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drawingquest21 · 2 years ago
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groundrunner100 · 4 days ago
A wide variety to choose from, so have at it!
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bluelocksource · 8 months ago
Kira Ryōsuke’s trivia (src: EGOIST BIBLE)
"I joined this for the purpose of denying Ego."
☆ Character's color: Cream.
☆ Birthday: 23rd May.
☆ Current age: 17 (2nd year of high school).
☆ Zodiac: Gemini.
☆ Nickname: "Jewel of Japanese Soccer"
☆ Birthplace: Tokyo.
☆ Family: Father. Mother. Himself.
☆ Current height: 181 cm.
☆ Foot size: 27 cm.
☆ Dominant foot: Right.
☆ Blood type: O.
☆ Motto: "I am here because everyone else is here!"
☆ Team before joining BLUE LOCK: Matsukaze Kokuō High School football club.
☆ Starts playing football: At age 5.
☆ Hobby: Soccer. "I'm always thinking about soccer."
☆ Favorite food: Sushi. "Not the the conveyor belt sushi."
☆ Dislike/hated food: Conveyor belt sushi. "I hope I won't have to eat it again."
☆ What goes best with rice: Scallops with grilled seaweed "The aroma alone makes me want to eat white rice!"
☆ Favorite animal: Hawk. "They have a cool hunter vibe."
☆ Favorite season: Spring. "Because it refreshes my mood!"
☆ Favorite manga: DEATH NOTE. "The interesting parts where people's dark sides come out."
☆ Favorite movie: Live action 'Rurouni Kenshin' series. "Takeru is cool."
Satō Takeru, the actor who plays the role of Kenshin.
☆ Favorite music: THE FOX. "The one with the Fox Dance."
The Fox Dance (きつねダンス) is a cheer dance performed by Fighters Girls (cheerleading group) who support the Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters during innings at home games.
☆ Favorite football player: Patrick Schick.
☆ Favorite subject: Other than Japanese.
☆ Weak subject: Japanese. "I find reading stories in text difficult. I prefer manga."
☆ Mushroom shoots vs Bamboo shoots: Bamboo shoots. "Huh, are there really people who like mushrooms? The world is full of mysteries."
☆ Ideal type: "A wonderful woman who gives her all for me and does anything for my sake."
☆ Fixation: Ring finger. "I think it's the most beautiful part of a woman."
☆ What would make him happy: Being praised in any case "I just want fair recognition for my capabilities."
☆ What would make him upset: Being underrated. "I just want fair recognition for my capabilities"
☆ What he thinks his strength is: “I can uplift others like the sun, giving them energy.”
☆ What he thinks his weakness is: “Sometimes I struggle to understand others' darker sides.”
☆ What made him cry recently: “Come to think of it, have I cried recently? I don't think so.”
☆ Usual sleeping hour: 6.5 hours.
☆ Number of chocolates received from previous Valentine: 1,842. "I read all the letters! Thanks everyone as always!"
☆ Place he washes first when taking a bath: Chest. "I like my chest muscles."
☆ What will he do if received 100 million yen: "I'd like to live in a luxury apartment. Somewhere with a concierge on the first floor*."
* ground floor if you use British English.
☆ How he spent his holiday:  "Just hanging out with friends playing games, singing karaoke, going on dates, and do what everyone else does!"
☆ What will he do during his last day on Earth: "Soccer, of course. I want to gather friends and play soccer. I'm sure everyone would want that too."
note: i want to apologize in advance for any mistake made in the translation!
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quirkwizard · 2 years ago
Can you assign Quirks to the Tailed Beasts from Naruto? Less about their transformations and appearance, but their individual powers
Luckily for you, I already done a lot of Quirks that can cover the various beasts. The only ones that I had any issue with are Kurama and the Ten Tails. Kurama has two powers, that being the greater healing capabilities and the ability to detect emotions, and the Ten Tails has dozens of powers, like it's various elemental generation and making giant chains. Though I decide to go with the emotion detection and the wood powers respectively.
Shukaku: Sand Trap Matatabi: Pumpkin Bomb Isobu: Reef Son Gokū: Slag Out Kokuō: Vaporous Saiken: Slime Shot Chōmei: Powderpack Gyūki: Pen Tip Kurama: Mood Ping Ten-Tails: Grow Up
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srs-deep-dives · 6 months ago
Minato & Kushina: A "Deep Dive" Analysis (Section A, Part III)
Today we will conclude Section A on Minato and Kushina as each other's anchors. (See Parts I and II here.)
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Picking up where we left off in Gaiden, we have Kushina’s coming-to…
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…and the climaxing showdown with Kurama.
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(Section A) III. Minato and Kushina as unified anchors
Now it must be emphasized that, as the manga has shown all along, Minato and Kushina rival Kurama together. There is no ‘Minato fights Kurama’ or ‘Minato wins ‘with Kushina’s help,’ as many fans have misread. The two are a duo, a uniform team; two equal halves of ONE. And ONLY against these two equal halves of one TOGETHER is Kurama overcome. That is how it is here. That is how it is the night they save the village. And that is how it is with Kurama’s redemption (the baby born of their love, half-Minato-half-Kushina, fulfilling their legacy).
To make this abundantly clear, Kishimoto filled the oneshot with notes to Kushina’s prowess. So let us consider the showdown within its proper context.
The chapter opens with Iwa’s two jinchūriki saying to an outmatched Team Jiraiya, “If you really wanna fight us you better bring Nine Tails’ jinchūriki.” Their use of Bijū Bombs tells us they would be rivaled by Kurama’s power. And it tells us Minato is no match for Son and Kokuō’s, who, put together, are weaker than Kurama by himself. Thus Minato by himself (let alone with a Sannin) cannot match two Bombs weaker than one from Kurama. “...you better bring Nine Tails’ jinchūriki.” The very opening line foreshadows Minato and Kushina fighting together.
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A few pages later, Kushina meets her keepers, saying she has “sealing jutsu training with Namikaze Minato.” The next page reveals that she is teaching Minato Uzumaki fūinjutsu. When Minato augments her seal in his own style against Kurama, thus, he is enhancing a jutsu that he learned from Kushina.
“I promise to go all out again today!”
Kushina has been giving these lessons her all and Minato has more than kept up.
“You pick up things real quick, Minato. And there are still tons of Uzumaki clan sealing jutsu WE haven’t covered yet, so...”
They have been doing this together for more than a while.
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Skipping forward (in flashback), Mito remarks that Kushina has “much more lustrous hair” (strength) than her – i.e. Kushina will surpass the woman who sealed the full Nine Tails inside of herself. This flashbacks takes place a few years ago. And we have seen a 24-year-old Kushina give birth, have Kurama extracted, subdue him while at death’s door, and offer to fully seal him back and drag him with her into death all within the same hour. At death’s door. Are we for a moment to assume she didn’t have even a portion of this power as a teenager? Why is this emphasis of Kushina surpassing Mito important? Because it is a mirror parallel:
Minato has “a most powerful shinobi ranking alongside First Hokage Hashirama;”
Kushina is “a strong child” with “much more lustrous hair than [First Hokage Hashirama’s wife].”
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While Minato is creating the Rasengan, Kushina with implied ease binds her ANBU guards (two of the top jōnin in the village) with both unable to break free. One thinks to himself how her binding power is getting stronger with age – implying that it may not be the first time she has done this.
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The jutsu common to dying-Kushina's last stand, the ANBU-binding, and the fight against Kurama is her Adamantine Sealing Chains. What do these Chains seal? Chakra. What is Nine Tails? A breathing mass of chakra. Where is she currently sealing him? Inside the seal binding him inside her. He is not at his full fighting capacity.
So we are inside Kushina’s seal by which Kurama is already bound. He has struck and stabbed Minato (we’ll get to Minato’s nerfing in a moment) and is wrestling Kushina for control – i.e. Minato and Kushina are also not at their full fighting capacity. Kurama is forming a Bijū Bomb in his (breaking) binds while Kushina is further binding him with her Chains. Our weakened Minato uses Rasengan against Kurama’s weakened Bijū Bomb and manages to match it enough to fix Kushina’s seal in a double knockout.
Minato is seriously underrated. But let us not forget: so is Kushina. And it is their combined, two-halves-as-one power that defeats Kurama. Just like in their final fight in which they save Konoha.
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Now onto Minato’s nerfing. Kushina is knocked down and he is stabbed in her seven-tailed bijūfication. Kushina screams for him to leave her and save himself, but he refuses. (If this isn’t a display of utter, unwavering devotion I don’t know what is. With a literal hole through his stomach, Minato tells her that he will never leave her.)
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But let us backtrack even further. First, Minato has been training all day. Since he returned from the battlefield. Creating his A-rank jutsu. The training grounds are covered in craters he made, and he promised Jiraiya he would rest. This is no run-of-the-mill practice session. He is exhausted. (Similar, to note, as he is the night of Naruto’s birth. He – excruciatingly – keeps Kushina’s seal together throughout her entire labor.)
Second, the wound Minato has already received – from chakra tail one – was no run-of-the-mill slap. Recall a parallel when Naruto bijūfies and Sakura, trying to call him back, takes a similar hit. It effectively poisons her; Kurama’s chakra seeping through her wound and numbing her body. Even after she heals herself with medical ninjutsu and is later healing Naruto.
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Sakura was struck by a manifesting half-Kurama. But Kushina, unlike her son, had the full Kurama inside her. Take the damage that Sakura – the Hokage’s apprentice and a medic-nin more adept than anyone in the whole Sand Village – took, and double it. That is Minato’s blow.
Poisoned (essentially) and stabbed (foreshadowing his future death), our man is facing losing odds. On top of having worked on his jutsu all day, expending a considerable amount of chakra. Yet in his endurance FOR Kushina (inspired BY Kushina's endurance as we noted in Part I) he realizes a way through. What a man. And thus, we have the climaxing resolution of the vessel motif: Kurama proclaims Kushina as his “pillar” – that, in effect, he has filled her vessel. Minato, sensing his own love inside her, tells him that he is wrong.
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Feeling their mutual love for one another is what enables Minato and Kushina to push through: here at last Kushina realizes her vessel full, and Minato, feeling her feelings, projects himself into the seal. This mutual love can also be viewed in terms of being a seal itself. Note Minato's language, present tense: “I exist inside Kushina at all times!!”
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Finally, persisting in their love and endurance, they muster the mental and physical power to together defeat Kurama.
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Recall that this mirrors Naruto’s overcoming – again right to the angle – where Kushina also uses her Chains and Naruto his father's jutsu. Put together thus, our moment in Gaiden foreshadows Hatred's defeat, where Kurama's arc will shift from vengeful monster to redeemed friend of Konoha. Moreover, it foreshadows the climax of Minato and Kushina’s arcs: their legacy as fulfilled in Naruto, for both Naruto and the village.
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So in summary so far, Kushina is Minato’s anchor and Minato is Kushina’s. Each sees the other as the stronger one, while simultaneously strengthening the other. They change each other for the better, and endure, embodying what ‘Hokage’ stands for. Which brings us to our next section concerning the wider narrative: their dream of Hokage.
Section B, Part I here.
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thatone-churro · 3 years ago
like, i know the whole releasing the tailed beasts thing was to “show the better relations between the beasts and the people” and shit like that. but like. the jinchuriki were so cool. they way they could fight in unison with their beasts despite not nearly being on the same level of a bond like naruto and kurama. the way their beasts’ abilities seamlessly became their own. they were so dope.
and i genuinely don’t (i mean i kinda do) get the stigma about hating jinchurikis. you’d think they’d be well-respected as incredibly powerful shinobi (as they are) for being able to control and utilize the beasts and their abilities.
and even as that stigma existed, you’d think it would start to die out as newer generations and minds (seen with little shikamaru, chōji, hinata, sasuke, sakura, kakashi, and even eventually iruka and everyone who accepted naruto prior to the pain battle).
plus, i liked the concept in B’s tsukuyomi dream: a whole team of jinchurikis would be near-unstoppable (plus their uniforms were clean af)
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hatak3marai · 4 years ago
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aussiestationgirl · 8 years ago
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My old Kokuō, Kurama and shukaku sculptures I've been wanting to upload my creations since FOREVER so I'm uploading them They are both and old sadly Kokuō's tails broke. The kurama and Shukaku was a complete doodle! I was just mucking around and I didn't realise while I was making it that Kurama doesn't have 9 tails.
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kimetsu-no-yaiba-writings · 3 years ago
And also which tailed beast will all the Hashira be?🤔🤔
OOOOO!! I like this question Oggy (@ ^ o ^ @)
OK, so right off the bat, my thoughts automatically went to the numbers of each, Nine Tailed Beasts for Nine Hashira/Pillars! Isn’t that cool?
There happens to be the exact number, so none will be left over or missed out at all and I just thought that was a cool coincidence or something 
I’m getting off track and rambling abit - as I usually end up doing...- so I’ll get back on track.
I’m gonna answer this in a way that is them being the tailed beasts jinchūriki instead of the actual tailed beasts - unless you meant jinchūriki in the first place and i’m an idiot (*-ω-)
But for those who don’t know or just need a reminder for what a jinchūriki is, they are as follows:
“Jinchūriki are humans that have tailed beasts sealed within them, they exhibit extraordinary powers due to the immense chakra reserves the beast’s possess.”
And the removal of one of these tailed beasts means death for the jinchūriki with the very rare - and i mean rare - occurrence that the jinchūriki lives....
Oh! Another thing that I feel needs to be known is that the jinchūriki has access to their tailed beast's massive chakra reserves. 
Most jinchūriki learn how to access this chakra on their own and take it by force, but they can also form a symbiosis with their tailed beast and take only what chakra is offered to them -  A tailed beast may even give chakra to its jinchūriki without them knowing it, either to try and exert control over the jinchūriki, or simply to protect the jinchūriki and, by extension, itself.
So for example:
Shukaku's jinchūriki can create magnetic forces and manipulate sand.
Matatabi's jinchūriki can produce blue flames.
Isobu's jinchūriki can materialize coral.
Son Gokū's jinchūriki can create and manipulate lava.
Kokuō's jinchūriki can use steam.
Saiken's jinchūriki can produce corrosive alkali.
Chōmei's jinchūriki can fly and, in the anime, create silk that can suppress chakra absorption techniques.
Gyūki's jinchūriki can produce ink.
Kurama's jinchūriki can quickly regenerate and detect negative emotions.
....I’ve rambled quite alot here, My apologies! Back to your question Oggy (^----^)
Now, obviously these are my thoughts so obviously there can be different answers since everybody thinks differently - reblog or comment if you wanna add something ( ^ o ^ )
Shukaku - One tailed beast - Tanuki = Sanemi Shinazugawa
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So Shukaku is characterized as a childish and short-tempered individual, who often speaks in a bombastic and incoherent manner, giving it the demeanour of a drunkard - They uses "ore-sama" (literally meaning: my esteemed self) when referring to them-self, as it expresses great pride in their own abilities, especially their sealing techniques and defenses
I feel like Shukaku’s own temper and pride matches Sanemi’s! Especially when it comes to their strength + abilities
Shukaku also has the interesting ability to control their jinchūriki whenever they sleep, leading to their host to develop insomnia!
This choice was purely based on the fact that I think these two would be funny together because of their abilities, personalities and opinions 
Matabi - Two tailed beast - Bakeneko = Obanai Iguro
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Now onto Matabi and Obanai Iguro!
So  Matatabi has shown to be respectful and polite towards others, speaking in a formal manner using "watashi"  when referring to them-self and using honourifics when addressing others
I thought this was cool, it can’t be seen in the picture but Matabi also has heterochromatic eyes (the right being yellow and the left being green) much like Obanai 
Matabi also happens to be one of the quickest out of the tailed beast despite their giant size so because of this I thought they’d suit Obanai Iguro!
I also think that Obanai would be more intimidating with Matabi
Isobu - Three tailed beast - Turtle = Muichiro Tokito
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Ok so!
Isobu speaks in a timid manner, referring to themself as "boku" which is usually used by young boys - so assuming if the tailed beasts have gender (which I don’t know if they do?) Isobu would be a boy? 
It’s assumed that because Isobu isn’t rude or outspoken that they can get along really well with their jinchūriki
One of the reason’s why I thought Muichiro and Isobu would work well is the fact that their personalities - possibly clashing to begin with maybe - would work out well and lead to them being strong 
Other than being able to create coral and swim at high speeds, Isobu can also create a  hallucinogenic mist that can exploit a victim's insecurities and force the victim to face them.
Son Gokū - Four tailed beast - Ape = Uzui Tengen
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Son Goku is a very prideful tailed beast, as they detest being called by the name "Four-Tails" and also like to boast about their lineage - They uses "ore" when referring to them-shelf
They have a deep respect for the other tailed beasts - refers to them by name - and those who treat them with respect 
....I feel like that’s enough to give a hint as to why I thought that this tailed beast would work best with Uzui Tengen 
Goku also has a deceptive nimbleness to their size, utilizing powerful and well-timed kicks against opponents - also has flashy volcanic + fire attacks...
Kokuō - Five tailed beast - Horse = Gyomei Himejima
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Kokuō seems to be a quiet and reserved individual.
 Though They does not speak much, Kokuō uses the rather old-fashioned "watakushi" when referring to them-self, causing them to come across as very polite - They even are abit of a pacifist and refer meditating in the forest
They also have tremendous amounts of physical strength even sometimes having to resort to using their horns 
Kokuo can also control their body temperature and can release steam from their body!
I honestly think Kokuo and Gyomei would be an excellent working duo because of their personalities  
Saiken - Six tailed beast - Slug (bipedal) = Shinobu Kocho
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Though much has not been seen of Saiken's personality, the giant slug uses "ore" (オレ) when referring to themself, "ore" being a boastful way of saying "I". 
Saiken also seemed to be kinder and not as self-serving and malicious as most other tailed beasts, as when asked for its help to save someone it seemed to willingly comply
Their not above killing for self-preservation!
Saiken also speaks with a high pitched voice and appears to be very energetic - I feel like this could match Shinobu!
Saiken has the ability to create exploding bubbles that have a slight toxic effect to them
Chōmei - Seven tailed beast - Rhinosous beetle = Mitsuri Kanroji
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Now I would have picked Sanemi for this one had he not suited being with Shukaku plus I think Chomei suits Mitsuri more!
Chōmei seems to have a happy-go-lucky personality — which it seemingly shares with their jinchūriki as they’ll introduce themselves as “Lucky number seven Chomei!” - which I think might be an allusion to the fact that they have seven tails and the number seven having long been seen as a lucky as well as a happy number?
They also had a habit of using the word lucky in conversation, reflecting their happy personality even more
Also! Isn’t this cool, Chomei can use their wings to make a blinding powder and fly plus use insect-based attacks as well, such as biting or ramming their horn into the enemy -  In the anime, they can also create a Cocoon which can absorb attacks
Chomei is also deceptively strong too!
So I think that these two work really well together because of this
Gyūki - Eight tailed beast - = Giyuu Tomioka
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Gyūki is characterized as a tough and serious individual. 
They uses "ore"  when referring to them-self and often speaks in a somewhat rude dialect also Gyūki has a good analytical ability!
Gyuki also has a no-nonsense, dry personality and isn’t above telling off their  jinchūriki but can also be affectionate with them
 A cool ability that Gyuki has is that if one of their tentacles, if severed, can be used as a medium for chakra, such as creating a clone of its host, or transferring chakra to said host should the beast be extracted
Gyuki is also fast, durable and very intelligent 
Because of how dry Gyuki’s humour is I feel like they’d work well with Giyuu especially with boosting his self-esteem 
.... also I feel like their humour together and being quite blunt works nicely
Kuruma - Nine tailed beast - Kitsune = Rengoku Kyojurou 
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Kurama is characterised as a snarky and shrewd individual. They use "washi” when referring to itself, which is generally used by older men - So I’m honestly assuming that Kurama is a man 
Kurama expresses great pride in their power, believing themself to be the strongest of the tailed beasts due to their belief that their strength is determined by their number of tails, which earned Kurama nothing but disapproval from their brethren, especially Shukaku (One tail)
Kurama's manner of speech is often harsh, but deep down they have a supportive disposition, as the fox does express concern about their comrades, and even gives some words of encouragement when needed!
Now Kurama is very powerful, like a whole heap of powerful and he has the personality to match
I honestly think Kurama’s personality is just such a clash with Kyojuro’s and it’s so funny in my opinion cause like Kyojuro’s bright and enthusiastic and the only one Kurama would even think of being like that towards is Kyojuro and maybe some of Kyojuro’s companions  
Surprisingly, off the top of my head I don’t really know much about Kurama’s powers? And to be honest the wiki page for him isn’t very helpful either (T^T)
But anyway!
A nine-tailed fox just seemed really fitting for Rengoku Kyojuro!
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nntheblog · 3 years ago
Blue Lock Characters : 45+ Characters Ranked And Skills Explained
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Blue Lock is the soccer manga of 2021. It has revolutionized the concept of sports by adding the notion of survival games. After Captain Tsubasa and Inazuma eleven, here is a mastodon in this field! That's why a question arises which are the best characters in Blue Lock ? Here's Our Top 10 Blue Lock Characters Synopsis Blue Lock "The story begins with Japan's elimination from the 2018 FIFA World Cup, which prompts the Japanese Football Union to start a programme scouting high school players who will begin training in preparation for the 2022 Cup. Isagi Youichi, a forward, receives an invitation to this programme soon after his team loses the chance to go to Nationals because he passed to his less-skilled teammate —who missed— without trying to make the game-changing goal by himself. Their coach will be Ego Jinpachi, who intends to “destroy Japanese loser football” by introducing a radical new training regimen: isolate 300 young strikers in a prison-like institution called “Blue Lock” and put them through rigorous training aimed at creating “the world's greatest egotist striker.” Check Out : Blue Lock Review Vol 1 & 2 : The beginning of a long story Blue Lock Characters Ranked 45. Yudai Imamura I see very little difference between Imamura and Naruhaya. Imamura felt WAY weaker than most players in his team. He never scored a goal, neither did he played any important role in a match. And when the selection got pretty intense he got eliminated. We didn’t even get to see how he got eliminated unfortunately. 44. Okuhito Lemon Okuhito Lemon played as a goalie and was a member of Team Z. He was later eliminated in the Second Selection. 43. Keisuke & Junichi Wanima - The Best Duo Among Blue Lock Characters Keisuke & Junichi Wanima also known as the “Wanima Brothers” were the member of Team W. Team W heavily rellies on cordination plays between the 'Wanima Brothers.' Their team weapon is pass-and-go playstyle which is very difficult to stop, evern if the adversary is aware of it. 42. Wataru Kuon (Skills: Headers+ Vertical Jump) Wataru Kuon was the main strategist of Team Z. However, he betrayed his team for his own benefit during the First Selection. Although, later on he realized his mistake and gave up his selfishness in order to make his team win. Kuon has an amazing vertical jumping ability which is 68 cm. This allows him to finish nicely with amazing headers. 41. Gurimu Igarashi Gurimu Igarashi is the player member of Team Z wearing the #13 jersey in the team. He specialized in Malice. 40. Jingo Raichi (Skills: Marking+ Immense Stamina) Jingo Raichi was a member of Team Z in the First Selection matches. He played the forward position in the team. Later, after passing the Second Selection he became the part of 6th clear team. He was on the verse of facing off against the Japan U-20 playing for the Blue Lock Eleven. Raichi's stamina seems limitless and was shown in the match against Team Z. At the beginning, Reo only thought of Raichi's man-marking as a nuisance but as the game went on, his stamina started to show and Reo’s playmaking ability started to weaken. Raichi's stamina enables him to continue playing at optimal capacity, which combined with his Man-Marking ability makes him a constant threat in both defensive and offensive phases of play. 39. Ryosuke Kira Kira is a young forward who plays for Matsukaze Kokuō High School football team, he was invited to participate in the Blue Lock Project, alongside Yoichi Isagi. Kira is the first to be eliminated from Blue Lock. To be honest, his way to elimination was quite sad. He was unable to deal with the consequences. This also exposed his negative side and revealed what he thought about Isagi. He was quickly forgotten as a character in the series after his expulsion. 38. Itsuki Wakatsuki Itsuki Wakatski is the Defensive Midfielder in the team Japan U-20. 37. Nijiro Nanase Nijiro Nanase is a substitute player for the team Blue Lock Eleven facing off against Japan U-20. Out of the 300 forwards chosen for the Blue Lock Project, Nanase is ranked #99 and is currently a substitute player for the Blue Lock Eleven against the Japan U-20. 36. Asahi Naruhuya (Skills: Off- Ball Movement) Asahi Naruhuya is the former member/player of Team Z. He was formerly the center-forward player in the team. Like Yoichi Isagi, Asahi uses off-ball movement. However, Asahi seems to be much more experienced and skilled with this ability. He uses this skill to break defensive formation and has keen analytical ability, using the skill in the right place at the right time. He is also good at moving in other player's blind spots and can get past even Isagi with the skill. 35. Aoshi Tokimitsu (Skills: Quickness + Physical Power) Aoshi Tokimitsu is a forward player ranked 3rd in the Second Selection. He was on the verse of facing off against the Japan U-20 playing for the Blue Lock Eleven. Tokimitsu's greatest weapon is his physical strength, which is among the top in Blue Lock. He has been compared to a "muscle bullet" by Yoichi Isagi and even someone as strong as Shoei Baro can barely budge him in a direct contest of physical strength. This level of strength allows Tokimitsu to use his shoulder to charge past an opponent, or to block them off from the ball, making him a good target to hold the ball and set up further plays.  Another notable weapon Tokimitsu has is his unlimited stamina. During a high-level match, whereas most players would sooner or later begin to feel the burn of the endgame, Tokimitsu is an exception in that his stamina allows him to continue to operate at almost full capacity. It was during the second selection where Rin took advantage of this weapon to break through the White team's formation, with Tokimitsu only being stopped by desperate and illegal tackles from both Hyoma Chigiri and Barou. Tokimitsu's unlimited stamina makes him a formidable opponent especially in the late stages of a match. 34. Yo Hiori (Skills: Key Passes + Ball Control) Yo Hiori ranked 27 out of the 300 chosen players for the Blue Lock Project. Currently, he is a substitute player for the team Blue Lock Eleven facing off against Japan U-20. He was formerly the member of Team A and the 5th Clear Team. He plays forward, winger and sideback positions in the team. Hiori's strong suit is his ability to remain level-headed and reserved during the game, being able to calmly line up other players for a perfect pass. His combination of vision and ball control led Isagi to refer to him as a "Technician of 'Stillness'", as he serves the role of an anchor for the attack, synchronising the other attackers movements with accurate passes. This makes him a strong playmaker, who can consistently put the ball in a good position for other attackers to score.  Hiori's vision enables him to envision the best pass to make in any given situation. Hiori constantly looks around himself during a game to assess the positions of the players around him, as well as the situation of the field, so he can both receive the ball in space and pass the ball into space. It is through this vision that he was able to form an almost telepathic link-up with Rin, trading calm passes and avoiding other players. He also considers the positions of his teammates in and around the goal area, before deciding on right pass. His vision enables him to see plays that his opponent's do not expect, such as his combination with Karasu to get around the U-20. 33. Gagamaru Gin (Skills: Like Body + Acrobatic Display) - Our Favorite Gk Among Blue Lock Characters During the First Selection, Gagamaru Gin was the member of Team Z initially when arrived.  He was ranked #88 out of the original 300 forwards chosen to be part of the Blue Lock Project and started as goalie for the Blue Lock Eleven team against the Japan U-20. He currently plays as goalie for Bastard München during the Neo Egoist League. Gagamaru is Goal Poacher. Goal poachers are forwards who wait in the six-yard box or the penalty area for a cross, pass or loose ball and pounce to try to score a goal. The "poaching" refers to the fact that they will often score a goal out of the slightest of opportunities i.e. steal a goal. Goal poachers usually play as centre forwards or second strikers. Gagamaru has excellent body control and reflex, able to adapt to nearly any pass or downright any play. He has a springlike body which he uses for all types of shots and even tackles. His adaptive playstyle has allowed him to score goals for Team Z and last to the 3rd Selection. 32. Zantetsu Tsurugi (Skills: Explosive Acceleration + Left Foot Shooting Power) Zantetsu Tsurugi is a forward player ranked 53 in the Second Selection. He was on the verse of facing off against the Japan U-20 playing for the Blue Lock Eleven. Initially he was the member of Team V during the First Selection. Zantetsu's acceleration is a key weapon in his arsenal. With his quick reactions and incredible acceleration, he can react to any movement his opponent makes and intercept them. Chigiri noted that within 10 meters, even he could not overcome Zantetsu's acceleration, indicating that Zantetsu's speed is most dangerous over short distances. 31. Teru Kitsunezato Teru Kitsunezato is the current forward player of Japan U-20 team. 30. Kento Chou Kento Chou is a member of Japan U-20  playing the forward position in the team . 29. Haru Hayate Haru Hayate is the Denfensive Midfeilder in the Japan U-20 team playing the forward position against the Blue Lock Eleven . He seems to be a calm and collected person when it comes to football. He seems to notice the quirks of other players easily and comments on them. 28. Teppei Neru (Skill: Speed) Teppei Neru is the sideback player in the Japan U-20 team. Neru is considered to be a speed-type defender, who uses his incredible speed to physically outpace attackers and steal from the ball from them. Isagi went to so far as to describe him as "lightning fast", although it is his high reaction speed that enables him to instantly be able to tell the direction the attacker is going, allowing him to use his physical speed to catch up. Using this combination of reaction and physical speed, he was able to lock down Kenyu Yukimiya (known for his 1-on-1 dribbling skills) without much effort. However, he is succeptable to being overcome if he is approached by more than one attacker, as he can react to late to their play. 27. Shuto Sendo Shuto Sendo is a forward player/member in Japan U-20. He felt insulted by those questioning his position as the ace striker of the U-20 team and during the match against Blue Lock he pushes himself and wants to become better, deciding to aim higher and marry a Hollywood actress, instead of a Japanese idol that he previously settled for. 26. Kazuma Niou Kazuma Niou is the member/player in Japan U-20 currently playing as centerback in the team. 25. Jyubei Aryu (Skills: Jumping Power + Long Reach) Jyubei Aryu was ranked 2nd in the Second Selection out of 300 players. Currently, he is centerback in the Blue Lock Eleven team facing off against Japan U-20. Aryu has incredible jumping ability which, compounded with his height, enable to him reach aerial balls from a higher position than most other players in Blue Lock. Aryu has used his jumping ability to intercept long balls and score from long balls, making him an ideal target for a cross or as a centerback who physically overwhelms the opposing player. 24. Ikki Niko (Skills: Spatial Awareness) - The Most Underrated Among Blue Lock Characters During the First Selection, Ikki Niko was the member of Team Y. He was ranked 63 out of the 300 chosen players with currently playing as a centerback in Blue Lock Eleven against Japan U-20. Niko analyzes the entire field, taking account of both his allies and opponent's weapons, positions and actions to be able to determine the next play and respond accordingly. Niko's ability to read the field was rivalling by Isagi's during their match, who is himself one of the most tactically aware players in Blue Lock. Indeed, Isagi himself has on occasion been impressed with the sheer scope of Niko's vision and ability to read the state of play. With his tactical ability, Niko organised Team Y's defensive playstyle, as well as their offensive strategy, acting as the core of the team, breaking up the opponent's attacks and initiating his own team's. Niko has also demonstrated that he can read the way a pass was made and its flight path, to determine the best way to intercept it. 23. Miroku Darai Miroku Darai is the sideback player in the Japan U-20 team.  Darai's off the ball movements are used defensively, through anticipation and quick movement he is able to decipher where the opponent is moving, before reaching there first to shut them down. He talks about the "smell" of his opponent's movements, which may indicate an intuitive instinct for the off the ball movements of his mark. His off the ball movements were so good that he could prevent Eita Otoya from moving past him, despite Otoya's speed. His movements also enabled him to extensively man mark Shoei Baro, although he was eventually overcome through sheer physical ability. 22. “Princess” Hyoma Chigiri (Skills: Top Speed) - Our Prefer Speedster Among Blue Lock Characters Hyoma Chigiri also known as “Princess” was a member of Team Z when arrived. Out of 300 chosen player for Blue Lock Eleven, he ranked 44. In the first half match of the Japan National Representative Match, he played as the right sideback for the Blue Lock Eleven against Japan U-20. Chigiri has naturally strong leg muscles and expert footwork, which enables him to run down the field at incredible speeds. Chigiri is generally considered to be the fastest player in Blue Lock and only players with immense speed, like Ryusei Shidou, Eita Otoya, and Zantetsu Tsurugi can compete with him. While his speed is rivaled by a handful of players, as of yet, nobody has been able to beat him in a direct contest of speed. Chigiri has even sped past Oliver Aiku, the #1 defender of the Japan U-20. This speed, combined with his perception and awareness of positioning enables him to choose the appropriate breakthrough point in an opponent's defence and to speed through. 21. “King” Shoei Barou (Skills: Powerful Middle Shot + Charging) - The Most Stupid Among Blue Lock Characters Baro is a very selfish and arrogant type of forward who strives to be the star of the field at all times. When first arriving at Blue Lock, he was a member of Team X during First Selection and tied for top scorer in his designated stratum. After the Blue Lock Eleven played against the Japan U-20, Baro is ranked as one of the top players in Blue Lock. Baro's physique enables him to hold up the ball and physically contest other players. His charging ability allows him to dribble and create chances for himself. His shooting and villainous style enable him to finish off team moves, by devouring his teammates. Baro has one of the best physiques in Blue Lock, as well as having one of the best techniques at his age in Japan, as stated by Anri Teieri. Often Baro is given the freedom to play and devour who he wishes on the field, as shown during the Second Selection, as well as by Ego telling Baro to disregard the team's plan and focus on devouring Isagi against the Japan U-20. He could have not been in this ranking especially since Ryusei Shidou seems to be a better version of him but after have thought for this 10th place and Ikki Nikko seems much more useful but why not? 20. “Ninja” Eita Otoya (Skills: Off the Ball Movement + Swiftness) Eita Otoya is a sideback player in the Blue Block Eleven who initially was a winger in the team. He ranks 4th out the chosen 300 player for the Blue Lock Project. Otoya is incredibly quick on his feet, reacting quickly to opposing players and using his speed to intercept them. He is swift enough to intercept Shidou's Aggressive Dribbles, as well as stop Rin in his tracks. His speed is at such a level that Ego positioned him in the Blue Lock Eleven with the express purpose of using his speed to get in behind the opposing defenders. 19. Kenyu Yukimiya (Skills: Rigid Dribbling + Gyro Shot) - The Most Classy Among Blue Lock Characters Ranked 5th out of the 300 forward chosen players, he currently is the winger in the Blue Lock Eleven facing off Japan U-20.  In contrast with Bachira's technical dribbling, Yukimiya's dribbling relies on his own physique, to push past opponents with power and speed. Yukimiya's core style involves bringing a confrontation to the individual level, where he can use his rigid dribbling to get past his opponents in succession. He has shown that he can overcome Rin and then Shidou whilst doing this, proclaiming that in a 1v1 he is the strongest player in Japan (although this was likely a boast).  In contrast to his usual 1-on-1 style, when Yukimiya accesses the flow state, he can dribble with more precise movements, cutting into the spaces between both friends and foe. Through focus and analysis, Yukimiya can determine the best route to take in order to penetrate the defense, yet still ad In addition he has Gyro-Shot. This is a higvh shot, with incredible spin, allowing it to drop sharply in mid-air, while moving to the outside. When Yukimiya used this shot, it was very nearly going to score, if not for Aryu and Nagi reading its path. Based on what Reo said, its range is at least 30 meters. 18. “The Assassin” Tabito Karasu (Skills: Analytical Ability + Ball Control + Feint) Also known as “The Assassin”, Tabito Karasu is currently the defensive midfielder in the Blue Lock Eleven. Amongst 300 chosen forwards, he ranked 3rd. He is currently ranked #3 out of the original 300 forwards chosen to be apart of the Blue Lock Project and is currently starting as a defensive midfielder for the Blue Lock Eleven against the Japan U-20. Karasu has the best ball-keeping sense in Blue Lock, due to his spatial and tactical awareness and his unique ability to control space with his hands. By gauging the distance between himself and his opponent, Karasu uses his body (and more specifically his arms) to block them off from the ball, controlling the space and enabling him to either steal the ball from them or dribble past. 17. Rensuke Kunigami (Skills: Finesse Shot + Knucle Shot) He was ranked #50 out of the original 300 forwards chosen to be a part of the Blue Lock Project but was later eliminated from Blue Lock during the final games of Second Selection by Ryusei Shidou but instead of leaving the facility he walked into a mysterious "Wild Card" door that was open to him. After the U-20 match ended, Kunigami finally returned from the "Wild Card" door. Being a high powered left footed shooter, Kunigami is rare type of striker. Kunigami was tied for top scorer on Team Z during the First Selection, and only because another teammate cheated to get their goals to tie with him. When left unmarked he is guaranteed to make an easy goal. illustration By Highend69 After emerging from his time in the Wild Card door, Kunigami's physical abilities had been noted to skyrocket since his last appearance in Second Selection. While the rest of the Germany Stratum Blue Lock players struggled to compare to the Germany U-20 players, Kunigami easily kept up with them during training and ranked amongst the top 3 players in the entire stratum. 16. Nagi Seishiro (Skills: Perfect Ball Control + Trapping) - The Highest Potential Among Blue Lock Characters When he first arrived to Blue Lock he was a member of Team V and was the best player in his designated stratum. After the Blue Lock Eleven played against the Japan U-20, Nagi is ranked as one of the top players in Blue Lock. With Nagi's, perfect ball control, flexible movements, and technical ability he is able to breathe life into even the most difficult or hopeless plays. Read the full article
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wyrdwulf · 3 years ago
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Kokuō, the Five-Tails
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forthereaderinserts · 5 years ago
Could we get some headcanons of the bijuu and there 1st time meeting cryptid!reader? This blog never fails to make me laugh and for that I thank you :D
Hell yeah
Shukaku is probably the most excited because he likes to play and that means he can play with someone who isn’t like a squishy human and can die easily. And you can probably change your size to match him so you guys can run around.
Matatabi is a little surprised that you just bounce right back up after being stepped in in hopes you leave them alone. But altogether is very playful and enjoys that you can bounce back and loves how pretty they are.
Isobu is prideful, has an ego the size of a mountain. You definitely have to be very eccentric or strange in some way for them to notice you. Which is easy considering you’re not a human and just pops back up after being flattened. Shot a hole through your body? Oop it’s gone. New playmate. New playmate! New playmate!!
Son Gokū is a strong armed one. Flattens you, you pop back up, flattens you, you pop back up! It goes on and on for hours at a time because he’s just so amused! But if you feed his ego enough he’ll show off. Pfff...poser.
Kokuō is a fast one, a spitfire and idealistic. Loves to run and race so if you can keep up with them, they’ll gladly take you on. Demands that you cheated to which you laugh loudly and say maybe they’re just slow! So begins the long years of racing the horse demon.
Saiken loves blowing his poisonous bubbles, a little worried they might injure you but after you showed them your inhuman healing powers, they quickly didn’t care. The first time you showed up they blew a bubble to take you away, but then you just came right back! Every time!!! Looks like they’re stuck with you for a couple of years huh?
Gyūki is a fun loving one! Pretty friendly compared to the others actually and definitely has you play underwater with them all the time. You two are playing together? It’s under water. No one else can change that, not even you if you wanted to.
Kurama was probably your first friend. He’s way more cunning than the others, clever and vindictive. He definitely enjoys having you around even after all these centuries, you’re like his little tiny humanoid sibling he likes to annoy but fails to do so.
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loveoaths · 4 years ago
okay i am not supposed to be here because *rihanna voice* work work work work but JINCHUURIKI AU WOULD BE SO DOPE BECAUSE:
1) haku would have either saiken, kokuō, or chomei
2) tsukimono (or one of her disciples) likely sealed it in them herself using soul-stitching, her version of fuinjutsu
3) haku trains with their crazy great gma before running away and joining the ninsō (ninja monks), so they practice ninshū and not ninjutsu
4) eventually they dip from there too to live as a hermit in like.... demon country or some shit, but wind up founding an order of “corrupted monks” (ninsō who channel corrupted energy who they share some of the tailed demon’s energy with)
5) refuses to take part in the villages’ arm race and travels the country doing good works, dealing with night horrors and doing good works for others
6) has a loving relationship to their tailed demon and honestly doesn’t understand the whole fuss
7) akatsuki can eat their entire ass
8) pseudo sage mode
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Chapter 4 of Going Back and Wasting No Time is up
Help I accidentally made Han and Kokuō soft beans
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smimon · 5 years ago
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Ladybug airs at exactly the time I arrive home from work so I’ve been watching it for a while, and when they started introducing more and more kwamis I realized they remind me of that Naruto Shippuuden episode when Killer B gathers all the jinchuuriki to go on an adventure together, since in that episode all the tailed beasts were plushie-sized creatures resting on their humans’ shoulders. Kinda like kwamis. That’s why I drew all the bijuu as kwamis!
Show: Naruto Shippuuden, Miraculous Ladybug Characters: Shukaku, Matatabi, Isobu, Son Gokū, Kokuō, Saiken, Chōmei, Gyūki, Kurama and the idea of kwami Fanart by Semira Polka aka me, the OP
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black-heart-anime · 4 years ago
Nazione del Fuoco —> Foglia, Hokage 🍃
Nazione del Fulmine —> Nuvola, Raikage ☁️
Nazione della Terra —> Pietra, Tsuchikage 🪨
Nazione dell’Acqua —> Nebbia, Mizukage 🌫
Nazione del Vento —> Sabbia, Kazekage ⏳
Villaggio della Cascata 💧
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Shukaku , Gaara ⏳
Matatabi , Yugito ☁️
Isobu , Yagura 🌫
Son Goku , Roushi 🪨
Kokuō , Han 🪨
Saiken , Utakata 🌫
Chōmei , Fuu 💧
Gyūki , Killer Bee ☁️
Kurama , Naruto 🍃
Shinju , decacoda. 🍃 ☁️ 🪨 🌫 ⏳ 💧
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Bijuu & Jinchuuriki song
Bijuu kazoe uta, hajimari hajimari!
Hitotsu, hito yori inemuri, Shukaku
Futatsu, FAIYAA moeteru, Matatabi
Mitsu, mizunara makasero, Isobu
Yotsu, yogan atsui ze, Son Goku
Itsutsu, itsudemo kakeashi, Kokuo
Muttsu, murisezu awatezu, Saiken
Nanatsu, nanafushi soratobu, Choumei
Yattsu yappai daze Gyuuki
Kokonotsu kokon to Saikyou Kurama
Doudou sorotta Bijuu no nakama
Choi MUZU dakedo ii namae
Minna rippana namae da ne
Minna suteki na namae da ne
Otsugi wa Jinchuuriki, ikutebayo!
Hitotsu, hitori kumada yo Gaara
Futatsu, fu nyan to neko nade Yugito
Mitsu, Mizukage Yondaime no Yagura
Yottsu, yonjuunen Yonbi to Roushi
Itsutsu, ikatsui PAWAA no Han
Muttsu, mukuchina kinagashi Utakata
Nanatsu, nagomasu kunoichi Fuu
Yattsu, yabai yo RAPPU no Killer Bee
Kokonotsu, Konoha no Uzumaki Naruto
Totemo tsuyoi Jinchuuriki no minna
Bijuu to nakayoku nareru ka na?
Minna rippana shinobi da ne
Minna suteki na shinobi da ne
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{Le mie note di Naruto <3}
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