#Korda 6
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terapsina · 28 days ago
Here's a funny fix-it idea for saving the Haat Mando'ade (and the Jedi, and the galaxy) through a bi-monthly (once every two months) game of holotransmessage sabacc!
And it all starts with Jaster Mereel and his One Mand'alor Persistence War of Getting into the Jetii Archives.
Basically his bi-weekly (twice every week) requests start getting on Madame Nu's nerves so much that she ends up agreeing to a gamble.
She'll give Jaster access when he beats her at sabacc. Provided he leaves her alone between the games and those games are properly scheduled at least a week ahead of time (missing the agreed upon time will mean waiting two months for the next opportunity).
Jaster does not beat Jocasta Nu at sabacc.
Jocasta Nu is a shark (something that literally any Jedi could have warned him of, no one plays sabacc with Madame Nu unless they feel like being utterly humiliated).
But Jaster will get into those archives if it's the last thing he does.
And then at some point like twenty games in, Korda VI mission shows up on the books two days before an agreed upon sabacc date with his Jetii Archnemesis.
Jaster almost had her last time (he did not), and he refuses to skip an opportunity... so despite Montross' strange insistence that they should take the gig, Jaster doesn't take the bounty.
(and Montross ends up exposing himself a month later because his anger gets the best of properly checking his surroundings and Jango hears him muttering murdery/traitory things under his breath).
Anyway. Fast forward to Galidraan and Dooku recognizes Jaster as Jocasta's Sabacc Buddy (read: victim) and it would be incredibly awkward if he had to tell her that he killed the only person in the galaxy willing to play sabacc with her... so he decides to err on the side of not being suicidal and asks a few questions first.
It is the beginning of the end...
...a thousand year old Sith long-con foiled by a long-standing sabacc date.
P.S. It takes Jaster 11 years and exactly 66 attempts (and somewhere down in Sith Hell Palpatine is screaming in rage at the irony) to beat Madame Nu at sabacc (really Jocasta let him win, but let's leave Jaster with some dignity here) and so he is at last invited to cross the archway of the Jedi Library past the gaze of the Great Krayt Dragon of the Archives (aka. Jaster's Jetii BFF).
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psyzook · 2 years ago
brb, I’m currently obsessed with Jaster Mereel. Like- he is so fucking pure. I mean, he’s a DILF, a nerd, and sort of awkward?!? 😫 bitch, everyone wants a piece of him
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frostie-strawberry · 7 months ago
I'm bored... 😅
Gonna go in order from most votes to least votes
Was gonna add my own Resident Evil OC to the votes but I know no one would vote for her 😂
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crispyjenkins · 2 years ago
Dha Kar'ta small snippet
i'm REAL excited for this next chapter y'all. there's pining, and politics, and bonding with the haat'ade, and obi-wan knowing too much about things he shouldn't even know about in the first place, which as i'm writing all that out, that's kind of just what this fic... is
Mando'a: Mand'alor - contended ruler of Mandalore jetii - "Jedi" Haat'ade - shortned form of Haat Mando'ade meaning "True Children of Mandalore" jetii'verd - lit. "Jedi soldier"; tho with verd as a suffix it's more like addressing someone by rank jetii'alor - lit. "Jedi commander", "Jedi leader"; also more like a respectful address
  Obi-Wan laughs. “I’ll refrain then, Mand’alor. Next time, though, you shouldn’t let me fall asleep in your tent, or you should at least wake me if I do.” He isn’t even entirely sure how he had ended up in Jango’s bed, or when.
  “I wasn’t going to be able to sleep this afternoon anyway, jetii,” Jango refutes, searching through the datapads stacked precariously in front of him to find a specific one, which he hands to Obi-Wan before he can, indeed, keep pestering him about resting. “Kal compiled everything from the battle for you to look over,” Jango says, not even trying to pretend he isn’t trying to head off said pestering.
  Unable to help a small, fond sigh, Obi-Wan takes the ’pad and leans on the side of the table facing the desk. “Do you need my opinion on something specific?” he asks, looking over the numbers he’d heard on the way back from Keldabe, and finds them adjusted only a little bit from then. “The only casualties were from the Keldabe clans?” That’s impressive, even considering how much more training the Haat’ade have than Death Watch.
  Jango settles to lean on the side of his desk facing the table. “We got lucky,” he agrees, crossing his arms over his chest; Obi-Wan idly wonders if his shirt is blue or red today. “And no, I don’t need anything from you, I simply knew you would want to see the numbers.”
  The more he witnesses Jango’s first-hand knowledge of Obi-Wan, the less violating it feels, which is definitely something to meditate on later. “They’ll certainly be helpful when we confront Satine again.”
  Jango groans at that, slumping his shoulders. “I was hoping to avoid speaking with her again.”
  “You know we can’t do that, not after the way our last... discussion ended.” He wishes he could be surprised that Satine would ally with Death Watch even temporarily, but he knows that given the choice between bending a few of her morals or losing her seat of power completely, even she would shake hands with Tor Vizsla. 
  Jango rubs a hand over his eyes. “I’m aware, jetti’verd, but that doesn’t mean I hate it any less.”
  Whatever Obi-Wan had planned to say halts before his tongue, and he stares at Jango with his grip too tight on the ’pad. “Jetti’verd?” he asks incredulously, and Jango just smirks at him.
  “You refuse a Mandalorian position, in my council or otherwise; are you going to refuse one tailor-made for you, as well?”
  Obi-Wan splutters. “I am not a soldier.”
  “Would you prefer jetti’alor?”
  He can’t help scowling, not used to anyone but Quinlan ribbing him like this, not since he was a junior padawan. Well, Siri didn’t mind less-than-kind banter, but Obi-Wan had spent very little time with her after she was knighted, and he’s only spent a fraction more time with the rest of their friends. Even Yan and his playful needling doesn’t feel like this, less like a mentor teasing and chiding a mentee, more like a friend poking at you because he thinks your indignance is funny.
  Obi-Wan just has no idea what Jango hopes to gain from it.
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nadiapodoroska · 2 months ago
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FÉLIX AUGER-ALIASSIME defeats Sebastian Korda, 6–3, 3–6, 6–1, to win the 2025 Adelaide International.
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phoenixcat150 · 6 months ago
My Top 10 Woman Crushes
Seeing that Mom and some of her friends listed their top 10 women crushes...I'm going to as well. This is not in any order I like them!
1.) Julie Banderas
2.) Margo Martin
3.) Nelly Korda
4.) Tricia Whitaker
5.) Emily Compagno
6.) Bayley
7.) Rhea Ripley (MAMI)
8.) Charly Arnolt
9.) Kaley Cuoco
10.) Kennedy
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reconstructwriter · 19 days ago
tell me everything you can about the jaster/feemor fic 👀
Oh, I was hoping someone would ask me about this one *rubs hands gleefully*
So my vague thoughts about the Mandalorian mission landed on: what if instead of Qui Gon and Obi Wan someone went undercover among the New Mandalorians? But why would the Jedi Council do that instead? Oh…what if Jaster survived Korda 6 – then it’s not a simpler choice between terrorist group or other. And wOuLd’Nt It Be FuNnY if Jaster had a terrible crush on a ‘New Mandalorian’ bodyguard 😉
I have long had the headcanon that Mace is a night owl, not an morning lark. Jedi Council meetings Do Not support this.
Mace nursed his third cup of caff as dawn’s rays crept into the Council chambers specifically to lay siege upon his eyeballs. Whichever old Jedi said dawn was wiser than dusk ought’ve kept that thought to themselves. Truly, he loved being a Jedi – except this part. Dawn was too sleep-addled to be wise. He had, upon being ‘promoted’ to the Council, advocated for crack of noon meetings instead.
Which had failed seven to five. Yoda and Dooku were traitors.
“Petitioned for Republic aid, Mandalore has,” Yoda said. Just as Mace took a sip, the old troll. Used to dramatic announcements while drinking, Mace didn’t inhale his caff. Shaak Ti, their newest member, had yet to manage their grandmaster’s particular proclivity and choked on her tea. As well she should. The words ‘Mandalore’ and ‘Petition for Republic aid’ had never, in all the galaxy’s history, been in the same sentence unless another planet or people and the word ‘against’ were involved. Tera Sinube and Jocasta Nu cleared out their ears, certain they hadn’t heard correctly. To counter the disbelief that reverberated like an opera singer‘s, Yoda projected the petition for all Council members to see.
Which, yes, that was Mandalore. The planet name. On a petition for Jedi assistance. Mace had fallen asleep in a Council Meeting again. “Somewhere the Sith Hells are building an ice-skating rink,” Oppo remarked.
One of those weird shared dreams.
Tera Sinube snickered, then frowned. “Duke Kryze?” the old Crechemaster tapped his cane in thought. “I was unaware Mandalore has united under a single leader.”
“It certainly hasn’t,” Jocasta Nu straightened, a lecture at the ready. Mace would dream of many things but not one of Jocasta’s lectures. “A terrorist leader claims to be the ruler as well.” The worst ones always did. “By way of the Darksaber,” she added with an edge. Few were the successful robberies of the archives. Mace pitied the terrorist Mandalore-claimer. “And,” her voice dripped with disgust. “Jaster Mereel.”
Mace had no idea what Jaster Mereel had done to earn greater ire than a thief of an archive artifact but Dooku, closer to her, was up on the latest gossip. “Pestering you with more requests?” he smirked.
“Three leaders at least then, yet only one asks,” Yoda commented.
And there lay the complication. “Do we have the right to interfere then?” Shaak Ti asked the needed question. “Mandalore has not joined the Republic nor agreed to its laws and if we become the sort of people who burst into everyone’s home to lay down our chosen law – where will we stop.”
“As a student of history, we wouldn’t,” Jocasta said.
“Contentious, Mandalorians and Jedi have been,” Yoda spoke with hard-earned experience. “Harm not the unarmed, our code says. Accept the surrender of all, our oaths demand. Yet never unarmed the Mandalorians are. Surrender, dishonorable is seen.”
Add in intermittent conquests and bouts of Jedi-hunting and you had the seed of every Jedi-Mandalorian conflict in their shared history, Mace thought. “A shatterpoint looms over this mission, I sense that well enough. Should we break it? Mandalore’s fate will be decided on this mission, whether we take it or not. And if we do take it, who would we begin to send?” The experts of Mandalor were few and far between and many would be obviously unwise to send there.
“That sounds like a political travesty,” Dooku said, “Requiring a skilled negotiator. I would recommend my own Padawan. Qui Gon Jinn has made Master.”
“I disagree,” Yaddle spoke up at last.
A flicker of gobsmacked rippled through the Force before Dooku’s face and presence settled to forbidding impassivity. This did nothing to deter someone who had leapt straight from Padawan to Master centuries ago. “Shaak Ti is right, and Grandmaster Yoda speaks wisdom,” Yaddle paused, an unspoken ‘for once’ lingered teasingly. “Three rulers at least and no simple choice, previous Jedi-Mandalorian conflicts aside even the best diplomat would struggle not to add further conflict to such a mess. We can act but should not act openly.”
“You suggest the Shadows,” Councilor Piell stated the obvious. “One of your undercover agents.”
Yaddle gave Yarael the same look Mace often gave Depa for her teatime conversation topics but made no answer.
“Well, the poor soul will at least avoid Jaster’s obsession – if they keep their cover,” Jocasta said.
“There is one minor problem. About going undercover,” Tera Sinube brought up a picture. “Death Watch would be difficult but nothing your Shadows couldn’t handle. Jaster Mereel’s supercommandoes will be easy enough to infiltrate, however may I present a general indication of Sundari’s population.”
The picture was nothing that wouldn’t be snagged off a public site. A random section of the city, clearly during rush hour traffic with all the people milling about everywhere – people who were all human, all blond-haired, all pale-eyed.
“All of them?”
“Do we have any Jedi who fit?” Jocasta asked. Mace nodded in agreement. He dimly remembered one Padawan who would fit but that would be an even worse idea than Dooku’s.
Yaddle pursed her lips, “I may know of one.”
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fritzes · 10 months ago
the curse of ATP Madrid 2024
remember toronto's chaos? yeah this one's crazier
(shoutout @rodlaveraryna for helping me find the toronto post when I totally lost it)
first of all, the World #1 Novak Djokovic has withdrawn from the tournament, making the fairly new #2 Jannik Sinner the top seed at a Masters 1000 for the first time.
In the first round, Félix Auger-Aliassime (who, keep in mind, took Nadal to five sets at Roland Garros) loses the first set to Nishioka. However, he comes back in the second and third sets to win the match 4-6 6-1 6-4. We'll be seeing a lot of him. In a Next Gen battle, young phenomenon João Fonseca loses the first set to the clay incompetent Alex Michelsen but proceeds to bagel him in the second set and then win the third with 4-6 6-0 6-2. Fabian Marozsan (of beating Alcaraz in Rome fame) saves eleven set points against Karatsev to win the first set and goes on to win the match 7-6 7-6. Moutet and Shang play an almost four hour match in which Moutet caused a massive delay by demanding the umpire give him coffee. And, most insane of all, teenager Darwin Blanch is drawn against Rafael Nadal for his second tour match ever. The scoreline is 6-1 6-0 (at least he got a game!)
Second round - here come the seeds. Jakub Menšík, yet another Next Gen wonder, upsets Dimitrov in three intense sets 6-2 6-7 6-3. Félix bagels known clay flop Mannarino. Fonseca loses quite brutally to Norrie. The ultimate clay hater himself, Daniil Medvedev, loses the first set to Matteo Arnaldi and looks absolutely done but comes back to win 2-6 6-4 6-4. Another known clay hater, Alexander Bublik, jokes his way through a win against Carballés Baena, who was so frustrated that he hit a serve directly at Bublik. Ben Shelton bagels Machac. Rafa manages to beat de Minaur, who he just lost to in Barcelona. Stefanos Tsitsipas, fresh off of two clay finals, is beaten by qualifier Monteiro 6-4 6-4.
In the third round, our top seed Jannik Sinner starts to show sign of discomfort, and his opponent Kotov is serving for the second set after Jannik won the first. Kotov has set point... and hits a questionable underarm serve that Jannik crushes down the line. Jannik goes on to break back and win the match 6-2 7-5. In the beginning of a long line of strange occurrences, Félix's opponent Menšik retires in the second set. Daniil loses the first set to Korda, yells at everyone, accuses the umpire of working for the Illuminati, but comes back to win the match 5-7 7-6 6-3. Bublik, the other resident clay hater, beats Ben Shelton 3-6 7-6 6-4, stetting up a match against who but Daniil. Holger Rune, who made two clay masters finals, loses to Griekspoor 6-4 4-6 6-3.
We start off the fourth round with another shaky Jannik match where he barely gets past Khachanov 5-7 6-3 6-3. At the exact same time - I kid you not, the exact same time - is a rematch of last year’s final. Carlos Alcaraz has match points over Struff at the very same minute as Jannik, but loses all three of them and extends the match another half hour or so, eventually winning it 6-3 6-7 7-6. Daniil comfortably wins the clay hater battle 7-6 6-4, and Bublik seems perfectly fine with it. In a strange occurrence of two varying levels of servebots on clay, Taylor Fritz beats Hurkacz 7-6 6-4 (including a very predictable tiebreak). Perhaps the strangest of all, Félix takes out Casper Ruud, the man who would marry clay if he could, 6-4 7-5.
And now to the quarterfinals. Think these matches have predictable outcomes? Wrong! Only Taylor manages to emerge as the favorite who wins, beating Cerundolo 6-1 3-6 6-3, an American servebot into clay masters semis. Meanwhile, Jannik withdraws entirely, giving Félix yet another walkover. In what may be the calmest match of his career, Andrey Rublev beats Carlos 4-6 6-3 6-2, ending his Madrid title streak. And, Daniil retires against Jiri Lehecka.
So, the semifinals no one expected. Andrey dispatches Fritz 6-4 6-3 after they traded breaks in the opening two games. And Félix receives yet another walkover when Lehecka retires a few games into the match. Yes, he received not one, not two, but three walkovers en route to the final.
In the end, though, Andrey wins it and claims a second masters title. So, that’s the end of the story, right? No, because in his interviews afterwards, Andrey reveals that he has been extremely sick for the entirety of the tournament and that he could barely sleep or eat. A bizarre yet fitting end to this strange tournament.
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padawansuggest · 2 years ago
Hey so if you’re new here and haven’t been around longer than ten minutes you might not know that my fave fave fave tropes ever are 1: time travel and 2: Obi-Wan getting adopted by Mandos, so whenever I find a time travel fic where Obi goes back in time and is promptly adopted by Mandos I get so excited trust me there are a lot but rn what I really really really want is a fic where I combine one of my fave headcanon type things that I like to put in fics with my second fave trope being Force Sensitive Jaster Mereel and then combined with Obi-Wan and Anakin (and probably Shmi too lmao let’s have a force sensitive babies party here) as force ghosts with Jaster and suddenly one of them comes back all ‘YALL I KNOW HOW TO GO BACK IN TIME I FIGURED IT OUT’ and so they all go back in time with the pure goal of saving their peoples (Mandos, Jedi AND slaves okay we makin a trifecta of people who got the worst bullshit in Star Wars two of which got all the blame when literally all of it was Sith and slavers faults) and Jaster goes back in time to Korda 6 and looks around for Jango so they could retreat only for little grunts of ouchies I fell to happen and he looks over to see a small pile of toddlers Obi-Wan, Anakin, Shmi, (Boba and like six other clones you know I have to) and is all ‘oh shit. Please be potty trained please be potty trained please be potty trained’ and now he has to go find Jango to call them back to their ships and tell Jango he in fact has a bunch of new vod’ika all of whom still have adult memories and also can you hold Boba please he’s a crying mess he just wants Jango nvm you can be that one’s Buir he bites lmao NO DONT HOLD HIM LIKE THAT JANIKA I RAISED YOU BETTER and now they’re back to Mandalore and Jaster is all ‘shit. We made this plan to save ALL our peoples. Well fuck.’ And now he’s all wait a sec and calls up the Jedi (yes they had him on hold for 3 hours and he kept bouncing between departments it was very annoying with Obi-Wan’s little fangies teething on his vambraces making the most annoying sound ever the whole time) and now he’s able to sorta blank for a solid 30 seconds before blurting out that they have force sensitive babies and the Jedi can’t have them and then Anakin HANGS UP ON THEM YOU LIL SHIT THAT DIDNT SOUND GOOD and the Jedi sorta like text him back all ‘??? Good for you???’ And now Jaster has to call them again and explain that he needs help with these lil shits teething on his armor and throwing people into walls when they sneeze and the temple is all ‘listen we can send out a master with docs but we’re a lil busy looking for a Stewjoni initiate that disappeared from the nursery’ ‘oh you mean this one?’ *holds up Obi by an ankle who’s chewing furiously on a vambrace’ and says they can’t have him back the kara gave him that baby!!!!! So now they have to send out a team whereupon Plo and Dooku are suckered into a -three way with Jaster- a deal upon which the Mandos will help the Jedi leave the Republic who use them like attack dogs and then they can stop slavery together and raise babies!
Anyways. I just think that would be neat.
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channelslam · 2 months ago
R64 eliminated seeds (so far!)
ATP: Ruud (6), Korda (22), FAA (29)
WTA: Zheng (5), Muchova (20), Samsonova (25)
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crimescrimson · 10 months ago
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Red's Guide to Resident Evil [Volume Two]: Resident Evil: Revelations 2 (2015)
Scenery: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23]
Characters: Claire Redfield [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] | Moira Burton [1] [2] [3] [4] | Alex Wesker [1] [2] | Barry Burton [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] | Natalia Korda [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] | Gabe Chavez [1] | Pedro Fernandez [1]
Specific Costumes: Claire Redfield [1] [2] [3] [4] | Moira Burton [1] | Barry Burton [1] [2] | Natalia Korda [1] [2]
Specific Scenes: [1]
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sinnerenjoyer · 11 months ago
"he is now the alpha male of tennis"
commentator about jannik after he beat seb korda 6-1 6-2
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toomanyteefs · 11 months ago
So I made a post for my little custom Stitch fig the other day, but I haven’t made a post for my first ever custom fig, which is a post-Korda 6 Jaster Mereel. Normally when people want to do a Jaster fig they use a Boba or Jango Fett as a base because of the unique chest armor shape, but I didn’t have either of those (and they were expensive) and what I DID have was a Death Watch soldier, which I felt was just as good because repainting him to be Jaster is the height of ironies and I live for that shit. So here’s the journey from terrorist to Mand’alor!
Death Watch loser fresh out the box:
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From here, just like with Stitch, I primed him and his jetpack.
Here he is primed and drying:
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From there, once he’d dried a bit, I started on painting him. Like I said before, this was the first ever model I’d painted, so it’s fortunate that he was so big!
Here’s some in progress painting pics of him:
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Once I finished with the general paint job I considered what to do about the symbols on his pauldrons, which I wasn’t confident that I could freehand. I ended up ordering some decals, but when they showed up I realized they were too small, so I was in fact forced to freehand them.
Here he is before I painted on the last of his symbols:
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And finally here’s him finished with his symbols and all. I decided to let him keep the Jetpack and forgo giving him a cape, because like I said, my justification for his armor being different from canon is this is post-Korda 6 Jaster, whose armor was damaged and had to be reforged and who decided “Maybe I should start using a jetpack, just to keep that whole thing from happening again…” (Never say this man doesn’t learn from his mistakes!)
Anyway here he is finally finished:
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Given I really didn’t think I was going to be able to freehand his sigils I think they actually turned out surprisingly well! I painted the yellow shield on first and then once that had dried I used the tip of a sewing pin to paint on the mythosaur. Whatever works I guess? Anyway I’m very happy with him! He turned out really fun!
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dani-est-la · 6 months ago
Day 6 of posting my GCSE coursework:
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self portrait based on Alberto Korda's Guerrillo Heroico of Che Guevara
(i only had myself for the compulsory photoshoot, and was running out of ideas; I know this looks narcassistic)
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thegreenlizard · 1 year ago
Generation swaps, role-reversals & remixes on the mission to Mandalore (V)
Obi-Wan is adopted off of Bandomeer (or Melidaan) by Mandalorians—too bad they’re the wrong sort of Mandalorians.
(Timeline mashup/generation swap, Jango/Obi-Wan, happy ending/fix it)
Obi-Wan and the other slaves stage a revolt on Bandomeer and manage to free themselves. Afterwards, Obi-Wan is adopted/recruited by Kyr’tsad—after all, they’re in the business of recruiting, mind washing, and training young people to be their soldiers.
So Obi-Wan is trained up, put into armour and put on the field in the Mandalorian civil wars. Luckily Kyr’tsad indoctrination doesn’t completely manage to overcome his Jedi upbringing, so he figures out they’re in the wrong and makes plans to defect to Haat’mando’ade.
He’s been gathering information and looking for the right moment to make his move and deal the largest blow to Kyr’tsad he can manage, when he’s deployed on Korda-6. His squad advances on the downed Mand’alor, who’s abandoned by the traitor at his side.
Obi-Wan shoots a couple of the Kyr’tsad commandos in the back, ignites his jetpack, and bowls the Mand’alor over and up to the sky, and makes a run towards the Haat’ade forces like Sith hounds are snapping at his heels. Well, it’s just Kyr’tsad, but there’s a rather lot of them. When they get in range, Jaster manages to hail his forces and warn them that he’s coming in hot with Kyr’tsad in pursuit.
The battle is won, the traitor is found out, and the turncoat is put in the brig and interrogated. And it turns out he has a lot to say and his information—if it proves to be true—is going to cause so many headaches for Jaster.
But eventually Kyr’tsad is defeated, the Haat’ade gain a new member, and Obi-Wan and Jango can have their teenage romance. Only happy endings all around this time. :)
Alternatively, if Obi-Wan is recruited off of/after Melidaan, Kyr’tsad’s use of child soldiers hits him that much harder. It becomes a personal vendetta to bring down the elders and free the young of Kyr’tsad.
And since this is timeline-fuckery anyway, you could make Obi-Wan in his (early) twenties instead of his teens and pair him with Jaster instead of Jango.
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Release date : 19 July 2024
Official page
Pre-order notice
Promotion Schedule
Highlight medley
Recording Behind
Official YouTube playlist
Official Merch
Thanks to Eng translation
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Jimin's second release after this first solo album FACE. Several parts of the concept reference the smeraldo flower, a fictional plant from the Bangtan Universe (BU)
Right before the announcement, a discussion channel was opened on the official BTS account on Instagram to tease it. It featured a picture of a music sheet titled "La Lettra", that ended up being "전하지 못한 진심" (the truth untold) (src #1, src #2, src #3) from the album Love Yourself 轉 Tear. As for the "You will always find the first letter" hint, it was implying to check the first letter of each circled word to get "Closer Than This", a track of the album released in December 2023. The last picture sent on the channel is of a handwritten letter (eng trans).
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It seems Jimin worked on MUSE and FACE at the same time since in the documentary Jimin's Production Diary that followed Jimin during FACE conception, he has the same nails as in the MUSE teaser (see this Bangtan Bomb at 0:13, cr.). In addition, there was a handwritten letter in the documentary that was titled 전하지 못한 진심(The Truth Untold) (src).
People also pointed out that in his Festa letter, released just a few days before the announcement, Jimin promised to come back with a letter, possibly hinting at the "La Lettra" music sheet (src).
On the day of the album release, the BT21 account posted a cute video of Chimmy (the character created by Jimin) with a smeraldo flower.
The album comes in two versions : BLOOMING and SERENADE. There is also an exclusive Weverse version. On the BLOOMING ver. the ME letters are bigger while on the SERENADE ver. the US letters are.
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The pre-release track and the main track titles were teased through a crossword poster on the Instagram channel (archive).
Rebirth (intro)
Interlude : showtime
Smeraldo Garden Marching Band (feat. Loco)
Slow Dance (feat. Sofia Carson)
Be Mine
Closer Than This (see this post)
You can find all the lyrics and their translation on Bangtan Subs website, here.
Colin made a thread with his lyrics translations.
Mood Photo, concept photo & concept clips
Release date: 21-22 June, 6-7 July 2024
Mood Photo - BLOOMING ver. (BTS💜ARMY Weverse post)
Mood Photo - SERENADE Ver.
Concept Photo & Concept Clip - SERENADE ver.
Photo Sketch
Jacket Shoot Sketch
Melon exclusive photos (archive)
Outfit and accessories : belt (cr. BangtanStyling)
Smeraldo Garden Marching Band video
Release date: 28 June 2024
Teaser clip
Photo Sketch
Outfits & accessories: black suit
Jimin mentioned this title in the Jimin's Production Diary documentary (src). It's also mentioned in the Weverse magazine article "When you look into Jimin’s heart, this is what you find".
The concept is inspired by Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, an album from the Beatles (src).
Like in the choreo for "Permission to Dance", the dance here features some sign language that says "love" (src #1, src #2).
Release date: 19 July 2024
Photo Sketch
Shoot Sketch
Dance analysis by JiminUncut
The MV was filmed on the New York backlot street at Korda Studio, in Hungary (src).
The Truth Untold : 전하지 못한 진심' 전시 개최 안내
Held on: 11 October - 3 November 2024
Promotion, articles, and interviews
Nylon: "Jimin shares a new photo to go with his sunny, just-released single - exclusive"
Weverse Magazine: "Producers for Jimin’s album MUSE Pdogg and GHSTLOOP: “In that sense, love becomes his muse”"
NME: "Jimin – ‘Muse’ review: in the mood for love"
'Who' @ The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon (teaser, Instagram post with pictures of the set, the performance was filmed at Suanbo Waikiki Hotel (src))
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