robotslenderman · 1 year
Today I read the quote “New Zealanders who leave for Australia raise the IQ of both countries” and I’ve been fucking murdered
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kloworks · 2 years
Pick items, animation
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franta-rps · 10 months
New Zealand <3
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Embrace the wonders of New Zealand
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bending-sickle · 2 years
Casual Geographic - Top 10 Animals with Black Air Force Energy
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cyborgpain · 2 months
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Kiwilander is real
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littlealexhorne · 2 years
For anyone into Paul Williams and / or fictional theme parks, please check out this podcast.
I'm so happy I stumbled across it as someone who's a bit of a Disney nerd myself. It's very odd but was ABSOLUTELY worth a listen.
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melonteee · 8 months
Been meaning to ask this but did you ever end up trimming your nails like I asked or do you just have captain kuro sword fingers now
Also how's Australia are there Wekas there
Or are those a kiwiland (my dad is from there) only thing
I bit my nails off like a man, in New Zealand the Wekas bite them off for you
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kiwidotcom · 9 months
"Jewish people are from that area"
ok fair. true. fine.
Im Canadian. my heritage comes from England.
what Israel is doing is the equivalent of me moving back to England, calling it a new name KiwiLand, and telling the English people to get the fuck out or I'll kill them all.
"Jewish people deserve a safe space"
so do Palestinians
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cryptid-killjoy · 1 year
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"So, here's an interesting one." Flotsam said looking down at his phone after getting ready for the day on the edge of the bed.
"Looks like Pip's fam has come to Kiwiland to hunker down with them now that the job's scaled back since Feral took over Nola. Guess we're going to have more family for Christmas this year."
It wasn't a bad thing in Flo's eyes after all their losses. He was glad any of those girls had anyone left at all and not everyone was actually inside Nola's borders when it all went down even if he might have been a little jealous more of his own family hadn't been traveling or all lived in one damn spot. Time to be thankful for whoever was left.
"So anyway, I guess he'll be there by the time we get back from Ireland. He's actually been on my payroll before. One of my rats. Small world.
"So okay, today we're marking off the list, the cheesiest of cheese. Can't go to Ireland without going to the Leprechaun Museum. I am fairly certain this tour will take us two seconds, but I refuse to not be take pictures of the kids on giant chairs as if we shrunk which I am pretty damn sure makes no sense about leprechauns at all. But, what do I know? I only just stayed up all night watching the horror movies just to be the mood. So, we'll see. Maybe we can get some Halloween shopping done too? Just poke around town. You know anything about leprechauns, Thomas?"
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its-not-a-pen · 2 years
Once Were Warriors is on NZ netflix! switch on ur vpn and give it a watch. (if you dont have a vpn; watch it anyway).
this film is profound, anguished and violent. its essential to ur understanding of nz film and maori culture, especially if you are a fan of temuera morrison (star wars)/taika waitit's comedies. while its fun to occasionally indulge in the stereotype that 'kiwiland' is this idyllic fantasy world, we are a real country with real problems. you cant take the sweet without the bitter and this film explores NZ's bitter history of poverty, abuse, and discrimination, but most importantly: what happens to the survivors?
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kiwani201 · 1 year
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More old drawings, battle of kiwiland. The blue one is my BFF Marce the brro.
This drawing begins wit a roll play we have
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kloworks · 2 years
Spider animation
Spider pixelart animation.
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kiwinatorwaffles · 2 years
Is it possible for EX to beat you at something or in combat in some unfair way (we all know you'd crush the fella if the fight was fair). How do you think he would do it? -Flower (Sorry for accidentally sending twice)
SORRY I THOUGHT THIS ASK WAS FOR ANOTHER BLOG anyway im here to answer it now
beat ME? like me, kiwinator? yeah he'd probably beat me at one thing and it's eating. if you guys didn't know my stomach and foodholding capacity is like the size of a walnut i would eat half a salad and get full so if i were pitted against him in an eating contest i would stand no chance.
combat however he will never overcome my gaysian swag he can try all the dirty tricks there are but i will simply repel it with my awesomeness sorry that;s just how we roll here in kiwiland
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blackladisdestrcz · 11 months
Maluji obraz Naše čtyřka 
Sleduji - watching Loki S2E4 (Playstation 5/Disney+)
Sleduji Kiwiland (2/5) (Smart TV/O2TV/ČT2)
Sleduji - watching Nevědomí/Oblivion (Smart TV/O2TV/Nova Cinema)
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generallemarc · 1 year
Big brain tinfoil hat conspiracy time
Remember how the Kharkhiv counteroffensive was very deliberately telegraphed as being towards the south and then struck in the last place anyone was expecting? What if they're trying that again, only instead of lying about where the offensive's going they're lying about how close it is to happening. Why, you may ask? Hell if I know, maybe they just wanna drive the Russians crazy from anticipation. Or maybe it's got something to do with the five aircraft downed in one day over Russian-occupied territory. Or maybe I'm missing something obvious. Tl;dr-Ukraine will be in Moscow by the end of the week, subscribe to Perun, long live Kiwiland and death to Emutopia.
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littlealexhorne · 1 year
alright, self-indulgent poll
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