#Kisara time
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talesofourworlds · 5 months ago
Even after so much time had passed, the loss of her brother still lingered at the back of Kisara's mind. Most days, she found ways to work around it. Life went on, and so too much she. On days like this, though, she found herself thinking of only him. His smile, the time they'd spent together... all of it. Even the regret she bore for not trying to mend the broken bond between them sooner.
Days like this warranted a visit to the memorial she'd made. No fear of being ruined like she knew such sites could have been in other parts of the united world allowed it to be possible. It was small, out of Viscint proper and close to the fishing hole she knew he'd taught her the skill. It was near enough to the city so she could slip in and out undetected.
At least, she was pretty sure she could.
She'd purchased fresh flowers earlier that day. He would have liked them, she thought. Once she reached the memorial, a little structure she'd made a short walk away from the pond, she knelt down and laid the flowers there.
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"I'm sorry it's been a while, Migal..." She could feel tears in her eyes, even after all that time. "But I'm here now." Even if here wasn't his final resting spot. The actual place he had passed was blocked off now, and for good reason. She was pretty sure he wouldn't have wanted a memorial there, anyway.
So, there she knelt with her flowers. Quietly remembering him. As far as she knew, she was alone.
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yugiohmangaoutofcontext · 1 month ago
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kisaraslover · 1 year ago
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mic-check-stims · 7 months ago
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Day 13: Make a board based on a character you kin/relate to
This one was the compromise result of the fucking headspace court case we used to settle on a character (I The Headmate Who Runs 90% Of The Blog don't do much kinning nowadays). None of us kin kisara but she has traits everyone usually flocks to when updating their kin list
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kisara-kaiba · 9 months ago
thinking about how the lines "if i could begin to be/half of what you think of me/i could do about anything/i could even learn how to love" and "i always thought i might be bad/now i'm sure that it's true/'cause i think you're so good/and i'm nothing like you" from SU's "Love like you" are so perfectly Seto to Kisara to me
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mic-check-flags · 1 year ago
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Monumentous for the pansexuality fandom
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bestygogirl · 1 year ago
BEST YGO GIRL: Round 2, Group D
Match 6
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please use this as an opportunity to say why you like a character, not why you don't.
Propaganda under the cut!
Ema Bessho
An absolute queen who is a mercenary duelist/hacker for hire and makes lots of money off of it by digging up data and secret information in Vrains and making bargains/profits off of them, her archetype “Altergeist” is wicked cool and super strong! She owns a motorcycle. She’s playful, smart, and skilled. Helped the protagonists and the other main characters big time with her skills and tech providing them with the information needed to get them into areas they can’t reach or warning the protagonist of a card he needs to keep an eye out for that helped him with his duel against the antagonist. very hot hacker, also rides a motorcycle and flusters all genders
I just really like girls with even kinda insect themed decks okay
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thexgrayxlady · 1 year ago
Kisara always gleefully listens to Kaiba's block zone rant, as delighted and fascinated as if it was the first time.
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crossroadsdimension · 1 year ago
Happy New Year! And what timing in my fic -- it's new year, new planet for Dahna and Rena!
We've got one more chapter to go after this, and then this story will be complete!
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armatization-a · 1 year ago
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guys. GUYS
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it's Jude Law
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olberic · 1 year ago
see the thing is. arise does have a finished story. it clearly wraps up the plot it set out to tell. its not outside the realm of standard tales storylines either in the whole “going to another planet” and “worldly energy” and “theres aliens” plotlines. the problem is just that its centrist (like vesperia and phantasia) and that a lot of the character relationships suck (graces). just since arise does weird plot AND centrism AND badly written pairs it gets a worse rep than other tales games. which i do think is ultimately unfair. most tales games do kinda suck a little bit its just that this site likes abyss so much which is strong in all the areas this one is weak. so yknow.
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kisaraslover · 8 months ago
come back soon papi
i cant believe i got hit with the "papi" ok you know what here you go
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dragontamer05 · 1 month ago
Bouquet! 💐
💐 BOUQUET - create a bouqet for them! what do those flowers mean? are any of the flowers their particular favourite?
[You didn't specfiy muse so uh, lets give Kisara the spot light]
Hmm make her a bouquet, huh. We're gonna put aside a moment like flower language lol
Nothing to extravagant, some bluebells, a single Water lily (she quite likes them), Peach blossoms and an assortment of wild flowers.
Honestly she just thinks they're pretty and enjoys soft colours.
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kitsuneru-translations · 2 years ago
シィちゃんクライシス / きさら feat. Ci flower (Translations)
Youtube Link to the video シィちゃんクライシス / きさら feat. Ci flower Ci-chan Crisis / Kisara feat. Ci flower ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ねえマスター Hey, master 昨日から何も進んでないよね? You haven't progressed at all since yesterday, right? 大丈夫? Are you okay?
わ! Wah! コラちょっと Hey wait ヘンなとこ触んな! Don't touch any weird places! …この変態 This pervert… 悔い改めろ You better repent!
もうちょいまともなもの食べなよ You should eat something a bit more decent そうだ 私が作ってあげよっか? Oh right, how about I make it for you? っておい なんだよその顔は Hey… What's that look for? チャーハンくらいは作れるんだよ I can at least make fried rice!
(チャーハン) (Fried Rice)
ねえマスター 私の声好き? Hey master, do you like my voice? ねえ好き? すきって言え!(強制) Heey, do you like it? Say that you like it! (Forcefully) えへへ やっぱりそうだよね Ehehe, I knew it~ もっと聞かせてあげるからね I'll let you hear it more, okay~ まさか目移りしてないよね?(フラグ) Or are you perhaps lying to me? (Flag) 浮気とかしたら許さないから I won't forgive you if you're cheating on me * んー? え? もう既に? Hm? Eh? You're giving up already? ** ふーーーーん へーーーーん そうなんだー Hmmmm Heeee I seee
あああ そんな… こんなはずでは… Ahh! No way… It wasn't supposed to be like this… 混ぜて焼いたら全部チャーハンだもん(暴論) Even if I mix or bake it, it all becomes fried rice! (Outrageous rant) うわー! まって! Uwaah! Wait! (言い訳タイム) (Excuse time) 違うのこれは! It's not what you think it is! 近所のカラスにおすそ分けをね? You should share it with the crows in the neighbourhood, okay?
(ペラペラ) (Chatter chatter) いやーまあ 誰しも失敗はある Well~ Everyone make mistakes たまたまだもん ステータスじゃない It just happened by chance, it's not a status 人はみな誰しも失敗から学ぶんだよ Everyone learns from the mistakes they make …って聞いてんの? Wait… Are you even listening?
(ガチトーン) (Serious tone) は? うわちょっと流石にひくわ… Hah? Uwaah that's so creepy… こっちこないで! キモイんだけど! Don't come here! It's creeping me out! 調子にのんな ニヤニヤすんな Don't you get carried away! Stop smirking! うざいって なに喜んでんの…? You're annoying, what are you happy about…? (ガチ引) (Seriously pulling away)
はあ、ほんとさあ いい加減にして Haah, seriously, that's enough 見てるとイライラするんだよ Just looking at you is making me annoyed まさかそれわざとやってないよね? You're not doing this on purpose right? ちょっと ほんとやだぁ! Hold on, I really don't like this! (生理的に)(無理) (Physiologically speaking, NO WAY) 無理無理無理無理無理無理 NO WAY NO WAY NO WAY NO WAY NO WAY NO WAY
ちゃんとこまめに保存してる? Are you sure you're saving it frequently? 3時間前… 3 hours ago… いますぐやって! Do it immediately! 夜更かしじゃなくて早起きしなよ(ド正論) You're not a night owl, you should get up early (Sound argument) いたっ 太ももつねんないでよ! Ouch, don't pinch my thigh!
焦らなくても大丈夫だよ 私がそばにずっといるじゃん You don't have to rush things, I'll be right by your side all the time. もっと信じてよね You should trust me more 私のことと、あと自分のこと About me, and also about yourself
“わああ! ちょっと! なにそのページ?!” "Waah! Wait! What's that page?!" “マスターそういうの好きなんだー” "So you like this kind of stuff, master…" “へ?! まって! そんなつもりじゃ…” "Eh?! Wait! I didn't mean it that way…" “別に嫌とかじゃないけどさぁ” "It's not like I hate it or anything…" “いやあ ちょっと… これはほんと” "Ummm, wait, this is really…" “あのっ違 別に興味があるとかじゃないんだけど” "I'm not interested in you or anything, okay?" “ちょっと気になっただけで あのほんとに” "I'm just a bit curious about that, seriously!" “わ あっ わあっ ああ…っ!” "Wa- Ah- Waah Aah..!" “お手柔らかにお願いします…” "Please be gentle with me…"
ねえマスター Hey, master 今作ってる曲は誰が歌うの? The song you're currently making, who will be singing it? (圧) (Pressure) “わ・た・し?ふふ” "Is. It. Me? Fufu" こらー目逸らすなー Heey, don't avoid eye conta~act そうなんだー So that's how it is.. (心の距離) (Hearts distancing) この浮気者 You damn cheater.
ほらちゃんと手を動かしなよ C'mon, move your hands properly もー 私が動かしてあげよっか? Geez, do you want me to move it for you? はい、おててはマウスとキーボード Okay, both of them are touching the mouse and keyboard えらいねー! Good job! よしよし いい子だね There, there, you're a good kid ※ガチ恋距離 ※Distancing from love
私のことは「花ちゃん」って呼ばないの? Are you not going to call me 「Hana-chan」? そっか そうなんだ… Oh, okay, I see… ううん! 別になんでもないよ N-No! It's nothing… ちょっと気になっただけだから… I was just a bit curious…
ねえ今ぶいちゃん寝てるしさ Hey, v-chan is currently sleeping 二人でいっしょに… There's only both of us… いや やっぱりいいです! A-Actually, don't mind it! あの、ごめん Um, well, sorry 今のはないしょにしといてね! Please keep what happened just now a secret!
ねえマスター Hey, master これからよろしくね Let's get along from now on ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Cheating as in using/liking another Vocaloid ** A literal translation would be only "Already?", but I changed it to "You're giving up already?" as in that the master is admitting to lying ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you want to use the translations, please credit me as Kitsuneru! :3
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lil-kissy · 2 years ago
Kisara may be sweet but she can still hold small (childish grudges) in feeling like almost everyone (say 2) forgot about her on her birthday - whether true or not- or at least they were to busy.
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tubbytarchia · 1 year ago
I'm only reblogging so you guys vote for Droite immediately
BEST YGO GIRL: Round 1, Group D
Match 12
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Propaganda under the cut!
let's show some love to the Og Mother of Dragons (Okay so technically GoT came out before Memory World chapters but shush), The Lady of White herself Kisara!!!! Unlike some female characters in yugioh her development (or lack there of) wasn't due to poor writing so much as it was because Takahashi-senses was unable to have the time to write what he wanted, to expand on her story/character more. Still for what we do get; she's quiet but still strong, powerful choosing only to fight in defense of others and never forgets a kindness- even after all those years she never forgot the boy who set her free. Arguably in away Set/Seto doesn't control her spirit/ Ka but instead she chooses to fight by his side even in death. She also makes for a fantastic parallel to Bakura- both having grown up enduring much hardship and suffering. He chooses to inflict that suffering back on others deserving or not where as she doesn't. Both wield powers near the level of a God his of darkness and hers of light. She's quite literally the physical embodiment of a powerful dragon/ duel monster. And arguably one of the most iconic monsters in yugioh at this point too. Kisara may not have as much going for as so many others due to her limited screen time but I think even with what little we do get there is an amazing character to be found with boundless untapped potential (much like Kisara herself in a way I suppose) Vote for the Dragon girl! Let's see how far she can go!
I just really like girls with even kinda insect themed decks okay
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