#clover by CLAMP too
hiuythn · 2 months
Hi, how are you? If you don't mind me asking, what are your top 7 favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series/etc)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before...... Thanks....
hi! I'm doing great, thank you for asking! I haven't thought of a top 7 before so that's interesting to think about. hm...I guess it would probably be:
1. Haikyū!! (it's so simple but it's so good. I heard Furudate created it to get people into volleyball and I'm confident in saying that he succeeded. there's just something so refreshing about it, but underneath everything, it still manages to communicate a thoughtful message that where you are today is not where you'll be tomorrow, and that the journey brought on by your passion—while it may not get your end—still has meaning in its pursuit.)
2. The Husky and His White Cat Shizun by Meatbun doesn't Eat Meat (xianxia danmei. my god, I went into this novel thinking it was another low-hanging fruit enemies to lovers type bait where the ML is basically abusive and the MC is a weak backboned twink, but no. no the story had me screaming, sobbing, and begging the author to stop because it hurt too much. I was in tears and I was laughing and I was in love and I was praying for them to be happy so, so bad. it's actually insane. NOTHING will beat how Meatbun managed to make me reconcile Chu Wanning's cold exterior with his soft heart, and Mo Ran's past life with his current one. I was actually baffled by how many fucking revelations, foreshadowing, and plot twists (that made sense and didn't come out of left field entirely) this book managed to have. Meatbun expertly weaved humor, tragedy, horror, mystery and romance all into one misleadingly-packaged book and I feel delightfully bamboozled.)
3. Turning by 쿠유 (Korean historical bl novel. Still reading this one, but the deep unspoken trust the MC and ML have for each other is really awe-inspiring, and they're also very competent at what they do. The relationships with their subordinates and allies are also really heartwarming. The plot is sufficiently interesting as well, and not just something cobbled together to make the characters kiss lol—not that that's bad intrinsically, but it can get old after a while.)
4. Percy Jackson and the Olympians by Rock Riordan (everyone knows this one. I love it because I grew up reading it, and then reading it to my sister out loud with the voices and everything. I love an MC that just consistently doesn't know what he's doing and yet sees things through to the end, and whose motto is just "fuck it, fuck this, and fuck you". and again Percy and Annabeth have that "bantering duo who trust and balance each other out and are also very, very good at what they do" type relationship that I'm such a sucker for.)
5. Bleach by Tite Kubo (one of the Big 3 manga serialized back then. I'm down bad for the art, he's one of my favourite mangaka in terms of art style, and also it's nostalgic. I grew up watching ichigo fight through impossible odds with just his "fuck you don't touch my people" mentality. are you starting to see a pattern with me and protective, headstrong MCs? the cast of side characters are all pretty memorable, despite its growing size down the line and again, i love their designs. I know people gripe a lot about the plot and continuity errors, but I enjoyed it regardless—except for the accursed ending and Epilogue Dad Haircut..)
6. Montmorency by Eleanor Updale (victorian crime fiction novel. I was sent this as compensation in, like, 5th grade when the Scholastic Fair delivered the wrong order to me. I didn't expect to like it but it was surprisingly a good standalone read. i used to reread it loads but it's been about a decade now so some details are blurry, but i am very fond of it still.)
7. A Quiet Place (horror movie, though for me it's less horror and more of a family-centric movie. I'm awful with horror, I'm such a wuss, but this movie was so good with its character dynamics and the ending was so fitting that I couldn't help but rewatch it and have it engrained in my head. I haven't watch the other movies in this series and tbh I fully believe the first movie is sufficient on its own, not to say the other suck, I just have no urge to watch them. this movie was such a palate cleanser for me in cinema.)
thank you for your ask, had a lot of fun coming up with this list!
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intheticklecloset · 2 months
The Tickle Demon: Second Strike (Black Clover)
Collab with @giggly-squiggily!
**Spoilers for Season 4 and beyond of Black Clover**
To read Part 1 (her fic), click here!
Summary: Part 2 of Squiggily's fic! Yuno offers to teach Liebe the best ways to tickle Asta, which the demon readily accepts!
A/N: EEEEK this was so much fun to work on! Asta and Liebe have had all of my brainspace since the latter was introduced in Season 4, and when we got to fangirling about them, this was the result! (Her idea, by the way!) Thank you so much for collabing with me again, friend! I had a ton of fun! 💖
Word Count: 2179
“Now, now, Liebe,” Asta said, putting his hands up defensively. “Let’s…let’s not get hasty, all right? This whole tickling thing is still pretty new to you—”
“Hey, it worked fine with your friend, didn’t it?” Liebe shot back, beginning to grin. “What’s the matter, human? You scared?”
Asta opened his mouth to retort, then decided – stupidly – to try and make a run for it.
Behind him, Yuno stared in bafflement and exchanged a brief glance with the demon before the latter of them took off after the shorter mage. Beginning to feel a giddiness rise up in him that he hadn’t felt in months, Yuno sprinted after them both.
“Are you seriously trying to run away from me?” Liebe called after Asta, cackling with amusement. “We’re contracted! You literally can’t outrun me!”
“I can try!” Asta shouted over his shoulder, but his huge grin gave him away – to Yuno, at least.
Catching up to Liebe for a split second, he panted, “He just likes to make things difficult. Think you can take care of that?”
“Heck yeah, I can,” Liebe replied, then put on a burst of speed that had him caught up to Asta and tackling him to the ground in seconds.
Asta yelped and flipped onto his back just as Liebe caught his arms and pinned them at his sides. “Waitwaitwait!”
“Let you catch your breath, I know, I know.”
Asta blinked up at his demon, surprised. That hadn’t been why he’d been protesting, but it made him feel oddly proud to see Liebe catching on to his earlier lessons so quickly.
Yuno caught up to them then, unable to help but laugh a little. “What were you thinking, taking off like that?”
“You did it, too!”
“I had a chance to escape.”
“No you didn’t!” Asta and Liebe retorted in unison.
Yuno smirked and crouched at Asta’s side beside Liebe. “Well? Are you ready, Shortsta?”
“You’re still hung up on my height—?”
Suddenly Liebe’s unfairly pointed fingers were in his ribs, cutting Asta off mid-rant and making him choke on a startled laugh, trying to pull his arms out from under his demon.
“I’m taking that as a yes,” Liebe told him with a grin.
“Wahahahahahait, nohohohohoho!” Asta giggled, squirming as much as he could even though the demon had barely begun. “I dihihihihihidn’t sahahahahahay I was reheheheheheady, you jeheheheherk!”
Liebe snorted. “You were talking just fine, so I assumed you could breathe.”
Yuno barely bit back another laugh of his own. He’d only known Liebe for a few minutes, but he liked him already. And the friendship he seemed to have with Asta was clearly strong, so he liked him even more for that.
“Why aren’t you laughing as hard as he did?” Liebe asked after a few moments of soft snickers, fingers poking and prodding all along his ribs.
At this point, Yuno felt it was time to step in and do his share of teaching as well. “Different people are more ticklish in different places. You just have to find the right spot.”
“Oooh.” Liebe hummed, nodding as he dragged his fingers to Asta’s waist.
Asta’s giggles grew a tad softer at the change in location, much to Liebe’s obvious frustration. “Nihihihice try, Liehehehehebe! You’ll hahahahahave to do behehehehetter than that if you wahahahant to take mehehehehehe down!”
Yuno rolled his eyes playfully and reached in to help, wiggling a finger into the space where Asta’s armpits were clamped to his sides. “You’re in no position to be sassing us like that, now are you, Shortsta?”
In response, the smaller mage whined and bit his lip to keep from laughing any harder, determined to hold out at least a little bit.
“Come on, where is it?” Liebe grunted, releasing one of his arms to better access the hollow of his armpit and scribble his claws into it.
Asta yelped and tried to pull his arm back in again, but Liebe only grinned and pinned it out to his side as he tickled. “Oooh, is it here? Is this the spot that will make you laugh?”
Liebe – for all his enthusiasm – wasn’t very good at gauging what human reactions meant in this context, Yuno decided. He scooted around so he was sitting behind Asta’s head, then gestured to get the demon’s attention.
“Here, give me his arms,” he said.
Both of them ignored the giggly “nononono!”s that were coming from Asta as Liebe handed his wrists off to the wind mage and watched as he pulled them above his friend’s head to sit on them. They both knew full well that despite his small stature, Asta had strength to spare. Best to take precautions.
“Try again,” Yuno encouraged, slowly trailing his own fingers in Asta’s armpits to keep him giggling and squirming while still allowing Liebe the pleasure of finding the best spot on his own. “You’ll know when you get to it. Oh, and don’t forget to tease him, too, remember?”
Liebe’s eyes lit up at the same time that Asta shot Yuno a “what the hell?!” look that had the wind mage smirking back at him.
“Oh, yeah!” The demon grinned and finally went for Asta’s stomach, making him shriek at the same time he let out a long string of, “Tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle!”
“Gahahahahahaha nohohohohohoho! Liehehehehehehebe, it tihihihihihihihihihickles!” Asta screeched, laughter spilling out of him in waves now as he struggled and writhed on the ground, unable to bring his arms down protectively anymore. He arched his back when the demon dragged a claw along his navel and cried, “Nohohohohohohohoho!”
Yuno grinned, watching the two of them. Liebe was a bit clumsy, but his eagerness made up for it, and despite his protests, he could see that Asta was having a blast in this moment. He always looked so happy when someone he cared about was tickling him. He thought it must really mean something that he and Liebe had bonded so quickly. He’d have to ask about their story later.
For now, he gave the demon a minute or so to enjoy Asta’s usual happy laughter before deciding it was time to bring out the big guns.
“You’re pretty close to making him really laugh,” Yuno said, smiling as Liebe looked up to meet his eyes. “But I’m afraid I’ll have to teach you the best way, because I doubt you’ll get it on your own.”
“Yuno!” Asta screeched, looking up at him with wide eyes. “Dohohohohon’t you dahahahahare!”
“Do dare!” Liebe interjected, grinning even wider. “If he doesn’t want you to share, it must be good. Tell me, human!”
“My name is Yuno,” the wind mage reminded him gently but firmly, “and I will. Watch this.”
“No! Yuno, don’t!” Asta whined, trying to bring his arms down to throw him off, but a quick scribble over his belly put an end to that.
Yuno finally allowed himself to grin mischievously, leaning in close to Asta’s face and digging a little harder into his armpits, cooing in his most annoyingly babyish voice, “What’s wrong? Whittle Asta can’t handle some whittle tickles? Hmm? Is that it?”
Asta twisted his head to the side, blushing furiously, trying desperately to keep his laughter at bay.
Yuno glanced at Liebe and said, “Tickle his stomach again.”
“No! Nohohohohohohoho!”
“Aww, whittle ticklish Asta can’t take some tummy tickles, can he? No, he can’t~ You’re so red now! Does it tickle too much? Huh?”
“FAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA—!!” Asta barely cut off a curse as he finally exploded with laughter, writhing on the ground like he wanted to burn a hole into it. “I TRUHUHUHUHUSTED YOU, TRAHAHAHAHAHAITOR!!”
Liebe watched Asta fall apart with rapt interest, eyes wide at the human’s reddened cheeks and more panicked state. Despite his curiosity, however, he found himself confused, and he frowned. “Why are you talking like that?”
Yuno stopped what he was doing to look up at him. He opened his mouth to explain that it was baby talk, but then – did demons have babies? Would they understand the concept? He found himself blushing a little, knowing how childish it all was. But it worked, and they both liked it, so he shrugged off the embarrassment and did his best.
“It’s a type of teasing. It’s called baby talk,” he said, glancing back down at Asta as he caught his breath and going right back into it before he could fully recover. “And it works soooo well on our whittle Asta! See? It makes him laugh sooo much, yes it does! Aww, are you ticklish, whittle Asta?”
“CUHUHUHUHUHUHUT IT OHOHOHOHOHOUT!!” Asta shrieked, shaking his head as he laughed helplessly under the onslaught.
Liebe still didn’t fully understand, but he thought he might have enough information to give it a try, so with a shrug, he dragged his claws down Asta’s stomach and cooed, “Oh, whittle Asta is a whittle baby, is he?”
His first instinct was to cringe – what was this insane type of human speech? It was ridiculous! – but then he saw how much Asta began to struggle and laugh in response to the words, and he felt something close to excitement well up inside him. He grinned, met Yuno’s approving gaze, and tried it again.
“Where does whittle Asta think he’s going? Hmm? I told you, we’re contracted! No escaping me, ticklish whittle Asta~”
“SHUHUHUHUHUHUHUT UP!!” Asta pleaded, laughing even harder now that his worst spot was being tickled in tandem with the teasing words.
Then the reality of them hit Liebe, and his grin went from pleased to utterly wicked in the span of a second. Asta could almost see the devil horns sprouting out of his head (besides the ones he already had).
“That’s right,” Liebe taunted, his voice lowering on instinct as he continued to coo at Asta’s laughing, squirming form. “You can’t get away from me ever, whittle Asta~” He dug his thumbs into the squishy bits of the sides of Asta’s stomach, earning a louder squeal for his efforts. “You said it yourself – I’m your tickle demon, aren’t I? Tickle, tickle, tickle! Whittle Asta is just soooo ticklish right here, isn’t he?”
Asta tossed his head back and positively cackled, his laughter coming out unfiltered in a way Liebe had never heard before. At a glance to Yuno, who gave him a smiling nod, he kept up his attack for another couple of minutes, watching the human utterly crumble beneath him and loving every second of it.
Eventually, though, he seemed to shift from this “having fun” thing they kept talking about to something else.
“PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE, ENOUGH!! NO MOHOHOHOHOHOHORE!!” Asta begged, cheeks so red they looked like strawberries and a sheen to his eyes that hadn’t been there before. “YUNO!! LIEHEHEHEHEHEBE!!”
Yuno held up a hand to the demon, signaling for him to stop. Much as he would have liked to keep going, Liebe followed his direction and ceased tickling, though he didn’t immediately climb off of him like the wind mage did.
“There. Now we’re even,” Yuno said, ruffling his hair playfully and hiding his wince as the bruise on his elbow from his own ambush reminded him it was there. Asta gratefully brought his arms down to cover his stomach, hands inadvertently resting on top of Liebe’s. “You good?”
“Y-Yeheheah,” Asta managed, gasping for breath and turning a halfhearted glare on his best friend. “You traitor.”
Yuno smirked, glancing at Liebe. “I think we both know you don’t mind him knowing about this.”
Asta groaned, but he grinned up at the demon anyway. “Yeah, it’s fine. As long as you promise not to kill me with it, you jerk.”
“I promise no such thing.” Liebe smirked, suddenly grabbing onto his wrists and pinning them down again, his eyes flashing in a way that made Yuno nervous but that only made Asta giggle again. “Like I said, you’re stuck with me. And now that I know about this little weakness…”
Asta squeaked as Liebe used his tail to prod his side momentarily.
“…I intend to have all kinds of fun with you. Soft whittle Asta~”
“Stooooop!” Asta snickered, twisting his body so that Liebe fell onto his side, both of them grinning. “Go back to being a puffball! I want to hang out with Yuno. I haven’t seen him in forever.”
“Who are you calling a puffball, you little—!”
Yuno watched the two of them wrestle and couldn’t help but grin. It was strange; he saw how close and comfortable Asta was with this demon, yet he felt no jealousy. If anything, he was happy for him. Happy that he had another friend within the Black Bulls to look out for him.
They did eventually get to walk around the kingdom and catch up, with Liebe piping up once in a while but mostly leaving them to it, and Yuno was even more grateful that he was willing to let them have their time, unlike a certain wind spirit he knew.
Whoever this demon was, he felt good about entrusting him with Asta’s safety and well-being.
And his laughter.
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biaswreckme · 3 months
ton corps sera mon été | san/reader
San was nervous about his first fashion solo schedule, so you have an idea to help him out.
Fandom: Ateez
Pairing: San/Reader (gender neutral)
Member: San
Word count: 925 words
Genre/Tropes: Smut
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Triggers/Warnings: pwp, established relationship, sub!san, dom!reader, chastity device, nipple play, orgasm control
You can read it on: AO3
A/N: I've been in a brain rot for days since San's first outfit at the D&G fashion show.
You were speechless when he first showed you the outfit he was to wear for the fashion show. The intricate and ornate torso piece was beautiful, and when he tried it on for the first time and sent you a picture, you had almost dropped your phone. Choi San looked stunning, even with his boyish smile as he asked you for reassurance. It would be his first time going alone to something like this and he was nervous, so you made sure to surprise him, be there with him - at least in his hotel room.
And so the day came, you two alone in a gorgeous place, San’s nerves heightening as the hours passed and the event got closer. You had come up with a plan to help distract him, and it was time to set it into motion. You knew him incredibly well after all these years together, and he would need something to keep him grounded. Now, it was a little tricky getting certain items on a flight with only a carry-on bag - and you certainly didn’t want to be stopped and have to explain yourself or get the items confiscated, so you would have to make do with your own body for the most of it.
The crew to get him ready would be in the room in a couple of hours, so you had plenty of time to rile him up and gently bring him down. After his shower, you explained your idea to him and how it would keep his thoughts focused on something else rather than his uncertainty about socializing with other famous people in a foreign language. And with just you describing your idea, he started to look flushed, chest starting to heave up and down a little quicker, his nod quick and sure to consent.
He was on the bed, head thrown on the pillow in anticipation, and you sat on top of him. You started with a cube of ice, pressing it softly against one nipple then the other, seeing them pebble up, massaging his chest with the other hand. San’s eyes were closed, freckles on his neck almost mesmerizing as he moaned. You so wanted the clover clamps both him and you dearly loved, but that would be too much - you also didn’t want to risk him getting too over sensitive while at the event, where you would not be around to catch him if he fell. 
You watched as the ice slowly melted against his tan skin, goosebumps erupting all over his chest and arms, his nipples already standing to full attention as you lowered your upper body to kiss him. It was a short kiss, just enough to distract him as you pinched his right nipple and didn’t let go, tightening your fingers the way he loved it - and the moan you swallowed was proof of that. You repeated the action with the other nipple, getting him warmed up for your tongue and teeth. Your mouth descended on his body, leaving a trail of kisses, albeit no marks, down his neck and torso, then up until you reached his already sensitive chest. 
You would love to see him with the clamps on his nipples, to tug on them, make him cry and beg for relief as you pulled the chain or maybe even hung the small weights, but for now you were content with biting them, making them a little more sensitive to any and all touch. He was squirming on the bed, breathy whimpers coming out of his mouth uncontrollably as he tried to get some friction on his erection.
“Not now, baby, that’s for the afterparty. Do you think you’ll be able to keep it down during the event or do you need your cage?” you asked, already anticipating the answer.
“I… I think the cage might be a good idea,” he answered, a little out of breath still. “I just need… a little time.”
“It’s ok, baby, you have time. Just close your eyes and relax, I’m here with you, take all the time you need.” In truth, he didn’t have all the time in the world, but there was still enough left. But you hugged him close to you, petting his hair as the adrenaline started wearing off. 
When his erection went down, you helped him both into the discreet cock cage and the chest piece of the outfit, whispering words of love and reassurance. And the moment you closed the final clasp connecting the two pieces, he made a movement to get up from the bed but had to stop and clench his hands, feeling exactly how you told him he would: with his nipples stimulated into sensitivity, they were now rubbing against the material of the outfit.
“Hey, look at me, San,” you ordered. “The moment it feels like too much, I’m just a message away. You will also take these pasties, just in case,” you said as you gave him the small protective adhesives. “If you can’t message or call me, you are allowed to use them, do you understand me?”
His eyes softened, and he kissed you. “Yes, I do. Thank you.” You kissed him back, staying in his embrace until the team arrived.
You watched him get his hair and make up done, becoming even more beautiful and donning a mask of confidence, the same one he wore on the stage and dazzled thousands of people. 
And you could barely wait until he was all yours to please, torture, and take care of again.
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milkyhoneybee · 2 days
Harpy girlfriend who doesn't have human hands and she can't get her wings into the right position to play with her tits, absolutely losing it and trilling loudly when you suck on her nipples and grope/pinch them
Fitting a pair of snakebite nipple suckers onto her and watching as she becomes more desperate, clawed feet coming up to try and pull them off but they're too narrow for her to get a good grip on
Laughing and cooing at her as her feathers fluff out and she gets frustrated as the constant pressure turns to oversensitive pain
Eventually you tell her they'll come off if she bounces enough, and you set up a suction toy on the floor for her, watching her bob up and down erratically as she tries to get the suckers to pop off
Her cloaca dripping wet, stretched around a toy that's just a little too big for her, eyes dark and face flushed, sharp teeth worrying her plump lip
Eventually you take pity on her and yank the nipple suckers off roughly, making her cum hard and let out an avian screech as her nipples are finally exposed. Throbbing, thick, bright red from their abuse
Of course, you don't waste time getting them in your mouth
Next time, you go for clover clamps with weights attached and send her out flying, watching her have to readjust her wings every time the weights make her flinch or tense
You joke about getting her heavy silicone implants and how she wouldn't need to fly then, she'd be your pretty songbird on display, perfect tits to show off how successful she is, not needing to hunt or migrate when she has you to care for her, even if the implants would make her look like a ridiculous, sexualised ornament instead of the regal predator she is in her own mind
If you got them big enough, she'd be able to reach them and press them together with her wings
You could get her some pretty gold chains to hang between nipple piercings, put all sorts of colourful hanging jewels on them to show how much her mate cares for her
Or, even though she's more avian than human, you wonder if you could get her to lactate, especially when she occasionally lays an unfertilised egg or three, always getting broody and needy around then, how cute she'd look begging you to drink from her tits to relieve their fullness, maybe get her a wearable set of pumps modified to fit over her wings like a harness, so she can get her teats sucked while she hops around your home
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kinkprincess98 · 11 months
Day 21: clit and nipple torture
Your fingers tug on my nipples and I whimper softly which makes you grin. You give me a quick kiss before reaching into the bedside table. You pull out the tiger balm and a clit pump making me squirm next to you. “Spread your cunt toy, I want to enjoy you suffering for me.” I reach down spreading myself for you, my clit fully exposed. You cover my clit in a thin layer of tiger balm and I gasp as the burning sets in. Before it fully settle in you cover it with the pump and tighten it as far as it will go. My clit throbs and I start to whine from the sensations.
The pump is removed after 30 minutes. In the meantime, you pinch and pull my sore and sensitive nipples. By the time you take off the pump, I am in tears, but you make me hold myself open again for you. I do so, and you don’t hesitate to pull out a riding crop and bring it down harshly on my swollen clit. I yelp, and my hands instinctfully pull away. This earns me a rough tug on my nipples. I sob and resume my position. You bring it down on my clit several times, each one leaving my crying and throbbing. Once you're satisfied with how red and puffy my clit is, you have me edge. I try going slow, but you took things into your own hands. You roughly rub my clit, occasioanly pinching it hard if I was too close to the edge.
With my cheeks tear stained and my cunt throbbing, your focus moves to my nipples. They are already aching, but you bend down and bite one roughly. I gasp and whine and you move to the other. Once you have them painfully hard you delicately attach a set of clover clamps to them. I pant as the pain radiates through me. I can’t stop the silent tears that roll down my cheeks. “You’re so pretty when you suffer baby.” You sit back watching my writhing on the bed. You turn on the tv and sit back to relax, at every ad break you would reach over and tug the chain on my clamps, top up tiger balm on my clit, or harshly edge me. By the end of your movie everything was sore and aching and you finally decide I can have your cock in my throbbing cunt.
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take-taker-taken · 5 months
WARNING - the chapters that comprise this section of The List will contain CNC (consensual non-consent). It will mention rape. There will be humiliation. It will involve weapons. This particular part is mainly corporal punishment. The sub will not always be treated / spoken to kindly. If you’re happy to read such things then feel free to continue.
The List - CNC - Part Four
As you huddle on the floor, gradually getting your breathing back under control, you become aware of the curious feeling of being surrounded. You lift your head and peek around and sure enough, two pairs of boots are inches away.
“I knew you’d choose those,” Mark’s voice floats above you.
“So I’m a tit man - sue me,” comes Shawn’s reply. “Already know what you’re gonna do next.”
Mark huffs out a laugh. “Yeah,” He says. “She doesn’t though.”
Shawn nudges you with his boot and when it makes you huddle in even more he curses and does it again, but harder. “Get on your back, slut - should be familiar.”
You slowly roll over on to your back with your knees raised up and cross your arms over your chest. In response he kicks lightly at your knee so that you drop your legs flat and then he follows you down and sits astride you. He takes hold of your arms and works to pull them away from your body; you do your best to resist but he’s far too strong and he easily forces your hands up and over your head before his gaze roves hungrily over your breasts. As soon as he lets go you begin to move them again and so he grabs them and shoves them back down, holding them there as he looks down at you with a stony expression.
“Leave ‘em there, or I’ll get him to stand on ‘em.” He warns with a nod over to where Mark is standing. “Probably break your fucking wrists.”
You swallow a whimper and just lay there as he slowly lifts his hands away, watching to make sure you’re going to obey. He reaches behind his head and removes a silver chain that’s draped around his neck. At first you think he’s taking his necklace off and then as he lifts it free of his hair you grit your teeth - it’s a set of clover clamps. Fuck… this is going to hurt.
Keeping the clamps in one hand he uses the other to toy with your left nipple. Not viciously like he did before - it’s a gentle, teasing touch and of course the bud turns hard under his ministrations. You’re expecting him to put the clamp on right away but instead he takes his time to play with the other one, until both have been coaxed into firm peaks. He leans down and traces the tip of his tongue around each of them in turn and you whimper as the skin tightens further.
He shifts his head so that his mouth is next to your ear and whispers, “I think you enjoyed that… didn’t you, fuck toy?” He raises up again and you close your eyes briefly as your stomach flips over at the name but say nothing; when you open them he’s dangling the chain over your face as he smirks down at you. “Know what these are?”
Deciding to play dumb, you shake your head and he traces his fingers over your breasts again.
“Remember me saying I wanted to hear you say ‘please’ some more?” He doesn’t wait for an answer as he rattles the clamps in your face. “These are gonna make that happen.”
Without any further preamble, he deftly attaches the clamps to your nipples and as the pain lances through your flesh you scream. It’s the sort of reaction that you’d normally work to keep a lid on but no such pretence is needed here. Before you can move he lunges forward and holds your wrists to the floor as you struggle beneath him.
“Fuck! Take them off, please! Take them off!”
He looks down at you and smiles, running his tongue across his teeth before shaking his head. “Nuh uh - they look real pretty.” He moves a hand in order to pinch the chain between thumb and forefinger, holding it loosely though it sways some. “And the best part? If I give this here a little pull… they’ll get tighter - wanna try?”
You shake your head and your voice cracks a bit as you speak. “No… please don’t… please!” You’re breathing hard as you try to cope with the pain, your hands clenching repeatedly into fists though you leave your hands over your head for fear of reprisals if you move. You close your eyes and let yourself feel the fear, the helplessness, the pain and yes… the arousal.
“You said she kicked you earlier?” Your eyes open when Mark speaks, though you’re still mostly distracted by the sharp pain in your nipples and the fact that Shawn still has hold of the chain and thus controls whether it goes up a couple of notches.
You gain a couple of degrees of relief when he lets the chain go and kneels back up in order to look at Mark. “Yeah, when I was putting her in the truck.” He says and then gets to his feet but continues to stand astride you. “She was mouthing off with some BS about people coming over and then she slammed her foot right into my kidney, little bitch.”
“Well, that sure ain’t the kind of behaviour we expect. Get her up here.”
For a frightening moment you think Shawn is going to drag you up via the clamp’s chain but as he bends over he’s reaching towards your arms and unthinkingly, you bring them down from over your head to aid the task. Given that it’s achieving his aim he doesn’t rebuke you for moving and just hauls you to your feet and you stand there with your head down, teeth gritted against the pain in your chest. You gasp as a hand goes into your hair to drag your head back and you find yourself looking up at Mark. You again have a moment of wonder at how he’s emanating this air of being a stranger but then you have to concentrate because he’s speaking.
“So you’ve been cussing, being violent - and you even spat at him,” he’s saying, indicating Shawn with a nod of his head. “Can’t be letting you get away with all that now, can we?”
You don’t say anything because even though it’s clear to everyone that your actions over the course of this scene were entirely to be expected, you know that no good will come of answering back.
“I’m kind of an old fashioned guy,” he goes on as he releases your hair and his hands move to his waist. “So I’m gonna give you some old fashioned discipline.” Your breath catches as he unbuckles his belt and slides it from the loops - it’s an aspect of impact play that’s been as yet untouched on your list, though not for much longer. “Get her bent over,” he says to Shawn and as the blonde walks by you he pats your cheek but you shy away from his touch which makes him huff with laughter.
There’s another table at the far end of the cabin, pushed up against a wall and next to a door that you notice for the first time. You briefly wonder where it leads to but then Shawn’s back and setting the table in question down a couple of feet away.
“C’mon, get over.” He pulls you by the wrist to stand beside it and then pushes on the back of your neck. You go quietly into position, though set your forearms on the wooden surface to prevent your clamped nipples being squashed against it. Without relinquishing his grip on your neck, Shawn runs his other hand firmly down your back and on to your ass cheek which he squeezes hard and then smacks. You whimper but this time it has a different tone because it’s becoming harder to play act against the rising tide of lust.
“A good dozen should do the trick, what d’ya think?”
You swallow, wondering whether the question is directed at you and then feel relieved that you didn’t try to speak as Shawn smacks your ass again and replies, “For starters.”
There’s a brief silence and then you feel Mark’s huge hand between your shoulder blades. You have a mad thought that it’s weirdly comforting to have both of them touching you at the same time but that’s quickly driven from your brain when the belt comes whistling down and lands squarely across your backside. For a second you feel virtually nothing and then as the sting spreads over your skin you gasp and then cry out. There’s a pause that you recognise dimly as an opportunity to call red but you decline. Shawn’s hand is still on the back of your neck holding you down, and then you feel Mark’s lift from you and hear him changing his stance. In that moment you realise that first stroke had just been a taster and ball your hands into fists beneath yourself as the leather snaps down again.
“Ahhhhhhh, FUCK!” Still held in place by Shawn’s powerful grip, you stamp one foot against the floor as though it will shake off the pain.
“Still cussing, girl?” Your outburst seems to have earned you a break just two strokes in as you hear him issue another order. “I don’t want to be getting my ears assaulted all the way through this - can you gag her, please?”
“Sure can,” You hear the reply and then you feel Shawn’s fingers at the waistband of your panties and he has them down and off before you can react. Next thing, his grip is back in your hair as he drags your head up, pushing the material at your mouth. “C’mon bitch - open up, you’re good at that.” You begin to make a muffled protest that never gets the chance to be anything else as he forces your panties into your mouth. You taste yourself on the fabric but then get distracted by his other hand worming its way under your chest. You try to pull away, certain that he’s seeking to mess with the clamps but then you feel a totally foreign object being urged against your fingers. You move your head and realise that it’s a golf ball and then you understand - you can’t speak right now to use your colours. You clutch on to the ball and he gives your hand a quick, gentle squeeze before withdrawing and pushing your head back down. “That’ll shut her up,” he says and you hear Mark make a noise of satisfaction.
He doles out another four hard strokes with the belt and you squeeze the golf ball for dear life and yell into the makeshift gag. Through the pain your brain starts to swim in that beautiful, serene way and in your mind’s eye you see yourself as they probably see you - bent over with your pussy dripping as a leather strap strikes your pale skin in such an intimate way. You can picture the welts, bright pink with the edges oh, so slightly raised up. You scream into the fabric as the leather connects twice more and then your head is raised again by Shawn and he’s looking right at you. You meet his gaze and then after a few more seconds he lets your head fall and the belt snaps across the back of your thighs once, twice and then another mighty crack across your ass.
You scream one final time, your head lifting up as the blow sears into your flesh and then it drops again and you hear and feel the thump as Mark sets the heavy belt down next to your head. There’s a moment of silence and you’re dimly aware of Shawn’s hand gently kneading the back of your neck. The very second you find it comforting, it leaves you and you hear him speak again, his voice back to that dark, sneering tone.
“Get her upright; it’s time to get those clamps off. I wanna hear her begging again.”
Previous | TBC
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cal-writes · 2 months
Hello! I'm a huge fan of your work! I hope you enjoy writing it even half as much as I enjoy reading it.
I was wondering if I could request Chopper getting upset at Zoro for how often he ends up severely injured and how he always acts like it's no big deal? I love Zoro's sibling relationships with Chopper and Nami and I don't think there's nearly enough content with either of them.
Thank you for all you provide us!
i do enjoy it very much! (most of the time... art be like) i'm so glad you like my work <3
"You have to be more careful." Nami tells Zoro from where she is sitting in the corner of the infirmary. She has her arms wrapped around her middle, legs crossed tightly over each other.
Zoro huffs and it rattles in his chest. "I'm fine." He says, his voice breaking halfway through. Chopper clamps his mouth shut. Hoves pausing briefly before he continues to wrap the myriad of wounds of Zoro's body.
Nami's fingers tighten in the fabric of the too big sweater she is wearing. It must be one of Franky's the way it fits her like a dress. Her nose is still red, the skin on her face blotchy and torn from the cold.
He ties off the last bandage around Zoro's leg. He's more gauze than skin at this point. Hundreds of cuts all over his body, his temperature is still too low. Chopper lost track of how long Zoro spend in the icy water but it was too long. He hadn't even been shivering anymore by the time Jimbei pulled him out.
"You are so far from fine." Nami spits out and stands with a flash. A moment later she's left them with a slam of the door.
Zoro sighs exasperately and the action makes him cough. He stangles it in his throat but this close, Chopper can see his chest jump with the effort.
Chopper jumps off his stepstool next to the bed to grab one of their blankets but before he's even made two steps, Zoro pushes himself up on his elbows.
"What are you doing?" Chopper shrieks, waving his hands around and trying to pull at Zoro's shoulder. He looks down at him, eye unfocused and eyebrow raised.
"You're done right?" Zoro asks, sitting up and ignoring Chopper's protests. "Gotta get back to-"
"If you say training I will not be held responsible for what I do to you!" Chopper shrieks. His voice cracks halfway through as he shifts into his larger form on instinct.
Zoro blinks at him. He has to look up now, as Chopper's more humanoid form towers over him. Chopper feels his fists shake at his sides, rage making a drumroll of his heartbeat.
"Chopper-" Zoro starts but Chopper won't let him. With one large hand on Zoro's injured torso he pushes him back down onto the mattress.
"No." He tells him. "I am not finished. You are staying right here." Chopper exhales sharply through his nose, glaring at Zoro in warning before he turns around to grab that blanket he had been meaning to before. When he turns back Zoro hasn't moved. One weary gray eye watching him closely as he tucks the blanket around him. His form begins to shrink, his hands still shake and his own eyes begin to blur.
"Chopper." Zoro says more quietly.
Chopper just shakes his head, sniffling. "You have to be more careful." He repeats Nami's words. "I know it's not easy, with us being pirates and all but you can't-" He has to rub at his eyes as they spill.
"Come here." Zoro's hand bumps against his head and by the time Chopper stops wiping his eyes he's smaller than the infirmary bed again. His stepstool scrapes over the wood floor as he pulls it clovers to climb onto the mattress. Zoro's arm hangs over the edge, beckonining him to cuddle up against his side. Chopper can feel every one of his breaths. "I'm not going to die." Zoro tells him.
Chopper sniffs and curls up halfway on Zoro's chest. Soft tremors have started to shake his form, which Chopper takes as a good sign. "You can't say that and then disregard everything I tell you when you're hurt." He says. "I'm the doctor on board. This is my job." Zoro's hand lands on his back. It feels too cool still even through his fur. He looks up, fixing Zoro in a glance. "If you don't trust me to do my job right then just say it."
Zoro's eye widens and he sputters. "That's not- Of course I trust you." He says fervently.
Chopper pokes him with one of his hooves against the chest, making sure to hit a part of uninjured skin. "Then do as I say when you're injured."
Zoro sighs and closes his eye, head falling back into the pillow. "Yes, doctor."
Chopper blushes despite himself. "Flattery is not going to change that." He says as he squrims, nuzzling closer into Zoro's side.
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cain-speaks · 1 year
» russian girl (jenia lubich) « 0:53 ──〇──── 2:36
╔⏤⏤⏤⏤╝❀╚⏤⏤⏤⏤╗ AUTHOR'S NOTE ╚⏤⏤⏤⏤╗❀╔⏤⏤⏤⏤╝ ➤ This is a oneshot involving @journey-to-the-au's Clover + Marshal Liu! ➤ This is hurt/comfort. ➤ death to SEM bro. ➤ TRIGGER WARNINGS include angst, hurt/comfort, self-deprication, minor injury, referenced identity theft, referenced framing, and referenced manipulation. ➤ Word count: 1,372
❝ I am just a simple russian girl, I've got vodka in my blood .❞
The guards are none too gentle as they throw the boy into the holding cell, making him cry out as his skin splits on rough stone. The pain is immediate, proving to him that what's happening is real—that the mighty troop of Huāguǒshān truly believes Clover poisoned their beloved King.
"W-Wait!" Clover cries, righting himself as quickly as he can. "Wait, please—!"
He reaches out to the guards, faces that had once looked on him with kindness and friendliness, only to recoil when one snaps at him, long fangs bared threatening. The boy, unfamiliar with such displays, especially from anyone on the mountain, tucks his arms close to his chest and scrambles backwards until he's pressed firmly against the wall. But even as he's out of reach of fang or claw, he can't escape their eyes.
Wrath, regret, disappoinment. Did he prove them wrong? Or prove some of them right?
"You're lucky it's us that were ordered to escort you and not Xīnshù," a mousey brown-grey male—Cypress—spits out. "If she had, I doubt you'd have made it here."
The male beside him, Pecan, scoffs. "You've an atrocious amount of gall, poisoning our King. And during a festival, no less—"
"I didn't!" Clover cries, surprising even himself at the sheer desperation that pours out of him. "I didn't do it, I'd never do it! The mountain..."
Is all I have, he wants to say. But his throat closes and he can't get the words out, try as he might. Cypress and Pecan shake their heads, closing the door and locking him into the cell.
As they turn to leave, Cypress pauses. Then, over his shoulder:
"We should have chased you out the moment you arrived, Sì'ěr."
And then Clover is alone.
The holding room is dark, barely lit by a single torch Pecan left behind. It's cold and wet and it smells like dust, like it hasn't been used in... forever. If he focuses hard enough, the four-eared macaque can get whiffs of a copper tang, making his stomach turn. So instead he buries his face into his knees and wraps his arms and tail around his legs, trying to calm himself.
You can explain. They'll understand. It wasn't me, it was—
...his own grandfather.
What had Clover done wrong? What had influenced his grandfather to... to trick him, to trick the entire troop (the one he was sworn to protect)? And why did he let Clover take the fall? Surely he didn't do it on purpose? They were family, after all; as far as blood went, they were all they had left of each other. That had to mean something.
But that smile before unconsciousness had claimed him... Clover has never seen his grandfather so happy before.
A storm of emotion lights him up inside. Rage at having been framed and tricked, grief for what he could lose, fear of what will happen if he can't convince the troop it wasn't him.
What are they thinking right now? He wonders, hot tears building in his eyes. Does Miss Xīnshù feel validated? Does she think I'm a monster? What about the queen mothers?
And then his stomach drops.
What about Pear? Mulberry, Apple, the rest of his darling friends so lovingly dubbed the Fruit Troop? What was Rin-Rin thinking? Was she worried, and if she was, for what? For him, or for her daughter, who was so often within his grasp? What... what about—
The door opens and Clover clamps his hands over his ears, waiting for the screech of stone grinding on itself. Only it never comes, at least not at the intensity he was prepared for, as if the person opening it was taking great care to avoid any unpleasant sound. But considering it's certainly not hush-hush that Clover is down here (and the only one, too), he can't imagine who'd grant him such generosity.
As a familar figure appears, silhouetted by the corridor behind them and illuminated in the dim torch light, Clover understands.
"L-Liú," Clover gasps, scrambling to his feet. He hurries to the front of the cell, hands wrapped tightly around the bars despite how it irritates the scrapes. "I'm so glad you're here."
Marshal Liú doesn't reply. He enters the room in silence, the door closing behind him. Neither does he spare Clover so much as a glance as he pads to a few more sconces and lights them. When Liú finally approaches the cell, he presses his back to the wall beside it, arms crossed. His face is pinched, eyebrows drawn together and nose wrinkled in a thinking expression. The quietness of it all is unnerving, almost suffocating for the boy. But he keeps silent, not daring to break it.
"The troop is furious," Liú finally says. Clover feels his heart pound anxiously. "Xīnshù especially, considering little Blueberry's birth."
"...I know," Clover murmurs, ears pinned.
"And to make matters worse, Wisdom and Courage have been poisoned, too."
Clover's ears immediately perk, eyes wide as fear settles into his body.
No, no, no, he couldn't have—I couldn't have... He didn't...
"Thankfully, they seem to just be asleep. Beng reckons they'll wake in a few hours," Liú continues, and the four-eared macaque can't help but suck in a deep breath of relief.
They're alright. They're going to be fine.
But is he?
Liú steps in front of Clover, then squats, meeting his eyes.
"You understand how bad this is, Clover," Liú says. "The queen mothers and the King are unconscious, save for a single clone, and you were seen both giving Wùkōng tea and giving the mothers fruit. Somehow."
The two lapse into silence with Clover trembling, tears threatening to escape him again.
Liú slowly raises a hand to cover one of the boy's, holding it gently. "No matter how we look at the evidence, you're responsible, Clover."
A sob breaks loose; he can't help it. Clover knows how bad this looks for him, knows that the odds are not in his favor. The amount of people undoubtedly on his side are barely a fraction of Huāguǒshān and no doubt will lose their power when faced with Xīnshù and the Wùkōng clone.
"I didn't do it," Clover sobs, pressing his forehead against the bars. He bends until he's nearly kowtowing, though he refuses to move his hands from Liú's. "I didn't do it. Please believe me."
Liú make a soft noise—a gentle grunt meant to soothe infants, and Clover would perhaps be embarrassed if it didn't work so well.
"I know," Liú soothes. "I know. Rin-Rin and I know you didn't." His free hand snakes through the bars and cradles Clover's face, careful of his ears, and raises his face.
Clover sputters and uses a sleeve to messily wipe his face, shaking. "I'm so sorry," he weeps, eyes shut tight. "It's all my fault. I-I'm so stupid! I'm not even smart enough to g-get my stupid powers under control! M-Maybe if I did, I could've stopped all this!"
And I'd know if Grandpa was really lying to me the whole time, he adds within his thoughts, his teeth biting into his tongue at the wave of anger that bristles down his back.
"Stop that," Liú coos, gentle. "It's not your fault, Clover. I know it's not. You're..."
Clover barely notices the pause, too caught up in all his feelings. But when a second hand cradles his face and pulls him close, his forehead barely ghosting against Liú's, he's granted a brief moment of confused reprieve.
"Liú...?" He asks softly, noticing the wet sheen in the marshal's eyes with a prick of concern.
"You're my boy," Liú whispers, voice cracking. "And in a few days, we'll catch who really did this and you'll come home."
Clover sniffles, fighting off tears once again, and laughs a little. "And Rin-Rin won't let me leave."
"And Rin-Rin won't let you leave," Liú confirms, laughing a little too.
So the two sit there, cooing softly to each other and wiping away tears and fears alike.
And when Liú has to leave, Clover keeps his chin up.
I'm not alone, he thinks.
Blue eyes flash before his mind's eye, and a determined look settles on his face.
And I won't lose to you.
❝ So I dance with brown bears, and my soul is torn apart .❞
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giggly-squiggily · 7 months
Hi! I don't know if you do request, but if you do, could I ask for some Lee!Fuegoleon and Ler!Yami from Black Clover?
I know it's weird, but I like to think Yami found out Mr. Serious was ticklish, so used it to his advantage or for cheer ups :]
Have a good day!
{Candy Heart Prompts: OFFICIALLY CLOSED!}
Ooo, this isn't weird at all! :D I love a good rare pair; and Fuego and Yami is a fabulous one! I didn't really go with the cheer up route for this dabble- if I'm being completely honest I didn't know if you wanted a dabble or not for the event- but I turned it into one anyway! :D I hope you like it!
Angel: "I didn't know you were ticklish."
“Oi, Fuegoleon.” Yami’s large hand slapped onto his shoulder, making the flame mage pause mid-step. “Hang on, you’ve got something on you.”
“Oh? Thank you, Yam-hmph!” Fuegoleon jumped when Yami began pinching along the back of his ribs, hands twitching as he suppressed the sudden urge to laugh.
“Don’t mention it. I think it’s a string? Damn thing’s been bothering me all day.” Yami grunted, pinching repeatedly in the same spot as he went to grab said mystery object. “Or is it hair? It’s so thin, I can’t grab it.”
“P-Perhaps you sh-should let it be. I can m-manage it!”
“No way- I’m surpassing my limits. No string or hair is gonna stop me.” Yami narrowed his eyes, switching to scratching at it with his short nails to pick it off. Fuegoleon let out a surprised hoot of laughter at the feeling, clamping his mouth shut immediately when he felt Yami pause behind him.
Silence. Then…
“Huh.” Yami gruffed, voice casual. “I didn’t know you were ticklish.”
“I erm-” Fuegoleon cleared his throat, hating how hot his face felt at that moment. “I suppose I am a touch sensitive..”
Yami hummed. Then he immediately went back to grabbing at the hair, using all five fingers to claw at it. Fuegoleon all but flailed at the touch, the only thing preventing him from completely running away was a strong hand on his hip. “Ah! Yahhahami! Whahahait, fohohohorgehhehet the hahahhahair!”
“Or string. I already told you- I’m surpassing my limits.” The hand on his hip tightened, increasing the boisterous laughter Fuegoleon let out until finally- Yami released him. “Got it.”
“Eheh..hehehe..heh..” The redhead doubled over some with a few short coughs, looking over his shoulder to see what Yami collected. “Hahhair..”
“Gray one too. Make a wish.” Yami gave it to him before walking off, a low chuckle shaking his core at his little send off. Fuegoleon sighed as he burned the strand with a flick of magic.
“Pfft-” A snort, just barely heard in the distance. Fuegoleon twisted around, glaring at the additional party. “Not a word.”
“I didn’t say anything.” Nozel mused, amusement in his tone as he passed him. Without any warning, he jabbed his finger into the redhead’s side, making him jump with a wheeze. 
“Don’t let your guard down, Fuegoleon.” A rare smile crossed his usually cold features, melting away any of Fuegoleon’s earlier annoyances. “It’s undignified for the magic knight.”
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xshiny · 8 months
jus forget he was ever in the military or had a tragic backstory, yeah?
When you were young, you had a childhood best friend. His name? König. At least, that's all he'd ever tell you. You never really knew what it meant, nor what culture it came from. You guys grew up together in the same neighborhood, and were always together. One day, when you were seven, you guys met up in the park by the swings.
The other park kids held the "wedding ceremony", and you walked through the swings like it was an aisle. König, who was standing at the end, was awaiting for you with a kid who was pretending to be the priest. You held a bouquet of dandelions the "flower girl" picked out for you, and she showered the aslie with clovers.
You make it to König, and the priest begins. The ring bearer comes up and gives you and König a ring pop each.
"Do you, y/n l/n, take König as your lawfully husband and promise to love him for all eternity?"
"I do"
"And do you, König, take y/n l/n, as your lawfully lover and promise to love them for all eternity?"
"I do"
As you both out the rings on each other, you started to giggle at how silly this ,ade up wedding game was. But König took it seriously, and he happily put the ring pop on your finger.
"You may now kiss the bride!" The priest cried out, tossing away his imaginary bible.
You and König were too young for a first kiss still, so you agreed to kisses on the cheek. The crowd went wild, and everyone was given those barrel buckets juice thingies to celebrate.
When day fell to night, König brought you to a sky viewing field, and held your hands. "Promise me you'll love me for eternity?" He asks, a bit shy but also serious.
"I promise. I'll be yours forever" you promised, not even knowing what you were getting yourself into. You just thought it was all part of the game.
The night ended with the two of you hugging, with shooting stars lighting up the night sky. "Quick, make a wish!" You shouted, pointing to the shooting stars.
König closed his eyes, and a smile appears on his face as he makes his wish. Then it was time to go home.
The next day, you went back to the park, hopping you'd find your "spouse". But König wasn't there. So you searched in the town pool, the library, the playground, the fast foods, everywhere!
Since then, it's been twenty years and you live in a nice apartment with your pet turtle. Suddenly, you receive a letter wrapped in gold foil, and you carefully open it up.
Dear y/n l/n,
We have recognized your request of marriage to the prince who is now king. Come to Germany and you'll be crowned heir to the throne.
Your marriage proposal from twenty years ago is now valid, and you are accepted to be the one for the prince.
Whatever their name is supposed to be who sends out letters to clients for the boss.
Well... this is something new. It must be joke or prank, right...?
You check the address, and then you examine the paper, and the writing. This was definitely not fake.
"Holy sh*t!" You exclaim, sitting down at your coffee table, rubbing your temples. Twenty years ago!? Now...that would have been since I was what, seven?
Suddenly your brain begins to brain, and you think all the way back to when you had your "wedding ceremony" with your childhood best friend at the park, who never came back. You clamp your hand over your mouth, and small tears form. You need go to Germany.
A/n: I was tired and couldn't finish the rest...
Part two??
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iamthecomet · 1 year
Comet! Now's your time to write Mounty bottoming
Just soft trans masc Mounty times
Happy Mountain Monday!
Aether's been settled between his legs for a long time. Tongue dragging through his slick folds. Lips sealing over his clit. Letting the fat head of it rest on his tongue as he sucks, lazily.
Mountain digs his fingers into Aether's hair. He closes his eyes, focuses on the way the fading sunlight colors the inside of his eyelids. He worries some of Aether's hair between his fingers, soft strands rolling against the calloused pad of his thumb.
It's been a slow afternoon. Lazy. Spent lounging together on Mountain's big bed, awash with sunlight dyed green from all the plants in front of Mountain's big windows.
There is no rush in Aether's movements, as he laves his tongue across the underside of Mountain's clit, over the head. Pulling the hood back with a careful finger. The sensation makes Mountain twitch. Hand clenching a little harder in Aether's hair. He drags the other hand through his own.
Overwhelmed with sensation but not enough of it to actually cum. He's shuddering against Aether's mouth. Thighs shaking under his palms.
"Aeth," Mountain whispers, eyes opening, hand pulling at Aether's hair, insistent now. "Aeth please."
Aether pulls off of Mountain's clit. Tongue darting out to lick his lips as he does. "Yeah, ok."
Aether slips two fingers into Mountain's cunt, and seals his mouth back down over his clit and Mountain sees starts. His back bows of the bed. He pins his knuckles between his teeth and bares down, a whine breaking through his chest.
Aether doesn't relent until Mountain cums. Body clamping down on Aether's fingers, fern-green eyes rolling back into his head.
"So pretty," Aether praises, pressing a line of kisses to the inside of Mountain's thigh. "Love to watch you cum."
Mountain sighs heavily. Aether strokes up and down his thigh, pushes himself up to kiss the spot under Mountain's belly button. He peppers kisses all the way up. Across his ribs, his sternum. Taking the time to take each swollen nipple into his mouth and worry it between his teeth. Mountain shivers, hands coming around to touch. To grip Aether by the biceps, or slide up into the thick hair at the base of his skull.
By the time they're face to face, Mountain is shaking again. Taking shuddering breaths, face flushed.
Aether grinds his hips forward, dragging his cock through Mountain's dripping folds. Catching the head on Mountain's clit and making him keen.
"You ready for me, Mount?"
Mountain nods. He curls his fingers around the nape of Aether's neck and pulls him down into a kiss. He licks into Aether's mouth, tasting the earthen musk of himself behind Aether's teeth.
Aether hitches one of Mountain's legs up and pushes forward. Mountain breaks the kiss first, pulling away to gasp at the stretch, as Aether bottoms out.
Aether bends down to press his forehead to Mountain's as he starts to move. A slow grind that has Mountain whining within a matter of thrusts, blunt nails digging into Aether's biceps.
"Aeth," Mountain presses his head against Aether's neck. Sensation rolling through him. Too much. Not enough. Mountain never wants it to end. He wants to live in these moments of burgeoning pleasure forever.
The ozone and menthol smell of Aether fills his senses. There are words he wants to say--but he can't find them. Overwhelmed from all sides, adrift. He clenches down, body trembling. Aether strokes his hand through Mountain's hair, cradling his head against his chest, as he rocks into him.
"I know, Clover," Aether whispers into the crown of his head. "Don't worry. I've got you."
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tomoyoo · 6 months
19,21,24 for the clamp ask
19. Favorite CLAMP outfit
sakura and yuuko have the best! can't choose !
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21. Favorite anime adaptation
cardcaptor sakura hands down. It's such a calming show<3
24. A series you feel is underrated
Hmmm I don't know maybe Clover ? it's not as mainstream as cardcaptor or chobits but it is a standout in their catalogue. At that point clamp had already created many of their best works, if you read them in order you'll notice that Clover is refreshing and experimental with the non-linear narrative, minimalist style, i think it's their first sci-fi too. it has steampunk, cyberpunk and art deco elements. the story is told through songs and the lyrics floats over the character's actions.
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kinkprincess98 · 7 months
I kneel in front of you, my pussy throbbing as your hands kneed my tits harshly. I suck in air as you pinch my nipples. "Such a needy pain whore aren't you?" I nod in reply, too focused on the sharp pain in my nipples. You pull them up hard, so I'm made to arch my back. "Ah, come now cunt. You know better than not to answer me properly" I look up at you and reply, "Yes sir, I am a very needy pain whore." You release my aching nipples only to attach a set of clover clamps to them, causing tears to roll down my cheeks. You chuckle as I squirm, knowing how wet the pain makes me. "I think it's time to push you. See how much you can take for me." I nod, biting my lip nervously. "Yes sir."
You leave and return a few minutes later. I watch you suction the largest toy I've seen to the floor. It's a dildo shaped like a horse cock. As thick as a forearm and more than a foot long. I stare wide-eyed at the toy, wondering which hole you'll stretch with it. I don't have to wait long before I'm guided up by you pulling the chain connecting the clamps. I whimper and follow you over to the toy. I realize you laid out a few other toys too, that I hadn't noticed before: a heavy flogger, a crop, and your favorite, a paddle, as well as you're phone set up to record. "You'll take this toy all the way to the base cunt. Then you'll fuck your ass on it as long as I want." You force me into a squat rubbing the head of the toy against my leaking pussy, "that should be plenty of lube for you." I sob as I feel it against my tight ass. You push me down on the toy just until it pops in. Then, you step back for the show.
I wince as I start trying to bounce on the toy. My ass aches from the stretching while my pussy drips onto the floor. You work the phone zooming in on the video for a better view. "Oh, look at that, you have over 200 people watching you struggle cunt" I struggle to comprehend you're not just recording but streaming my ruining myself live for anyone to see. "Better put on a good show for all these people. Take that horse cock deep on your ass. I want you gaping. I try and struggle and cry as I try to get to the base of the toy. I fail, and I hear you mockingly tsk me, "Aww too bad you can't do it yourself. Guess I can help you out." I sigh in relief, but it's short-lived as I watch you pick up the flogger.
The first hit lands across my tits, and the pain makes me arch my back. "Dance now cunt. Squirm and impale yourself on the toy. You WILL take it all if I have to force you down one it myself." I can't stand or move away from your hits. I only shake and writhe on the toy as it sinks deeper into me. My legs shake, and I pant. My tits are bright red before you move on to my back and thighs giving the same harsh treatment. When I finally hit the base, you stop and pet my head. "Good girl, now fuck yourself on it" You push me so I'm on all four, and my thighs have some reprieve from the squat. You pour a bit of lube on the toy, and I reach down and start pumping it in and out. While I do that, you pick up the paddle and land blow after blow on my ass. If I stopped or slowed down, you'd press your foot against the toy's base to drive it deeper.
Once you're satisfied with my performance, you pull out the toy and show off my gape to the audience watching. "Such a sloppy loose hole," you say as you plunge your cock into it. You fuck me roughly, pulling my hair as I cry. Your other hand is spanking my already sore and throbbing ass. You fuck me until you cum a large load inside of me. When you pull out, you drag me upright and shove your cock in my mouth the clean. I leak your cum and my juices onto the floor, and I know I'll be made to lick them up later. I suck and lick your cock, tasting myself on you. Once satisfied, you walk back to turn on the stream. I smile at you, happy with how sore I am and how proud I made you.
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3leafstem · 4 months
Our Little Secret
Day 29 of 100 Days of Deathduo; from superhero and sidekick au
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Here is a drabble to go along with it:
Clover knows staring at her phone when the path is so crowded is bound to lead to some accident, but the article detailing hero duo Sentinel and Voidwalker’s latest expedition and how it went wrong keeps her full attention. She reaches the end, where the news outlet attaches a photo of Sentinel carrying an unconscious Voidwalker and fleeing the scene. Clover sighs, thinking about her coworkers--her friends.
She collides into someone’s back, letting out a small ‘oof’ before backing up to apologize. “Sorry--” Her thoughts are cut off  when she takes in the person in front of her, and Clover’s breath catches in her throat.
The young woman is halfway through her own apology when she’s turning to Clover. Silver hair sways with the movement, and Clover has seen this a thousand times, will recognize the back of that wavy hair and sheepish smile turning back towards her anywhere. It doesn’t matter that this hair is draped over proud shoulders rather than pulled back in a braid. It doesn’t matter that the eyes that meet Clover’s are not shielded by blue-tinted goggles because they still smile wherever they look, and they are just as violet as Clover has imagined them, if not warmer. “Don’t worry about it. I stopped too quickly.” 
And that is her voice, the same one that gives Clover gratifying compliments after a job, or passes reassuring murmurs and a squeeze on the shoulder when something goes wrong, or whispers puns into her ear during meetings, already stifling giggles before the punchline even leaves her mouth. Clover doesn’t even register what they say.
"Star--" It slips out before she can clamp a hand over her mouth. Clover’s heart thumps a bit harder in her chest, and she glances left and right for eavesdroppers before finally lifting her eyes back up to the hero. 
Starstorm’s shoulders are tense, and her eyebrows are raised. There is no doubt they have heard the mumbled exclamation from Clover. As Clover processes their expression, trying to figure out if she has made a mistake, she almost flinches at her realization. Would her hero even recognize her back? Clover always wears a goggled mask much like Starstorm, but it’s more opaque, green eyes dulled to a gray by the tinted glass. Her hair is always pulled up on duty, not loose and covering her face's frame like it does now. Clover is even so paranoid that she alters the vibrations of her own voice when talking to Starstorm not over a radio, only slightly because it’s difficult and takes an incredible amount of focus. Even if it doesn’t make a difference, Clover hardly spoke just now.
Starstorm will not recognize her. Clover’s stomach twists at the thought. 
Then Starstorm smiles. It is bright and warm and everything the smile of a hero, a symbol, should be, and it curves up the bottom of their eyes as their cheeks rise. They place a finger to their upturned lips. "Our little secret," they whisper in the same light tone used for quick quips during conferences, only for Clover’s ears.
And for a moment, Clover thinks they know--know who Clover is, have realized just the same that their sidekick stands before them, but as Starstorm withdraws their hand and turns back to the moving crowd, Clover knows she is just another citizen to her hero in disguise, one who has deciphered the secret identity of the prevalent figure in civilian costume. In or out of disguise, Clover has never figured out whether the public hero or the regular civilian is the true mask, for either herself or Starstorm.
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intheticklecloset · 1 year
Ooo, is that coffee shots I smell? :D My caffine craving is at an all time high! Could I please request Lee!Asta and Ler!Noelle from Black Clover? :3 I saw a post you made awhile back about these two and figured why not? :D The spot can be whatever you'd like- but if you need a spot either stomach or armpits work for me :)
Have a great day! <3
*squee* lee!Asta!! Ahhh I've been wanting to write him lately, so thank you for giving me the opportunity! These two are so cute together, omg. 🥰 I hope you're having a good weekend so far, friend! 💖
Noelle had no idea where she’d gotten the courage to do what she was currently doing, but she was doing it now, so she might as well see it through, right?
Asta squawked and curled in on himself, giggling hysterically as her fingers kneaded his sides, trying to get around to his stomach – a near impossible task when she was behind him and his back was to her.
“Noelle! Cuhuhuhuhut it out!” he cried, grabbing onto her fingers more gently than she’d have anticipated given his circumstances.
“No way, dorksta!” she shot back, trying instead to worm up into an armpit. “You deserve this for being a total idiot!”
Asta yelped and clamped his arm to his side, still trying to wiggle away from her. “Buhuhuhut it wohohohohorked, didn’t ihihihit?!”
“That’s no excuse for you to rush into every battle without thinking it through first! You could have died!” Noelle finally managed to get one hand around to his belly, digging in with more ferocity now that she was remembering what had spurred her to attack him in the first place.
“Ahahahahahahahaha! W-Wahahahahait, Noelle!” Asta shrieked, finally twisting around to face her, his bright smile and pink cheeks making her heart flip in her chest even as he begged, “Nohohohot thehehehehehere! Please, Noehehehehehelle!”
She smiled despite herself, blushing at the adorable figure before her. Asta could be an idiot sometimes, for sure, but she knew that at heart he had nothing but the best intentions and the greatest of love for everyone he swung that anti-magic sword for.
So really, if any kind of punishment was in order, it was this kind. Gentle but ruthless, just like he was.
“Noelle, stahahahahahahap!”
“Tch, why should I?” she snapped, though she was still smiling. Good thing he was too distracted to notice. “Maybe this will teach you to rush into every fight without thinking, dorksta!”
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dorizardthewizard · 9 months
Galactik Football season 3 rewatch, eps 4 - 6
Episode 4:
Aww Tia and Thran talking about TV shows, I like seeing more interactions between characters we don't see together that often.
Also Tia looking out for D'jok by getting the video checked! We see her check up on him a couple of times in these episodes, I love their friendship. Here it's like a little reversal of when D'jok was looking out for her when the whole Rocket Netherball thing was going down
Hooooow does Thran's filter program somehow let him see what happened before the explosion?? That's not filtering anything out, it's straight up new footage!
Artegor putting his hand on Aarch's shoulder after D'jok's disappearance... they're such a divorced couple with messy history who still care about each other
Clamp: Without D'jok here, we don't have a captain!
A complete non-issue since D'jok only started being the captain because Rocket left, but he's back now so
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Aw that little moment of the Snow Kids being a little star struck, getting to play against Aarch and Artegor at their prime. Although I still don't know how that works exactly with the holo-trainer and their irl physical fitness but whatever
Standing all cool as they tell their Snow Kids to take a break and then immediately crumpling with their middle aged bones ajshahaha
Why does Sonny's English dub voice sound so forced now. "It COULD be a TRAP!!"
Aaaaand now D'jok's leaving as well, that was quick
Are they... you know 😳😳😳
No seriously Sonny's delivery just sells this ahahaha
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I love team Paradisia's designs btw, very y2k. We've even got Clover from Totally Spies here!
Ok quick rant about the attempts at portraying "girl power":
Honestly idk about D'jok being annoyed they're all girls, this with the Elektra's comment earlier are examples of S3 being more heavy-handed like, “yeah these players are girls, but ACTUALLY that doesn't mean they're not good players!”. Compare this to the previous seasons where we just... had players that were really good and happened to be girls, and no one needed to comment on it? Like, Kernor is the top goal keeper and Lun-Zaera is the best striker for the Wambas, plus Tia was the Snow Kid's biggest weapon in season 1 so I don't think D'jok would immediately dismiss the girls like that. Maybe he would be disconcerted at being the only boy, but still. It's like in the lego n/in/ja/go movie where they were like “she's a GIRL, but she can still be a NINJA!” which has a weird psychological effect of actually enforcing to kids that there is some sort of disparity between men and women, when instead they could just portray her as an equal and let that do the talking, no need to manufacture sexism so you can call it out like “hey, we're so progressive!” (not that you can't have stories with that too, I just don't think it makes as much sense in this situation and shows a different approach than the first two seasons).
Rant over <3
I like Team Paradisia's football outfits but what's the point of the visor?
They kind of have the Cyclops' style of attacking, lmao
D'jok you're such a bitch
Y'know at this point Aarch is like. Wow don't we have contracts with any of these kids? With notice periods?
I feel like S3 could have been more fun if the player switching had been more planned like, mix up the teams! The Snow Kids knew they'd have to get a player from another team but for some reason did not seem willing to let go one of their own, even though logically they would have to?
Artegor: He was bad for the team and we're better off without him!
Ah nice to see Artegor's no chill side still comes out sometimes
GASP! What a twist!
Episode 5:
Ooooh new name for a Ryker's player! Kinda wish it was the blue hair one just to distinguish easier lol
Nihla!! Although apparently Nihlis in secondary material. Not sure if it's clear what their gender is in the og French but I hc that the Shadows fuck around with gender anyway
Ok what, I remember this All Stars game happening but I thought it was later. I thought I skipped an episode for a second there because what, there was no mention of this mixed all stars game before at all??
Nikki-4 sounds like the actual name Nikifor. heh
Rocket and Tia's H2O t-shirts! iconic nerds
My reaction to the Mice-delight advert breaks are the same reaction I have to any advert break
Ah ok so they were all contacted by other teams lol, in my mind Tia got contacted for the All Stars game but she turned them down because things were tumultuous for the Snow Kids and she wanted to be there for them <3
Also why are they dismayed that everyone's been contacted by other teams, that's kind of the point of this mixed flux tournament, no? It means they're good players!
Ah ironic, Rocket can't make the flux jump and he falls, as opposed to season 2 when he saved Tia from a fall with the flux. Now I'm imagining Tia jumping up to save him and carrying him bridal style. It should have happened, writers
Rocket: Yeah I'm okay! Rocket: Actually, I take that back
We love a self-aware king who knows his limits <3
Christ it's just disaster after disaster for the Snow Kids, huh
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Callie giving Nork the STINK EYE lol DRAG HIM she at least has some journalistic integrity
D'jok's being such an ass with the way he's talking about the Snow Kids, at least Mei showed there were no hard feelings when she left. What did they do to you, man? I can understand him feeling hurt and needing to get away, but now the show's going back to “D'jok only cares about winning” again. Like sure that could definitely be a front, but the show doesn't really look behind it as far as I remember
Surprised we didn't start this match with D'jok and Sinedd taunting each other
How dare you use the Pirate's soundtrack and not have a Pirate on the field >:(
YES KERNOR! weird to see her tired out though
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The animation 😭😭😭
ooo call back to Netherball with this resonance thing, glad that has consequences. Cool that they show it affecting other players too, Kernor was the Netherball champion before Rocket after all
Does Simbai get dressed in her flux society clothes just to have a zoom call with them?
Ah wish we had more of that all star game
Episode 6:
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Oh come on this is just sloppy now, he says the Shadows vs Rykers but that's the Pirates' logo. They got it right on the previous shot as well!
Is Mice practicing confessing to Yuki? I thought they were already dating lmao, surely they're past this
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Why is Mark drawn with nipples but Micro-Ice isn't? Wait no he has them too in the next shot, what are the rules here 😂
Ah this scene is a classic. But 🅱lease give Micro-Ice some development that's not just comedic relief, even his stuff with Yuki is played for laughs. What about the fact that his best friend, no, brother, just up and left and shits on the Snow Kids on live TV?
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Kernor enjoying her little treat <3 I love when we get to see tough characters doing mundane things like eating ice cream.
I love this butler guy who hates his job. His wince when Tia says she needs someone to talk to before he reluctantly offers an ear, LOL. An icon.
Awww I'm glad to see Tia and Mei still being good friends. Mei I missed you!
THE SHADOWS WALKING IN UNISON UNDER THE UMBRELLA DSFJKFSSDF I know I shit on the animation but they do try to put in little things like that. They didn't have to animate that, but they did, for us.
Artie and Bennett shenanigans yaaay
Not Ahito and Thran deciding to watch the Shadows match instead of supporting Yuki
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It's so fun watching the Rykers with how intimidating they are. Unfortunately my brain has been ruined and I keep getting reminded of something else when I see this gesture
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He looks so unbothered 🤣😭😭
Again, what's the point of the Elektra's visor? Their flux looks so cool though
What position is Mei even playing now
Why didn't Kernor use her flux? Honestly goalkeepers should just use their flux for every save considering they don't have to run around as much
Is it just me or is Ahito not falling asleep as much as before
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The look Tia gives Lun-Zia, wtf man, this whole jealousy plot is just ridiculous. SHE WOULD NOT FUCKING DO THAT!
Why ya'll being so mean to Mice, dafuq ToT He just got violated by the paparazzi lmao show some sympathy
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Sidney's reaction to Kernor sfsdfjksfjk good taste sir
Ooooooo Pirates lore!! So they were already a thing before Sonny, he just took control from Magnus Blade and gave them a PR change
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