying attention to how it sucked all the air out of her lungs and made her stomach turn in disgust, only noticing the minuscule feeling of satisfaction.
“I think it’s so funny how you say that, knowing damn well you get jealous any time someone even looks at me… you know better than anybody that anyone in this fucking place would love to be in your position-” and this caused Bada to let out a loud laugh of disbelief, backing away slightly before getting right back in her face
“Yeah? Then how come nobody even paid attention to you until I took notice… you know that’s the only reason you’re popular, right? If it had been anyone else, no one would’ve cared… admit it to yourself, nobody wants to be in my place y/n- they all wanna be in yours, so maybe think about how lucky you are…” Bada didn’t believe in a single thing that was coming out of her mouth, she honestly couldn’t even believe her own voice hearing how condescending and spiteful the words sounded as they left her lips. She could feel a slight ringing in her ears, part of her brain processing it as a tiny voice screaming at her to stop and that she was making a mistake. But the damage was already done.
Y/n was barely holding back tears anymore, pursing her lips and clenching her jaw did nothing to stop the flow of salty droplets from streaming down her face. Her nostrils flared slightly as she swallowed down sobs and tightly closed her eyes.
“I’m not having this conversation anymore…” she managed to get the words out without sounding horribly choked up as she turns away to leave, hand about to turn the knob as the older girl lets out another dry chuckle.
“Oh so now you wanna act mature? Let me tell you this isn’t the mature way to handle the situation anymore- you don’t know how to talk to people or resolve conflict, in fact you’re NOT confrontational at all, and are really just a scared little girl who’s all bark and no bite. You’re such a child- that’s all you are- is a FUCKING child…” it’s dead silent after Bada’s done screaming at her. Y/n turns around slowly and just stands there for a moment with a blank stare, then lets out the most dry, humorless laugh. It honestly scares the shit out of the older girl, eyes going wide and face paling, coming to her senses and realizing how fucked the situation was. 
Y/n was smiling and laughing, albeit a little psychotically, all while still crying- she had finally snapped, and Bada was terrified. The girl in front of her could easily be a danger to herself, and possibly others in the state she was in, but all the leader could think about was how there was probably no coming back from this. The younger of the two just closes her eyes and takes a deep breath before opening them and nodding at Bada with a tight-lipped smile, taking a deep breath.
“Okay” y/n smiles painfully as tears continue to run down her face- she turns around, swings the door open, and slams it shut as she walks out. The silence that followed was broken only seconds later as Bada heard the sobs that were almost immediately released by the girl who had just left.
y/n hadn’t even noticed the rest of Bada’s team standing around the corner, as she walked in the other direction to head back to her own room. Once she was far enough away, Lusher led the group quietly into their space seeing their leader sat on the couch with her head in her hands.
“Hey…” she speaks quietly, and Bada looks up with an empty look in her eyes, but tries to hide it when she realizes her team is present. Before she can even try to pretend nothing happened, the sub-leader was speaking up again
“We heard everything…” Bada sighed and felt tears pricking her eyes, disappointment and heartbreak finally taking over as she realized how fucked up the things she said were. The younger members sat around their leader and rubbed her arm or leg while they all watched with sad eyes as she sobbed. This was going to be a rough next few days.
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notes: i'm so sorry...
taglist (open): @tinybada @angel-hyuckie @violetinferno @jesuschrist2006 @1luvkarina @uwulyn @justandloyal2961 @deadgirlwalking3 @heeheemich @squidvoldyvoid @vivzyo @ouhaika @jksjx @ocyeanicc @marianamartinsthings @jxrdxnh @luvjanexx @lorenztired @khjssss @heavenlycloud @loisje123 @starchasermyloves @zhivaxo @grinnwolph @notyourd0lly @stinkbvgs @nermandiiiii-blog @abllucena @arujee @idontknownemore @thatgayinsomniac @l-a-u-r-a--b @fruitr0llup @cgriffin9797-blog @woooooya @kaaylvst @ssc7514 @astoreea @linda-botello @kpopgirl-97 @erikook @majookim @okjaeminn @misszoldyc @sammisregrets @jysai @moonsvrse @froufrousnowman @amararosesblog @tikitsune @aestrelle19 @laaaasanielzz @randomhoex @tswisal1 @leasha25823 @unpretty-reader @charlesswife
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vindicated-truth · 17 days
I find it fascinating that the exact line Dongsik says upon meeting Joowon outside Jaeyi's butcher shop during Nam Sangbae's death anniversary was: "Inspector Han, we haven't seen each other since that day."
The thing is, Dongsik hasn't particularly said in detail what "that day" is, exactly, and while I don't know how it translates in the context of the Korean language, it's fascinating that if it's to be evaluated through the English translation, Dongsik may not necessarily mean the day of the arrest a year ago.
For all we know, Dongsik could've been talking of a different special day in which he and Joowon shared, and that's where the beauty of the open-ended storytelling is—we're free to interpret that any way we like.
Which is why I also find it fascinating that the fandom immediately interprets that statement (especially through fan fiction) as:
1) Dongsik and Joowon haven't seen each other since the day Joowon arrested him and; 2) Joowon has been avoiding Dongsik all this time because he felt guilty and unworthy to face Dongsik
My personal take on Joowon's one year absence (if we are to assume that's the day Dongsik meant, even though there was no clarification) is that, true to his personality, he wouldn't have stayed away for emotional reasons—or at least, not entirely.
I addressed it in my own fic here, but I actually believe Joowon's forced distance from Dongsik would be logical, if Han Kihwan is still undergoing his appeals, which I assume would be multiple, and which I also assume wouldn't have reached an immediate final conviction given his powerful connections and considerable wealth. At the very least, Han Kihwan could indefinitely extend the conclusion of his conviction with multiple appeals.
Han Kihwan's defense team, if they were inhuman enough (which is not impossible, given how inhuman Han Kihwan already is), could have made the case that Joowon was manipulated or even blackmailed by Dongsik, especially given how closely they worked together as partners, and how "impossible" it would be for a son to turn against his own father like this. Han Kihwan's defense team could spin it in a way to appeal to the jury, at least to lighten his sentence and turn the doubt to Dongsik instead.
Joowon was right to keep his distance from Dongsik while the appeals are ongoing in order to protect him—so that Joowon and Dongsik would not be accused of connivance in any way. That is the more believable reason for me, if only because Joowon had consistently demonstrated throughout the story that his actions are always based on logic, and not (entirely) on emotion.
And as for Dongsik's own conviction—while I also do believe that Dongsik as a person (whom we know the entire story of, and everything he went through that no human being should have ever experienced, let alone live through) doesn't deserve the jail time, the action itself, separate from who Dongsik is, does deserve punishment. I actually fully agree with Joowon on that.
Objectively, any person who tampers with the scene of a crime—a murder at that—deserve disciplinary action, especially when a real person's life was at stake in having reported the crime scene immediately, or at the very least leave the scene untarnished so as to not hinder the investigation. If there's a particular vicious prosecutor who can find loopholes in the law, they can even argue doing so is almost accessory to the murder, even if it wasn't deliberate. The intention doesn't change the result, and it's always the result that matters most in the end.
Which is why, as I have also mentioned here, it's so important that each and every case should have that equal balance of objectivity and empathy: objectively assess the far-reaching effects and consequences of the action involved, while deeply consider how to deal with the people involved humanely and with empathy.
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somethingkindazainy · 19 days
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The two most influential and feared Korean Crime families, the Lobos and the Clowder's, hate each other.
They have always been, and always will be, enemies.
So when two of them meet by chance outside of the confines of their families, how can they reconcile a lifelong distrust, with their new found love?
"We're enemies."
"I'm not your enemy, Ji."
My bounty is as boundless as the sea, 
My love as deep; the more I give to thee,
The more I have, for both are infinite.
William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet
♤ ♡ · · 𖤓 · ✧ · ⌖ · ➣ · ✶ · ⏲ .𖥔 ݁ ˖.♢ ♧
My worries and your worries intersect,
Our chemistry is like a fantasy.
Every moment is so perfect when we're together.
Stray Kids, I am YOU
♤ ♡ ♢ ♧
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MINORS DNI ♡ Pairing: Minho x Jisung ♤ Genre: Mafia AU, Romeo x Romeo ♢ Warnings: Violence, foul language throughout, angst(?), mxm ♧ Authors Note: this is my first ever fan fiction! Feedback welcome.
♤ ♡ ♢ ♧ IN PROGRESS ♤ ♡ ♢ ♧ ♤ ♡ Lads, it's basically a novel...♢ ♧
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♤ ♡ ♢ ♧ CHAPTERS ♤ ♡ ♢ ♧
♤ Chapter 1 - Parley word count <8k
♧ Chapter 2 - The DLC word count >6k
♢ Chapter 3 - Broken Compass word count <7k
♡ Chapter 4 - The Wolf & His Pack
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♢ ♧ If you made it this far, thank you for your support! ♤ ♡ please consider leaving a comment, like or reblog ♤ ♡ ©2024Intrikatie ♢ Ao3 ♧ Quotev ♤ Wattpad ♡
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marxistcomedy · 1 year
Anyone working in counter-propaganda can testify to a curious experience: we’ll put in hours of careful research collecting an impeccable set of resources that undermines some warmongering narrative, and we’ll eagerly share it with someone who claims to despise racism in all its forms — say, an outspoken opponent of the West’s so-called “War on Terror.” Unexpectedly, we are met with a response that is somewhere between chilly reticence and downright hostility. What’s going on?
From our perspective, we’re offering water to a person who’s self-identified as thirsty, and yet they react as if we were trying to poison them! They turn on a dime to defend the same institutions whose lies they were denouncing just moments before. At this point the sense of pride and accomplishment that comes from seeing through propaganda and putting puzzle pieces together into a satisfying historical account gets brutally transformed into its exact opposite: a sense of crushing defeat. In response to this bitter experience, many researchers — serious people, with plenty of experience reading and writing, and sometimes even of being published! — lash out. They decide that people have been “brainwashed” beyond the point where they can be reached by words or rational appeal. They “realize” that the masters of propaganda have been far more successful than we first imagined: it turns out we’re not David fighting Goliath, we’re more like an ant facing an asteroid.
The same inquisitive nature that first led them to unravel war propaganda narratives begins to feed an even larger psycho-historical narrative, and nihilism takes hold. The tragic cycle begins to appear eternal: innocent, well-meaning, hard-working folks are, time and again, viciously tricked by the scapegoating of a new rogue in the gallery — Indigenous, Black, Spanish, Jewish, Soviet, Vietnamese, Cuban, Serbian, Muslim, Libyan, Syrian, Korean, Venezuelan, Russian, Chinese. Due to the sheer power of propaganda and mass-media, the masses helplessly fall for hatred and volunteer for war, even though it comes at a very high cost to ourselves, our loved ones, and our ideals (religion, environmentalism, etc.). Sadly, the innate human propensity to “hate the Other” seals our fate as a society… or something along those lines.
I am going to argue that this narrative is nonsense. It tries to pass off as universal and eternal something that in reality is particular and ephemeral. In short: Westerners aren’t helpless innocents whose minds are injected with atrocity propaganda, science fiction-style; they’re generally smug bourgeois proletarians who intelligently seek out as much racist propaganda as they can get their hands on. This is because it fundamentally makes them feel better about who they are and how they live. The psychic and material costs are rationally worth the benefits. As for those anti-imperialists who don’t participate in this festival of xenophobia — and here I include myself — we have our own elitist consolation: we accept the tragedy of masses of gullible sheeple falling for cunning propaganda because having overcome it flatters our own intelligence. The more we condemn society’s stupidity, the smarter we feel in comparison.
But am I not just worsening the problem, aggravating our hopelessness, by criticizing the critics in a way that suggests that no one escapes ideological self-flattery? I don’t think so. Paradoxically, it brings us all back to a more even and possibility-rich playing field.
The prevailing populist narrative grants the People (of the West) moral innocence by attributing to them utter stupidity and naivety; I invert the equation and demand a Marxist narrative instead: Westerners are willingly complicit in crimes because they instinctively and correctly understand that they benefit as a class (as a global bourgeois proletariat) from the exploitation enabled by their military and their propaganda (in Gramscian: organs of coercion and consent). We’re not as stupid as we’re made out to be. This means that we can be reasoned with, that there is a way out.
[emphasis mine]
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starbrightotaku · 10 months
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Clay Headcanons
- Can handle almost anything. Just not getting a shot or blood. Literally the only time Floyd isn't having a panic attack in a hospital is when he has to find Clay. The Doctors can't help but wonder if it's a theme among the brothers(it is for all but Spruce/Bruce)
-Wears reading glasses while working. (Viva thinks it's adorable)
-Once the Putt Putt Trolls return to Pop Village, Clay helps Poppy keep the village coffers in the clear.
-Has a rivalry with Sky Toronto over who is more accurate in doing Taxes. (Clay is. He got the certificate to prove it.)
-Becomes odd friends with Sid Fret and Trollex.
-Is the only sibling who knows what happened to their parents. He isn't sure if he should be glad or angry.
-Sleeps with a nightlight and an extremely light sleeper.
-Total lightweight when it comes to alcohol.
-Emotional Drunk. Effectively acts like Floyd when he's had to much.
-Favorite stuffed animal is a stuffed duck.
-Watches a lot of crime shows like CSI or Law and Order.
-Has on occasions smacked someone he was working with like Gibbs.
-Is a decent cook but is second to none when it comes to baking.
-His cookies, cakes, and cupcakes have sparked many a BroZone wrestling pit.
-Has met the Bounty Hunters over the years and is on good terms with all but Chaz.
-Amicable ex's with both Wani and Marimba.
-Was pretty much the therapist for the Putt Putt Trolls for years. So he was relieved when he found out there were therapists in Trollstopia.
-Speaks Korean, German, and Spanish due to his friendship with the Bounty Hunters.
-Does meet up with them every now and then to play cards and vent.
-Has a survival podcast he does a few times a month.
-Unonown to Clay, Branch listened to it without fail every time. Even having recordings of it just so he could hear his big brother's voice.
-Has a hidden love of Science Fiction books.
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hereforb99 · 5 months
One of my least favourite and eye-rolling arguments is, "OHOo, wHaT if the RoLeS WeRe ReVerSed?" As if men don't get away with things even if the roles were reversed. Yes, Da-hye did Soo-cheol dirty, there's no denying that, and yes, he still loves her and welcomed her back into his life as if nothing had happened. Am I okay with it? I am. In fact, I think it's very cute.
Okay, so now, if the roles were reversed, would I be fine with that? Absolutely fucking not! So why would I be okay with Soo-cheol welcoming Da-hye back to his life? CAUSE IT IS FICTION!!!
We all know what would have happened if such a situation had played out in real life. Da-hye and her child's lives would have been in serious danger; she would most likely have been assaulted or killed. Soo-cheol is rich, and wealthy families are not going to sit idly by after you fuck them over. Women like Da-hye would definitely never have gotten away with what she did, if it had happened in real life. And men like Soo-cheol do not exist in the real world. Men's egos are fragile, and he would absolutely not have let her get away with it.
This is exactly why I am fine with this in fiction. Like, let women get away with things, at least in fiction, because it rarely ever happens in the real world. Men are not as forgiving as women are. And if a man were to commit something like this in the real world, everybody would be like, "Ugh, typical of men," and then just move on. Because genuinely, we are so done with men doing this stuff that it doesn't surprise us anymore. So, like, just let women get away with crimes and stuff, at least in fiction. Let them just be.
In fact, the very reason K-dramas are popular among women is because these men are incredibly warm, which is rare in real life. The things these oppas do for their women are so rare that we all yearn for them. Korean men themselves say that they are absolutely nothing like these K-drama oppas. Like, can you imagine a guy like Baek Hyun-woo in real life staying in his in-laws' house even after he's seldom respected there, just for his wife's sake? But you know what, you will see plenty of women putting up with nonsense and abuse in REAL LIFE, just for their families.
In my opinion, they have pretty much "punished" Da-hye's character by making her child's father an abuser. It's more like, "See, you gave up a nice man, so now you're stuck with this abuser. You deserve it."
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my-vanishing-777 · 26 days
BLOOMINGTON, Indiana: South Korea finds itself embroiled in an all-out gender war - and it keeps getting worse.
The animosity between South Korean men and women has reached a point where some women are outright refusing to date, marry and have kids with men - a phenomenon known as the 4B movement.
As a Korean feminist scholar living in the United States, I’ve followed this gender war from afar as I conducted research on contemporary Korean gender politics.
However, I also became embroiled in it myself after my research on Korean masculinity was published by CNN.
The article described foreign women who travelled to Korea after becoming enamoured with the idea of dating Korean men from watching Korean television dramas. I pointed out that since the tourists’ fantasies were based on fictional characters, some of them ended up disappointed with the Korean men they dated in real life.
The article was about racial politics and masculine ideals. But some Korean readers thought that I was simply criticising Korean men for not being romantic and handsome enough. One enraged Korean man commented that I was an “ugly feminist".
But this was tame in comparison to what women living in South Korea have endured in recent years.
Over the past couple of decades, there have been flashpoints in this gender war.
In 2010, Ilbe, a right-wing website that traffics in misogyny, started attracting users who peppered the forums with vulgar posts about women.
Then in 2015, an online extremist feminist group named Megalia arose. Its goal was to fight back by demeaning Korean men in ways that mirrored the rhetoric on sites like Ilbe.
A year later, a man who had professed his hatred of women murdered a random woman in a public bathroom near a Seoul subway station. He was eventually sentenced to decades in prison, but the lines were quickly drawn. 
On one side were feminists, who saw misogyny as the underlying motive. On the other side were men who claimed that it was merely the isolated actions of a mentally ill man. The two groups violently clashed during competing protests at the site of the murder.
However, none of these events has elicited as much public controversy as the steep rise in digital sex crimes. These are newer forms of sexual violence facilitated by technology: Revenge porn; upskirting, which refers to surreptitiously snapping photos under women’s skirts in public; and the use of hidden cameras to film women having sex or undressing.
In 2018, there were 2,289 reported cases of digital sex crimes; in 2021, the number snowballed to 10,353.
In 2019, there were two major incidents that involved digital sex crimes.
In one, a number of male K-pop stars were indicted for filming and circulating videos of women in group chatrooms without their consent.
A few months later, Koreans were shocked to learn about what became known as the “Nth Room Incident,” during which hundreds of perpetrators - mostly men - committed digital sex crimes on dozens of women and minors.
They tended to target poorer women - sex workers, or women who wanted to make a few bucks by sharing anonymous nude photos of themselves. The perpetrators either hacked into their social media accounts or approached these women and offered them money, but asked for their personal information so they could transmit the funds. Once they obtained this information, they blackmailed the women by threatening to reveal their sex work and their nudes to their friends and family.
Since sex work and posting nude images of yourself online are illegal in Korea, the women, fearing arrest or being ostracised by friends and family, complied with the perpetrators’ demands to send even more compromising images of themselves. The men would then swap these images in chatrooms.
And yet a 2019 survey conducted by the Korean government found that large swaths of the population blamed women for these sex crimes: 52 per cent said that they believed sexual violence occurs because women wear revealing clothes, while 37 per cent thought if women experienced sexual assault while drunk, they are partly to blame for their victimisation.
In other words, a significant percentage of the Korean population believes that female sexuality is the problem - not the sexual violence.
Digital sex crimes are too widespread to lay the blame at the feet of a handful of bad actors.
To me, part of the problem stems from the long history of “gendered citizenship".
Korean feminist scholar Seungsook Moon has written about the ways in which the government created one track for men and another for women as the country sought to modernise in the second half of the 20th century:
“Men were mobilised for mandatory military service and then, as conscripts, utilised as workers and researchers in the industrialising economy. Women were consigned to lesser factory jobs, and their roles as members of the modern nation were defined largely in terms of biological reproduction and household management.”
Although these policies are no longer officially carried out, the underlying attitudes about gender roles remain embedded in Korean life and culture. Women who veer from being mothers and housewives expose themselves to public and private backlash.
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hiuythn · 2 months
Hi, how are you? If you don't mind me asking, what are your top 7 favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series/etc)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before...... Thanks....
hi! I'm doing great, thank you for asking! I haven't thought of a top 7 before so that's interesting to think about. hm...I guess it would probably be:
1. Haikyū!! (it's so simple but it's so good. I heard Furudate created it to get people into volleyball and I'm confident in saying that he succeeded. there's just something so refreshing about it, but underneath everything, it still manages to communicate a thoughtful message that where you are today is not where you'll be tomorrow, and that the journey brought on by your passion—while it may not get your end—still has meaning in its pursuit.)
2. The Husky and His White Cat Shizun by Meatbun doesn't Eat Meat (xianxia danmei. my god, I went into this novel thinking it was another low-hanging fruit enemies to lovers type bait where the ML is basically abusive and the MC is a weak backboned twink, but no. no the story had me screaming, sobbing, and begging the author to stop because it hurt too much. I was in tears and I was laughing and I was in love and I was praying for them to be happy so, so bad. it's actually insane. NOTHING will beat how Meatbun managed to make me reconcile Chu Wanning's cold exterior with his soft heart, and Mo Ran's past life with his current one. I was actually baffled by how many fucking revelations, foreshadowing, and plot twists (that made sense and didn't come out of left field entirely) this book managed to have. Meatbun expertly weaved humor, tragedy, horror, mystery and romance all into one misleadingly-packaged book and I feel delightfully bamboozled.)
3. Turning by 쿠유 (Korean historical bl novel. Still reading this one, but the deep unspoken trust the MC and ML have for each other is really awe-inspiring, and they're also very competent at what they do. The relationships with their subordinates and allies are also really heartwarming. The plot is sufficiently interesting as well, and not just something cobbled together to make the characters kiss lol—not that that's bad intrinsically, but it can get old after a while.)
4. Percy Jackson and the Olympians by Rock Riordan (everyone knows this one. I love it because I grew up reading it, and then reading it to my sister out loud with the voices and everything. I love an MC that just consistently doesn't know what he's doing and yet sees things through to the end, and whose motto is just "fuck it, fuck this, and fuck you". and again Percy and Annabeth have that "bantering duo who trust and balance each other out and are also very, very good at what they do" type relationship that I'm such a sucker for.)
5. Bleach by Tite Kubo (one of the Big 3 manga serialized back then. I'm down bad for the art, he's one of my favourite mangaka in terms of art style, and also it's nostalgic. I grew up watching ichigo fight through impossible odds with just his "fuck you don't touch my people" mentality. are you starting to see a pattern with me and protective, headstrong MCs? the cast of side characters are all pretty memorable, despite its growing size down the line and again, i love their designs. I know people gripe a lot about the plot and continuity errors, but I enjoyed it regardless—except for the accursed ending and Epilogue Dad Haircut..)
6. Montmorency by Eleanor Updale (victorian crime fiction novel. I was sent this as compensation in, like, 5th grade when the Scholastic Fair delivered the wrong order to me. I didn't expect to like it but it was surprisingly a good standalone read. i used to reread it loads but it's been about a decade now so some details are blurry, but i am very fond of it still.)
7. A Quiet Place (horror movie, though for me it's less horror and more of a family-centric movie. I'm awful with horror, I'm such a wuss, but this movie was so good with its character dynamics and the ending was so fitting that I couldn't help but rewatch it and have it engrained in my head. I haven't watch the other movies in this series and tbh I fully believe the first movie is sufficient on its own, not to say the other suck, I just have no urge to watch them. this movie was such a palate cleanser for me in cinema.)
thank you for your ask, had a lot of fun coming up with this list!
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fierceblack · 10 months
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint (ORV) - Novel Review
(without major spoilers)
Novel Main Character - Dokja
Original Novel - Three ways to survive an apocalypse (TWSA)
ORV by SingShong is one of the best korean webnovels out there spanning 551 chapters. It is an action-packed, apocalyptic, fantasy and a surviver-thriller while also being a sci-fi in disguise. This compelling story is an intense ride from the get-go. The story explores journey of Dokja, an average officer-worker, as his lifestory transitions genres from non-fiction to fantasy, on an auspicious day when the novel(TWSA), which he alone had been reading for the past ten years turns into reality. The world-building in this masterpiece of a novel is simply spectacular. The setting of this world is as such : Dokkaebi - Creatures that stream the scenarios via their channels Constellations - Mysterious beings that watch the livestream and reward the humans who perform well. They are held highly by the dokkaebis.
Insert : [ The constellation, avg. Tumblr content reader, is impressed by how well you summed up the premise.] [ 100 coins have been sponsored.]
While humans are simply the subject of entertainment to these great Constellations. As the story progresses, we see our characters adapting and navigating this unfamiliar reality through their wit and an attribute that they gain upon clearing the very first scenario. There is a lot of moral ambiguity in this story. While Dokja may initially come across as annoying and ruthless to some, try to stick with this novel for a bit long. As all his actions can never be explained by categorizing him as such, he can only be truly understood when you don't limit him to your perceptions. Also not just him, all the relevant characters in this novel have incredible depth to them. Although there is neither romance nor drama elements in the story, the naturally developed bonds between the characters resulting in the emotional intimacy they share compensates for it. The plot twists in this novel are an absolute killer. This novel is a perfect example of plot twists done right. The story is well planned and never gets predictable which is indicated by the amount of foreshadowing it encompasses. ORV also has a webtoon adaptation (a shout-out to the comic fans out there). So unless you are solely into horror, crime or romance genres; I suggest you give it a try. Finally, this novel for me, is an existence that I would forever celebrate.
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riaarivic · 1 year
HATE 7: BUTTER (M) I MYG x F!reader
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🌙 Pairings YoongixReader
🌙 Genres Mafia!AU, Smut, Angst, Action, Thriller, Enemies to lovers
🌙 Rating 18+ minors DNI
🌙 Summary  You were an INTERPOL Agent assigned to infiltrate the depths of the most powerful Gang in South Korea: The Seven Moons. Your objective: to impersonate the daughter of one of their leaders and destroy the operation from within. That is, if they don't discover you first.
And Traitors won’t have the mercy of a quick death
🌙 Warnings For this chapter: mentions of death, drugs and vioence, foul language, mentions of organized crime.
🌙 A/N At no time do I (the author) encourage this activity in life, it is important that you know that the criminal acts in this book are that, a crime, as well as harmful to health and should not be romanticized. This is all a work of fiction for entertainment. Keep studying, stay away from drugs and if you are sensitive to this topic you better continue in the next chapter.
Love, Ria
🌙 Chapter wordcount 3.7k
🌙 Series Index
1  2 3 4  5 6 7 8 9 10 11
HATE 7: BUTTER (M) I MYG x F!reader
"Smooth like butter, like a criminal undercover Gon' pop like trouble breaking into your heart like that, ooh."
Shipping Port, Incheon Bay, South Korea.
The cold wind whipped through the shipping dock, sending chills down the spines of those unfortunate enough to be present. Under the dim, flickering lights, Suga stood in the middle of the warehouse with a menacing aura.
It was so quiet you could probably hear a pin drop on the other side of the dock.
Everyone knew it was the calm right before the thunder.
You see, Kim Namjoon was raised to be Kim Dohan’s right hand. He took charge of all the business matters of the clans. Meeting with corrupt government officials, blackmailing the police chief and practically having most of Seoul’s most important CEO’s practically eating from his palm.
But Suga was not only the clan's trafficker.
He was his father’s shadow. 
And shadows ruled the underworld. 
Every thug, gangster, trafficker, hitman.
They all knew him. 
They all feared him. 
That is why today he was on a mission to find out who had betrayed The Clan.
As simple as that, the Leader wanted a name.
And revenge.
His father told the rest of his brothers that Suga he would be traveling with him to Russia to retrieve the gun shipment they recently lost. As if the situation wasn't absurd enough, there were whispers of the rival Chinese clan, the long-extinct "Jade Dragon.” was the one behind it.
Yes, in quotes. 
Suga didn’t buy any of that bullshit.
That, and the fact that his father wanted to keep today’s mission a secret from his own brothers. 
That told him his father was suspicious of something too.
The night from two days ago was far from ordinary. No one who valued their souls would ever try to cross the Seven Moons or the Devil himself: Kim Dohan. Nevertheless. A shipment that was supposed to contain an arsenal of illegal firearms had instead arrived filled with dirt. 
And don’t forget the dragon head.
Made of gold and real jade. 
A little too dramatic for Suga’s taste, if you asked him.
Everything around it was fucking suspicious. 
All of Asia knew, Kim Dohan had personally made sure to wipe out the Jade Dragon twenty years ago, and Suga knew well enough that dead snakes couldn't bite.
That is why he was going to spend the night interrogating a shivering, terrified security worker who claimed to have seen something the night before the shipment arrived. The man's eyes darted around nervously, as if expecting to find a savior in the shadows. But the only thing the night held was darkness and the malevolent laughter of fate.
"I-I swear, I saw it, Mr. Kim!" the security worker stammered, his voice barely audible. "Your brother, he was there! Talking to three other men… They looked Korean, not Chinese!"
Suga raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips as he leaned in closer to the trembling man. "My brother, you say. Isn't that interesting? I wonder which one of my six brothers could have been here" he said, his voice dripping with dark sarcasm. "Tell me more about these 'Korean' men."
The security worker gulped, trying to recall the details as sweat pooled on his forehead. "W-well, they were all dressed in black, and they… they had this sinister air about them, like they were up to no good."
Suga laughed, the sound rich and full of mockery. "Oh, men in black with a sinister air? How very illuminating! Like they were up to no good. Did you hear gentlemen? Like anybody here is actually up to anything good" The rest of Suga’s men laughed with him. He leaned back and crossed his arms, his eyes narrowing the light of a fire illuminating his scar. Making him look like a sadistic prince from hell. He walked closer as he studied the man before him. "You wouldn't happen to be leading me on a wild goose chase, would you?"
"N-no, sir!" the security worker squeaked, desperation etched on his face. "I swear, that's what I saw! And your brother, Mr. Kim there is no way I would not recognize him "
Suga sighed, rolling his eyes as if he were dealing with a particularly annoying child. "Fine, I believe you," he said, his voice dripping with insincerity. "But if I find out that you're lying to me or leading me astray, just remember that I have a penchant for making people... disappear. So from now on, everything out of the ordinary that you see. You’ll report back to me. Do you understand?"
The security worker nodded frantically, sweat now pouring down his face. "Y-yes, sir! I understand!"
As Suga turned away, he couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all. One of his brothers, conspiring with mysterious Korean men, and shipments full of dirt instead of guns. 
Life was nothing if not a dark comedy.
And he was simply waiting for the punchline.
Serendipity Club, Itaewon, Seoul South Korea
Park Jimin’s Club was Opulent.
Tonight serendipity is packed with more people than usual, it's not every day you see all so many of the young leaders in the same place and that was an event for the nightlife in Seoul.
To be able to meet one of them in a situation like this was a strike of good luck. But six in one place, it was almost a divine sight to meet those beautiful men  all dressed in sharp designer suits, their hair perfectly styled. They are laughing and joking, clearly enjoying themselves.  The VIP lounge of the club was filled with clansmen and bodyguards.
You were watching them from the other side of the glass door. In that moment you can feel the weight of the situation on your shoulders. You are here to gather information on the  Seven Moons clan's activities in Seoul, and you know that any misstep could be deadly.
What happened last night with suga was Only that. A means to an end. Nothing more than you doing your job and collecting information. 
You noticed that the six leaders were surrounded by more alcohol than a horde of twenty-something frat kids could consume and enough dope, courtesy of one of Suga’s shipments, to put them all in rehab.
Today the seven Moons were going to have fun.
They were going to celebrate the arrival of their heiress.
And what a way to welcome her to the clan.
In that private room there was enough money to pay for an entire college degree.
At Harvard.
About 30 times.
Or fund a small country.
Anything was possible for the Seven Moons.
From the giant window that adorned the room they could see what was going on below them on the dance floors. They were surrounded by more opulence than the mansion at Versailles, with huge crystal chandeliers and sculptures that cost a fortune. Leather sofas and mahogany tables. The walls are adorned with paintings and sculptures, all of which look like they were purchased at a high price.
Or stolen. 
But everything was classy at Park Jimin's club.
Even the small trays where they served a fine white powder were made of gold, with the symbol of the clan.
Class and style.
People used to say that this was Mount Olympus and up there resided the Gods. But no commoner could see what went on inside their VIP room.mSomething that was quite convenient if you stopped to think about the kind of entertainment that went on from time to time behind those security gates.
Of course, also the occasional murder or torture. With prior permission from the owner and of course you had to swear Park Jimin you will not stain the new upholstery.
Normal stuff.
“Hey Hyung, let's serve another round of shots for everyone” exclaimed Jungkook over the sound of the music raising the bottle of Vodka towards Jhope, who smiled openly feeling the bubbly effect of one of his favorite pills.
“Shots for everyone!” shouted the older one, pouring some of the contents of the glasses he had just poured. The others toasted with them, it had been a long time since they had had fun together and the night was just beginning “So Park, what time will the show start?” Jin asked with one of the club owner's angels sitting right next to him.
“Hyung, please don't torture us with your dance steps today” Jimin joked and the eldest of the seven moons replied with a light punch on the shoulder.
“Easy boss, Jin-ssi's dance steps are my favorite” your attention is drawn to the woman sitting next to the oldest of the seven on the table. She is stunning, with long black hair and piercing eyes. She looks regal, like a queen holding court. You realized she was one of Park Jimin’s angels and couldn’t help but feel a twinge of sympathy for her, knowing that she is being used as a pawn in this dangerous game.
Her big cat eyes and sensual body were covered by her elegant black dress. Jade was a femme-fatale who loved the adrenaline rush of working for The Seven Moons.
Don’t be mistaken. Nothing was obscene in Park Jimin's club.
He was famous for never allowing any of the attendees to get rough with his angels, not even his own siblings.
Everyone followed the rules.
Unless they wanted to be beaten out of the club.
Or turned into a bloodstain on the marble floor.
That's why people literally killed themselves to work there, it wasn't just the money they made or the protection of the clan.
Park Jimin’s angels were independent, they could come and go as they pleased, they belonged to no one. Unlike other places where the women and men who worked in that world did not have the same luck.
Jimin knew that sincere loyalty was much better than fear. The angels were happy and so were their customers. The money kept flowing and so were the secrets. A job well done you could say.
“Shit, if she's an angel kill me now and I'll die a happy man” The comment from one of the clansmen at the next table made all the moons turn to look at you as you crossed the sea of bodyguards to make way to where they were sitting.
Your skin glowed under the Serendipity lights, your hair cascaded almost reaching your waist. All your curves and long legs could be seen to perfection thanks to how short the satin dress she was wearing was.
Versace, something very appropriate for a...
“Goddess, she's no angel," Namjoon's deep voice answered her before taking another sip of Whiskey without taking his eyes off her, "And she's completely out of reach for all of you... unless you want to lose the hand you're touching her with." 
You mentally cursed Anya and Garam for convincing you to wear that piece of fabric that was called an excuse for a dress and left nothing to the imagination. You didn't even want to think about how much it had cost
Of course, an agent's salary would not allow you to pay for even one of the earrings you were wearing.
“Today is your formal presentation in Seoul’s underworld. You can't go wearing these nun school rich girl dresses. Please” Anya had told you when they were still in the Boutique “Besides, Namjoon gave you his black credit card, let's call it retribution to justice”
“All for the sake of good and justice” You had sighed in surrender and the two women jumped up and down in celebration.
“Welcome to my club, Miss Lee, if you want to have a good time in this boring city” Jimin greeted you with a kiss on her hand “This is your home” You noticed that the man had made different colored locks in his hair, if anyone else had tried it he would probably look ridiculous but for some reason he looked amazing.
Jungkook surprised you with a hug as he approached the table “Noona, you look very beautiful tonight” a mischievous gleam crossed the younger man's eyes “You must promise to dance with me first okay?”
“No, this is my club. Miss Nari Dances with me” Jimin opened his eyes, offended as he continued to argue with his brother.
“I'm sorry children, but I'm the eldest. It is a show of respect and tradition. I would be the first one to dance with Miss Lee.'' Jin interrupted both of them with a matter of fact tone. The three of them began to fight and laugh among themselves. At first you found the behavior of these mobsters, who were usually too serious and respectful, too strange.
But then you saw some little bags with colored pills on the table and raised an eyebrow.
Ah, ecstasy.
You noticed that Namjoon was still staring at you sitting with his arms outstretched on the couch rest “Nice dress, Lee Nari.” the penetrating gaze of the clan's second-in-command made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up “Can I invite you a drink?”
Smiling, you nodded “Pour me whatever you are drinking, Kim Namjoon” As you sat next to him you realized at that moment that they were going to ask you to try anything else on that table. 
You can't help but think about the dangerous position you were in. Accepting to use drugs with the clan is a slippery slope that you know very well you shouldn't even consider. But you need to maintain my cover, and the pressure to fit in with the clan is intense.
So you had to play along, even if you knew it could go horribly wrong  “Also, you can share with me whatever you are on right now”
“I didn't know you liked Molly, but I guess there is enough of that in the pretentious universities of America” Taehyun's turn to speak had been listening to you silently watching your every move, as usual. 
“That's true, we like to have fun at pretentious colleges in America” you replied by dropping the pill on your tongue and shrugging your shoulders. You got up and took Namjoon’s hand to walk to the center of the dancefloor. With the other brothers joining you right behind. 
As the music fills the room, you feel the heat of the Right Hand's body pressed against yours. You dance together, your bodies swaying in sync, but your mind is far from the moment.
Here 's the thing. 
You knew perfectly well the dangerous game you were playing right now. Letting yourself loose when you knew perfectly well that every man in that room was heavily armed. You learned during your training back in the headquarters that this was a show of trust inside the Clans.
You had to play your part to perfection. Because men let their guard down when they feel free.
And if they feel free they start talking.
Which reminded you. Your team in France has not responded to your last message, and you find it odd that my boss, the Lieutenant, did not warn you about the arranged marriage between Mr. Lee’s daughter and one of the seven sons.
Your heart races as you realize that you are in deeper than you thought. The consequences of being caught are simple: One misstep and you will be dead. 
As the song comes to an end, Namjoon leans in close to you, his eyes burning with intensity. "I need to go outside for fresh air. By myself." he looks surprised for a second but then he turns around and barks an order to one of the bodyguards to take you outside, and you feel a mix of fear and excitement ripple through you.
You are led by one of Namjoon’s bodyguards across a sea of moving bodies and gangsters to get to an emergency exit in the back of the VIP room. You go down the stairs and once you are at the door the man tells you you have 5 minutes.
The pounding music and flashing lights of the club faded behind you once you stepped outside. 
That’s when you saw him leaning against the wall, a cigarette between his fingers. You noticed that for the first time you’ve seen him he was wearing a suit. Hair sleek to the back. His deep black eyes stared directly at you.
That was the last thing you needed to see while high on molly.
You almost whispered, approaching him carefuly. “What-”
“You look surprised, little flower. Like if you just saw a ghost. Were you expecting someone else” He interrupted you and you felt a shiver down your spine. 
You could feel the effect of the drug spreading through your bloodstream “No, you're exactly the person I wanted to see tonight” Your words were sincerity mixed with alcohol. He took a step closer and you felt his hand tugging at the fabric of your dress that covered your hips. 
Why do you have to be so fucking beautiful?
The man let out a laugh and held her tighter by the waist “You're going to have to share with me whatever they gave you upstairs, little flower,”
Did you say that or did you think it?
Suga brought his lips to your ear. So close you could feel their ghost touch on your skin “It has to be pretty good shit. For you to admit that you think I'm fucking beautiful and I don't want to be left behind in the fun” You gasped and he gave you one of those devilish smirks you were starting to like. 
“Weren’t you supposed to be in Russia?” You said eyes locked in his “And miss all of today’s fun. No way in hell I would miss you in this dress, pretty flower. But before she could respond, he stepped closer, his hand reaching up to brush a strand of hair from her face. "You're a beautiful woman, Lee Nari," he murmured, his voice low and dangerous.
Ah, fuck it.
You were in too deep on the effects of the pills mixed with alcohol. 
Probably what you were thinking at the time was a terrible idea.
But the effects of the drug made you feel so damn good.
And Suga usually had a mysterious aura to him, something dark and alluring that attracted you to him.
Like a moth to a flame. 
You had burned before. 
And you really liked the pain.
You took another pill that you had hidden on your dress and placed it on your tongue. You knew that she was playing a dangerous game, but you couldn't help the attraction you felt for that man. In a moment of impulse, you leaned in with your hands reaching up to tangle in his hair.
And kissed him.
Kissed him as if you were alone in that place full of people.
As if you couldn’t be seen by absolutely everyone who was there.
The effect of the drug deliciously amplified the sensations and you could swear that the Suga’s lips tasted like chocolate strawberries, your favorite dessert. 
“You're getting me in trouble little flower." said the man As you broke apart, you could see the surprise and suspicion in his eyes.
“Good thing I love trouble," but before you could move again a hand grabbed Suga's arm, pulling him away from you.
Turns out your five minutes were up and the bodyguard had gone upstairs to tell Namjoon you were kissing his brother outside of the club. 
Didn’t snitches get stitches in this clan?
Or lose a finger or something.
The Right Hand eyes were looking directly at you. He was furious, you could see the veins of his neck pop, blood rushing through them filled with anger. 
Oh you’d fucked up. 
Big time.
Now the both of you were really in trouble “May I know, what the fuck are you doing here, you bastard?” Namjoon grabbed two fists full of Suga’s shirt.
“Having fun like everyone else at this party, or isn't that what we all came here for, Daddy's boy?” replied the older one with his sarcastic chuckle.
“Call me that one more time and I'll break your fucking face” Namjoon so close to Suga's face while he looked amused by his reaction. 
As if he had been waiting for it.
“Oh your majesty, I'd love to see you try....”
Before chaos could form the rest of the siblings approached to separate them. You were still standing in the middle of the two, unsure if you should try to calm things down. 
But you knew you’d only make it worse.
“Let's calm down a little, you know the rules: no fighting in my club - Jimin intervened trying to calm them down a little “If you are going to break each other's faces or measure each other's dick or whatever it is you are doing right now. Do it somewhere else” he finished with a tone of authority.
Kim Namjoon might be the right hand of the clan, but this was Park's kingdom. But it didn't help anyway...
“You just love to play with what doesn’t belong to you, don't you?” Namjoon responded in a mocking tone.
To that you raised an eyebrow, you were nobodies. But before you could speak Jhope put a hand on your shoulder giving you a sympathetic look “Not now, princess Nari” he whispered. 
Suga grabbed the hand that was still holding him by the collar “Are you sure of what you’re saying, Kim? Do you want me to remind you who you are and who I am?”
You had a feeling they were no longer talking about you. But all you could do was look at them terrified realizing that you had provoked something you couldn't stop.
They both meant much more.
“I'm going to kill you tonight, you son of a bitch” Namjoon growled and Suga had a smirk on his lips but the expression of his eyes wanted blood.
“Hope, take Miss Lee out of here. That's an order” Namjoon said without looking at you.
The young gangster approached you with an apologetic  look “I'm sorry princess Nari, but we'd better go” He took you by the arm to take you out of the place and ushered you to a SUV that was already parked and ready for you to leave.
“I knew you'd be trouble." Taehyung whispered as you passed him.
Your eyes stung from tears that were trying to come out.
You felt humiliated.
You had screwed up completely.
Suga was your fucking weakness and your needed to get him out of her system.
The faster this mission would be over.
Faster she could get away from all of this.
And away from him.
I have a confesion to make: This August D concept photos are making me feel things. What a good moment to be alive honestly. Because I would gladly let gangster August D Kill m... Ahem.
Here's another confession. Butter is actually one of my fav chapters, because its all the build up to the real deal of the story. But I got inspired by the pictures of this beautiful, beautiful human and decided to add a new scene to the chapter.
For the ones who don't know Hate is actually a story I've aready finished on wattpad and I am translating (from spanish) and cross posting it here on tumblr. Also, the original story is actually an OCxSuga and not a reader POV. But I really am enjoying this changes. I hope you guys enjoy this story as much as I am enjoying writing.
There is so much more to come and I am excited to show you!
For the ones who are interested, the tag list is open If you want to be on it you can leave a comment or send me an ask! 💌💌
Tag list: @allamericanuniverse @drunkzseok
Love, Ria.
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chrysalizzm · 3 months
fuck it im publishing my korean mcyt mystery crime squad fanned fiction and none of u gay fucks can stop me. least of all myself
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yico0 · 10 months
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"Signal" is a South Korean television series that blends crime thriller, mystery, and science fiction elements. The central characters, a profiler from the present day and a detective from the past, use this unconventional means of communication to collaborate on solving cold cases and preventing crimes.
What is the koinos kosmos (common world) and mutually assumed knowledge the series shares with viewers? 
The common world in "Signal" involves a walkie-talkie connecting individuals in different time periods. This device enables characters to communicate across timelines, influencing investigations and crime-solving. The common world would include the shared understanding of this supernatural element and its impact on the characters and their investigations.
2. How does the series depict cultural hybridity through the alerted history’s role in reflecting and reshaping cultural assumptions? 
It depicts cultural hybridity by utilizing its time-travel narrative to reflect and reshape cultural assumptions. The series navigates different time periods, seamlessly blending the past and present to showcase the evolution of societal norms, values, and cultural references. Through the characters' interactions across eras, the show explores the dynamic nature of culture, illustrating how the past and present coalesce to form a hybrid narrative. Cultural references specific to each time period, from technology to fashion, contribute to this amalgamation, engaging viewers in a rich tapestry of historical and contemporary contexts. The altered history aspect introduces ethical dilemmas that transcend temporal boundaries, challenging characters to grapple with evolving ethical standards. Additionally, the collaboration of characters from diverse backgrounds fosters a cultural exchange, highlighting the series' nuanced portrayal of how cultural assumptions influence both investigations and interpersonal dynamics across time.
3. How does the series depict the power of understanding world-creation? 
"Signal" depicts the power of understanding world-creation through its exploration of the consequences of altering historical events and timelines.
Temporal Influence: The walkie-talkie serves as a tool for characters to communicate with people in the past, allowing them to intervene in historical events. By doing so, they alter the timeline and influence the course of history, showcasing the significant power and responsibility associated with understanding how events shape the world.
Butterfly Effect: The series delves into the butterfly effect, demonstrating how small changes in the past can lead to substantial and unforeseen consequences in the present and future. This concept underscores the fragility and interconnectedness of events, emphasizing the characters' ability to create a ripple effect through their actions in the past.
Moral and Ethical Dilemmas: As characters grapple with the consequences of altering history, "Signal" explores the moral and ethical dilemmas associated with manipulating the natural order of events. The power of understanding world-creation is not just a narrative device but a thematic exploration of the complexities and responsibilities tied to temporal intervention.
4. In what ways do formulations of the past, present, and future engage with prospective realities of what might have been and what might be in the series’ alerted history? 
The series intertwines these temporal elements through the use of a walkie-talkie that enables communication across different time periods. The alerted history in "Signal" prompts characters to reconsider and reassess what might have been had certain actions or events unfolded differently. Furthermore, the exploration of the alerted history raises questions about the characters' agency in shaping their own destinies. 
5. How do multiple realities or contemplations of multiple realities merge with questions of authenticity? 
"Signal" seamlessly weaves historical reality into its narrative tapestry by incorporating authentic elements of the past to construct compelling crime stories. The series delves into meticulously researched historical contexts, immersing viewers in a captivating portrayal of crimes, investigations, and mysteries rooted in the annals of real history. These narratives, while invented for the purpose of the show, are intricately presented within the authentic frameworks of socio-political climates and cultural landscapes of specific time periods. The distinctive charm of "Signal" lies in its profound exploration of altered history facilitated by a walkie-talkie. Within this historical backdrop, the series introduces a speculative twist where characters, grounded in their meticulously portrayed eras, embark on a journey to reshape the course of events. Although the crimes and investigations themselves are fictional, the show introduces a thought-provoking element as characters endeavor to alter the course of history by communicating with figures from the past. This alteration of historical events serves as a central and enthralling plot device, allowing characters to wield influence over the outcomes of cases and delve into the intricate consequences of their interventions, thus blurring the lines between fiction and the rich tapestry of real historical landscapes.
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jentledaisies · 3 months
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disclaimer: This is not in any way shape or form a representation of Jisoo, Jennie, Rosè, Lisa, or Blackpink as a whole. All reactions, actions, thoughts, words, and general emotions are fiction and created by me. The behavior shown in these reactions is toxic and unhealthy but fantasized in a romantic way for simply that, fantasy. None of this should be taken seriously or sought after in real life, or performed. please do not romanticize this behavior/mindset in real life as it is unhealthy and toxic, and if you or anyone you know is in such an environment, should be taken out of it immediately. Again, this blog is purely fiction, and all acts taken place in this blog should remain so. ↳ None of my characters, yandere or otherwise, will ever nor would ever perform, act, or consider sexual activities of any sort without consent. full stop. Any and all sexual acts are done with the full consent of all parties taking place. i will never, ever, ever write otherwise or even consider writing otherwise.
CASE FILE: BP RECON ↳ The Blood Pythons [BP] are a notorious mafia crime family located in Seoul, South Korea. It is led by a joint circle of four core members, one being the family's daughter and boss. Many sting operations and undercover agents have brought back what is known. Due to their formation of split leadership, it is seen as one of the most difficult to infiltrate and dismantle. Nothing but full loyalty and deep respect have been observed within the members and between ranks. ↳ It is believed that not only has [BP] cut a deal with the police force in their area, but has likewise cut a deal with the federal force. No member has ever been charged with a federal crime, leading to the belief that not only have they cut a deal, but low-level members may be planted through the forces. Many reports have come through that while the gang holds a fearsome grasp on the Korean underworld, nothing compares to the way they will lash out when it comes to their significant others [LOVERS]. ↳ The [LOVERS] are an unknown group who are the chosen partners of the four core members. It is believed that they are the final string for them all, and as such are fiercely protected by members of [BP]. Even more than the horrors brought upon those who threaten [LOVERS] by the members, the pain brought upon them by the core members is said to be hell upon earth.
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NAME: KIM JISOO ↳ ALIAS: CHECKMATE POSITION: Underboss SPECIALITY: Technological Leader OVERVIEW: [CHECKMATE] is the notorious underboss of BP. Although she rarely goes into the field she is an extremely skilled attacker and her current murder/kill count is still unconfirmed, although it is said to be in the hundreds. She deals with a lot of the technical deals in the group and is mainly in charge of all finances. She is the main owner of a majority of the mafia's properties/businesses. KNOWN ORIGIN: A well-documented child prodigy, [CHECKMATE] was accepted into Korea’s top tech school [AGE: 16]. A year later, [AGE: 17] an anonymous hacker broke into Korea's State Treasury, alleged at the time and now confirmed to be [CHECKMATE]. Along with the vigilante act of releasing loan money back into personal banks, it was discovered that many state and military confidential leaks were sourced by her. At the discovery, she was arrested and processed immediately. However, four months after her sentencing, she escaped during an explosion at Seoul Women's Penitentiary, alleged and confirmed to be an act orchestrated by [BP]. One year later, [AGE:18], a UCA discovered [CHECKMATE] as the underboss of [BP] after completing the assassination of a rival gang, [KINGPIN]. SKILL OVERVIEW: As a certifiable tech genius, [CHECKMATE] is in charge of handling all technical advances/operations in [BP], as well as aiding financial situations and management. As far as is known, [CHECKMATE] controls all surveillance and research in the gang. She is the leader of all other members who work with tech, which aids her in her underboss position. UNDERCOVER DETAIL: [REDACTED] was sent in undercover in [BP] alongside [REDACTED] before [CHECKMATE] was affiliated or arrested. However, once [CHECKMATE] had joined, [REDACTED] was the one to bring forth the information about her. [CHECKMATE] was said to be one of the most difficult members to get to, unlike the other undercover agents, and as soon as word leaked about her discovery of position, [REDACTED] was swiftly terminated by [BP]. KILL COUNT: ↳ CONFIRMED: 500+ ↳ UNCONFIRMED: 1,000+ CASE FILE: [KIM JENNIE]
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NAME: KIM JENNIE ↳ ALIAS: VIPER POSITION: Boss SPECIALITY: The Leader. She controls it all. OVERVIEW: [VIPER] is the final say. She has been the leader since age 17 and is extremely skilled both in the field and out of the field. [VIPER] rules the underworld with an iron grip. She is feared by her enemies and adored by those who work under her. [VIPER] has been confirmed to have taken down entire cartels/gangs all by herself, and is known for never being someone to cross. A cold-blooded killer is what is in her blood. KNOWN ORIGIN: [VIPER] was born to to infamous mafia boss and former [BP] leader, Kim Su-yoon [BULLET]. Her father is still unknown. Despite her family's shady ties, [VIPER] was a notorious party girl for a while before the events of her reign began. [VIPER] took over her mother’s position as the most powerful boss in Korea at the young age of 17 when [BULLET] passed away. Although the circumstances of [BULLET] death are unknown, it is assumed [VIPER] killed her for power and position. Her alleged first act as boss was the alleged manipulation of the prison break that freed [CHECKMATE]. [VIPER] proved to be just as powerful of a boss as her late mother as she easily defended her and her gang’s position at the top of Korea and then expanded the territory quite quickly. In just under two years she had become one of the most powerful mafia bosses in Asia and remains in that position to this day.
SKILL OVERVIEW: As she was trained from birth, [VIPER] is at the top in all categories of the gang. She is the main leader of everyone, even in specialized positions such as Tech Leader and Stealth Leader. The only team she doesn’t have that control over is the medical team. She has shown to be proficient in everything from offensive/defensive attacks to politics and strategy. Her skill set lies in her proficiency in all areas, making her a deadly enemy and prolific leader. UNDERCOVER DETAIL: As a very wealthy family the Kims had many people who worked in the household. [REDACTED] was sent in during the middle years of [BULLET'S] reign as a worker. [REDACTED] had acted indecorously and fallen in love with [BULLET] during that time. While unethical, the government's desperation had allowed [REDACTED] to continue the flirtation, until it all culminated in [BULLET'S] pregnancy with [VIPER]. At this time, [REDACTED] turned in his final report before disappearing off the grid, away from [BULLET] and the government. He was assumed alive due to a low-priority tail assigned to him to ensure his safety in hiding, until [CHECKMATE] leaked the documents of [REDACTED] name, files, and information. Two days later [VIPER] promptly sent his death notification with his corpse. KILL COUNT: ↳ CONFIRMED: 2,500+ ↳ UNCONFIRMED: 4,000+ CASE FILE: [PARK CHAEYOUNG / ROSÉ]
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POSITION: Consigliere
SPECIALITY: Assasin / Hitmen Leader
OVERVIEW: [REAPER] is the third-in-command of [BP] crime family. She is one of the highest trusted advisors/members alongside [VIPER] and [CHECKMATE]. She is the boss of every crew in the family. everything goes through her before reaching [CHECKMATE], and then [VIPER], and she has the power to start/end missions in the Boss’s name.
KNOWN ORIGIN: [REAPER] was born in Auckland, New Zealand before moving to Melbourne, Australia [AGE: 1] with her father who had met her then-future stepmother. Many reports were filed against the small family over the next ten years, yet due to the negligence of Australian authorities, no action was taken. When [REAPER] was 12 her father was found murdered in the living room of the family home, and the young girl was found locked inside her room with only a single bottle of water with her, her deceased family dog next to her father. An investigation led to a large history of the stepmother abusing not only the young girl but her father as well, using them to earn herself money, which she finally stole and ran away. [REAPER] was sent to live with her biological mother in Korea, and three years later, the mother was found murdered brutally. Further investigation into the death came across a horrifying discovery of her abusing her traumatized child even more. Before an attempt at an arrest could be made of her, [REAPER] disappeared. One year later, [AGE: 16] the stepmother was found dead with the calling card of [REAPER] and [BP] announcing her as the third leader.
SKILL OVERVIEW: [REAPER] gained many skills that would aid her during her time training in [BP]. It's reported that she mastered the art of being a hitman quickly, and from there sent out to kill her stepmother. [REAPER] has killed without mercy, her known kill count just shy of her boss’s. She knows how to defend herself, and has carried out many assassinations in broad daylight, in public places, yet gone completely unnoticed.
UNDERCOVER DETAILS: [REAPER] is the most well-documented member, despite [VIPER'S] partying past. [REDACTED] entered undercover with [REDACTED] before [CHECKMATE] and [REAPER] joined. [REDACTED] rose through the ranks quickly, with top fighting skills and a political tongue. When [REAPER] joined, [REDACTED] began a relationship with her, unknown to her CO. When [REAPER] set out to assassinate her former stepmother, [REDACTED] joined her. Though [REDACTED] took no part in the killing, she was quickly removed from the operation for worries of her psychological profile, and the way she seemed to be leaning into the life. [REDACTED'S] final report was after her disposal, and she explained how [REAPER] demanded her disappearance as her final act of mercy. [REDACTED] burned her real identity and is currently unknown in her whereabouts.
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POSITION: Consigliere / Associate
Specialty: Doctor / Medical Leader
OVERVIEW: [SAVIOR], is, officially speaking, not truly a member of the [BP] crime family. She is officially classified as an associate, someone who works for the crime family but is not a member. Yet, she is higher ranking than any other crew or crew leader, her position in the family being an odd one as she actually holds the same authority and power as the other leaders, specifically [REAPER]. For this reason, in the family between the members, she holds the position of consigliere.
KNOWN ORIGIN: [SAVIOR] is the only member of the [BP] Korean Crime Family who is not Korean or of Korean ethnicity. [SAVIOR] was born and raised in Buri Ram, Thailand, with a loving mother and stepfather. [SAVIOR] is a certifiable genius with an IQ of 184. She graduated high school [AGE: 13] before going into pre-med at SNU, thus moving to Korea alone. She graduated in just a few years, before being transferred to medical school. It is unclear exactly how it happened, but after graduating med school [AGE: 20] she went off the grid for over three months. When [SAVIOR] finally resurfaced everything was fine until certain events led to her connection with [BP] coming to light.
SKILL OVERVIEW: [SAVIOR] has the most straightforward skill set of all the members. As [SAVIOR] is a licensed doctor, she is the medical leader for the [BP] crime family. She is the leader of all medical teams of the family, and the only one trusted enough to take care of the other inner members, herself included. She is a skilled fighter as well but not as much as the other girls, so she prefers not fighting. If [SAVIOR] is on a mission on the field, it is said she remains away from the action.
UNDERCOVER DETAILS: [REDACTED] went undercover a few months after [SAVIOR] joined, before she was discovered. [REDACTED] stated that very few, if any knew of [SAVIOR], and he didn't even know of her until a mission gone bad. Due to a lack of reports, not much is known of her activity in the gang, only her position and skill. [REDACTED] passed away on a mission gone wrong against [CHA LEE-YEON].
jentledaisies © 2024 no translations, reposting or modifications are allowed. do not claim as your own. viewer discretion advised, your media consumption is your responsibility
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weakherodiaries · 1 year
Weak Hero Musings (8): On Baekjin's Fate
This one is super long and I'm sorry for that.
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A. WHY BAEKJIN (DONALD) MUST DIE: THE SOCIAL PROTEST AND THE LAWS (for the counter-argument, please read point B).
Disclaimer: I'm not a Korean lawyer and I'm sorry for any mistakes.
The thing is, I understand that this webtoon is a social protest medium mixed with the action genre. I'd suspected that this was the case since early on, when Sieun (Gray)'s backstory was revealed. I Googled and found that there were kids whose fates mirror Suho (Stephen)'s. And there are other real cases that the webtoon included too.
These cases are probably just the tip of an iceberg. I'm sure that Seopass and Kim Jinseok know so, so much more about their social problems than I do. Through the webtoon, I can sense that they hope to make strong statements. "Our child welfare policies are bad". "The bullying problem is a national epidemic". "Our urban development plans are harmful to the society". "There's something wrong with our educational system". Etc etc.
In this lens, Baekjin (Donald) must die for the statements to be impactful. His demise as a complex character will probably matter, especially since this webtoon has quite a following and a new adaptation is coming.
Since the webtoon is serious about child welfare, I'll try to take it seriously when it comes to real juvenile criminal proceedings. I'd since learned that had his crimes been uncovered, and had Baekjin survived and made a full recovery, he would've possibly stood trial in the Criminal Court, instead of in the Family/Juvenile one. Because he was a genius head of a criminal organization, he would've been considered competent in the eyes of the law.
Baekjin's crimes are severe. Theft, breaking and entering, destruction of property, tampering with evidence, assault and battery, corruption, blackmail, extortion...you name them. Baekjin would've ended up in prison for some of his crimes, (maybe for 2-4 years or more, depending on how the prosecution and the court see his mitigating circumstances as an abused and abandoned kid) and he would've been heavily fined for the others.
Afaik there's no total expunction of criminal records in South Korea. Even though 5 years after he was released the records could be deleted from public view, law enforcement officers would've still been able to access them until his death. Undoubtedly, this would've created difficulties for Baekjin to apply to universities and to look for jobs. Barred from many opportunities, the future would've been bleak for Baekjin and he might've turned into a reoffending criminal.
Perhaps it was better for him to die.
In spite of my understanding, to say that I was flabbergasted from Baekjin's death is an understatement. I was reeling from the shock. I know that he's a fictional character but there's even a research on how the human brain can sympathize with both fictional characters and real human beings.
So, in my brain, Baekjin is both that relentless juvenile criminal and the downtrodden kid whose life was cut short.
Baekjin deserved to live. To make amends, and build great friendships with the Eunjang and Union kids, and other people outside of those circles.
He deserved to go to karaoke and scream from the top of his lungs with those friends. To play online and arcade games. To play basketball, soccer, or baseball. To read and rant about animes, novels, mangas, and webtoons. To have his life read in Tarot. To eat at random roadside food stalls. To go to cinemas, make some noise and be shushed at. Or to use a friend's streaming account and refuse to pay the bills. To sing and dance at school festivals.
He'd probably never be able to go to a decent university if this was real life but since this is fiction, why wasn't he allowed to go to a local university and rant about his know-it-all professors? Why was he not allowed the chance to doze off in early morning classes like any other kids, being glued together by a bazillion cups of coffee (yes I still remember that cute fanart)?
Why was he not given the opportunity to present a new Math formula, and receive an echoing standing ovation afterwards? That kid had never been appreciated in his life, fgs.
Didn't he deserve to get a job and whine about it while drinking, eating out, and logging in to online spaces like the rest of us? And maybe someday he would've even dated, got married, got divorced, raised kids, or stayed single forever and traveled the world.
We'll never know.
Why, why, when life's already tough on real juvenile delinquents and criminals, must it be made tough on a fictional one? Doesn't fiction exist not only as a medium of protest but also as an entertainment and a catharsis?
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citrinekay · 2 years
What’s Beyond Evil about? What about it do you love?
Hello, thanks for the questions! I'm always happy to promo Beyond Evil and gush about why it's 16 of some of the best episodes of television I've ever watched 😊 Assuming this ask is for recommendation purposes, I'll try to keep my explanation mostly spoiler free.
Plot-wise, Beyond Evil is about a 20 year old serial murder case that took place in the fictional small town of Manyang. Lee Dong-sik, local dilf nutjob, was accused of doing the crimes, including killing is own twin sister. He has since become a police inspector in Manyang (returning home 18 years after the murder accusations because an investigation went wrong while he was stationed in Seoul.) Han Joo-won, the son of the Deputy Commsioner of the Korean police force and previously an inspector himself in Foreign Affairs division, comes to Manyang specifically to catch Dong-sik, who he believes to be the killer based on other crimes he was investigating at Foreign Affairs. They are quickly assigned as partners, much to both of their displeasure. (Dong-sik doesn't like Joo-won's snooty, rich city kid attitude and Joo-won wanted to surveil Dong-sik discreetly for his private investigation). What can be described as a cat-and-mouse game between them ensues when a new murder occurs with the same MO as the cases from 20 years ago, exacerbating Joo-won's determination to catch Dong-sik at all costs. But wait, the preppy little hot-shot from Seoul has some secrets of his own and motivations for being in Manyang that aren't purely moralistic or justified ... Most of the show involves them trying to solve the crimes and importantly, the consequences that occur when the answers are revealed.
What I like about Beyond Evil ... well I could probably talk about it all day but I'll try to condense it down into a few bullet points:
The characters - they are all fleshed out, flawed, realistic, and compelling, even the "bad guys". Friendships of all genders and ages are included. The idea of family and what makes people family by blood or choice gets discussed in almost every episode. The people who are portrayed as lifelong friends do genuinely seem like they love and care for one another in an organic way. I don't think there's a character in this show that I don't love for one reason or another even if it is just loving to hate them.
It's a "cop" show that is kind of ACAB tbh. The police are portrayed in a unflattering light unlike most American dramas. The rules surrounding how and when missing persons can be looked for and how the investigations into the various female victims are conducted based either negative or positive societal reactions to the victims are criticized at every turn. In the end, you're left with a lot of questions about how the justice system could be improved but the realization that any kind of change won't be simple or easy
Segueing off the prior point, the victims and their families are the main focus. There's no understand or sensationalizing the killer and the criminals. Trauma, and the lingering affects of a family member being killed, is a major theme that often gets excluded in mainstream crime dramas.
My main pairing. When it comes to Joo-won and Dong-sik, the writers really revolutionized the older jaded cop vs. the younger hot-shot rookie trope. Their relationship is so fascinating and unique. It could be a recipe for disaster or a very mutually advantageous partnership, depending on the situation lol The push-pull between them never fails to satisfy. I love examining power dynamics in my pairings and this one has it in spades. Shipping aside though, the evolution of their relationship and the way Shin Ha-kyun and Yeo Jin-goo portray the characters and how their chemistry ignites onscreen is, in my opinion, a major selling point for the show.
The themes - justice, injustice, atonement, redemption, despair, healing, what it means to be vulnerable and give someone else the power to destroy you or restore you, food as a love language ... Above all, this show is about love
While I feel I've only scratched the surface of explaining why I love this show and would recommend it to everyone, I'll stop here so I don't give away too much. If you do happen to watch the show based on this answer, I hope you enjoy it as much as me!! Thanks again and have a lovely day 🥰
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dangermousie · 1 year
Because I am not watching enough stuff (not like for the first time in years, I am watching six airing dramas - Lost You Forever and Love You Seven Times from China, My Lovely Liar, My Dearest, The Killing Vote and Lady Durian from Korea, as well as binging If You Wish Upon Me), I am going to rewatch 2014 crime/mystery awesomeness that is Bad Guys, about a project to use three hardened criminals to help catch other criminals, in exchange for some reduction in their sentence.
Bad Guys is a rare drama with no romance in it whatsoever that I love, and not just because of my Park Hae Jin thirst. Anyway, in preparation for rewatch, I rewatched my two fave scenes from the very last ep. Obviously, epic massive spoilers. A little background, PHJ is a convicted serial killer, the youngest in Korean history. He does not remember murdering these people but there is evidence and witnesses and he's scored way high on the psychopathy test so here we are.
Anyway, this is the big reveal so spoilers spoilers spoilers...
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Those murderous monstrous idiots do know The Manchurian Candidate is fiction?
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Apparently not. But then if they watched kdramas in their free time instead of murdering people, they'd know that you cannot turn a gorgeous male lead of a kdrama into a wanton murderer (I mean, he can be a murderer sure, but with a good reason like revenge - see Mawang - god I love that drama! - not of innocents.)
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But honestly, joking or not, this is horrifying, the man went to get treatment to be more "normal" and instead they went oh how great, he's mentally not normal, maybe we can use it to do our murders for us - that is one person who will never ever go to a medical professional for any reason now.
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Park Hae Jin's character should hang out with Joo Ji Hoon's character from the Mask and Lee Jun Ki's from Flower of Evil in "what the FUCK Arkham Asylum school of medicine did these shrinks go to?" club in terms of trying to gaslight someone into believing they are murderous monsters (hell, these actually went a step further and tried to get him to kill people) as well the "just because I am neurodivergent/have mental issues people use me as a convenient scapegoat for murders" club.
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If he didn't have issues before, he's gonna have them now. On one hand, it's good to know you aren't a serial killer, on another - that is so so so fucked up!!!!
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I am glad his crime bros prevented him from becoming a murderer for real but Jesus H Christ.
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