#Kinda miss trash boi ngl
heartfullofleeches · 2 years
Anybody remember Erin?
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So may I request a poly ghost face (from 1996) where they have an autistic trans!reader. Ik a lot (I'm projecting) the reader stims vocally by mimicking what they say, and they have a special interest (am like bugs, gore, sharks, dinosaurs, something around those lines yk? I feel like gore would fit) the reader rambles and rants Abt their special interest a lot! Just those kinds of things. I feel like you'd be able to capture this perfectly, thank you! Have a wonderful time zone :)
Poly Ghostface x autistic trans male reader
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I always headcanon Stu as having something like ADHD, or just more hyperactive autism.
Been a while since I wrote about these two, huh? I’ve kinda missed em, ngl. Hope it’s alright I took some liberties with the hyperfixations :)
I can imagine that maybe you were friends with Stu when you were kids, because you were both “weird” in other people’s opinion. Stu because he was too hyperactive and could never sit still, and you because of your weird interests and how you were quite antisocial at times.
Time would pass, you guys would grow older. Stu would become someone popular, as his erratic and hyper personality becomes something others admire because he’s fun, whilst you stay being the weirdo with too much interest in medical texts, insects, and decomposition.
Neither of you meant to do it, but you would grow apart. Stu would get his new friends, specifically Billy, and you would stay by yourself burying yourself in your special interests. Its not strange to find you flipping through medical books or books about the horrors of war and medical malpractice. The more pictures the better.
When its not medical texts and war pictures with as much gorey detail as possible in the text and pictures, you can be found reading about death and the work of being a mortician, the way a body decays, and all that.
And when its neither of those things, you can be found looks at bugs, lifting rocks or moving trash to see what critters you can find. You have a sketchbook you like to draw in, three ones at that, one for each hyperfixation since you don’t wanna mix the information in them.
Its in the many niche medical books you learn about being transgender, and suddenly how uncomfortable you are in your own body makes sense. You don’t need any friends, or your families support to transition, that’s what you tell yourself at least.
You haven’t really had any real friends since you split form Stu when you were kids, and your creepy interests chase off anyone who might attempt to befriend you.
So, when you show up one day to school and openly tell people you are now a boy, no one really questions it, because why would they? You’re already weird, and compared to all your other quirks, being a boy is probably the most normal thing about you.
Through all these years you haven’t experienced as much bullying as you probably would have anywhere else, all thanks to Billy and Stu.
Stu because he still sees you as his friend in some way, and Billy because he’s fascinated by you. One day after you had come out, he walked behind you and saw you drawing detailed diagrams of top surgery in grotesque detail, and Billy has been hooked since.
At some point you and Billy would end up talking, one way or another. Maybe it was at the video store around Halloween one night, maybe the year Sidney’s mom died, and Billy would ask your opinion on the horror movie selection.
Youd grimace and say they sucked since the gore was so unrealistic, which Billy, the freak, would definitely ask into why you thought so. This would lead to you infodumping to him for a long time, going through multiple movies and explaining how its unrealistic and what would have made it better.
As infodumping goes, you don’t even realize how long you’ve been standing there talking to one of the hottest guy at your school about fictional gore, until Randy has to tell you guys that the store is closing soon.
You end up getting real embarrassed about wasting his time like that, which Billy is quick to tell you that nothing was wasted because he loved talking about it with you and hearing what you had to say. He would love to talk again some time.
You don’t really believe him, until he searches you out the next day in your shared free period when you are sitting outside drawing bugs and beetles, dragging Stu with him of all people. You haven’t actually interacted with Stu in a while, so you cringe and get jitters when he hugs you and gets into your personal space.
Its Billy who has to remind him of personal space, and before you know it, they’ve asked in about your special interests, and then they just sit back as you infodump and show them the pictures and drawings you have in all three of your sketchbooks, making the two Woodsboro killers fall for you harder and harder.
Time would pass and you three would start spending a lot of time together, Billy and Stu always hanging around you to listen to what you have to say, never growing tired no matter how much you infodump.
Stu would be the first to confess his feelings, as he feels fast and he feels strong, so one day when you two are laying on his bed and you’re talking about the difference between two beetles who look almost the exact same, whilst also talking about lungs and how they’re built, Stu just leans over and kisses you.
You would be so confused, until Stu tells you that he really likes you, he would even spill the beans that Billy feels the same way too. As if summoned, Billy would show up and Stu would be all like “right Billy? You like him too, right?” and Billy would facepalm cuz he planned on confessing in a much better way.
But hed agree and say he fell pretty damn hard for you, but neither rushes you in your decision as they know it’s a big step. I can imagine Stu also rambling about how hes always liked you since you were kids, even before you transitioned, and how he actually started liking you even more afterwards because you looked so much more comfortable with yourself and who you were.
At some point you would come to the conclusion that you felt the same way, and boom, now you got two boyfriends who like you for who you are, and would stab a bitch if they tried to disrespect you in any way, shape, or form.
When the ghostface killings happen, you wouldn’t be at the party since they are super overstimulating, but you would go to the hospital to check on Billy and Stu since they are the only “survivors”.
I thought it would be funny if you developed a special interest in the ghostface killers and started a fourth sketchbook filled with your notes and theories, but you would keep it hidden form Billy and Stu because you fear it would trigger their trauma, since you don’t know they are the killers.
The fourth sketchbook would also have rants you can’t put anywhere else, like how certain people have hatecrimed you because of your gender, or because you are “weird”, and how some dark sick part of your brain wants the ghostface killers to kill them.
At some point your boyfriends would find the sketchbook and go through it together, whistling as they see the detailed analysis made for each kill, and how you are so close to figuring it out. But when they read all the stuff you’ve written you never told them, it angers them that people have been hurting you without them knowing.
You wouldn’t have told them since you didn’t want to worry them, and it wasn’t their fight in your opinion. Billy and Stu decide that they have to pull out the masks once more, seems they have a couple of horrible people to get rid of for mistreating you.
Imagine your surprise when one night you walk into your room stimming with both your hands and repeating stuff that Billy and Stu said earlier that day, only to find not one, but two people wearing ghostface gear in your room.
It takes you a little too long to even spot them as you were scribbling in your death sketchbook, having gotten a sudden spark of inspiration on the way home from your apprenticeship as the local funeral home.
You almost get to scream before they pounce, never actually hurting you but clamping a hand over your mouth, their gloves wet with what you can smell is blood. After they make you promise to stay quiet, they unmask and reveal who they are.
You buffer like an old computer for a little too long, before smacking the shit out of both of them, wacking them in the chest for not telling you. Your opinion on death and murder are probably really twisted, and the people they’ve killed have either hurt you or you had no relationship with them.
It does light up every light in your hyperfixations though, and you might demand them to explain what killing someone is like, or what a freshly killed body looks like for your sketchbooks.
Billy would grin and try to kiss you, because how can you be so perfect? But you’d wave him off with a grimace and demand Stu explain once again what it was like stabbing someone so you can get it all down in your book.
I don’t know if youd join them as a third Ghostface, but they might take you along every now and then, letting you roam the place after they’ve done their thing if the chance is there. I could imagine them taking pictures of things for you too.
I’m imagining them both dressed up as ghostface, except no mask, both kissing at your cheeks and neck and being all lovey dovey and almost purring, whilst you are sketching down the different pictures and notes about them.
They love you so much, its insane. You’re gonna have them hanging on you for the rest of your life, sorry man, I don’t make the rules. Even if you move to another city and start studying to be a professor or like, investigator for the FBI, they would go with you. It would even help them in their Ghostface work as you are an expert in them not getting caught.
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deezbignutz · 4 months
Redacted characters as musical songs because I'm a sucker for musicals :))) + some lyrics cuz why not 🤷‍♀️
Guy abt Honey - "Never Ever Getting Rid of Me" From Waitress. He is a simp and he makes sure they know it. Kinda yandere coded, but womp womp ig. (yandere Guy? 😳😏) "Such a stubborn man, you'll likely never meet another." "Oh, I'm gonna love you so." "I though it was hilarious to call a cat a kind of fish."
Damien abt Hux - "When He Sees Me" From Waitress. Damien just overthinking about going out Hux even before knowing him all that much. "I stick with real things, usually facts and figures. When information's in its place I minimize the guessing game. Guess what? (What?). I don't like guessing games or when I feel things before I know the feelings." "What scares me the most. Is what if when he sees me, what if he doesn't like it? What if he runs the other way and I can't hide from it? What happens then?." "Or even worse, he could be very nice, have lovely eyes and make me laugh, come out of hiding. What do I do with that?" Also literally the entire song ngl. It's very Damien coded in my opinion.
David & Asher - "For Good" From Wicked. Just wholesome, very platonic love and friendship shared between two friends. (No, I'm not trying to be sarcastic. They're just very good friends) "I've heard it said, that people come into our lives for a reason. Bringing something we must learn." "Who can say if I've been changed for the better? But because I knew you, I have been changed for good." :')) "You'll be with me, like a handprint on my heart."
Young David & Asher - "For Forever" From Dear Evan Hansen. Just two friends. On a perfect day. :'))) "All we see is sky forever. We let the world pass forever. Feels like we could go on for forever this way, two friends on a perfect day." "He looks around and says to me 'There's nowhere else I'd rather be.' And I say, 'Me too'." "And I see him come to get me. He's come to get me, and everything's okay." witerally the inversion
Imp!Lasko to Imp!Freelancer - "Meant to be Yours" From Heathers. I don't think I need to explain this one, it just speaks for itself. "You chucked me out like I was trash, for that you should be dead." "You were meant to be mine. I am all that you need. You carved open my heart. Can't just leave me to bleed. Veronica, open the, open the door, please. Veronica, open the door. Veronica, can we not fight anymore, please? Can we not fight-" yada yada yada, you know the audio
Freelancer (?) - "The Wizard And I" From Wicked. It's just them being pumped to go to DAMN and to get to learn more abt their weird and foreign powers. "This weird quirk I've tried to suppress or hide, is a talent?" "No father is not proud of you, no sister acts ashamed." 🙂 "And this gift or this curse I have inside. Maybe at last, I'll know why."
Asher + werewolf bois - "I Feel Pretty" From West Side Story. Broski is on cloud 9 after meeting Baaabe, and the others are just there to witness his delulu. "It's alarming how charming I feel. And so pretty, that I hardly can believe I'm real." "Have you met my good friend, Maria (Asher)? The craziest girl on the block." "I feel dizzy, I feel sunny, I feel fizzy, and funny, and fine. And so pretty, Miss America can just resign!"
Gavin - "Noel's Lament" From Ride the Cyclone. Just a gay little guy dreamin up his gay little fantasies during work because workin in 7-Eleven is too boring. 👍 "Good girls call me 'The Town Bicycle'. Don't knock it 'til you've tried my life of sin." "He said, 'I think I am in love with you' I've heard that lie a million times before." "'My chils, do you have any final words to the Lord you'd like to say?' 'Oui, tell him that, like him, I coose to burn out rather than fade away!'" get into it, queen.
Avior & Starlight - "What Is This Feeling?" From Wicked. This is how I feel like their first reaction to each other when they're in hell went. "For you see, my roommate is: Unusually and exceedingly peculiar and altogether quite impossible to describe. Blonde!" "What is this feeling? Fervid as a flame. Does it have a name? Yes. Loathing. Unadulterated loathing." "Ev'ry little trait, however small, makes my very flesh begin to crawl."
Caelum to Freelancer - "Popular" From Wicked. Hear me out. He doesn't mean it in a bad way, he just wants to help Freelancer out in their new, scary school. "And even in your case, though it's the toughest case I've yet to face. Don't worry, I'm determined to succeed!" "So let's start, 'cause you've got an awfully long way to go..." "Now that I've chosen to become a pal, a sister and advisor. There's nobody wiser!" he's just way too excited to show the magical world to them
Shaw Pack - "Jet Song" From West Side Story. You could also debate that this is also kinda like the Solaire Clan, but the Shaw Pack suits it better cuz of how laidback and playful the song is. "When you're a Jet, if the spit hits the fan, you got brothers around, you're a family man." "When you're a Jet, you're the swingin'est thing. Little boy, you're a man; Little man, you're a king!" mmmm, Solaire Clan vibes "Someone gets in our way, someone don't feel so well!" Quinn? That u?
Any and all immigrants moving to Dahlia - "America" From West Side Story. Two perspective on how livin in Dahlia is like. "Buying on credit is so nice One look at us and they charge twice." ✨racism✨ "Life can be bright in America (Dahlia) If you can fight in America (Dahlia)" "Here you are free and you have pride Long as you stay on your own side."
Marcus - "Cool" From West Side Story. Anxious little technician anxious about being found out and fired. :)))) "Don't get hot, 'cause man, you've got some high times ahead." "Breeze it, buzz it. Easy does it. Turn off the juice boy. Go man, go. But not like a yo-yo schoolboy." idk with this one, it doesn't really have much lyrics anyways :\
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk :))))
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vanillabourbon · 1 year
the first of many. | intro | ongoing tlou series
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story summary. joel arrives at Jackson twenty years after the outbreak with a young girl that cares for him just as much as he cares for her. little did he know, he would soon meet someone else that would urge his returning sense of humanity one step further.
introductory chapter warnings. weaponry. alludes to suicidal thoughts and behavior. mentions of blood and violence. wounds. kinda sad ngl but let’s call it canon. pls let me know if i missed anything.
story pairings. joel miller x reader, tommy miller x platonic!reader
words. 11k (i went a bit overboard, hehe, but editing is going slow so pls ignore any obvious mistakes. this is the first work i’ve taken seriously so please enjoy :))
Chicago, Illinois. September 2003.
The mind and the body’s initial response is always denial – denial of things, of circumstances, and of situations that are too radical, too unconventional, to believe.
How could anyone believe the events of things as they were? Social and societal constructs had been dismantled in a matter of hours, as if the very fabric of everyone’s being had been tied together by a mere string. The justice and sovereignty in belief, in trust in the nature of things themselves, was apparently so fickle, so haphazardly constructed in the first place, that it took a rapidly spreading infection to displace and make known just how unsafe anything is from harm.
No one should be shocked, really. Least of all you.
In hindsight, which is the only perspective anyone can rely on at a moment’s notice, everything gave way to regret and humiliation. How had no one seen this coming? Everything up until that point in time suddenly seemed so obvious – so commonsensical. It was as if someone had balled up every bad thing and every imperfect thing until it could no longer withstand its own constraints and, instead, chose to flow directly toward the seemingly permanent. 
There’s always an element of impermanence in the seemingly permanent.
For whatever reason, now, only a day had passed since the events that led to an abrupt collapse in society as you knew it. You wanted to believe the best – that society and the nature of man would prevent anything from happening. You trusted that the condition of humanity would never outweigh the moral weight of integrity and righteousness. You told yourself that the militant responses of the government were out of necessity and that order and control would fall soon after – or, at least, eventually.
Whether you truly believed that or not no longer mattered.
You were being ushered through the city of Chicago by your older brother, trailing after your uncle, aunt, and two cousins in the wake of another riot. It was dark, darker than any time you had ever stepped foot through the streets of Chicago. And it was bare. Every skitter and harsh knock of a tin trash can sent your brother’s nerves into overdrive; his fingers dug into the flesh of your forearm, dragging you beside him with every step he took. His vice-like grip pained you, but you didn’t bother to tell him that.
You did exactly what he had instructed you before: keep quiet and avoid eye contact.
Military brigades sat empty in the torn and destroyed city streets. Fires engulfed and illuminated countless buildings – convenience stores, pharmacies, mini marts, miscellaneous retail stores. For a moment, you could’ve sworn you saw a young boy, no older than your small cousins, ducking behind a fire hydrant. Tiny fingers braced against the stained red paint, gripping the rusted bolts as if a life depended on it. Maybe it did. But the boy was gone when you chanced a look back.
“Eyes forward,” your brother mumbled.
You didn’t bother to argue. You were far too consumed with wandering, catching stray remnants of the world around you in your peripheral. Anything and everything surrounding you seemed too fantastical, like a stupor you were unable to shake yourself from. The tall, familiar skyscrapers were in stark contrast to the now empty storefronts and abandoned vehicles.
Even though it felt like the end of something, it seemed like the start of something else. Of what, you didn’t know.
Regardless, you wanted to make no effort to distract or distress your brother any further. You’d never seen him so laser-focused, so adamant about one thing, in your life. It was clear that safety was his top priority, and the thought sent your mind and your heart reeling. 
Even if your brother hadn’t been dragging you toward Lawrence Avenue, you felt that your feet would have been bumbling about of their own accord. You were sure they weren’t moving because of anything you were doing. Your mind was elsewhere, eyes flitting to and from every glimpse of dark corners and shattered glass you dared to witness. Surprisingly, it wasn’t fear bubbling up and threatening to overtake your every sense; it was surprise, perhaps confusion. 
Your gaze would’ve gotten lost down a dark side road as you were marched by it, but you were torn from your daze. A slight stumble, the slip of a toddler’s foot, caught everyone by surprise. One of your cousins rested in an awkward heap a few feet in front of you, ground having scraped her knee and stray debris nearly slicing her palm as she braced herself. Among stray tires and pieces of burnt wood, she looked so small, so petite. Her face twisted in pain and sadness as she turned about, first to you and your brother as you approached then to her parents only a few steps away.
Without missing a beat, your uncle ushered your aunt forward, pushing her lower back and guiding her to keep going. He did the same with his young son before going back and reaching down, scooping up his daughter from where she lay on the pavement with one hand and reassuring her with the other.
Momentarily, his eyes flitted toward you and your brother. It was the first time he had turned to look at either of you since you started your trek. For a moment, you wondered if he was about to say something. 
But he didn’t. He only locked eyes for a second, maybe longer, before he was turning on his heels and picking up his pace to a light jog.
Only minutes had gone by before your family’s pounding footsteps were quieted by shouts and gunfire. A frighteningly sudden halt came when you all jolted to a stop. If things were still, you would’ve been gracious for the moment to rest your feet, for the chance to catch your breath and rock back on your heels to ease the pain from your soles. The act of running was starting to take its toll – stripping and coercing your composure and relief from their rightful place.
Calm felt so far removed. Even more so when the gunfire ceased and a loud, nearly automated voice came over a distant speaker: “ALL REMAINING CIVILIANS MUST REPORT TO ONE OF TWO EMERGENCY MEDICAL CAMPS.”
A tan army vehicle passed by your group just then. It rolled passed, and you all did a poor attempt at ducking into the shadows. Your brother’s grip tightened, if that were even possible, and dragged you to his side. Your breath caught in your throat until the back tire of the vehicle disappeared from sight, rolling down the road and toward the loud din still protruding from two streets over.
Whoever was among the shouting didn’t matter. It was clear that there were a lot of them, and that scared you. The streets had seemed so empty, so shallow. For a moment, you could pretend like your family was all that was left, that you all would make it to your aunt and uncle’s vehicle you’d left at airport parking. Maybe drive until you found a place safe enough to sleep. Wake to a world not burnt and bruised on every side.
It was a good dream. A pipe dream, perhaps, but a good one.
Your uncle was the first to move. He wrapped his arms around your aunt and cousins, driving them down a side street a few feet away. Your brother, a slight wild look in his eye, chanced a look around. For a split moment, he looked as if he was going to grab your wrist and keep running, chance a run-in with the military or with a group of people just as scared as the two of you. But he didn’t. He let out a low huff and dragged you toward the same side street.
Your aunt was huddled a few feet away, partially occluded by shadow and rocking one of your cousins in her arms. She was crouched, whispering, or pleading, something in a low voice. It was almost unnerving to watch her come undone.
Your gaze was torn from the sight when your uncle grunted. He was crouched right beside you, tying your other cousin’s shoes. Your cousin’s small hands were splayed across his back as she tried to balance herself.
“Danny boy, you’re with me,” he finally said. He looked over his shoulder and up at your brother. “We’ll run the rest of the way. It’s just a few blocks.”
You furrowed your brow, stepping forward quickly. Danny’s hand was still locked around your arm, but he made no move to stop you nor speak for himself. “Wait, what?”
Your uncle turned his attention back to the small white strings in his hands, his fingers fumbling awkwardly with the small shoelaces. “I know we said we’d get the car checked, but it should run just fine. We’ll come back for them in five minutes, tops.” His head was nodding before he even finished his sentence. “Yeah, yeah. Five minutes. Tops.”
“You can’t be serious.” Since he made no effort to acknowledge you, or to look at either of you again, you turned to your brother. “Is he serious?”
Danny was chewing on his bottom lip then, staring down at your uncle with eyes that did not seem in the least bit alarmed. “You sure about the car?”
“It’ll run?”
At that point, your chest started to heave. Slightly, but heave all the same. A thickness suddenly but slowly started to coat your throat, like someone had lodged a softball right between your esophagus and windpipe.
Danny might’ve been calling your name, but, if he was, you couldn’t hear him. In seconds, he was dragging you backwards until you were pressed into the wall of the closest building. It was some worn-down bar. Your shoulders dug into the brick. “You have to stay here. Okay? With Aunt Lorraine and the twins.”
And that did it – that truly jolted you. “No,” you protested, hands coming up to grip your brother’s forearms. Now it was your turn to dig your fingers into his flesh. Anything to keep him there and grounded, right beside you, where he belonged. “You can’t just leave me.”
“I have to. We can get the car. Skirt downtown and be on our way to Indiana.”
“What about the military?”
“We can get away from them.”
“We can.”
“It’s the military,” you deadpanned.
For a moment, you could almost make out a brief glint of humor in his eyes. The side of his mouth perked up, threatening a smirk that always drove you crazy whenever he found hilarity in situations not in the least bit hilarious. But right now, in this moment, it lifted whatever burden was trying to settle like a rock in your chest. Your brother was still your brother. And, to you, he’d never leave you.
“We just can, alright?” He reasoned. “We have to.”
“Well, what happens when we get to Indiana? What if we can’t find a place to stay?”
“You let me worry about that.”
“But, that’s the problem, Danny. You don’t worry about these things.”
You finally broke eye contact then. Pools of tears were beginning to form, blurring your vision and making everything around you swim.
“Well, that’s why I need you, isn’t it? Gives me an incentive to actually come back for you.”
You scoffed, a slight sniffle leaving you as you did. “As if you’d ever leave me behind.”
“Hey, we need to go, kid,” Your uncle said.
Afar off, he had long since stood and was waiting for your brother at the mouth of the street. When you turned toward him, he looked away, chancing a quick look both ways before exiting the shadows entirely. He loitered there, clearly waiting for Danny to join him.
Your brother had completely ignored him, not taking his eyes off of you for even a second. “Exactly. That’s why you have to trust me when I say I will come back.”
When you returned his gaze, his eyes were as earnest as you had ever seen them. He was telling you the truth and trying his hardest to make sure you believed him before he took off. You did, of course, but something was making every nerve in your body hot and every hair on your head stand. Something wasn’t right.
“I trust your word, Danny, but I have a bad feeling about this.”
“I’ll be fine. We’ll be fine.” 
And something told you he didn’t mean himself and your uncle. 
He urged himself forward, pressing a hard kiss to your forehead. He stayed there for a few seconds, crushing you to his chest, before abruptly letting go. He determinedly strode down the street, meeting your uncle on the sidewalk with a firm nod. 
Before he disappeared, he turned once more to you and added, “I’ll see you again.”
Austin, Texas. September 2003.
If Joel could give voice to the crushing weight of a broken heart or the sudden unwillingness to yield to the innate response to keep going, he still wouldn't be able to properly identify it as true sorrow.
He still couldn’t quite pin it – anger, disbelief, pity … guilt. Everything had happened so fast, as they always do. But never to him. Calculations and planning, pure thought – the things he was used to and relied heavily on simply because they worked – were nothing compared to the devastation of unpredictability – of spontaneity, the unexpected. As cruel as fate could be, as cruel as life itself could be, there was very little possibility that it could bring about something like this – to take something so pure, so innocent, as a life. A child’s life.
A life for a life, he determined.
“Swear?” Sara had asked. Long ago now, it felt like. Something about a birthday cake, but the softness in her voice had sent Joel’s heart pumping with love and affection.
“On my life.”
A woman screamed somewhere to his left. His brow twitched, and, for the first time, he became semi-cognizant of his surroundings. A makeshift medical camp was teeming with victims, families, military and doctors alike, swarming and descending around him. White lab coats and camouflage armor were a hazy swirl as frenzied bodies wheeled grocery carts, gurneys, wheelchairs, beds – anything they could find – all through one Austin plaza. 
For one second, one split second, Joel could vividly picture himself and Tommy driving by here on the way to pick up supplies not even two months earlier. He had been laughing, then. Shaking his head at something his brother had said to diffuse his anger for having been late the morning of.
Joel had been clutching a juice box then, too. A ‘good source of vitamin D.’ It felt small and strange in his hand at the time. Foreign. An odd replacement to the coffee usually growing cold in his tired grip. But he had promised her. Even when she threw a smile over her shoulder and clamored out of the truck to bound across her school’s parking lot, he didn’t let the box go until he’d drunk it all. Even when the memory was fading now, lost to a couple of weeks and now permanently overwritten by the last time he’d dropped her off, Joel could still feel the box. 
Small. Strange. Like the last image of her now boring into the backs of his eyelids – curling and uncurling her failing grip in his t-shirt with every gasping breath.
Out of nowhere, a woman screamed again. Not loud enough to startle him from whatever depth he was losing his footing in, but still loud. Loud enough to draw the attention of nearby soldiers, who rapidly trained their weapons toward her. They didn’t shoot. They didn’t stand down either.
The woman was on her knees in the middle of all the chaos. A nurse unknowingly side-stepped a soldier and nearly tripped over the wailing woman. She didn’t notice of course. She just knelt there, rocking and shrieking. It took a moment for Joel to notice the small body she was clutching in her hands. A girl. Straight, dark hair thick and spiraling, down her mother’s lap and nearly sweeping the concrete. Her legs were dangling, bedazzled skechers limp and uncanny. There was a trail of blood leading from a misshapen wound – like indents left from teeth – on the girl’s left calf. 
He looked away.
“Joel.” A voice came. Hardly recognizable. Seconds later, Tommy appeared in front of him, hands gripping his forearms and eyes pleadingly searching Joel’s countenance with growing anxiety.  “Joel, c’mon now. Talk to me, brother. Say something.”
He did say something, though it didn’t quite reach Tommy’s ears. He was muttering, balancing himself on the perch of the old gurney beneath him and rocking himself slightly. 
“On my life,” Joel muttered, continuously, trapped in an earlier memory. An earlier conversation. With the only one who mattered.
“Alright, well,” Tommy started, dropping one hand as he scanned the surrounding area. “We need to get you something to cover that hand.” He turned his attention back to Joel, leaning down and pushing forward to take up Joel’s entire field of vision. “I’ll be back, you hear me? Don’t move.”
He was gone almost as fast as he came. At his words, Joel’s eyes dropped to his hand, the one he’d been unconsciously cradling in his lap. Blood dripped, unceremoniously, down the valley of his palm and onto the cracked pavement under his boots. He vaguely remembered lashing out at some guy before being ushered into the camp. In front of some convenience store. He had landed roughly, shards of glass impaling his skin before Tommy got the chance to haul him up and press him to keep running.
There wasn't a single part of him that felt it, though. The gaping wound – the whole ordeal – seemed like a hallucination, like something plucked from the deepest, most submerged part of his consciousness. Something hardly thinkable. Something vicious and unnerving. Something that simply couldn’t be true.
“Dad … Daddy!”
Joel jolted awake. A stray frosting tip fell from his fingers and rolled across the floor until it hit the edge of Sarah’s heel. His vision swam with exhaustion, drowsy eyes sweeping over the kitchen table. A half frosted cake, a bit lopsided and slightly whiter than the yellow version advertised on the box. A frosting bag filled with purple frosting resting precariously on the edge of the table, inches from his hand now numb from laying on it.
In sudden alarm, he turned back to a curious Sarah. “Baby, I –.” When she met his gaze, he just sighed, dropping his shoulders. “What’re you doing up? It’s late.”
“I saw the light,” she said simply.
She bent down, retrieving the frosting tip before ambling over to his side. He watched her every move, weighing every option that popped into his head about what her expression meant. Child-like innocence. Brief reminders of every year he’d spent enjoying her life right before his eyes.
The small gears were shifting in her head; he could see them from here. She was eyeing the cake, if he could even call the mound of crumbled blocks a cake. Her gaze momentarily slid toward him as she neared him. She stopped at his side, a small hand on his thigh indicating her intent. He pushed his chair back, hands easily guiding her up and onto his lap.
“What’re you doing?” She finally asked.
“Figured I’d try my hand at baking. Construction’s getting slow these days. What’d you think?”
His voice was casual, but he was anything but. He had worried his lip in the aisle of the supermarket just at the thought of buying the wrong cake decorations. The moment of truth had come too soon for him. If he hadn’t been so damn tired, if Tommy had gotten the supplies earlier and hadn’t caused the job to go until ten – 
“It’s pretty.”
Her voice startled him, laced with joy and, what seemed like, pleasant surprise. Her back was leaned against him, and he could just make out her face, angled slightly away from him. She was smiling softly at the poor imitation of whatever he’d bought. The only store left open had been out of cake mix, of course. A woman in the aisle with him explained how easily he could make something close to it with this. Easy for her was hell for Joel, but he couldn’t put a price on Sarah’s smile at that moment.
“Thank you. Tried real hard on it.” He was trying for humor, but he meant every word. His attempts were born from a real place – a place that desperately wanted to see her light up the way she did when he forced himself to sit through her favorite movie, when they decorated the Christmas tree early last year, and when he finally let her drive the truck on Tommy’s lap.
The two looked at the excuse for a cake. It was leaning now. A small portion protruding from where Joel attempted to make a flower out of a mold.
“Is it –,” she paused, cautiously, but hopefully, picking her next words. “Is it for me?”
“‘Course, babygirl. This masterpiece of a cake ain’t for just any eight-year-old.”
“I’m not eight yet,” she reminded him. “Except,” she paused again, frowning. “My birthday’s tomorrow.”
“You always wake up so early. Thought I’d try to surprise you by fixin’ it tonight.”
She stared a bit longer before nodding decisively and throwing an arm around his shoulders. She twisted in his lap, eyes and smile beaming up at him. “I would’ve slept in for you.”
Luck. It had to be luck. Joy, devotion, trust, unquestionable love. A child’s eyes swim with all of the above, and one child in particular, his child, was looking at him with all that and more. Her tightly-wound curls framed her small face and swept her tired eyes, but her expression remained the same. Joel’s heart twisted at the sight.
He cleared his throat, hesitant to speak with the growing lump in his throat. “You would’ve pretendin’ to, anyway.” He rose, maneuvering her until he was carrying her comfortably against his hip. “C’mon, now. It’s late. Gotta get to bed if you want your gifts.”
Abruptly, she pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Thank you, daddy.”
He smiled, part of him worried his eyes were growing wet. “Anything for you, babygirl. Happy birthday.”
Joel was torn from his stupor at the sight in front of him – the sight he’d been staring at while reliving a memory he felt fading almost as fast as he began to remember it. It was a boy, barely old enough to be a teenager. His tear-stained cheeks were nothing compared to the way his eyes rapidly and wildly scanned the area. His gaze hit Joel’s for only a second before he was moving on.
“Dad!” he was shouting. “Dad!”
The boy was turning in circles, looking every which way and shouting into the sea of unknown faces. Every so often he was jostled by complete strangers – unnamed faces covered in weaponry, medication, or grief. One man bumped into him so hard he nearly lost his footing. It didn’t matter. It didn’t stop his shouts or his turns or his wild eyes cutting through the masses of people.
“Dad … Dad!”
Joel turned suddenly, new reading glasses perched on the edge of his nose and hands gripping a cup of coffee – fresh seconds. His elbow was propped against the kitchen table he had been occupying for the last hour, mountains of papers and file folders splayed across the tabletop along with a black pen resting atop an unfinished tax document. With Sarah now in sight, his eyes briefly scanned the backyard through the patio-door window, where he’d last seen her playing soccer with Tommy. 
His brother, of course, now leaned against their fence with a shit-eating grin on his face as the woman he was talking to from his neighbor’s yard threw her head back in laughter. 
Of course.
Joel’s eyes turned back to Sarah, breathing in feigned annoyance. “What? Jesus, you keep calling my name like that you’re gonna dad me to death.”
She snorted. “If I wanted that, I’d do it more like this – Dad. Dad. Dad. Dad. Da–.”
“No, now that’s more like it.”
With a shake of her head, and a small smile, she wandered closer to him with a simple, “What’re you doin’?”
“Takin’ a break from you.”
She ignored him, stepping close enough to peer over the table. Normally, Joel would shoo her away with an obvious hint that she shouldn’t concern herself with whatever was his job. He didn’t like her looking or hearing about their situation in any way, good or bad. She was supposed to be thinking about soccer and school and zoos and the fair he and Tommy were taking her to later that week. Not any of this.
After a moment, he finally did; he abruptly moved forward, reaching and shuffling the papers into a messy stack.
“Nothing you have to worry about, honey, it’s –”
“Line eight E is repeated three times.”
He froze. “What?”
“Line eight, letter ‘E.’ It’s repeated three times.” For emphasis, she pointed down at the document closest to her.
Joel picked up the paper, letting the black pen slide off of it and land with a soft thud on the paper beneath it. She was right. There was no denying she was right. “Huh.”
“‘Sometimes it’s good to have a second pair of eyes,’” she quoted him, turning and strolling to the cabinet to retrieve a bag of chips. He’d told her that when he let her replace the axle nuts on her bike tire. She’d sworn the nuts wouldn’t rotate until he came over to help. The sentiment worked then, and it was working now. “You don’t have to do everything by yourself, Dad.”
He gave her a look, brows furrowing, but her back was turned. She busied herself pouring chips into a bowl. He tried for humor again, responding, “I’m never by myself. I got Tommy breathin’ down my neck every day. He’s all the help I need.”
The only indication of her response was a slight shake of her head, curly hair brushing, back and forth, between her shoulder blades. A quiet huff, something close to a laugh, escaped her.
“We’re also out of milk.” She threw a reply over her shoulder casually, very obviously avoiding turning around.
For a long moment, his eyes were still trained on her. It took a mental connection, a moment of realization, for his brows to lift slightly. His gaze slid over to a purple sticky note hanging diagonally on the refrigerator. Her frilly handwriting, turned cursive upon entering middle school, etched out ‘Get milk from the store!’ in large letters.
“That’s what the note on the fridge is for?”
She remained silent but finished making her snack, ambling back to his side and taking a seat in the chair beside him. There was no need for her to respond, but Joel’s nerves went into overdrive at any and all underlying insinuations. Was she worried about something? Worse yet, was she worried about him?
“Where’s all this coming from?” he continued.
She shrugged, not quite meeting his eyes. “You just work so much. More than usual. I just thought – Least I can do is help you some.”
“You really wanna help out around here, maybe you can finally get a job,” he tried, verbally poking fun. “Pick up a few hours.” 
“Oh, ha ha.”
She briefly smiled at him, but the act ended as soon as it began. It was clear something was bothering her. Worry was etched between her brows, and it was then Joel realized that’s how she’d been looking at him all month. Eyes wide and deep with concern; brows furrowed with a tight smile that didn’t seem quite as natural anymore. His heart nearly broke, and he cleared his throat to hide his upset.
“Look, I’m sorry. I know I work a lot, and I’m not … around as much as I used to be. I’ll do better. I will. But there’s nothing you need to be worryin’ about.”
She only nodded before adding a soft, “I know.”
“Good. So you also know I love you, babygirl. Not much I wouldn’t do for ya.”
“I know.”
“That all?”
She rolled her eyes good-naturedly. “I love you too, dad.”
“That all?”
“Well, I wouldn’t wanna ‘dad you to death.’”
“Oh yeah,” he teased, leaning forward to swipe a few chips from her bowl. He flung one towards her, grinning when a laugh erupted that she couldn’t quite contain. Popping the rest of the chips in his mouth, he warned, “Stop playing with your food.”
The sound of laughter, even from a memory, felt jarring, too rich and too pure for the dark scene unfolding around him. He was long-since aware of his eyes growing wet, and, for once, he didn’t care. Couldn’t bring himself to fear or worry about it. He just stared – from the shrieking woman to the shouting boy to the wide, suddenly imposing, city landscape in the distance. It all felt void, lacking meaning in a meaningless world. 
What was to be gained from this? What did any of them gain from anything?
Someone ran by, bumping into Joel’s gurney and swearing a harsh apology in the process. Or maybe just swearing. He couldn’t quite place it, and he didn’t try to. But the action was enough to remind him of his being; his body felt weightless as he drifted from distant memories to distant memories, deliberately failing to grasp one long enough to replace the bitter nightmare threatening to replay itself, over and over again. Maybe if he’d twisted the other way. Or took a chance on running. Or held her a little tighter. Or –
The gurney suddenly felt rough where his hands were gripping the edge, knuckles white and blistering. Now he could sense pain from his open wound. And maybe that was the point. To sense, to feel, something other than what was threatening to send him spiraling. The recent events were still forming pictures in his mind. Consolidation taking its time as depictions kept reordering and restructuring themselves. Building and tearing down again. It was like his brain refused to settle on any one experience.
Because they were all wrong. It was all wrong. It shouldn’t have happened. Not like this.
Emotions had yet to hit him like a brick wall, and, quite frankly, he didn’t want them to. Not now. Not ever. Sensations were returning, sporadically. There was only one he settled on. He vaguely remembered Tommy slipping a handgun into the waistband of his jeans earlier, telling him he might need it before hoisting him to his feet and pushing him to run. To run like his life had depended on it. Even if he was forced to leave his entire life – a child – lying on the cold ground behind him.
That was the sensation he focused on: the hard lick of metal curling its cool touch against his lower back.
Chicago, Illinois. September 2003.
Waiting is just as agonizing as not. You still couldn’t quite decide if you wanted time to go faster or to go slower. You were, however, determined to maintain as much control over the situation as possible. If Danny could manage a calm head, so could you, for his sake and in his absence. You made sure your aunt was comfortable, reassuring her with a few pats on the shoulder after she’d sunken to the ground. Your cousins kept near her, staring up at you with pure curiosity.
You wondered if they understood, or just how much they understood. For their sake, you hoped they hadn’t a clue. If their silence was any indication, you were sure they were fine, probably more so worried about their mother’s – your aunt’s – tear-stained cheeks than anything else.
You tried your best not to glance at the street entrance every minute, but your head was on a swivel. Time itself seemed to stand still. How could you not wish you could do the same? Stand still, as if holding your breath might make it easier to hear your brother’s footsteps come back to you. His footsteps – loud, heavy, familiar.
That’s what you were thinking about when your uncle stumbled through the mouth of the side street he’d left you in. A purple bruise was forming on the lower left side of his jaw. A streak of blood ran across the chest of his gray shirt. Most disturbing of all, he was completely and utterly alone.
“We’ve got to go,” he said.
He hurried right by you, taking long strides towards his family. After checking his wife and daughter, he crouched and busied himself zipping his son’s jacket.
“Where’s Danny?” You asked.
The question hung in the air – thick and unanswered. He ignored you. Easily. His eyes remained pinned to his son’s body as his fingers fumbled, first with the jacket and then with the cuff of his son’s jeans. 
“Where is he?” You were still calm, then. With no answer, you pulled back and stepped cautiously toward the end of the street, looking down where he’d come from. When no one else came by, you returned to your place a few feet away from your family. “Where’s Danny?”
All action and thought cease to exist when laughter brings forth pure, adulterated delight. Especially for a six-year-old child. Laughter and millions of innocent giggles bubble over and make it easy for small feet to run freely. Untamed footsteps can easily fall in line with grass and get lost to rows and rows of trees.
Lost. So, so lost.
You stood in the middle of a clearing. At some point, your laugh had burned down to a chuckle, then to silence, when you realized how far you’d made it alone. Your brother had teased you, playfully giving chase about a mile back, and you had wonderfully ran and leapt over branches and small creeks. Even climbed over a small boulder. You only came to a stop when your echoes seemed too quiet for two.
“Danny?” You called to no one in particular. “Where are you?”
It only took a moment for the beautiful chirps and snaps of branches to seem daunting, not tranquil. Terrifying, not serene. The stillness of it all threatened to suffocate you and evoke fear where you didn’t think it previously possible. You wanted to back away, but your foot had already nearly slipped on a slick mud spot.
Your eyes bounced, wildly, from one tree trunk to another. An unfamiliar feeling coiled up your back and settled at the base of your neck. The sun was starting to slink toward the horizon then. Which way had you come from? What would happen if you didn’t make it back home? What if Danny had gotten hurt, and you hadn’t both to hear him or stop for him? Had you left him somewhere?
There was no answer. Only the distant sound of water trickling over rocks and another quick snap of a tree branch waving in the wind. Hot tears trickled down your face as you dropped down, sitting and pulling your knees under your chin. You were lost, but, above all, you had lost your brother.
“Hey, little sis, look what I found!” You nearly jumped out of your skin, twisting around to see Danny stepping around a bush and joining you in the clearing. He looked up to proudly present you with a small frog, cupped carefully in the palms of his hands. “Wanna name him?”
For a moment, you stayed right where you were. A soft cry escaped your lips, but there was an early sense of relief flooding every part of your small frame. You still hadn’t relaxed your furrowed brows or the frown that wound tightly on your face. Fear had gripped you, and you were beginning to realize it was the hardest thing to shake.
It only took Danny a second to realize you were crying, and only a second longer to bound over to your side and drop to his knees. “Hey, what’s wrong?” He set the frog down on a dry patch of grass before fixing an intense stare on you. “Did you fall? Are you hurt?”
You shook your head, sucking in a breath and releasing a broken sob. “I – I thought you were gone.”
Danny’s shoulders dropped a bit. “I’m sorry for scaring you.” He reached out and set a hand on your shoulder. “I would never leave you, okay?”
You nodded, and he dropped his hand. He let you take a few breaths and calm down a bit before he stood to his feet. 
“I think we should go back now. It’s getting dark.” He stuck out his hand, pulling you to your feet when you slipped your hand into his. “Do you remember our secret handshake?”
An easy grin graced his features once more. “Good, you can show me when we make it back home.”
He moved to leave, but you pulled him back. Your hand fell from his and pointed down at the frog. “What about the frog?”
“What about him?”
“He doesn’t have a name.” He stood back and looked at you expectantly. “I think we should call him Rex.”
Danny nodded, pretending to be lost in thought for a moment. He tapped his chin with the tip of his finger before smiling down at you. “I like Rex. It’s cool.”
Your smile returned, and you skipped out of the clearing, grabbing Danny’s hand as you went. That’s how it was, and that’s how it should be, when an older brother is so near – when another’s presence soothes the quiet that only loneliness can bring about. Your tears had dried and a glimmer of tranquility returned to the noises in the air and the stillness of the environment. A feeling of safety returned soon after, too, and the discomfort of fear had fallen without your notice.
His word was enough: I would never leave you.
You half expected him to scare you like he had when you were children. To step around the wall and stumble towards you, completely oblivious to your worries and concerns about his whereabouts. You would berate him, maybe smack his arm or chest for sending your nerves into overdrive, but you would most likely pull him into a hug and look him over for any bruises. You kept glancing in the direction of the street, waiting for an arrival that would never come.
“Where’s Danny?”
“Honey,” your aunt tried, giving your uncle a sincere look that read: Please answer your niece.
He ignored her too, setting his hands firmly on his son’s shoulders and giving him a nod. He looked at his son intently, probably trying to reassure him with just one look. With the state the world was currently in, words were starting to fail. All anyone could do was offer some sense of familiarity in gestures and in looks.
But that wasn’t enough for you. It never would be.
In desperation, you moved to grab at your uncle’s shirt. “Where is he? Where’s D–.”
Your uncle stood abruptly, whipping around to face you. You were nearly chest to chest as he leered down at you. “He’s not coming back.”
Your response was immediate, taking a step back as if someone had punched you squarely in the chest. “Wha– What?”
A long, silent moment went by. You could just make out the screaming crowd now nothing but a soft, inaudible sound to your ears. Your uncle dropped his gaze. He looked almost guilty for not being able to offer you the reprieve you were obviously searching for – the answer he just couldn’t give you.
“He’s not coming back, kid,” he said, softer this time. “I– I’m sorry.”
He turned, picking up his son and grabbing his wife’s arm to hoist her up with him. Your aunt held her daughter close to her chest, unable to meet your eyes. There was another moment of silence between you all. They stood there, uncertain. Your uncle refused to meet your eyes for longer than a second, flitting his gaze from you to the street behind you. It was the sound of another military vehicle that finally made him straighten his posture and look you in the eye.
“You need to get out of here. It’s not safe out in the open.”
He turned to jog further down the street, in the opposite direction of where you’d all entered originally. That’s when your aunt offered you a sincere look. “Come with us.”
You made no effort to move. Your feet were cemented to the soiled street; Your eyes still glued to your uncle’s distressed countenance. His words were the only thing you heard: He’s not coming back.
“C’mon, Lorraine. We need to go.”
“We can’t just leave her here, David.”
The military truck came louder now just as the backdoor to the bar slammed open. A man stumbled through the door and landed in a heap of tangled limbs on the ground. A low growl escaped him as his hands fisted the concrete, and he doubled over, twice, in obvious pain. His brown hair was awry, fingers caked in something you couldn’t quite place. The back of his shirt was ripped in various places, and his veiny flesh was exposed; skin long since too inhumane to not deserve the look you gave him. Your eyes blown wide and jaw slack.
The man’s head snapped up, wild eyes looking directly at your aunt.
“C’mon, Lorraine!” Your uncle shouted louder, backing away and pulling his son tighter to his chest. “We gotta go now!”
Your aunt stayed there, frozen in fear. You took a step back, foot catching in a small puddle and sending the man’s horrid attention barreling toward you. The break in harsh scrutiny was all your aunt needed. She took that moment to hug her daughter close and sprint after your uncle. Their retreating footsteps hit like lead to your chest, every step sending you reeling backward as your chest heaved with something closer to alarm than fear.
The man shrieked, scrambling to his feet and running toward you. For a moment, your eyes slid to your aunt and uncle’s distant figures just over his shoulder. A part of you half-expected them to chance a look back, to answer their curiosity about you and your wellbeing. But they didn’t. They didn’t spare a single look, even when they turned sharply and disappeared around a corner.
A deep pain began to throb, harsher now, from the spot Danny had been gripping your arm. The man was within arms length now, hand reaching out to grab that same arm – the arm Danny had held protectively in place.
Your body reacted quicker than you did. You weren’t sure you would’ve reacted at all, if not for the slightest inkling, the slightest hope, that Danny was still out there, somewhere close. Who would come for him if you didn’t?
With a surprised yelp, you turned on your heels and sprinted toward the street entrance – toward the street Danny disappeared down not even thirty minutes before. Gnashing teeth and a horrible stench followed you closely, squirming and throwing itself at you like an animal. You had made it only a few feet in the street before the man tackled you to the ground. Pain erupted from your knees and elbows as you fell with a sharp cry.
A hand pulled your hair, clothes, arms, just about everything fingers could find purchase. You twisted sharply, coming face to face with the man. His teeth came dangerously close to your face and, on instinct, you brought your forearm up to his neck, pushing him away with as much strength as you could muster. You gritted your teeth, but a scream soon ripped from your throat as his upper body pushed further and further down on you. Closer and closer until – 
A shot rang out, and the man’s body went limp.
Austin, Texas. September 2003.
The finality of acceptance had still escaped Joel. Maybe that’s why it was so easy for him to take anything in that moment as truth, no matter how outlandish it might have been.
Two white coats rushed by, stopping mere feet away. Even among the chaos, their conversation was easy enough to overhear.
“I have a dad asking after his kid.”
“Everyone’s asking after someone.”
“Yeah, but she was here when they arrived. Apparently lost her in all the confusion.”
“Take him to triage. A lot of missing kids there. We just revived one.”
Joel looked up at the new truth being presented to him – a truth that was far easier to accept than the one bombarding his current experience. His feet were carrying him away from his spot of refuge before he could even think. In fact, he wasn’t thinking. He was scanning for her. Curly hair. Eyes looking for him as much as his eyes were looking for her. 
We just revived one.
If there was a possibility she was here, he was willing to take it. He had already accepted that possibility as fact without his own notice. His heart was elated and his chest was rising just at the thought. It was easier, fairer. And in no way was he preparing, or thinking to prepare, for the inevitable crash that always took place when attempting to deny reality.
“By nine, Dad.” Sarah hopped out of the truck, slamming the door behind her. She went to Tommy’s side, hand clamping down on the opened window and eyes boring into her Dad from where he sat in the passenger seat. “You said nine.”
“I know, I know.”
She opened her mouth to add something, but the bell cut her off. She huffed in resignation before pointing at the two of them, each in turn. With a growing smile, she waved and ran towards her school, throwing a quick “Don’t forget the cake!” over her shoulder.
Just as Tommy pulled out of the lot, his eyes slid over to his brother, and his face twisted into a wide grin he couldn’t hide even if he tried. “Jesus, that kid loves you to death.”
At that, Joel couldn’t hide his own smile, even if the weight of Tommy’s words felt heavy on his shoulders. “Yeah, I know.”
A content quiet fell between the two as Tommy maneuvered out of the school lot. Once he was back on the road, his eyes drifted toward his brother a few times before he shook his head. He always did that when something was on his mind but didn’t know quite how to approach it. Especially when it was Joel he was trying to approach.
“I tell you what, Joel. You gotta cut back.”
Joel was no stranger to the topic Tommy was attempting to bring up. He knew he was working like a madman again, picking up projects and stumbling into the house late at night often long after Sarah had put herself to bed.
Still. He acted oblivious. “What do you mean?”
“Sarah, man. You gotta cut back. Spend more time with her. I know you mean well. You want to provide for her, protect her. I respect that, Joel. Hell, everybody sees and respects that. But she’s still young. Still needs you. It won’t be like that always. She’s got a bright future ahead of her. Nothing’s going to take that from her. From you. Nothing’s going to change that. You don’t have to work so damn hard just to keep it that way.”
Joel didn’t say anything, but he offered his brother a brief nod when he glanced in his direction. They both knew he was right.
“Besides,” Tommy continued with a teasing grin, “you need to get a hold on her before she gets too much older. If she’s anything like we were, they’ll be hell to pay.”
Joel grunted. “Nu uh, my Sarah’s too smart. I ain’t worried ‘bout nothing.”
“You say that now.”
“And I’ll say it then.” Joel nodded decisively. “It’s like you said, she’s got a bright future ahead of her.”
“I know, brother, I know. All I’m saying is that you should make the most of it now. These years will be gone before you know it.” Tommy turned to look at him, more intensely this time. “She’ll be gone before you know it.”
The children were many, but the number that resembled her were few. The child they had revived was a boy no older than four and had been revived for reasons unbeknownst to Joel. The inevitable crash of secret humiliation and embarrassment at his own deception led him to a corner, away from the frenzy and uproar in the camp. Two soldiers stood, with their backs toward him and weapons drawn, with their heads on a swivel. But they paid no attention to Joel. Even with the cool metal resting in his hands, safety off and finger poised at the ready. They still paid him no mind. He might as well have been a dead man.
Should’ve been, anyway.
On my life. Not yours, babygirl.
With that thought, he was ready for anything that might come after. Truth be told, he was more than ready. He wanted to pull the trigger, so he did.
But he flinched. Even before the bullet had left its chamber, a part of him was wholly certain that any shot or amount of lead was not meant for him. It was a destiny he was never meant to share, no matter how much he wanted to.
Chicago, Illinois. September 2003.
Four pairs of hands were on you and hauling you to your feet before you could reassess your situation any further. The body slid off of you as you were pulled to your feet; its weight made a sickening noise as it thumped to the pavement at your feet. You were being dragged to an armored truck filled with people – men, women, children. Greedily, you scanned the faces for the only one that mattered. Maybe they’d got him. Maybe they’d saved him, too.
There were a lot of people, but none resembled Danny.
Finally, something broke – anger, bitterness, nauseous … mostly anger. You dug your heels into the pavement, nearly sending one soldier tripping over his feet at your sudden protest. You took the moment of surprise as an opportunity to rip your arm free from his grasp, shoving him away and clawing at the hand still clamped firmly around your other arm. You tried desperately to free yourself, scratching and pulling like your life depended on it. Like Danny’s life depended on it.
“No!” You shouted. “No! Get off me!”
Your doorknob rattled before your brother let himself in, closing the door softly behind him as if he hadn’t already made a world of noise just by entering.
“Jesus,” you started, sitting up in bed, “don’t you know the first thing about knocking?”
“I’ll knock when you stop stealing my sweatshirts from my room.”
Childishly, you stuck out your tongue and crossed your arms. “Fair.”
Without missing a beat, he took three long strides toward your window and looked out, smiling down at something. Undoubtedly his friend’s car, waiting for him in the driveway. “I’m heading out.”
“When are you not?”
“Just open the window for me when I get back, alright?” You got up to join him by the window as he opened it. “I won’t be too late this time.”
“I’m starting to think you like asking for trouble.”
He turned to smile at you – soft, mischievous, winning. Your brother could just as easily ask to leave the house, but he preferred sneaking out. He was defiant just to be defiant, doing so in a way that still made him agreeable and likable. Roping you into his mischief was like a sibling rite of passage, as he put it.
Despite yourself, you smiled back before watching him clamor out of your window. He crouched on the roof, turning to flash you one last smile. “Don’t forget my knock.”
“Three knocks.”
“Always three so you know it's me.” He winked.
“You say that like anyone else would be knocking on my window at one in the morning.”
“You’re right. Because you’re lame.”
“Go before I push you off the roof.”
He grinned widely before turning and inching his way toward the edge. He immediately stopped when you called his name.
“Danny,” you said softly. He looked over his shoulder. “If anything ever happens, don’t be afraid to call the house. I’ll come get you myself if I have to.”
“What could possibly go wrong?”
“I’m serious, Danny.”
“Relax. I know my fearsome sister will always come to my rescue.” He gave a mock salute before jumping down to the lawn. He ran toward the idle car before turning back toward you, cupping his hands around his mouth and shouting, “Three knocks!”
When the soldier had recomposed himself, he walked back toward you and yanked your arm, much harder this time. Your outburst drew the attention of the others on the vehicle. A mom pulled her child closer to her, but you didn’t care. All you cared about was still out there, missing, and not a single person seemed to give a damn.
“Get off me!” You screamed again, voice breaking as a tear slipped down your cheek. In frustration, you sent a swift kick that the soldier sidestepped easily. “Get off me!”
One soldier finally let you go as the other wrapped his arms around you, pulling you off your feet and carrying you the rest of the way to the awaiting vehicle. Your struggle was rendered useless as he carried you with ease, tossing you onto the truck like you meant nothing. You probably didn’t, not to him and not to anyone. But you knew you meant something to Danny, and you weren’t going to go down without him. Not without a fight.
You pushed off the bed of the truck, attempting to scramble off of it and back onto the street. “Danny!” You shouted, pushing a stranger out of your way and making a quick jump for it. “Danny!”
You were sure you were still calling his name, even when the butt of a gun connected with the side of your forehead.
Austin, Texas. September 2003.
The sound of a weapon firing draws a lot of attention. Namely from uniformed soldiers who were to make sure all civilians had been thoroughly searched and weapons properly confiscated before entering the medical camp.  The mistake was sure to cause one of them trouble, which is probably why they tackled Joel with such ferocity. He was on the ground and surrounded by military and medical personnel before he could blink.
Tommy was shouting his name again, parting the crowd roughly as he clawed his way to his brother. White bandages gripped in his hand. He was searching for him, relentlessly, before catching sight of the commotion. All the while, Joel was calm. The realization hadn’t dawned on him yet; the adrenaline of the deed he was trying to commit had not yet worn off. He was delusional with the loss of will – his volition having been stripped from him through no effort of his or anyone else’s. 
For a second, he let himself believe he was dead. Like some instinctual force hadn’t just caused him to flinch.
Someone hoisted him to his feet; all while someone, most likely Tommy, was shouting, “Don’t shoot him! Don’t shoot him!”
A doctor stepped forward. She flashed a light in his eyes. “Sir. Sir? Can you hear me?”
A trickle of blood slid past his peripheral. It dawned on him that the commotion around him was real – it was happening – and his unfocused eyes finally snapped toward the soldier gripping his arm. His unfeeling expression hidden under his helmet felt familiar. Too familiar.
“Joel,” Tommy warned. He knew his brother well enough to predict his intent. He stepped forward, cautiously, trying but failing to shoo the soldiers and doctors back. He momentarily looked between the wound on Joel’s head and the discarded gun on the ground. He hesitated, partially, but hesitated all the same. “He ain’t sick or nothing.” Tommy turned from the doctors back to Joel. “Joel, listen to me, brother. Let’s get you patched up, alright? Let’s ge–.”
Joel was swinging before he knew what he was doing. He lunged, kicked, and swung wildly, nearly ripping himself from the awkward grip now three soldiers had him in. They were strong; non compliant. They wrestled with him for a moment before another doctor ushered him away.
“Here,” the doctor was saying, “bring him over here.”
 “Careful, I said he ain’t sick,” Tommy butt in, grimacing at the hold they had on his brother. “Joel, calm down. Everything’ll be okay, Joel. Just — Just calm down.”
The soldiers were dragging him to a nearby gurney. A few medical personnel were preparing a syringe somewhere off to his right. He sure as hell wasn’t going down without a fight, and every single thing he was doing was an indication of that. Somewhere, deep down, he could hear his brother. Calling for him to stop. Calling for him to settle down before they did something to him. But he couldn’t bring himself to care.
Maybe they should do something to him. Put him out of his misery. Or subject him to the same fate they subjected her to. It was a cruel thought that they’d spare him – that they’d do everything in their power not to hurt him in the way they hurt her.
They were wrestling him onto his back when his mouth finally caught up to his actions.
“My daughter!” He shouted. “My daughter. You took her.” He leered in the face of the nearest soldier, tears glistening in his eyes. “You took her.”
A needle was being pressed into his skin when a third voice spoke to him, calmly. Another doctor. “Don’t worry, sir. We’ll find her. I’m sure, wherever she is, she’ll be alright, if she’s not already.”
His next protests were weak as his body suddenly relaxed. His eyes fluttered just as Tommy came into view at his side. Tommy just stared at him. Horrified. Guilty. Sad. They both looked at each other, eyes mirroring one another and telling stories neither one of them were ready to say aloud.
The consequence of grief and sudden loss might be unique to the individual, but it is imminent for all individuals. No one can measure the actions or reactions of another. Neither can blame be given or taken away. The repercussions of any event are often cyclical, far outweighing descriptions or explanations. In any one situation, one might fall and another might rise. Or perhaps one and another might both fall. 
With loss, it’s typically the latter.
Joel’s gruff appearance was unmistakable to the people in the Boston QZ. Unsurprising. Like the rumor that swirled around about him after the day’s shifts ended and the people could return to their nightly rituals of whatever placated their poor souls — beer, pills, sex. The former two either stolen or traded for rations.
The rumor didn’t spread far — not past a block, maybe a sector at most. It was a cautious one. A woman told of her inability to toss a child’s body to the flames during her shift. An unforgiving job. A thankless act of service to the QZ that meant discarding the ones killed at the hands of those in authority — by Fedra. Infected. Suspected. Guilty (or not). Didn’t matter. Her story was one that stoked plenty of bitter, angry people who already hated the QZ for their wrongs and misdoings.
But it was Joel who stoked their feelings too — feelings of fear and avoidance. Wordlessly, he had tossed the lifeless child into the awaiting flames with as much absence of emotion as he always displayed. Unfeeling. Unapproachable. Never spoke a word but was somehow enough all on his own – enough to cause others to steer clear, to look away whenever he came around. 
The only one that could tolerate him, that could placate him, was Tess. Something she could use to her advantage and soak in the pleasure of.
Nearly a thousand miles away, you were pacing wordlessly outside a freezer in the back of a restaurant in downtown Chicago. A bitter cry had long-since been muted by the sounds of grunts and a flurry of punches before a familiar face stepped out. He didn’t say anything, even when he walked right by you and wiped his hands on a dirty rag.
You did as you always did — followed at his heels. “I don’t trust this guy, Dallas. He’s lying.”
“You never trust anyone.” His face was serious, but his voice carried humor. You rolled your eyes.
“And for good reason. He’s been lying since I found him by the old medical camp near Lincoln Park.”
“You don’t think I know that?”
He turned to look at you, eyes boring into yours for a few seconds. You were dropping your gaze before the intensity of it all could get too thick. For a moment, your attention bounced around the small kitchen. Your ears caught the quiet voices of your group outside — a good mix of men and women. 
Dallas turned fully, tossing the rag on the floor and standing in front of you with arms crossed over his chest. “What were you doing near the old med bay?”
“I told you.” Your voice had a dangerous edge to it. You shifted your weight to your other foot and finally met his gaze again. “I ran an errand.”
Unconvinced, Dallas nodded. “You were looking for him again, weren’t you?”
He commanded and barked orders well. You usually followed them — usually. But even he wasn’t stupid enough to mention his name aloud to you. Your sibling’s name was never spoken again after you revealed to Dallas that dark night twenty years earlier. But Dallas knew this was about him. He could tell in the way a muscle in your jaw jumped, and you looked away briefly. 
He chuckled. Dark. Low. “Look, I get it. You haven’t been back here in years, and I figured the thought of finding him’s been tempting you since Arizona. But you keep putting the group at risk, and I’ll have to abandon you.”
You snorted. “As if you’d leave me behind.”
“Watch me.” 
He was grinning, a certain humor in his tone that wasn’t in the least bit light or airy. There was nothing indicating that he wasn’t as serious as his darkened eyes meant to be. Something twisted in your stomach, heart plummeting, as your smile dropped at the thought. Only a moment went by before you forced the feeling away, choking the thick emotions down until the only thing you could feel was cold metal being pushed into your hand.
“If you don’t trust him,” Dallas muttered, stepping closer to you as he pressed the gun into your limp palm a bit firmer, “then end it.”
You swallowed quietly, taking the weapon and testing its weight without once looking up at him. You could feel him hovering over you. His heat dripped off of him and pooled at your feet. Deep. Menacing. Unforgiving. His request wasn’t the first time, and you were sure it wouldn’t be the last. But this time, this one time, some part of you felt off. Something tugged at your lips until you unknowingly frowned down at the tigger your finger hovered over. 
Maybe it was the mention of him. Maybe your emotions were too high and your willingness finally waning. Maybe it was the sister waiting back at the old medical camp, looking for the brother you helped kidnapped and now held hostage in some worn-down freezer. 
“Is this really necessary?” You asked. “If he’s really lying, we can still use him.”
“And have them get to him? He’s a damn liar, sure, but he’s a traitor first. He knows what we did.”
“Yeah, but he did the same to them.” You finally looked back up at him, gun held loosely at your side. “For us. Remember? What else did we expect? For him not to turn on us, too?”
Dallas was quiet for a moment, a long moment. But the way he was peering down at you, with hooded eyes and clenched teeth, didn’t change for a second. “I’ve never stopped to question you. We are the only two here. I never left you.”
You knew what he was referencing. Suddenly the group just beyond the thin white door separating the kitchen from the dining area seemed too close, too imposing. Every person in your group was a new face. Their voices were still unfamiliar and discomforting to hear. Your old companions were either dead or dying, snitching to Fedra for brownie points or taking their chances on their own, and Dallas was all you had left...
 He measured the look on your face before leaning in further, adding, “Now’s your chance to prove your loyalty to me.”
Your eyes snapped up at him, mouth now partially agape. Everything you had done leading up to this point had been erased by that measly sentence. Your actions, however gruff and unforgiving, were whittled to nothing before your eyes, and you were made out to be a fraud. Weak. Someone incapable of returning the favor of protection or dishing it out in the first place. The thought made you sick.
With a low huff, you spun on your heels and walked determinedly back to the freezer. You threw open the door to find your old partner, Brett, tied haphazardly to a chair surrounded by two of your guys. At the sight of you, his eyes were blown wide and head shook furiously from side to side. He was shouting something: No. No. No— please, no. But you were already gone, doomed to proving what you had already proved time and time again.
It only took one steady aim before you pulled the trigger.
Your men stood, jaw slack, as Brett’s body fell with a sickening thump. Your knees suddenly felt wobbly as adrenaline seeped from your body in waves, nearly doubling over as a pain hit your chest. You sniffed, waving the barrel of the gun between the two men before pointing it in Brett’s direction.
“Clean this up.”
Perhaps — for you and for Joel and for anyone else — the mind and body’s first instinct is denial. Perhaps sorrow cannot be given a true voice. Perhaps acceptance is far more brutal than the precious time one can spare living a half truth. Whatever the reason, manifestations of pain and suffering matter little when grief goes unnoticed and the heart unattended.
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hoodieimp · 2 years
BatDR Reaction/Liveblogging Part 2! (Feat. I Just Remembered How Bad I Am At Video Games)
ayy first audio log! I like how you can actually take them with you now instead of having to Stand there to listen
RIP Joey you will not be missed
oh boy Butcher Gang poster, immediately makes me think of that scene in Chapter 3 w the jumpscaFUCK
oh god he actually has 3D intestines hanging out now…and his arm stump has a bone sticking out of it..
(Ngl I’m kinda sad that they got rid of Piper’s plunger leg…the metal pegleg is cool n all but personally I feel like having that bit of silliness in his design actually Adds to the creep factor?? Like it reminds you that these guys are supposed to be cartoon villains, they’re meant to be “evil” in a harmless n goofy way, not mindlessly trying to rip you apart…but I digress)
Once again, BIG fan of how you can go back and view all of your collectibles in the menu, this is a massive boon for my ADHD ass who wants to know All The Lore but usually has to resort to the Wiki for transcripts n stuff
Am I tripping or does this layout feel familiar…?
Bird?? There’s actual animals in here now too?
ok that slow mo moment was actually sick as hell
sir brush your damn TEETH, I can smell your halitosis clear through the screen
I don’t trust like that, there’s only one way in n out of this room, where is he hiding–
Gotta say the animations look a tad Off somehow but still IT’S MY GAL
“I have a wolf” ma’am I’m pretty sure that’s your husband 
These toons sure do love their offscreen teleportation huh
Holy WOW this place is an absolute MAZE, this little back hallway just keeps Going--
Oh Audrey...😭
Shrine? Bendy shrine?? Ah nvm it's just Willie Boy
ngl I totally thought Barley was opening that door to attack me and my dumb ass immediately did a 180 and jumped right back down the ledge to get away jklfgjdf–
Oooh upgrade time
God I hate this corridor, what’s with the Ambience and all the weird organic-looking strings(?) hanging everywhere–
I want to see my little boy~~OH GOD NEVER MIND NO I DON’T
I’ve never heard of ami bourguignonne before but now I really wanna try it
Joey you cheap bastard lmao
Mmm trash can snacks
[Two hour break for dinner + (sparingly) watching letsplays bc I had No Idea where to go next n didn't realize that there's an open gate at the end of the room]
Oh NOW Audrey starts doing the Protagonist Monologue to herself jddkhxd
YUP CALLED IT, we gotta loot that guy's corpse for the Gent pipe (still not sure if they'll turn out to be Porter though)
Oh I see. They’re in the ceilings.
Oh god I hate stealth in horror games
Time to crouchwalk Literally Everywhere
Is this guy…a health inspector who got inked? and he thinks he’s still doing his job?
*cue me mixing up the Jump and Sprint buttons in my panic and unintentionally LEAPING over the counter*
welp I’m dead
……….so That’s what those Linker(?) pipe things are for. Grand.
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Hey bro, could you do some hcs/scenarios on how the obey me brothers/ other characters (if u want ^^) react to/ Treat a gn MC who has autism? I know this is a really weird request, but I would love to hear ur interpretation!!
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Obey Me Boys with Autistic MC
Pt. 1 Pt. 2
Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphigor
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Mentions of Bullying and Violence
Pronouns: None (GN Reader)
A/n- It's not a weird request at all! I only have ADHD so I hope I get this right (I'd hate to offend fellow neurodivergents)
He already knew before you got to Devildom
He will ask you what you need to be comfortable and get you everything you need
I feel like he's low-key ableist in the beginning but is very understanding once he gets to know you and understand how it affects your life
He will change a few things he does for you, like be specific with requests and make sure you don't get overstimulated
Will listen to you talk about your special interest for hours on end, is genuinely so happy to see you so passionate about something
If someone is being a dick to you about being autistic, he comforts you and takes you somewhere more private and later that demon seems to have gone missing
Man is whipped for you in general so he's willing to do absolutely anything to make you happy and comfortable
Is kinda a dumbass at first ngl
You'll have to explain it to him and tell him what you're comfortable with (like physical touch and what overstimulates your senses)
Tries his best to help you, he really likes you and wants to make you happy
Will take interest in your special interest and even participate in it (if it's like a show/game)
It's on sight for anyone who talks shit about you, you'll have to pull him away from the cowering demon who was stupid enough to insult you
Will buy you tiny trinkets and gifts that align with your special interests
Isn't always the best listener but tries his best with you
Honestly, I sorta headcanon him to have autism (I could be wrong about this tho)
Will absolutely listen to your special interest if you also listen to his (TSL and Ruri-chan)
Is his typical nervous self when you're around but feels more comfortable with someone who understands him
He probably has a space in his room for when he gets too overstimiulated and he lets you use it when you need to
Has a pair of noise cancelling headphones and gives you a pair when you need it
Understands the best out of all the brothers' (but he's still kinda an insecure ass sometimes)
Would like to fight anyone who trash talks you but just settles to comfort you away from the ignorant demon
Oh boy, my beloved cat boy thirsts for knowledge and you are his newest source of it
He probably has old, outdated research papers and stuff, which he's miffed about
Be prepared for all the questions he has
He's genuinely interested about neurodivergency and is happy with any information you're comfortable with sharing
Allows you to hide out in his room when you're overstimulated (I love his room it looks so calming to me)
He loves listening to you talk about your special interests, he loves your voice and is happy to listen to you
Is the most respectful of your boundaries and is excited to learn new things
Rip to anyone who says anything bad about you, he is the Avatar of Wrath for a reason
He's touchy and kinda loud in general so he might make you uncomfortable but fear not, cuz Asmo is a consent king who respects your boundaries after you set them
He likes listening to you talk about your special interests and likes decorating any fidgets or stimming toys you have (he likes coordinating your outfits with the colors of your fav fidgets)
Probably not the best to go to if you're overstimulated, I feel like his room has a very strong sweet smell and is brightly lit all the time (except when he sleeps ofc)
If someone trash talks you, he will destroy thier reputation and they will be socially exiled (if you ask about it he just says "well they shouldn't have said such rude things about my darling MC 💕")
He's pretty sociable so you're definitely not the first person who has autism that he's met but you're definitely his favorite
He doesn't quite understand but he's a silent gentle giant so he is pretty chill to be around
If you explain it to him, he kinda just nods and offers you food
Will absolutely save/not try to eat foods you like or can handle the texture of
If he eats your safe foods on accident, he will apologize and get you more
Likes eating out but will settle for takeout in his room if you are too overstimiulated for it
If anyone talks shit about you, he will comfort you and later, he will just straight up eat them.
Probably knows about it (a tiny bit) from Satan or Leviathan, or his time with humans before the Celestial War
Will try to help you without making it noticable
Drags you away to cozy, quiet places when your overstimulated
Has very soft textured stuff and let's you calm yourself down with them
Despite his ability to sleep almost anywhere, he understands when too much noise can become overwhelming
If you're comfortable with touching, he'll ask to hug/cuddle you as to not make you uncomfortable
If anyone trash talks you around him, they're very stupid and now very dead
A/n- I apologize if I got anything incorrect so please just tell me what was wrong and I'll correct it, thank you for reading <3
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apompkwrites · 3 years
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reader impact || first meetings: adventurer edition
series masterlist characters: amber, bennett genre: fluff summary: a game has been released entitled genshin impact, consisting of otherworldly abilities relying on the basic elements of nature. the game follows the story of an interdimensional traveling twin in search of their other half. along this journey, they meet different characters that live in this world. including you. notes: i decided to put these two together since i've already done one for diluc!
amber's playthrough -
amber's more of an outdoorsy type of person but that doesn't stop her from streaming!
she likes doing camping streams where she just camps out in her backyard and shows her chat what she would normally do. and the occasional cooking stream to show how you can make good foods healthy <33
she has a little bunny that she shows on stream sometimes :))
there'll be some days where she just sits at home talking to chat about her day while playing with her little baron bunny.
she plays games occasionally, but their mainly adventure type ones that mimic the lifestyle she holds.
like minecraft, rust, any survival game really.
she's still very energetic so any stream of hers is just bustling with excitement.
she'd probably host some streams where she teaches basic survival techniques?? idk man i don't go out much AIHSDASHLDKJ--
anyway anyway, she got a bunch of requests asking her to play genshin ofc.
i mean?? cute game, cute models, cute characters, and aDVENTURE.
i feel like she'd go with the male traveler solely because it isn't very practical to go exploring/adventuring in a dress?? like girl's over here genuinely thinking about real life scenarios.
anyway she's sitting there after finding dvalin's corrupted tear and the cutscene plays.
she's there vibing with chat and her little bunny by her side because of course they'll be sitting there while she plays.
"hey you! stop right there!"
please she screeched when you yelled at her--
and then she squealed when jumped in front of her character.
the camera showing off your cute little headband mimicking animal ears makes her melt.
and then you jump from the little cliff and you have to stumble to regain your balance?!?!??!
"may the anemo god protect you, stranger! i am (name), outrider for the knights of favonius."
catch her copying your little salute.
"they're so cute!!!!"
she will point out the animal ears constantly.
and then your vision has a cute little ribbon at the end of it!!!!!!
"just! just! just look at them!!"
and then you join her party officially!!!
please she switches to you automatically--
she'll just jump around for a few minutes to watch all your accessories bounce around.
and she can just tell that your story would be a delight to read about.
when paimon mentions her mc's missing sibling, you sound so soft and caring and just aGH.
and then she gets to try out your elemental skill and it's the aNIMAL THAT YOUR CHARACTER'S HEADBAND IS BASED OFF OF!!!
if it's a bunny she would definitely find a matching headband she can wear when she plays :00
her chat's usually a really sweet place to vibe and hang out but of course, there's gonna be those kinda people.
she catches wind of some people badmouthing you and calling you the worst character in the game >:((
she's not too keen on banning people for their opinions so instead...
"hey, guys, can we just have fun with this game? if you don't like how i'm playing you can always just?? leave??"
please girl's fuming inside but she's trying her hardest to be nice about it >:((
back to you <3
she'd get another pet that matches yours and name it after you or your elemental skill.
she'd find ways to copy your outfit too ngl--
she'd definitely cook your signature dish!!
gotta make it all cute for you <3
bennett's playthrough -
ah yes, our unlucky baby boy bennett <3
like amber, he really loves adventures!!
he's still pretty unlucky for some reason???
idk man he's just vibing and his bad luck says too bad,,,
he's kind of a baby streamer if you catch my drift?
like he's new to everything so he's just trying to figure it out.
he used to be in a streamer house but... yeah.
we don't like them anyway, it's fine.
unlike in the game, bennett's bad luck didn't bring the other members harm, it was just... little inconveniences i guess.
but he left so now he's all on his own!
he's kinda inexperienced in all of this but he's trying his best!
for now he's sticking to gaming because that's a majority of what he knows.
lots of survival games!!!
and, sadly, luck-based games.
his chat just wants to see if his luck impacts games!!
and it does,,,
luckily they request genshin, which has the best of both worlds.
bennett's got all of the adventuring and his chat gets to see his misfortune in action.
sadly you don't appear in the main archon quests so bennett actually goes a long while not knowing who you are :((
veterans of the game, however, know exactly who you are >:))
first, they'd help show you off by posting links to your splash art in his chat.
bennett, being the baby he is, just clicks on the links without a second thought.
and he's in aWE!!!
"woahh!! who are they? can i meet them soon?"
they tell him he has to roll for you and he's sad, but only for a bit!
at least you're not an exclusive character because if he were, he thinks he'd have no chance at getting you :((
but he can get you whenever!
anyway, one stream he's rolling because he's stocked up a bunch of primogems (which took a long time) and he's like might as well use them up now.
he gets a lot of weapons :(((
he's basically dedicated his whole team to c6ing his characters he has now because he "knows" he won't get a good character.
luckily the pity systems exist so he gets the occasional four star <33
so he thinks it's another character he already has, so he's very prepared to get another constellation in.
he's looking through the trash weapons and then splash art appears!
"wait... i recognize that--"
his chats hyping him up as he's running around his room because they love him <33
please i love this boy with a passion.
he'll put you in his team automatically with all of his c5/6 characters asdhaklsf
he doesn't even care you get everything and anything he owns in the game <3
"this is your team! it's really cool! i'm (name), leader of (name)'s adventure team! is there... do you think we could team up? i-it could even be just once!"
"they're staying on my team forever."
he loves you so much.
not just because you're a cool character but because he can relate to you--
anyway, he goes to your voicelines because that's the only time he can actually hear you fully :((
he's genuinely excited to learn about your story.
and then he learns that you have extremely bad luck too???!?!?!?
please y'all can be unlucky together!!
would that cancel out or just make you more unlucky??
he gets all sad when he hears you talking bad about yourself so he's here to reassure you (even if you're a fictional character).
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Prince Iwa-Chan
Oikawa!Sister x Iwaizumi Hajime
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a/n: it aggravates me that my mans bara-arms-iwa-chan is so UNDERRATED!!!!
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requests open!!
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like look mom, im in love
ofc youre an oikawa
tbh, i dont think iwa wouldve been comfortable w you when yall first met
lets say youre a year younger than tooru
its a well-known fact that theyve been friends since they were really young so you, being oiks’ baby sister, was also part of your little trio
like lets say they met when they were 6
that would make you about 5
since yall have an older sister, you were exposed to the girly girl stuff like dolls and princesses
ngl, tooru was too thats why hes so flamboyant
but seems his fashion style refutes that
ya didnt hear that from me
tooru had already developed a deep fascination w volleyball bc he saw it being played during the 2000 summer olympics
but you remained w your sister and continued letting her treat you like a princess
im not really sure how old his sister is but lets say she was about around middle school when you were 5-6
however, tooru still made you play w him even though you didnt know how but you didnt care bc you were close w your brother so you would play ball w him
then came along iwaizumi hajime that tooru met from school
he found out that this boy also liked volleyball and tooru yeeted them both home so they could go and play at the back yard
you peeked from your window and you just thought iwa was the most handsome boy youve ever met
ofc, you just bolted down the stairs to where your brother and his friend was
oiks saw you standing by the door w a red face and him, being still a child and not understanding crushes, thought you were sick
he went to you and beckoned hajime to follow him inside
tooru sat you down and asked if you were okay but you just kept staring at hajime
he figured that you were just confused as to who this person was
‘oh! iwa-chan! this is my little sister, y/n! y/n, this is my classmate, iwaizumi hajime!’
cue iwa hitting him at the head
‘i can introduce myself perfectly fine, bakakawa!’
iwaizumi hajime,,,
iwaizumi hajimeee,
iwaizumi y/n
that thought made you turn even redder and you squealed in embarrassment before running back to your room
lmao what
if your personality doesnt align w this, i deeply apologize
i just think if you were an oikawa, you would bound to immediately also be drawn to this handsome specimen named iwaizumi hajime
he be getting the oikawas though
iwa was actually concerned but oiks waved it off
‘don’t worry, iwa-chan. shes weird like that. lets go toss the ball!’
so that was kinda how he met you
now, since hajime basically lived in your house by how much him and your brother hung out, youve slowly mellowed out and gotten to be friends w him
despite your hatred w bugs, you still went w them to explore just bc you wanted to be around hajime
lmao tooru youre now irrelevant
hajime didnt mind and he always made sure you were okay with the adventures of the day
even though you were only like a year younger, he cant help but baby you bc of your much smaller height than him and overall cute baby face
one day, they both came home from school all sweaty bc they raced home
‘iwa-chan! you can settle in the living room while i go shower!’
‘don’t call me iwa-chan, bakakawa!’
‘then stop calling me that!’
he sat down on the couch and started doing his homework when he heard you come home from school
lmao how do little japanese kids go back and forth from school to home at the age of 6
idek how to cross the street
‘oh, okaeri, y/n’
you perked up at his voice and you ran to the living room, seeing him
he grunted and you threw yourself to him in a hug
if your personality doesnt align w this, i deeply apologize
i just think if you were an oikawa, you would bound to immediately also be drawn to this handsome specimen named iwaizumi hajime
part 2
tbh it doesnt even faze him anymore since you do this to him every time
he continues doing homework and just wraps one arm around you and starts patting your head
then silence
but its the good kind of silence
you and iwa just sit there with you snuggled up on him while he continues to add numbers
then it was ruined
by the pterodactyl oikawa tooru who comes flying down the stairs and glomps on to iwa’s other side
‘y/n-chan! stop hogging iwa-chan!’
‘he’s mine, tooru-nii!!’
you pout while iwa turns and gives him a glare
‘shut up, bakakawa! and stop calling me that!’
‘aahh!! you were mine first, iwa-chan!’
‘i was never yours! be quiet!’
‘itai, iwa-chan!’
‘he’s mine forever! we’re going to get married so butt out, nii-chan!’
once everything calms down, yall actually start your homework and work
‘anything happen today, y/n-chan?’
oikawa always asked that question bc he believes its his duty as older brother to be caught up in your life
thats actually annoying bruv
‘hmm, me and the girls in my class were playing princess tea party today and a boy asked to be my prince.’
oikawa is 7 now and he faintly has an idea about crushes and his father made him promise that he would protect you from nasty boys
‘calm down, bakakawa’
iwa mumbled, continuing his homework but also paying attention
‘i told him i already have a prince’
oikawa was so smug and crossed his arms
‘hm, serves them right-’
‘prince iwa-chan and i are going to get married and live in a castle so there’s no room for anybody else’
iwa had to double check and turned red really fast
like who was this iwa-chan
wait, what his name?
his name has iwa in it
is he iwa-chan?
y/n’s prince iwa-chan?
was he really iwa-chan?
you glared at tooru and shook your head
‘no. iwa-chan is my prince’
you were so shamless about this fact
lmao i want your confidence
from then on, youve called iwa as your prince
like his name on your phone is literally prince iwa-chan
then when you were in middle school, you’ve started calling iwa as haji-senpai
there wasnt even a large event that spawned this
well,,, actually,,
youve noticed that iwa hated the nickname ‘iwa-chan’ a lot and he hit tooru many times bc of it so you stopped calling him that bc you didnt want him to be mad at you
so you started calling him senpai bc he was technically an upperclassman
when you first called him this, iwa was lowkey shook
‘haji,,,, senpai?’
you nodded from your spot on the couch, not looking up from your homework
‘see? i can only call iwa-chan, iwa-chan! OOF!’
that was iwa hitting tooru at the face with his pencil case
‘y/n, you dont have to call me that. we’ve known each other since we were little so you dont have to call me by an upperclassman term’
you shrugged
‘i know. but you dont like it when you’re called iwa-chan, do you?’
‘not if it’s by this trash’
he jutted a thumb to the fallen tooru
‘so,,,, iwa-chan is fine?’
your eyes sparkled at the permission of being able to freely call him that without worry
he gulps at your face and turns away to hide his red face before nodding
‘my prince iwa-chan!’
‘no! my iwa-chan!’
‘shut up shittykawa!’
‘itai, iwa-chan!’
keeping up with the oikawas
this nickname will forever be stuck
since you went to the same middle school, you were known to be around your brother and iwa and even staying behind for practice to walk home w them
it became a bit of a joke to the team of you picking up your prince
one day, a teammate called iwa, ‘prince iwa-chan’ and he almost busted a fuse
was ready to square up bc only his babie can call him that
but when you came through the door
‘prince iwa-chan! your princess is here!’
he turned all soft and squishy and pats your head so gently that they couldnt believe this is the same boy who is the ace
you were interested in volleyball so you were kinda friends w the team but you didnt really care for the sport, mainly focusing on your academics
thats how it really was for you three
they focused on sports while you studied
oh my here comes highschool
oikawa and iwa were already known throughout the FREAKING PREFECTURE bc of how TALENTED THEY ARE AT VOLLEYBALL
and you were already known by your pretty face and your cute personality
basically genderbent oikawa
and just wanted to stop you from reading by telling you that you are beautiful and you are a KWEEN and you are a GODDESS and confidence is the most beautiful thing to wear and best of all, it’s free!!
ofc, youd have to go to aoba johsai bc your brother was there
‘y/n-chan! you need to go where your brother is! you love him, don’t you?’
‘sure, tooru’
you actually went to seijoh bc you would see iwa 
you didnt hear that from me
your first day, boys (and gals) were already flocking towards you when they saw you walking with iwa and tooru
still being the overprotective brother since day1, oikawa was just snarling at anyone getting close to his baby sister
lmao what baby
hes only like a year older
but iwa was being terrirorial protective bc he finds it as an obligation as tooru’s best friend and your childhood friend
when oiks wasn’t paying attention and being drowned by his fangirls, iwa was your bodyguard
there was this one boy who started walking towards you as yall were going to your class but hajime placed an arm around your waist and pulled you closer
‘oh? i’m only at the first floor, iwa-chan. don’t get all clingy now’
lmao, girl hes trying to show that boy that hes your unofficial mans and will cut off his family jewels if he tries to even BREATHE in your direction
umm,,, iwa’s not yandere in this one yall
iwa just rolls his eyes and makes you walk forward until yall are at your door
‘i’ll see you later, iwa-chan!’
‘yea yea. i’ll pick you up’
he starts to walk down the hallway but you poke your head back out and shout
‘i miss you already, prince iwa-chan!’
he turns red all over and freezes for a 0.0002 seconds before raising a hand without turning around
now ladies and genitals
this is when iwa-chan starts to catch feelings like he catches them spikes
your cute smling face and saying his dumb nickname that he actually loves was like a recipe for a stroke for him
it has come to the point at the mere thought of you would make him all flustered and red
it tripled over when this happened:
puberty was kinda late for you and you actually just woke up looking like a goddess one day and you were like, lmao what
your chest just ballooned up and your height just skyrocketed that your skirt was now very short
ew i dont know what i would do in this situation
you were self-conscious about this and was kinda scared 
obvs, you would scream for your mother and she and your father and brother bolts up to your bedroom thinking there was a whole michael meyers in your room
but when you explained that your uniform doesnt fit anymore, she starts making appointments to get you fitted for another one
but you had to wait for a few days
so you went to school looking like a whole snacc
more of a snacc than you did before
when iwa saw you, he had a literal nosebleed in the middle of campus and runs to the bathroom to get all cleaned up
why in the name of asahi do you look like that?!
when you saw your prince look at you in horror and run away, you cried
you were already very self-conscious and him doing that just topped the cake
cake that tooru doesnt have
oop imsorry
tooru reassures you that he had a nosebleed and he was just sick and ran to not get any blood on his clothes
but you just walked away with your head down low
it didnt matter to you if this caught all the student body’s attention
that their precious oikawa y/n, little sister of the oikawa tooru, was a walking perfection goddess Venus
all that you cared about was iwa’s opinions bc he was your prince and your best friend
girl, accept that you actually like the mans
this was the worst day of your entire life and you went straight to your locker to get your gym clothes out and wear it for the day
it was tight but at least it covered skin
and it still attracted enough attention to be catcalled and whistled at
it felt violating
the entire morning, there was more attention and more people flocked over to you and guys were staring at you as if you were a piece of meat, not a girl
‘harry potter is a boy! not a piece of meat!’
sorry i cant help it
you were so uncomfortable that you called your brother during lunch time to come pick you up for lunch bc you were too scared to walk alone after being catcalled during your walk to your class
tooru sends out iwa to go help you as an apology from this morning and he just runs to your class bc you were in trouble and he was going to protect you!!
go iwa-chan!
he finds you sitting on your chair, looking down at your desk as there seemed to be boys piled up on top of each other, trying to get your attention
first world problems, amirite
that angry grunt but at 2x bass boosted
hearing his voice, you were still embarrassed from earlier but you were so relieved
iwa pushes people away and he grabs your hand to pull you up before wrapping an arm around your waist, protectively
‘if i see you idiots making her uncomfortable or even trying to touch her, i will destroy you’
protection and the feeling of safety is my fave
he leads you out of there to the stairway where him and his teammates were eating
he held your hand tightly and you squeezed it, trying to show that you were grateful
even if they were still male, your brother was there and if something happened, they were both strong enough to take them on
besides, its just mattsun and maki anyways
tooru saw you and he hugged you before leading you to the 2 others
‘guys, this is y/n, my sister. that’s mattsun and that’s makki.’
you slightly smiled and raised a hand in greeting
to be safe, iwa made you sit a step down from him so that if something happens, he could protect you
idk how but you do you boo
‘i can protect her too, iwa-chan!’
‘shut up, shittykawa. youre literally sticks and bones’
‘so mean! iwa-chan, you’re so mean!’
you giggled, head leaning down to rest on iwa’s right thigh since you were full and tired and he runs his hand through your hair
mattsun and makki shared a look before asking
‘are you dating our ace, y/n-chan?’
at the mention of dating, you both turned red and you sat up
iwa shouts but his red face and ears betrayed him
‘iwa-chan grew up with us so he’s naturally like that. we’ve adopted him into our family!’
oikawa explained but you looked at him and he gave you a knowing look
oh he noticed everything
the lingering looks during practice
the bashful smiles during hang outs at home
unnecessary touches during the walk to school
oikawa may be annoying but he’s observant and he is smart
after that fiasco, the two boys were a little wary of letting you walk home alone so iwa offered to take you since he was already making more progress and didnt need extra practice while tooru wanted to practice more
‘iwa-chan, can we go to your house this time?’
he turned to look at you curiously since you never ask to go to his place
‘i miss your mom and ive been meaning to go visit her. so can we, iwa-chan?’
you squeezed his hand and showcased your pleading look making him agree
his house wasn’t a frequently hung out spot since your house was closer but you were still familiar with his home since his mother was fond of you
mama iwaizumi peaked from the kitchen and greeted him home before squealing at the sight of the youngest oikawa
‘oh my, y/n-chan! hello!’
‘hello, auntie!’ 
she gave you a big hug and you returned it with a laugh
iwa just standing there to the side with a smile bc his mom approves so all is good in life
‘you’ve grown so much, y/n-chan! so much prettier too!’ you turned bashful at her compliments.
then she leaned forward to whisper in your ear but made her voice loud
‘say, has my son finally ask you to be his girlfriend?’
omg mama iwaizumi really ships it
iwa turns red and complains to his mom about being in his business too much
‘don’t be so timid, hajime! y/n-chan could be taken from under your nose any minute now!’
‘dont you think i know that’ he mumbles but very lowly so that no one hears him
but you decide to tease him more
‘no. but i’m waiting for it. i’ll tell you once he does, auntie!’
fed up with the teasing, he grabs you and drags you up to his room to change into comfortable clothing
you sit on his bed while he rummages through his closet for a sweatshirt and sweatpants
‘here! change into these!’ he shouts, still flustered and refusing to look at your eyes
youre an oikawa and you lived to tease so you stood up, tossing the clothes to the side and wrapping your arms around his neck
ooo gurl you want iwa to die today, don’t you?
he gets even redder and scowls
‘oi, y/n, what are you doing’
you shook your head
‘nothing. i just miss my prince iwa-chan. you were so brave for saving me today, prince iwa-chan’
the nickname used to not affect him that much but now, he watches the it fall from your cherry lips
‘say my name’
you furrowed your eyebrows
he gently shakes his head no
‘my real name’
‘iwaizumi hajime’
you say, distracted at the way his mouth moves
‘and what’s yours?’
‘iwaizumi y/n’
you breathed out
he growls softly before taking your sinful lips
wowza jesus took the wheel bc he stepped on that pedal
we going straight 100 mph up in this bih
iwa really said, ‘skip the confession. imma go straight for my babie girl’s lips. also, proposal who? let’s go get married in vegas!’
it wasnt even been literally 15 minutes until you came bounding the stairs wearing hajime’s signature grey hoodie with his seijoh sweatpants and calling for your auntie to announce you were now dating are going to get married
she screams and comes running from the kitchen, holding a ladle
you flashed a grin while iwa shows a small smile with red cheeks from behind you before telling you that you were both too young to get married
‘i told ya you would be the first to know’
after dinner, you call your brother and hes like, ‘okay, since you’re not at home i’m assuming youre at iwa’s’
‘omgomgomg, nii-chan! i just had dinner with my boyfriend’s family! they accepted me!’
oikawa just has that special type of voice that even without being on speaker phone, it sounds like he is
iwa laughs at his friend’s worried questions
‘better hand over your princess to the prince, grand king’
oikawa screamed
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i hope i did my mans justice 
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tempobaekh · 3 years
Rating Penthouse: War In Life characters
I asked my followers on Instagram to give me Penthouse characters to rate and my thoughts about them so I thought to post it here as well. Now this is my personal opinion about how I feel about the characters and how much I will rate them
My Instagram: Tempobaek
Logan Lee
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Lemme just say I love him SO MUCH
I absolutely loved his character and the fact that he was one of the few people who wants justice and is honest made me love him even more
Him playing Go Hu Dong was amazing as well and I didn't recognize him at all at first like he played it so well with the accent, costume and wig and everything
His accent and language switch in between English and the Busan accent Korean was so fucking sexy🥵
✨Mr. Joo✨
My man was also smart with his revenge
He was also serving amazing LOOKS every episode in the two seasons and I loved every single one of them
And I'm going to be honest here, after watching the preview for S2 ep13 his laugh was creepy in one of the clips and after reading a few theories I lowkey thought that he would be the next villian
I regret suspecting him now
But instead of that they gave us a bigger plot twist and blew up our man with a bomb😩
He literally went ✨LiGhT iT Up LiKe DyNaMiTe✨ (I'm so sorry)
I would've rather have him be a villian than die in the bomb
Joo Seok Kyung
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Another one that annoyed me angered me so much🙄
Like she was ruthless and had no mercy when it came to bullying and putting people down that she thought were a rival or putting people down in general
She didn't change even when Rona died
She also went as far as to like cheat her way to win the Cheong Ah Art High School trophy and blackmailed Cheon Seojin to win the trophy
But there were times where she would show emotions and those would be often her break down and weak moments
And those moments would really show how she is broken inside and puts up a careless and brave image, she is someone who needs healing even though healing takes time
I also saw someone saying like 'oh Seok Kyung hates her mom so much'
Yeah she hated her mom but she didn't hate her to death like she didn't wish death upon her
Seok Kyung was heart broken when she heard Suryeon's death and that showed that she still loved her mom even though Suryeon didn't give birth to them
I was heart broken when I saw that she cut her hair because here was no one there to tie it for her bc Suryeon loved Seok Kyungs long hair and that's why she didn't cut it but after he mothers death no one was there to tie her hair for her
I started seeing her in a different light after a while bc again it showed that he character was very broken emotionally and needed healing
I'm interested about seeing more of her character development after the last ep where she defended Rona
Also my girl is so hot, another one that was serving amazing looks
Joo Seok Hoon
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He was lowkey annoying at first ngl
Like my man was just🧍🏻‍♂️
It annoyed me so much how he defended his sister so much, fell for her tricks, covered up for her and did anything she said EVEN though its wrong
But after some time I understood that he cared for and that she was the only family left to him
I mean Seok Hoon hate Joo Dan Tae so he doesn't counts and Suryeon was dead at the moment
I will still not forgive him for bullying Seol A even though he regrets it
It also annoyed me how he didn't stood up for Rona at all in the first season even though he liked her
By he got so much better in S2, he was even part in the revenge plan
He is literally the human CCTV camera in Hera Palace like he knows more than even the viewers know
The way he was protective of Rona when he found out she was alive was so aDORABLE
And my man was amazing in the last episodes
I love him
Cheon Seo Jin
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Like I sometimes just was to 🤜🏻👩🏻
But sometimes I wanna hug her😩
Idk I feel like she became a horrible person bc of greed and that he father and mother placed too high expectations for her
Instead of praising her for her accomplishments her parents wanted her to do more
Maybe that's why she was desperate for love and affection and found that in Joo Dan Tae even though he pretended to like her
But that definitely does not dismiss her horrible actions
But also the harsh past made her the could hearted person, like she left her father to die
She felt more care towards her daughter after she almost lost her because Eunbyeol tried to commit suicide
She was in alot of pain and you could see it in her cries and when she was on the phone with the person
Soyeon's acting was amazing in that scene
She started to care more about her ex husband and daughter when she saw how much Eunbyeol was suffering and she realized that she genuinely liked Ha Yoon Chul hwen she saw how horrible Joo Dan Tae was
I did feel bad for her sometimes but after seeing that she didn't change I really didn't feel any sympathy for her
She needs therapy
Girlie was shocked when the doctor said she is losing her voice like bestie you are screaming every episode
She was also serving amazing looks every episode
Ha Yoon Chul
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The first male character I simped for
Like I am not going to deny it but he is hot🥵
But the first few episodes he was an absolute asshole and greedy
But I never expected him to be Yoonhee's ex boyfriend
I did like him a tiny bit when he saved Yoon Hee from Kyu Jin
His entrance in S2 with the helicopter was damn hot
I spoke too soon
His character development and fighting skills were hot as well
He was ADORABLE with Rona and Yoonhee
I seriously thought that Rona was his daughter
I began hating him after that💀
Like he went 📈📉 with his character development
I actually asked my dad what he thought about what Yoon Chul did and this was his reponse:
"If you look at it from a parents perspective they would want to do anything if they saw their child in pain like he did but I would've also scolded her and had a conversation with her about why she did it instead of wiping her memory from that night like he did. "
So that's that
Jonghoon's acting was chef's kiss in that scene
I was going to rate him a 4 but I gave him that 5 when I saw how he was at court, he admitted to his wrong doings but also still had feelings for Yoon Hee
I wanna see his reaction in s3 to Rona now bc now that he got to know that is his daughter I wonder how he will be
Lee Kyu Jin
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Like I have nothing to say about him rather than I hate him and that he useless just like his wife and son
I'm only giving him that one bc he was funny in the episodes
Go Sang Ah
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The only thing she does is gossip
And spills the tea☕
Giving her a 0.5 bc she is kinda funny eh
Lee Minhyuk
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Idk if it runs in the family but again he is useless
And a dumbass
He also nothing without his parents
Why is he there tho like you ain't even funny
All he can do is cause trouble
And bullied Jenny
His dumbass slipped and broke his own arm and blamed it on Rona smh🤦🏻‍♀️
Sometimes I just wanna 🤜🏻👦🏻
Also my dude was trying to sound all intimidating by saying
"Oh Jenny's father is a scary man, yOuR dEaD BaE rOnA"
Like dude worry about yourself bitch you are dead first for bullying Jenny
But like I hate the character but LOVE THE ACTOR HE IS SO HOT OMFG
Joo Dan Tae
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Like I legit thought he was nice in he first ep and then I saw him kiss Seojin and-
Bae Rona
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She was also annoying at first and was very ungrateful
But over time she got better, still a tiny bit annoying sometimes but better
When she came back from the US I WAS LIKE GIRL NO YOU FINNA RUIN THE PLAN
I do feel bad for her bc she went through alot with bullying, her mom going to jail not only once but twice, her getting to know that Yoonchul who she started liking sabotaged her performance, and also literally almost dying
My girl has been through a lot
I am excited to see her reaction to getting to know that Yoon Chul is her dad
Part 2 is also posted!
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madraleen · 2 years
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Black Butler - Yana Toboso Volume 24 - Chapter 191: “AAAAAAHHHH!!!” a commentary.
-Hmm, idk man, Blavat reminds me of the Undertaker.
-What is happening! A second idol group of our very own?!
-Edward’s surprisingly good at being an idol, huh?
-Whoa, Soma just leveled up fifty times over.
-The panel of Agni and Soma when Agni locks him in the room to keep him safe, shut up.
-Rip, Agni. Unfortunately, I had accidentally seen a spoiler of this moment and this moment only, so I’m missing the shock factor.
-Sebastian holding Agni though, shut upppp.
-What?! What is in the picture?! Sebastian lying about what?!
-Finny senses it! Finny senses there’s something off! But how is somebody being Ciel?
-If you say Ciel has a twin, I might get enraged.
-Are you kidding me. Twins. Twins?!
-Ciel has adopted TwinCiel’s memories. Right. Fine. I feel like I’m standing in the middle of a room that’s on fire.
-Wait wait, is the Blue Star TwinCiel?
-Ngl, this pairs nicely with Ciel’s fright crisis in witchville. Still though… twins? It just feels a little too… random, after all this time? Too “IT WAS THE EVIL TWIN ALL ALONG!” Literally everyone knew the Phantomhives, and not ONE person has ever mentioned a twin? Plot conveniences I guess.
-I assume Lizzie isn’t coming back because she knows she was with the wrong Ciel?
-NICE ART, Sebastian’s demon form looks horrific!
-That’s actually good motivation for Ciel to become Ciel, ngl.
-Ciel: *is literally an impostor*. Me: I actually like him even more now. It’s the depth of character, y’all!
-TwinCiel was literally sacrificed body and soul, why is he here
-I have to say, the art of the contract story is no joke, man, it’s topnotch.
-Ciel’s purported intelligence and strategy actually in action, I’m liking it.
-Oh Ciel, baby, what other contractee, you’re a full-time job.
-TwinCiel gives me creepy vibes, I’m kinda scared of him.
-The hell is Undertaker doing now?!?!
-My biggest thing rn is how the estate fam will react. I’m really looking forward to that, ‘cause I really really want them to be on Ciel’s side.
-I’m not vibing with the revelation of a twin brother in itself, but I’m very much okay with the repercussions and the events surrounding it.
-Ngl, this is pretty addicting. I’m like, ‘Then what? And then what?’
-Yes, Finny, that’s my boy.
-Lizzie’s POV never disappoints.
-Yesss, the estate fam doesn’t disappoint!
-The estate fam picking up Sebastian and Ciel, ugh, I cry.
-Is it Lau. Is it fucking Lau, these shoes are Lau, I-
-Yay, go, Ciel, go! Trash it all! Crush them!
-Soma’s down a dark path, ugh, the characterizations in this arc, I love them.
-Honestly, the best art, the best consequences, the best character development, the best so many things - all stemming from a premise that I don’t vibe with. Fascinating.
-Although ngl, I’d like to see a bit more of TwinCiel’s POV? Like, yes, he enjoys the rivalry, but why? What changed? Why does that once caring brother orchestrate Ciel’s arrest? Tell me more.
-Yes, TwinCiel, turns out it took quite a while to cure death, you see, grumble grumble.
-Aunt Francis doesn’t look convinced.
-Ooh! Oooohhh who’s Polaris then?
-Man, these backstories are INTENSE. I legit have to take breaks.
-I’m caught up! I can’t believe it, I’m all caught up! Ha!
-... … … Now what O_O.
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dramaworthyofsrk · 4 years
Like Passing Notes in Secrecy, pt. 5
Summary: The relationship you and Peter share, as told by the notes that you two pass to each other. Inspired both by the song lyric used for the title and for that moment in To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before when Josh says to Lara Jean “still think you’ve never gotten a love letter?”
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 6  Part 7
Ever since you found out Peter was Spider-Man, you've taken to leaving your windows slightly open at night, enough that it’ll be easy for him to open it the rest of the way and come say hi. He does it whenever he can and he has to admit, he wonders about your sleeping habits when he drops by in the middle of patrol to see you scrolling through your phone or watching TV on your laptop. 
“You should really get more sleep, you know,” he states one day, when you’re both lounging on your bed, watching Buzzfeed Unsolved videos (even though he’s told you multiple times that going back on patrol after watching true crime videos — funny or not — freaks him out a bit). 
“Whatever, Peterrrr,” you respond, not even looking up from where your head is pillowed on his arm as you take a quick Snapchat selfie. “You’re the one up patrolling until 3 in the morning. Besides, I need to know you make it home safe before I fall asleep.” 
Peter sits up a little, jostling you as he does so which causes you to glare at him a little bit. “You’re staying up for me?” 
“Well I-” you’re blushing and stammering a little bit which is how he knows you’re definitely staying up for him. “Shut up.” 
Peter shakes his head at her, “you can’t be doing that, that’s not good for you.” 
“Not getting enough sleep isn’t good for you either!” you argue in response. 
Fuck, you’re really going to be stubborn about this, aren’t you? “Fine, let’s make a deal,” Peter says after a second, thinking it over in his head. “I will continue to text you when I get home every night and I’ll share my location with you, but if you keep staying up waiting for my text, I will stop coming over every night.” 
You gasp at his threat, narrowing your eyes at him again, “you wouldn’t.” He nods at you, letting you know that he absolutely would. “Fine, Peter, I’ll get more sleep, you hypocrite.” He smiles and holds out his pinky for you to promise, which you do, albeit reluctantly. As if to prove you're upset by the deal you've made with him, you immediately switch over from Buzzfeed Unsolved to Criminal Minds, making the crime aspect of the show even worse. 
Despite how much he hates that you punished him with Criminal Minds, it seems his deal has worked because when he stops by your window one night, you’re already asleep, a movie paused on your laptop that he knows you had queued up for them to watch together. He smiles at the image of you curled up on one side of your bed, phone still in hand and laptop waiting, taking a mental picture of the moment before moving your laptop to the desk and plugging your phone into the charger. 
He looks around a bit before spotting a stack of sticky notes on your desk and he steals the top one and a pink pen so that he can write you a quick note so you know he came by. 
hey sleeping beauty,
 came by to say hi but you were asleep
good thing since i did NOT want to watch princess diaries again
glad you’re taking my advice on getting sleep :)
your fave superhero
Peter thinks you might text him in the morning but when you do, there’s no mention of the note and he wonders if you saw it. He remembers that he left it stuck to your water bottle though so there was no chance that you missed it. When he gets to school and opens his locker though, there’s a sticky note stuck to one of the shelves and he’s grateful for the fact that you have his locker combination. 
dear spider-boy,
you are NOT my favorite superhero
and you love princess diaries! 
your fave damsel-not-in-distress
As it turns out, you really had been staying up for Peter, because now that this seems to be a viable option for you, you’re asleep more often than not when he goes over. He kinda likes it, if he’s being honest, even though he loves hanging out with you, because it’s fun to write you notes and he loves getting to school to find a new one there. It’s an unspoken agreement that you never talk about what’s said in the notes outside of the notes, a silent conversation happening only in that form. 
dear damsel-not-in-distress,
wait who’s your favorite superhero? 
and it’s spider-MAN
get it right next time
dear get it right next time,
spider-BOY was building lego sets last weekend if i remember correctly
capt. america is sooo dreamy
i’ve never been wrong
dear i’ve never been wrong,
he’s not that dreamy in person tbh
plus i like totally beat him in a fight once
way cooler than capt. america
dear way cooler than capt. america,
you should let me decide that for myself ;)
beginner’s luck, mr. parker
cap’s #1 fan
dear cap’s #1 fan,
he’s like 100 also.
a superhero of APPROPRIATE age
dear a superhero of APPROPRIATE age,
ugh what a ~daddy~
jealousy is kinda hot ngl
dear jealousy is kinda hot ngl,
i’m not jealous
dear i’m not jealous,
i’m not sorry and you totally are jealous
but there’s nothing to be jealous of
web-shooters >>> a giant trash can lid
spider-man super fan
That one makes him smile all day long. It’s also the one that gets Ned to finally ask what’s going on with all of these notes that you keep leaving for each other. 
“Seriously,” Ned complains as they walk toward class, “it’s not like you two don’t talk all day long or see each other after school. Why this?” 
Peter shrugs in response, “I don’t know, it’s how she knows I’m safe at night? I can’t really explain it.” 
“I can,” MJ sneaks up on them, making Peter and Ned both flinch a little. “It’s really obvious that you two have feelings for each other.” 
“No we don’t,” Peter blushes, never having expected that the girl he used to have feelings for would be talking to him about the girl he currently has feelings for. MJ just levels him with a look and he sighs, “okay fine, I do but she doesn’t.” 
They’re stopped outside of their classroom now and MJ just shakes her head at him before walking into the classroom, “you’re an idiot, Parker.” 
Peter scowls at her back but doesn’t say anything in response. He would love if you returned his feelings but you don't. He spends all his time with you, doesn’t MJ think that he would know if you had feelings for him too? 
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emeto-no-jutsu · 4 years
Could you do an emto fic with sasuke being sick and a parental kakashi taking care of him?
Oooooh okay, my first request....it feels kinda nerve-wracking lmfao ngl
It's not my favorite thing I have ever written??? But enjoy?? And RB if you do??????
Anyway LMFAO enjoy the fic
TW:::::: Emeto, sickness and an emotionally repressed boi under the cut:::::::::
Kakashi frowned as he arrived at his team’s usual meeting spot. Sakura was already berating Naruto this early in the morning, but what caught his attention was the fact that one of his students, who was usually the most punctual, was missing.
“Where’s sasuke?” He asked as soon as he leapt off the railing above the bridge where he’d been observing the scene. Sakura stopped her rant at once, and Kakashi could see the uneasiness etched on her face. Naruto huffed, rolling his eyes at the mention of his teammate with a pout.
“That’s what we were talking about, sensei.” The pinkette explained. “He’s usually the first one to arrive…”
“Stupid Teme probably overslept-”
“Shut up you idiot!” The girl snapped ferociously, making the blond flinch as her green eyes glared at him. “This is Sasuke-kun we’re talking about! If he’s late he must have a good enough reason!” 
Kakashi sighed at their antics, but couldn’t deny that the girl had a point. He’d expect something like this from Naruto, not from Sasuke, and the fact that he didn’t warn the team of his absence beforehand was all the more concerning. “I think we should go check on him, Kakashi-sensei.” 
“Yeah, I think so too,” Kakashi didn’t know if her request stemmed from actual worry or if she didn’t want to miss the opportunity to go to the boy’s house for the first time, but considering how out of character this whole situation was he felt like this would be the appropriate course of action.
Naruto complained a little, promptly earning a blow to the head from Sakura, and soon they were on their way. The two kids followed Kakashi as they approached Sasuke’s neighborhood, reaching the Uchiha’s address not fifteen minutes later.
They were beginning to think Sasuke wasn’t even home at all before the door was answered after the doorbell was rang for the third time, and maybe Sakura’s concern was valid because the boy truly looked awful. 
His bangs seemed to be plastered to his forehead with sweat and there was a greenish hue under his paler-than-normal complexion. His onyx eyes were bloodshot as he glared at them and Kakashi could see the shirtless boy was making an effort to not hunch over. “What?”
“Um...y-you were late for training,” Sakura stammered, ignoring the raging flush that took over her complexion at seeing her crush bare-chested. 
“I’m sick?” The boy stated the obvious. “Didn’t you see the bunshin I sent?”
“In your state, I wouldn’t be surprised if it dissipated before reaching us,” Said Kakashi.
“Yeah Sasuke, you really do look like crap,” Naruto commented, earning a glare both from Sakura and Sasuke, but the latter didn't really hold any force behind it.
“Well, if that’s all then,” The boy tried to shut the door on their faces, but Kakashi pushed it open with ease, letting himself in and willingly ignoring Sasuke’s deep scowl.
“We need to make sure you’re okay, Sasuke-kun,” Sakura said as she and Naruto followed Kakashi inside the apartment. It was all very neat, but you would expect as such from someone like Sasuke. 
“I’ll be fine,” The boy retorted tiredly, not even having enough energy to argue, which in itself was a big red flag. “Can’t you three just leave me alone for once?”
“No, we can’t,” Kakashi responded easily as he watched the boy heavily sit at his sofa, swallowing hard with a pained grimace that indicated clearly that his last statement was a lie.
“What’s wrong? Have you been throwing up?”
“That’s all I’ve been doing since I woke up,” 
“Aw, Sasuke-kun…” Sakura cooed sitting beside him and rubbing his shoulder, but the boy clearly didn’t appreciate the display of affection as he flinched like a cat drenched in water. 
“Look, I’ll probably be fine tomorrow,” He hissed. “I don’t want you all here,”
“Woah there Sasuke, no need to get all snarky just because of a tummy ache!” Naruto teased maliciously through a grin, making the older boy scowl.
“Just...shut up, Naruto,” Sasuke didn’t look like he could come up with a good comeback even if he wanted to. Kakashi narrowed his eyes as his face blanched slightly, a very subtle twitch in his eyebrows that would go unnoticed by lesser shinobi indicated that the boy was focusing every ounce of discipline on trying to not let his face betray how he truly felt. “You would know all about that, wouldn’t you Dobe?” He managed to shoot back through clenched teeth.
“Y’know what Teme-”
“Quit it Naruto!” Sakura roared besides sasuke, making the boy wince. “Can’t you see he isn’t feeling well?!”
“That applies to both of you,” Kakashi spoke up for the sake of his student, who seemed ready to hurl at any minute now and all that yelling they had grown used to could not be helping. “Actually, I need you two to bring some things from the store, after that you’re dismissed for today,”
“B-But Kakashi-Sensei!” Sakura stood up. “Won’t you need help taking care of him?!”
“I’m sure I can handle this myself, Sakura,” The man said, handing her the cash he had retrieved from his pocket. “Get some stomach relaxers, probably something for fever too...Oh, make sure to get him something to drink with electrolytes in it, got it?”
Sakura clearly disappointed at being ushered out the door by Kakashi and even Naruto seemed like he’d rather stay, but they were known for disrupting the peace, and that was clearly not what the raven haired boy needed at the moment.
Sure enough, Kakashi had barely closed the door when the kid shot up on rather wobbly legs and quickly made a beeline to the bathroom. Kakashi grimaced when he heard the loud retch that echoed through the house and followed the boy.
Sasuke groaned when the man kneeled down to his level and started rubbing his back, but didn’t fight it. Kakashi made sure to keep his long bangs out of the danger zone as Sasuke retched mouthfuls of murky vomit in waves. It was clear that he didn’t have much left in him to puke up, but his body seemed to not get that memo quite yet.
After about ten minutes he inhaled sharply, and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, slumping slightly against Kakashi. “You’re done?”
“Dunno,” His voice sounded rather slurred, which was uncharacteristic, and closed his eyes. His arms snaked around his middle tightly and Kakashi sighed, not letting go of his shoulders.
“We should probably get you in bed,” Sasuke nodded after a moment of hesitance. He flushed the toilet and stood up on his own, insisting he didn’t need help and Kakashi didn’t try to argue in order to not upset the already sick boy, but he did stay close behind.
Soon he was situated on his bed. “You can leave now,” He said to his sensei, trying to sound sharp but only emphasizing how shaky he sounded. “I can take care of myself.”
“Hmm, can you?” Kakashi humored the boy. “Have you taken your temperature yet? Or tried to keep yourself hydrated at all?” His already flushed cheeks darkened and he avoided his eyes which said no as clearly as if he had said it out loud. “Do you even own a thermometer?”
“Obviously,” He replied caustically and Kakashi ignored his tone as he went on to search for said thermometer. Thankfully, with Sasuke being as organized as he was it didn’t take too long for him to find it inside the first aid’s kid under the bathroom sink. 
he walked back into the room not five minutes later with the emptied trash can from the bathroom and thermometer in hand. Sasuke already seemed on the verge of drifting off to sleep, and Kakashi almost felt bad for having to rouse him up again. “I need to take your temperature, open up.”
“Tch,” Sasuke unceremoniously grabbed the contraption from his sensei’s hands and stuck it under his own tongue. Kakashi just rolled his eyes, that kid was too proud for his own good.
“Well okay then,”  Said him with an exasperated sigh. “Keep that in for three minutes.”
“I know,”
“Of course you do.”
The boy pouted, and Kakashi allowed himself to crack an amused grin under the mask. Even mature and stoic, first in his class, prodigy Sasuke Uchiha was still, at the end of the day, only just a kid. Kahashi saw himself so much in that boy that it was almost painful, but he chose not to dwell on that at that moment.
The thermometer finally beeped, and Kakashi was slightly relieved when Sasuke handed it to him. Sure, he had a fever, but it was far more manageable than the man first thought. His drowsy voice must have been a product of exhaustion and exertion. “You’re gonna be fine,”
“I keep telling you-”
“You still have a fever,” Kakashi interrupted pointedly. “I’m just glad I don’t have to drag you to the hospital because of it,” Sasuke rolled his eyes, burying himself under the sheets. and turning on its side. “Alright, I’ll let you sleep. The other two should be back with your medicine soon though,”
Sasuke let out one of his usual noncommittal grunt and Kakashi offered a concealed wry smile, ruffling his hair like he usually did and closing the door behind him.
When he got to the living room he noticed a small brown paper bag at the coffee table with a little note attached to it. He didn’t know if he should feel ashamed for not even noticing his students’ presence while he was busy with Sasuke or if he ought to commend Sakura and Naruto for their stealth.
He considered giving Sasuke his medication right away, but decided against it. He seemed fine for now and the kid had just gotten to sleep.
“What are you still doing here?”
He would be okay, Kakashi would make sure of that.
Kakashi looked up from his book with raised eyebrows to the young uchiha frowning at him from the hallway,though the fact that he was wrapped around a rather fluffy comforter didn’t make him nearly as intimidating . “Making sure my student doesn’t keel over,” Sasuke huffed. “I’m a good sensei,” The look on his face indicated that he was itching to disagree, but instead he just rubbed his eyes, blinking tiredly as he watched night set in through the window.
“What time is it?” 
“About six,”
“Six?” He narrowed his eyes, confusion clouding his features and Kakashi had a feeling he seemed more out of it than before he went to sleep. “But it was morning…?”
“Yup. And then noon, then afternoon. Now it’s evening,” 
“I slept a lot…” The boy mumbled, not picking up the irony. He looked far younger suddenly, with his flushed cheeks and still rubbing his sleep out of his eyes, the comforter making him seem smaller than he really was. 
“Well, you needed it,” Kakashi didn’t miss the way he swayed slightly as he walked up to sit besides him, crashing down on the sofa with a heavy huff. “How do you feel?”
He blinked, considering himself for a moment before responding. “I’m slightly...dizzy,”
“You’re dehydrated,” Kakashi said, pressing his palm against the boy’s forehead and ignoring the groan of protest. “And your fever seems to have gone up. How’s your stomach?”
“Not good,” Kakashi nodded, heading towards the kitchen where he’d already set the tablets and the electrolyte-enhanced water, now regretting not administering it to the kid earlier. He walked back to the room, deciding it’d be better if he brought along a deep mixing bowl too just in case.
“Here,” Sasuke wordlessly took the supplies from his hand and uncapped the water bottle, quickly gulping at least half of it before Kakashi had a chance to stop him. “Oi, not too fast! You’re gonna make yourself sick,” Kakashi took the bottle out of his hands quickly, shaking his head.
“But I’m thirsty,”
“Yeah, I can see that!” Kakashi watched the way his body reacted to the sudden influx of fluid warily, but when everything seemed to stay put he handed the bottle back to him. “Slow sips, and take the meds.” 
Sasuke mumbled something under his breath that sounded awfully like a jab at his sensei but it went ignored as Kakashi walked back to the kitchen and returned with a steaming bowl and a pair of chopsticks each with an unnerving expression that indicated he was smiling behind the mask.
Sasuke groaned, tossing back the medicine and pailing as the smell of food reached his nose. “What is that?”
“Broth and noodles,”kakashi answered with those same smiling eyes that made sasuke want to hide under his comforter.
“Kakashi-sensei,” Sasuke drew a deep breath as his sensei set the offending bowl at the table in front of him. “Please don’t ask me to eat that.”
“I’m not asking, Sasuke.” He said firmly, making the boy wince in aversion. “You need to at least try to eat something,”
“It even won’t stay down…” His voice sounded almost whiny, a quality Kakashi would never attribute to the Uchiha. The man let out a breath, feeling sympathetic towards his student.
“Well, it’s better to have something on your stomach too, y’know, bring up.” He assured, ruffling his hair before pushing the bowl to his hands. “C’mon, you don’t have to eat everything right now,”
Sasuke sighed heavily, closing his eyes as though he was having a very serious internal debate before shrugging, taking the bowl from Kakashi’s hand and taking a tentative sip from the broth.
He was rather pleasantly surprised. The taste wasn’t strong, which he was thankful for, but also not revoltingly bland, the noodles were just the right texture and even in his state he could appreciate good food, and couldn’t help but wonder- “Did you make this?”
Kakashi, who was back to reading his debauched book by that point, smirked at him. Or rather, Sasuke assumed he did. “What’s with the tone of surprise?”
“It’s…” He could feel the broth warm him from inside out, and even though there was still an uncomfortable tightness assaulting his stomach it seemed settled for the moment. “It’s really good.”
“Thanks,” Kakashi ruffled his hair annoyingly. He did this so often Sasuke didn’t even mind anymore. “It’s made with love,”
“Shut up,” He mumbled, feeling his cheeks heat up more than they already were and Kakashi let out an airy laugh through his mask, but soon they fell into a comfortable silence. 
The soup really was good, but something that Sasuke couldn’t quite put into words made it slightly better. it wasn’t a matter of taste but a feeling deep inside him that he associated with it. 
And then he remembered a very similar dish Mikoto prepared for him every time he felt even slightly under the weather and felt his heart clench.
It seemed like as soon as he realized the memories weighed his mind like a brick. He used to fall ill rather often as a child, and every time without fail he would be coddled and pampered by his mother.
And of course, Itachi. 
It was almost set in stone. He’d so much as start sniffling and the house would be filled with those same smells, she’d tuck him in, Itachi would let him sleep with him more often than not. Now that he thought about it, he didn’t think he’d been this sick since-
He dropped his chopsticks as his hands slacked. Suddenly, his ears were ringing as he felt his throat swell up and his mouth water. He couldn’t even hear what Kakashi had said before his head was forced downwards and the bowl of soup was replaced by a plastic mixing bowl just in time for him to let out a wet burp that carried with it a good portion of his undigested meal.
His stomach which had been pleasantly stable for the better part of the last hour felt like it was about to be torn apart as his once pleasant meal rushed out of him violently, barely allowing him any time to breath.
Kakashi had pinned his hair back at one point and was rubbing soothing circles around his back, but he wished he didn’t, as it reminded him too much of a simpler past. Sasuke had grown used to dealing with things such as this on his own, and having someone be so nurturing for the first time in years was almost triggering to him.
His abdomen contracted roughly against his will and he spewed violently once again. His throat felt raw, his sinus was burning with the bits and pieces that got stuck there during the whole ordeal and his stomach felt so sore that he couldn’t suppress the pathetic whine that left him when he was done.
“Kami-sama…” Kakashi muttered under his breath. “You shouldn’t have forced yourself,” Kakashi didn’t understand what had triggered this sudden and severe bout of sickness, but he preferred it that way. He didn’t even truly know himself. “Are you-”
“I’m fine,” Sasuke forced through gritted teeth, but this statement couldn’t be farther from the truth. He was shaking, he could barely breathe without his airways burning, his body pulsated with the strain and his mind was clouded with fever and memories he’d do anything to forget. 
He pushed the filthy bowl Kakashi was still holding under his chin aside and supported his head on his hands, groaning pitifully as Kakashi decided to run a hand through his hair. Why was he doing that? Sasuke wanted to scream when he felt a knot form on his throat and his eyes sting.
He was not going to cry. Not in front of his fucking sensei. He wasn’t a child, so why the hell was Kakashi still trying to comfort him like he was? 
Kakashi pulled Sasuke into an embrace before the boy could really realize what was happening, a hand protectively holding his head while the other patted him on the back. “You’re gonna be okay,” He said, his voice taking a tone Sasuke had never heard before. He tried to pull away because he smelled of vomit and sweat and this was weird, but Kakashi’s iron grip wouldn’t let him. “You are not alone anymore.”
And maybe it was the fever messing with his mind, maybe he was simply too sick to do anything about it, but there were tears running down his face before the man had said those words. A sob escaped his chest, then another, and Kakashi refused to let him go. 
Not being alone was such a foreign concept to him that it was intimidating. How could he allow people to see beyond the mask he had crafted for himself to cope. How could he allow his sensei, one of the most notorious shinobis of his era see him in his most weak, pathetic state?
But when was the last time he was held like this? That he was assured everything would be okay? 
When was the last time he was actually cared for?
And it felt good. It felt so good that he soon found himself reciprocating Kakashi’s embrace and burying his face in his chest. If the man was bothered that he was smearing tears, snot and more than likely vomit all over his flak jacket, he didn’t show it.
Sasuke sobbed himself hoarse that night, four years of bottled up emotions and traumas seemingly exploding out of him at once, and Kakashi never left his side. Later on neither shinobi would ever speak about the events of that evening ever again.
Undoubtedly though, something shifted in their relationship after that. Sasuke thought that he’d lost everyone he would even know as family on that godforsaken day, but family had a way to creep up on you unexpectedly, whether you liked it or not.
Sasuke started appreciating his teacher a lot more than he ever thought possible.
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ugdohyun · 4 years
let’s get it 😤
mun info
name/alias: ej age: 18 + pronouns: she/her/hers timezone: est (gmt-5? 4? wtf is daylights savings???) discord: cozyboy#6004 little trivia fact: tbh i’m a k-hiphop/rnb junkie so watch me pretend like i can rock lol
character info
character name: nam dohyun age: 25 zodiac sign: cancer (meh, is this even accurate? tbd) group/band/position: singer & rhythm guitarist for CTRL info links or quick points about your character: half-baked stats and bio are up. apologies for the messy messy bio; messy me was racing against the app deadline lmao. so instead, here are way too many tldr points about the boy: 
born to a borderline chaebol mother and a borderline b-list rockstar father who really shouldn’t have gotten married at all; but it’s a shotgun wedding made possible by the conception of ~yours truly~ 
his dad is quite literally terrible and among many things, a serial adulterer. the man leaves (more like kicked out at last...) when dohyun is no older than ten. nam is actually his mother’s last name, which he takes thereafter
does dohyun have daddy issues, you might ask? ermmm well, let’s just say he doesn’t even know or remember the man well enough to hate or miss him so it’s whatever
spoiled growing up b/c his family pities how he’s fatherless. but probably they’re more worried that if they don’t ‘love him enough’ (read: expensive gifts and lots of nagging) dohyun will end up like his good-for-nothing father *shudders in rich grandparent* ... but he just plays this weird leverage game with them to do whatever he wants, running around with his ragtag bands and whatnot
in reality, there’s a lot of gaslighting in both directions. an implicit cloud of blame and pity looms over dohyun’s head, like ‘damn if u didn’t pop into ur mommy’s womb, none of this would have ever happened.’ idk, he’s a living reminder of the most shameful thing that’s happened to this family. everyone’s hoping that dohyun’s not like his dad but deep inside, they kinda believe he’s fated to suck anyways...
prime piece of evidence no. 1: why the hell is he doing this rockstar thing ??? dohyun realizes it’s pretty shitty to do this to his mom and whoever else but... it just feels right. ‘music is my life’ yadada but it’s also just fun, and he thinks he’s pretty good at it. the continued chain of success and unexpected fame from his various musical stints seem to agree. sure he had to burn some bridges and breach a whole lot of trust with his family to get where he is but come on -- they thought he was going to be a huge bust anyways, no? just meeting expectations!
dohyun can be... other-worldly. 4d, sure. he’s in his own realm a lot of the time. like everyone else around him is on one orbit? he’s on a one-man spaceship vibing on another. doesn’t mean he’s clueless though; he’s actually extremely perceptive (just cancer things... or the result of sussing and being sussed out by his family his entire life) but will pretend like he doesn’t notice things b/c it’s more convenient to not care
often told he has a natural charisma which helps as as a performer, i guess. but more than likely it’s just (1) his face (ngl he knows he’s pretty) or (2) people stick around b/c they want to see what wack ass shit he’s going to do or say next. definitely a bit of a showman in that regard. anyways, he’s probably a fun guy to be around?
his whole ‘larger than life’ public image is not fake per say, but dohyun in intimate settings is more of a grandpa soul than you’d think. gets very excited and also very existentially tired about things rather quickly. probably an introvert at heart who is way too talented at being an extrovert
funky antics and ‘cool kid’ vibes largely hide the fact that he does have aspirations / desires (he’s serious about his music and what he’s doing in the indie scene; ctrl is hitting big and he’s seemingly getting places) as well as really dark thoughts and insecurities shh
super open guy without actually being open. definitely that guy you think you know really well until you really start to think about it... and realize you really don’t know him at all. damn. he’ll often listen to others and lend them a shoulder to lean on or pour them a shot, but will never seek it out for himself. really his upbringing has made it difficult for him to receive affection or care without being skeptical af or feeling like he’s being pitied
he’s got a lot of growing and soul-searching to do / i’m still figuring stuff out and would love for u all to be part of it <3
wanted connections
umm page to come eventually but some quick ideas i’d like to see for dohyun: 
ctrl bandmates! so many fun dynamics and moments we should figure out -- very ready to make all the other bands jealous heh
a real trooper friend and confidant who doesn’t give up on him, even when he’s being a little dodgy shit
a squad to just set hongdae on fire with -- not literally but figuratively. like live for the nights you won’t remember ayy
exes, flames, 'are we just friends?’,  one-sided(?) crushes, and any variants. dohyun is entranced by the idea of love but is trash at it in practice (genetics, right? an empty excuse for his actual rship problems lol). definitely breaks hearts but gets his own smashed way harder so it’s even, okay?!
i really dig a good childhood friends trope; whether that’s like friends to lovers(?) or enemies or rivals or ‘how the hell are you two friends’ or whatever
someone he keeps running into in the most awkward or embarrassing situations only
someone who sees through his bs; and vice versa
musical collaborators, rivalries, mutual fans, anything really; “um i think i liked you better on stage / you are not what i expected” moments?
an antagonist. sorry this is vague af, but point being: i’m good with ‘negative’ plots too!
i swear i’m better at this 1-on-1, so please! let’s chat it up!
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waveypedia · 4 years
complete and utter chaos [ducktales group chat fic] - Chapter 3
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Ao3 Chapter 4
let kids be kids
6:04 am
TheWebbedWonder: hey guess what
adefinitelyrealboy: Isn’t it before the approved technology time set by Mr. Uncle Donald?
TheWebbedWonder: brilliance waits for no rule, Boyd!
adefinitelyrealboy: Okay!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: you’re corrupting him, webs.
Lou: eh let her
TheWebbedWonder: whatever
TheWebbedWonder: it’s been a while since we had a sleepover…
lenaonme: oh yeah!!!
ICanDeweyIt: and Boyd’s never been to one!!
adefinitelyrealboy: you’re right!! 
adefinitelyrealboy: what does one do at a sleepover?
TheWebbedWonder: They’re super fun!!!
TheWebbedWonder: we watch movies and have pillow fights and discover family mysteries and summon supernatural creatures and fight said supernatural creatures and eat lots of junk food!!!!!
adefinitelyrealboy: Sounds fun!!!
Lou: lmao i love our family
ICanDeweyIt: @Violet-Sabrewing you up? Important convos happening here
Violet-Sabrewing: I am now
lenaonme: vi you’re not fooling anyone
lenaonme: we all know you get up at sunrise
Lou: yeah she’s crazy
Violet-Sabrewing: True, but I was reading.
Junior-Woodchuck74: fair!
lenaonme: omg nerds
TheWebbedWonder: Ok so are we on??
TheWebbedWonder: what about Friday night?
ICanDeweyIt: what’s happening on Friday night?
TheWebbedWonder: it’s the two thousandth anniversary of the Magical Battle of Demogogorna!!!!
Lou: ok hear me out
Lou: can we PLEASE have a sleepover that doesn’t consist of crazy dangerous magical shenanigans for once
Lou: I just wanna sit on the couch and watch scary movies
Junior-Woodchuck74: you do that every day anyways
Lou: yeah but I watch other stuff like Ottoman Empire
Lou: there’s a difference, hubert!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: whatever
Violet-Sabrewing: Thursday night works for Lena and I, but we should check with the adults.
TheWebbedWonder: yeah I’ll ask them when it’s okay for us to be texting
Lou: lmao what a rebel
Family Group Chat!!!!
7:00 am
TheWebbedWonder: good morning everyone!!
mutant-krill!!!!: good morning Little Della!!
Blathering-Blatherskite: gm!!!
TheWebbedWonder: exciting things are happening
Adventure-Pilot: ooh like adventure exciting?
Adventure-Pilot: are you planning an adventure?
TheWebbedWonder: no but I am now!!!
green-sharpie: oh boy
TheWebbedWonder: @Tea Time @aw-phooey @Adventure-Pilot @Scrooge-McDuck @Indy_Sabrewing @purpleisforthegays @dr. mad scientist CAN WE HAVE A SLEEPOVER???????????
Tea Time: At McDuck Manor, I presume?
TheWebbedWonder: yes!
Adventure-Pilot: fine by me!
Scrooge-McDuck: aye, as long as you don’t trash my house again.
Tea Time: It’s not like you were the one cleaning up, sir.
green-sharpie: It wasn’t us!! The ghost Webby, Lena, and Violet summoned had no sense of hygiene.
dr. mad scientist: why did you tag me
TheWebbedWonder: Boyd!!
dr. mad scientist: blathering blatherskite
adefinitelyrealboy: <3
aw-phooey: Webster.
TheWebbedWonder: yes, Uncle Donald?
aw-phooey: it’s 7 am.
TheWebbedWonder: actually, it’s 7:03 am now!
aw-phooey: Webby, you and the kids can’t have planned a sleepover in three minutes
aw-phooey: I told you guys no phones before 7 am!!
green-sharpie: you couldn’t have waited ten minutes webs?
TheWebbedWonder: brilliance waits for no rule!!
aw-phooey: but it does wait for parental punishments
TheWebbedWonder: Oh I almost forgot
TheWebbedWonder added DosCaballero and blackmagica
aw-phooey: !!!
aw-phooey: THE BOYS
green-sharpie: …
aw-phooey: but Webs you’re still in trouble you can’t distract me with my boys
ICanDeweyIt: i thought we were your boys
aw-phooey: you are
aw-phooey: you’re all my boys
Junior-Woodchuck74: 💖💖
Scrooge-McDuck: @blackmagica NO MAGIC IN MY HOUSE
TheWebbedWonder: …
Violet-Sabrewing: …
lenaonme: …
Scrooge-McDuck: okay point taken
lenaonme: Aww im your niece?
Scrooge-McDuck: yes lass
lenaonme: sldfkdskla;sdlfkhdksl;asldkfhgbfkdl;s
moonlander-general: you worry me.
lenaonme: awww penny you charmer you!!!
moonlander-general: …
Scrooge-McDuck: @blackmagica change. your. name.
green-sharpie: good job using internet speak Uncle Scrooge!!
Scrooge-McDuck: I still only vaguely only know what that means.
Scrooge-McDuck: But I picked up many various languages adventuring. I’m a polyglot!! What’s one more?
TheCrashiestCrash: Good for you Mr. McDee!! Glad you finally found the courage to come out. Love who you love!!!!
Adventure-Pilot: wh
TheCrashiestCrash: okay!!
Scrooge-McDuck: ah, his heart’s in the right place.
Scrooge-McDuck: wait, finally???
green-sharpie: yeah i think webby infested launchpad with the scrooge theory bug
TheWebbedWonder: you make it sound like it’s a bad thing
Scrooge-McDuck: oh curse me kilts
Scrooge-McDuck: I’ve never really felt the need you young people need to label things…
TheWebbedWonder: thanks uncle scrooge!!
Scrooge-McDuck: ah you’re welcome lass?
Lucky-Gander: haha same Uncle McDunkle!!
Scrooge-McDuck: tattle me tartan, I’m like you!!
Lucky-Gander: lucky you! The Gladstone life is pretty sweet if I do say so myself
green-sharpie: eh he’s not wrong
Scrooge-McDuck: I cannot believe a member of my own family would say something so heartless!!
aw-phooey: oh shoot did i miss the scrooge roasting session
Scrooge-McDuck: Please. I can handle a little heckling!!
Adventure-Pilot: where were you Don?
aw-phooey: in PMs with Zé and Chito.
TheWebbedWonder: those nicknames are so cute omg 🥺
DosCaballero: I am very cute, thank you!!
mutant-krill!!!!: Why don’t Donnie’s and José’s nicknames correlate with yours?
green-sharpie: yeah that’s kinda mean Uncle Donald
green-sharpie: abandoning your friends’ beautifully compatible nicknames
lenaonme: huh cold
lenaonme: i didn’t know you had it in you. I’m impressed uncle d
aw-phooey: oh kids
DosCaballero: Do not worry! Donald didn’t abandon us!
aw-phooey: mine used to but I changed it when the band broke up. too dangerous to keep it ngl
aw-phooey: (you should really change your name, chito)
blackmagica: And I had… other activities that required my attention.
Scrooge-McDuck: You lose more and more of my favor by the minute.
aw-phooey: my friend had your favor?? You’ve gone soft, old man.
blackmagica: Well I have a brilliant idea to appease everyone!!
blackmagica changed their name to TrêsCaballero
aw-phooey changed their name to UnoCaballero
UnoCaballero: how’s that?
DosCaballero: !!!!!! <3
TrêsCaballero: We love you too.
Junior-Woodchuck74: awww!!!
dr. mad scientist: spare me.
Blathering-Blatherskite: Gyro play nice
Adventure-Pilot: yeah Gyro!!!
dr. mad scientist: oh my god shut up.
TrêsCaballero: I did not mean to offend you, Dr. Mad Scientist!!
green-sharpie: he really said duckscord user dr. mad scientist
moonlander-general: But we’re not using duckscord?
ICanDeweyIt: it’s a joke Penny
ICanDeweyIt: wait do you have duckscord???
moonlander-general: Della made me set it up
green-sharpie: we know
ihaveahead!!!: we know
lenaonme: we know
Junior-Woodchuck74: we know
Tea Time: we know
ICanDeweyIt: fine :( be like that
TheWebbedWonder: It’s because we love you 💖
ICanDeweyIt: sldkfghdks Webs how dare
ICanDeweyIt: ily2
Blathering-Blatherskite: ...what???
Scrooge-McDuck: leave it, he’s being dramatic
let kids be kids
10:02 am
 ICanDeweyIt: >:(
Junior-Woodchuck74: dewey are you done moping
ICanDeweyIt: give me one minute
Junior-Woodchuck74: ...fine.
10:03 am
ICanDeweyIt: okay i’m back
Lou: smh
TheWebbedWonder: what snacks do we want? Granny’s gonna do a grocery run soon
ICanDeweyIt: cheeto puffs
ICanDeweyIt: because SOMEONE ate them all
Lou: hey, don’t look at me! The rats love fake cheese dust!!
ICanDeweyIt: Beakley did her weekly rat clean the day before they went missing
Lou: ugh okay fine they’re good okay????
Lou: shut up
Junior-Woodchuck: also, HEALTHY snacks!
lenaonme: lame
Lou: seconded
ICanDeweyIt: thirded
Junior-Woodchuck74: Viiiii back me up here
Violet-Sabrewing: I look forward to eating an ungodly amount of junk food and having an impressive sugar crash with the rest of you.
Junior-Woodchuck74: dangit
Junior-Woodchuck74: webby?
Junior-Woodchuck74: Beakley never let you near anything sugary so fair enough
Lou: I mean that was for good reason
Lou: she’s almost as bad as you hue
Junior-Woodchuck74: oh boy
Junior-Woodchuck74: Boyd?
adefinitelyrealboy: Getting ice cream with you in Tokyolk was fun, Huey! Let’s do it again at the sleepover!
Junior-Woodchuck74: dangit i’m soft
Junior-Woodchuck74: please put some healthy snacks down there anyway Webby. At least for me.
TheWebbedWonder: already done!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: <3
lenaonme: do Vi and I need to bring anything over aside from the usual?
TheWebbedWonder: idk yet
adefinitelyrealboy: what’s the usual?
Junior-Woodchuck74: we have sleeping bags and pillows but if you want your own you can bring it. Same with plushies and stuffed animals. Toothbrush and hairbrush and that kind of toiletries, but I don’t know how much you use. Your phone, obviously, and anything else you’ll want for the night. But we have a lot of supplies.
adefinitelyrealboy: okay!
adefinitelyrealboy: I don’t have a lot of personal items like that. Most of what I have at the Drakes is just hand-me-downs from Doofus
lenaonme: get in loser we’re going shopping
lenaonme: for personal trinkets for you
ICanDeweyIt: omg <3
ICanDeweyIt: lena you’re my new favorite person
lenaonme: as I should be
adefinitelyrealboy: That’s sweet! Dr. Gearloose and Lil’ Bulb I have been doing that periodically, though. Sometimes Mr. Manny the Headless Manhorse and Dr. Crackshell-Cabrera come along too!!
Lou: I really want to know what’s up with Fenton’s invalid doctorate ngl
Violet-Sabrewing: Me too
Junior-Woodchuck74: 👀 good to know
lenaonme: don’t overanalyze anything hue
TheWebbedWonder: but overanalyzing is the BEST!!
lenaonme: okay you’re the only valid overanalyzer Webs
TheWebbedWonder: 💖💖💖
TheWebbedWonder: Lena and Violet can you come over on Tuesday to help me set up the magical activities?
Lou: oh boy
Violet-Sabrewing: I’ll ask
lenaonme: do you need us to smuggle in anything again?
TheWebbedWonder: no that’s okay! I still have all the books you brought last time, and I think I can get any herbs we need for spells without suspicion as long as it’s not too close to the sleepover date
lenaonme: 👍
Lou: well I staunchly refuse to participate in any more magical adventures than I need to. Tuesday I have a date with some Pep and Ottoman Empire!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: ugh.
TheWebbedWonder: You don’t have to! This is a strictly Team Magic adventure!!
ICanDeweyIt: aw man :(
TheWebbedWonder: uhh that’s okay Dewey you can come if you want!!
ICanDeweyIt: eh it’s all right I just want validation
lenaonme: understandable. see you tuesday!
ICanDeweyIt: 💙💙
Team Uncle McDunkle (les parentals)
10:43 am
Indy_Sabrewing: Violet just asked if she and Lena can go over to McDuck Manor on Tuesday to prepare for the sleepover with Webby
purpleisforthegays: fine w/ me
acepilot: us too
22: so we’re all good with the sleepover at large, correct?
Dadnald: Aside from the fact that the kids were obviously planning it in their own group chat before the agreed tech time minimum
Moneybags: ah let them
Moneybags: they’re just excited
Dadnald: Unca it’s the first day of that rule
22: I agree with Donald. It’s good to lay down a solid foundation for rules. Let the children know we will enforce them.
acepilot: okay but I vote we still let them have their sleepover. It is Boyd’s first sleepover. Excuse me, important life milestones happening here!!
Dadnald: okay fair
Dadnald: It’s been approximately two weeks since we all met Boyd and Della’s already imprinting on him
acepilot: like you’re not
Dadnald: shhhhh
Dadnald: you’re right about the sleepover. I don’t want to take that away, and they all seem so excited.
Dadnald: let me figure out something else though, at least for my kids
Indy_Sabrewing: we’ll do it together
purpleisforthegays: Any adventures between now and the sleepover, Mr. McDuck?
Moneybags: just a small day trip to the Sands of Time on Wednesday. should be an easy one.
Dadnald: I think we should just assign them extra chores until then
22: fine by me.
acepilot: hahah same
Moneybags: Gyro?
worldsgreatestinventor: I don’t think I have that kind of relationship with Boyd yet, to be completely honest.
worldsgreatestinventor: but it’s fine he’s a good kid
acepilot: oh I know
Dadnald: I’m picking up Huey and Boyd from their Junior Woodchuck meeting tomorrow; I can talk to the Drakes then
Moneybags: good thinking Donald!
Moneybags: you’ll get there, Gyro
PM between Junior-Woodchuck74 and TotallyNotGizmoduck
11:47 am
Junior-Woodchuck74: Boyd says you’ve been shopping with him and Dr. Gearloose!!
TotallyNotGizmoduck: yeah!! It was an infallible excuse to get Gyro out of the lab
TotallyNotGizmoduck: He really cares for Boyd.
Junior-Woodchuck74: And Boyd really cares for him!
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I can see that! Boyd is a sweet kid.
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I just wish Gyro would realize that. For a genius, he can be surprisingly dense.
Junior-Woodchuck74: he’s not the only one
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Oh cease whatever scheme you’re planning and help me figure out how to make Gyro overcome his anxieties about parenthood!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: oh I’m down
Junior-Woodchuck74: I’m not dropping this, but I’m down
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I expected nothing less. Now, any brilliant ideas? Come on brain, think!
Junior-Woodchuck74: I think Boyd would be overjoyed to receive parental affection from Gyro. He doesn’t need any meddling; it’s just Gyro
TotallyNotGizmoduck: True
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I believe Gyro’s mostly scared, but he’ll never admit it. Least of all to himself.
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Also, the Drakes are two experienced parents with a stable, large home and income. They have an unending amount of time to spend with their children, and they easily fit society’s heteronormative mold of the perfect nuclear family. 
TotallyNotGizmoduck: they’re everything Gyro is not, and that intimidates him.
Junior-Woodchuck74: The Drakes spent the majority of their parenthood enslaved in their own home and terrified of their son. They’re not exactly the pinnacle of perfect parenthood.
TotallyNotGizmoduck: ha, nice alliteration.
Junior-Woodchuck74: thanks!
TotallyNotGizmoduck: However, I’m not the one you need to convince here. You’re preaching to the choir.
Junior-Woodchuck74: Fair.
Junior-Woodchuck74: Let me ask Webby; she probably has some convoluted scheme to get Dr. Gearloose and Boyd to be a family.
TotallyNotGizmoduck: That makes sense
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I don’t know her very well, but she’s a sweet kid.
Junior-Woodchuck74: she scares you, doesn’t she.
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Oh she totally scares me
Family Group Chat!!!!
2:03 pm
UnoCaballero: @DosCaballero @TrêsCaballero you know what time it is
UnoCaballero: We’re three caballeros
DosCaballero: Three gay caballeros
TrêsCaballero: They say we are birds of a feather!!
UnoCaballero: We’re happy amigos
DosCaballero: No matter where he goes
TrêsCaballero: The one
UnoCaballero: Two
DosCaballero: And three
TrêsCaballero: goes, we’re always together
UnoCaballero: We’re
DosCaballero: Three
TrêsCaballero: Caballeros
ICanDeweyIt: I can’t believe the adults did a songchain before we did
lenaonme: oh shoot we gotta do one now
TheWebbedWonder: what song should we do?
green-sharpie: CREEPER
ICanDeweyIt: aww man
Junior-Woodchuck74: aww man
Junior-Woodchuck74: darn it
lenaonme: so we back in the mine
Violet-Sabrewing: swinging our pickaxe from side to side
green-sharpie: side side to side
lenaonme: This task a grueling one,
ICanDeweyIt: Hope to find some diamonds tonight, night, night
TheWebbedWonder: diamonds tonight
Blathering-Blatherskite: Heads up, you hear a sound,
Junior-Woodchuck74: FENTON
lenaonme: omg another meme child rises
green-sharpie: not exactly a child skdfhdksla
dr. mad scientist: are we done fangirling yet
Junior-Woodchuck74: not all of us are girls, Dr. Gearloose.
Junior-Woodchuck74: That only perpetuates the ingrained societal mindset that liking something is cringey, and girls are cringey and inferior because they’re tied to that negative connotation
lenaonme: go off
TheWebbedWonder: ^^^^
wreathedingold: Well said!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: Dang I think that’s the first thing Aunt Goldie’s ever said to me 😳
wreathedingold: I’m not your aunt kid
TheWebbedWonder: just you wait
wreathedingold: well that’s ominous
wreathedingold: time for me to bounce then
TheWebbedWonder: Noooo Aunt Goldie come back!!!
ICanDeweyIt: Don’t worry Webs, we’ll get her soon enough.
Scrooge-McDuck: Should I be worried or…?
TheWebbedWonder: nah everything’ll be just fine Uncle Scrooge!!
dr. mad scientist: RED NEPHEW.
dr. mad scientist: STOP SPAMMING MY PMS.
dr. mad scientist: one more message and I block you, capishe?
UnoCaballero: You can’t block Huey for emergency purposes
Junior-Woodchuck74: I’m just making sure you get the message Dr. Gearloose
dr. mad scientist: okay okay
dr. mad scientist: it was more of a drag against Fenton anyway
Blathering-Blatherskite: hey!!
TheCrashiestCrash: nooo, we love you fenton!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: yesss Fenton positivity hours!!
Ihaveahead!!!: Fenton positivity hours!!
mutant-krill!!!!: Fenton positivity hours!!
TheCrashiestCrash: Fenton positivity hours!!
TheWebbedWonder: Fenton positivity hours!!
UnoCaballero: Fenton positivity hours!!
moonlander-general: well that’s creepy.
ghostbutler: it’s best not to question their antics.
Tea Time: Oh dear, Duckworth is making logical sense! He’s been replaced by a fake!
ghostbutler: You wish.
lenaonme: Fenton positivity hours!!
DosCaballero: Fenton positivity hours!!
Violet-Sabrewing: Fenton positivity hours!!
Lucky-Gander: Fenton positivity hours!!
purpleisforthegays: Fenton positivity hours!!
adefinitelyrealboy: Fenton positivity hours!!
Lil’ Bulb: Fenton positivity hours!!
Blathering-Blatherskite: <3 <3
dr. mad scientist: betrayed by my own inventions… 
Lil’ Bulb: ily2
dr. mad scientist: which one of you kids taught him that
Junior-Woodchuck74: dewey
lenaonme: dewey
green-sharpie: dewey
ICanDeweyIt: oh shut up
ICanDeweyIt: I’m not sorry
Violet-Sabrewing: as you should be
ICanDeweyIt: and I would’ve gotten away with it if not for you meddling kids!!!
Lucky-Gander: haha
Adventure-Pilot: lol
UnoCaballero: sdfghgfds
lenaonme: dewey getting that Adult Validation
ICanDeweyIt: it do be like that 😌
ICanDeweyIt: anyway back to the song chain!!
ICanDeweyIt: yall adults are welcome to join us just don’t mess it up
Lucky-Gander: wouldn’t dream of it
lenaonme: creeper
ICanDeweyIt: aww man
Junior-Woodchuck74: that’s not where we were in the song
ICanDeweyIt: AWW MAN
Violet-Sabrewing: So we back in the mine
TheWebbedWonder: rocking our pickaxe from side to side
UnoCaballero: side side to side
green-sharpie: This task a grueling one
TheCrashiestCrash: Hoping to find some diamonds tonight
DosCaballero: night night
Blathering-Blatherskite: Diamonds tonight
Violet-Sabrewing: heads up
purpleisforthegays: you hear a sound
lenaonme: turn around and look up
Lil’ Bulb: total shock fills your body
TheWebbedWonder: Oh no it’s you again
Junior-Woodchuck74: I could never forget those eyes, eyes
TrêsCaballero: eyes eyes eyes
ihaveahead!!!: cause baby tonight
green-sharpie: The creeper's trying to steal all our stuff again,
Junior-Woodchuck74: dewey i hate you
ICanDeweyIt: can’t help it i’m a wild child
Junior-Woodchuck74: last week you cried because the supermarket was all out of blue rock candy
lenaonme: ok shut up nerds hash it out later we’re going back to singing
green-sharpie: whatever did we do
dr. mad scientist: is this the hecking mlp song
Adventure-Pilot: hah hecking
dr. mad scientist: DONALD EDITS MY TEXTS
UnoCaballero: as i should 
UnoCaballero: don’t swear around my kids
TheWebbedWonder: Discord, are we your prey alone
TrêsCaballero: or are we just a stepping stone to taking back the throne
Blathering-Blatherskite: Discord
Violet-Sabrewing: We won’t take it anymore
DosCaballero: So take your tyranny away!
purpleisforthegays: discoooooooooord…
Junior-Woodchuck74: discoooooooooord…
green-sharpie: discoooooooooord…
moonlander-general: wha
ICanDeweyIt: shh penny we’re singing
adefinitelyrealboy: this is quite an interesting phenomenon!!
mutant-krill!!!!: agreed, it is quite fascinating!!
lenaonme: 😔😔👊
TheWebbedWonder: I’m adding it to the sleepover agenda now!!
Violet-Sabrewing: Della and Penumbra should join us, since they don’t know either
Junior-Woodchuck74: good idea! but what about Uncle Indy and Uncle Scrooge? And Dr. Gearloose?
Blathering-Blatherskite: Gyro knows meme songs he’s just not participating out of spite
dr. mad scientist: shut up fenton
Violet-Sabrewing: there’s no hope for them
wreathedingold: HAH
TheWebbedWonder: oh Aunt Goldie!! I thought you left!!
wreathedingold: shush pink niece
TheWebbedWonder: omg she knows who i am 🥺💚❤️🥰
green-sharpie: uhh not quite webs
Scrooge-McDuck: Excuse me!
Scrooge-McDuck: we had this conversation earlier today. I am a polyglot.
TheCrashiestCrash: And I told you Mr. McDee!! Love who you love!!
Scrooge-McDuck: Oh tatter me tartan.
wreathedingold: quite the enthusiastic brood you have there, Scroogey!
Scrooge-McDuck: I can’t believe this.
Indy_Sabrewing: That’s it Violet; no reading for fun.
Violet-Sabrewing: No!
lenaonme: 😔👊
TheWebbedWonder: Oh no!!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: We should invite Uncle Fethry too, if he can make it
mutant-krill!!!!: my schedule is full of traveling the seas with Mitzy and cataloguing our scientific findings and experiences!!
mutant-krill!!!!: But I will check.
adefinitelyrealboy: I can hardly wait!!
Tea Time: And when is this?
ICanDeweyIt: Well we were planning on showing Boyd at the sleepover, but it seems my dear class has grown… 
Junior-Woodchuck74: @Tea Time Wednesday will work.
Tea Time: Wonderful. I’ll mark it in the family calendar. 
lenaonme: mrs beakley ily
Tea Time: Thank you, Lena.
ICanDeweyIt: P R O F E S S O R   D E W F O R D
green-sharpie: oh boy
Junior-Woodchuck74: you don’t have a Ph.D idiot
ICanDeweyIt: Neither does Fenton but do you see that stopping him?
Blathering-Blatherskite: why must you keep bringing up my lack of a doctorate?
lenaonme: it’s funny
green-sharpie: yeah pretty much
green-sharpie: you know we’re only going to bring it up more now right?
Blathering-Blatherskite: oh blathering blatherskite
Blathering-Blatherskite: What has my life come to? I’m being mercilessly mocked by a bunch of children.
dr. mad scientist: HAH
Tea Time: That’s just what children are like.
lenaonme: mrs beakley says this as if she doesn’t tease everyone mercilessly too
Tea Time: That goes without saying.
Lil’ Bulb: it do be like that 😔👊
dr. mad scientist: OH COME ON
Lucky-Gander: dude you literally just had this conversation
dr. mad scientist: I’LL KILL YOU KIDS
UnoCaballero: NO
Adventure-Pilot: I’LL KILL YOU FIRST
ihaveahead!!!: i dont doubt that
dr. mad scientist: WHOSE SIDE ARE YOU ON MANNY
ihaveahead!!!: della’s
dr. mad scientist: typical.
lenaonme: nearlythrewhandswitha13yearold.png
Violet-Sabrewing: yes pretty much
TheWebbedWonder: sldkfhdskl;a
Blathering-Blatherskite: oh how the tables have turned
dr. mad scientist: i hate you all
Adventure-Pilot: we love you too mwah <3 <3
dr. mad scientist: ewww
TheWebbedWonder: commence operation: SMOTHER DR. GEARLOOSE IN LOVE AND AFFECTION
Adventure-Pilot: HECK YEAH
Blathering-Blatherskite: Sounds like an interesting scheme with a potentially volatile reaction from the subject, but with likely a desired outcome!!!
TheWebbedWonder: aw thanks Fenton <3
Blathering-Blatherskite: anytime!!
lenaonme: lol get him
dr. mad scientist: I TRUSTED YOU WEBBIGAIL
dr. mad scientist: no
TheCrashiestCrash: I’ll drive!!
dr. mad scientist: NO
dr. mad scientist: FENTON STOP THEM
Blathering-Blatherskite: :3
dr. mad scientist: YOU WILL DIE PAINFULLY
TrêsCaballero: This chat is… interesting
ICanDeweyIt: Get used to it Uncle José!!!
TrêsCaballero: I am… Uncle José?
TrêsCaballero: What an honor!!
ICanDeweyIt: sure you are!! you’re close enough to uncle donald
TheWebbedWonder: and we love you!!!
ICanDeweyIt: yeah and that
UnoCaballero: awww kids
TrêsCaballero: you must meet my biological nephews, Zico and Zeca!!
TheWebbedWonder: NEW FRIENDS!!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: Uncle Scrooge
Scrooge-McDuck: Yes Huey?
Junior-Woodchuck74: On an unrelated note, can we take an adventure in Brazil?
TrêsCaballero: 🥰🥰
Scrooge-McDuck: ugh 
Scrooge-McDuck: I’ll look into it
TheWebbedWonder: I’ll help you Uncle Scrooge!!
Indy_Sabrewing: Is this the adventure you promised Della?
TheWebbedWonder: Nope!! My lips are sealed on that one
lenaonme: huh you’re actually doing that
TheWebbedWonder: Yep!! And it’s gonna be amazing!!
Adventure-Pilot: I bet!!
TheWebbedWonder: 💕💕💕
TheWebbedWonder: I love you!!!
Adventure-Pilot: aww I love you too honey!!
DosCaballero: Not to interrupt this adorable declaration of love but
green-sharpie: you’re an uncle too
DosCaballero: !!!!!
UnoCaballero: I’m proud of you guys
purpleisforthegays: are you talking to your friends or to the kids?
UnoCaballero: up for interpretation
PM between Junior-Woodchuck74 and TotallyNotGizmoduck
4:35 pm
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Huey
Junior-Woodchuck74: Yes Fenton?
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I scrolled up in the major group chat and your uncle said something odd about his nickname
Junior-Woodchuck74: Wait, why were you scrolling up in chat?
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Manny and Lil’ Bulb roped me into taking out of context screenshots.
Junior-Woodchuck74: Oh hey Dewey and Lena do that too!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: What did you find?
TotallyNotGizmoduck: screenshot-2020-08-06-4.24-PM
[aw-phooey: mine used to but I changed it when the band broke up. too dangerous to keep it ngl]
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Why would it be too dangerous for him to keep his Three Caballeros nickname?
Junior-Woodchuck74: Yeah that’s definitely weird
Junior-Woodchuck74: Especially since Uncle Donald’s account is private
TotallyNotGizmoduck: this chat service only has basic security. It is easily hacked if someone has the means.
Junior-Woodchuck74: That means they’d have to want to find Uncle Donald
Junior-Woodchuck74: Fenton I’m scared for Uncle Donald now
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I’m sure he’s okay! He knows how to protect himself, if nothing else.
Junior-Woodchuck74: true
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Besides, you have me, a literal superhero, on your side if anything goes wrong!!
TotallyNotGizmoduck: and your family is exceptionally good at fighting off threats. You’ll be okay, Huey.
Junior-Woodchuck74: i’m not worried for me
Junior-Woodchuck74: but thanks, Fenton
Junior-Woodchuck74: i think i’m gonna sleep on this and then do some DuckDuckGo searches on the Three Caballeros tomorrow, okay?
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Of course, Huey
Junior-Woodchuck74: talk tomorrow?
TotallyNotGizmoduck: wouldn’t miss it!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: and you should really change your name
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I will
PM between TheWebbedWonder and TotallyNotGizmoduck
7:43 pm
TheWebbedWonder: Hi Fenton!!
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Hello Webby!!
TheWebbedWonder: I realized I never added your mother to our group chatTheWebbedWonder: Can I have her username?
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Of course! I figured something was up
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Not that you can’t contact me casually!!
TheWebbedWonder: I’ll keep that in mind! 💖
TheWebbedWonder: Your mom is really nice but I don’t know her that well
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Oh you two will definitely get along
TotallyNotGizmoduck: There is a 93% chance of it
TotallyNotGizmoduck: The 7% is if she catches wind of the illegal activities Lena drags you into
TheWebbedWonder: It was ONE time and that guy deserved it!! It was justice!!!
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Webby, you set a citizen’s apartment ablaze!!!
TheWebbedWonder: He was being a jerk
TheWebbedWonder: He purposefully misgendered Dewey and Violet
TheWebbedWonder: and he made some really gross comments about Lena
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Webby, I understand that
TotallyNotGizmoduck: M’ma and I have to deal with our fair share of jerks
TotallyNotGizmoduck: And in all honesty, she would probably respect the karma of your actions. I definitely do.
TheWebbedWonder: yeah I get it
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I became a superhero to help people
TotallyNotGizmoduck: And that person deserved what came to them, but sometimes there are better ways to help people
TheWebbedWonder: sure okay
TheWebbedWonder: I mean you should probably give Lena the lecture
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I’ll keep that in mind
TotallyNotGizmoduck: but you’re a good kid webby
TheWebbedWonder: awww thanks 💖💖
TotallyNotGizmoduck: You and M’ma will get along
TotallyNotGizmoduck: You’re both kind, powerful, passionate women who scare me
TheWebbedWonder: Aww, I scare you? That’s so sweet!!! Thank you!!!
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Uhhh you’re welcome?
TheWebbedWonder: 🥰🥰
let kids be kids
8:03 pm
TheWebbedWonder: Fenton is lecturing me about when we set that guy’s house on fire
lenaonme: hah that was awesome
Lou: ew lectures
Junior-Woodchuck74: I told you that was a bad idea
Violet-Sabrewing: It worked out, though
TheWebbedWonder: he’s so nice but also I want to set all bigots’ houses on fire
ICanDeweyIt: as you should
Violet-Sabrewing: *as WE should
ICanDeweyIt: you’re right vi!!!
lenaonme: *cracks knuckles* aight i got this
TheWebbedWonder: wait no lena don’t be mean
lenaonme: shhh it’s just a little bit of good-natured teasing
TheWebbedWonder: Lena
Junior-Woodchuck74: Lena
Violet-Sabrewing: Lena
adefinitelyrealboy: Don’t be mean to Dr. Crackshell-Cabrera!! He has to deal with a lot of their comments anyway. And he’s a superhero!! He knows what he’s doing!!!
Violet-Sabrewing: Fenton is a superhero?
lenaonme: khdskalksdf HE’S gizmoduck????
Junior-Woodchuck74: oh no
Violet-Sabrewing: I did think of this hypothesis a couple months ago
adefinitelyrealboy: Oh no!! I didn’t mean to reveal Dr. Crackshell-Cabrera’s secret identity!!
ICanDeweyIt: not much of a secret tbh. he has a whole journal entry for people who know he’s Gizmoduck
TheWebbedWonder: Guess he has two more names to add to that list
Lou: to be fair, his username is TotallyNotGizmoduck. That’s pretty sus
Junior-Woodchuck74: he really needs to change that.
ICanDeweyIt: yeah
PM between lenaonme and TotallyNotGizmoduck
8:24 pm
lenaonme: ay yo
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Hi, Lena!
lenaonme: be gay do crime
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Lena no
lenaonme: lena yes
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I suppose Webby talked to you?
lenaonme: yes
lenaonme: also vi and i know your secret identity now
TotallyNotGizmoduck: darn it
lenaonme: seriously change your name that’s kind of pathetic ngl
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I understand you like fitting the image of “rebellious teenager” and all, but are the insults completely necessary?
lenaonme: oh thank webby she convinced me to only lightly tease you
lenaonme: it’s with love~ 💖
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Not quite sure if I buy that
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I don’t want to have to apprehend you if you commit crimes, Lena
TotallyNotGizmoduck: and my M’ma wouldn’t either
lenaonme: i don’t even know her
TotallyNotGizmoduck: You will tomorrow!!
lenaonme: i can’t decide if that’s ominous or just overly preppy
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I’m just a little excited
lenaonme: lmao lame
TotallyNotGizmoduck: :(
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I hate teenagers
lenaonme: blanket statement huh
TotallyNotGizmoduck: sorry
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I wouldn't be forced into negative feelings if you weren't mean to me!
lenaonme: it's because i love you
TotallyNotGizmoduck: you keep saying that, but I'm not so sure I believe it...
Science Gays
8:48 pm
fentonium: why are kids like this
worldsgreatestinventor: agreed, very negative feelings indeed
adefinitelyrealboy: :(
worldsgreatestinventor: except for you Boyd
Junior-Woodchuck74: It’s because we love you
adefinitelyrealboy: what about Huey?
worldsgreatestinventor: ehhhhhhh
Junior-Woodchuck74: disappointed but not surprised
Junior-Woodchuck74: let me guess you talked to Lena?
fentonium: yes
worldsgreatestinvention: she’s cool
worldsgreatestinvention: she taught me memes
worldsgreatestinventor: WHAT
worldsgreatestinventor: red nephew!! your lot told me that was dewey!!
worldsgreatestinvention: just for those specific memes
worldsgreatestinvention: it was a group effort
Headless-Mannyhorse: good for them
worldsgreatestinventor: they will rue the day!!
fentonium: oookaay
fentonium: you know what I prefer Lena to this
Junior-Woodchuck74: she knows
fentonium: oh no
Junior-Woodchuck74: that’s one of the reasons she likes it so much
fentonium:  oh no
Family Group Chat!!!!
4:55 am
lenaonme: b͈̻̙͕̲̭ͦͦ̾͛l͉͒a̱̳̠̳͈͎̖̓ͪc̆͒k͎͖͈͓̎̌͒p̝͈̌ͫͥͦi̩͙͙͕ͫ̋͛ň̦̌k̟͐̾ ̟̼̥͎ͣͫ͛̂i̞͓̰̜͇̜̪ͧ͑͌̓s̙ͤ͛ͩ ̩̞̖͖̺̐̈͋͆́̈́ͅt̙̥̄ͨͭ͐h̩͇̮̙̬̉͂ͫe͕͚̳̩̞͚̜ ̞͕̰̇͛̏̍ͨ̄r͉̹̱̬͑̄̾͐ḛ͖̘̇̆v̺̱̇̽͒o̤̮̤l̞̯̪̳͕̿͆͌ͭͅu̮̼̝̤̅̑ͬ̾͑͂̍t͇̲̺̘̀i̘ͦ̿͗o̪ͣ͐̓̇ͦ̎ͬn͙̱͔̩͙͒́̋̽̎̎~
dr. mad scientist: oh my god shut up
Huey: Junior-Woodchuck74 Dewey: ICanDeweyIt Louie: Lou / green-sharpie* Webby: TheWebbedWonder / Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl* Donald: aw-phooey* / Dadnald / UnoCaballero Scrooge: Scrooge-McDuck* / Moneybags Della: worldsgreatestadventurer* / Adventure-Pilot / universesgreatestadventurer /acepilot Beakley: 22 / Tea Time Launchpad: TheCrashiestCrash Lena: lenaonme Violet: Violet-Sabrewing Duckworth: ghostbutler Gyro: worldsgreatestinventor* / dr mad scientist / wildlymisunderstood Fenton: TotallyNotGizmoduck* / Blathering-Blatherskite Manny: ihaveahead!!! Lil' Bulb: worldsgreatestinvention* / Lil' Bulb Gladstone: Lucky-Gander Fethry: mutant-krill!!!! Indy: Indy_Sabrewing Ty: purpleisforthegays Goldie: Wine-Aunt* / wreathedingold Penny: moonlander-general Boyd: adefinitelyrealboy Panchito: DosCaballero José: blackmagica* / TrêsCaballero
i listened to a bunch of various blackpink while making this (on if it's your last rn) so that's why that ending moment is there lmao. it's just a glimpse into my life i guess. it's also a fitting reference since i wrote a bunch of this during a writing sprint with friends (and i lost :( ) and they introduced me to almost all of the blackpink songs i know!
there's a moment in which dewey called himself a "wild child" which is inspired by another friend calling me a wild child the other day. it just be like that i guess. (tragically, neither this friend nor the blackpink friends are into ducktales so they won't read this. but moon, silv, viper, rose, if you're out there... ily)
peep some sexuality headcanons!! I tried not to make them too overwhelming since I know a lot of people have different hcs, but they slipped in. It didn't make it in, but I hc that in addition to the no-label thing for genders, Scrooge is also demisexual and demiromantic!! I'm aroace so that means something to me. Also re: the bigot Webby and Fenton were talking about, I hc Violet is trans and Dewey is nb (thank the duckfalls server for that one). and lena is gay. but all headcanons are cool n valid and i'd love to hear some of yours!!
i unexpectedly got a really good response to this fic last week and i just want to say thank you!! it means so much to me that people like this fic and that people like my writing in general. i love all of you <3 i haven't responded to comments from last week yet cause energy but i promise i will i just need energy. but i read all of them and they were so sweet!! so thank you!!
in a similar vein, no penny pokemon plot this week cause the week slipped by and i forgot to message ppl about pokemon but i definitely will do that. it'll probably be back for next time. thank you so much to everyone who offered!! i'll probably take you guys up on that.
also thanks to the people on tumblr who gave me scrooge phrases. @just-sinag sent me an amazing video of all of scrooge's catchphrases from dt87 (which i didn't get to use this time unfortunately but definitely next time) which was really helpful, but everyone who replied to my post is really awesome and i appreciate it!!
in other news, my cat just meowed at the door while i'm writing this author's note and then jumped very cartoonishly when the door bumped against the wall. she's a little freaked out right now, poor baby. but i love her.
Chapter 4
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fenristsukigami · 4 years
The end is nearly here...
Welp. Almost completely finished with GX. And I’m gonna miss it dude. It was the most hype the show’s made me up to now (I know AXZ will probably change that tho). And every bit of character moments that happened actually made me feel a lot of various things. FOR ALL SIDES TOO. Anyway, links to episodes 7-12 (with quick minor details) are under the cut. Next post will be for episode 13.
Episode 7 - Oh hey, the beach episode, surprised it took us this long /s. On a more serious note, HOO BOY the new and improved Airgetlám is cool as heck dude! Dagger throwing, basically a rocket-blade-gauntlet thing, and CHAIN SWORD (basically think the sword used by Ivy from Soul Calibur).
Episode 8 - *me at Shirabe and Kirika this EP* THE GIRLS ARE FIGHTIIIING. And oh yeah, their ignite modes are sick as hell. ...Oh, and Akira Tachibana debuted in full this time. I hate him (for now).
Episode 9 - Never call Tsubasa’s weapons swords. FOR THEY ARE THE WINGS SHE SHALL USE TO TAKE OFF TOWARD HER DREAM. Also, first mention of the garbage that doesn’t deserve to be called a human, Fudo Kazanari. Oh, and I thought Yatsuhiro Kazanari was part of this show’s “bad dad club” at first, but turns out he just is absurdly serious because of his job, he’s actually pretty heckin good. (also, lots of TsubaMari this time, and it makes me happy). Episode 9: Oh by the way that piece of scum from last season is back. Me: *screams for next couple minutes out of pure rage*
Episode 10 - WOOOO BOI IGNITE MODE CONTINUES TO BE HYPE! Ver somehow brings up legitimately valid points (tho it’s coming from him, which slightly detracts from it), and ngl, even if it’s him they kinda did him dirty, basically just treating him as part of the Nephilim and taking away his human rights. Also, Chris is a good senpai, and Leiur’s little sister is some kinda freaky.
Episode 11 - Huh. Turns out that after some realizations thanks to Bikki, Akira Tachibana ain’t all that bad. Still kinda a trash father and we can’t just ignore what he did in the past, but hey, I at least consider him to be no longer in the “bad dad club”. Oh, and Carols’ singing is actually really pretty despite how crazy it gets. Legitimately, the Château de Tiffauges and what it does gave me heavy Sonic Unleashed vibes btw.
Episode 12 - Wow. I’m experiencing feels thanks to Carol again, thanks GX. And Ver did the ONE OTHER THING I will ever respect (the first thing was in G), so I have to begrudgingly give him props for that. But hoo boy, the end is near... and I’m both excited and sad.
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wingedeclipsed · 4 years
I’ve started re-reading Skyhunter so here is some nice incoherent appreciation under the cut :)
The prologue is a bit cliche but I know for a fact that my younger self would have worshipped it as the pinnacle of Depth and Badassery
Marie Lu really just said “I’m gonna take my descriptions to a whole new level of gorgeousness with each book I write” and then DID THAT
Despite him dying so early in the book I think Corian is a really important character- if I didn’t know he existed I wouldn’t understand why Talin is so loyal to Mara. He’s something for her to hold onto, like Metias and John.
With that said, screw Corian’s family. Everyone in this series needs large amounts of therapy.
The scene with her kneeling on the floor went SO HARD like “Trash. I know, logically, that I am not” and logic isn’t enough- ngl I came close to crying
I remember missing the part where she said the “typical” Maran hairstyle is a bun and now I’m imagining Aramin in like. Yi Sun Shin style armor with the scales and the huge sword and everything
Aramin has grey streaks in his hair?? *flashbacks to Hideo*
ADENA’S INTRODUCTION WAS SO WELL DONE. Her kind behavior towards Talin and the others made me a little worried about the “undeveloped best friend” trope on my first read but now I’m just giggling at this small cinnamon roll who could actually kill you. I wish she were my friend. Or my girlfriend I wouldn’t mind either
Actually every Striker is pretty much a cinnamon roll and a stone cold killer at the same time and I am in awe at how she makes the contrasts work so perfectly
I still don’t like how she chose to include that Red is still muscular after spending weeks in prison. I know we all rightfully judge creators for unrealistic female characters in adult media but some YA with its “bad boys” and undeveloped Alpha Male Love Interests (TM) that no boy could relate to is almost as bad. 
With that said it’s also great that Red’s appearance is kept kinda vague! There’s room for the reader to come up with their own picture of him. In general his descriptions tend to be more atmospheric 
At the end it’s really funny that Aramin goes from beating Red up to fighting by his side in like 2 weeks but in the present OW. OUCH. OW.
“Corian wouldn’t” 
“You’re in charge of him now” <-- I know, logically, that this isn’t all that realistic, but I’m just cackling imagining Talin making the surprised Pikachu face at Aramin
That’s it for it now, pretty sure there’ll be a Part 2 because HOO BOY the next part with the dungeons DOTH GET CREEPY
There is also the mouse. The mouse is very, very important and must be protected and cherished at all costs. 
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