eringetsfit · 5 years
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My week/day. Weigh in tomorrow 🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽
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eringetsfit · 5 years
May so Far
Doing pretty good with May so far, the beginning started shaky as my boyfriends brother and his band arrived in May 1 for a weekend long stay from Florida while they played shows around New England and it was my boyfriends birthday, so a lot of eating out.
My weeks with ww start on Fridays and I am already killing it which is big for me cause I usually fail on the weekends.
I also pretracked my whole day for tomorrow cause we’re planning on having Boston market for dinner and I wanted to make sure my day was in plan.
Hopefully I can keep it up through the week, my grandmother passed away unexpectedly Friday night, so I have the funeral on Wednesday and I am not sure where they are planning on having the receptor after. My grandmothers passing is so weird to me, we aren’t close with my dads side of the family and she wasn’t a warm loving grandma so I feel more guilty than sad. Guilty that I don’t really feel sad at all, guilty that I’m dreading having to socialize with a family I do not know well, guilty that I find this to be inconvienent that I now have to take off a day of work, guilty that I’m more upset over the fact my brother is going on a business trip so I have to go to this thing without him.
But anywho, here’s a picture from when I was feeling myself yesterday when it was 70 and sunny after a month and a half of rain and cold.
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eringetsfit · 5 years
I just read your post about your boyfriend’s accident, and it’s eerily similar to something one of my best friends went through (down to the overbearing mother). The pain and the fear will both eventually go away as he heals and regains his strength. It might seem impossible now, but I promise it will. Take it day by day now, but as he progresses, each day will be a little easier than the last. Stay strong, and remember to be kind to yourself as you heal too 💜
This is the SWEETEST thing anyone has said to me through this entire ordeal, thank you so much💕 The days are getting easier, a month later, but I know it’s a fear/memory that is never going away but I hold on to the fact that we’re all ok. Seriously tho, thank you for this ❤️❤️
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eringetsfit · 5 years
April 2019
Honestly, didn’t do too bad for April considering how this month started. A lot of my no blue dot days aren’t because I went went over my points but because I forgot to track.
Works been absolutely crazy and won’t calm down until November, but I’ll make it through it.
Just getting through this week, and then I have a half day Friday, following my boyfriends brothers band on their tour in CT,MA and NY, then a day off on Monday with my love for his birthday.
Just enjoying the little things lately.
Also, the Jonas brothers are announcing a tour tomorrow and I am UNSTABLE
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eringetsfit · 5 years
If anyone is on a fitness journey like me, pleaseeee like this post or something?!?
I literally reblogged something two hours ago and its STILL ON MY DASH like high up on my dash !!!!
So yeah LIKE/REBLOG this IF YOU:
-are trying to be healthy 💪🏼
- on a journey to lose weight 🥳
- have fun and healthy recipes i can steal😋
- are a nice person ❤️
- have an active feed!!! 👌🏼
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eringetsfit · 5 years
Getting back in the game.
For real this time.
Anyone that is fitness/weight loss/nutrition related, give this a like/reblog and I’ll give you a follow?
I’ve been stuck with the whole weight loss and working out, so I decided to take to a new approach and flood my tumblr with the motivation to get there.
Sometimes you need to restart your baby steps. 🤙🏼💪🏼
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eringetsfit · 5 years
Happy Easter!
Life’s been crazy since my boyfriends been home from the hospital. We’re slowly getting back to normal.
The upside is my weight is down, as of this morning (4/21/19) my weight is 175.4, which is the lowest I’ve been in a while.
I feel I’m finally in a place where I can focus on my eating, so this weeks goal is to get blue dots in weight watchers every day!
The semester ends in 3 weeks and I can finally get back to the gym after that.
The most important thing tho, is I’m feeling extremely confident in my body, and that’s a huge thing for me emotionally.
So here’s a picture from today!
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eringetsfit · 5 years
First day going back to work.
I’m laying in bed shaking and crying. I threw up earlier. My anxiety about this is not ok.
I would feel much better if he was going to work to. But he’s not. He’s home without me.
Am I being crazy?
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eringetsfit · 5 years
This week so far
I have lost 7 pounds since Friday night.
Part stress. Part not having an appetite.
I’ve also barely slept.
His mother is driving me up a fucking wall cause she doesn’t want to listen to anything I have to say about his care everytime I say “he can’t walk down the stairs when he’s home alone” she comes back with “yes he can I’m his mother I say what he can do”
She doesn’t see him struggling to get out of bed. Or limping around unsteady on his feet. She doesn’t get a say. If she wants a say she can keep track of what time he took his medications, she can ask him what’s hurting everytime he makes a noise or a face. She can sit on the edge of the tub while he take a piss or a shit, she can sit on the toilet while he’s in the shower. I haven’t even been back to work yet cause I’m so anxious about leaving him alone.
She fought with me cause she wanted me to take a picture of his truck when we went to the police station, we told her she could see it when it was home I didn’t want a picture to remind myself of the god awful experience, our best friends drove by the accident as they were towing his truck away, they said it was HORRIFIC, my best friend is still having nightmares about it. I don’t want fucking photographic evidence. She wants to fight me on everything and it’s getting to the point where I can’t hold back fighting her.
I understand she’s going through what I am, she almost lost her son I get it. But I don’t think she sees me as having the same emotions as her, so she’s brushing me off. But I almost lost the love of my life, the man I sleep next to every single night, the man who was my only source of light in the darkness that followed my grandfathers death. I know right now I’m “just his girlfriend” but this is my soulmate and the man I am going to marry, and opening the door to two cops on Friday night after getting a call from his friends that he should have been home by now, was thw most terrifying experience of my entire life.
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eringetsfit · 5 years
We’re home and in bed.
But I can’t get the feeling of wanting to throw up to go away. Probably because I haven’t slept since Friday. And even then it was only an hour of sleep before the mayhem.
His cousin was one of the EMT’s who arrived at the scene. He didn’t even recognize him. He had no clue who he was until after the fact. The cops wanted to pronounce him dead at the scene. But the EMTs wouldn’t let them.
I am sick to my fucking stomach, I can’t stop crying. But so fucking greatful.
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eringetsfit · 5 years
Please please please hold the ones you love extremely close tonight
Last night at midnight began the absolute most horrifying 12 hours of my life.
The police knocked on the door. My boyfriend was in the hospital after a horrific accident.
It was awful. He is the luckiest boy in the whole world. But I will never get over this fear.
As I lay in a recliner next to his hospital bed I can’t help but be so so so so so thankful to his gaurdian angel above who made this miracle happen.
Please hold the ones you love close for me tonight. I know I am.
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eringetsfit · 5 years
Reason 600 why I need a full length mirror
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Bought these jeans at Charlotte Russe during their closing sale.
Goal jeans are now what they are.
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eringetsfit · 6 years
Lol, I was talking all this shit that I was back and signed up for weightwatchers and went back to the gym.
Then Wednesday I was planning to go back to the gym but had a migraine that forced me to leave work early and crawl into bed and cry. I went over my points that day
Yesterday tho I finished the day with 7 points left but gained 2 pounds 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️
I woke up with another migraine and as much as I would like to call out of work, I’m planing on working extra hours today which I so desperately need.
Also, applied for a job with the states department of human services (which is what I’m in school for) where they are looking for people with a history in customer service and working with people over the phone (which I do every day) but after submitting the application I realized they wanted someone with a bachelors or a masters (which I don’t have yet) so I’m a little bummed. But also hoping they see my experience and consider me anyway. As it would really put me in the right direction.
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eringetsfit · 6 years
After weeks and weeks and weeks of telling myself that I was gonna eat right and work out and focus on my self and not doing a damn thing about it YA GIRL DID IT.
ReJoined weight watchers after finding delicious weight watchers meals that I wanted an excuse to eat.
And I went to the gym today!
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eringetsfit · 6 years
So today went a little better than planned.
I bought a car 😂
Doing things a little backwards
Got back from a mini vacation to Orlando last night and now ready to work on myself (body and life)
Today my boyfriend and I both took off work to get back in the swing of things.
Going to look at cars cause I’ve paid about ½ my car off and want another one, I need AWD for CT snow storms. Bluetooth would also be nice. So we’re going to see what is available and what I can get as a trade in.
Tomorrow I work but don’t have school because it’s spring break so it’s straight to the gym.
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eringetsfit · 6 years
Doing things a little backwards
Got back from a mini vacation to Orlando last night and now ready to work on myself (body and life)
Today my boyfriend and I both took off work to get back in the swing of things.
Going to look at cars cause I’ve paid about 1/2 my car off and want another one, I need AWD for CT snow storms. Bluetooth would also be nice. So we’re going to see what is available and what I can get as a trade in.
Tomorrow I work but don’t have school because it’s spring break so it’s straight to the gym.
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eringetsfit · 6 years
I leave for Florida in a week but I’m 600% more excited about the Jonas brothers
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