#Kitchen witchery
Tea Magickal Correspondences
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Plant Correspondences:
This is going to be a long post! This is in no way, a complete list. This is Simply some Popular ones! If you have any other plants, herbs, or flowers you’re curious about, List them in the comments below!
Edit to add: Huckleberry! HUCKLEBERRY (Leaves): Good Fortune, Luck, Dream Work
TREES: • ACACIA ~ Clairvoyance, Divination, Visions, Wealth, Protection, Blessings • ALDER ~ Banishing, Transformation, Truth, Power of Water, Intuition • APPLE ~ Dream Work, Enchantment, Fertility, Love, Luck, Harmony • BIRCH ~ Reduces anxiety, Defensive Magick, Increases concentration, Creativity • CEDAR ~ Afterlife, Clairvoyance, Breaks Hexes, Psychic Ability • CYPRESS ~ Binding, Defensive Magick, Comfort, Mental Power, Wisdom • ELDER~ Grounding, Healing, Love, Magickal Power, Success • ELM ~ Intuition, Love, Pregnancy/Childbirth, Stability • JUNIPER ~ Fertility, Happiness, Protection, Optimism, Spirits, Strength • OAK ~ Confidence, Justice, Luck, Money, Success, Independence, Wealth • PINE ~ Beginnings, Blessings, Hope, Prosperity, Self-Work, Releasing • ROWAN ~ Astral Realm, Devotion, Guidance, Psychic Ability, Visions, Spirits • WILLOW ~ Moon Magick, Moon Power, Protection, Knowledge, Fertility • WITCH HAZEL ~ Healing, Inspiration, Willpower, Fidelity, Wisdom
HERBS & FLOWERS: • AGRIMONY ~ Harmony, Healing, Breaking Hexes, Dream Work, Protection • ALLSPICE~ Business, Luck, Success, Kindness, Money • ANGELICA ~ Repels Negativity, Divination, Purification, Success, • ANISE ~ Balance, Energy, Harmony, Purification, Well-Being • BASIL ~ Psychic Ability, Love (Reconciliation), Money, Messages/Omens • BELLADONNA ~ Imagination, Night Magick, Visions, Astral Realm • BETONY ~ Solving Problems, Security, Decreases Anxiety, Protection • BORAGE ~ Beginnings, Business success, Skills, Courage, Awareness • BLUEBELL ~ Kindness, Luck, Love, Manifestation, Overcoming Obstacles • CARNATION ~ Deep Love, Beauty, Communication, Fertility, Harmony, Emotions • CATNIP ~ Love, Luck, Psychic Ability, Spirits, Prevents Nightmares • CHAMOMILE ~ Blessings, Calming, Reduces Anger & Anxiety, Money, Luck • CINNAMON ~ Wealth, Money, Security, Luck, Desire, Attraction, Peace • CLOVE ~ Divination, Prosperity, Psychic Ability, Success, Truth, Visions • CLOVER ~ Grounding, Luck, Marriage, Prosperity, Success, Spiritual Balance • CUMIN ~ Fidelity, Harmony, The Home, Longevity, Love, Repels Negativity • DAFFODIL ~ Afterlife, Fairies, Love (Unrequited), Security, Spirits, Calming • DANDELION ~ Clairvoyance, Clarity, Divination, Communication, Spirits • DILL ~ Defensive Magick, Breaking Hexes, Love, Lust, Sex Magick, Money • FENNEL ~ Blessings, Repels Evil & Negative Energy (from entering the home) • FEVERFEW ~ Healing, Heartbreak, Love, Protection, Strength, Purification • GARLIC ~Banishing, Justice, Protection, Breaking Hexes, Release, Security • GINGER ~ Money, Pregnancy/Childbirth, Moon Magick, Unity, Success • HENBANE (highly poisonous) ~ Astral Realm, Divination, Love (Attract) • HONEYSUCKLE ~ Affection, Destiny, Happiness, Love, Peace, Well-Being • IVY ~ Attraction, Marriage, Love, Stability, Transformation, Fidelity, Omens • LAVENDER ~ Reduces Anger and Anxiety, Love, Manifestation, Luck, Rebirth • LEMON BALM ~ Business Success, Calming, Clarity, Fertility, Relationships • MANDRAKE (Poisonous) ~ Desire, Courage, spirits, Wealth, Omens, Bind • MISTLETOE (Poisonous) ~ Beginnings, Blessings, Business, Luck • MOONWORT ~ Clairvoyance, Divination, Love, Moon Magick, Money • MUGWORT ~ Spirits, Psychic Ability, Astral Realm, Awareness, Psychic Energy • NETTLE ~ Healing, Justice, Luck, Protection, Courage, Confidence • NUTMEG ~ Life, Luck, Love, Money, Power, Attract, Psychic Ability, Divination • ORRIS ROOT~ Astral, Protection, Relationships, Love, Sexual Attraction • PATCHOULI ~ Manifestation, Peace, Luck, Love (Attract), Money, Business • PEPPER ~ Motivation, Lust, Justice, Bind, Security, Strength • PEPPERMINT ~ Dream Work, Divination, Luck, Money, Visions, Healing • ROSE ~ Fertility, Family, Blessings, Love, Luck, Happiness, Beginnings • ROSEMARY ~ Psychic Ability, Psychic Protection, Inner Power, Luck, Afterlife • SAGE ~ Clairvoyance, Cleansing, Visions, Clears Negativity, Business • SANDALWOOD ~ Focus, Concentration, Success, Luck, Moon Magick, Blessings • ST. JOHN'S WORT ~ Strength, Power, Money, Consecrate/Bless, Prosperity • SNAPDRAGON ~ Clairaudience, Emotions, Money, Protection, Assertiveness • STAR ANISE ~ Divination, Psychic Ability, Purification, Consecrate/ Bless • STRAWBERRY ~ Beauty, Desire, Luck, Love, Relationships, Divination • SUNFLOWER ~ Clarity, Dream Work, Solar Energy, Light, Peace, Money, Luck • THYME ~ Healing, Happiness, Increasing, Rebirth, Protection, Calming • WORMWOOD ~ Clairvoyance, Dream Work, Guidance, Psychic Ability, Spirits • YARROW ~ Defense, Banishing, Heartbreak, Marriage, Healing, Release, Strength
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coven-of-genesis · 1 year
HAPPINESS - Chamomile, Lemon Balm, St Johns Wort, Oregano
MONEY- Spearmint, Basil, Cinnamon, Ginger
SUCCESS - Bay Laurel, Lemon balm, Lovage
BANISHING - Chilli Pepper, Mandrake, Frankincense, Mugwort, Rosemary
WISDOM - Thyme, Cinnamon
LOVE - Jasmine, Rose, Meadowsweet, Coriander, Basil, Marjoram
FERTILITY - Myrtle, Geranium, Mandrake, Mistletoe, Clary Sage, Fennel
HEALING - Calendula, Allspice, Elderberry, Ginger, Eucalyptus, Lavender
PROTECTION - Angelica, Lavender, Aloe Vera, Agrimony, Star Anise, Salt
PSYCHIC POWER - Frankincense, Yarrow, Bay Laurel, Mugwort
PURIFYING - Rosemary, Juniper, Sweetgrass
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coinandcandle · 3 months
🍓🍋 Strawberry Moon Slushy 🍋🍓
I was looking into making a beverage for the Summer Solstice when I remembered a drink I had on my birthday and thought I'd recreate it!
This is a strawberry, basil, and mint frozen lemonade but given that I made it with the coming Strawberry Moon in mind, I decided that "Strawberry Moon Slushy" sounds so much better.
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This recipe makes about 2 servings.
2 cups of FROZEN strawberries
1 cup lemon juice (fresh squeezed)
3/4 cup of sugar
Basil leaves
Mint leaves
1/4 cup of ice
Shot of your fav gin or vodka (optional)
Get your ingredients ready and grab the blender.
Squeeze the lemons. The lemons I used gave me roughly 9 tbs of lemon juice.
Pour in your frozen strawberries, lemon juice and ice. Blend until slushy. If you're adding booze, add it in here. One or two shots depending on your preference.
Add in 3/4 cup of sugar. If you're like me and you love it sour then only do 1/2 cup sugar. You could also substitute sugar for agave or honey, using a few tbs of either and then adding more to taste.
Add your basil and mint to taste. I used four large leaves of each but you can use more or less!
Top it off with a garnish, either a strawberry, a lemon slice, or a mint sprig!
If you'd rather use premade lemonade, use 1 cup of lemonade and you can skip the sugar.
You can use this mixture to make popsicles if you have a mold for it!
Fresh mint and basil works best but if you only have dried only use about a 1/2 tsp at first and then add more to taste.
Magical Associations:
This is a great drink for the Summer solstice because the following full moon the next day is called the Strawberry Moon! This would be a great spell for self-love or attraction.
Tip: Imbue your beverage with magic and create a drinkable spell!
Strawberries are associated with love, good luck, and fortune.
Basil is associated with wealth and prosperity.
Mint is associated with abundance and healing.
Lemons are associated with the sun, happiness, and cleansing.
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blkqueerwitchery · 1 year
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prosperity ⚡ abundance 🌿 luck 🍀 simmering pot
- vanilla extract
- lemon slices & peels
- lime chunk
- cinnamon sticks
- cloves
- rosemary
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samwisethewitch · 11 months
Grocery Store Fire Cider
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I try to always have fire cider on hand during the colder months. Fire cider is vinegar infused with warming, expectorant (mucus-clearing) herbs to help clear out gunk from our respiratory system. It's great for clearing up congestion and helping with wet coughs. Since pretty much everyone in my house tends towards wet cold symptoms (congestion/runny nose, coughing up mucus, etc.), we go through a lot of this stuff every cold and flu season.
I take a shot of fire cider as soon as I feel congestion or a wet cough coming on, or if I've been around someone I know is sick. While it doesn't always keep me from getting sick, I do think it helps speed up my recovery and keep my symptoms less severe.
A lot of fire cider recipes online and in herbalism books call for less common herbs that need to be purchased online or from a speciality herb shop. This year, I decided to make a batch with only herbs you can buy cheaply at most grocery stores. Here's the recipe for my fellow herbalists on a budget!
You will need:
A quart mason jar
1 whole head of fresh garlic, peeled and roughly chopped, OR 3 spoonfuls of pre-minced jarred garlic
3 knobs of fresh ginger about the size of your thumb, roughly chopped, OR 3 spoonfuls of store-bought ginger paste
1 package fresh thyme OR 2 tablespoons dried thyme
1 package fresh sage OR 2 tablespoons dried sage
1 quart apple cider vinegar
There are two methods I've used to make this cider. The traditional method is a slow infusion that takes 2+ weeks, but I've also developed a fast infusion method for when I feel a cold coming on and need a batch of fire cider ASAP.
Traditional Method:
Add your herbs to a clean mason jar. Pour the vinegar over the herbs and fill the jar to the top. Put a lid on the jar. (Vinegar will corrode metal lids, so either use a plastic lid or place a square of parchment paper between your jar and the metal lid.)
Place the jar in a cool, dark place and allow it to infuse for at least 2 weeks and up to 1 month. You can strain the herbs out to store at room temperature, or you can do what I do and store the whole thing in the fridge, herbs and all.
If you leave the herbs in, you can keep this batch of fire cider going all winter by topping the jar up with more vinegar every time it gets below halfway full.
Fast Infusion Method:
Add the herbs to the mason jar like you would for the traditional method. Instead of adding vinegar, fill the jar halfway with boiling water. Let sit for 2-3 hours.
Once the water has cooled down to room temperature, fill the jar the rest of the way with vinegar. Let it sit overnight and then either strain the herbs out or store the whole thing in the fridge.
To use the fire cider, take a shot glassful whenever you feel cold symptoms coming on. If you made your cider with the traditional method, you can dilute it with water if your stomach doesn't handle acid well. You can also mix in some honey to improve the taste.
Please note that fire cider and other folk remedies are not a replacement for medical care. I highly recommend staying up to date on your flu and COVID-19 vaccines in addition to using remedies like this.
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wizardsaur · 11 months
New kitchen spell just dropped
Stirring anti-clockwise, & say three times: "That which is baneful goes away"
Switch. Stir clockwise, & say three times: "That which is benevolent is here to stay."
Repeat that cycle 3x, so each phrase is recited 9 times overall.
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elminx · 3 months
Elminx's Long-Form Lemonade for Sweet Cleansing
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If you've been hanging out for more than a hot minute, you have probably caught on to a secret about my kitchen witching: it's not the NUMBER of ingredients you enchant; it's how you enchant them. For the purposes of witching, I prefer simple recipes (ingredient-wise) that have a bit of oomph to them. Do you need to stir a pot for 45 minutes straight? (see also my french onion soup recipe) What about starting a vinegar infusion that needs to be shaken every day?
This, as the saying goes, is where the magic is made. At least, for me.
So, imagine my surprise when my friends introduced me to a long-form way of making lemonade. Rather than simply juicing the lemons and adding some sugar and water - you combine the sugar and lemon peels and let them sit for some time to release the lemon's essential oils.
Not only does it make a superior lemonade (can confirm!), but it immediately had my magic wheels turning.
The goal is to make lemonade that will sweetly cleanse you of what ails you. This spell can easily be adapted to add specifiers—see the end of this post for more details.
As always, I will not tell you how to do YOUR magic. This is a technique, not a magic tutorial.
The Basics: When Life Gives You Lemons
Lemons have a long history of use as a cleansing agent. Cunningham's infamous green book lists them as a feminine plant, under the purview of water and the moon and used for the powers of "longevity, purification, love, friendship." (for what that's worth) From an herbal energetic perspective - lemons are considered to be cooling - they are used in the summer to cool hot termperatures and applied to the sick to help bring down fevers. Citric acid is also a bladder stimulant, which we will be making use of for the purposes of our potion-making.
What we associate with lemon as the "cleaning agent" is believed to come from limonene, a terpene found in the peels of most citrus fruits that is both antiviral and antibacterial. Lemonene is used in many cleaners that you can buy on the market but can also be extracted directly from the fruit, as we will do in this recipe.
The Technique
This standard high-end bartender technique makes wonderful, complex sour mixes that can absolutely make the perfect cocktail. Rather than extracting the limonene from the citrus using alcohol or vinegar, we use sugar.
This technique is called oleo-saccharum, which means "oil-sugar" - you are using sugar to draw the essential oils out of the lemon peels, making a natural (no heat) syrup. Note here: this syrup can be used on its own for all sorts of syrupy needs - you could stop the preparation here if you don't love lemonade.
This can be done on the fly (an hour or so), but I highly suggest letting this sit for 12-24 hours for the full effect.
The Recipe
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You will need:
5-6 lemons, the best-looking ones you can find
1 1/4 cups sugar
Filter Water (to taste)
Peeler, citrus juicer, optional
Additional magical flavoring, optional
Become better acquainted with your lemons. For the purposes of this recipe, I do this by holding them, talking to them about what I want from them (general or specific cleansing), and rolling them across a hard surface. This last part helps to separate the peel from the pith, which will help you cut away the peel in the next step. Because we intentionally try to release the limonene compounds in this recipe, you may wish to begin by carving your lemon at this step (BEFORE you peel). You could carve your intentions, your name, the names of the people you are looking to cleanse, or any cleansing runes or sigils that you use in your craft.
Carefully peel your lemon. You want to get as little pith (white parts) as possible, as they don't taste good. Take your time here. Really breathe in the scents of the lemon during this. This is the first part of the cleansing process - you are incidentally cleaning yourself and your kitchen as you do this part of the spell. Lean into this. It smells amazing. Revel in it. Think about how it reminds you of everything being shiny and clean as a child. Lemons ARE cleansing - really feel into this here. We won't use the rest of the lemon until tomorrow; you can juice it here or store it overnight in an air-tight container)
Add your lemon peels and the sugar to a mixing bowl and thoroughly massage the sugar into the lemon peels. This should take some time - think fives of minutes at least. You want to do this until you can feel the change in consistency in the sugar - try to incorporate all of the sugar with all of the lemons. Remember, sugar is inherently sweetening, and lemons are inherently cleansing - you combine these two elements here to make a sweet, cleansing spell. Let the smell of it clean out your nose and your sinuses. This is the meat of your spellcasting - you are working your spell into your ingredients. Talk to it. Use your energy. Pray over it. You will know when this step is complete.
Cover your bowl and let it sit at room temperature overnight or for up to 24 hours. The longer this extracts, the more intense the flavor in the finished product. In a pinch, give it an hour, but I suggest waiting at least 8-10 for the best effect.
The next morning, add 2 cups boiling water to your lemon paste and stir until it has thoroughly combined - this is a great place to reinforce your magic from the day beforehand. (This version had the addition of some freshly picked sour cherries which gives its red color)
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6. When this has cooled, add the lemon juice and additional water to taste. I personally put this in a half-gallon ball jar and filled it with water, and then my partner and I further diluted it from there.
7. Drink and enjoy. For an extra cleansing effect, consider that part of the act of citrus is that of a urinary stimulant - it will make you pee. Think about how peeing removes things from your life. Remove what needs cleansing. Your spell is complete.
This spell is as simple as that but it can be dressed up in some many different outfits with very little effort. Do you know a flavor (remember, all edibles here) with the right magic associations to add to this spell?
Add some blackberries at the infusion stage for good old-fashioned hedge witch protection. If you really need something out, you could experiment with infusing some jalapeno after you've made the lemonade (tread with a lot of care here...). I've worked with lavender and hibiscus here for calming, cool energies. I recently added a cup of sour cherries to Step 3 for a love-cleansing effect.
There are two ways you can add flavors to this spell: you can mix your flavor in during the sugaring phase, or you can do a secondary infusion after your lemonade has been made. Use your best judgment here - fruits can go in with the citrus peels for sure, but herbs and other more "tea like" ingredients might be better steeped afterward.
I haven't tried it yet, but I'm eager to use some of my savory kitchen herbs the next time I near to clear out my money flows.
Or alternatively, use it as the first step in a witchy cocktail (my go-to, as you know). This lemonade makes an exquisite base for a margarita—for a bougie twist, use white Patron and some Chambord; you will not be disappointed.
This is almost a blank slate - sweet cleansing could be used for anything you put your mind to.
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raining-tulips · 1 year
Alternatives to breadmaking for this lughnasadh:
Boa buns - custard dessert ones, or savory dinner ones. Can be decorated. Bread-ish, but takes less time than bread.
Pasta making - or buying fresh pasta - celebrates the grains
Rice dishes - rice is just as much about abundance as wheat is
Baking with fruits like apples, berries, and late-summer melons
Tortilla making, if that fits with your culture better
Cornbread - homemade, or that 99 cent Jiffy mix.
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fernthewhimsical · 2 years
I had a dream where I was in a witch's cottage and in the kitchen she had an iron rack for wooden spoons. Like this but with a pentagram in the center:
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And above each hook was a little sign with things like "love", "healing", and "strength". The spoons were enchanted for those purposes and hung on their respective hooks for easy access while cooking.
And I think that's just such a cool idea.... Now to find or make a rack.
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Dealing In Death: A Quick Guide To Death Magick
On the surface that might sound kind of scary, even downright evil, but I assure you it’s the farthest thing from. In this blog I will attempt to give you an in-site into the basics of death work. Please know that every witch does things their own unique way, so for the purposes of this work I will be trying to explain things in as unified a fashion as I can. This is intended to essentially be a starting point to bounce off of.
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• Death Energy •
Death energy, simply put is energy called from death and death symbols. It’s about stillness, endings, and the deconstructing and reconstructing processes. It’s about using what’s in the past to fertilize what’s new and grow something that has purpose in the next step of your life. It’s about the acceptance of inevitability and what we can’t change to bring about what we can. Many practitioners call on death energy in everyday spell work the same way you would any other energy. In that sense it’s not to different from life energy.
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• Cemetery Work •
For a lot of death witches, doing work in a cemetery or graveyard is a must, although there are those that don’t, a great deal more either do or will do when they get the chance. Lots goes into this type of work though and a thorough study on the subject should be done before pursuing this type of magick. However, some key points to remember are to always be respectful, obey the laws and rules of your land regarding the resting places, and listen to what the dead tell you.
It’s very important to recognize that there are always going to be practitioners that have their own unique rules on this subject, but the best way to know if the dead favor something or not is to ask them. What rules you inevitably believe should revolve around what the dead are comfortable with. That said, some of these rules are shared amongst practitioners. I have compiled a list below with some of them. Remember, this is very basic and what a practitioner adds or changes is up to them.
Typically these are the oldest spirits in the cemetery and are in charge of maintaining order. Most offerings include things like coins, drink, bread, or apples.
It’s important to let the spirits know what your intentions are. Will you be doing magick at the crossroads, magick at a grave, or foraging? The gatekeeper should let you know through energy what is acceptable. Remember each Cemetery is different and has different rules over all.
Gifts on a grave belong to the spirit dwelling there. It’s okay to pick up things like trash, or moldy flowers in still water but, rocks, dried or fresh flowers, feathers, etc should be left alone.
Try not to walk near the headstone of a grave (you’re walking on their body. Try to stay near the feet and always say excuse me politely if you have to step on it), always ask for a spirits help never demand it, and always bring them an offering as a thank you.
If you’re gathering dirt, sticks, or plants from a cemetery, even if it’s not on a grave, and you get a feeling like you shouldn’t touch it, then don’t. Spirits will always let you know what they want to keep. Obey that or it’s theft.
Being polite and thanking your hosts is always a must in general and can bring good energies between you and the dead. Especially if you intend on going back to work at that Cemetery.
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• Necromancy •
Another common staple amongst death workers and arguably one of the most misunderstood practices. Simply put, this practice is divination with the dead. It’s all about connecting to and asking the dead for answers from the beyond. Lots of that used to be done in the cemetery and as a result many wild and fantastic rumors about zombie creation were formed, but that’s far from the truth. There were indeed many radical understandings within the practices history however but as science matured so did the knowledge on what this practice actually was.
While necromancy is still done in cemeteries even today, it’s not a must. Calling fourth a spirit can be done a number of ways and will definitely alter and change based on the witch. Some working maybe more cultural than others, and some may be more complex. The uniqueness of these practices can number well into the double digits and is always interesting to learn. Some of the most common spirit summoning techniques (aside from going directly to someone’s grave) are the spirit board, a mirror, and the pendulum. As for how these spirits are called, that too can differ from witch to witch. Most often though, it can involve candles or crystals as an energy source, a personal item or favored item like food, and/or the spirits name. It can be as simple as physically calling out to the abyss, beckoning the spirit forward or as elaborate a ritual as calling in the four directional guardians or a guide to lead them to you.
Regardless of how it’s done, it’s always a good rule of thumb to be respectful to them. Don’t demand from them, ask instead, and offer gratitude and an offering when you end the session.
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• Deity and Spirit Guides •
Lots of death workers may worship deity just like any other practitioner. However the deity they are generally more drawn to are often either associated with the underworld or a psychopomp, like Osiris, Hades, Anubis, or Hecate. However they may also be a deity tide in some way to the personification of death, much like Thanatos.
Even if the witch chooses not to utilize deity they can still conjure up spiritual guides of some sort. These guides can be something as common as ancestral spirits or even animal spirits. Most common animal guides often have some death association and symbolism to them. So animals like Black cats, bats, vultures, owls, crows and ravens are quite popular.
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• Bones & Body Parts •
Its not uncommon to see bones on the altars of death witches. Many beliefs around these tools and what they represent circulate within the community. For some specific animal bones it’s believed you can use that animal spirit and energy. Other beliefs revolve not around the animal itself but rather the type of bone, as each one has its own unique symbolism attached to it. The possibilities are near limitless and for most death practitioners they are a very necessary tool within the craft. Some practitioners even collect additional things like insect exoskeletons, animal skins, and preserved body parts like a rabbits foot.
DISCLAIMER! People should be made aware that it’s always encouraged for all materials to be ethnically sourced. Any form of unlawful collection or cruelty is frowned upon and not condoned within the community.
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• Conclusion •
As started above, these are just some of the basics of death work within the pagan community and serves as a starting point to bounce off of. It’s very important to do your own research and come to your own conclusions regarding this craft and always remember to obey your local laws. Death work can be very fulfilling but not when it’s done under illegal circumstances.
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lunasapphire · 8 months
Y’all kitchen witchery is a lot of hard work🥲 i give kudos to those who do it
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coinandcandle · 4 months
Coin's Quick Cash Caprese
Caprese is a quick and easy dish to make and is one of my personal favorites. You can make a caprese salad, mini caprese skewers, or a toasted caprese sandwich!
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Tomatoes - prosperity & abundance
Mozzarella - quick results
Fresh basil - money
Olive Oil (extra virgin is preferred) - wealth
Salt - for taste and purification purposes
Pepper - for taste and to repel bad luck
Balsamic Glaze - wealth
Prepare the ingredients first.
Cut the tomatoes and mozzarella into slices.
While you put together the dish, say aloud what each ingredient is used for. (ex. Tomatoes for prosperity and abundance, Mozzarella for quick results)
Lay out the tomatoes on the plate. Lay the mozzarella on top of the tomatoes slices, then lay the basil leaves on top of the mozzarella.
Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste. Drizzle olive oil and balsamic glaze.
Finish by saying, out loud, “As quick as I've made this dish, quickly will cash come to me. As I have said it, so shall it be."
Possible Variations and Notes
More types of tomatoes could manifest as multiple channels of cash flowing in.
Plate the dish nicely. The aesthetically pleasing dish will likely boost energy. Happy = Energy for me so perhaps the same will go for you.
This was a really quick spell and I got results from it for like a week. I didn't get a ton of extra money but enough that I noticed!
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julianplum · 1 year
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prompt 05 // spices + cider // gouache on hot press paper
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violet-hearth · 2 months
Basic Spell Oils
I should have posted this a lot earlier, but I forgot ..
Oils are a great way to create herbal blends for spell work - oil preserves the scent, taste and herbal matter if stored away from sunlight (you can store in coloured glass) and can be adapted to make infused olive oil or cooking oils for your kitchen witchery, the dress candles, to add to glamour spells, or to make perfume bases.
Basic Recipe Formula:
Essential oils
Carrier oil such as sweet almond oil, jojoba oil, sunflower oil, apricot oil etc.
A small jar with a dropper or dropper top to store the oil in
Vitamin E oil
herbs to create an infusion
Determine the intention of the oil (love, protection, confidence etc.) and gather the herbs and essential oils that have association (personal or common) with aspects of that intention
Add a few pinches of dried herbs to your bottle
Add a few drops of your essential oil (up to 10% of the bottle)
If using, add a drop of vitamin E oil - this can make it better for skin application and also stops the oil from going rancid from the herbal matters
Add the carrier oil and fill to the top, cap and shake to blend - as you shake you can say a prayer, chant, or focus your energy to charge the oil
Allow to sit for at least a week before use, as it ages it will start to macerate and smell more harmonious.
Date Night Dinner Oil
This is an olive cooking oil to be used in salads, sauces, to spread on breads, or to marinate meats and vegetables in. It is packed full of aphrodisiac herbs and summer spices
Olive oil
Garlic, rosemary, ginger, star anise, and chili
For a quick infusion, add in your oil and herbs into a pan and simmer on a low heat for 30 minutes.
Allow to cool, strain and use within 1-2 weeks
Attraction Oil
The attraction oil combines aphrodisiacs and anti-anxiety herbs into an oil or perfume. The intention is to attract and command attention, to boost your confidence, and as a base for seduction work.
Add your carrier oil to your oil dropper or perfume bottle/roller - for this I’d recommend a rosehip oil, apricot oil or a neutral grapeseed oil.
Turn your herbs into oils either via essential oils or add them dried straight to your carrier oil to infuse: rose, clove, vervain, cinnamon, licorice, nutmeg, frankincense, apple blossom, jasmine, ylang ylang, lavender, cocoa, and/or gingseng - cater to personal preferences and match scents together, I recommend using between 3-8 oils or herbs.
Example scent profile: rose, lavender, apple blossom, vervain, cinnamon, licorice, gingeseng (spicy floral - I’d also add a little patchouli if turning into a perfume)
These types of recipes are where having a grimoire, notebook, or journal comes in very handy! Keep record of what you've tried, what scents match well, what is repellent, what works for you, plan out recipes before hand.
As always, adapt, change, and disregard as you like to suit your personal practice <3
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