anewkindofme · 22 days
I have a lot of gripes with "The Originals" but one of the biggest is how fast they aged Hope in a short period of time. We got a couple of seasons with her as a baby. I was fine with them then aging her up to 7ish, but then we barely got her at that age before they're like "bam, we've got angsty teen Hope".
I get they were trying to set up for Legacies, but it's annoying. I wish we got more of Summer!Hope. And more of Klaus with a little girl. We didn't get enough of them together or enough flashbacks of him with Marcel when he was a kid.
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andreal831 · 16 days
how do you think the relationship between klaus and hope would have been different if she had been a boy?
I thought I had discussed this before, but it doesn't appear I have. So thanks for the ask!
We already saw what Klaus was like with a son. He viewed Marcel as more of a friend than a child, waiting for the day that Marcel was old enough to indulge in all of their vices. Now there are always debates on why Klaus viewed Marcel differently than Hope, whether it's race, biology, gender, etc. I personally think it was a combination of reasons.
Hope being a girl was very purposefully done. The show thrived on the trope of "innocent white woman saving terrible bad-boy." And Hope was no different. The show even goes out of there way to point out that Hope saved Klaus when Marcel couldn't. While boy-Hope would have the advantage over Marcel of being biologically related to Klaus, we can't discredit how the gender would play a role. Namely because he would see himself in a boy more and his competitive nature would come out. When Klaus saw Marcel succeeding and essentially becoming like him, he viewed Marcel as a rival. When he sees the power Hope wields, he is proud of her.
We already see how different Klaus is with his sisters than with his brothers. He treats Rebekah like a child most of the time even though she's close in age to Kol, who Klaus treats more as a friend. He is even more gentle with Freya than he is with any of his brothers, after he starts to trust her. But Klaus is not above using violence against women. Yet he didn't want Hope to see that side of him. To the point that he cut off contact with her after she did.
When confronted with an issue, Klaus resorts to violence. We see him do this with Marcel as he gets older. Even when Marcel was a human and the power dynamic was vastly different. There are only a couple of people Klaus' first instinct isn't violence and Hope is one of them. Klaus raising Marcel was more like raising a soldier. Klaus taught him to sword fight but didn't seem interested in his other interest, like piano or reading. While Klaus bonds with Hope over painting. Potentially if boy-Hope had been artistic, they could of still had that bond, however, I think it's likely that Klaus would still have attempted to bond with the boy in more "masculine" pursuits. But again, it would likely still backfire and create a rival.
Klaus and boy-Hope would have had an even more complicated relationship and Klaus would struggle to have a father-son bond, often letting his paranoia and jealousy complicate his love. Klaus would also do less to be a better person as he wouldn't be as concerned with a son behaving like him as he was with Hope. He would likely have had a similar relationship to boy-Hope as he did with Marcel.
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cancerian-woman · 11 months
Marcel would be seen as family (in the show and by the fans) more had they not continued to write him and rebekah together. i just seen someone on that hellsite argue that now Marcel and Hope weren’t siblings and he never saw her as such when the plot continued to label them as siblings…Marcel acts like a protective older brother to Hope. Why is it yall can never just see Marcel as family.
I get it he’s disowned the Mikaelson’s several times, which is Marcel’s right but most of Marcel’s storyline is about being seen and treated like family.
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celia39494 · 1 year
Not me realising that the Mikaelsons only call Marcel "Marcellus" when he's in danger or doing something so stupid, so beyond dangerous, they need to remind him of who raised him lmao like, Marcel thinks it's a good idea to join a cult? - "You could have asked me Marcellus" Elijah, actual-founder-of-the-said-cult Mikaelson.
Marcel gets bitten by Hayley to get venom through his veins and win an actual life or death battle? - "wow, way to go to impress your new friends, Marcellus, bet you're proud of yourself now? " Klaus only-my-blood-can-heal-wereworlf-bites Mikaelson.
Like if they need to actually scold him, it's Marcellus lmao and all of this just for them to jump to his protection the second they see him struggle. I'm sick.
He's their child and he hates it so much too like Marcel "I don't need your authorisation to join a cult" and "whoever comes for you comes for me" Gerard jumping directly into battle knowing damn well Elijah was about to jump between him and any other vampire trying to kill him and Klaus was going to give him his blood anyway. I'm literally so sick it's not even funny anymore.
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klonnieshippersclub · 11 months
love ur blog so many klonnie fans. question would Bonnie side with Klaus on Marcel & Rebekah’s relationship?
Thank you! Yes, Bonnie would be very cautious to have Rebekah around their children. Rebekah clearly does not understand family boundaries. I cannot imagine romancing a man you knew as a child. She didn't even truly discourage him when he was open about his feelings for her. That relationship dynamic was very inappropriate from the start and Rebekah chose not to make it clear that they were family. I'm sure it partially contributed to Marcel's understanding of his place with the Mikaelsons. If Rebekah refuses to acknowledge Marcel as her nephew, then he has another reason to feel like he doesn't belong. Marcel and Rebekah’s relationship plays well into how plenty of fans NEVER viewed Marcel as family either and won’t accept him.
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laufire · 1 year
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@ reddit AITA if I'm jealous of my son being a better dictator than I was instead of being proud of him?
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kylermalloy · 1 year
I wondered what you would have thought of a scene where Marcel drinks from Klaus by the neck while the rest of the family is forced to watch. Compelled, after he's turned into the greatest vamp
Hmm. Hmmm. I like this idea very much! Definitely something Marcel would do—because while he thinks himself fairer and more moderate than the Mikaelsons (and he is, in some regards) he can still go on a biiiit of a power trip. I’ll still never be over Vincent’s little speech at the end of season 3—“the king is dead, all hail the king.” He lumps Marcel in with the Mikaelsons, citing the destruction of the Strix as evidence that Marcel also goes too far. Marcel also promotes needless bloodshed. And Marcel, unlike Klaus and Rebekah and the others, denies that part of himself. He wants to think he’s better than that. Above all that. (He’s not.)
So yes! I think Marcel would do that to Klaus—as a show of his power, and to psychologically torment the rest of his family. See what I can do to your brother. See how you’re powerless to stop me. See how, really, he deserves it.
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bittergirlsworld · 1 year
the originals season 2 episode 11 or as like to call top tier klarcel content
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crazychicke · 2 years
The Originals I O'Holy Night
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Klarcel it's like hookfire but more incest-y
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hyperactivewhore · 1 year
while obviously racism plays the biggest role in the differences between klope and klarcel, for klaus i’d say that gender plays a larger role than blood ties in comparison to elijah/rebekah/freya/kol.
i believe that klaus is fully capable and willing to love marcel as a genuine child of his despite him being adopted but hope being a girl makes him love her a bit more because he “gets” to protect her rather than feeling like he has to compete with her like he did with marcel. i mean hope as a full tribrid is stronger than klaus (bc magic) but i can’t see him having the same reaction to that as he did with upgraded!marcel
Oh, completely! A clear example of this is how he behaves with Rebekah and Elijah: he isn't nearly as protective or jealous over his brother as he is with his sister.
A lot of his issues with Marcel come from the fact that he never told him he was alive, and also that he made New Orleans the city it is today. Klaus met Marcel when he was already a child, when Marcel had already the memories of his biological father engraved in his brain: like him, Marcel was abused and that is the reason he even adopted him. I believe Klaus himself or some of his siblings said it, but he adopted Marcel because he saw himself in him.
Klaus loved the kid, that much was clear. He even got jealous of Elijah spending time with Marcel, going as far as to undagger Kol but daggering him again the moment he saw his brother was a danger to the kid he loved as his son. Klaus was actually jealous and possessive over Marcel's affections towards Rebekah too, just like he would have been with Landon and Hope. He daggered his sister because in his words "she needs a lesson on what she can and cannot take from me" or something similar. Like what happened with Hope and Hayley initially, he did not want to share his son with his sister.
Klaus was deeply hurt by Marcel's "death" too, and in 1x11 he said "I thought you were dead. It was years before I could speak your name, so keenly did I feel that los" so I completely think he wouldn't be able to actually kill Marcel at all, despite all his threats, and the same goes for him and etc.
Gender plays a big role in all of Klaus’s relationships. When killing any of Rebekah's lovers, Klaus then would proceed to verbally harass her, making her feel stupid and small and all kind of things, and he did the same to Freya with Keelin, who quickly called him out on his bullshit. He never did this to his brothers, only to his sisters.
In my opinion, Marcel holds the same value as Hope does in Klaus’s life. He just couldn't show it, because there was a lot of bad blood between them and also because he was a man.
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anewkindofme · 9 months
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Klaus hand feeding his 7 year old daughter beignets like a baby.
And you’re telling me he didn’t baby the hell out of Young!Marcellus?
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A lot of the flashbacks we have of Marcel are sad ones, but we know there are good moments. Like Klaus telling him to close his eyes and sing when he was frightened. And there are so many moments they tell us but they don’t show.
It wasn’t all bad. Klaus wasn’t a perfect father. But I think his biggest flaw as one was his possessiveness over Marcel. He didn’t know how to let go.
Why couldn’t this show have been about he actual family?
Like in the pilot when Marcel was so happy to see him??
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andreal831 · 11 months
Is Klaus a good father?
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I've been holding this one back for a while and if you are in this fandom, I'm sure you can imagine why. But recently on tik tok someone told me that I just "didn't understand" Klaus' character. But I promise you I do. Which is why I struggle to like him for most of the show.
Because for 90% of the show Klaus is a terrible brother and father.
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We can't talk about Klaus and fatherhood without first talking about Marcel. Klaus took Marcel in with the pretense of adopting him. But he allowed his own jealousy to rob Marcel of having any kind of typical childhood. Elijah wanted to educate Marcel and we see they bonded pretty quickly when Marcel first comes to live with them. And most parents would be thrilled to see a child who has lost his mother and experienced so much trauma was still able to connect with someone and be excited about learning. Instead, he is jealous and releases Kol. He allows Kol to completely go off the rails in the same house where a very mortal child is living.
We don't see any more of their relationship until he is older and we see Klaus interfere with Marcel and Rebekah. Again, some people say it's to protect Marcel, but it wasn't. It followed the same pattern of abuse against Rebekah that we've seen before. He continues to rob Marcel of his choices, with joining the war, with dating Rebekah, and then later by trying to steal the city Marcel had worked over 200 years to solidify. Klaus does not take Marcel in because he wants to be a father, he takes him in because he wants a warrior friend. Which is why he released Kol when he felt Elijah "stole" Marcel from him. He never truly wanted family, he had that. He wanted someone who would go along with his debauchery.
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And then Klaus finds out about Hope.
Klaus' first reaction to finding out of Hope's existence was to tell the witches to kill Hayley and the baby. Which I don't fully hold against him since he didn't trust it was his and was scared. But even after he accepts the baby is his and Elijah brings Hayley back to the house, Klaus shows almost no interest in Hayley or the baby. Rather, he is on a power quest to take over New Orleans from his first child.
The first time we get any sense Klaus cares whether the baby lives or dies is when he nearly chokes Hayley to death. I'm sorry, but that is not a sweet moment. It is abuse.
Throughout season 1 we see Elijah and Hayley grow close while Klaus is absent for most of the pregnancy. Klaus even leaves a pregnant Hayley in the woods alone with Elijah while he is suffering from his wolf venom. Elijah could have killed Hayley and Hope, and very nearly did if it wasn't for Eve. Klaus showed no regard for their safety because he got his feelings hurt that his brother doubted his intentions. Intentions that should have been questioned. Elijah had seen Klaus seek power over family for a thousand years and the last thing he heard from Klaus about the baby was he wanted a legacy, not a baby. Yes, there are a couple of moments where we see he cares or is afraid, but he does very little to actually help Hayley throughout her pregnancy. In fact, he kidnaps her and lets his brother watch over her instead of him.
Then Hope is born. Yes, Klaus clearly cares for her. I'm not denying that. But Klaus is a textbook narcissist and they historically do not make the best parents. We see a moment of selflessness when he agrees to send Hope off with Rebekah and clean up the mess he's made in New Orleans. But again, he relies on Elijah to clean it up while he mopes and isn't concerned about the mother of his child until Elijah forces him to.
Again, we have a sweet scene with Hayley and Klaus reuniting with Hope, but it makes no sense that they left her with Elijah. Elijah who was still struggling to control himself after being mentally and physically tortured. The only protection Hope has is Cami who would not be able to protect Hope if Elijah lost control.
Another moment people think is cute, but I find incredibly manipulative, is when Klaus has Cami and Elijah bring Hope back to New Orleans. The city is still unsafe. In fact she had just been attacked by Finn and Freya was on the loose, someone they didn't trust, Rebekah was missing. It was not the time to bring her back. But Klaus wanted to make sure he had his werewolf army, which Hayley went through with the wedding. A good parent would put their child's safety over anything. Hope should have stayed out of New Orleans until he was sure they could protect her. But Klaus continuously puts his own wants over even Hope's safety.
We don't see much of Hope and Klaus' interactions in the month they all live together. In fact, we see Jackson with Hope more. And that's still limited. Hope is sent out to the bayou repeatedly. A lot of this is because Klaus was busy dealing with all of the threats from his family. Again, it was not safe to bring Hope back yet.
When Dahlia shows up, Klaus goes off the rails. People love to say he was a master manipulator, but he really was just going with the flow and picking the most chaotic option available to him. He admitted to killing a friend of the wolves, effectively losing the army he worked so hard to ensure and causing doubt amongst his whole family about his trustworthiness. Again, instead of putting Hope's safety first, he lets his paranoia lead him and he puts Hope in more danger. Dahlia only finds Hope because he hands over his blood. Instead of working with his siblings to defeat Dahlia while Hayley runs with Hope, he betrays everyone and then curses Hayley. Once again, because he's a narcissist and thinks he is the only one who can protect Hope. This is in direct contradiction to the fact that he's seen his family and Hayley fight to the death for Hope already.
For perspective, I think we need a timeline of Hope's life so far: Hope was born and her mother was murdered while holding her mere second after her birth. Then within a few days sent away from her mother. Mothers bonding with babies in the first few days is so important for development. Rebekah raises her for 6 months or so and then she gets to see her mom for a night and her dad for a couple of hours. Cami and Elijah take care of her for a few weeks and then she's in New Orleans living with Hayley, Klaus, and Jackson (people this 7 month only baby really doesn't even know) for a month. Then after adjusting for a month, she loses Hayley and Jackson for 6 more months. Hope is surrounded by Klaus, Freya, and Elijah -- again, people she doesn't really know. The first year of her life is full of upheaval and she is not able to create a secure attachment with anyone. Klaus only makes this worse by taking Hayley away for six months.
And before you say, 'he did it to save her life.' He made absolutely no effort to help save her and even objected to Elijah bringing Hope out to the bayou. It was a punishment for Hayley believing she knew what was best for Hope even though he was behaving in the exact same way. He also apologizes for it and says he was wrong later. He even agrees he shouldn't have done it.
This is where I get frustrated with Klaus stans. People always want to say he has the best character development, but when I call him out for his early behavior, they get upset. It's because of his early behavior we were able to see any growth.
And we do see growth. To me, the most growth is at the end of season 3. Throughout season 3, we also don't see Klaus interact with Hope very much. Hope is mostly just with Hayley or out in the bayou, basically unprotected. But at the end, he finally realizes what it means to be a father. He tells Hayley to take Hope and run. He puts Hope above his own desires. This is the most selfless we ever see Klaus. And it does cost him. He misses out on five years of Hope's life.
When he wakes up, he is still in that same headspace (thank you Cami). The family decides to leave New Orleans alone and abandon the fight with Marcel. This is shocking behavior for Klaus. But he wants to raise his daughter in peace. I love the couple of episodes we get here with them. But then the Hollow happens and they have to go back to New Orleans. Where Klaus imprisons his first child, Marcel. I'm sorry, but no matter what Hope did, Klaus would never treat her the way he treated Marcel. Whether it's racist, sexist, or based on him not being blood, you decide.
Klaus is only in Hope's life for about a week until he has to leave because of the Hollow. Again, this is peek Klaus parenting in this one week. But then while he's gone, he goes off the deep end. He claims it is to keep Elijah safe, but in reality, it is because he has nothing tethering him. Once Hope sees him, he completely cuts her off. He never actually learned to be an everyday father. He only knew how to make the big gestures. He doesn't know how to sit down with her and explain or even how to reach out to Hayley and have an adult conversation. He abandons his daughter to the point that she kidnaps her own mother to get his attention. He falls back into his old habits, putting his comfort over his daughter. Because it's easier to ignore her than to face the harsh reality of dealing with the terrible things he's done and trying to be an actual better person for Hope.
We don't see Klaus act as a parent for another 7 years. And this whole season was just a mess. I do understand he can't be close to her. But they have magic and phones, he could have contacted her better. He should have been more involved. If you follow me on tik tok, you already know how ridiculous I think Hayley's death episode was.
Hayley's death would have been the hardest thing Hope has ever gone through. I hate season 5 for making her bounce back so quickly. Hayley was the one constant in Hope's life. I know everyone wants to act like Klaus' death should have impacted her more, but she didn't really know him. He was more of an idea to her than an actual person.
Hope was falling apart for most of season 5, so Klaus gets the bright idea to kill himself less than a week after Hope loses her mother. This is portrayed as the ultimate sacrifice for his daughter, but it was incredibly selfish. Elijah was willing and able to die by himself, but because Klaus didn't want another man to die for his daughter, Hope had to lose both her parents in the span of a week. Not only that, but feel responsible for their deaths. I will be the first to admit, season 5 was just bad writing because the showrunners were ready to move on to Legacies. But it's all we have.
All of the development we see with Klaus is destroyed in season 5. I am hard on Klaus' character because this fandom loves to let him get away with everything. But I do genuinely like aspects of his character. And, as I said, I do love the one week of his relationship with Hope, but it's not enough to overshadow the danger and hurt he put her through. 
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cancerian-woman · 8 months
I would’ve loved to see Klaus and Marcel bond about something other than having abusive fathers. Which is another level for Marcel because his father wasn’t just abusive he was a slave master. Who owned his unnamed mother and most likely raped his mother. It was not written well and just used as a prop for Klaus more than it ever meant something to former slave Marcel.
Elijah and Marcel shared music… what did he and Klaus have in common besides strength??
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originalscaps · 2 years
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laufire · 1 year
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literally one of two people that could make that work
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