#Kita x single mom!reader
educatedsimps · 2 months
— inarizaki 4 x f!reader on her period (hcs)
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ft. miya atsumu, miya osamu, kita shinsuke, suna rintarō x f!reader
a/n: only writing for these four (so far) 'cause i don't think i have a very good grasp of the other inarizaki characters but perhaps in the future! anyway this one's short and sweet but i hope you enjoy~~
cw: timeskip spoilers for osamu but that’s it
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is a dumbass
this man would only know what to buy for a period care pack because kita got him a care pack when he was sick
“i picked up a few things from kita-san ya know, WHADDAYA TAKE ME FOR?!"
he gets anxious and worried that he'll forget stuff when he's at the store
like he had to ask kita to make him a checklist for when he gets supplies for u
would go on a day trip around the neighbourhood to find the store that has everything on that checklist
keeps that checklist pinned in his notes app (right below a little note where he writes down everything he loves about you - he's a simp)
he's always worried he missed something so he will not shut up
"are you sure the pads are in there? did i get the right ones? the big ones with the wings right? the extra absorbent kind? I SWEAR I TOOK THE RIGHT ONES BUT IF THEY'RE NOT IN THE BAG I'LL RUN BACK TO GET IT FOR YA RIGHT NOW" (he took the bus there btw)
"oh and they ran out of the usual snacks you like so i got three other brands for you to try, if you don't like any of 'em i'll get some more!"
asks osamu to make your fav onigiri too but he only asks nicely cuz it’s for you :)
would make SO MUCH food for you like you’ll never go hungry if you’re with him
he also does not care if you bloat during your period he WILL keep you fed even if it's against your will
would also find a bunch of different recipes that will reduce your bloating
he's an onigiri guy but he'd go to his mom and ask her to teach him her healing soup recipes
he'll start making so much soup you'll just be drinking soup the whole day (with onigiris and anything else you'd like, of course)
would NOT let you within a 10 foot radius of a cold drink when you're on your period
like you'd go to the fridge in the middle of a hot day to grab some chocolate and you'll just hear "STEP AWAY FROM THE FRIDGE WITH YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR"
you turn around and he’s pointing at you with his spatula in hand
he knows how warm you might feel on your period though so he'll make the kind of hot soup that cools the body (he learnt it from his mom)
kita is kita
kita is the best one out of everybody
he KNOWS what he’s doing like i don’t even need to explain
but yes you can trust that he’s got everything you need and has everything before you even know you need it
fav snacks, fav drinks, heating pad, painkillers, a gallon of water, hot soup, fresh food, weighted blanket if you like those, your fav movie or show already set up for you and a shit ton of cuddles and naps throughout the day
also he’d write in or call your boss to tell him or her that you’re staying home
“kita, i NEED to go to work today-“ “no. you need to rest.” “but-“ “i already called your boss.” BRO IT’S 6AM
will physically force you back in bed if you try to get up or out
also asks osamu to make ur fav onigiri
of course, his grandma loves u SO much that every month she’ll ask kita if you’re on your period and she'll make herbal or like the healing kind of soup and packs it so nicely for kita to bring it to you
sometimes she adds a little note in the carrier and your heart melts every single time
king of cuddling and doomscrolling tiktok in bed
he knows you don’t really like lying down in bed and all during your period, especially if it’s really heavy so he’ll lay out extra towels and stuff in case anything happens
also would 100% clean up for you if your period gets too heavy and leaks onto the bed or something
“go get yourself cleaned up in the washroom and wait here for me once you’re done. don’t touch anything, i’ll take care of the sheets.”
keeps painkillers and water on his nightstand and a ton of heating pads in his drawer
ENDLESS CUDDLES like he gets so clingy it’s almost embarrassing but he’s cute so-
uses tiktoks to distract you from your period
“my period hurts-“ “babe look look look it’s a cat” “AWWWWW ITS SO FLUFFY”
tbh i don’t think you’d even use heating pads much if you were with him cuz you cannot look at suna and tell me that he’s not a heater in human form
his warm hands on your lower belly is the BEST feeling when you’re on your period
*places hands on tummy* “does it still hurt?” “no i think it’s going away…” “it better be. or i’m dragging your cramps to the depths of hell myself.”
osamu probably makes extra batches of onigiri every week just to give it out to his brother’s and friends’ girlfriends and honestly God bless him for that
would give atsumu’s girlfriend atsumu’s share of onigiri tho
the first time you got your period after you got together with kita, he probably asked you a whole list of questions he prepared and noted down all your answers like your fav stuff and the types of pads or tampons you use etc. it was honestly pretty shocking but sweet nonetheless
suna def has the period tracker app on his phone but he remembers your cycle so he uses the app to remind you
atsumu also has the app but he sets it to send him reminders and notifications when your period is coming up
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a/n: THANK YOU FOR READINGG hoped u enjoyed it ~~ stay tuned for more original and requested works coming soon!! -lyssa
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© educatedsimps 2024. do not repost, copy, translate or plagiarize any work from this blog on tumblr or any other platforms. if you do, the simps will hunt you down. likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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honeystwiggypeach · 2 years
Thank me!
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Kita x Single mom!reader
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Summary: After moving to the country-side your daughter’s new babysitter asks if you’d go on a date with her grandson to repay her(really bad summary but it is what happens somewhat!)
Part two!!!
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Tw: Minor self deprecating thoughts, overworking yourself(referred to as workaholics), reader has allergies(like pollen type allergies), light mention of skipping lunch due to lack of time, light cursing.
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The first time you had met Kita was after you moved to the country side. You had needed a babysitter for your precious two year old daughter Keiko, and thankfully when you told this to your neighbor who you had been chatting with on her porch with your daughter situated on your lap as she poured you a glass of lemonade she quickly offered to babysit her.
“I don’t have much to do anymore.” She tells you letting out a sorrowful sigh, “I used to babysit but they’re all grown now and have moved out of town.” You nod listening to her little stories as she asks you what hours you’d need her to watch Keiko for.
And come Monday you’re right in her driveway dropping your daughter off to the babysitter.
A few days later and Keiko is running out the house to meet you as she babbles random nonsense.
“Oh that’s so nice baby I’m glad you had a good time than” she nods happily as you buckled her into her car seat.
As the weeks pass by Yumie begins to treat you and Keiko more and more like family everyday, and today you get to meet this Shinsuke that Mrs. Yumie had told you about. He watched you from the porch frantically search the car for something before pulling out a pink stuffed bunny assumably for Keiko who his grandmother had told him so many positive things about until he was certain the toddler could do no wrong. He watched as you face dropped in disappointment when the rain began to pour down right as you reached for the door handle and watched as you almost cried at the timing.
Your day had been shit, you woke up with horrible allergies but you can’t really afford to take a vacation day if you want to bring Keiko on a vacation, so you go into work sick and lucky for you the one time you close your eyes due to your pressure headache, your boss is right behind you and decides that if this is happening all the time he doesn’t know if your a good fit for the job and after much begging and promising that the job is perfect for you he finally left you alone when it was time for your lunch break only to discover you forgot your lunch, so instead you decided to go and grab lunch from a small cafe but instead you ended up passing a little boutique where you saw the cutest little stuffed animal but the time you spent searching for one besides the display one costed you your whole lunch break, but you thought it would have been worth the cute little smile and giggles Keiko would give you so whatever you ended up having a snack from your purse that you found anyways so it worked itself out as you continued your shitty day!
But now you were tired and you just wanted to curl up with your baby but the rain was making it impossible to do so without getting completely drenched and it’s making yoh want to cry because you just want to relax and hold her tight because you miss your daughter and of course it starts ducking pouring the moment you try and get out the car.
You run your hand down your face jumping slightly when you hear a few taps on your door to see a gray haired man with black tips on his hair shifting his weight from side to side as he stands with his coat above his head by your door. Quickly you open your door getting under his coat as he shifts it to fully cover you sacrificing his dry clothes to keep you dry, he probably has another shirt in his grandmother’s house anyways(he does not.)
Once the two of you get on the porch you give him a small thank you as he blushes slightly but your convincing yourself it’s cause he just got rained on.
He opens the door quickly shutting it behind you as Keiko comes rushing out of the kitchen as you settle her onto your hip.
“Hi my angel” you whisper quietly to her as she smiles rubbing her cheek against your own.
You pull back and she pours a bit before you show her the plushy and her eyes light up in excitement at the new toy.
“Thank you” she whispers in her little toddler voice.
You coo at her a bit as you pepper kisses all across her face while going to see Yumie who is sat at her kitchen table while she picks at her grandson lovingly.
“I see he helped you out of the rain” she says motioning to your dry clothes before her eyes go back to Shinsuke who stands in the kitchen dripping water onto her floor.
“I told you to go get a towel!” She tells him before he rushes off to the bathroom.
She laughs softly before noticing the way your eyes follow him out of the room, “he’s handsome isn’t he?” She asks lightly teasing you when you get a nervous and begin tripping over your own words.
“No!” You try to defend yourself but now it sounds offensive, “I mean he is but you know like-“you’re cut off by Yumie as she stares at you.
“Are you sick right now?” She asks about to stand up.
“No ma’am horrible allergies” you tell her quietly as Keiko stares up at you pointing to all the patterns on the fabric of the rabbits ear.
“Ah” she hums for a moment getting up and going over to the stove before boiling a kettle of water, “my allergies used to be bad when I was younger.” She recalls getting a fond look in her eyes as she begins telling you stories of her youth like some of her friends others how she met her late husband.
Before you know it she’s setting a cup of tea with honey mixed into it in front of you as she tells you about how it’s good for allergies.
The simple gesture makes you want to burst out crying, today had been stressful but you didn’t think you’d overworked yourself enough for tears!
She puts her hand over yours in a comforting manner as your eyes fill with tears.
After a few seconds you breath in, “I just don’t know how I could ever thank you enough” you let out a shaky laugh and she pauses seriously considering.
“You could always thank me by going on a date with Shinsuke” she says like she hadn’t just offered to set you up with one of the prettiest men you’ve ever seen.
You glance to the corner of the room letting out a few giggles at her comment before seeing the man himself standing at the entrance to the kitchen blushing like crazy as he stares at his grandmother.
Never before had she tried to set him up with anyone. She never approved of any past girlfriends he had broughten to meet her always insisting they weren’t the ones for him, and she’d always be right like some sick sixth sense she always knew that the girls wouldn’t be Shinsuke’s forever person and she hadn’t been wrong before. That’s why he finds it so shocking that she’s trying to set the two of you up, obviously she must think pretty highly of you if she’s offering to set the two of you up, even if she is joking(she’s not also probably not the first time she’s offered to get you a date with him😭)
“Oh, why not?” She asks sadly and the two of you immediately loose all the will to insist not to that you had in you, “it doesn’t even have to be romantic! The two of you are both workaholics! It’d be nice if you two could both take a little break from work focus on yourselfs! Plus it’s be a nice chance for you two to get to know eachother!” She tells you and you look to Kita nervously, how would he react maybe he’d be beyond disgusted and harshly reject you before you could even say anything.
He gives a small shrug looking down at you, “I don’t see why not, I know a nice little restaurant we could go if you’d like” he offers giving you a chance to back out.
You nod softly asking about the time and date and before you know it your walking out of your daughter’s babysitter’s house with a date!
But when the day comes you find yourself incredibly nervous, in between setting up the date and the actual date you had several more encounters with Shinsuke. One of the more recent he had been sitting on the wooden swing on the porch as Yumie sat in her rocker as Kita gently swished the swing back and forth as Keiko laid her head against his chest as she slept. Her little chubby cheeks being squished up as she used one hand to clutch his shirt and the other to hold onto the ear of her plush rabbit you had bought.
You smile fondly as you think of the memory while finishing getting ready. You had exchanged numbers with Shinsuke quite some time ago and he told you all you needed to know about the date quickly putting out any concerns you had about dress codes and what not.
Once you pulled into Yumie’s drive way Shinsuke was already out on the porch sitting on the swing getting up to help you get Keiko’s bag as you parked.
Yumie had insisted that Keiko could spend the night, telling you that even if the date happened to go horribly wrong she’d still love to have Keiko over, telling you all about how she missed babysitting her grandkids like this during their summers. So you agreed albeit nervously, Keiko had never spent the night away from you and you hadn’t spent the night from her since she was born and you aren’t sure you’ll know what to do with yourself.
Gently Kita lifts a sleeping Keiko from her car seat as she leans against his shoulder, his other arm he holds the over night bag and your quickly going to open the door for him and he smiles softly as you shit the door behind you two watching as he sets Keiko down on the couch gently as he covers her with a blanket putting a pillow on the sides of her as he takes care to see that she won’t fall off the couch as soon as the two of you leave.
Once Yumie notices the two of you have settled Keiko onto the couch she’s quickly telling the two of you to hurry and go to your date before your late, for what you’re not sure because you didn’t think it was a restaurant you had to make reservations at, maybe it was?
Turns out it wasn’t the restaurant Yumie was warning the two of you about being late for it was a drive in movie that she had over heard the cashiers at the grocery store talking about last time she went grocery shopping.
The two of you sat in the tailgate of his truck after he pulled out a few blankets folding them up enough to build a softer seat thaf the two of you shared and watched the movie. By the time he drove you back to Yumie’s house you were dead tired enough to fall asleep in the truck.
Maybe that’s why Yumie has insisted on Keiko sleeping over and maybe she was also right about needing a break from work because when you woke up the next morning on one of Yumie’s couches with Keiko sleeping practically in your back you felt like you had the best sleep of your life.
You rubbed your eyes tiredly as you gently moved Keiko to lay on top of you so it was more comfortable for her as you looked around the living room noticing Shinsuke asleep on the couch on the other side of the room as one of his legs hangs off the couch.
You smile fondly before gently slipping out from underneath Keiko to find Yumie in the kitchen smiling softly as you as you sit at the table.
“How’d it go?” She asks quietly knowing the two were sleeping.
“I think it went really well” you say quietly but apparently not quiet enough as you hear a few quiet cries from Keiko but before you can get up to check on her you see her run across the living room to a sleeping Shinsuke, causing you to get up quickly to try and tell her not to wake him up or anything but by the time you get into the living room she’s curled up against Shinsuke’s chest as he pats her back lightly giving you a soft smile when he sees your eyes relax at the sight.
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I will gladly write a part two if anyone is interested!! Will also probably post this on ao3! I’m working on a part two currently and may possibly write a part three since I have ideas for it!!(should probably just turn it into a series, I’ll do a Kita series when I get an idea one day!!)the pat two should come out sometime this week(possibly today or tomorrow!!)
Also I have a prompt list so here’s the link for that if you’d like tk check it out! I haven’t gotten any requests yet so all the prompts are open!!!
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theycallmebun · 3 years
pairing: atsumu miya x gn!reader
w/c: 1280+
warnings: self-hatred, crying, this may be triggering to those who undergo the same condition so please read with discretion. please let me know if i missed anything
genre: reverse hurt/comfort, friends to lovers type beat
summary: atsumu needs to know if there’s anyone out there who doesn’t hate him like himself. 
a/n: i know im not scheduled to post today but i wanted to have this out alr. kind of a shitpost but i like how it turned out. this is lowkey based on myself and my experiences with some family and friends. please message me if you ever need to talk, im here to listen. 
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It was no secret to Atsumu that he wasn’t anyone's favorite. 
It became clear to him when he was a child. All the kids wanted to play with Osamu or his cousins only wanted to play with Osamu and his little sister. Sometimes, the impatience his parents had for him seeped into the air and he could just feel it. Nothing even had to be said. The looks on their faces, the clicking of their tongues, he already knew. 
Well into his teenage years, not a single thing had changed. His parents showed a subtle favoritism to Osamu and his sister. He was never invited to anything but Osamu was. It broke him a little. Now that he was older, Atsumu could really see why. 
Osamu got better grades despite being in the same classes, could control his temper, knew when to speak and what to say, and was a promising athlete. Atsumu had a harder time learning, was very emotional, said the wrong things at the wrong times, and he was also promising but he wanted to be better than all of that. 
Despite his cocky demeanor, Atsumu was quite insecure. He never trusted himself to speak after someone yelled at him because it ‘wasn’t his story to tell’ or ‘stupid.’ He hated himself for being the way he was and that he wasn’t strong enough to fully change. He hated himself for being a burden for seemingly everyone. Atsumu stopped fighting Osamu for a while because he didn’t want Kita and Aran to deal with it again. He stopped yelling as loud, trying to be less annoying. He tried studying harder just to keep his grades up. 
The turned quietness of the boy frightened almost everyone. 
His dad attempted to have a heart-to-heart with him and it was sweet and all but Atsumu didn’t believe a single word out of his mouth. Especially when his dad ended it with an “I love you.” Atsumu couldn’t help but think he was only lying. So he didn’t return one. 
You showed up to his room not long after. You missed Atsumu. The one you were supposed to see everyday for school and even packed an extra lunch for. You figured you haven’t seen him around because of volleyball and stuff but when his mom called you to talk to him, you thought it was something much more serious. 
When he laid eyes on you, he was a little surprised. It felt like forever. 
“Oh, Y/N, Osamu isn’t here right-”
“I’m not here for Osamu, stupid. I’m here for you,” you claim. 
“Sorry. I just assumed…”
“What? That I enjoy Osamu’s company better?” you quip, teasingly. 
“Kind of.”
You frown at his admittance. 
“I just wanted to check on you. Something’s been off recently.”
“Everything’s good, Y/N. Thanks for stopping by.”
You can see right through it. That fake smile he puts on his face, the sheepish rubbing of his elbow, the slight puffiness of his eyes. 
“Do you want to go do something? Something fun? Hmm?” you raise your eyebrows at him, trying to lighten the atmosphere. 
“It’s ok, Y/N. I’m sure you don’t… uh I don’t really feel like it right now.”
“Oh, ok.”
You can’t help but notice that his eyes don’t burn as bright as they used to. 
Before he closes the door on you, you tell him one more thing.
“I’m always here for you, ok? If you need to talk or something like that. I’m here, you know?”
He pauses for a second before motioning for you to enter his room. You stand in the middle of it, right by his bed. He takes a seat on the bed, bent forward, putting his elbows on his knees and face in hands. 
“Y/N. I want you to be honest with me, ok?”
“Ok, Atsumu.”
“Do you… do you like me?”
“I don’t mean it in a sense of romance but a sense of friendship, of me as a person. Because, God, I don’t think I can live another day without knowing. Knowing there’s at least one person out there who can just stand me. Knowing I don’t burder at least one, just one person.”
“Please. Please,” he begs. 
“Atsumu. I wholeheartedly love you. What are you going on about?” 
He’s crying now. 
“Do you mean it?”
“I would never lie.”
You go to him, reaching for his face. When you gently grasp it, he looks at you slowly. 
“I needed to know, Y/N. Or else I would’ve - I-”
“Shhh, it’s ok, Atsumu. I love you, ok? I love you, I love you, I love you. And I would say it a thousand times over if that’s what you need to hear. I’ve loved you then and I love you now and will love you forever. I mean it. You’re not a burden.”
He hugs you so tight and buries his face in your sweater, sobbing. It hurts you so bad to see him like this. You can’t fathom what he’s been going through and for how long? How long has he been thinking these things? How long have you just been standing there?
Your hands are in his hair now, trying to soothe him but he’s still sobbing. You lean down to whisper in his ear. 
“Remember when we went to the beach over summer? I had the best time with you. Or even when we just hung around in my room? I had the best time with you. Not because what we did was fun, I can’t even remember what we did. No. It was because I was with you. You, Atsumu. My favorite person on Earth.”
Atsumu just looks at you in disbelief. 
“Believe me.”
He offers a small nod. You cup his face and he can’t help but sink deeper in your hold. When you move to leave, he grabs your wrists and puts them back on his cheeks. 
“Please stay a little longer,” he asks. 
You shove him over so he lays down. 
“Scoot over, I’m tired.”
After getting under the blanket and getting comfy next to Atsumu, you just look at him. And then he looks at you. 
“Thank you for today. And everyday,” he says. 
“Don’t thank me for it.”
“But I want to. So, thank you,” he tells you while fixing some stray strands of hair away from your face. You close your eyes at the feeling, smiling stupidly at him. He’s still brushing his hands through your hair for a while in silence. When you open your eyes, you’re glad to see his tears are gone. Atsumu only stares at you. 
“Thank you,” he repeats. 
“You said that already.”
“Can I kiss you?” he asks. 
You’re shocked at the sudden request but he’s already cupping your jaw and getting closer to your face. When your noses are touching, he looks so deeply in your eyes and still waits for your cue. You nod. And he kisses you, eyes closed and everything. It’s soft and sweet, just like you imagined. Short, too. 
Atsumu rests his forehead on yours, eyes still closed, his hand still on you. 
“I love you, too, Y/N.” 
For the rest of the day, you lay with him. You both sleep in each other’s embrace. You spend some time whispering things to him, like what you love about him and how you’re sorry you hadn’t told him earlier. You encourage him to be himself again. When you both get out of bed, you bring him on a walk. You guys used to do that all the time. The only difference now is that you’re holding hands and you know about the true struggles of Atsumu Miya. 
a/n: again, please message me if you ever need to talk. my messages are open to anyone. 
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kuroos-babie · 4 years
Falling in Love with a Single Mom HCs
Sakusa x fem!Reader | Kita x fem!Reader | Tendō x fem!Reader
[ Headcanons/MiniFics ]
a/n: once again,,, i love these hcs so much but i feel like omi was kinda ooc im so sorry (╥﹏╥) i hope u like these still!! i really enjoyed writing these, pls do tell me what you think (~ ̄³ ̄)~
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❀ he's been watching you for a while now— his team's manager
❀ everyone knew you've recently became a new mom— as well as how your child's dad went MIA a few weeks after you gave birth, left a note breaking things off with you and saying he wasn't ready to be a dad
❀ you usually had your mom or a relative take care of your baby while you went to work, but this time no one was available so you had to bring your son with you
❀ standing by the corner of the crowded cafeteria, he kept on glancing at you obviously struggling to pacify your baby
❀ he didn't like the piercing cries of the child in your arms so he decided to help you, or so he convinced himself
❀ in reality, he couldn't take seeing you so panicked anymore— it agitates him so much
❀ he was trying to remember what komori taught him about babies as he walked over to where you stood
"have you tried feeding it?" he asked nonchalantly, standing a good foot away from you as he tried to peer over your shoulder
"him" you replied, exhaustion and frustration dripping from your tone, "and yeah, i just did"
you sighed
"give me"
it wasn't everyday that sakusa offered help so you jumped at the opportunity, supporting your child's neck and back as sakusa took him, doing the same
❀ he laid the baby on his chest, gently tapping at his back
❀ after a few moments he let out a small burp the baby not sakusa skdka
❀ he handed your child back to you, now silently chewing on his hand, saying he "just needed to burp"
❀ your face felt hot, embarrassed that you had no idea
❀ sakusa just placed a hand on your head and smiled behind his mask before leaving, he knows you needed all the help you can get right now and he, albeit wordlessly, made sure you're aware that he's willing to provide that help
❀ since then he regularly drops by your apartment and helps you clean and take care of your baby saying he's just making sure there weren't any germs near the kid
❀ lets you take naps as he watch your kid— but not before taking a bath, he has spare clothes in your closet
❀ the team notices how he's always over at your place
"omi-kun you're always over at y/n's, might as well move in with her"
"if she wants me to, i don't see any problem with it" he said so casually it made you whip your head to his direction
"do you... want to?" he looked away from you without an answer, avoiding your eyes, "omi-kun do you want to move in with us?"
"i said, if you wanted to" he replied, still avoiding your gaze and cheeks tinted red
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❀ you met him at the wet market; well, your daughter did
❀ you noticed her run off while you were buying ingredients for your lunch and stocking up your fridge, quickly trying to catch up to her
❀ she was giddily running around, little 3 year old legs not taking her too far before bumping into a stranger's leg
❀ falling to her bum, your daughter looked up to see brown eyes looking down at her
"i'm sorry, are you alright?"
he helped the child up, holding her steady as he dusted off her bottom
by the time you caught up with the both of them, he already had your daughter in his arms, asking her where her mom was with a smile
"there she is!" she said with a giggle
"baby, what did i tell you about running off on your own?" you scolded her with a tired smile as kita handed her over to you, thanking him kindly
❀ after that encounter, he started to notice you more and more; in the wet market, around the neighbourhood, and in the topics of local grannies
❀ you moved in recently, shortly after your daughter's dad bailed out on the both of you, leaving you to raise her alone; or so he's heard
❀ he would always give you a soft smile and an acknowledging nod whenever you two see each other
❀ it wasn't until his grandmother asked him to bring over some vegetables to your house that he had the chance to have an actual conversation with you
"gran wanted you to have this"
"oh thank you very much", you beamed at him while taking the basket, "do you maybe want to come inside? i'll prepare some tea"
he was about to decline the offer, but the joyful look on your child's face the moment she sees kita convinced him to do otherwise
❀ the two of you talked over tea and snacks while your daughter sat on his lap, playing with his large hand
❀ you couldn't help but smile at the both of them, your daughter never one to be this playful with others, kita didn't seem too bothered either
❀ time passed and kita needed to go back home, much to your daughter's dismay
❀ he didn't want to upset your kid too much so it was decided he'll come back soon to play with her
❀ it became a regular thing for kita to stop by your house on his way home from the fields— spending time with you and your daughter slowly becoming routine
❀ he adored your child's little giggles and the way she insisted having him wear the flower crown she made, glancing at you to see you laughing at the sight had him imagining what life would've been like with the two of you
❀ till he realized he was already living that life— looking forward to seeing you both after a hard day of work at the fields, being greeted by warm smiles and a hug, eating dinner together and sharing laughter
❀ it seems like granny wouldn't have to wait too long for a grandchild
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❀ he noticed your 2 year old boy looking—staring, at him from across the restaurant he was having lunch at
❀ so of course he decided to make faces in an attempt to make him laugh
❀ he wiggled his eyebrows at the toddler, waving his hands and cooing— though he wasn't sure if the baby even hears him
❀ the boy decided that tendō pulling at his ears and sticking his tongue out was a winner, letting out a short giggle
❀ you had your back to tendō so you were surprised to see your child laughing when you looked up from your meal
❀ turning around to see tendō making the silliest face, you couldn't help but laugh as well, your son finding it absolutely hilarious and is squealing in delight
❀ tendō's face heated up in embarrassment from being caught but he laughed along nonetheless, shaking his head as you waved your son's tiny hands at him and mouthing 'hello'
❀ he thought you two were adorable so he decided to come up to your table
"you babysitting your nephew? or is that your baby brother?"
you chuckled at him, "he's my son"
the redhead's brain buffered for a few moments, "i should get going then, don't wanna offend someone" he laughed awkwardly, hand scratching at his nape
"oh no, it's fine. you're not offending anyone" his eyebrows raised at your reply's implication, "mind taking a seat? my baby seem to like you"
"your baby has great taste" tendō smirked as he slid to the seat opposite yours
"so it seems" you said with a tone that sent a blush straight to his cheeks
❀ the afternoon ended with your number saved on tendō's phone under the name cute baby('s) momma🥺
❀ he texts and calls All The Time; asking how your kid is doing and wanting to see the both of you
❀ after a while of talking and going out, you asked him if he wanted to come over to your place for a visit and he was simply ✨ecstatic✨
❀ spent the whole afternoon crawling around your living room chasing your son, squeals and giggles echoing throughout your house
❀ you've never seen your son be this comfortable with anyone that isn't you and you're just grateful that tendō adores your child as much as your child adores him
❀ when tendō walked up to you— your son in his arms, sleeping soundly on his shoulder, you offered to take the child but he refused and opted to pull you close with his free hand
❀ he leaned against the kitchen counter, both you and your son in his arms as you asked him in a whisper, "can you stay?"
❀ understanding what you meant was more than staying for the night, he answered with a definite "for as long as you want to, of course" before pressing a kiss on your temple
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taglist: @churochuu @bakarinnie @faithieeee @strawberriimilkshake @paulazockt @pattys-got-cakes @hidden-otaku-stuff @haikyuubabie @shou-kunn @your-local-abyss @stcrryskies
✨send me an ask to be added/removed!✨
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celestialarchiveshq · 4 years
Dearest Daddy
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Dearest Daddy series, consisting of the haikyuu characters in the fatherhood universe! 
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Homesick by @aomineavenue​
Summary: Six years ago, L/N Y/N wouldn’t exactly say that she loves her life. It had always been problematic but her best friend, Miya Atsumu, since she was eight when she moved to Hyōgo, has always been there for her, and she wouldn’t change it for the world. However, things would always fall apart for her ever since, so she should have expected of such. Running away from her problems seemed like the easiest route to take at the time, so what happens when the past comes barging back into her life demanding answers? Will she be able to confront her demons? 
Tags: dad!Atsumu x mom!Reader, Atsumu doesn’t know, six years timeskip, twins, angst, fluff if you close your eyes (lmao)
“Those kids probably aren’t even mine.”
“You were the only man I’ve ever been with. The only man that I’ve ever wanted. The only man I’ve ever loved. It’s always been you.”
status: ongoing | series masterlist | taglist: closed
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Stubborn by @aomineavenue
Summary: Ushijima Wakatoshi and Kegeyama F/N have been secretly seeking out pleasure from each other for at least a year and a half. However, Y/N finds herself growing tired of the arrangement after being constantly hurt by the man she had grown feelings for. However, despite ending things with each other, she finds herself in a pickle when two pink lines screamed right back at her.
Tags: dad!Ushijima x mom!Reader, pregnancy trials, timeskip! fluffy, angsty. 
“Why do you even care?” 
“Are you crazy? I’ve always cared. Baby or no baby. Have my actions towards you not been enough for you to understand that it isn’t just you who have feelings for the other? Do I really need to spell things out for you?”
status: coming soon | series masterlist | taglist: open
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Playing House by @toorusushijima​​
Summary: A tragic accident brings two enemies together under one roof as sole guardians of their late best frien’s baby daughter. Will they survive together and find happiness through the bundle of joy in their lives? Or will their hatred for each other win over for the worst?
Tags: godfather!sakusa x godmother!reader, enemies to lovers??, angsty, fluffy.
“Why does it matter if I’m going out with someone?”
“Can’t you stop for a second and think what’s best for our child!”
status: wip | series masterlist | taglist: open
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Scheming Monsters by @kaitycole
Summary: Two little friends have always desired one thing. To end up as siblings. So when the chance presented itself after a finalized divorce, who were they to decline such an opportunity to finally bring their parents together?
Tags: singledad!bokuto x singlemom!reader, divorced, friends to lovers?? all fluff, maybe a little angst if you use a magnifying glass.
"Shouldn't we just tell them we're dating?"
"No, it's funny to watch them think they're so slick."
status: wip | series masterlist | taglist: open
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Brilliant Opportunities by @velvetfireworks
Summary: Divorced, single father Oikawa finds himself in a pickle when his ex wife comes barging back in his life demanding full custody over their son for her greedy needs, he seeks assistance from the woman he wished he had married in the first place.
Tags: divorced!oikawa, singledad!oikawa, best friends to lovers to ex lovers, reunion, fluffy, angsty. 
"What do you say? Would you marry me?"
"Sure, I think I can squeeze you in this weekend. How does Saturday sound?"
status: wip | series masterlist | taglist: open
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Bonding Bliss by @newfriendjen
Summary: Single parents Kita and L/N find spending more time with each other through their daughters' bonding play dates, not realizing their growing feelings for each other. But as sweet as it is, it's not always cupcakes and rainbows when people from the past return.
Tags: singledad!kita x singlemom!reader, fluffy fluffy cotton, angst :c
"I can't believe she had the audacity to come barging back into her life and think makeup would be perfect as a gift for a six years old!"
"Yeah, oh and I told her we were dating if that's okay."
"Oh that's fin—what?"
status: wip | series masterlist | taglist: open
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Meddling by @shoyomeow
Summary: A tale of how Matsukawa’s little boy, his pride and joy, helps him find the love he truly deserves. 
Tags: single!dadxMatsukawa, fluffy. Just fluff. That’s it. 
"Uh, what are you doing here?"
"What do you mean? You texted me to come over."
status: wip | series masterlist | taglist: open
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Escape Plan by @hidden-otaku-stuff
Summary: Growing up in a traditional family always had its ups and downs. Arranged marriages was the very one of them that you dreaded ever since your contract had been presented to you at the age of eighteen. L/N F/N seeks help from an old flame as her 24th birthday fast approaches, wanting nothing more than to escape the wedding of the century the country had claimed.
Tags: traditional, rich family au! angst, crack fic, fluffy soft boy tendou here and there. 
"I mean, yeah sure. I've always wanted to be a dad."
"That's great! How about putting a bun in my oven?"
status: wip | series masterlist | taglist: open
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Replica by @daifwukus
Summary: To get back at her cheating boyfriend, L/N F/N finds herself a man during a party in her college years. Never had she expected that she would have fallen pregnant over it. Things only get complicated a few years later when the man she despises comes barging back in her life demanding why her son looked exactly like him.
Tags: college party, enemies to parents?? crack fic, lil bit of fluff if you squint, angst. 
"Care to explain why that little toddler in your arms looks exactly like me when I was younger?"
"What crack are you on and where can I get some?"
status: wip | series masterlist | taglist: open
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Wishing Upon A Star by @keijikunn
Summary: Calling him daddy was something your daughter had wished upon a falling star one night ever since you had introduced him as your boyfriend. The three of you finally find the right pace on becoming a happy family that your daughter dreamed of, but what happens when the man that had wanted nothing to do with you and your daughter returns?
Tags: singlemom!reader, angst, angst, ANGST. Only a little bit of fluff. 
“Did you catch what she called me? She really said it!” 
“Yeah, I did. She’s been wanting to call you daddy for the longest time.”
status: wip | series masterlist | taglist: open 
2K notes · View notes
graykageyama · 3 years
dream come true.
synopsis: when you fall in love, you fall in love deep. they become your world, while you became theirs. they’re your dream, and you are theirs. but all it takes is a change of heart to change the courses of your dreams, and maybe only one dream can come true. 
pairing: Suna x reader
genre: angst
word count: 3k +
Part 2: but you were my dream, too
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“And then Atsumu never saw it coming. So he was running from his fangirls right? He ran like he was running away from an apocalypse. As stupid as he is, he never saw it coming. He ran straight to the gym and when he opened the door, he triggered the trap. Dude, got the whole floor wet.” Suna laughed hard as he tells you about his day - well trying as he can barely get the words out.
You glance towards his direction and you just cannot believe that this man is your boyfriend - he looks so ethereal under the glow of the street lamps lighting your way home before the dusk completely envelops both of you. With his gym bag slung over his shoulder and his other hand warming yours, his head tilted back as he tried to catch his breath, this was another rare moment where Suna -your Suna Rintarou- is completely carefree, defenseless and well, just him. His piercing, slanted eyes which usually intimidates most people, are now closed. Even with his awkward hair style still damp from practice, and hunched-over posture, you still think of him as your Mr. Perfect.
You’ve been  together since the start of your third year in high school, and honestly, this is so far your best year. Being friends with him and the twins since first year of highschool, you can’t help but to just fall for him. Despite his usually cold persona, he is always so sweet to you. He makes sure to walk you home everyday, since he always asks you to watch him at practice. It’s amazing really, how he can transform to this scary, intimidating middle blocker into an adorable fox always seeking for your affections. He loves it when you hand his towel, or maybe dry his hair with your gentle touches. You know he secretly loves how you cheer for him even in practice games. You also know to yourself that you would want to do these things for him even in the far future. Even if it would mean you would have to sacrifice your dreams to become Suna’s perfect wife, you know that you’re going to stay with him for the rest of your life. To become Suna’s number one fangirl is now your dream.
“Y/N?” Suna calls out, interrupting your thoughts. “Watch this. Ain’t he stupid?”He laughs again as he shows you the video clip of Atsumu being drenched with water, and his face flat on the floor. “Yeah, he is. He falls for it every time. Smart athlete on the court, but in reality, he’s pretty stupid. Kita-san and the other alumni must have had a hard time in handling you three. ”  You laugh along at his story. “He misses Kita-san though, the dude cries when he remembers how Kita-san took care of him when he got sick.”
“Well, Tsumu can be a baby sometimes, that’s why we love him” He faintly slows down his pace as he asks, “Come to think of it Y/N, I’ve never seen you cry. I mean, I wouldn’t want to make you cry or anything, but even when we were still friends, you never cried.”
Pinching his side, you giggle “I cry too, dumbass. I’m human too.I don’t know though, I just don’t cry easily I guess.” You shrug. “What about you? I rarely see you in tears, too.” You tease as you poke your tongue out. He smirks as he looks over at you,”I don’t easily get affected by my emotions and honestly I don’t need too, sweetcheeks. There’s no reason too. I always win.” He lets out another hearty laugh, as you think. That’s true. No one can really beat and outwit Suna. Maybe only the french fry from Karasuno, but I guess no one can easily faze him.  
Suna lets go of your hand as you both stopped in front of your house. He clasps your hands together with his one hand as he places the other on the top of your head, “I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah? Rest well, Miss I-don’t-easily-cry.” Placing a tender kiss on your forehead, you shut your eyes. This had been your routine with your boyfriend ever since you got together, but you would never wish for anything else to replace these moments.
As you both graduated from Inarizaki, you decide to follow your dream - your Suna - and support him as he aspires to be a professional Volleyball player. You go to a University near where he is training so that it would be more convenient for him to fetch you. Life goes by quickly. Your boyfriend trains hard day and night and hones his skills and game sense. You study a business course to help you land a good job, a job that can still be pretty flexible to work with according to Suna’s. You rarely see your boyfriend nowadays, but no doubts cross your mind as you are assured that you were Suna’s one and only, his love of his life. Whenever you think otherwise, you try to remember these evidence of his love and assurance.
You closed the door as you said your goodbyes to your mom. It pains you to see her get cheated on by your dad, but you couldn’t do anything about it. You sat on the couch and hugged your knees together. Forcing your eyes shut to keep you from crying and sharing her pain, but alas - your tears betrayed you as it streamed down your face.
How can the guy you loved for so many years, easily replace you?
Suna saw your broken state as he gave you a warm hug. He didn’t say anything, but you’re comforted by his silence and the small circles he rubbed on your back. You looked up at his eyes and cried, “It’s so scary, Rin. How one day you’re hopelessly in love with your best friend for so many years, but then they suddenly act like you are just trash - disposable, replaceable, and no longer wanted. They were so perfect in my eyes, you know? But why did he cheat on her? He just gave up in the middle of solving their problem. Why? I’m scared, Rin. Will that happen to us?”
Suna tilted your head to maintain the eye contact you had initiated. With his soft voice, he said “No matter what happens, I will never hurt you, leave you, and will never make you cry intentionally.” He wiped away your tears, then placed his hand on top of your head. Kissing your temple softly, he assured you. “I will never go away, no matter how rough it may become. Every single day for the rest of my life, I will be by your side.”
You both try to make your relationship work, spending all of your free time together. He is still the Suna you loved. Always affectionate to you alone, and always caring about you.
Things are going great to the both of you. You are now in your last months in university, and Suna gets scouted to play for the EJP Raijins, a V. League Division 1 team. You are so proud of your boyfriend. He is finally reaching his dreams, and your dream of seeing him so successful is also coming true. You understand how he puts more effort in his training, with him usually coming home to dim lights. But you try your hardest as his girlfriend to warm up the dinner you have prepared for him earlier. With only the kitchen lights lit, you always wait for your boyfriend to come home, to greet him with a kiss even if it is past 11pm. This is just the life of a professional athlete, and you, as his partner, should adopt this life too.
“Y/N baby, no need to wait for me. I’m not coming home tonight. Coach offered to let me sleep at his place since we’re just really fatigued from the hard training we had today.”
This slowly becomes a habit, and you are getting frustrated over the lack of attention you’ve been receiving. You understand this was his job, and he needs to work hard with the season coming up soon. But does he have to be away for almost every day of the week? You rarely get to see him now, with most encounters only at night. He’d usually go home at 1 am, and when you’re lucky, you get to feel your lover’s intimate touches again. But before dawn cracks up, he's out on his training again, and who knows when he’s coming home.
“Hey, Rinnie. I miss you so much babe, and I know you’ve been training really hard, but I’d like to spend some time with you.” You approached your boyfriend as you saw him packing his things up for training. “Maybe I could go by your gym and visit you! I could make some packed lunches for you and your teammates too, and maybe I can finally meet them.”
“I’ll try Y/N, I can’t say much now with our new training schedule.” He utters out rather coldly, while shoving his equipment down his gym bag.
“Ohhh okay. But are you able to come home early on Wednesday? Just for one night, pretty please? You’re rarely home these days and I--”
“Well, I just can’t laze around right? I’d have to work hard in order to feed the both of us. Can you stop being clingy, and act like a more understanding girlfriend. It’s getting pathetic how you’re acting like I’m not doing this for the both of us.” He zipped up his bag and slings it over his shoulder. He went up to your frozen state, and gave a light kiss to your temple. “Look, I don’t really want to fight. I’m sorry. But please be an understanding girlfriend for me, and stop being extra clingy.” He walked up to the door, and left - leaving you to blame yourself for being another burden to your partner. Although he said some hurtful things, he says he’s sorry right?
You love routines, and it makes you feel your life has a structure it has to follow. But this new routine was not one you would wish to have, to be honest, you did not know when did your old routines fall out. Suna’s rarely home, if he used to go home once a week, now, he only goes home to pick some of his clothes, makes love to you if you ask him to, and leaves the next day. His texts are getting drier each day, even taking hours to reply to yours. You’re scared. Even his words don’t seem to assure you now, he feels so far away. He’s slipping through your fingers, and you know you need to do something to keep your relationship together.
“Rin love, can you go home tonight? I just really miss you terribly, and honestly, I’ve been craving your touch for so long. Come home tonight, love.” (Sent, 2:51 PM)
“Ok.” (Received, 4:30 PM)
You’re ecstatic. You’re finally going to spend time with your boyfriend after such a long time. You prepare his favorite dinner, and you choose to wear his favorite nightgown for you. As you hear his steps outside the apartment, you greet him with your sweetest smile.
“Hi, Rinnie. I’m glad you’re home” You give him a tight hug, as you offer to take his gym bag.
“Let’s get this over with, Y/N. Go now to the room, I’ll just wash up.” He mutters as he steps out of his shoes. You stand frozen, as you suppress the tears forming in your eyes. “I made dinner, Rinnie. Your favorite, actually. Come eat with me? ” You try to invite him again, holding his hands as you try to lead him to the kitchen.
“Ï’m a busy man, Y/N. What more can you ask from me? You said you wanted my touches and love, right? That’s why I’m here. I need to go back to the dorms immediately, and honestly I just want to have it over with.”
“Rin,” you called out. “Can you at least spare me some time and attention that  you have been refusing to give me over these past months? All I’m asking is to spend time with you. I’m even trying my best to make time for you. Why are you like this?”
The eyes. The eyes you never had thought would frighten you as much as it did to the other players in the court, pins you down. Suna glares as he seethes through his teeth, “Make time for me? You don’t even have a job yet after graduating a few months ago. You stay here, enjoying your life as I worked hard to keep this up. You are demanding too much from me, Y/N. And now you are asking me for my share in this relationship? Well aren’t you one selfish woman.”
You cower away from his gaze, but you still try to express your frustrations. “I never asked for an expensive life. I just wished to be with you, Rin! To support you with your dreams.” You lift your head to meet his gaze.  “I’ll always try to take care of you, Rin. You are my dream. Seeing you pursue yours, makes me feel as if I’m accomplishing my dream too. But all I’m asking is for you to still treat me as your favorite girl, your partner, and I can give back ten times more than what you can give me, just please give me the small attention and love I have been craving for.”
“Well, sorry to disappoint you Y/N, but you’re the least of my priorities now. And aren’t you pathetic? Sacrificing your dream to support mine? You’re just lazy to pursue yours, and you’re just leeching off of me. I’m so disappointed in you, Y/N. You’re getting more pathetic each day.”
“I wanted to go and look for a job, but how could I when I don't know how you are lately? How is our relationship lately? It’s like it’s hanging by the thread now, Rinnie.”
“Well, just cut the damn thread, then!” He forcefully slams the counter as his eyes snap backs to yours. “Ï can’t deal with this right now. If you keep on acting up Y/N, just stop. Have some pity over yourself.” Suna picks up his things, and leaves. Shutting the door as hard as he could, the loud bang conceals the sound of your shattered heart.
Weeks go by slowly as you patiently wait for your boyfriend’s return. He wouldn’t leave me right? He promised .He promised.. Scrolling up to your text messages, you reviewed the texts you’ve sent him.
“Hey Rinnie, I’m sorry for the things I’ve said. I hope you’re taking care of yourself, babe.” (Sent. April 13, 8:53 AM.)
“Hey baby! Please don't skip your meals, and drink lots of water too! Drink your water, bitch!” (Sent. April 14, 10:14 AM.) You slightly smiled as you reminisced how both of you loved to tell that to each other after hearing it from a famous personality, finding it amusing and adding it to your routine.  
“Call me whenever your free, okay? Don’t forget to rest in between, Rinnie. I miss you.” (Sent. April 14, 8:42 PM.)
The text messages go on for two weeks, still with no replies from your Rinnie. As you are cleaning the apartment, you hear the awaited notification tone ring. You immediately grabbed your phone and checked out the notification. But it was not from Rin, it was from your friend from university calling you up.
“Hey, Y/N-san. Congratulations to Suna and his team for winning the pre-seasonal tournament. It’s all over the news right now.” Akaashi exclaimed over the phone. Your heart leaps upon hearing your boyfriend’s name. Rushing over to see the news for yourself, your heart flutters as you see your perfect man - in his wet jersey while holding the medal wrapped around his neck as the reporter angled the microphone in front of him. Your perfect man responds casually and smug, as usual.
I’m so proud of you baby. Always had, and always will. I knew you could do it, Rin.
But your thoughts are interrupted as the reporter asks, “Is there any special someone you would want to celebrate this victory with, Mr. Suna?”
Suna looks over at the camera and he smiles bright. Brighter than the ones you’ve seen when you were with him during these past months. “Yeah, actually I do.” He replies as he smiles back at the reporter. “She’s just the best and I’ve been training really hard for her, you know? Gotta make my baby proud.”
The spark of hope ignites within your heart upon hearing those words. Even when doubts clouded your mind, you still never fail to have faith in him. You always believe that everything will be perfectly fine, and your Rin will always stay by your side. He said he’ll never go away, and you know that you’re here to stay.  “I will never go away, no matter how rough it may become. Every single day for the rest of my life, I will be by your side.”
But what you see next finally wakes you up from your own self-deception. Suna Rintarou. Your Rin. Has his arms around another girl as he smiles back again to the reporter. “She’s the girl I’m talking about.” As if it wasn’t enough, Suna placed his hand on top of her head and placed a tender kiss on her temple.
I’m supposed to be that girl, that should have been me.  I should be the one greeting you back from your training. I should be the one with you as you receive your recognition. That should be me. That used to be me.
Even though it hurts, you stare at the couple in front of you and see how Rin was just casually cool and okay, as though he wasn’t the cause of your heart breaking.
All this time. While you have been fixing your own shattered heart, someone else is mending his - no, there was nothing to fix as it has been replaced. It’s so unfair, how can you be so fine? All the fights we’ve gone through, I even deceived myself that I was being a burden to you. Convincing myself to no longer bother you as it may faze you and your performance, too. It takes so much for me to just go through the day, and live for you, for us. But I guess you’re my dream, right? You win again, Rin. You always did.
Dreams do come true, they said. But it seems only your dream came true. And it’s wonderful to see you reaching your dreams, love. Even if it meant that my dream won’t come true.
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A/N: HNGHHH, I am sorry for Y/N becoming so heads over heels over him, which is why she’s hurting so much!! But reality’s a bitch, there really are people who be martyrs for love :<  Would love to hear you thoughts uwu reblogs, likes, comments, asks and messages are very much appreciated! There will be a part 2!! Will try to post within this week, after doing my requirements T.T .  
Message me or send an ask if you want to be tagged for the update! <3
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nishipostitz · 2 years
gn!reader x food shop worker! kita shinsuke
tw! little to none. mentions of food. hospital. work. busy life. a bit of stress. FLIRTING!!!! fluff 🥰🥰
you hum as you walk along the shore of the beach. sandals in hand, sunscreen unevenly spread on your face, and your cardigan flowing in ways of the wind.
you were walking around at the beach and enjoying your time after your work shift. you were lucky to have gotten off of work earlier than usual. so to spend your extra time here, you walked to the beach to relax your mind.
life at the hospital has been tiring. the amount of elderly patients hitting on you and proposing to you was starting to get tiring too. as you had moved and transferred to a whole other city for a better work environment, the people are just as different.
a healthier environment, more friendly coworkers and perhaps more humorous patients. you loved them all, but some patients can be quite exhausting. especially the ones that obsess over you too much. luckily, your shift ended early so youre here enjoying your time.
you have only been a doctor for 2 years. and so far, your life has been quite comfortable. you were the few that were blessed where you grew up and knew exactly what you wanted. so you had gotten your first job at a hospital at just 23.
you were so busy with studies and work, that you have never really gotten yourself a partner or started a love life. the only boyfriend you ever had was in 6th grade. where the relationship lasted 2 weeks. you remembered how the boy cried to his mom because your dumped him. you really did want to be a doctor at a young age.
even if you were single. you didnt feel lonely. not up until you moved to the neighboring city. where people had partners everywhere you went. you had walked so long that the sun started setting. ‘perfect for some ice cream’ you thought. you searched up the ice cream shops nearby to purchase yourself some treats to enjoy along the shore.
as the door dinged when you entered, you felt like you were in heaven. the shop was decorated so wonderfully and looked like a childhood dream. now, you were really thinking if you wanted ice cream or the sweet drinks offered on the menu.
‘oh hello! welcome!’ a sweet voice welcomed you. you tore your eyes away from the menu and looked at who the voice belonged to. ‘man.. he has such beautiful eyes..’ you thought. ‘do you have anything in mind you want to order?’ you shook your head. ‘i wasnt expecting you to know’ he giggled. ‘youre new here?’ he asked.
the question shocked you. ‘yeah but no’ you smiled. ‘i have been here for a few months, but i never really left my house to explore. work got the best of me’ you looked away from his eyes. ‘oh i understand’ you smiled once again at him. ‘youre just single!’ you blushed feeling embarrassed. ‘well you didnt have to say it like that. but yeah im single’
‘well, i know just the item to make you feel less lonely!’ he replied back. ‘well, i would love to see you try’ you gave him an eye smile. you walked away and just now you would notice that the shop was empty. just you and him. so you picked a table to sit at. scrolling through your phone to seem less awkward, but there was nothing.
the friendly worker had given you a few glances while making your drink. he made a cute strawberry drink with two strawberry hearts on top and two straws. when you were presented with the drink, you were shocked.
‘thank you…’ ‘kita’ ‘kita.. but why are there two straws when im the only one drinking?’ ‘well, thats for you to find out. mind if we share?’ you blushed. ‘c’mon. an eye for an eye. whats your name?’ ‘y/n’. he smiled.
‘a beautiful name for a beautiful being. may i have a taste of my drink?’
‘yes you may’
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sneezefiction · 3 years
Miya Osamu x Reader
desc: you’re spending too much time fawning over a very fictional captain Levi and not enough time doting on your real boyfriend, Osamu. 
a/n: @starrysamu dearest remy, this is for you. i only just found out that it’s your birthday and i felt like i needed to show my appreciation for you in a tangible way. this isn’t the best, but i laughed a lot while writing it, so i hope it’ll make you smile. so much love to you and happiest of birthdays!! you’re such a joy to speak with <33
warnings: mentions attack on titan (fictional deaths), language, suggestive towards the end
wc: 1.5k
“I bet you haven’t moved in hours.”
“Mm,” you hum absentmindedly.
Osamu stays silent for a moment, squinting judgmentally at you from the corner of the living room. He’s been standing there for ten minutes and you’ve not so much as acknowledged his existence. Granted, you already spent the entire morning with him, but you could at least greet him with your usual, “hey, babe.” 
He’d even settle for a “what’s up, ugly” at this point.
However, your eyes are glued to the TV screen. Blue light and flashing colors reflect off of your skin while the blood-curdling screams of various animated characters fill the room. You gasp and a hand flies to your mouth. That’s the fourth time you’ve done that since he’d walked in the room.
Whatever it is you’re watching, your reaction seems reasonable. The show looks and sounds disgusting. Or at least to Osamu it does.
“You really should move around a little.” He coaxes, “You’re gonna cut off all your circulation.”
Osamu approaches the couch, but you continue to ignore him.
“Yeah, and?” you respond, eyes still fixed on the screen, “I’m kinda in the middle of something.”
You reach for the remote and turn up the volume a couple of notches. His brows furrow in contempt. Now, this is just plain rude.
“Well, if you lose a limb, don’t come cryin’ to me.” He says flatly.
“I won’t…” you start, “but-“
You point to the screen, singling out a few characters being hunted by hideous and… very naked titans. Gross, Osamu thinks.
“-they might.”
If you were known to watch shows for the plot, he wouldn’t mind your series marathons all that much. But he knows you too well.
Osamu flickers his gaze to the TV and steps in front of the screen, intentionally blocking your view. It’s an attempt to steal your attention away from all of these fictional characters you claim to keep “falling in love with.”
You whine and tell him to “get his ass out of the way,” while craning around his broad shoulders to see. It’d be a shame to miss out on Levi Ackerman’s hella sculpted jawline, even just for a second.
But your efforts are to no avail. ‘Samu (his ass included) refuses to move away from the screen.
You breathe out a white flag of a sigh, slumping back into the couch in defeat. Though you’d planned on this being a solo watch party, you know that the only way to get what you want out of this situation (Levi screen time) is by appeasing your actual boyfriend.
“Whatever ‘Samu. Just join me already.” You huff out.
Tossing open your blanket for him, you pat the empty space expectantly. If you’re going to give him any attention at all, he’s obligated to at least keep you warm.
And he won’t lie, you look very comfortable.
Seeing you cozied up in his apartment and lazily splayed out on his couch has always made him melt a little. Osamu is just a bit domestic like that.
But if you’re just going to use his Netflix account to fawn over fake (albeit incredibly sexy) men, then he’s less than thrilled to have you sitting there alone. Any good boyfriend would be at least a little agitated… right?
So for the sake of reining you and your wandering mind in, he decides to plop down next to you. The whole couch sinks when he sits and you tilt into him like a planet gravitating toward the sun. A really obnoxious, show-interrupting sun.
Osamu snakes an arm around your back, pulling you into his chest, and turns his head toward the TV. All is calm as you get comfortable and adjust yourself against him... until suddenly the screen splatters red. His arm tenses against your waist and a frown forms on his face. Apparently, something or someone just bit the dust. 
“What exactly are ya watchin’?” He asks, tone drenched in disgust.
You whip your head toward him, an eyebrow cocked and lips parted. You’re looking at him as though he’d just gone and grown a third eye or called your mom a hoe. In terms of drama, Osamu is beginning to think you might actually rival Atsumu.
“You seriously don’t know?” 
“Do I look like someone who keeps up with anime?” 
“Well… no,” you admit slowly, “but that’s got nothing to do with you not knowing about Attack on Titan. I bet even Kita has heard of it.”
You wait for recognition to flicker in his grey eyes at the mention of the anime’s name. Instead, he gives you his signature blank stare. Should you be shocked or disappointed? Which emotion would bother him more?
“Yeah, it doesn’t ring a bell.”
“Have you been living under a rock?” You scoff, mouth still agape.
“No, but I basically live with you and that’s difficult enough.” He jests, poking you in the side.
His warm hands gives you a quick squeeze and you almost jump out of his hold. For someone who runs a restaurant, he’s got some well-toned arms. It’s unlikely you’ll be able to escape his grasp anytime soon.
“No! None of that shit!” You hiss as he tries to tickle you. “You’re just trying to distract me.”
Your back curls like a cat and you bat at his hands to abate any further pokes or prods. He only chuckles, smirking at your feeble attempts to stop him. You were the one provoking him in the first place, but he’ll let it slide just this once.
When Osamu no longer seems like a threat to your ticklish sides, you nestle back into him. Your hand rests lightly on his chest and your head finds a soft-ish spot on his shoulder.
Feigning a pout, you mutter, “Captain Levi wouldn’t treat me like this.”
He’s quick to respond.
“Well, Levi-” the name sounds uncharacteristically bitter as it leaves his lips, “-wouldn’t treat you like anything, sweetheart. Sorry, but he ain’t real.”
You open your mouth to protest, but Osamu beats you to it.
“And judging by the rate these people are dyin’, he probably won’t last long enough for you to even mentally date him.”
“Don’t underestimate me and my mental dating abilities, ‘Samu.”  You warn, “Or Levi. He could totally beat your ass.”
With perfect timing, Levi makes an appearance, striking a lethal blow to another one of the babbling giants. Two giants. Now four of them. Okay, he might’ve spoken too soon.
“Mm… maybe. But he probably couldn’t put up with all of your bullshit. This Levi kid seems like a bit of a hardass,” Osamu responds after a few minutes of transfixed silence.
You jut your lip out, sinking further into the couch, “Crush my dreams, why don’t you?”
He rolls his eyes in response.
“But,” you continue, “you’ve gotta admit, he is attractive. I mean, just look at those eyes. That body, too…” you breathe.
You swoon and tease and clutch at your heart, but it’s all an act to get under ‘Samu’s skin. He is your number one, after all. Teasing is just a part of your relationship and you would try to milk it whenever you could.
However, you don’t get a verbal response from him this time. He just tightens his hold around you and buries his nose in your hair. Warm breath tickles your scalp and trails across your skin.
Is he pouting? Or is he finally watching the show without adding commentary to it? You can’t tell the difference.
Osamu stays like that for a moment and you revert your attention back to the screen, intent on catching the last couple minutes of this episode. 
Though you hardly have a chance to re-invest yourself before Osamu is speaking again.
“Well, I’m just glad he’s behind a TV screen,” he sighs against your head, “and-”
A smirk works its way onto his lips and Osamu begins circling a thumb on your exposed thigh. Your breath hitches and you turn to face him. His fingers press against your skin and play at the hem of your shorts.
The warmth of his hand sinks deeply into you like poison. In a matter of seconds, you’re at a loss for words, rendered unfit for battle… even if that battle is just teasing the ever-living shit out of him.
Thoughts of the show, of Levi, of other fictional men, are long gone from your mind. 
Damn him for still having this effect on you after all this time.
“-judging by the way you can’t keep your hands off of me-“
He glances at your hand, which is resting delicately on his abdomen. You’re pressed up tightly against him, tucked into his side and looking up at his face which seems dangerously close to your own. Then his eyes, heavy-lidded and a shade of grey far prettier than Levi’s, flicker down to your lips. 
Your skin flushes hot and you grip the fabric of his shirt.
“-I’d say you’ve gotta be at least half as into me as you’re into general Levi or whatever the hell his name is,” Osamu murmurs, his breath fanning gently on your lips.
He leans in, planting a slow kiss at the corner of your mouth, effectively teasing the delicate skin.
With one calloused hand on your face and the other still stroking your thigh, you feel your mind going fuzzy. This was escalating much faster than you’d expected it to and you haven’t even had the chance to pause your show. 
You glance over to the TV...  and heaven seems to be shining down upon you. It’s the blessed Netflix “are you still watching” screen; your show is perfectly paused. Now you can focus on what’s right in front of you.
Osamu finally has your full, undivided attention. Just as he should.
“Just for the record, it’s captain Levi.” You whisper to him.
“Oh, shut up.” He says before crashing his lips into yours.
You do, in fact, shut up.
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isabellitah · 4 years
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Title : baby
Pairing : ( all platonic ! ) inarizaki x reader, aoba johsai x reader, and shiratorizawa x reader
Warning : none
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y’all know how uhh wild the Miya twins are, right?
yeah- you have to babysit them
for free 👀
your dedication I-
but because of that dedication-
you got a new family ugh 🤧 im jealous
you’re super nice
and affectionate
even to new friends
aka anyone you meet that you deem safe
which is really anyone bc you don’t judge people by how they look
in other words-
you’re babi
and because of their reputation, majority of the people you meet are too scared to actually talk to you what with a bunch of gigantic foxes glaring deep into their souls
and you’re just in the middle of it all smiling all innocently like a baby fox wondering why your classmate who tried to talk to you was suddenly sweating so much
before you can even lend him your handkerchief-
he ran off
maybe he went to go to the cr?
yeah no- Suna literally dragged a finger across his neck then pointed at the boy i-
you’re gonna be single until you graduate, babes
training camps are hard
for the boys, not you
you love training camps
they- uhh not so much
two words : new friends
and again, you hug every new friend you meet
Karasuno is happy
Fukurodani is happy
Nekoma is happy
Shiratorizawa is happy
Inarizaki? Yeah no 🤍
they get so jealous (yes even Kita) because-
bRUH you’re supposed to be with them and not the opposing teams grr arf arf
and so-
it backfires though bc you felt so bad for Bokuto’s emo mood and Hinata’s dejected eyes, and you fell for Kuroo’s fake tears, and so you went to tend to the team that lost
Atsumu dragged you back to the team though bc you’re their manager and their baby fox I-
and now you’re often in-between at least two members
most often you’re in between Dad Aran and Mom Kita 😙
bc the others (twins and Suna) would probs try to get you to do something so they can point it towards you and no one would be in trouble bc the thought of even scolding you hurts them 🥺
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Kyoutani says bark bark arf arf grr at anyone who looks at you wrong
the lil snacks you make for them every time they have a match is hEAVENLY AND ADORABLE
like those onigiris w faces that match their usual respective facial expressions made with nori and a handwritten short message oof 🥺
they’re no longer excited to beat their opponents- they’re more excited fOR THE SNACKS Y’ALL
they still love to play but like-
to be fed with a snack and to read a letter that were meant for you?
they’re so lucky they have you 🤧
Kindaichi used to be all blushy blushy with you but now- he’s always in tears because their baby plant is so cUTE AHHH
you’re so kind-
sometimes too kind so they always protect you
example was that time that a fan of Iwaizumi’s bashed you and you were too nice to fight back so you just endured the verbal assault and ended up crying yourself to sleep in Kunimi’s lap while he hugged you and ran his hand through your hair
they wANTED TO 🤬🤬🤬
the girl now runs away whenever she sees you
and when you asked your vbc family about it,
Hanamaki always replies, “she learned her place, y/n-chan,”
and someone is always with you at all times-
they literally have a schedule of who can take you home for that day or who can look after you in general-
well except for the cr obv but like-
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they train with college teams-
everyone knows this
and so everyone assumes that their trainings are hARD AF
they’re wrong
their trainings are gRUELING
to make them feel better,
aside from getting them refreshing water to drink-
you also make them special snacks
special bc it’s different for each member-
you make each single snack depending on that member’s preference like oof
they’re so thankful for that like Goshiki’s like 🥺
you’re so smol and kind and your gummy smile is pRECIOUS AHH
even the coach is nice to you bc he never wants to see you sad
the eNTIRE team is protective of you
they NEVER let you go anywhere alone-
they stand guard outside
like ever-
bc you were once bullied by one of Semi’s fans
and they didn’t know until you broke down but anyway-
that girl got kicked out bc bullying is a big no-no in Shiratorizawa and bc the vbc team + coach scare the principal I-
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ushijima x fem!reader x kita | w.c 1.2k
a/n: omg ok so here’s my fic for the super cool + epic collab for my server ;)) i’m rlly nervous cus i’ve never written a. fic like this so pls don’t be mean!!!! but like pls leave a comment below <333 also don’t forget to follow me (or i’ll BITE U jk xD) omg omg ok and don’t forget to check out the other fics for this super epic hot collab <33333 right here kidnapped by hq !!!!!!
warnings: inane rambling, i literally did not proofread this i would take breaks and start again without checking what i wrote last so it’s defs not coherent
I was just ur every day kind of girl. Nothing special to anyone...not ev en myself. All i knew was wake up, brush my hair (and teeth obvi!!)  and go out and go to university and to my part time job as a waitress ina  diner where not a lot of people would go to. Anway today was one of those boring days, i woke up with my alarm blaring at 6:00 am because i have a class at 8:00 am… it’s my least favorite one too. But yeah so i got up super early and made myself apple cinnamon brown sugar oatmeal and black coffee bc i’m also kinda broke bc i ran away from home bc my parents were those snobby rich people and i didn’t wanty end up like that ya know? i put on a really simple outfit bc i was feeling lazy since i woke up late!
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(we need to bring back sillly bandz! they r so much fun!!) 
So i was walking to my early 8 oclock class all the way on the otherside of campus when suddenly ther e was a frisbee flying right at my face! I tried to dodge it but it still hit me right in the nose and i screamed so loud i didnt hear anything else but me screaming in really loud pain. 
“Are u ok??” i grab my nose in pain but it doesnt rlly feel broken or bleeding so i open my eyes that i didnt evern realized that i had close to see rlly gold eyes staring down at me. I scrunch up my eyebrows bc im confused bc he’s wearing overalls and a straw hat? Did i hit my head or something and am now seeing things?
“I’m ok do i know u?” i ask.. despite him looking weird in his farmer outfit he looked familiar so i had to ask.
“Sometimes i go to the diner u work at after im done at the farm bc there are good mochi waffles (a/n omg wait do they serve mochi waffles at dinners? I’ve only had it from  bakery xD)” he says with a really cool tone. I nod my head bc it makes sense. Before i can say thank you to him for asking how i am doing he grab my hand “please marry meand my cofarmer” 
“W-w-w-what??????” i yell my heart is pounding bc even though he is really super pretty i don’t eevn remember him ever being at the diner and like i remember a lot of my customers faces bc a lot of them come back a lot. 
“Marry us we will make u super happy pls it was love at first sight.” he says confidendtly (sp?) as he holds my hand tighter and tighter.
“I-i-i-i-i-i don’t even know ur name???” i whisper softly under my breath, “HOW can i marry u???”
“Shinsuke…..” a deep voice goes off behind me and i pull my hand out of his hand to look behind me, a big big BIG man stands there also wearing overalls and a straw hat and also a single wheat hanging from his kissable lips.
“Wakatoshi i have found the perfect housewife for us,, i have asked her to marry us.”
“But i’m just a normal girl from a normal world, how can i possible be apart of the world the two of you have made in the farm world?” the offer was amazing, the life of a housewife for these two perfect men that i’ve met by chance.
“She doesn’t havea choice the wedding is tonight ur marrying us.” the man who was called wakatoshi says with a very serious voice and facial expression. before i can ask hes suddenly pulling me to my feet and dragging me away.
“i have class!!” i say in protest as he continues to pull me towards a green tractor.
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“you don’t need education…do you know how to sweep and cook eggs? and maybe make butter?” shinsuke asks following behind as wakatoshi pulls me onto the tractor.
“of course i can make eggs! but why butter?”
“we live on a farm darlin’ ya gotta know how to make butter.” shinsuke says and i nod my head. it makes sense.
“i can’t just leave my life behind tho i’ve gotten this far all by myself” i sigh even tho i’m comfortably sitting in wakatoshis lap i can’t let myself fall victim to their charms!!! i’m independent !!!
“give it up already your ours now…..” wakatoshi says seriously. i pout. he can’t just talk to me like that. i’m not a kid! i go to unverisity and have a job!!! 
“it’s too late ur already wearing the engagement ring” i look down at my hand and gasp to see a beautiful ring on my finger.
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“this cant be real?” i shake my head my head.
“we already have your dress and the venue ready.”
“what?” the big grrrn tractor pulls up to a really pretty outdoor wedding venue. my jaw drops to see my entire family, even my parents waiting.
“go in there” wakatoshi points at a tent and i nod. i walk over and am immediately being changed by two guys who look the same?
“don’t worry we r gay.”
“and twins.”
“but not gay for each other bc that’d be illegal or something  and the author would get Cancelled™” it makes sense. i turn and look in the mirror and i gasp. i look beautiful. i may be an average girl but in this moment my velvet chestnut locks are curled to perfect perfection and the makeup isn’t too much or too little. these gay twins sure worked their magic!
i step out of the tent and look down the aisle to see my two farmer husbands looking handsome as ever (here’s what we look like teehee xD i know we look super cute!!) 
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“y/n, im sorry me and ur moms bitchy richness made u run away but please let me walk u down the aisle on ur wedding day.”
“hello my name is agayshi and i am also gay, and here to officiate your wedding.”
“wait ur gay too?”
“yeah i’m married to that guy over there in the wacky inflatable cars salesman suit but we’re both respectively fucjing one of those gay twins. any way. do you y/n y/m/n y/l/n take shinsuke canonical rice farmer and ushijima farmer au to be your lawfully wedded husbands?”
“i-“ i look between the two men. my dream wedding. my dream men. i look around at all my friends and family. i nod.
“yeah i do.”
“congrats you may kiss the bride” at the same time wakatoshi and shinsuke grab my head and manage to mash all 3 of our mouths together.
i’m just so happy.
….or so i thought.
i woke up, it all turned out to be a dream </3
(a/n: hey everyone sorry for the sad ending but like...r there rlly happy endings in real life?? soz i just think we need to get more realistic w our fanfics </3)
like. comment. subscribe for more awesomesauce fics like this ;) !!! 
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secondhand-trash · 3 years
Heart Knot
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A/N: this is in honor of the whole 30 minutes in which I knew how to knit because I was bored at a school function and forced my friend who brought an unfinished scarf with her to teach me lmao
Description: You did not have much happy memories regarding both knitting and your past crushes, but the boy that had your heart now just so happened to be a great knitter. 
Pairing: Kita Shinsuke x reader
Word count: 7827
Permanence//Bears In Trees
The Way You Look Tonight//Frank Sinatra
Hiding Tonight//Alex Turner
Kita Shinsuke’s first exposure to the art of knitting was through his grandmother, who taught her grandson the ways you could weave anything into something from doing each repetitive action properly and with care.
Something beautiful, something soft, something that could bring warmth to someone else on a harsh winter morning.
Winter in Hyogo could be rough, with inches and inches of snow blocking the road from down the mountains and into the towns. Kita Shinsuke spent his winter days away from school still waking up at the first ray of sunshine beaming through the paper window, his body glued down on the sweet comfort of his futon but still, he never overslept even as other kids his age would protest just for a few extra seconds in the warmth. 
By the time he was done with the daily chores, it would already be way into the afternoon and his tiny hands, soaked in water to wet the towels, would be shaking under the cold. Grandma Yumie always brought out the kotatsu in times like this. “It is a luxury,” she said with a chuckle as her grandson watched in awe at how the tiny round table in the living room had now been transformed into a warm cave, shielding the winter cold out with the blanket draping down the sides, “a reward for those who worked hard in the cold.”
The days he spent with his grandmother was some of his fondest memories, to the point where years later, even as he was old enough to have his own house with paper windows and a round table perfect for being turned into a kotatsu, he still insisted that there weren’t any feeling better than laying under the warm blankets after a hard day at work with the tv playing and a cup of warm tea in his hand.
When he was small, very small, with his fingers still a bit clumsy and not quite able to aim at the little loops held together by the yarn, Kita would sit there and watched as grandma Yumie brought out the baskets and baskets of colourful yarn, all sorts of sizes and patterns, and let him pick which one she should use that day. The afternoon news was playing in the background, and baby Kita had his palms holding on the warm mug of tea that was far more diluted and with way more honey drizzled into it than the one sitting in front of the older woman. His golden eyes all round and focused on the needles going in and out of the woolen piece that grew longer and longer with each flick of her wrist.
He could not figure out what had happened in the quiet hours where he just stared, not yet worked out the way each loop and thread came together in holding everything together, but all he knew was that the scarfs grandma gave him were always the softest and warmest, and comes in all the colours that lighted up the roads of Hyogo that were covered in white.
Kita learnt how to knit when he was old enough to remember the sequence at which the needle thread through the yarn. One hook under the open loop, the other holding it still, before pulling it out and putting the neat knot in place. He started with the thickest needle and the yarn that showed every knot and pattern clearly, before slowly moving to thinner threads and fancier ways of knitting. Now, winter afternoon at the Kita household consisted of grandmother and grandson sitting side by side around the kotatsu, the afternoon programs playing softly at the background as the sounds of yarns brushing against each thread filled the air.
There had never been a single cast out of place in whatever he made, whether it be a scarf or a pair of socks or a little hat for the puppy next doors. Because knitting was about patience, the knowing that you just had to keep repeating and repeating to make sure everything holds together, until you eventually had something good in your hands. It was feeling the tiny bumps under your finger once you had the finished product laid out in front of you, knowing that you put time and care into every single one of them.
Grandma Yumie complimented her grandson on everything he had ever made, smiling until her eyes were just two thin curves as she watched the boy who wasn’t so tiny anymore with his golden eyes fixed on the needle going in and out of each loop, the knitted fabric growing longer with each flick of his wrist.
You could not knit to save a life.
But you had tried, you really did. 
Once, when you were 12 and sitting in art class, your eyes beaming at the many balls of yarn your teacher had brought in.
“Today, we’re going to learn how to knit!” The teacher, with pins all over her apron and a book of stickers for the kids who did well poking out of its pocket, said as she placed the plastic box on the table, “By the end of class, you can all bring home something you made to give to your parents!”
You liked art class. It was fun being able to play around with crafts supplies under the disguise of early creativity development, and the things you brought home were always somewhere around the house.
You liked the way you could walk past something you had made and know that it was good enough to be put up, and liked the feeling of showing people the things you were proud of.
You picked out your colours carefully, imaging the way your father would have fitted a dark brown scarf into his work clothes or how mom could have used something in that lovely cream coloured yarn that was ignored by the other kids who went straight for the blues and yellows. You ended up with balls of grey in your arms as you made way back to your seat, thinking that it would go well with, well, everything.
You did not quite remember how you felt about the knitting process itself, all you knew was the excitement budding up in your chest as you just kept repeating and repeating, until the grey bundle of yarn got smaller and smaller.
You knew you could make something they would like, you just knew it.
The outcome of the hour and a half where you did nothing but fidget with yarn and needle was a subtly misformed scarf, a bit crooked at the edges because you forgot how to tie up the piece by the time it was long enough to be thrown around your shoulders and back. It wasn’t exactly the most intricate piece of knitwear, with small ends of the thick thread clumsily tugged back within the grids and some places missing a loop or two. 
But still, it held together nicely with the softest texture, and you were proud of yourself.
Your parents took the gift graciously when you presented it to them like you were handing them something of the uttermost value, complimenting you on your hard work and thought as they felt the piece in their hand. You made your father promised to wear it out the next day and he complied with a grin as he threw the scarf around his neck.
Now that you looked back on it, it was definitely not something a proper adult would prefer to be seen in in the public since it was rather... wonky, to put it lightly.
But you were small, and you did not have any idea that even though you tried what you thought was your best, sometimes your best was just not enough.
Oh, the way you froze when your father handed the pile of loose yarn to you that was all bundled up with a worried stare, your throat tight while you used all the might in you to suppress the urge to let the tears just fall.
You soon learned that loose ends and hasty stitches meant that even the slightest tug would make the whole thing crumble, and hours of your dedication was not a match to even the most accidental pull at the widened hole where you tried to hide all the mistakes you made.
You told yourself you were never knitting ever again at age 11, with your face buried in your pillow at the late nights when you didn’t have to fear letting anyone know that you were crying over a few balls of yarn.
At age 15, you had your first real, serious crush, the kind that made the pitch of your voice go higher unconsciously and the corner of your lips tug up just at a passing thought. Your crush was popular, the type of boys that spoke each word loud and clear like they had endless energy. You thought he was dazzlingly good-looking, even though he still had a bit of the awkwardness of being mid-puberty left in the soft arc of his brows and loop-sided grin. He was the captain of the football team, always the first to dash out the classroom with a dusty ball in his arms during break. You spent a good amount of your recesses just looking out of the window with your elbows propping you up against the frame, pretending to listen to whatever your friends were saying when you were looking at him instead.
Occasionally, he would look up from the field as he jogged backwards, and your heart always skipped a bit at the possibility that maybe his gaze had stopped at you for even just a second.
Holiday season rolled around the corner as you looked out one morning to see dots of white landing on the glass, each speckle of the snowflake clearly visible as it plastered on the window, the one you always pretend to not be looking too longingly out of while doing exactly just that. The nearer your last day of school before winter break was, the more you felt the knot twisting and turning in your stomach at the thought of whether you should try and disguise all that feeling into what could be as simple as a normal holiday greeting, between normal classmates.
It was at a passing that you overheard your crush telling the group of people who were crowding around his table during one lunch break that he thought it was attractive when people hand out handmade gifts, earning a round of high-pitched responses from those who were smiling a bit too widely for it to be natural around him, each one of them claiming that then they would try to make something for him.
You shifted in your seat, pretending that you were just napping on your desk casually instead of pitifully eavesdropping on a conversation you both wished you were part of and was absolutely detested by.
You had long decided that you could not even pretend that you were crafty by any means, but sadly, you were also young and very much so head-over-heels in love with a boy who just announced to everyone who was, like you, trying hard to impress him that he basically preferred people who make their own presents.
So that was how you found your way back to the knitting needle that you had not touched since 4 years ago, after how every single trashy article in every single teen magazine that you, at age 15, read an unhealthy amount of, told you that there was no better present to give that would portray the amount of thought and care you were willing to put into something like a garment that was hand knitted with only the receiver in thought.
It should be quite clear that the editors of those articles were just too lazy to come up with something new and picked the safest, most conventional option to put in there, but you were too desperate to find something you too could do that you didn’t care.
You left school each day in complete darkness now that the sun was long gone in the middle of the day as the end of the year approached, and spent the little free time you had to yourself at home struggling to knit. Your hands were a lot more in control compared to the last time you knitted, but the lack of guidance in every step of the way as you relearnt how to knit all from the very beginning.
It was cold, and your fingers were already hurting from the chill, but it did not stop you from staying up each night trying to get the piece done before it was finally the holidays.
You had spent hours looking for tutorials only, always battling between the knowledge that your skill was not enough to replicate a good half of the videos you had bookmarked and thinking that the easy ones were too basic for you to gift to someone. You settled on a neck warmer, something you could imagine the boy you so pined after wearing while running on the court. And as you held the finished piece up under the light, you were proud of yourself for actually carrying through.
There were no messy threads in the scarf this time, and you were sure this was something that could at least be of use to whoever got it.
The day when you were supposed to gather the courage to hand out the present came sooner than you were ready for. You came back to school early that day, knowing that your crush was usually having morning practice at the hour and no one else would be around. 
To your surprise, there was already another neatly wrapped box inside of his desk drawer by the time you got back. Its tag was hanging out of the tray rather deliberately, like a sly wink and a wave. Your chest tightened that someone was already one step ahead of you, but quickly fed yourself the narrative that it was actually better this way. This way, your gift would not stand out and seemed like it did not belong there. 
It was just a scarf, but the little paper bag that you spent an embarrassingly long amount of time decorating the night before felt so heavy in your hands as you stared blankly at it, the nerves settling in your stomach as your throat tightened at the last minute conflict.
The loud footsteps that neared broke you out of your trance, and you threw the gift bag into your drawer before pretending like you were doing something else. You cursed inwardly when you saw that it was the last person you wished to see at this moment, a rare sentiment given how your eyes usually search for him in a crowd.
The group of boys didn’t seem to pay you much mind as they huffed, laughing at something you did not catch on to as they threw their bags down. You masked the pounding of your chest with a violent stroke of your highlighter against the notebook that opened up hastily in front of you when you heard them going near the table you had been eyeing all morning.
“Huh? What is this?” 
You buried your nose in your book, but glanced at the few boys gathering around the desk from the corner of your eyes. 
Your heart wrenched when you heard one of the boys snorted, before shoving the box into your crush’s chest. “It’s for you.”
The sharp tear made your scalp tingle, but you fought back the urge to sit up straighter in reflex.
Couldn’t let them know you were listening, couldn’t let them know you cared.
“Ah... it’s a scarf,” even in your most delusional mind, there was no way you could ignore the slight hint of annoyance at his voice. 
“Hm, they said they made it themselves.”
The density of the air around you was a stark comparison to the boys’ howling and laughing that followed. The recipient of the gift only shoved the garment into the box roughly before plopping the lid back on.
“So?” one of his friends asked, snickering, “what are you going to do about it?”
The click of his tongue that followed twisted around your throat until all the blood rushed up to your face, burning and suffocating you. “Do you want it?”
“Hell no, why would I want a re-gift?” The other boy yelled with a holler, “why don’t you just keep it yourself  
“Well, I can’t wear it, can I? It’s gonna give them the wrong idea.” The nonchalant way he so easily brushed off the undoubted hours and hours of effort whoever made the gift must have dedicated to the present that was now pushed to the very back of his drawer felt foreign to you. A pang of bitterness welled up in your mouth, running your tongue dry as your mind go blank. 
“Besides, don’t you think getting something handknitted from someone you aren’t with is a bit too suffocating?”
The gift bag in your drawer remained to stay right where it was when other people started rushing into the room, when the class bell rang, when the same boy who you now realised wasn’t as nice as you thought he might be rushed out with the same smile he had on when he came in that morning. 
You shoved it into your bag first thing when you were getting ready to leave, hoping that no one would catch on.
You were surprisingly serene when you tore into hours and hours of effort until it was just a bundle of yarn on the floor.
You were age 15, swearing that you were never doing crushes ever again and finally decided with determination that knitting was just not for you
But life has its ways of making you think twice about every promise you had made to yourself.
First in the form of a snowfall you had not expected, and then with a boy who was always prepared for the cold.
Waking up early in the mornings just to tread yourself through the chilly streets sucked, but having to rush out because the initial “5 minutes more” you told yourself as you pulled the futon over your head once more turned into you having to rush out the door with your coat barely even worn properly in the matter of a flutter of your eyes. 
Your mouth was dry and your stomach empty from skipping past the breakfast that had already gone cold on the table by the time you passed it by. It wasn’t until you felt the pain tearing at your skin from the few bits of your body exposed to the specks of snow flowing down onto the back of your hand, so cold that it felt almost like a burn when the feeling settled, that you remembered the mittens you had also left at the side of your dresser. 
Great, just wonderful.
Winter in Hyogo was forgiving on some days, brutal and mocking on the others. The grey clouds were thick and gloomy as you dashed down the road, pulling the collar of your jacket up desperately to shield your face from the wind that you were up against face first, slicing down like blades before you finally made the last turn into the comforting walls of your school building. Your face felt numb of any senses even as you brought your palm up to try and give it some warmth, only to hiss into your hand when the frosted tips of your fingers brushed against your skin.
The bell rang almost right on cue as you stepped into the classroom, letting out a sigh and salvaging in the temporary supply of warmth from your own breath. Your lips were so dry and so chapped from the cold, even just darting your tongue out to swipe over the rough edges had it almost tearing at the thin skin. You winced at the pain, which did not serve you anything other than making the ache worse.
You sighed as you sunk down on your chair, finally able to let your limbs go slack at your sides after being so tense all the way through your walk. The sudden release of the tension you had been holding on you resulted in a broken inhale as you tried to calm the beating dee under the many layers you were wearing, feeling as if you were suffocated in your core with the heat trapped in and only within the center of your body.
“Are you alright?”
Turning to your side was a struggle as you shrugged off the stiff coat you were wearing. You were sure you looked nothing short of ridiculous as the puffer jacket hung loosely around your arms, your arms extended awkwardly to hold it from sliding off the ground. Your state of being was a stark contrast to the boy who was sitting next to you, his back all straight and proper. 
You did not really think much about Kita Shinsuke, even though he had been sitting next to you for almost half a year now. There was something distant about him, like he was in a whole world of his own while everyone else just circulated around. He was always polite, never slipped up, getting back earlier than most and arrived at each function punctually. Your image of him was that he was always paying attention in class while everyone else was drooling off, his voice loud but calm when he was suddenly called to read out whatever passage you were supposed to have read at home but obviously didn’t.
It was strange, you were almost distancing yourself from him despite physically being next to him at all times.
He just didn’t seem so real, didn’t feel very human to you.
“Are you alright?” Kita asked again, this time tilting his head a little seeing that you were looking ahead blankly instead of responding.
You snapped out of your trance, quickly yanking off your jacket to place it on your lap in what you hoped was a swift motion to save the embarrassment of acting like a socially numb idiot.
“Oh, I’m fine,” you smiled, shoving your hands under your coat to try and warm up the fingers you still couldn’t feel under the fleece, “thank you for asking.” You added, almost like a second thought as you grew more and more uneased by his seemingly doubtful gaze.
Kita’s eyes went to your hair that was still not yet tidied up from being tangled up by the wind, the dots of water on your coat that was no doubt left from the snow, and your hands that were now rubbing together again and again under the coat according to his guess.
His brows furrowed at the way you were folding yourself smaller and smaller, pulling the heavy jacket that was about to slip off your lap up against your body desperately.
There was a rush of shiver to your spine at the way he pursed his lips together, and you gulped as subtly as you could while trying to maintain the smile on your face. 
There was a speckle, a tiny bud of warmth setting off in your stomach when he turned around and slipped his hands into his jacket, hung neatly at the back of his chair unlike yours, and took out a small packet. It was a white fabric pocket but you could see the black powder inside from the thin fabric. 
You did not react when he held his hand out, slender fingers holding on the hand warmer mid-air as he waited for you to take it from him. You blinked at the boy who you had never really looked at properly until now, and felt a strange twist in your stomach at the notice that there was a slight flush on his face from the cold, dusting over his cheeks and leading your gaze to his eyes that were looking at you patiently.
He must have thought that you were so strange, you grimaced to yourself when the pang of guilt rushed to your face and burning to the tip of your ears at the remembrance that you had assumed him to be the strange one when you were being so disrespectful right now.
You held out both hands in front of him, looking like a child when he dropped the little bag in your hand. Nothing could stop the sigh from slipping out of your lips when you felt the heat it was emitting, landing on your fingertips like coal in the snow and seeping into your skin.
The warmth travelled from your skin down to your veins, running slowly and slowly until it settled down as a fuzzy tingle in your chest at the thought that it was so warm because he had been the one keeping it in his pocket, likely trapping the heat within his palms when he was holding the warmer himself.
“Thank you Kita kun...” you said appreciatively, swallowing the whine that was threatening to come out with the last note of your voice when you felt your senses slowly returning to you.
“You’re welcome,” he replied, and your heart skipped a beat when he leaned his chin on his palm and gave you a tiny smile, “you should keep it, my hands don’t get cold that easily and I brought mittens.”
You did not speak to him again that day as class started and he, like the good student you never were, put his attention back to things that were more worthwhile. But you could not help but listen carefully for the first time ever when he was once again called to read out the lengthy piece of literature you didn’t study, and feeling a burst of exciting, nerve-wracking warmth budding in your chest.
At age 15, you promised yourself you were not doing crushes over dumb teenage boys again. At age 17, you realised that the pang in your chest when Kita Shinsuke replied to your greeting each morning (one that you tried hard to make it sound as casual as one could get, if you may add) with a smile was the same as that when you imagined your old crushed looking up from the ball court to lock gazes with you. 
But Kita was not a dumb teenage boy, he was nice and well-mannered and asked you if you were alright on a winter day. So you told yourself you did not exactly break your promise, even though there was a lingering fear at the knowing that there too was a time when you thought the boy who sneered at the carefully wrapped box on his desk was nice and beaming like the sun.
(You had, however, screamed into your pillow in frustration the day he told you they made him the captain of the volleyball team for the next year when you carefully suggested that he seemed happier than usual. “Captains,” you groaned into your make-shift punching bag, “why are they always captains?”)
Winter passed, and then it was spring. Spring was the time for a new start, but you were not excited about changes. You had been content with a simple “good morning” every day made possible by the convenience of your adjacent tables, but how were you supposed to conceal your yearning for a smile and a nonchalant word of care as nothing out of place if you had to go out your way just to even catch a glimpse at him? 
You had to force yourself, clamp your lips tight together to stop the pitiful squeal that was close to bursting out from the back of your throat when you saw the familiar kanji, the same one as the direction always pointing people forward and the brightest star hanging on the sky, at the “ki” column of the class list. 
Your third and last year and still in the same class, this was a sign, this had got to be a sign.
The anticipation was hard to conceal as you paced down the hallway until stopping at the sign of “3-7″ above the door. The embarrassment immediately followed the initial rush of glee at the boy who was, as expected already there. He was sitting at the first seat at the row leaning by the wall and even though your heart died a little at the conflict that you could not slack in class with the whoever it was standing in front of the blackboard so close to you, you still walked closer to the table right behind his with carefully controlled steps.
“Good morning Kita kun,” you said, still fumbling to find a balanced tone between letting him know you were happy to see him but not too much, glad that you were in the same class but not in a creepy way, hoping that he also searched for your name the way you looked for his but not holding out too much for it.
your throat tightened when he smiled back at you, “Good morning, (y/l/n) san.”
“You are early,” you blurted out, praying that it wasn’t too sudden.
“Yes, I had to stop by the club room to prepare for the upcoming tryouts before coming back.” He had turned around to face you completely, and you searched for everything your brain could come up with to keep the conversation going.
“Oh right, you are the captain now,” you cursed yourself for stating something so obvious in your brain, absolutely loathing air-headed your own voice sounded in your head. You breathed in, mastering your courage to appear confident and charming, “I hope it’s alright if I sit here behind you?”
You were smiling, but your knuckles were hurting from how hard you had to grip at the handle of your bag just to hold yourself back from fidgeting. The chair was already half pulled-out, and you crouched down just slightly as you waited for a response.
You knew you were the one who asked, but what if he said no?
But he didn’t, and not even the fear of appearing like a fool in front of the boy you so wanted to impress could stop you from grinning ear to ear when he laughed. You didn’t think you had heard Kita laugh before. It was an addicting sound, crisp like bells and like the pink petals that were falling off the trees all around campus. 
You knew at that moment you didn’t care if this crush was just as dumb as the last one, or that you might end up looking like a fool for going against what you had so sternly told yourself when you were 15.
Screw 15 year old you, they knew nothing.
“Of course.”
Then winter rolled by the corner, as an angry current sweeping the dried leaves off the road and the temperature dropping and dropping until you were taking out your heavy coat from the back of your closet again.
It was with great regret and exasperation that you found out, one year after starting to learn more about Kita Shinsuke, that he was brilliant and absolutely so passionate about knitting.
The way you had a whole storm brewing in your head over something as simple as getting back to your classroom after lunch break to see a very calm, serene Kita at his table, with a ball of yarn on his lap and two needles threading with each other in his hand, was an absolute joke. You had tried to form an interest in volleyball just to have more chances to talk to him, going as far as to sit through the hour long practices matches that Inarizaki always had with other schools at the far back corner of the gym just to have something to bring up in a passing the next day. But of all the things, of all the things this person who seemed to be good at everything liked, it has got to be the one thing that you associated with nothing but bad memories.
“What are you making?” you asked, holding back the screaming thoughts in your head as you slid down into your own seat and leaned forward.
The little glimmer of joy in his eyes was hard to miss, and you were not sure if you want to feel triumphant for finding a new excuse to talk to him or cry because you had not looked at a knitting needle in years.
“I’m knitting socks,” he said and held up the tunnel of knitted fabric dangling off his needles, “it’s almost Christmas, and I wanted to make something practical for my teammates.” 
“Hm?” You nodded, urging him to go on as if your own scalp was not frying from the recoil of what happened the last few times you wanted to make something practical for someone.
“This is for Akagi from class 6,” he immediately added, thinking about how you might not know who Akagi from class 6 was, “he had been complaining about having cold feet at morning practices lately.”
(You did, in fact, know who Akagi from class 6 was, but decided to let him give you the information instead of exposing how much attention you paid to the Inarizaki Volleyball Club.)
Man, you had never wished you knew how to knit as much you do now.
“Can you teach me how to knit?”
Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck-
You froze at the words that went straight through your brain to your mouth and vocalised in the quiet classroom. 
“There’s something I want to make,” you gulped, stumbling to force a smile onto your face, “for someone.”
Someone as in, well, him.
You had already braced yourself to chuckle it off when he said that he was busy, or just some sort of well-intended reasoning that would all point to the immediate  conclusion in your head that you were just overstepping boundaries as no one but another classmate who just happened to sit near him for the past year.
But the screaming in your head stopped, leaving your world in absolute silence when he placed the ball of yarn onto his table and pulled another ball out from his bag.
You did not notice, which was strange because you were usually the first to overthink on each of his miniatures, that Kita Shinsuke nearly dropped the needles in his hand when you quickly, in the middle of your inner panicking, suggested that there was someone you wanted to knit for.
He wavered for a brief moment, wondering if he really wanted to teach you how to knit for someone else, before feeling a sour guilt that he was being a bad friend by hesitating to help you when you asked.
He wondered who it was that you wanted to make something for, he thought to himself as he handed you the spare pair of needles he had.
Must be someone important to you.
So every day until you eventually go on break for Christmas and the new years, you would go back to your classroom early during lunch period to learn how to knit from Kita Shinsuke, who was coincidentally who the eventually finished piece that you hope you would finish was meant for.
You went into this with no thought other than to suck up on your own impulsiveness and just milked what had become of it as much as you could, trying to fish the opportunity of spending extra time with him. You were not even sure if you would actually give him the finished piece if there would be any, you were not sure if you were prepared to go down the progress of determination turned hesitation turned eventual heartbreak that last time you had to muster up any courage just to gift something to another person.
Even though this was all an excuse for you to talk to Kita, there was no denying that the 3 years in which you avoided knitting only made your hands even clumsier than before. He was always patient, always stopping his hands with whatever sock or hat or glove he was making to take a look at what would hopefully become an intact piece of knitwork dangling off of your needles.
“Let me see.”
The soft hum from his nasal every time you called for his assistant was enough to have you weak, and you were so glad that he put all his focus on helping you because then he wouldn’t notice you staring at him rather shamelessly.
On days when the weather was good, it was as if his eyes were the winter sun, the same one that was spilling in through the windows and casting a soft halo around him, all while his brows contorted in concentration over your work.
It turned out that Kita Shinsuke was great at teaching, and while much slower than him, you eventually managed to sit in comfort silent with him in the tender winter afternoons of Hyogo and let the sounds of thread pulling filled the air. You were trying but he was a natural, even though he claimed that it was just a direct result from years, a decade of practicing.
In the time you had struggled to focus on one piece, you had seen Kita worked on a multitude of things you were sure you should not even attempt to make. There was a nice thick pair of gloves for Ojiro, the trusty spiker who was feeling bothered by his dry hands from cold water. Another pair of gloves but this time fingerless because, to quote Kita, Suna Rintarou probably wouldn’t wear anything that kept him away from his lovely touch screen. You saw woollen hats twice but in different colours, and he had explained that he thought of making something different for the ruckus twin boys but figured they would just get into yet another fight over who gets what.
Crush aside, you wished you had a slither of his skills.
“I think anyone can be good at knitting,” he said, handing you back the row of maroon casts you had asked him to check up on with an approving nod. His fingertips just barely brushed against yours as he let go of the needles, sending shivers up your forearm that you were so glad was covered by your cardigan.
You laughed, brushing your finger at the few spots that you struggled to get right on the pattern, “I doubt.”
His eyebrows furrowed. “What do you mean?” he said, pointing towards the casts that got neater and neater as you progressed visibly, “you are already getting better.”
You pursed your lips, toying with the unfinished hem.
You had learnt a long time ago that sometimes you tried your best, but the best was not always enough. Sometimes, the best would get you a huff and a complaint that your heart and soul was too heavy, too suffocating. Sometimes the more and more you put into something meant that you did not know where to put it anymore once you tore it apart after no longer having someone to give it too, but it was too much to shove back into the hole in your heart.
You wondered if your best or your “better” was enough this time.
“Kita kun.”
“Hm?” he hummed, like how he always did when you look up at him from your hands. But you did not look at him this time, twirling the loose end of the yarn in your index finger instead.
“Do you think getting something handknitted from someone you aren’t with is suffocating?”
Kita frowned at the sad smile that was on your lips. You were looking at what he assumed would be a scarf from the casting and the patterns, rubbing at the slightly crooked cable. Were you thinking of the person you want to give it to? Were you worried that they wouldn’t like it? He had made himself stop speculating who it was that made you get back early each day and struggle so clearly with something you didn’t seem to exactly enjoy just to make something thoughtful for them, but he couldn’t stop the bitterness from welling up that it was someone who made you worry over them finding you suffocating.
He wanted to tell you that anyone who thought so was not someone who deserved your time, but swallowed it down anyways.
“No,” he said, and you finally looked up at him, “I think it is rude to think that of someone who put effort into doing anything with me in mind.”
And there it was again, the same warmth that tingled until it was all you could feel. Like a hand warmer, like a simple hello in the mornings, like the winter sun that was shining on you.
You smiled, a genuine one this time.
Because Kita Shinsuke was not just some dumb crush, because he wasn’t like the boy who never really did look up to see you, because you were ok with breaking every single promise you had made to shield yourself off just for a chance with him.
He seemed confused at your sudden change of mood, but you only shook your head and picked up the knitting needles again.
“You’re right.”
To say that everyone was hyped for winter break was an understatement.
But you, you were just really nervous.
You greeted Kita when you came back in the morning as usual, feeling the nerve bundling up in your stomach already just from knowing that if this went badly, you could not bear it to pretend to still be his friend from then on. Classes did not pique your interest in the slightest, and the only time you even diverted your gaze upwards from the book you were staring at blankly was when Kita’s voice rang in the classroom, blocking the blackboard from your view as he stood up to answer some question you did not know the answer to.
He looked warm, you remarked to yourself as your eyes scanned through the grey vest he was wearing.
Did he make it himself? Maybe you should ask him for a tutorial later.
And then you remembered that it was the last day before break, and your knitting sessions with him was already over. Your scarf was finished, he even complimented you on it. (“I’m sure whoever got this will be very pleased,” he had said, and you were just praying to whatever entity you could think of that he would still think so when you give it to him) It wouldn’t make sense for you to go to him anymore, and it would be awkward for both of you if he knew that you were only learning how to knit to be around him.
Your hands were so cold, nearly in pain as you grip on the box that you had been hiding in your bag all day long. You backed out of giving it to him during lunch when no one else was around, deciding that you would rather not stare at his back for another few hours after basically exposing yourself. But the day was about to come to an end. The winter sun was always gone early, and the sky was lit up in shades of orange and red as students rushed home for the start of their break.
You sucked in a deep breath when you saw him packing up his things after the end-of-class bell rang.
“Kita kun?”
All you could hear was the beating in your ears and the hilt of what was a steady rhythm when he turned to look at you. His voice still made you melt, and heat spread on your face like the fiery cloud hanging on the sky from the setting sun.
Warm, bright, beautiful.
“This is for you,” you tried to stop your voice from shaking as you looked into his eyes, the same ones that widened when he saw the box on your extended hands, “thank you for helping me all through last year.”
You had to remind yourself to breath as Kita took the wrapped present. “Can I open it?” he asked, his hand hovering above the ribbon.
You tried to maintain the smile on your face.
“Of course.”
Kita knew the scarf that was sitting inside the box, he could point out which cast was his doing and which ones you had asked him for help even with his eyes closed. He had wondered about what you had done with it, whether the person who got it was worth your heart and soul.
He had wished, with sincerity, that it would go well for you but there was also a selfish part of him that pondered, contemplated how it might go if he told you he would love to have that scarf.
You grimaced when he didn’t say a word, before slowly closing up the box. You had prepared yourself for this outcome, but part of you still felt a familiar sting in your chest.
Until you saw him digging into his own bag and pulling out a tiny bag. You were still dazed as he handed it to you, his fingers holding onto the handle and a smile on his face as he waited for you to take it. You reached out with both palms, before the weight of it settled in your hand.
It was a pair of gloves, soft and sturdy in your hands without a single stitch out of place. Your finger brushed against the intricate patterns at the center before stopping at the elastic hem. You could not help but slid it on, gasping in awe at how it fit perfectly.
Kita was smiling at you, and he was throwing the end of the scarf to his back when you looked up at him. The one he had worn that morning when he made way back to school under the cold was shoved into his bag and replaced by the less well-made one you had given him.
But he didn’t care, he loved it.
“Should we go?” He asked, holding his own gloved-hand out, “They are closing the school soon.”
You finally got to be mesmerised by him without having to shy away, and the way his eyes were full of you could only be matched to the sun that was setting outside, rays of what would be the last of its shine until tomorrow reflecting off the snow.
Beautiful, soft, and had your heart all warm and gooey.
“Let’s go.” You replied, grinning ear to ear, before taking his hand.
And it was so, so warm.
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sukirichi · 3 years
sukirichi’s 2.4k milestone event
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weee another milestone and nooo i couldn’t wait for 2.5k because i’m so excited and happy, thank you so much! ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ including HAIKYUU this time around yeeeee! also i don’t have a restaurant aesthetic anymore, just kind of goofing around now! REQUESTS ARE OPEN. 
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before you request...
please read about my writings first! it will include the stuff i write and don’t write about. i’m more flexible in nsfw works, so if you really want to try for a kink, just send me in and if the idea is up to my liking, we’ll see how it goes! 
please be patient and nice! if i don’t like the tone of your request or if you’re ‘demanding’ me, aka, “hey, write this for me, this concept...” your ask will immediately be deleted!
no requesting of the same idea to other writers please!
please keep in mind i don’t do too much canon-heavy plots, aka really specific canon events and how they lead up to one another. i don’t read the manga for both jjk and haikyuu ʕっ• ᴥ • ʔっ
I do not do headcanons anymore. I’m not good at them LMAO.
i feel a lot more laid back in my writings now, so i’ll only be taking requests that i want to write for! the accepted requests will be listed down below as i organize them
you may refer to my first milestone event if you want more ideas for AU requests! you no longer need to include the numbers/spices/ingredients format used in that. just send whatever idea you want ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
I HAVE SOMETHING TO TELL YOU. whichever idea i love the MOST will be turned into a series just because I want to try new things hehe!
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— characters i can write anything for (nsfw & sfw)
: gojo satoru, fushiguro megumi, fushiguro toji, choso, ryoumen sukuna, nanami kento
: suna rintarou, kageyama tobio, tsukishima kei, miya twins, kita shinsuke, oikawa tooru, ushijima wakatoshi, bokuto koutarou, akaashi keiji, tetsuro kuroo
— characters i can only write sfw for
: itadori yuuji, inumaki toge, okkotsu yuuta
: kenma kozume
— characters i’m MOST eager to write simp for
: fushiguro megumi, choso, naoya zenin, ryoumen sukuna, gojo satoru
: suna rintarou, kageyama tobio, kita shinsuke, oikawa tooru, akaashi keiji
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accepted requests: (only accepting the ones that interest me for now!)
favorites marked as ⭐
RYOUMEN SUKUNA: hello love!! i know it LITERALLY just came out but would you consider a pt 2 or a drabble for sweet lies? where megumi either catches her and sukuna or she genuinely starts moving on uasdfghj i'm convinced that megumi heard her fucking sukuna in the bathroom <3 anyways pls feel free to ignore me too
RYOUMEN SUKUNA: Ma’am , i beg of u ,,, spare husband! sukuna x wife! reader drabble. I just read your arranged marriage AU and lordddd i’m obsessed. How long did it take for him to take her virginity 😳? i’m so curious as to how that went down read here: black magic [02]
⭐⭐ RYOUMEN SUKUNA:  Yooooo how about Rockstar Sukuna seducing his manager ehehehehe~ 
⭐ RYOUMEN SUKUNA: Ok but... pirate captain Sukuna 👀👀👀 I’m havin some Thots ngl 🥵🤤 I can’t decide whether reader should be the first mate and they’re a kickass Power Couple 💪😎or if she should be a stowaway who gets found out and has to pay for her passage with her body 😩😉
OKKOTSU YUTA: We both be weak for yuuta and toge😩 congrats 2.4k btw. so i'll request that for the event! poly!yuuta and toge. i see that you only write sfw for them so fluff. u can think of anything you want for it..and yes we simp for both of them i love them sm🤧
⭐ OKKOTSU YUTA: Hi saw that your request are open and congrats for the 2.4k !! 🎊 if possible can i please request yuuta having a girlfriend that's his childhood friend? (So like instead of rika it's y/n and she doesn't die) that loves to dote on him cause that boy needs some love. Thank you!! <3 | kiss me more
⭐ OKKOTSU YUTA: Hi can i request a scenario in which inumaki and okkotsu gets hit with a curse(?) That makes them a clone but the clone is a kid and seeing their gf taking care of the baby please thank youuu
INUMAKI TOGE: Toge's S/O being so sad that even when he says "smile" it doesn't work( also saw that in TikTok)
⭐ INUMAKI TOGE: Hi can i request a scenario in which inumaki and okkotsu gets hit with a curse(?) That makes them a clone but the clone is a kid and seeing their gf taking care of the baby please thank youuu
INUMAKI TOGE: We both be weak for yuuta and toge😩 congrats 2.4k btw. so i'll request that for the event! poly!yuuta and toge. i see that you only write sfw for them so fluff. u can think of anything you want for it..and yes we simp for both of them i love them sm🤧
⭐ INUMAKI TOGE: Hi! Congrats on 2.4k!!🤩 For the event, may I request an au where reader is Yuuta's sister? Can be gn/fem reader anything is fine. And they fall in love with Toge? Fluff fluff fluff please🥺Maybe they meet one day when she went to visit the school? Or she's a new sorcerer. Aahhhh I can't think of anything so I'll leave it up to your wonderful mind😌 Thank you! And again congrats! | crush
INUMAKI TOGE: SUKI OMG SIREN AU WITH TOGE AND DEAF READERHis voice hypnotizes all who hear it but she’s unaffected and he’s shook lmao 😂 She teaches him human sign language so they can communicate 🥺 maybe when he realizes he likes her he brings her seashells and other shiny things from the sea floor and it’s so cute 🥰 just 🥺🥺 siren Toge 🥺🥺🥺 (DEBATING)
GOJO SATORU: Hello dear Suki! 🤗 congrats on your more than deserved milestone 👏🏼🥳 I know it’s not the restaurant aesthetic anymore but still, thank you for being a Michelin-star chef spoiling the fandom with your food 🤤👀 I’d love to request the following: ingredient 66 with sugar 8 & 9 and Gojou as cherry on top 🥰 some heavy angst with a happy / smutty ending. additional 🍪 for inspiration - „Best friends don’t look at each other the way you look at her. You never know what will happen, tomorrow might be too late“. Have a lovely day dear 💕
GOJO SATORU: Congrats on 2.4K!!!! May I please request a fic where the reader has like. Zero reaction to Gojo? And he’s kinda shook bc people either adore him or hate him, but here’s reader acting like he’s just a normal dude. And he starts falling for her bc he’s never experienced that before
⭐ GOJO SATORU: a reader that likes Gojo but immediately says N O P E bc they clock that he’s at risk of breaking their heart so they just try to avoid getting close to him despite being a teacher stuck with him a lot of the time. And Gojo is just like ??? But I like you??? Why are you always avoiding me? “I’m tired of you acting like I can’t commit to something. Committing to you is easy.”
⭐ GOJO SATORU: ♡Soft nsfw scenario with s/o and gojo while outside is snowing read here: cold
⭐ GOJO SATORU: Ohoho~ another milestone! Congrats~Can I get Vampire!Satoru x Monster Hunter!Reader where he “proves” to her that all of his victims came willingly(I think from the AU choice you’ll know exactly who I am lol 😉)
⭐ GOJO SATORU: hello! first and foremost, congratulations on reaching 2.4k! i love your writing and its just oh my goodness <3 your stories made my heart squeezed! second of all, i'd like to propose a request for a story. fluff/angst (up to you! your way of writing is just superb) mixed with nsfw gojo satoru. a modern business tycoon au where he just lost his wife and is overprotective of his 1 year old toddler. you're his new staff in the office and is treated badly bcs you know, new staff. one day, you stumbled upon your boss and his baby in a shop, who wont stop crying and he took an interest in you when you managed to calm his kid down. he hired you as his babysitter + made you move into his estate. from there, your life changed! also, thank you for accompanying my days with your stories, it's marvelous! 💕
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ NAOYA ZENIN MY BAE: okay i thought you might like this idea for the event (or maybe not lol) - naoya coming home to his beloved little housewife and feels like giving her a treat for being such a good girl.,,.,, read: man's gonna re-arrange your guts and have some soft moments with you after (not that he would ever admit that shsghshsj) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ | good girl
NAOYA ZENIN MY BAE: Stage magician Naoya and his cute little assistant, where every other trick works to undress or strategically rip her outfit so he can show off his little bunny to the crowd before fucking her brainless backstage
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ NAOYA ZENIN MY BAE:  listen ,,,,, ur naoya hate fic goes crazy stupid may i add something. naoya being overprotective like reader is so pretty and many of the clan men look at them a lottttt and naoya out of nowhere will kiss you in front of them or will grab them in front the maids and workers. then reader becomes mad and they get into an argument and then hate fuck :D lmaoo  (THIS REQUEST PLEASEEEE SEND ME TO HEAVEN) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ NAOYA ZENIN MY BAE: Omg Suki! Congrats on the 2.4k! So uhmm I decided to take a break from the Kita/Naoya twin au angst 👉👈 idk if you are still accepting requests but HAS ANYONE EVER MENTIONED OR HAVE YOU EVER CONSIDERED SUGAR DADDY NAOYA????? 🥺 -🌸
FUSHIGURO MEGUMI: Megumi being insecure about his eyes because they are a very light green colour( like in manga) so he wears blue contacts( I saw that on TikTok and... big brain energy)
⭐ FUSHIGURO MEGUMI: SUKI, HI! First of all, congrats on 2.4K you absolutely deserve every single milestone coming your way 💞💞If it’s not too much to ask may I request a one-shot with megumi where he’s jealous that his fem!crush is spending more time with Itadori and sees how she enjoys his company a lot but it’s purely platonic? Reader likes megumi too and they both need that push in the right direction?Thanks so much if you decide to write this 🥺💖 I seriously love your writing and your big brain sm
CHOSO: Could you write something with Choso and the reader that has a toxic mother (if that actually exists.  She controls everything the reader does, and plays with her mind/ feelings making her feel like she's the bad one)?But after a fight with the mom, the reader has enough and just leaves deciding they will finally do what they want, ending up at a tattoo shop, where Choso is the tattoo artist.Ngl, i'd like this to be nsfw because i am thirsting for this man ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)Don't really have kink preferences but if you could include size and breeding kink then i'd be hella thankful ☺
GETOU SUGURU: Yo how about a Victorian AU with Gentleman Thief!Getou and Debutante!Reader nsfw 👀👀 maybe she hears something in the dark and goes to investigate and gets pressed to the wall with a knife at her throat 👀🥵
FUSHIGURO TOJI: can we get a part two of the "lessons learned" toji fic 👉🏽👈🏽 maybe him fucking and overstimulating her so hard she cries and begs for mercy but no mercy will be given. maybe he uses the same handcuffs she used for him on her 🥰 maybe some manhandling cause im a hoe for letting a man throw me around
⭐ KAGEYAMA TOBIO (fckin finally): kageyama tobio x reader fic for mutual virginity loss? maybe they just haven’t had time with him being a fancy schmancy volleyball player, maybe there’s just nerves, i don’t know! i’ll leave it up to u babe <3
⭐ SUNA RINTARO: hi!! congrats on the 2.4k HEHE just wanted to request a suna and tattoo/flower shop au? idk just the thought of tattooed suna is like. mm yes
⭐ SUNA RINTARO/AKAASHI KEIJI: hi suki!! i’m so excited for your event! so i rarely ever see someone else who loves both akaashi and suna so i was wondering if you could write something for them! maybe apocalypse au?? or roommate au?? i was thinking y/n could have a relationship/be fuck buddies with one of them and some smutty exhibitionism happens with the other watching, and then some pining that ends in a threesome if you write those! if not, then just a smutty n filthy little love triangle that you can choose an ending for lol (a happy one would be nice bc my heart can only handle so much angst, but really it’s up to you and what inspires you!!) tysm for doing this event and always working so hard <3
⭐ OIKAWA TOORU: hi i love your writing!! can i please request work au (boss oikawa x secretary fem reader?) with degradation and him fucking your in the window 😭💗💗
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amesstm · 3 years
Reasons and Days
Pairing: Miya Atsumu x Reader
Summary: If you two only told each other how you really felt.
WC: 2.1K
Warnings: angst, miscommunication because I am evil
A/N: I listened to so many sad love songs because I am depresso so hopefully I was fully inspired for this one. 
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Frankly, you should’ve been studying, relaxing, sleeping – anything else. In fact, that essay due at the end of the week was begging to be looked at but you couldn’t focus on it at the moment. Not when Miya Atsumu consumed your every thought each second of every day.  
Admittedly, you don’t remember how it came to this. You two have been friends with each other ever since middle school. You could tell him everything, but you couldn’t tell him about this: your feelings for him. At first, you tried to bury it six feet under but it bubbled to the surface. How could anyone say no to his smile?
Then, you realized it wasn’t something you could easily get rid of. You’ve tried to expel your feelings several times now. You even tried to be disgusted with how he messily ate despite having years to become accustomed to it. It didn’t work.  
You still don’t know what compelled you to like him. No, scratch that. You could list every reason why. After all, you had written every single minuscule thing every day. Sometimes, you’d write down reasons in your phone so you wouldn’t forget. If you couldn’t stop liking him, you thought that you might as well justify your feelings. 
Reason 1: he makes you smile. It was the simplest one, but it was the most crucial because those rapid heartbeats didn’t mean nothing to you. And when he smiles in return? Your heart would stop.
Reason 26: he gives his all to everything he’s passionate about. Surprisingly, this was lower down the list but you still jotted it down because it was essential to his personality.  
Reason 41 – the most recent one: he gave me his sweater when it was cold. Even now you wore it, pulling the sleeves above your hands. The scent of his cologne was still faintly there and you smiled at it – reminded of all the hugs you two shared.  
You sneezed softly and groaned before blowing your nose. Perhaps you should dress warmer like Atsumu advised. The weather was beginning to chill, and it was only December 3rd.
The letter in front of you demanded to be finished, so you obliged.  
Dear Atsumu,
I know that it’s only been 41 days since I figured out I liked you – but every day you give me something new to adore. Today you gave me your sweater and I absolutely love it. Something about it is just so you? It’s even one you bought from your time at nationals. I’m so excited to watch you go to nationals again this year!  
Tomorrow is another day and I get to find another thing to admire about you. I’ll wear warmer clothes like you want, even I can admit that.  
Why do you do this to me?
Now that the small letter was complete, you finally returned your attention to the essay you had to complete.  
“Good morning Y/N!” Atsumu exclaimed, jumping onto you. The sudden surprise of his body weight made you falter and almost fall over until he got off. For whatever reason this morning, he was in a joyful mood.  
“Don’t be a brute, idiot,” Osamu muttered, rolling his eyes at his twin. His droopy eyes moved to you and he said, “Mornin’ Y/N.”
You smiled kindly, “Good morning to you two. What’s got ‘tsumu so excited?”
Osamu sighed and began to walk with you, ignoring Atsumu completely, “He’s going to some camp this month.”
“It’s not just any camp!” Atsumu whined. He sprinted up to meet with you and slung an arm around your shoulder. “It’s the All-Japan Youth Training Camp!”
You beamed, “That’s amazing, ‘tsumu! Do you know anyone else going?”
“Heh, do you really need to ask?” He began to smirk, probably because he spent all his time stalking each person. You shook your head and he began to laugh.  
“Anyways,” Osamu cleared his throat. “Class is starting and we need to go.”  
“Oh shoot, ‘samu’s right,” you jumped after looking at your watch. “Bye ‘tsumu!”
Atsumu waved you two goodbyes with a smile, but frowned when you left his view. Despite knowing you longer and being your friend first, it seemed as if you liked Osamu more. You and Osamu decided to hang out more – even without having projects to do together. The first bitter feeling occurred maybe a month ago, when you smiled at a joke Osamu made.  
Around a few weeks ago, you showed up to a game of theirs. The game had been pretty hard on Osamu, so of course you would run up to him first to see if he was okay. Still, it didn’t change the fact that it hurt not having you run towards him once he was out of the locker room.  
He knew he had no right to be jealous. You were your own individual. It’s not like you two were dating, either. Yet, Atsumu couldn’t explain the drops in his stomach when he saw you with Osamu. Something just seemed right about it.  
Could Atsumu blame you for favoring Osamu? No. He couldn’t. Atsumu chose to be unlikeable. At the time, nothing else mattered but training for volleyball. Now, he regretted it. So many people don’t like him. Atsumu thought he had no right to be upset with you for choosing Osamu, too. Everyone always did.  
“Hey ‘tsumu!” You said, running up to him just as he was about to leave his house. Huffs of dragon breath puffed into the air as you caught your breath. Your body was burning up despite the cold weather.  
The blond looked surprised, especially since you were never a morning person. His widened eyes slanted into a smile. “Who are you and what have you done with Y/N?”
You rummaged into your bag, “Oh hush. I made you a care package.”
Atsumu’s eyes twinkled as if he saw a volleyball begging to be set. “Really?!”
You nodded. Procuring the package, you held it out to him. Reason 52: he gets excited over the simplest gestures of kindness. Suddenly, your cold face warmed up. Atsumu looked through the goodies, “You even got me fatty tuna?!”
You chuckled, “It wouldn’t be a care package without it.”
The setter wrapped you in a tight hug and pulled away with a grin. “Thank you so much! Is there anything I can do for you?”  
Was this your chance to ask for a date? No, that only works in fanfiction. Just ask for something simple. “Please play nice at the camp.”
Knowing Atsumu, that might be harder. Should’ve gone for something even simpler.
“Have some faith in me!” Atsumu pouted, “I can be nice!”
You raised an eyebrow but shook your head. “I’ll give a survey to everyone there just to make sure.”
“Eh? Who are you? Aran-san or Kita-san?”  
“Nope, just Y/N,” you replied, sticking out your tongue.  
“That’s enough for me,” Atsumu murmured.  
You blinked. Did you hear that right? Snapped out of your thoughts by the sound of a door slamming open, a familiar voice called out through the soft snow. “’Tsumu, mom says that you need to hurry up and catch the train!”
“Crap! You’re right!” Atsumu exclaimed. “Goodbye, Y/N!”  
Then, the blond ran off, making sure not to slip on the slush. Osamu watched his twin run off in his own coat no less and sighed with a shake of his head, “Y/N, do you want to come in for hot chocolate?”
“Please?” At the thought of warmth, you shivered. “It’s really cold.”
Osamu stepped aside so you could enter the warm house. Unbeknownst to you, Atsumu was watching you enter and bit his lip.  
Days passed and soon the Miya twins were off to play in the nationals. Unfortunately, you couldn’t afford the time to watch them in person. Luckily, you and Atsumu were still able to text. As expected, the Inarizaki team won their first match. But the next match was completely unpredicted. An unknown team would move onto quarterfinals instead of your school’s team.
Atsumu would be crushed.  
As the buses stopped before the school, you waited impatiently to comfort Atsumu. You even prepared some mochi that he could nibble on. The sweater that clung to your body was his, showing your support for him. When Atsumu stepped out of the bus, his face still looked dark, yet determined.  
“Hey, you were amazing,” you said to him, putting a hand on his arm.  
“It wasn’t enough,” the perfectionist in him replied. He stalked off without you, head low as he was planning his next course of action.  
You stopped in your tracks. He didn’t bother looking back.  
“Y/N, are you okay?” Osamu asked, looking at you with concern.  
“Reason 68: he never gives up,” you simply stated.
Osamu understood immediately. In the short time you two have grown closer, you spilled everything to him. Contrary to his brother, Osamu was an amazing listener, which you would greatly appreciate right now.  
As he was about to lead you to the gym, Osamu stopped when he heard you. “Reason 1: he left me behind.”
That was the start of the reasons why you shouldn’t like Atsumu. The blond slowly distanced himself from you – from everyone, really. The Sunday nights spent getting ice cream were replaced with him overworking himself, trying so hard to make up for his faults. He didn’t wait for you to meet him outside of your classroom, either. Instead, he ran towards the gym to practice more sets.  
During this time, Osamu and you grew ever closer. For Atsumu, this was the hint that you wouldn’t stay to support him. The time you two spent together were slowly filled with Osamu’s presence. Now, he was cooking onigiri for you to try every Sunday night. Now, he was the one walking you to your locker after classes.  
Atsumu could only watch from afar, from the insides of the gym unless you came to watch a practice or game. To him, this was just as inevitable as death. The feeling of you leaving him was slow, then rush all at once. Perhaps death would just be as suffocating, if he were to die of a broken heart now.
There was only so much time until you would choose Osamu over him, anyways. When he wasn’t focused on volleyball, he would try to rationalize his feelings. His heart and head were in completely different places. Atsumu cursed himself. If only he weren’t at his lowest point, then he would know how to overcome this right now. But you decided to pull away at this time.
The balled Atsumu served was crushed into the floor and bounced into the hallway. Suna huffed, “What’s wrong with you?”
“Eh?” Atsumu glared, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“In case you forgot, you would be upset with Osamu for messing up. Now you are. Why?”
“It’s none of your business,” Atsumu snapped. He sighed, “Just don’t mention Osamu right now.”
Suna blinked and left it alone. If Atsumu wanted to fight with Osamu he would, and Suna didn’t want to get in trouble with Kita. Not unless he could video tape the fight.  
Spring came along, which meant that White Day was also about to be upon them. For Valentine’s Day, you decided to give something to both Osamu and Atsumu. Osamu was given an onigiri plushie and Atsumu was given a sushi plushie. They were by far the cutest objects in the twins’ shared bedroom.  
Now, Atsumu just had to think of what to give you. But should he? You spent so much time with Osamu that it seemed like you forgot about him. In fact, you came to the Miya household for Osamu more than Atsumu now.  
Regardless, Atsumu still bought you some red roses. The florist secured the bouquet with a shiny, golden ribbon. A sweet note was attached to it, apologizing for not giving you enough attention. Yet, you’d never get that bouquet.  
The older twin saw his brother give you chocolates. No wonder the house smelled like chocolates. Osamu even sneakily asked his brother to sample them. Atsumu gripped onto the roses, his mouth wavered, and his eyes watered. A small whimper escaped his mouth. He clutched them and walked away from the couple. Once he was home, Atsumu placed the roses next to his window.  
Days passed, with you and Osamu becoming closer than ever. Reasons, untold, drew you closer to the grisette and farther away from the blond. Atsumu watched his red roses wilt into a dark crimson.
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1tsnoya · 4 years
NOYA-SENPAI - it me- your internet thirsty hours bestie 💜 Can we get headcanons on the following babies introducing their s/o to the team for the first time? -> NOYA (obvs), BOIkawa, KEN-fucking-MA, kita PLEASE MARRY ME shinsuke and the sweet sweet SWEET bokuto? PLEASE AND THANK YOU I LOVE YOU 💜💜💜
a/n: hi eden ILY<3 this is to apologize for showing you bald kuroo-
✧・゚getting introduced as their s/o ✧・゚ headcanons
pairings: nishinoya x reader, oikawa x reader, kenma x reader, kita x reader, bokuto x reader
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:* :・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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→ as soon as you two started dating, he wanted to tell the vbc
→ and he did hhshsjs
→ he was always talking about you at practice, the team knew so much about you
→ noya: “guys guess what!”
→ tsukishima: “let me guess, it has to do with (y/n)?”
→ noya: “no...well actually-”
→ so one day hinata was just like “let’s meet them!”
→ noya was SO up for it, he called you right after practice to make sure that it was okay
→ you couldn’t say no, you could just hear the excitement in his voice
→ so the next day at the end of school, he bolted to meet you after your last class
→ “hi baby!” he grabbed your hand “let’s go!”
→ next thing you know, your fingers are braided together and you’re running down the hallway to go to the gym-
→ you are so out of breath by the time you get there but he’s still bursting with excitement
→ he swung the gym doors open and just shouted - “everyone!! this is (y/n) !!”
→ he was like a 5 year old showing off a toy at show and tell-
→ since he talked about you so much, the team just instantly clicked with you
→ ugh they’re just so welcoming and friendly
→ since you connected with them so quickly, they added you to the vbc groupchat and invited you to come to their next practice
→ the team just adores you probably more than they like noya HAHA
→ tanaka is 100% your and noya’s wingman
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→ okay before you, this boy would just fly through relationships
→ we know this for sure bc his nephew made fun of him 😔 heart been broke so many times-
→ anyways, so when you started dating he wanted to keep it on the downlow
→ he didn’t wanna jinx it! he just wants to see your relationship grow and last for a long time
→ even though deep down he wanted everyone to know that you were dating
→ yeah even though it was supposed to be lowkey, he put a picture of you as his lockscreen
→ being in a relationship with flattykawa, i feel like he’d definitely screenshot any snaps you send him or just in general has a lot of pictures of you on his phone
→ secret relationship my ASS- what was he expecting???
→ his mindset was “who’s gonna go through the captain’s phone?? nobody caus-”
→ it wasn’t intentional, he just wanted to check the time but then saw a new face on oikawa’s phone..
→ so he took the phone, walked up to oikawa, and just SHOWED HIM THE LOCKSCREEN
→ then wow no surprise here. the whole team is 👀
→ iwaizumi teases him about this-
→ and then the whole team caught on
→ so an embarrassed oikawa called you and was like “can i introduce you to the team?”
→ he was lowkey peer pressured but we’re not gonna talk about that-
→ ofc you said yes. he was literally the captain of the team how could you not-
→ at first they were all welcoming and friendly. but after a few minutes passed, they were just—sigh rip oikawa
→ he’s was blushing like crazy at his teammates telling all of these embarrassing stories of him and you were just laughing hsksh
→ anywho the team loves u and when you occasionally show up to practice, it’s always an adventure
→ iwa is ur new bestie and kyoutani/mad dog tells you that if oikawa ever does something mean to you, he’ll beat the shit out of him
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→ i feel like kenma wouldn’t purposely hide your relationship, he’s just not the type to be so loud about it yk?
→ one day you texted him when he was at practice, and the nekoma vbc saw your contact name
→ “keNMA?? who’s (y/n) with a RED HEART??”
→ kenma: “my? s/o?”
→ and kuroo freaked out on him for not telling him
→ kenma: “it’s not like i was hiding it?”
→ that whole practice. everyone was just breathing down kenma’s neck
→ “what are they like???” “kenma you sly dog when’d this happen??” “when can we meet them?” “are u gonna get maaaarrrieeeed??”
→ cue annoyed and kind of blushing kenma
→ when he told you about the team finding out, he surprisingly had asked you if you wanted to meet them
→ “they’re really dumb but they’ll love you”
→ so next practice, he met up with you and walked u to the gym
→ and when you got there.. there was just SCREAMING
→ kenma: “guys back off you’re gonna scare them”
→ kuroo is basically like.. a mom. throw all that cool guy shit out of the window
→ he’s like shaking ur hand at 85 mph “kenma has told us so much about you”
→ lev: “but we just found out yester-?”
→ yaku: “just let him have his moment”
→ you become the team mom! how could u not? these boys love you too much
→ “kenma why didn’t you tell us about them earlier??!!”
→ the team is super hype whenever you show up, and when you don’t they’re all pouty — “kenma where’s (y/n) ?🥺”
→ bonus: you, kenma, lev, kuroo, and yaku all play minecraft together. boom ultimate friend group.
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→ i feel like kita would hide your relationship for a few months
→ he’s a bit on the more reserved side? i’m not sure how to explain it but he would want to wait to make sure your relationship is going well enough to introduce you to his friends, family, etc.
→ and since he’s the captain of the volleyball team, he definitely wanted to let some time pass before introducing you
→ this boy literally cried when he realized that he was captain. he loves them but on the downlow hhdjsh
→ a few months in, kita was at practice and atsumu was just...
→ “kita?? come on now, you’re still single?”
→ “oh kitaaaa i know you hear me!”
→ kita: “hop off my dick pls❤️”
→ “nO listen i can help you out her-”
→ he thought about it for a quick second and thought that your relationship was in a good place so just flat out said “i’m seeing someone already”
→ atsumu: surprised pikachu face “wait fr FR??”
→ he was just in shock tbh LOL
→ kita’s confidence 📈📈
→ then the whole team kinda just gathered around
→ kita: “yeah. i’ve been seeing them for a few months”
→ ofc the team was happy for him. maybe a few teases here and there but yuh<3
→ atsumu was still >:O what
→ a few days passed and he had asked you if you wanted to meet the team
→ you agreed and were super pumped. he loved his team like i said earlier though, on the DOWNLOW
→ when you met them, they were very polite and respectful
→ it felt a little weird tbh SHSJJS
→ but nope here comes atsumu “have you two really been dating for so long?”
→ kita: “yes..??”
→ “oh. well, hi i’m atsumu! :) how is kita? like you know-?”
→ he teases you two about dating but is rooting for it
→ the first time meeting everyone was a little awkward but then everyone warmed up to you
→ like they became used to you coming to practice and would occasionally ask kita “how’s (y/n)?”
→ basically, you help kita with his captain duties and the team really appreciates you <3
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→ being captain, the team is like his family
→ so it’s barely a few days into your relationship and he’s like “you should come to one of our practices!!”
→ and he’s bouncing up and down as he mentions it
→ “i’ll show you all of my cool moves-OH you can see how we do this thing ca-”
→ yeahhh you couldn’t say no
→ the team didn’t even know he was dating someone, he wanted to surprise everyone
→ so when you randomly showed up to practice with your bf, they were just “??? bokuto who is this ???”
→ there were stars in his eyes and he had this huge smile, “MY S/O! :DD”
→ the team is very welcoming. they’re just caught off guard because they’re lowkey thinking “how did bokuto manage to hop into a relationship he’s basically a baby-”
→ they’re a little quiet at first but then warm up to you. then it’s just wild
→ well bokuto gets wild..
→ bokuto: “HEY HEY- (Y/N) DID YOU SEE THAT?”
→ he 100% goes tryhard for you
→ the team notices this.. THEY TEASE HIM
→ they wouldn’t stop so he went into emo mode for a few minutes
→ you: “is he?? okay??”
→ akaashi: “oh yeah, he gets like this. bokuto weakness #7-”
→ akaashi lowkey becomes your wingman even though he denies it
→ he teaches you whatever ‘weaknesses’ bokuto has that you might need to know
→ bokuto also talks to akaashi about you a lot after you meet so you become besties at practices
→ if he starts acting like a baby while playing a match, you know how to calm him down or cheer him up
→ and then he plays 10x better
→ but yeah the team really likes you because you know how to control bokuto hsjsjhs
→ when bokuto adds you to the vbc groupchat, that’s when you become good friends with the team
→ like it’ll occasionally blow up at midnight when you send a tiktok lol
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Haikyuu!! Masterlist
**The events are just more oneshots/scenarios, they were just for a specific event. 🎵= songfic**
Sweet Home Hyogo- Kita ~COMPLETE
Not Scary To Me- Washio ~on going~
The Count Of Aoba Johsai- Kunimi ~on going
Aoba Johsai:
Picking Up The Pieces- Iwaizumi (comfort)
*Meeting the boss Pt.2 to picking up the Pieces
Wish I Were Heather...- Iwaizumi (angst)🎵
Wait- Hanamaki
THAT’S IT!! I QUIT- Akaashi (Kinda angsty, but fluff)
Insecure- Akaashi (slight angst but fluff)
'friends'- Washio
Life Changes- single dad Washio x single mom reader🎵
8 letters- Washio🎵
Speeding Ticket- Cop Washio x Paramedic reader
All’s not lost- Iizuna
It’s my fault...right?- Komori, a little Washio x reader (ANGST/TOXIC)
Mother-in-Law- Adriah Thomas
Break up with him - Meian🎵
Friend &lt; Boyfriend- Fukunaga
Don't close your eyes- Numai angst🎵
Bruises- Numai
EJP: EJP Shenanigans #1: The one where Washio's love life gets exposed
EJP Shenanigans #2: The one where Sarukui is a traitor and Washio becomes a Twilight vampire
No character mentioned:
I love you, all of you - OCD/intrusive thoughts comfort fic
favorite shirt
The One You Love - Suna angst Pt.1🎵
Angeleyes - Suna angst Pt.2🎵
Haikyuu!! Boys
Haikyuu!! Boys as stepdads PT.2
Haikyuu!! Boys and their biggest pet peeves
Haikyuu!! Boys and what branch of the military they’d be in/what job
Haikyuu!! Boys getting accidentally flashed by their girlfriend
Haikyuu!! Boys and what type of clumsy they are
Haikyuu!! Boys and how well they can cook
Haikyuu!! Boys and what rom-com they’d fit in
Haikyuu!! Boys and how flexible they are
Haikyuu!! Boys and their love rivals (kinda angsty)
Haikyuu!! Boys and what type of Old Men they’ll be
Haikyuu!! Boys and who’s sister they’d unknowingly date
Haikyuu!! Boys as Bad Dad moments
Haikyuu!! Boys and what drinks they get at Starbucks
Haikyuu!! Teams as what sport they would be if they weren’t a volleyball team
Haikyuu!! Boys and coffee mugs I think they would use
Haikyuu!! Boys and their wedding song
Haikyuu!! Boys getting stuck places and having to ask their GF for help
Haikyuu!! Boys and outfits I can see them wearing
Haikyuu!! Boys and whether or not they’re picky eaters
Haikyuu!! Boys getting accidentally hit ‘where it hurts’ by their kids
Haikyuu!! Boys getting caught cussing in front of their kids
Haikyuu!! Boys and the moment they thought their child came from satan
Haikyuu!! Boys and how they embarrassed themselves in front of your parents
Haikyuu!! Boys meeting their daughter's boyfriend for the first time
Haikyuu!! Boys being asked by their step children to adopt them
Haikyuu!! Boys meeting your family
Secret dating with Akaashi in HS
Kita crushing on/dating the Miya twins sister
Akaashi with a drug addicted S/O
Adriah Thomas with a S/O who is 4′11
*Height comparison for ^
Shugo Meian comforting S/O who’s upset
Adriah Thomas Dating HC’s
Tatsuto Sokolov BF Headcanons
Mountain Men of Haikyuu!!
Haikyuu!! Boys accidentally confessing
Valentines Day Event
Spin The Wheel: **On pause until I have my life together~**
Nicollas Romero + Workplace Romance
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hitozy · 3 years
osamu: a fool
➜ single dad!Osamu x nanny!Reader &baby Miya: Souji! ➜ did someone call for a smack of reality? no? cool ♥ ➜ self indulgent fluff. really. i’m just doing this for me and the people who like it lol // long time no see nanny au!
a continuation of part1 - of osamu, atsumu and feelings.
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It had been days since YN had said out loud that she liked him and he still hasn’t addressed it, which makes everything a bit awkward. He hasn’t been avoiding her, her can’t avoid her since she’s his nanny. She takes care of Souji 25/8, just like a mother would...
Osamu needs to snap out of it.
“Penny for your thought, ‘Samu?”
“Ya seem outta’ve it, so outta it that yer rice is burning.”
And so it was, god damn it. He hasn’t talked to anyone about what she said, since it really isn’t anyone’s business but... he needs advice, sadly only his brother is here.
“If i tell ya whats up, will you actually give me good advice?”
Atsumu gives him the most offended face in the world, “Like i don’t?!”
“Nevermind then”
“No no no, come on, come out and say it ‘samu. Promise it won’t come outta here.”
Osamu is very dubious of his twin. Yes, he’s good at volleyball. Yes, he strives even when he reaches his goal. No, he will NEVER admit it. but, he has such a BIG mouth.
But i really need his point of view, his opinion on this.
“I think i’m in love with my nanny.”
Atsumu bursts out laughing, and continues until he notices a replica of his serious face. “... Wait ya didn’t know that already?!”
“Whaddya mean?”
“‘SAMU! I THOUGHT YOU ALREADY NEW!? Ya treat yn like Dad treats Mom. Like as if she’s yer wife. Ya have been for a few months now, i thought you had figured it out already an’ was tryin’ to keep it on the dl. Damn ‘Samu”
His brother knew? HIS BROTHER KNEW?! Who else knew about it? Lust like that, comments of the past began to surface.
Kita: “Yer girlfriend is beautiful and very caring, she would make a lovely mother for Souji.”
Aran: “You and YN should join me and my wife on a double date. Let the girls get to know each other!”
Suna: “Souji is gonna call yn ‘mom' before you can call her ‘wife’.”
Akaashi: “I bet he when he grows up, he won’t even realize she isn’t biologically. I don’t think it would matter either,  YN is such a lovely mother to Souji.”
Oh, what a fool I have been.
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lil extra:
atsumu: ‘samu, u ok bro?
osamu: i am such an IDIOT *smashes his head against the countertop*
atsumu: OSAMU!?!?!?
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