#Klaus Hargeeeves
dance1ntherain · 2 years
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‘How could anything bad ever happen to you? You make a fool of death with your beauty, and for a moment....’ ~Florence Welch 
Klaus Hargreeves as Persephone, Bride of Hades, Goddess of Spring.
Watercolor, India ink, graphite, oil pastel, Micron, Sharpie on multipurpose white paper. 10/2022
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slashermadness · 3 years
I'm having a bisexual attack. Please send help right away
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singtotheskiies · 4 years
well done // klaus hargreeves x reader
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summary: klaus has been clean for ten months, so you treat him to an evening in.
request (by @n1ghtsh4d3-67): You allowed me to give Five the love he deserves with your touch-starved fanfic. Now please, let me love on Klaus...we all know that man's needs something to keep him grounded and constant after everything
words: 790
warnings: just fluff:))) only fluff for Him:)))
a/n: GOD i love klaus so much,,,,, so here’s a quick lil blurb i wrote up between studying for finals!! i hope it brings you some peace in these tough times💕💕
When you waltz into the kitchen, Klaus is trying to finish a row on the sweater he’s knitting for himself. His tongue sticks out in adorable concentration, brow furrowing as he murmurs to himself stitch by stitch.
“Over and—damn!” he curses, dropping his hands in frustration and tilting his head backward over the couch to look at your upside-down image busy in the kitchen. “Hey there, peaches,” he says. “Why so fun and fancy free?” Placing your shopping bag down, you make your way over to the couch and kiss his upside-down nose, earning a cute scrunching expression. “Do you know what today is?” you ask him, smiling as he sits up. “Correct me if I’m wrong—Friday?” he says, smirking mischievously at you. “Actually, it’s Thursday—but what’s so special about this particular Thursday?” you fish. He furrows his brow in thought for a moment before shrugging. “Dunno.” “Today,” you say grandly, “is your ten-month anniversary of being clean!” “Oh, is that all,” he deadpans, and you shoot him a look. “Don’t be like that,” you chide him. “It’s been a rough road and you’ve come such a long way from the stinky little man I used to know.” Klaus feigns an offended gasp before inching closer to you, a smirk forming on his face. “Couldn’t have done it without you,” he says. “Y’know, I think we both deserve a little sugar for our efforts.” He begins to nose at your jaw, leaving kisses as he goes. “Riiiiiight,” you say, pushing him off reluctantly. “As lovely as that sounds, I’ve got other plans for us tonight.” You make your way back to the kitchen, holding up your shopping bag and pulling out your purchases. “Manicure night?” you ask, and Klaus lights up. “I love you,” he groans happily, and you giggle before returning the sentiment. ✖️✖️✖️ “Klaus, baby, I can’t do this if you won’t hold still,” you protest, capping the bottle of nail polish yet again. “Sorry, sorry, my nose is really itchy,” he pouts, trying to get some relief with the heel of his hand. When he seems to be satisfied, you unscrew the bottle of polish. Taking Klaus’ hand in yours always sends a jolt of warm happiness down your spine. You know the contact, however small, means a lot to Klaus too. That’s partially why you figured a manicure night would be such a good celebration idea. You both get to look nice, and if your fingers end up intertwined for few extra moments—so be it. You finish brushing the black polish over Klaus’ last nail, screwing the little bottle shut but not letting go of his hand. Absentmindedly, you rub feather-light patterns over his knuckles and fingers. “I’m proud of you, baby,” you murmur. He sighs in contentment, burrowing closer to you happily. You bring his hand softly to your lips and place soft kisses on his wrist, palm, and knuckles, careful to avoid his nails. You look up from his hand and meet his bright green eyes, instantly becoming entranced with how powerful and sweet they are. Sometimes you forget how nice it is looking into his eyes, but once you do it, you never want to stop—especially when they’re looking at you with so much love it nearly brings tears to your own. Bringing a hand up to his face, you stroke his cheek softly and he leans into you, resting his forehead gently against yours. Your eyes close on instinct, and you sit there together for a few long moments, each breathing in the other. Then, gently (and it’s more of a passing of time than a movement), your mouths meet. It’s slow and still and quiet, and if it weren’t for Klaus’ hands coming up to cup your cheeks, you would have thought the two of you were frozen in time. Your lips connect again and again, and each time it is slow and gentle and altogether too much. When you finally pull away slightly and watch as Klaus’ eyes open almost drowsily, you can’t help but take him in. He’s all tousled hair and reddened mouth and smooth skin and healthy smile and he’s yours, all yours. You’re all mouth and hands now, and you whisper I love yous against his forehead and cheekbone and jaw and neck. He whispers a steady stream of small praises into your hair, tilting his head at whatever angle lets him feel your lips the most. You kiss long and soft down his neck to his collarbone, and his words start to slur together under your touch until—
“S-Shit. Pretty sure I just—ruined a nail.”
“We can fix it later.”
He giggles, and the sound is swallowed by your mouth as it finds his again.
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absolutelysheehan · 4 years
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Y’all wanna make some memes?
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patrickistruck · 2 years
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drew the klaus hargreeves bc .gender. yknow?? yeah.
would write an essay on him but consider that i am sleepy
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brainzz · 4 years
I am so pissed that i can't imagine interaction between a lot of characters un TUA because they don't even coexist in the same timeline. Like i really need to see Diego and Dave watching while Klaus and Lila are doing something stupid and chaotic but i don't know how that could be possible so i just can't picture it
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fandomscombine · 4 years
TUA Series Part 3: Luther
The Hargreeves Kerfuffle Part 3: Luther 
The Hargreeves siblings x Hargreeves!Reader (Familial Relationship) 
BG: The Reader is Number Eight. It follows how you fit into the structure of Season 1 and the family dynamic of the siblings.  
This part follows and plays around with the scene when Five had just reappeared and all the sibling are in the kitchen in S1.
I have mashed up the information and some events from both the comics and the tv series. 
The series will consist of 10 parts. Where the reader would have a focused interaction with each sibling. (Eg. After this part, it would be Luther x Reader, then Diego x Reader and so on! –Yes Ben is included) 
WC: 1028
Contains: The Hargreeves being a mess. Luther being a piece of shit.
READ: [PART 1]   [PART 2] [PART 4]
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Five isn’t willing to answer any of your and siblings’ questions until he had something to eat. Which lead to the 7 of you following him into the kitchen.  You were all huddled around the end of the table watching silently as Five gathers for food, blipping in and out of the room.
No one dared to break the moment, still shocked and processing that Five, looking a tad older than you last saw him at 10 years old, but a young looking Five nonetheless, is here right now. Still not exactly believing.
‘What’s the date? The exact date.’ Five asks.
‘The 24th’ says Allison behind you.
‘Of what?’
Allison’s brows scrunches together but replies regardless. ‘March.’
‘Good.’ Five nods and continues adding marshmallow to his peanut butter sandwich, as if his question was totally normal.
‘So…’ Luther clears his throat, voicing out the question brewing in everyone’s mind. ‘Are we gonna talk about what just happened? It’s been 17 years.’
Five huffs, ‘It’s been a lot longer than that.’ Bliping out again, this time in the pantry, no doubt looking for coffee.
Causing Luther to almost jump out of his chair ‘I haven’t missed that.’
‘Where’d you go?’ Diego asks, moving the conversation back on track.
‘The future.’ Five mentions matter of factly.  ‘It’s shit, by the way.’
‘Called it!’ Klaus whispered. You pushed Klaus’ head away, eager to not miss out on anything.
‘I should’ve listened to the old man. You know, jumping through space is one thing, jumping through time is a toss of the dice.’ Five mutters, though more to himself.  The tension in the room is so tense, that even if a needle were to drop, you would still hear it.
Unfortunately for you, you did.
‘get out of the way y/n! i don’t want to see your face anymore.’
Five’s final words came rushing back and so did the pain. It’s been years since the incident, and you’ve convinced yourself that you had made peace with it. But seeing Five back here, in the present, stuck in his teenage self.
Shaking your head, you tried to clear your mind. NO Y/N NO! He hurt you when he left. You shouldn’t fell guilty for him disappearing, it was his choice, his action to do what he did. Taking a couple of deep breaths, you attempted to discreetly brush away the water from your eyes. Which of course, the ever protective, Mr. Hero Complex noticed.
‘heyyy it’s okay.’ Diego whispers, wrapping you into a warm side hug.
‘Thank you Diegs.’  Leaning your head into his shoulder.
‘Wait, how did you get back?’ utters Vanya.
‘In the end, I had to project my consciousness forward into a suspended quantum state version of myself that exists across every possible instance of time.’
‘That makes no sense’ said Diego.
Five couldn’t help but roll his eyes. ‘Well, it would if you were smarter.’
Diego abruptly stands, ready to fight Five- Luther holds him back. ‘How long were you there?’
’45 years.’ That finally made Diego to stop resisting Luther’s grip.  Five smiles into his coffee, noticing everyone’s startled face, he shrugs ‘ Give or take.’
Luther tilts his head, perplexed ‘So what are you saying? You’re 58?’
‘No, my consciousness is 58.’ Five points to his brain, then stands. ‘Apparently, my body is now 13 again.’ To drive the pint home, he flings his arms.  The oversized suit jacket falling to his elbows.
Vanya looks to the rest of you, hoping to see to anyone else understands. ‘Wait, how does that even work?’
‘Delores kept saying the equations were off. Eh. Bet shes laughing now’ Five murmurs, for a second lost in thought. ‘So, heart failure huh.’
‘Yeah. That’s what the doctor-’ Responded Diego.
‘No.’ said Luther firmly.
‘Yes, Luther. Dad died of heart failure whether you believe it or not.’ You interjected. ‘How many times do I have to tell you this, there is no foul play.’
‘Oh yea? Then why is dad’s monocle missing? When we all know that he keeps it with him at all times?? Huh?’ By Luther is rising off his seat.
‘Luther calm down.’ Warned Allison but he brushes her off.
‘Humor me this y/n. Why were you here the day dad died?’ He was now jabbing a finger at you ‘More specifically, HOURS BEFORE HE DIED. CONVENIENTLY PRESENT IN THE SCENE OF THE CRIME.’
Before you could reply, Vanya beat you to it. ‘Are you daft Luther? Did you forget that y/n can SEE INTO THE FUTURE?’
‘I didn’t. But as I recall, you vowed t never step foot into this house ever again and cut all ties! YOU ALL LEFT! YOU LEFT ME BEHIND!’
At this statement, Diego let out laugh. ‘Left you behind? LEFT YOU BEHIND? We were all gonna leave this depressing piece of crap for a healthier life, you were part of it, Luther.’ Staring straight into his eyes. ‘BUT YOU ARE THE ONE THAT RATTED US OUT AND CHOSE TO STAY! SO, DON’T YOU DARE TURN THIS ON US.’
‘Heck yes you all vowed to not come back, but you did- because Dad had died. But don’t you think it’s suspicious that she would come here on her own accord early? Who knows what they could have talked about in his final hours?? She was even the one to inform us! Not mom, not pogo. Her.’ Not daring to break the stare down, Luther called out ‘There is only one way to know the truth…. Allision.’
‘NO, Luther! I am not doing that to my own sister, not after Claire.’
‘FINE, GUESS I HAD TO FIND PROOF THE OLD-FASHIONED WAY.’ With that, Luther turns his back on his siblings.
He pauses next to you and threatens. ‘I swear y/n, I will find out what you did and I would get Allision to Rumour the truth out of you, soon or later.’ On his way out, he had ripped the door out of its hinges.
‘Hmm” Five clicks tongue ‘Nice to see nothing’s changed.’
‘Uh that’s it?’ Allision crosses her arms. ‘That’s all you have to say?’
‘What else is there to say? The circle of Life.’
READ: [PART 1]   [PART 2] [PART 4]
Taglist [All]: @gruffle1
Taglist [TUA]:@herecomesthesun1969 @alabaster1223 @ultraviolet-m @winterierwriter @lordofthunderthr @grapesauze @xbarrjallenx @white-wolf-buckaroo @yoheyyosup @infinitystones2018 @94seun @buckynatlarry @thegirlwholikestomanythings @just-some-stars @97yrm @2cuteforyourlies @e-bendy @criminallyhamilton @aqarath @change-the-world-someday @sambucky8 @spankin-soda @big-galaxy-chaos @neenieweenie 
@okimreadynow​ @weird-pale-blonde-person​ @thebloodrobin​ @vicassa​
Feel free to tell me to you want to be tagged for the series or for all/any other of my fics.
Would love to hear your opinion on the series so far too!
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bowieandqueen11 · 5 years
Hush Hush / Five Hargreeves Imagine
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Request: Five Hargreeves dating a quiet reader, please? Maybe she’s seen some terrifying things in her life and just never shows emotions or speaks and Five finally gets her to smile and mumble something and from then on, they grow closer and get together? The ending can be your choice. Thank you! 
Thank you for the request love, here’s to season two! (Also I hope you don’t mind I based it around Commission!era five!)
Comments are really appreciated and keep me writing <3
The morning was as sluggish as the coffee on Five’s desk.
Or at least, he thought it was the morning. Time seemed to stand still here.
He tapped its murky surface to break the thickening skin, with a dissatisfied frown into its depths. Good coffee, like people, was hard to find. In this place, it was almost impossible. He still craves the silkiness, the subtle undertones of hazelnut from a good cup of freshly ground beans; it seems as if the Apocalypse hasn’t shaken out of his bones yet. The muck Dot had put on his desk with an overeager grin was muck - lukewarm, matching the grey walls and melamine desks. Even he knew it was a sign it was time to leave. 
‘So, Five, how is the latest case going?’ 
Glancing up from his cup, he hadn’t even noticed the Handler place her right thigh on the side of his desk, right by the typewriter. It irritated him for some reason, the smug smile on her face as she glanced down at him behind those whips of silver hair, the way her fingers played around her mouth like a naughty child’s, looming over him like a strict headmistress. He wanted to move her leg away from his papers, push her onto the floor, but he knew if he wanted to get away with this, he needed to keep as low a profile as possible.
If only he knew the impact you would have on his life, in approximately... thirty seconds.
You always thought Five was different from the other guys in the office: he, for one, used his wit for satire, his comments clever and insightful. You liked observing him, the way his nose scrunched when he was concentrating, the tap of his foot against the floor when he writes. You had missed seeing him march through HQ, even if you had never talked to him. You had missed him when he had been out on the field, coming back with dead eyes and blood speckled cheeks as he stamped into the kitchen, not talking to anyone, but making flickering eye contact with you. It felt as if the two of you shared a secret the others just didn’t understand. It was as if he knew how messed up all of this really was.
‘I’m getting there, but if you don’t mind, I need complete silence to complete my task.’
The Handler laughs as her nails dig into the edge of his desk, and he feels his eye twitch as a bit of wood scrapings fall onto the floor. Their vibrant pink made him feel almost nauseous.
‘You are naughty.’
‘You know my methods.’
‘Well, if you need any extra assistance, Y/n behind you is helping manage affairs. If not, you know where my office is. The door’s always open for you, Five.’
‘That won’t be necessary.’
As soon as he finishes talking, he swivels around to you, eyebrows furrowed and a manilla file case in his hand.
‘Can you get me some information on a man named Harold Jenkins?’, he whispers, placing the empty file on your desk. 
You only bite your lower lip, glancing at him with an almost surprised look.
‘You never did say much, hm? Well, it’s a lot nice talking to you than it is talking with the Handler. You always did seem like the smartest around here.’
You feel the corner of your mouth twitch as you look back down at your own typewriter.
‘Thank you.’
You’d never seen Five Hargreeves blush, he was always stoic, in charge and self assured. So when you saw that pink in his cheeks as he blinked away, you knew something serious was afoot. He turned back to you, glancing at you for a moment, something akin to awe in his eyes.
‘Y/n, would you like to join me for lunch? I have- we have some serious business to discuss about the end of the world.’
‘You can’t run forever, Five! We both know that even you have a limit! What would your pretty little Y/n think, that treacherous little wh-’
‘Don’t you dare talk about her!’
Five ducks behind another pillar as he feels the gunshot ricochet off the wall, the vibration ringing in his ears. He was so close, so close, he thought, as he ran past the fresh bullet scar on the tile by his feet.
The next thing he knew, however, your hand was around the Handler’s throat, your fingers gripping onto the gun as she snarled in your face.
‘You have three seconds to let go, or else,’ you hissed.
“Or else what? You really think you can stop this. Stop any of this. What is meant to happen, will happen, Y/n. Listen to the voice of sense.’ 
'Time’s up’, you yelled as you twisted her arm, making her yelp and loosen her grip on the weapon. You elbowed her in the stomach as Five appeared beside you, his hands grabbing onto your shoulders before he teleported the two of you away.
Landing on your knees, it takes you a moment to register Five’s hands roaming on your shoulders. You pull your head back to look at him, your heart sinking as you reach up with a shaking finger to wipe away the tears that littered down his cheek, his lips twitching as your touch brings more relief than his heart can hold. He is eating you with his eyes, running his hand through your hair, as if he can’t quite believe you’re not part of an almost forgotten dream. He was sure he must have dreamt you. He was sure he was still trapped in the Apocalypse, curled up and shivering underneath the unforgiving night. He would wake up any second now, alone once again.
‘Are you okay? I’m sorry, I’m so stupid - after everything you’ve been through, it was stupid to put you through that.’
‘I’m okay... really Five. You’re here.’
He nods curtly, a sorrowful smile lining his face as he traces your features, his grip tightening.
‘Let’s go home, shall we? It’s time for us to save the world. And for you to meet my idiot siblings who sadly are a part of it.’
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broken-from-fandoms · 5 years
i need to rewatch the umbrella academy
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Ghost Of You
Ship- Ben Hargreeves x Reader
Based on the song ‘Ghost of You’ by 5 Seconds of Summer
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Here I am waking up, still can’t sleep on your side. There’s your coffee cup, the lipstick stain fades with time.
It was almost impossible to even sleep in that room, the same bed, and the same furniture, the same everything. But the pain brought some kind of comfort because she was able to rely on the fact that even if she couldn’t see him, he was probably there, making sure she was alright. Nothing was changed since that moment though, his side of the bed was always kept pristine, as no one, not even her, could even dare to sleep there. It was his and his only. He had been playing around with Klaus and her one day, and he forgot about the lipstick he was wearing, so when he drank his morning coffee, he had a large lipstick stain there. It was fading, but she saw it every morning and laughed at the memory.
If I can dream long enough, you’d tell me I’d be just fine. I’ll be just fine.
She couldn’t hear him, but he could hear her. He could hear every sob that racked her body on nights when she was alone. He could hear every plea to bring him back and let her say goodbye. Every shout of desperation, every guilt-ridden sentence blaming herself. He wanted nothing more than to run to her and gather her into his arms reassuring her that nothing was her fault and that he loved her more than anything. She would say she would be fine; she would put on a brave front to anyone that wasn’t Klaus. But as soon as people were gone, it showed that she was anything but fine.
So I drown it out, like I always do. Dancing through our house, with the ghost of you.
Every so often, she would completely drown out the pain. One particular night was the anniversary of their prom, and on that night she had a routine. All crying was abolished; she would not speak of her pain at all. She would hang fairy lights from the walls of the house and get dressed up in a dress she had bought recently. A suit was laid out on Ben’s side of the bed, and Klaus would always be there in a matching outfit. They would drink punch and laugh, and before she called it a night she would put on their song. The first ever dance that she and Ben ever shared and Klaus would dance with her as Ben watched on, in tears, wishing he could share the dance once again.
And I chase it down, with a shot of truth. Dancing through our house, with the ghost of you.
She knew it wasn’t Ben, and she knew she would never be able to share a dance with the man she loved more than anything. Klaus helped her to keep above the surface though, without him she would be even more lost than she felt already. He was her rock, keeping her sane that somewhere, somehow, Ben was keeping an eye on her and he loved her still. She would continue to dance, and she would cry, and Klaus would hold her. He was probably crying too. He knew the pain; he felt it when he lost Dave. It was two broken people, keeping each other sane, while their lovers watched.
Cleaning up today, found that old Zeppelin shirt. You wore it when you ran away, and no one could feel your hurt.
Ben never really wore a wide selection of clothes, but he had one specific shirt that she absolutely adored. It was a worn down and torn Zeppelin shirt, way too big and extremely tattered but it was her little ticket to comfort. Sometimes, she would slip it over her head and sniff the material, his scent still barely lingering on there. When Ben ran away once, he wore that shirt specifically because it was his ‘rebellious shirt’ and when he came back, his pain had not gone but she managed to ease it. She never threw that shirt out, no matter how torn it became, no matter how moth-bitten it got, it was home.
We’re too young, too dumb, to know things like love. But I know better now
Most people didn’t take them seriously. They said that they were too young to experience proper love but they both knew better. This was the kind of love you found in a world where everything was perfect, where no one was unhappy and everyone had a soul mate. They were two halves of one whole, completely inseparable and while people who knew them least considered them nothing more than hormonal teenagers, those who knew them best realised that one without the other was practically fatal.
So I drown it out, like I always do. Dancing through our house, with the ghost of you. And I chase it down, with a shot of truth. Dancing through our house, with the ghost of you.
Too young, too dumb, to know things like love. Too young, too dumb.
Klaus came back on that night, a few years after the tradition started. He had figured something out, something that would help her and him, something that would make her so happy. She was still getting ready, but when she expected to see the fairy lights as she descended the staircase, she saw something else.
There was Klaus, but he wasn’t there himself. In front of him, comprised of blue energy beams, was Ben. He was there, smiling with a tear rolling down his cheek. In disbelief, she approached him, holding a hand out. She expected heartbreak and the ever-present shock of not being able to hold him.
So I drown it out, like I always do. Dancing through our house, with the ghost of you.
But no, as she reached her right hand out, he reached back and grasped it. She smiled, tears pouring at this point as she moved forward to hug him tightly. He was just as emotional, and the lovers realised that neither had forgotten, and they were both just as in love as they once were.
And I chase it down, with a shot of truth.
As they waltzed around the living room in pure bliss, Klaus watched on with his own tears as his brother and the girl he saw as a sister were happier than they had been in a while. And to make it better, a small tap on his shoulder pulled him out of his daze. As he turned around, he saw the familiar blonde hair and a kind smile. He raised a hand to his mouth in shock, before leaping at the person.
It was the man he loved more than anything.
That my feet don’t dance, like they did with you.
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bvtton-eyes · 6 years
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when it rains, it pours ☂︎
ig | bvbblegvm__
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astarryon · 5 years
The Hargreeves as interactions I’ve had with my own siblings
Luther: my scrawny brother joined the marines and didn’t come home for like five years. When he came back he was three times as big as I remember. There’s an Anubis chest piece tattoo covering most of his torso. He has a god awful beard. No one wants to talk about it.
Diego: one of my sisters was being extra annoying. Me and my other sister waited until she walked away to start talking shit about her. Halfway through my sentence I looked up to see the sister we were shit talking had snuck back and was listening to us from the doorway. I made direct eye contact with her. She saw me looking. I went back to shit talking with my sister and finished my sentence like nothing happened.
Allison: one of my older sisters got home late and came downstairs with a scarf on first thing the next morning. We all stared at her. She stared back. My brother ripped the scarf off her neck to reveal a hickey. All six of us immediately started screaming. She was grounded for three months.
Klaus: my sister once stole my credit card information so she could order food to her house on multiple occasions. I called to ask if she was the one doing it. She said no. She did it again. I had to cancel my credit card.
Five: my sister’s phone died. Mine was at 42%. She asked if she could use my charger but I told her no because I ‘needed’ it. She took it anyway. That was the first time I ever cussed someone out in my life. (I was 13 at the time)
Ben: up until I was about 8, my siblings had me convinced I was adopted from Ethiopia and that my birth name was something like Emzwamba. I believed them. They had to stop when my parents found out I started telling my teacher that they stole me from a different country. Sometimes I still wonder about this.
Vanya: My earliest memory is standing in the kitchen at 2am with my brother to sneak donuts. I was choking. He was crying and didn’t know what to do. He didn’t wake up my parents because he didn’t want to get in trouble. He told me if I was going to throw up I should do it over the trashcan because he didn’t know how to clean it up. To be fair, he was 8 at the time.
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absolutelysheehan · 4 years
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So like, I'm going around asking people as I have absolutely no idea, but if you had to put Vanya and Klaus into a Hogwarts house, which one they be in? Idk if you care about this stuff, but I'm going around asking everyone I can
I absolutely care!
Okay so I think Vanya is a hufflepuff. She’s loyal to a fault despite her family being a little mean to her her whole life. She’s a pretty hard worker as we’ve seen from both jobs as a violinist and as a nanny. I think she could also fit ravenclaw since she’s pretty studious and socially awkward.
Klaus is a bit of all of the houses. I feel like he’s most like a slytherin because of his willingness to do what it takes to survive and the love he has for his family. He doesn’t really think about anyone’s feelings which could also be very ravenclaw, plus his desire to not do anything in life if he doesn’t have to, which is super relatable. I’m definitely a mix of these two as well so it could be bias.
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