#Klaus Baudelaire asoue
pyr0man1c · 6 months
I feel like Satan would love A Series Of Unfortunate Events.
Both the books and the Netflix series.
The mystery, tragedy, literature references, and style seem like his cup of sad tea.
Klaus would probably be his favorite.
Like come on,
Both adore books, literature, and just seem like they’d have very similar tastes and personalities (Klaus probably would still have rage, especially in the middle of him and his siblings misery)
Both are a dangerously smart duo and would cause literary hell.
I also think Barbatos would enjoy it to some extent.
Not as much at Satan but it would be nice background noise.
He would probably like either Sunny or Klaus
Sunny because of her passion for cooking and she’s very well behaved for a baby/toddler.
I feel like Klaus comes close second because of his smarts and also because he’s well behaved and polite for a teenage boy.
And all the Baudelaires I feel like he’d like how well behaved they all are especially the two older kids, they do chores, are respectful, are polite, and just overall good, friendly kids.
Thank you for coming to my Ted-Talk
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logan-the-artist · 3 months
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the world is quiet here
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um-respectfully-no · 4 months
asoue hit different when you were like twelve and had emotionally abusive parents but you grew up homeschooled and isolated so every adult you had access to was friends with and/or exactly like your parents so when you told them you were met with "oh that's normal" and "your mom's a really nice lady though" and you just kinda looked at the baudelaires like "fucking same though"
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fanonical · 1 year
really, the baudelaire kids are just three different types of little kid fantasy
violet is the fantasy of being craftier and more creative than the adults around you
klaus is the fantasy of being smarter and knowing more than the adults around you
and, of course, sunny is the fantasy of being able to Just Bite People
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tarragonthedragon · 1 year
i think if the Baudelaire children had pretended to be fooled by one of Olaf's disguises immediately he would have been so thrown he would have outed himself on the spot
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feyres-divorce-lawyer · 10 months
asoue girlies when a series of events are indeed unfortunate
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lokiprincess · 2 years
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Lemony Snicket, The Beatrice Letters
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Reading ASOUE as a child, I didn't end up with a Violet Baudelaire complex (tying my hair up every time I have to think), or a Klaus Baudelaire complex (reading a shit ton of books about everything), but a rarer third thing I like to call a Lemony Snicket complex (I am very very sad, I write, I love desperately, and I still hope for the best)
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scrumptiousfoxglitter · 5 months
Fun fact: The Baudelaire kids were able to respect Count Olaf's she/her pronouns when he pretended to be a secretary named Shirley and tried to steal their fortune and attempt not to misgender Count Olaf's androgynous assistant, and Lemony Snicket acknowledges that presentation ≠ gender in reference to Carmelita Spats of all people. What excuse do you have?
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villiarty · 3 months
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A Series of Unfortunate Events | 1.01
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cleric-byers7 · 2 months
wish i could be normal about this show but i’ve actually never been normal about anything in my life
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pyr0man1c · 6 months
I need to keep ranting about obey me characters and if they’d like ASOUE.
The original Satan and Barbatos one here
There will be spoilers for A series of unfortunate events!!
In order:
Lucifer wouldn’t particularly enjoy it but he can recognize the story, plot, and style and if he enjoys anything in it. Probably likes the dark academia look of the series.
I feel like his favorite character would be Lemony Snicket, Lucifer likes the tone and scene Lemony sets, his words, and also how he’s constantly telling the watcher to “look away” from the tragic tale and find something better and more enjoyable.
Mammon would really like it, not that he thinks it’s bad just that it’s not his thing. If he had to say something he likes it would probably be how rich the Squalors are how the plot is well written and shows characters and how they grow(I would say “development” but mammon doesn’t know that word yet)
Mammon would say his favorite character is Sir(form the Miserable Mill episode) but it’s actually something like Jerome, or Jacque.
Jerome not only the riches but also how he stood up against someone he loved (Esme) for some kids he barely knew and because he didn’t want to take her manipulation anymore, he likes the bravery and selflessness he had.
Jacque because Mammon just likes Jacques personality (and how he practically insulted a child) and got killed trying to save the Quagmire triplets and Baudelaire’s.
It’s not Levi’s his thing, he prefers his anime and not “normie shows”. (😔) he would probably hear about the mystery in it and be like,
“Omg!!! Reminds me of [insert very long obscure mystery anime name]”
At least he has something to enjoy with that..ig???
I honestly think Levi like Montgomery Montgomery. The guys has hundreds of REPTILES. Who would love that?? LEVI. THE SNAKE DUDE!!!
I feel like Monty’s energy and how uplifting he is would completely mild out Levi’s insecure and self destructive energy. (They’re both too focused on reptiles to care about feeling bad)
I already covered Satan but I have something else, I link my first one!
I already said Satan would like Klaus..but I also think he’d like Olivia Caliban. She’s a librarian, smart, makes literary references, he’d love her character, so much!!
Speaking about personality wise, she likes how she sacrificed herself to be eaten by fucking lions. LIONS. SHES A FUCKING BADASS.
(He’d probably like the quagmires too, went fucking crazy when they revealed Quigley was still alive)
He was so invested when she and Jacque started having romance and absolutely heartbroken when he died.
Asmo would find it too sad, he can’t ruin his perfect makeup!! (Also it’s just tragic) He wouldn’t really enjoy it the style is too dark, at least some of them have good fashion sense he can admit that.
Hands down..Asmo would like Esme. Not because of her actions against the Baudelaire’s that’s just bad, he likes her fashion and obsession with looks, he’d watch it and be like “this isn’t..omg, girl slay haha babe that’s so pretty” He understands the “pinstripes are in, and those nasty outfits you’re wearing? Are out.” “you’re so right girl”
I feel like he’d hate Carmelita because she’s just a bitch.
Beelzebub is probably mixed, he doesn’t hate it but he doesn’t necessarily like it, I’m having a hard time here okay
This one is easy, his favorite character is Larry your Waiter. Duh, the guy is a waiter and can make some bomb ass root beer floats I mean did you SEE the root beer floats in that one episode??? Fucking delicious.
Belphegor could care less, yeah it’s cool but I wanna go to bed?? He’d watch it if he had too and wouldn’t complain at least it’s kinda cool.
I cant think of anyone he’d like, he’s probably jealous of that scene of Jerome just fucking conked out on the couch tho.
Diavolo thinks it’s interesting, he’d find it sad but thinks it’s very good and well written, would watch if he felt like it.
His favorite would probably be Justice Strauss, her energy matches his, energetic and caring, 10/10.
Or Charles and Phil from the lucky smells lucky mill.
Barbatos i already talked about with Satan
I honestly think Simeon would be interested and I think he’d like it, despite the tragedy its well written and interesting, he’d watch it.
His favorites would probably be Strauss and Monty, they’re both just so caring, kind, and comforting! (Monty’s cake also looked delicious as hell he wants it)
I feel like he’d like the Baudelaire’s and Quagmires too, all of them, their so devoted, forgiving and caring he thinks their such good kids.
I think Luke wouldn’t be allowed to watch it, Simeon doesn’t really want him to, Luke was upset until Solomon was like “okay watch it then” and Luke was so sad after like..Solomon..wtf..☹️
Luke likes the beginning of the reptile room with meeting Monty that was very nice, and when the Baudelaire’s met Strauss. Happy moments guys happy moments..
If Luke had favorites it would be Sunny and Strauss, Sunny is into cooking and baking and he is too, he also loves Strauss motherly energy, very nice.
He had nightmares of Count Olaf for a week.
Solomon feeds off the tragedy..he loves it..so why wouldn’t he love this sad story. Him and Satan agree it’s a great series, 10/10.
His favorites are any character who is fucking psycho Monty and Olivia, he likes the reef he Monty does, I mean, Solomon is a sorcerer who likes research, he likes Monty. He likes Olivia’s book smarts and how she can just be like “oh you need a book on [very specific weird thing]? I got it.”
All of them agree that the Baudelaire’s and Quagmire tripletes, they’re respectful, kind, caring, smart, and overall good kids.
End notes
Guys mid way through this I found out that Sir and Charles are a gay couple, and then Charles was with fucking Jerome my suspicion was true.(now I remember it being hinted but omg)
This was meant to be more serious and it was in the beginning with Lucifer and Mammon but it devolved into my rambling, I’m sorry for that😭
If it looks like I favored Mammon with how long his is I don’t, I just had a lot more for him because his felt easier and I wanted to get that out.
There are character in ASOUE I wish I included but I haven’t watched the series for a bit so either:
I don’t remember the characters.
I don’t remember/know enough about them.
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mrgaretcarter · 3 months
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A Series of Unfortunate Events (2004) A Series of Unfortunate Events (2017-2019)
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frost-queen · 2 months
Quiet dreamers (Reader x Klaus Baudelaire)
Requested by anon Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @alex--awesome--22, @ellie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve , @queen-of-books , @glimmering-darling-dolly , @denkisclown , @wildieflower , @meyocoko , @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl , @m-rae23 , @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr , @swampything07, @melsunshine , @panhoeofmanyfandoms , @venomsvl , @the-uncoordinated-house-cat , @rosecentury , @imagines-by-her, @evilcr0ne , @vviolynn , @niktwazny303 , @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 , @markive-m,
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Lunch time.
The cafeteria was quiet. Unlike any other cafeteria one could be accustomed to. Yet this was no ordinary cafeteria. It was Prufrock prep’s cafeteria. Where students were kept in check. Due to the seriousness of the school, there became an unwritten rule that lunch time was being held in silence. Any talking could draw the attention of teachers, would draw the attention to punishment. The silence had woven a way into the school’s spirit.
At one of the tables sat you. Picking at your food as it was never something tasty. Nothing that made you yearn for lunch time with treats. Common food that barely had any taste. You were alone sitting at the long table benches. Your fork going mindlessly around in your plate as your gaze was focused forwards. Barely any movement from your eyes as you were lost. Lost in your own thoughts. It was a habit you had picked up along the way. Since talking wasn’t much allowed. Or at least no one did loudly enough for the teachers.
Eyes barely tracking anything. Locked on the distance as you lived your life in your mind. When on one talked to you, you created the habit of taking comfort in you own company. At first it was very little, then it became more frequent. A bad habit Prufrock prep had enabled on you. It wasn’t that you had much friends. Not until the Baudelaire children arrived. You sort of enrolled into them as you were somewhat friends with Isadora and Duncan Quagmire. Through them you came in contact with the Baudelaire children. No longer so alone anymore.
So caught up with yourself, you didn’t hear the upcoming footsteps. The movement nearing, followed by whispering. The Quagmire’s and Baudelaire’s came sitting around you. – “Midday Y/n.” – Isadora said, seeing you not respond. Violet wanted to snap her finger in front of you as Klaus kept her hand down.  – “Allow me.” – he said, getting back up.
Coming around the table to where Duncan was sitting beside you. With a simple gesture he asked for Duncan to make some room. Duncan scooted over, making room for Klaus. Klaus came sitting backwards. Back against the table to get a clearer view of you. Klaus placed his hand on yours.
“Y/n.” – he said softly giving your hand a squeeze. His touch made you blink surprised, seeing your friends suddenly around you. – “How long have you been here?” – you asked, not sure how long they were here. Having lost track of time. Klaus sheepishly back at you.
“You were in your head again, Y/n.” – he replied tapping you on your forehead. – “Oh…” – was your first response, feeling a bit embarrassed. Looking shyly down. Klaus took your hand, placing it fully in his. – “It’s alright.” – he whispered to you, knowing a bit already how you were. He didn’t blame you. Prufrock was a place where you wanted to escape. Even when it was in your own head.
Where it was much saver and much more interesting. Klaus swept his legs over the bench, to sit straightforward. They started whispering, keeping their heads low. You kept a smile up, following for a little while. Till you started to think of other things. Slowly drifting away as their words became muffled mouth movements. Barely paying attention to what they were saying, but still engaging in the conversation with little head nods.
You blinked surprised when they suddenly got up. – “What... what’s going on? Where are we going?” – you asked, getting up as well. Taking your tray in your hand. – “Didn’t you hear anything I said?” – Duncan questioned, quirking his eyebrow up. – “Of…of course…” – you answered, not wanting to sound like you didn’t. You quirked up a silly smile to show him, you understood. Sunny looked up to you, shaking her little head. She knew you were lying. Your friends carried on as you simply followed them. Having no clue of the context of their leaving.
Setting the tray away, you dusted your hands off, jogging after them. Klaus waited for you by the door, coming to step in line with you. – “We are heading for the sport tracks, dreamer.” – Klaus informed you, tapping you on the cheek. – “Oh…” – you responded as it made him laugh. Known to your simple ‘oh’s of recognition that you completely missed the point.
Isadora, Duncan, Violet and Sunny taking the lead as Klaus remained by your side. – “I’m sorry.” – you told him, feeling a bit guilty. Fidgeting with your uniform from the nerves. Klaus noticed it, taking your hand to stop you from fidgeting. He brought your hand up, giving you a little tug that you were closer to him. – “I don’t need an apology dreamer.” – he told you. His response made you smile back at him.
Klaus lowered his hand, slowly taking his hand out of yours. Tugging them in his pockets. – “How are classes Y/n?” – he asked curious, pushing his glasses further up his nose. – “Why do you ask?” – you answered a bit suspiciously. – “I’m just asking.” – Klaus responded with a shrug of his shoulders.
“You think I barely catch up with him schoolwork, thinking I am not paying much attention, don’t you?” – you called out to him with an accusing point. – “Well are you?” – Klaus came to a stop, tilting his head a bit. You tried to keep a serious face, keeping your glare up, but it soon faltered. There was no lying to him.
Your hand dropped, shoulders slouching down with a deep sigh. – “Maybe…” – you said quietly don’t wanting to admit to it much. – “Y/n.” – Klaus groaned out that you weren’t paying attention. – “I can’t help it!” – you shouted back, pressing your palms against your eyes.
Klaus sighed soft, looking back at his sisters and the Quamire’s. – “Wait!” – he shouted loud for their attention. They all paused, turning around. – “Y/n and I am heading for the library.” – he said. Your friends simply nodded, continuing to leave. – “Why are we going to the library?” – you asked him. Klaus gave you a look, taking your hand. – “To study dreamer.” – he told you.
You let Klaus take you to the library to study. Education was important to him. His mind like a book computer. Everything he ever read still vivid in his mind, the information easy to grab. Like picking it from the shelves. You entered the library as it was almost deserted. But a few students who preferred to avoid the cafeteria sat down. Some desperately doing their homework. Others simply browsing through the books to pass the time.
Klaus eyed a table, setting you down. – “Stay here.” – he said, pressing his hands down on your shoulders. Confused, you looked from side to side, watching him leave. He disappeared into a row. Taking his time. You started kicking your feet back and forth. Thinking about being alone with him.
Before you could stop it, your head filled with things again. Thinking away about anything but your surroundings. They became numb as you weren’t paying close attention to them. You got startled when a stack of books dropped with a thud down on the table. – “Arise and shine, dreamer.” – Klaus chuckled out. You shot him a glare. – “I wasn’t dreaming.” – you told him, crossing your arms.
Klaus nodded not believing you, taking a seat beside you. He opened the first book, laying it out to you. – “Must I really?” – you asked him, grabbing hard onto the side of the chair. Klaus nodded. – “Unless you don’t wish to spend time with me alone?” – he asked pushing his glasses just a bit further up. Your eyes widened, making you wave your hands across.
“No of course I want to.” – you told him. – “Good.” – he replied opening another book. – “Consider it a study date.” – he said sheepishly. You turned bashful, turning your head away. – “Y/n.” – Klaus started, taking you by your chin to look at him. – “I need your full attention.” – he finished, gazing into your eyes. You nodded numbly, caught up by his stare.
Klaus started educating you. Whenever he felt like he was losing you, he tapped your forehead. Calling you ‘dreamer’ before continuing again. Each time you chuckled sheepishly that you had failed again. Klaus being very patient with it.
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jasminumtea · 1 year
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A series of unfortunate events: reimagined 🥀
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ven10 · 5 months
Modern au Klaus Baudelaire spends his free time correcting Wikipedia articles
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