#King Bacchus
nerditoutwithbooks · 2 years
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alwayscaskett810 · 1 year
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neptunesize · 2 months
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𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓾𝓷𝓭𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓭𝓲𝓿𝓲𝓷𝓮
a dionysus and ariadne playlist
✦ Bedroom Hymns - Florence and the Machine
✦ Glitter & Gloss - Skott
✦ Fool - Børns
✦ Is Everybody Going Crazy - Nothing but Thieves
and more! listen here!
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deansraspberrypie · 1 year
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Bonus 😘
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👑💖 King Jensen Ross Ackles 💎👑
🍰 Tag list: @avanatural @undisputedchick @jranutter @fortheloveof-jackles @kazsrm67 @muchamusedaboutnothing @breath-of-snow-and-ashes @bluedragonflylady @mrsjenniferwinchester @unabashed-lover-of-fictional-men 🥧
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found--family · 1 year
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he's the princess 👑
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ivyblossom · 5 months
I'm still at it, fyi.
I'm not going to say this is my best chapter ever, it kind of got away from me and it roams around all over the place as if it doesn't know what it's there for, but that's what fanfiction is allowed to be, right? Fun times for the werido writing it? I had a week, I needed the indulgence, to be honest with you.
There was more that was meant to go in there, but I'm going to put that into the next chapter instead, there's enough in here, but it's clearly a set up for the next set of dominoes to come crashing down, because a) where does one locate their first orgy in an English boarding school? and b) sometimes teachers get mad at unruly boys in 1946, but is it even a good idea to cane a god? Probably not. But that doesn't mean someone won't try it just in case it feels great, I dunno.
In sum, rugby is probably a lot like an orgy when you think about it, but don't think about it, or it will become an orgy, and then everyone will get into trouble, because it's 1946 and homosexuality is illegal.
And then Bacchus wreaks vengeance on (TRIGGER WARNING) a man aiming to abduct and kill a small girl. Why did I put these themes together? There is a throughline, there is, it's Bacchus the Narnian god's power set in England and how bizarre that is, and also because he is a god of pleasure and he senses and controls desire, but is also A WAR BEAST and will DESTROY THE ENEMY in some pretty brutal and creative ways. His vengeance is swift, dramatic, and deeply confusing to all who witness it, and the little girl is unscathed. She has an encounter with a god that changes her life and makes her a little extra cool forever. She's a little Maenad now, and I wish her well.
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twinklecupcake · 6 months
Shifting Flames as C1 and Mystic Muse as B4 PLEASE!!!!!!! ✨️💖🥺💖✨️
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stubborngods · 4 months
i should add my narnia idiots to this blog..............
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every day i mourn my wife (edo period mack) who was lost to the war ('''''unnecessary fanservice''''')
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thevibrationofatoms · 2 years
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supernovasilence · 9 months
narnia au where their parents were with them at the train station during the beginning of Prince Caspian. To say goodbye to them. Their parents being a little bit clingy(ptsd and overprotectiveness) wanted to both see them off on the train. The parents accidentally end up in Narnia with them. Shenanigans abound. Just imagine these two proper British parents having to deal with the fact that a magical talking lion made their children Kings and Queens, and they were for 15 years in Narnia, Narnia in general, watching their children fight and command armies, Caspian, and the fact that their kids are not really children anymore. Also Mrs and Mr Pevensies having to rely on their children in this unfamiliar place.
ooh yes, there is definitely untapped potential in Mr. and Mrs. Pevensie ending up in Narnia. They would struggle so much with everything. Why are there talking animals and trees and water. Why won't our children listen to us. Who gave our tiny daughter a dagger. Why are her siblings acting like Lucy having a dagger is fine.
Also, if they tag along from the start of PC, they would quickly meet Trumpkin, and I'm laughing so hard at the thought. Because he's also a pretty skeptical person, but they'd have different ideas of what counts as reasonable.
Mr. and Mrs. Pevensie: a real dwarf? How is he here? How did we get here?
Lucy: oh, Aslan probably summoned us.
Trumpkin: the magical king lion? don't be ridiculous. everyone knows there haven't been talking lions in Narnia in centuries
Mr. and Mrs. Pevensie: but other animals talking is normal
Trumpkin: obviously
Also the battle at the end? There are very serious thoughts to be had about the parents seeing their children all grown up, and realizing how capable they are (and mourning a little at how much responsibility they've obviously had to shoulder so young. they sent their children to the countryside to give them as much childhood as they could, and instead war found them. war and greater burdens than they would have had back home), but I keep getting distracted trying to decide which would be funnier, the book or the movie version.
Mr. and Mrs. P: Lucy's not riding into battle! None of you should, but especially her!
Peter: don't be ridiculous
Peter: she's riding alone into the forest to find a lion
Or there's the book version of events, where Peter, Edmund, and Caspian fight in the battle while Susan and Lucy are off riding around on a lion, and literal Bacchus shows up with Silenus and a bunch of maenads and they conjure grape vines and wine everywhere.
(askfjdl and then Edmund eats dirt. The dryads are eating dirt at the victory feast and Edmund eats some because it looks like chocolate and imagine his parents. They've just started accepting their children actually are grown up and capable and royalty--and then their youngest son eats dirt.)
Also, maybe Mr. and Mrs. Pevensie look at Caspian and go "oh, another child carrying way too much responsibility. oh, you're an orphan and your uncle tried to kill you? okay, we have five children now"
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homeric-hymnist · 2 years
Hi, my name is Dionysus Bacchus Zagreus Iacchus Eleutherios and I have rich dark hair that waves about me and dark eyes and I look not like mortal men but like the gods who dwell on Olympus (that's how I got my name). I'm not related to heaven-nurtured kings because I am an actual son of Zeus (if you don't know who I am turn into a fucking dolphin!) I usually look like a stripling in the first flush of manhood but sometimes I change into a lion or bear. For example today I wore a dark purple robe on my shoulders and a vine and ivy spread out around me. I was walking on a jutting headland by the shore of the fruitless sea. The sea was sparkling, which I was very happy about. A lot of Tirsenian pirates stared at me. I put up my middle finger at them.
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deansraspberrypie · 2 years
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👑💖 King Jensen Ross Ackles 💎👑
🍰 Tag list: @avanatural @undisputedchick @jranutter @fortheloveof-jackles @kazsrm67 @muchamusedaboutnothing @b3autyfuldisast3r @breath-of-snow-and-ashes @bluedragonflylady @unabashed-lover-of-fictional-men @mrsjenniferwinchester 🥧
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mizortonfan · 1 month
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Bring back to you the Greatest King Bacchus Ackles.
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a-french-coconut · 3 months
Jason Grace
Birthdays are, for Jason, a day like another.
It's a normal day.
Nothing out of the ordinary comes from completing another year of living.
When came the day of his third birthday, Lupa gave him a little more food than the other cups.
As for Camp Jupiter...
Well, Jason never bothered telling his fellow comrades his birthday date.
Every time someone asked him "When's your birthday ?", he would always shrug it off and divert the attention somewhere else.
That was until Reyna came along and baked him cakes every single day of the year.
"If you won't tell me, I'll assume it's always today." She would tell him, presenting him a burnt cake with wax dripping from the ignited candles.
He should have know waging war against the daughter of Bellona would mean defeat.
And so, in their first year of friendship, Reyna learns that Jason Grace's birthday is July 1st, in honour of Juno, his patron goddess.
But to his insistence, they don't celebrate it.
"Why ?" She asked him one night, the both of them watching the city from above, in Bacchus' gardens.
"I already have enough attention as it is." He lies, because the truth is that he wants to preserve his birthday like he knows it.
A blurred image of a blue-eyed girl, swinging him around and singing him "Happy Birthday !". He fears that if he celebrated his birthdays, that memory would fade.
"My full name is Reyna Avila Ramirez Arellano." Reyna said out of the blue.
"That's a mouthful." He smiled before trying to pronounce it. "Reyna Avila Ramirez Arellano, it's-"
"Don't say it again." Reyna cuts him, her hands clutching her t-shirt, "Never."
"Okay." He replies and he understands why she said it to him.
A treaty, a deal between them.
Two things only they know of each other, a proof of trust.
That night, Reyna became the person Jason trusted more than anyone.
Years passed and nobody bothered to ask him about his birthday.
War is looming on the horizon, a storm ready to fall upon them.
They need to see him as a general, a fearsome warrior ready to lead them to victory.
He is the son of Jupiter and wether he is fourteen or fifteen matters not.
It's not until his sixteenth birthday that Jason understands why birthdays are a special date.
A day to commemorate your life, to celebrate living another year.
When Piper hands him a cupcake, with poorly made frosting, Jason eats it, savouring every bite.
That memory goes lock itself next to Thalia's.
When the war is over, Jason thinks that celebrating his seventeenth birthday with all his friends wouldn't be that bad.
(In canon, Jason never makes it to seventeen. Here, we throw canon out of the window because birthday boy deserves some happiness.)
Jason plops down on his bed, sighing.
What a long year it had been.
His sixteenth year of living began with a fight on the Acropolis, where he basically told his father he was a idiot for punishing Apollo.
Only for said god to barge into his dormitory months later, very mortal looking.
Then, his home is attacked by a zombie army lead by a dead roman king.
And how could he forget Piper breaking up with him.
Overall, that year wasn't the best of years Jason lived.
Except for all the friends he met and the sense of peace it brought him.
Not fully Roman, not entirely Greek, Jason is a children of both.
He has every right to feel at home in Camp Jupiter or Camp Half-Blood, where his father's statue is looking at him right now.
Jason lays in his bed, head purposesly facing the wall, and lets Morpheus greets him in his oneiric realm.
As Artemis leads her moon chariot in the night, June 31st morphs into July 1st.
A lousy voice startles Jason out of sleep and he jolts awake.
"What ?" He asks disoriented and tangled in his sheets.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUPERMAN !" The same voice screams and it comes from a flying table making circles in his cabin.
"Buford ?" Jason yawns, "what are you doing here ?"
"Right, right, thank you. Can you tone it down a little ?"
"Yeah, I get it. But please, it's-" He checks the clock, "it's seven am."
"What ? I gotta say his name ?"
"Okay," Jason laughs softly, "thank you Leo for wishing me a happy birthday."
"YOU'RE WELCOME BLONDIE ! NOW GET DRESSED AND COME OUTSIDE !" Buford zooms out of the cabin by the open roof.
Jason shakes his head and quickly puts on a Camp t-shirt and a pair of jeans. When he opens the door, there's no one.
"I know you guys are hiding !" He screams as he scans his surroundings. "Buford told me-" He huffs as a weight settles of his back and arms snake around his neck.
"Happy birthday Jason !" Leo screams in his ear, "Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy-"
"birthday, thanks." Jason completes, holding Leo on his back.
"Amigo, you are going to live the best day of your life !" Leo claps his shoulders, excited.
"Did you plan it all ?"
"With some help but yes, it was me." Leo shrugs, "Now, it's time for breakfast."
"To the Pavillon we go."
Camp's grounds are empty as they walk towards the eating Pavillon.
"Nobody was woken up by Buford ?" Jason asks, surprised, "he made quite the noise."
"Don't worry about that." Leo flicks his head, surely grinning like a madman.
"Fine, but I don't want to bother anyone-" He falters as they enter the Pavillon.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY JASON !" The whole camp scream, whistle, whoop.
He feels his face going hot, "Thanks you guys ! It's very nice of you to-"
At the Apollo Cabin, Will takes a mic and begins to sing.
"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, Jason Grace, happy birthday to you !" He finishes amidst his siblings' applauses.
"Woah, thank you Will." Jason says, his face probably the colour of a tomato.
Will bows and sits back, himself a little red but pleased with himself.
Leo jumps down from him, "Camp rules still apply so I gotta leave you here. But don't worry, I've got other surprises planned out for you." Leo winks and goes join his siblings.
Jason makes his way towards his table, murmuring "thank you", "really appreciated it", "you're the best." to all the campers he crosses.
When he finally sits down, another little surprise awaits him.
Blue brownies with a note.
"Sorry I'm not here buy you know, studies. Still, Annabeth and I wish you a happy birthday and you'll get our gifts later ! Enjoy your day, I'm still better than you because I win Kansas- ouch Annabeth ! Yes, I'm writing it because Jason will be my witness of your attitude. Appreciate the letter bro because it took me a while with dyslexia.
Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase
PS : I made the brownies (as if it wasn't obvious.), shut up Annabeth. Wait, can I still say shut up if you're writing ? (End the letter.), right, okay, ending the letter now."
Jason chuckles fondly, munching on a delicious brownie while he reads the note.
Most of his friends are at Camp Jupiter, Frank, Hazel, Annabeth, Percy.
He knows they would be here with him if they could, but the praetors are too busy to leave and Percy and Annabeth had exams coming up.
He tucks the note into his jeans and finishes the brownies, sacrificing a conjured apple to his father.
Hello, Father. Thank you for, hum, conceiving me ?
Yeah, that'll do.
He almost faceplates when Leo jumps on his back again.
"You're like a leech." He huffs, readjusting him so they are both comfortable.
"Don't know what that is but I'll assume it's something good." Leo replies, poking his neck. "Head towards the arena please, you have sword fighting class."
"No I don't."
"Yes, you do." Leo chirps, "now go."
"Leech." Jason groans.
Another surprise awaits him at the arena.
"Nico !"
The son of Hades gives him a small wave, "Hi Jason. Happy birthday."
"You came all the way from the Underworld ?" Jason asks with a big smile on his face, "for me ?"
"Don't flatter yourself that much Jason." Nico replies drily, "Will is the main reason I'm here."
"Of course," Jason grins, "how presumptuous of me to assume otherwise."
"I hope I'm not interrupting-" Leo pipes in.
"You are."
"Hush Di Angelo, I got best friend's privileges." Leo continues, "Give him your gift."
"You got me a gift ?"
"Yes." Nico mumbles, glaring at Leo, "I am here for your birthday after all. And Will of course." He adds, taking out a small box from his jacket and handing it to him.
He shrugs Leo off his back and takes the box.
It's pin, with "best cousin awards" written in big golden letters on it.
"It's-" Jason smiles, "it's just to piss Percy off when he sees it, isn't it ?"
"No." Nico says with a straight face. Jason looks at him. "Maybe a little," he concedes, "but I do believe you are not a bad cousin to have."
"Thanks Nico." Jason says earnestly, "I would hug you but..."
Nico smiles, "I can make an exception." and opens his arms.
Jason hugs him briefly and as soon as he's done, Leo climbs again.
"Right ! Now Nico, go find your boyfriend and Jason, direction the Big House !"
This little game lasts the whole day, Leo taking him to different places and people greeting him, wishing him happy birthday.
Malcolm gives him sets of models and black glasses.
"From Annabeth and Percy." He said.
"I understand Annabeth's gifts but did Percy explained ?"
"Yeah." Malcolm suppressed a grin, "It's to help you disguise yourself, like Clark Kent."
Jason rolled his eyes but hanged the glasses on his t-shirt's hem.
Drew gifted him contact lenses.
Connor offered him a book on geometry and architectural design.
"Annabeth might have helped a little." The son of Hermes confessed "And I promise I bought them fair and square."
Katie, Nyssa, Pollux all give him gifts.
It warms his heart that they care so much.
"You did help save our camp." Katie smiled, "It's the kind of thing that makes us appreciate you."
He now has a beautiful plant, a new set of armour and a ticket to an arcade room in New York.
The sun sets and it's time for dinner.
"Leo," Jason calls him as his friend join his table, "thank you for this day, it was the best birthday gift ever."
His friend's eyes glint, "Ah but Jace, the day's not over yet !" and he leaves cackling.
What could have he planned ? Jason thinks as he eats his fries.
Two hands suddenly obscure his vision.
He waits for the person to speak but she doesn't, "I have to guess ?"
He takes the silence for a yes.
"Hum," Jason thinks, who could it be ? One of his friends from Camp Jupiter ? Or... maybe... "Thalia ?" He call out hesitantly.
"Great guess little brother." Thalia laughs as her face appears next to him, "great guess."
He hugs her instantly, "You-"
"Came especially for your birthday, yeah." Thalia finishes, "how could I not ? My little brother is seventeen !" She ruffles his hair, arm on his shoulder.
"For me," Jason repeats, "you came for me."
"Yeah," Thalia says, "I'll always come for you Jason, always." She smiles before adding, "happy birthday."
"You were my only memory for a while you know." He gulps, feeling tears pooling in his eyes. "I'm sorry- I don't know why I'm crying, it's a happy moment, I'm happy-" He takes a big breath, Thalia's circular hugs on his back soothing him.
"You always loved this." Thalia says wistfully, "It always succeeded to calm your tantrums."
"Still works." He sniffles, leaning into Thalia's touch.
"Fate is a cruel thing," she whispers, "I never thought I would see you again after mom left you in those woods. And I've missed all your life, all your birthday parties-"
"You didn't, I never celebrated my birthday until last year." Jason whispers back, "I wanted to keep how I remembered it, with you swinging me around in the house."
Thalia chortles, "You already loved being in the air as a baby, you would always sit next to me and ask to be carried."
"I'm too big now."
"Hey," she nudges him, "no matter how taller you get, you will always be my little brother."
"I'm older though."
"Tough, you're still younger in my eyes." She snarks back, her head resting on his shoulder. "Leo's the one that invited me. I would have come nonetheless but I'm glad you found him, he's a good friend."
"Yeah," he agrees, "he is."
"I didn't come alone." Thalia adds, "there's another hunter with me."
"Hello Jason." A new voice says from behind.
"Reyna," Jason replies, "you're a huntress now."
She nods, "It's what is best for me."
"I'm going to leave you two alone," Thalia says, standing up, "I'll sleep in Zeus cabin tonight so see you later."
After she leaves, Reyna makes no move to go seat with him.
She's as Jason remembered, exuding an air of royalty and undeniable leadership.
She's the leader everyone see when they look at her, the woman who lead New Rome by herself, the demigod that killed a giant.
But Jason can see the small scar on her right wrist, the one she got for teasing Aurum too much with his food.
Or how she's nibbling her lip, indicating she's hungry and the way her hands are clasped behind her back, so that Jason doesn't see them trembling.
She's vainly trying to put a facade Jason can see right through.
"I'm sorry." He says, because it's all he can say.
"What for ?" She tilts her head, "you didn't ask Juno to capture you."
"But you loved me." He adds, because they need to address it, "you loved me and I came back with another girl."
She stiffens and Jason knows that her hands are tightly clasped, Reyna willing herself to stay composed.
"It wasn't your fault, I shouldn't have assumed you liked me back." Reyna clears her throat, "You had every right to date Piper."
"But-" He protests because he expected her to be angry, to be cold. She shouldn't be understanding, "I-"
She laughs bitterly, cutting him off, "You and Thalia share it, you know ? That unshaken belief that you are the cause of everything, that you have a hand in each matter evolving around you. I suppose it is divine heritage." she muses.
She scans the tables, her face lingering on Cabin 10.
"Venus' children ?" She asks and he nods, "Do you remember Charleston ?"
"Hum yes, we went to retrieve imperial gold-"
"I met Venus that day, and she told me that no demigod would ever heal my heart and that I will never find love where I hoped or wished to find." Reyna tells him, still looking at the Aphrodite Cabin, "I never told anyone that" she turns her obsidian eyes on him, "except you."
An olive branch.
An echo to the start of their friendship.
"I'm sorry for leading you on, for never making clear that I considered you a good friend." Jason apologises, feeling angry towards the goddess for ruining his best friend's life, "I hope the hunters of Artemis bring you the family you deserve Reyna."
He leans towards her, "I'm a little jealous of you to be honest," he smiles, a grin devoid of mirth, "I never had such a family before, and I don't think I ever will."
A secret for a secret.
That's how started their first friendship and that is how begins their new one, Reyna quietly seating next to him and directly stealing his fries.
"We'll come visit," she assures him, "every time we are near your location."
She eats quietly for another moment, her eyes fixed on Leo making laugh Harley over some joke.
"I think you're wrong."
"About what ?" He asks.
"About having a family, I think there's someone who would very much like spending his life with you."
"His ?" Jason picks up, "who is it ?"
"Leo Valdez could also make with some family," Reyna muses, "don't you think ?"
"Yeah..." He says slowly, "yeah, I suppose he can."
Next to him, Reyna grins slightly. "I'm sure he would be delighted if you were to sit next to him at your campfire, I'll tell Thalia not to wait for you."
"Maybe I want to sit with Thalia."
She raises her eyebrow, "She'll be here for the next two days, you'll have time to see her."
"Okay, okay" he relents, "I'll ask him when dinner ends."
They spend the rest of dinner chatting about the shrines Jason has to build, the relief of not being predator anymore, Aurum and Argentum, Reyna's new lifestyle.
"Leo !" He calls the son of Hephaestus who looks surprised to see him, "Wanna sit with me at campfire ?" He asks nervously.
"You're not going with Thalia ?"
For a reason unknown to Jason, Nyssa sighs loudly behind them and pinching her nose.
"She's staying a few days, I'll see her later. Right now, I want to go with you."
He gestures his back and Leo laughs but obliges, his head resting on his shoulder.
"Lead the way, Superman."
After two hours of singing, roasting s'mores, laughing until it hurts, Jason lays in his bed in Cabin 1, with a smile as Thalia's light snores fill the room.
Birthdays, Jason has come to find, are extraordinary days that he cherishes a lot for they bring all his friends together.
He cannot wait for his eighteenth birthday.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JASON GRACE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know I'm a little late but it's because it ended up being way longer than I thought it would 😅
Sweet, fluffy, comforting story because he deserves it 💖
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adracat · 3 months
Law of Casuality Write-Up (Pt.1?)
Warning!!: the following contains self-indulgence to the likes you’ve never seen before
Law of Causality: The proposition that everything in the universe has a cause and is thus an effect of that cause
Happy Sulemio week! Since it’s Fantasy Day, I decided to finally get cracking on this freeform analysis of my G-Witch series— Law of Causality. I’ve mentioned before this may be my favorite thing I’ve ever written. I was in a manic ADHD-fixation trance while writing this series. If you want the literary version of a triple-layer myth cake, this may be for you. I was considering an essay-style dissection but that’s taking too long. So here are my loose insights into this series as a whole!
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Art by my friend Tay, or @TaruhtQarineXiV on Twitter
As Above, So Below: Where it all began. I’ve mentioned in the A/Ns that this was spawned from my deep looks into what the show was taking inspiration from (imo). It’s my little love letter to Sulemio and gwitch, which quickly grew into something more.
Queen in White/King in Red—Beyond the alchemy, I wanted titles that sounded fairytale-esque while also hinting toward another mythos. Hastur or the King in Yellow (Signalis and True Detective enjoyers know that name) The initial King in Yellow appears in Haïta the Shepherd as the benevolent god of shepherds; a domain Hastur shares with Mercury. The short story is about the impermanence of happiness and how it can only be found once you stop seeking it. It’s a theme I ran with for the entirety of LoC, particularly Elnora. The later incarnations of Hastur are malicious eldritch figures. Suletta vs Prospera 😊
On Faerytales: LoC is obsessed with cycles and the rhyming of history. To me, fairytales embody that perfectly. The oral traditions of them are never the exact same, flavored with variations throughout the years. It’s how we got mythology to local folklore to Brothers Grimm to Disney renditions. That’s why I used Eros and Psyche and Sleeping Beauty for Suletta and Miorine (I’m convinced the show does this too but ymmv)
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The latter is inspired by the former with Psyche placed under a sleeping torpor Eros breaks. In Sleeping Beauty, the offending curse is a spindle and she’s barricaded by a witch in the form of a dragon. The Hawthorn serves as Mio’s ‘spindle’ as she suffers depression and isolation in the wake of her mother’s vanishing. Prospera (coded as witch Satan) is the dragon. Notrette is the fairies bearing gifts. In a twist, Suletta wakes her with Love as Anteros in the place of Eros. Yes I layered this cake excessively. It’s probably still confusing; I’m sorry.
Tldr; I used Sleeping Beauty alongside Greek myth.
Chaos and Night: Paradise Lost twisted into a toxic witch romance. One of the most insane ideas I’ve had, but I adore it to bits. Both Prospera and Notrette are vested to the teeth with mythology and theology.
Notrette: Besides Thelema’s Nuit/Babalon and cuing her as ‘God’, as a being of creation, opposed to the Devil, I fit so much into her character. She’s Lilith, Pandora, Circe, Ceres, Virgin Mary, the Morrigan, Ariadne, a deconstruction of the Mother Goddess from neopaganism, and the capricious Queen of Elphame from folklore.
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Another figure I styled her after is White Boann, the Dagda’s mistress and wife to Nechtan (cognate with Nuada or the silver-hand) which is where you get the hazel tree link. Boann names her son Aengus because the Dagda was her ‘one desire’.
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Circling back to Paradise Lost, she also plays the willing Eve who falls to Satan’s temptation in place of Miorine. There’s likely things I’m forgetting; I was so normal plotting her character.
Elnora: What can I say about this glorious wreck that wasn’t in the text? Venus, The red dragon Satan, the Beast from revelation, pagan Horned God, Neptune to Ceres, Theseus and Bacchus to Ariadne, Prometheus to Pandora, every Phosphoros, etc I’d be here all day. She’s coded as Orion the hunter who’s undone by Gaia and also the Teumessian fox to Suletta’s Laelaps. I mentioned she’s the riders of the apocalypse at the end too. White Rider is Suletta but her mom fulfills the rest; ‘Riding’ Vim as War, Riding Belmeria as Famine while wielding the ‘scales’ (Notrette as Libra) Finally, she wears the visage of death to bring Pestilence to the kingdom. I squeezed in the other omens of revelation with symbolism such as the crown of wormwood (Revelation 8:11)
When it comes to her role as Prometheus, I coded both Delling and Mio as birds of Venus (swallow and dove respectfully.) It’s meant to symbolize the ‘eagle’ devouring her was primarily herself all along. She was the architect of her ruin, lampshaded by Notrette from the beginning.
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Remember Haïta the Shepherd? In the story, there is a maiden whom embodies the ephemeral nature of happiness. Notrette is Elnora’s transformative destruction into cathartic acceptance/happiness. In Paradise Lost, Satan succeeds at banishing Eve and Adam from the garden but similarly fails when he’s turned into a snake. She’s lucky I was more metaphorical.
I liberally used Revelation 12, the woman and the dragon, as well. Look at me shipping crackships from the Bible. This is mostly self-explanatory, ofc Christ is genderbent and a role shared by Sulemio. Mio’s allergy to iron doubles as a nod to this, since she doesn’t take her father’s kingdom in this universe.
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There is more, such as Dionysis/Bacchus being a many-faced god with younger and older versions paralleling the Horned God’s dual aspects and the Dagda’s relationship to Aengus which led to me pitting Suletta as a lighter mirror of Elnora. But I’ll leave it here for now.
Writing this all out has me questioning what I was on, and how I can reproduce it. If you got this far, thank you for humoring my unabahed love for this world. Happy Fantasy Day, Sulemios! ❤️
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