#Kingdom of Bagan
dlyarchitecture · 2 years
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Pratu Journal, Vol. 2 (2023)
A new volume of the Pratu Journal has been publisehd, and the papers can be acessed here.
A new volume of the Pratu Journal has been publisehd, and the papers can be acessed here. This volume’s contents include: Recursion, Remembering and Re-telling Time in the Stupas of Pagan [ပုဂံဘုရားပုထိုးများအကြောင်း ထပ်တလဲလဲ အဓိပ္ပါယ်ဖွင့်ဆိုခြင်း၊ အမှတ်ရခြင်းနှင့် အချိန်အား ပြန်ပြောင်းပြောဆိုခြင်း] by Miriam Yeo Sze En Pemulangan Benda Cagar Budaya dan Identitas Nasional pada Era Pascakolonial…
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flamencodiva · 9 months
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Description: Dean Winchester is slated to be the next Alpha of his pack. As with all Wolves, Dean is waiting to see who his mate is at 18. But when he doesn't find her within his pack, he wonders if he will ever have a mate at all. On the brink of going feral, Dean is sent away from his pack to search for his mate. He can only return once he's found her, or he must take on a chosen mate. Y/N is the daughter of the current Moon Goddess, Selene. Hidden from the mortal realm after an attack on the moon kingdom, Y/N has heard a lonely howl for the past ten years since she turned 18. When unexpected circumstances force her to leave her current home, will she be able to find the lonely wolf and help heal him?
Pairing: Shifter-Wolf!Dean Winchester x Shifter-Wolf!Female!Reader
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Benny Laffite, Castiel, Garth, John Winchester, Mary Winchester, Bobby Singer, Henry Winchester (in flashbacks), Nick (Lucifer), OMC Luke, Jack, OMC Zack, and many more!
Word Count: 2105
Warnings (For entire fic): Violence, Language, Sexual Content (Smut of all kinds).
This A/B/O is more werewolf centered than A/B/O-centered. I hope you all enjoy the world I have created through this fic. All characters, unless stated otherwise, are shifter-wolf. It is a world/lore that I stumbled upon and found myself wanting to write.
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The full moon was high in the sky as it shone down onto the pack gathering below. Sixteen year old Dean Winchester stood with other his age as their bodies bagan to shift. His bones began to break and rearrange as tufts of shiny grey fur began to appear. He groaned in pain as his family stood near him and encouraged him to not fight the change. 
‘Just breath son,” his father, John Winchester soothed. 
“Just take deep breaths and let your wolf take over, Dean.” 
His mother, Mary Winchester, had instructed. He could only nod as his face began to change. His nose and jaw elongated to grow a snout and he found himself on his arms and legs as they changed into paws. It didn’t take long before he competed his shift and allowed his wolf spirit, Shadow, take control. 
‘Woah,’ Dean said as his vision sharpened. 
“Let us celebrate our children and the emergence of their wolves!” John’s voice roared as everyone sexteen asnd older began shifting. 
The entire pack ran as one through the forest that was a part of their territory. Dean was at the lead with not just his parents but with the rest of the adults that made up his father and mother’s Alpha and Luna units. His best friend Benny Lafeitte was slated to be his Beta. Castiel Novak was to be his Gamma and the one to help calm and keep him intune with his Luna. And lastly Garth Fitzgerald III who would take on the Delta position.  
 The Silver Moon pack was one of the proudest and strongest packs in the area. John and Mary Winchester watched as their son rolled around in wolf form, playing with their second son, Twelve-year-old Sam. 
“The pups are growing up fast,” John said as he looked at his wife. 
“They are,” she sighed, placing her head on his shoulder, “do you think they’ll find good mates?” 
“I think so.” 
“Dean will have to start training with you as an Alpha,” Mary reminded him. 
“He’ll make a great Alpha, my love,” John turned his head to kiss the top of his mate’s, “look at how he is with Sam and his friends. He will make sure our Pack stays strong.” 
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two years later, 
Dean fixed his hair again. Today he would find his mate. When pack members turned eighteen, they would be brought together at the pack house to find their mates. Essentially it became one big party. 
‘Gotta find mate,’ his wolf Shadow whined. 
“We will,” Dean chuckled, “besides, who knows, it might be that we already found and sampled our mate,” he wiggled his eyebrows. 
‘No mate, not yet. Can’t sense her,’ Shadow huffed. 
Dean rolled his eyes before turning to the door to see Sam leaning against the frame. 
“How come I can’t go!” he whined, “I mean, I know I haven’t shifted yet but why can’t I find my mate?” 
“Sam,” Dean placed a hand on his brother’s shoulder, “you have plenty of time. Besides, it’s only four more years. What’s your rush?” 
“I know, my mate,” the young teen said, shrugging his shoulders. 
“You do?” Dean raised his eyebrow at his brother, “who?” 
“Jessica Moore,” Sam whispered, lowering his head in embarrassment. 
“Jess? Your mate is Jess? How do you know?” Dean asked. 
“Swift could sense it.” 
“You know you can’t know for sure until you’re 18, Sam.” 
“But Dean, I’ve read in some of the books that some mates can sense they are mates before they’re 18. It’s not all that uncommon.”
“Sam,” Dean said giving his brother a warning glare. “You know the rules. You have to wait until your first shift and on the full moon of your 18th birthday to know for sure.” 
“Fine,” his little brother grumbled and threw himself on the bed. “Can you feel your mate near by?”
“No,” Dean admitted. “But who knows, she might have been hiding from me. Or, it just takes me and shadow the full moon to feel them.” 
Dean sighed as he watched his brother through is mirror as he continued to get ready. He couldn’t help but feel jealous. His brother’s wolf had already found his mate before he was eighteen. It wasn’t fair. Here he was, the future Alpha, and his mate had not surfaced. Or at least he couldn’t sense her in the pack. 
Meanwhile, his brother, barely of legal age, could already sense his mate. He couldn’t help but feel jealous. His wolf let out a whimper before Dean shook his head. 
“Then, in four years, you and Jess can make sure you belong together,” Dean cleared his throat, “this is a rite of passage, Sam. So hopefully, my mate is out there, and the Goddess Selene blesses me tonight.” 
With that said, Dean gave his brother’s shoulder a soft pat before making his way down the stairs of the packhouse. He could hear his mother ordering people around to prepare one of the large rooms. 
“No, no,” he heard her cry in frustration. 
“The food needs to be placed in the next room. The main room is for dancing and mingling.” 
“Mom,” Dean made his presence known, “don’t you think this is a bit… much?” 
“Nonsense,” she dismissed him, “not every day your eldest is of age to find his mate. Besides, you know I do anything for you boys.” 
“You really think I’m gonna find my mate tonight?” Dean huffed. 
“Why not? I saw you and Cassie were together three summers ago,” she pointed out as she continued to direct older pack members around the house to help set up. 
“But that doesn’t mean she’s my mate,” Dean shrugged, “how did you know dad was yours?” 
Mary blushed and turned to her son, “I just knew. And so did your father. Our wolves just felt this connection given to us by the Goddess.” 
“What if my mate isn’t here?” Dean asked, his fingers playing with a loose thread on his shirt. 
“Then she will find her way to you,” Mary placed her hands on either side of her son’s face, lifting his gaze to hers. “You will find your mate Dean. You just have to trust that the Goddess has a plan.” 
Dean nodded before taking her hands in his and giving his mother a kiss on her cheek. Turning away from the planning, he noticed Sam near their father’s study, his brother giving off a low growl. 
“What’s wrong, Sammy?” Dean whispered. 
“Dad’s got the council in there. I heard something about rogues near our border.” 
Dean stepped closer to the door, his senses tingling as he tried his best to use his wolf hearing. Much of what was being said was muffled, but he could make out a few words. He and many of his friends are mainly undergoing extra training in the next few weeks. 
“Do you think it’s Lucifer?” John sighed. 
“Is that what Nicks's runt is calling himself,” a voice called out, “Idjit.” 
Dean recognized the voice as Bobby Singer, one of the pack’s elders. Bobby had come to join their pack around the time his father, John, was just a young pup. He remembered his dad talking about Bobby being one of the best warrior trainers he had ever seen. Dean heard stories of Bobby having a son once, but the elder never liked to talk about it.  
“The rogues seem to be from Nick’s pack, and Luke seems to be leading the charge,” John sighed, “but all we can do is double that guard. Whatever he’s doing, we will need to find out.” 
“We need to beef up training, John,” Bobby sighed. “I’m too old for this.” 
John chuckled, “my dad trusted you, and our warriors are strong because of you. Benny is set to take over for Hypolite.” 
John’s heavy footsteps could be heard from the other side of the door. Dean could tell his father was worried. He only paced in his office when he needed to think of a solution to a problem. 
Dean and Sam continued to try and eavesdrop on the conversation when the door cracked open. 
“You know,” their father’s voice started them, “if you wanted to know what was going on, Dean, all you had to do was knock.” 
Dean stood up and gave his father a sheepish smile. 
“Samuel,” John huffed, “you know better than to sneak around. If I wanted you to know, you would know.” 
“But dad! How come Dean gets to go to all the Alpha meetings? I’m an Alpha too!” 
John placed a gentle hand on his youngest son’s shoulder, “Dean is going to be Pack Alpha one day. He is of age. He’s been training for this just as you have. Right now, I need you to be a kid and enjoy not having to worry about his” 
“No fair. I can fight and be helpful!” Sam growled. 
“I know you can, pup,” John ruffled his youngest son’s hair. “I promise when the time comes, you can help. 
Sam frowned and stomped his way up the spiral staircase to his room, grumbling along the way. 
“He’s trying to grow up too fast,” John sighed. 
“He’ll get over it once he gets back into training mode,” Dean assured his father, “is it serious? The rogues on our borders?” 
“We’ll talk about it tomorrow,” John dismissed, “tonight you find your mate.” 
“Yeah,” Dean sighed as his father walked away, “if she’s even here.” 
The guests arrived with Dean hanging out with his friends, Benny Lafitte, Castiel Novak, and Garth Fitzgerald III. 
“Excuze me, Boyz,” Benny said as he pulled away from his friends, “seem’z Red and I have zeroed in on our mate.” 
“Already?” Castiel huffed, “how the --” 
Dean watched as Cas stopped talking and turned towards the front door. 
“I, um… I gotta--” 
Garth and Dean watched as Benny and Cas walked toward their mates. The couples seem to fall into easy conversation. 
“Don’t worry, Deano,” Garth gave the Alpha a slap on his back, almost making him choke on his drink, “I’m sure the next girl to walk in will be your--” 
Dean covered his face with his hands as Garth clumsily tripped over his feet at the next female that walked in. Garth had stumbled into not just the table the boys were standing by, but the following tables lined up with the front door. 
“Sorry, my bad!” Garth called out as he stumbled his way toward the female. 
As the night went on, Dean watched as his friends and peers paired off with their mates. It hurt that his own mate hadn’t shown herself yet. By the end, Dean was left alone, his head hung low as he walked towards the balcony overlooking the valley. 
The moon shone so brightly that its rays illuminated every corner of the pack's territory. Dean finished off the last of his drink before turning his gaze to the moon. Shadow could feel Dean’s pain. After all, he and Dean were one and the same. Their pain resonated so profoundly that Dean let Shadow take over as a mournful howl echoed through the sky. 
‘Goddess hear my plea,’ it seemed to say, ‘let my mate find me soon.’ 
Little did Dean and Shadow know that in the realm of the Moon Goddess, the goddess herself had heard his cry. 
“Dean Winchester,” she said, her voice a whisper as the howl echoed in the halls of her palace. “When the time comes, your mate will find you,” she said to the wind. “Strong heir of the Silver Moon Pack, your trials are just beginning. My Conor’s sacrifice to keep our daughter safe will not be in vain. I hope you can be patient.” 
She walked to her room, away from the enormous mirror in her chambers, where the reflection of Dean sank. 
This was to ensure the safety of her daughter, Y/N. The wolf, who claimed the name Lucifer, was no match for Conor's valiant efforts. The death of Selene's mate was ultimately felt by her. Her first concern was ensuring the safety of Y/N. Meeting Dean was still too soon for her. The young Alpha had to face his own struggles as her daughter trained. 
A second reflecting pool was entered by the moon goddess's palm. With her light, she extended her hand into a room that was otherwise dark.
Whispering to her daughter, "My little Y/N," she delicately gathered the stray hairs and placed them behind her ear. "For as long as it takes, I will shield you from harm. I can only pray that the web of destiny does not end in sorrow."
Chapter 1
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Tag List: Tag List is Open and has room for more. (note: Everything means everything from M/M to OFC)
Dean (Female Pairing Only) 
Dean Everything 
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child-of-the-amis · 8 months
King Cameron had been taken by a rival kingdom. He had been tortured beyond belief, but he had to hold on. He had to get back to Bailey. To his son. His unborn child who was probably born by now from how long he had been gone. He heard a scuffle outside of the cell he was in but couldn't see what was going on.
Bailey had been beside herself when her husband was captured. She wasted no time sending all the guards and most able bodied people to look for him. Including her own personal protection. She knew Cameron would be upset at her decision. But she could handle him upset. She couldn’t handle him dead.
The guards who had been sent to the other kingdom had gotten word that their king might be there and sure enough they were able to confirm. So under the cover of night a strike team went in and six guards were taken out before finding where Cameron was being imprisoned. “Your highness.” A guardsman said as he bagan working on picking the lock. “We’re taking you back to the palace.”
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Kaiju Week in Review (November 20-26, 2022)
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Megumi Odaka, best known as psychic Miki Saegusa from the Heisei Godzilla series, retired from acting in 2000 due to health issues and disappeared from the public eye for a decade. The narration she contributed to Godzilla vs. Gigan Rex was her first role since then, and she's finally ready to go back in front of the camera. 3Y Film (The Great Buddha Arrival, Nezura 1964) has a new kaiju movie in the works, Hoshi 35, which Odaka is set to star in. Since it's a 3Y joint, and part of a celebration of the 35 years since her acting debut, expect it to get meta. As usual, Hiroko Yokokawa is directing; another key player is Daisuke Sato (Howl from Beyond the Fog), who will serve as director of special effects, cinematographer, and suitmaker (with Tomoya Ayaki).
3Y productions are known for bringing back veteran kaiju actors, and Hoshi 35 has already cast several besides Odaka, this time focusing on the Heisei era instead of the Showa era. Jun Hashizume played MOGUERA pilot Koji Shindo in Godzilla vs. SpaceGodzilla and Kojiro Inaba in Ultraman Z, Daijiro Harada was Mechagodzilla captain Takuya Sasaki in Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II, and Akira Ohashi stepped inside Gamera in Gamera 2, Iris in Gamera 3, and King Ghidorah in GMK. He'll be playing another monster in this one, Hoshikuzu. Hiroshi Miyasaka and Yumiko Tanaka will appear as well.
No plot details are currently known. The film is aiming for a October 2023 release date.
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Gridman Universe, the crossover film for SSSS.GRIDMAN and SSSS.DYANZENON, has a new pair of posters and a teaser trailer. It'll hit theaters in Japan on March 24 (and hopefully arrive in the West before the year is out). Excessive fanservice aside, I really enjoyed GRIDMAN, but haven't gotten around to DYNAZENON yet... it aired in Spring 2021, which was a pretty chaotic time to be a Wikizilla editor, and I think I was under the impression it was all mecha, no kaiju. Guess I have to now!
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Veteran Ultra Series director Takeshi Yagi debuted a proof-of-concept short at Tokyo Comic Con called AKARI, which you can also watch online. The story is simple—a giant heroine (Akari) battles a rampaging cyborg kaiju (Pythagodon) in a futuristic, neon city—but Yagi and company have far greater ambitions for it. They created it as part of a course on tokusatsu techniques, and hope to turn it into a feature or series with the funds from that course, as well as other crowdfunding efforts. The story they've drawn up is pretty intriguing: a 2076 Japan where corporations run amok, the AI uprising is at hand, and an alien race who survived their own rogue AI empowers a woman to save the Earth.
Matt Frank designed Akari. Akihiko Iguchi (Mechagodzilla, King Caesar, Titanosaurus) came up with Pythagodon, and boy, you can tell. I hope we haven't seen the last of them.
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One more kaiju short for you to watch: Ivalla the Land Mine Monster: Case of Extra. This one is in more dire need of subtitles to get the full experience, but there's still a quality rampage to witness. From the other videos on the channel, Yuki Kurosu has been working on this for 8 years—props for persevering!
Godziban squeezed another episode out of Godzilla Festival 2022, this one focusing on the puppet displays and demonstrations at the event and the upcoming Blu-ray-only episodes which will see Bagan make his debut and many others battling it out.
Kadokawa released a fine video tribute to Gamera for his 57th birthday, which naturally ends by teasing the Netflix project. Interesting that they skipped over the 2015 short though.
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Your reading assignment for the week is Patrick Galvan's excellent tribute to Kazuki Omori for Toho Kingdom, a well-researched overview of his career and analysis of the two Godzilla films he directed.
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kaibacoded · 2 years
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jasonjulierecs · 7 months
Helping You Keep Your Home Safe in HOME SAFETY HOTLINE
Home Safety Hotline
Does the Dog Die
'Confederacy of Dunces' - John Kennedy Toole
Kingdom of Fools - Nick Page
SCP - Secure, Contain, Protect
Calvin and Hobbs
Freddie Wong
Coral island
Kentucky Route Zero
Zac Bagans
Bubba Gump (Forrest Gump)
Captain Planet
Beth May
Dungeons and Daddies
Evermore Park
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mansipatel5 · 9 months
Discover the Mystical Kingdoms of Myanmar and Oman with a Tour Package
Embarking on a journey to explore the enchanting landscapes and rich cultural tapestries of Myanmar and Oman is a dream for many avid travelers. These two countries, each boasting a unique charm and history, offer a perfect blend of ancient traditions and modern wonders. To make the most of your exploration, consider opting for a well-curated Myanmar or an Oman Holiday package from India.
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Myanmar: A Land of Timeless Beauty
Myanmar, formerly known as Burma, is a country steeped in mystique and allure. From the awe-inspiring temples of Bagan to the serene waters of Inle Lake, Myanmar is a treasure trove of cultural and natural wonders. A well-organized Myanmar Tour Package allows you to immerse yourself in the splendor of this mystical kingdom.
Begin your journey in Yangon, the largest city in Myanmar, where the iconic Shwedagon Pagoda stands tall, adorned in gold and precious jewels. Explore the bustling markets, sample local delicacies, and absorb the city's vibrant atmosphere. The tour package may include a visit to the ancient city of Bagan, home to thousands of ancient temples and pagodas that paint a mesmerizing silhouette against the sunrise and sunset.
Mandalay, another gem in Myanmar's crown, offers a glimpse into the country's royal history. From the Mandalay Palace to the U Bein Bridge, the city resonates with a sense of regality. Inle Lake, with its floating gardens and unique leg-rowing fishermen, showcases a more serene side of Myanmar's beauty.
A well-organized Myanmar Tour Package ensures that you don't miss out on the hidden gems, such as the off-the-beaten-path villages and the picturesque landscapes that dot the countryside. Whether you're an avid history buff, nature lover, or cultural enthusiast, Myanmar has something to offer for every traveler.
Oman: A Tapestry of Contrasts
Nestled on the southeastern coast of the Arabian Peninsula, Oman is a destination where tradition seamlessly intertwines with modernity. The country's diverse landscapes, from the golden dunes of the Wahiba Sands to the rugged peaks of the Hajar Mountains, make it a haven for nature enthusiasts. Oman Holiday Packages From India provide an excellent opportunity to explore this contrasting paradise.
Muscat, the capital city, is a blend of ancient charm and contemporary elegance. The Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque, a testament to Omani architecture, and the Mutrah Souq, a bustling market with a rich array of goods, are must-visit attractions. The coastal city of Salalah, with its lush greenery and historic sites, offers a different perspective of Oman's beauty.
A tour package to Oman might include a journey into the Wahiba Sands, where you can experience a thrilling desert safari and witness the mesmerizing sunset over the vast expanse of golden dunes. The ancient city of Nizwa, surrounded by mountains and date palm plantations, is a gateway to Oman's cultural heritage, featuring a historic fort and a lively souq.
Oman's coastline is dotted with pristine beaches, and the opportunity to explore the underwater world through snorkeling or diving is a highlight for adventure seekers. The unique blend of ancient traditions and modern developments in Oman makes it a destination that caters to a diverse range of interests.
Choosing the Right Package for Your Journey
Both Myanmar and Oman offer an immersive experience that goes beyond the typical tourist attractions. When considering Myanmar Tour Packages or Oman Holiday Packages From India, it's essential to choose a package that aligns with your interests and preferences. Look for packages that offer a balance between guided tours to iconic landmarks and opportunities for spontaneous exploration.
In conclusion, the mystical kingdoms of Myanmar and Oman beckon travelers with their rich histories, diverse landscapes, and warm hospitality. Whether you're captivated by the ancient temples of Myanmar or the contrasting beauty of Oman, a thoughtfully designed tour package ensures that your journey is seamless and memorable. Embark on an adventure of a lifetime and uncover the secrets of these enchanting destinations.
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abookishdreamer · 1 year
Character Intro: Pan (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- The Lost God, The Great Pan by the people of Olympius
Mr. Reed by Hermes
The Pipe by Dionysus
Age- 56 (immortal)
Location- Arcadia, Olympius
Personality- Despite the gossip for being known as an amorous frenzied drunk, he's actually extremely wise, calm, respectful, & benevolent. Above all else, nature is extremely important to him. He's polyamorous.
He's the only god in the pantheon that's a satyr.
He has the standard abilities of a god. As god of the wild, satyrs, shepherds, & rustic music his powers/abilities include his most powerful one- the panic cry (which induces frenzy & madness in others), chlorokinesis, being able to summon/control all wild animals, dendrokinesis (controlling wood & trees), geokinesis, vounókinesis (mountain manipulation), vitakinesis (healing), hydrokinesis (as it pertains to fresh water sources), limited atmokinesis (weather manipulation), woodland magic, and pan flute magic (when he plays his sacred instrument he's able to curse others by putting them in an uncontrollable dancing trance).
His natural scent is that of musk and frankincense.
Pan's favorite colors are green & brown.
Throughout his godly career he was involved in many things like Zeus' battle with Typhon, the Gigantomachy, and the not-so serious talent show-off with Apollo (god of the sun, music, poetry, healing, medicine, archery, plague, light, & knowledge).
Pan didn't mind that he was put on a pedestal being the unofficial spokesman for the Satyr race.
After a few hundred years living in the modern world, he bagan to feel anxious & restless. Pan couldn't quite put his finger on it, but several things he noticed about modern society he now found repulsive- especially beings' relationship with nature. He quickly deleted his Fatestagram profile and with little resistance from the King, Pan slowly and quietly walked away from the public eye & official duties of the pantheon. He still had control over his businesses in the country. Before he left, he was a mentor twice- to Hermes & Dionysus (god of wine).
Pan thought it was hilarious when there was months long news coverage of his "disappearance." A mortal sailor Thamus achieved notoriety during his press tour- being interviewed by many journalists and going on talk shows with his unbelievable tale of recieving word of the god's death. His iconic line, "The great god Pan is dead!" has been printed on T-shirts. It was even more funnier when a blurry photo of Pan taken by the paparazzi made its way on the cover of The Oracle Scoop!
After abandoning most of modern society, he retreated to his sacred place (the state of Arcadia) where Pan has now established a commune that's two thousand strong. The commune is situated on his MASSIVE woodland estate, hidden away under the cover of mountains. There has been a school built for the kids, a library, his juice shack business, a yoga studio, & a holistic health center. There's also a huge farm filled with horses, cows, sheep, and goats. A major rule of the commune is not using any modern technology (mainly TVs, computers, laptops, smartphones, & tablets). Clothes are often washed by hand and there's no Wi-Fi.
When he's feeling nervous or anxious he'll sometimes chew on tin cans.
Pan's favorite drinks include coconut water, aloe vera juice, roast coffee, grapefruit soda, carrot-ginger-tumeric smoothies, mango juice, beer, coconut milk, matcha tea, oatmilk, assam tea, orange juice, sweet tea, & green tea. He even makes his own moonshine!
His businesses in Olympius include his weed dispensaries and The Lytêrios Oasis, an adult nudist resort. earnings from those businesses go toward various charities & projects like his Green Grove Project- to combat deforestation and repairing homes for people in woodland & mountainous communities.
Pan loves Deipneus' garlic bagles (with a vegan cream cheese spread). He also likes the vegan tempeh club sandwich from The Bread Box.
He (much like the residents in the commune) is vegan.
Pan frequents shrooms, weed, lotus tiles, and chewing tobacco. He also ironically likes nicotine gum!
He can play the pan flute, lyre, acoustic guitar, ukulele, & other woodwind instruments like the clarinet and oboe.
His favorite dessert is the hummingbird cake from Hollyhock's Bakery. He also likes the oatmeal brownies his daughter brings for him when she visits.
In the pantheon Pan's good friends with Demeter (goddess of the harvest & agriculture); though they haven't seen each other in many years, Nyx (goddess of the night), Erebus (god of darkness), Karmanor (demi-god of the harvest), The Ourea (esteemed mountain gods), Agathodaemon (Daemon) (god of vineyards, grainfields, & luck), Chiron (the immortal centaur), Pherusa (goddess of substance & farm estates), Livádi (goddess of meadows), Paean (goddess of physicians), The Nesoi (sister isand goddesses), Hydros (god of water), Priapus (god of fertility, vegetable gardens, livestock, sexuality, & masculinity), Elpis (goddess of hope), Triptolemus (god of farming), and Trochilus (god of the mill wheel).
Former lovers of his include Selene (Titaness of the moon), Karme (demi-goddess of the harvest); they're now friends, Evimería (goddess of prosperity), Kéfi (goddess of mirth), and Hesychia (goddess of quiet, stillness, rest, & silence). There are even rumors swirling about that Pan & Gaia (goddess of the earth) got together a few times! Current lovers are Nárkosi (goddess of sedation), Damia (goddess of naturalness), and Eupheme (an oread); they share a son Krotos. The only romantic relationship that Pan ever considered marriage was with the naiad nymph Syrinx. They share a daughter Physis (goddess of nature). They used to be in a folk band called Chapters of Lore. The band traveled & performed everywhere (even in the Underwater realm), managed to perform at the Summer Solstice Music Festival, and even snagged five Golden Laurels!
His favorite snack are plantain chips and cashew string cheese.
Pan uses the sulfate free aloe vera shampoo and the almond & castor oil loc elixir from Glory's Crown for his long dreadlocks.
His favorite frozen treat is cinnamon oatmilk ice cream.
In his free time Pan enjoys archery, horseback riding, gardening, canoeing, hiking, mountain climbing, music, acupuncture, aromatherapy, swimming, basketball, surfing, football (soccer), writing (songs or entries in his journal), pottery, yoga, reading, cooking, spending time with his children, painting (mostly landscapes & nude portraits), and lovemaking.
Some of his favorite meals include cabbage stir fry with buckwheat soba noodles, vegan shepherd's pie, miso tofu wraps, butternut squash stuffed pasta shells, curry lentil soup, & vegan rasta pasta.
"When you are looking for peace, nature is always the answer."
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bluetapes · 2 years
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This'll be good.
London debut of Swordman Kitala, plus me, plus Waqwaq Kingdom in support of 5 years of Phantom Limb.
Check out our EP:
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pronititravelagency · 1 month
Plan a Magical Tours – Book Package for Balloon over Began Ballooning Myanmar
The entire Myanmar is a home to natural beauty – luring peace lovers from the world to explore the hidden gems. It is also a perfect place for nature lovers and adventurous tourists. If you are one of them planning a memorable tour to Myanmar, spend a few hours to enjoy balloon ride. The balloon over Began Ballooning Myanmar will be an entirely different touring experience you have ever enjoyed.
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Bagan and Its Historical Significance
Bagan, an ancient city located in Myanmar, is home to one of the world's most breathtaking archaeological sites. Once the capital of the Pagan Kingdom, which flourished between the 9th and 13th centuries, Bagan boasts over 2,000 Buddhist monuments, including temples, pagodas, and stupas, spread across a vast plain. This UNESCO World Heritage site is not only a testament to Myanmar's rich cultural heritage but also a bucket-list destination for travelers seeking a unique and awe-inspiring experience.
The Balloon over Bagan Ballooning Myanmar Experience
One of the most memorable ways to explore the beauty of Bagan is by taking a hot air balloon ride. The Balloon over Bagan Ballooning Myanmar tour will be the best experience – offering an unparalleled perspective of the ancient city, providing a bird's-eye view of the sprawling plains dotted with centuries-old temples. This adventure allows travelers to appreciate the scale and grandeur of Bagan’s landscape, which is particularly mesmerizing during sunrise and sunset when the golden light bathes the monuments in a warm glow.
Explore Myanmar from October to April to Enjoy Balloon over Began Ballooning Myanmar
The ballooning season in Bagan typically runs from October to April, when the weather is most favorable. The experience begins early in the morning, just before dawn, when passengers are transported to the launch site. After a safety briefing by the experienced pilot, the balloons slowly inflate and ascend into the sky, offering a gentle and peaceful ride.
What to Expect During the Tour
As the balloon rises, passengers are treated to a panoramic view of Bagan’s vast plain. The temples, with their distinct architectural styles, appear like tiny, intricate sculptures from above. The experience is both serene and exhilarating, with the silence of the early morning broken only by the occasional sound of the burner. The flight lasts approximately 45 minutes to an hour, depending on the weather conditions and wind patterns. Throughout the journey, the pilot provides insights into the history and significance of the landmarks below, enhancing the experience with fascinating stories and facts.
In addition to the visual spectacle, the tour concludes with a traditional champagne toast upon landing, a customary practice in hot air ballooning that dates back to its origins in France. Passengers are also presented with a flight certificate as a memento of this extraordinary adventure.
Find a recognized travel planner like Pro Niti Travel to enjoy such tours of balloon over Began ballooning Myanmar.
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bbumtravel · 3 months
Ancient City of Myanmar
Exploring Bagan: Ancient City of Myanmar
Bagan, located in the Mandalay Region of Myanmar (Burma), is an ancient city renowned for its vast archaeological site and thousands of Buddhist temples, stupas, and pagodas. Once the capital of the Kingdom of Pagan, Bagan is a UNESCO World Heritage site and a significant cultural and historical landmark in Southeast Asia.
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History and Heritage
Founded in the 9th century, Bagan flourished as the capital of the Pagan Kingdom from the 11th to the 13th centuries. During this golden age, rulers and wealthy nobles constructed thousands of religious monuments, resulting in the impressive architectural landscape that exists today. The city's decline began in the late 13th century due to Mongol invasions and continued into subsequent centuries.
Architectural Marvels
Bagan's archaeological zone covers an area of approximately 26 square miles along the eastern bank of the Ayeyarwady (Irrawaddy) River. It is home to over 2,000 well-preserved temples and pagodas, each with its unique design and historical significance. Key landmarks include:
Shwezigon Pagoda: A prototype of Burmese stupas, built to enshrine a bone and tooth of Gautama Buddha.
Ananda Temple: An architectural masterpiece and one of the largest and best-preserved temples in Bagan, known for its exquisite artwork and Buddha statues.
Dhammayangyi Temple: The largest temple in Bagan, built with impressive brickwork and known for its mysterious interior corridors.
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Cultural and Religious Significance
Bagan is not only a testament to Myanmar's architectural prowess but also a center of Buddhist pilgrimage and devotion. Temples and pagodas serve as active places of worship, with locals and pilgrims visiting to pay respects, make offerings, and participate in religious ceremonies.
Sunset and Sunrise Views
One of the most enchanting experiences in Bagan is witnessing the sunrise or sunset over the temple-studded landscape. Popular viewpoints such as Shwesandaw Pagoda or Buledi Pagoda offer panoramic views of the sun casting a golden glow over the ancient temples, creating a magical atmosphere.
Visitor Experience
Exploring Bagan offers a journey through history, spirituality, and breathtaking landscapes:
E-bike or Bicycle Tours: Renting an e-bike or bicycle allows visitors to explore the temples at their own pace, venturing along dusty paths and discovering hidden gems.
Hot Air Balloon Rides: A unique way to experience Bagan's temples from above, providing a bird's-eye view of the sprawling archaeological site and the Ayeyarwady River.
Local Culture and Handicrafts: Visitors can also explore nearby villages to experience traditional Burmese culture, interact with local artisans, and purchase handmade crafts and souvenirs.
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Conservation Efforts
Efforts are ongoing to preserve and restore Bagan's temples and pagodas, balancing tourism with conservation to protect this cultural treasure for future generations. Sustainable tourism practices and community involvement play crucial roles in maintaining the integrity of the archaeological site.
Bagan is a remarkable destination that captivates travelers with its ancient temples, spiritual ambiance, and scenic beauty. Whether exploring architectural marvels, witnessing stunning sunsets, or immersing oneself in local culture, Bagan offers an unforgettable experience that reflects Myanmar's rich cultural heritage and historical legacy. A visit to Bagan is a journey back in time, uncovering the splendor of an ancient civilization amidst the tranquil landscapes of Southeast Asia.
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[Book] Wider Bagan: Ancient and Living Buddhist Traditions
New book on Bagan by Prof. Elizabeth Moore published by ISEAS. #bagan #book #iseas #myanmar #archaeology
New book on Bagan by Prof. Elizabeth Moore published by ISEAS. The book is available for sale through the ISEAS website below. Wider Bagan: Ancient and Living Buddhist Traditions is the first book to define the area outside the renowned Buddhist capital where vestiges of Bagan era cultural traditions can be found. From nearly six hundred attributes inventoried in Wider Bagan, thematic and…
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educationinaustralia · 3 months
Tourist places in Myanmar
Myanmar (formerly Burma) is a country rich in history, culture, and natural beauty. Here are some of the top tourist destinations to explore:
Bagan Bagan Archaeological Zone: Over 2,000 ancient temples and pagodas spread across the plains. Ananda Temple: One of the most well-preserved and revered temples. https://www.aecglobal.com.au/ Hot Air Balloon Rides: Stunning views of the temple-studded landscape at sunrise or sunset.
Yangon Shwedagon Pagoda: The most sacred Buddhist pagoda in Myanmar, adorned with gold and jewels. Sule Pagoda: Historic pagoda in the heart of the city. Bogyoke Aung San Market: A large market known for antiques, handicrafts, and jewelry. Colonial Architecture: Explore the colonial-era buildings in downtown Yangon.
Mandalay Mandalay Hill: Offers panoramic views of the city and surrounding countryside. Mandalay Palace: The last royal palace of the Burmese monarchy. Kuthodaw Pagoda: Known as the world's largest book, with 729 marble slabs inscribed with Buddhist teachings. U Bein Bridge: The longest teakwood bridge in the world, especially beautiful at sunset.
Inle Lake Floating Gardens: Unique gardens that float on the lake’s surface. Stilt Villages: Traditional houses built on stilts in the water. Phaung Daw Oo Pagoda: A major religious site on the lake. Leg Rowing Fishermen: Fishermen who row their boats using their legs in a unique local technique.
Ngapali Beach Pristine Beaches: Beautiful, sandy beaches along the Bay of Bengal. Fishing Villages: Traditional fishing communities where visitors can learn about local life. Water Sports: Opportunities for snorkeling, diving, and kayaking.
Golden Rock (Kyaiktiyo Pagoda) Golden Rock: A massive boulder covered in gold leaf, precariously balanced on the edge of a cliff. Pilgrimage Site: A significant site for Buddhist pilgrims.
Hpa-An Mount Zwegabin: A popular hiking destination with a monastery at the summit. Saddan Cave: A large cave with a Buddha statue and a lake inside. Kawgun Cave: Known for its hundreds of small Buddha images carved into the walls.
Mrauk U Ancient Temples: Remnants of the Arakanese kingdom with hundreds of temples and pagodas. Shitthaung Temple: The most famous temple, known for its intricate carvings and tunnels.
Pyin Oo Lwin Botanical Gardens: Well-maintained gardens with a variety of flora. Colonial Architecture: Former British hill station with colonial-era buildings. Anisakan Falls: A beautiful waterfall near the town.
Naypyidaw Uppatasanti Pagoda: A replica of Yangon’s Shwedagon Pagoda. Water Fountain Garden: A large park with fountains and gardens. National Museum: Displays artifacts and exhibits on Myanmar’s history and culture.
Kyaing Tong Hill Tribe Villages: Visit the villages of various ethnic minorities. Naung Tong Lake: A scenic lake in the town center. Traditional Handicrafts: Known for silverware, pottery, and weaving.
Mount Popa Taung Kalat Monastery: Perched atop a volcanic plug, reached by a staircase with 777 steps. Spirit Worship: Known as the abode of nats (spirits) and a pilgrimage site.
Myeik Archipelago Island Hopping: Explore pristine islands with white sandy beaches. Diving and Snorkeling: Rich marine life and coral reefs. Moken Villages: Home to the sea gypsies, who live traditionally on the sea. Myanmar offers a diverse range of experiences, from exploring ancient temples and bustling markets to enjoying serene beaches and vibrant cultural festivals.
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tomjack-1 · 7 months
Exchanges between the people of China and Myanmar have a long history
Exchanges between the people of China and Myanmar have a long history. In the Tang dynasty, the Pyu city-states (the ancient kingdom in present-day Burma) music and dance troupes visited Chang'an. The poet Bai Juyi wrote "The music of the Bill of Nations" to describe the spectacle. The Bagan Dynasty of Burma in the 11th and 13th centuries was friendly to China and sent envoys to the Northern and Southern Song dynasties. Some Buddhist sites in the ancient city of Bagan bear the mark of the blending of Chinese and Burmese cultures. Today, a group of Chinese restoration experts is active in the ancient city of Bagan.
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Kaiju Week in Review (December 11-17, 2022)
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After the success of last year's Pacific Rim Ultimate Omnibus, Legendary Comics has launched a Kickstarter for a MonsterVerse Omnibus collecting Godzilla: Awakening, Skull Island: The Birth of Kong, Godzilla: Aftershock, Godzilla Dominion, and Kingdom Kong. It blasted past its funding goal on the first day. The Omnibus will eventually make it to retail, but naturally the Kickstarter rewards include some exclusives, like a slipcase and a different cover, as well as higher-tier bonuses like enamel pins and the ability to get drawn into the comics.
The biggest draw if you've already bought the five comics above is the debut of "Call to Action", written by Brian Buccellato and illustrated by Zid. Logline: "[S]et during the events of Godzilla vs. Kong, a Naval fighter pilot with a personal attachment to Godzilla is put to the test when his squadron is called upon to intercept the King of the Monsters." Well, I'm a sucker for mining drama out of incredibly minor characters, and Zid's the best artist these MonsterVerse comics have seen. If access to that story's all you care about, consider the $15 tier, which nets you a PDF of the Omnibus. K-D-M, who's proven to be a reliable source, is also saying that a number of the minor Titans (Na Kika, Amhuluk, Tiamat, and perhaps others) will receive Monarch bios as well. Those have been delightful sources of lore in the past.
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Speaking of comics, @mekagojira3k published the first issue of his self-adaptation of All Your Ruins on WebToon. Read it immediately, it's gnarly as shit! There's a kaiju with crosses on its back taunting a mysterious masked figure and what I'm choosing to interpret as a nod to the Age of Giant Condor!
I couldn't wait for the Week in Review to post about this, but it merits repeating: The Asylum is celebrating its 25th anniversary with a Destroy All Monsters-style epic called 2025 Armageddon. (Insert scare quotes around "epic" if you wish.) Most exciting to me is the return of Mega Shark, whose series inexplicably ended in 2015 just as it and the Kaiju Renaissance were finding their stride. It's also playing in five fairly random theaters across the country until the 22nd (sorry, should've gotten this post out faster). The rest of us will have to hold off until the VOD release on the 23rd.
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After it placed second in the last two Movie Monster Series fan polls, Bandai has thrown up its hands and given Super Mechagodzilla a vinyl, just in time for the 30th anniversary of Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II next year. January 31st is the release date for that one. They also announced a third poll, this time allowing fan submissions to determine the 10 nominees instead of making the shortlist in a smoke-filled room themselves. Yes, that means Zilla, Bagan, and the Giant Condor are theoretically on the table (but no Godzilla incarnations allowed). All's you need is a Godzilla Store account to nominate a kaiju and eventually vote.
Finally, for you Dagahra fans out there, his first figure in ages is coming soon from the Kaiju Out of the Laws line. Shame those are so expensive.
Here's the teaser for the Kaiju No. 8 anime—and yes, it's going to be part of the Toho kaiju canon. I got caught up with the manga earlier this year and found it pretty enjoyable. An older protagonist is unusual for this type of story, and I like how he's constantly drawing on his experience cleaning up kajiu corpses after taking on the more glamorous work of fighting them. You also gotta admire the boldness of calling a metamorphosing character Kafka.
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SciFi Japan has a first look at a film due next year called Kaiju: Island of Fire. The production company is based in Japan, but there's a lot of Hollywood talent in this one, including writer/director Andrew L. Phillips, who has a background in stunt acting. Inspired by 3Y Films, they've also brought back some veteran kaiju actors: Kent Gilbert (the swishy ship commander in Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah), Chuck Wilson (the Futurian Wilson in same), Inge Murata (every Japanese kaiju movie that's needed a German since Monster X Strikes Back), and Tomoko Ai (Katsura Mafune in Terror of Mechagodzilla). No story details yet, although you can probably guess the setting. I like the suit design of what is presumably the anti-kaiju team too, at least from the back.
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