#Kinda bad
mrslankyman · 7 months
Oh Darling
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Alastor x (fem) Reader
word count: 2K
Fluff / more of a friendship
based on pilot alastor / slightly out of character
Working on part 2
Wasn’t everyday just so grand in Hell?
It wasn’t.
Working at the Hazbin Hotel sure wasn’t making your days any grander. Being a room attendant and a good friend to Charlie was starting to get to you.
At least Nifty was there to help. Even though she mainly tried to kill the bugs she at least helped clean the place up. You had become accustomed to her weird and somewhat insane antics. It was Hell after all. You couldn’t really judge.
Husk was as fun as ever. Giving snarky comments but he at least listened when the night wound down and you needed a drink.
Angel Dust would joke around and tell you how awful you looked after scrubbing one of the rooms.
Vaggie didn’t say much since she knew you were friends with Charlie. She rather enjoyed your company stating you were one of the most sane sinners in the hotel.
Alastor on the other hand. Didn’t say much about you nor did he really say much about anyone. He would greet you just as anyone else. Something about him felt weirdly off.
You didn’t question it too much and just went on with your work.
“Hello Darling pleasure to be seeing you this morning!” That radio like voice echoed into the hotels kitchen. You were busy making breakfast.
Someone had to do it and it sure wasn’t gonna be Nifty. No one wants roaches in their pancakes.
“Good morning Alastor.” You answered not looking at him as you flipped the pancake. “Making up a lovely breakfast I do suppose? My mother used to make the most splendid ones in her time.” He remarked as his shadow loomed over you from behind.
“I’m sure she did. I’m not so positive mine will beat your mothers but it will beat your hunger.” Your joke was met with that signature smile as you turned around.
“Ahaha Im sure it will.” He laughed as he stepped aside to give you room. “I came to see if you were able to dust my radio tower? It has accumulated quite a bit of dust.” His question wasn’t really a question. You’d have to do it. It was your job. Though it was nice that he wasn’t demanding.
“Yes I can. I’ll just have to finish up breakfast.” You stated as you went back to cooking.
“Lovely. Oh and {Y/N}.” He cooed making you turn to look at him. His eyes turned dark and black, red static glitched around him. The room turned dark. “Don’t mess with my things.” He warned his clock eyes appearing and his smile widening.
You nodded quickly and looked around. You had seen him do this before but never to you directly. “Yes sir. I won’t.” You answered quickly and sighed with relief as he went back to normal.
“Good.” He clapped his hands together and turned away. “I’ll be back once breakfast is done.” He waved and hummed as he walked out of the kitchen.
You went back to cooking. Just forgetting about what just happened. It was best to just act like it was normal.
With breakfast done. You headed off to do your job. Or well request in better words. You grabbed your dusting supplied and went up to Alastors radio tower.
Doing as asked you just dusted. Not moving much of his stuff just the things that needed to be moved to dust. Hopefully he wouldn’t be too mad about that.
Surely he understood if you had to move stuff to be able an do your job. If not I guess you would have to run to Charlie and hide.
While dusting two figures on his desk caught your attention.
A small deer next to a bigger one. Which resembled a doe. Apart if you just assumed he kept up with the deer aesthetic he had going.
Shrugging you dusted them and headed out of the room. Closing the door and headed down stairs to put your supplies up.
Nifty was off cleaning somewhere. Husk and Angel Dust were chatting at the bar. Charlie had gone off with Vaggie for the night and who knows where Alastor was.
Deciding that cooking dinner sounded like a good idea you found your self in the kitchen again. Perhaps Charlie should’ve made you the chef instead. Though you just picked up both the jobs. Cleaning was easy and cooking was fun.
Humming you skimmed through a cook book. Unsure of what to cook for the night. That was until a shadow appeared behind you and Alastor appeared.
“Hello Dear!” His enthusiastic voice echoed through the kitchen causing you to turn around and look at him. “I saw you finished dusting. Thank you.” He leaned again the counter. Checking out his claws with a smile. “Need help cooking?” He questioned before looking over at you.
“Just having trouble picking what to cook for tonight.” You answered with a shrug. Making him stand up straight and clap his hands together.
“Why I know just the thing!” He snatched the cook book from you and threw it behind him. A loud thud echoed as it hit the ground.
“Hey-“ he put a finger over your mouth and laughed.
“My mother once showed me a lovely recipe for jambalaya! Who needs a flimsy old cook book when you have memory darling.” He chuckled and nudged you aside as he grabbed all the things he needed.
“I can show you it. If you wish.” He titled his head. Offering to let you in on one of his favorite things.
Something you didn’t suspect but found it rather kind of him.
“Sure. I’d love to learn it.” You agreed and stood beside him as he instructed you on things and gave insight on how to make the ‘best jambalaya you’ll ever eat.’
As he stated.
“My mother loved cooking this. Said it was her favorite dish, yes it was.” He smiled wide. A rather genuine smile. Not like the one he always wore. He looked down at the finished dish. A sigh of content escaping his lips.
“I’m sure she was a lovely woman.” You commented grabbing a plate from the cabinet.
He didn’t answer, just hummed. The silence was rather loud. He just stood there for a moment. Lost in memory.
“She was..she really was.” Though his voice sounded rather sad he still held the smile. The never erasing smile.
His reply was late but you put some of the finished jambalaya on a plate. His tone shifting to one of excitement.
“I’m sure you’ll find it splendid.” He turned to you and titled his head. Waiting for you to take a bite.
You moved the spoon up to your mouth and took a bite. Your eyes widened and a smile spread across your face.
It tasted lovely, better than you expected.
His smile stretched further as he watched your reaction.
“Oh I knew you’d love it! It’s very splendid don’t you think? Yes yes, a rather grand recipe the best recipe!” He wrapped his arms around your shoulder. Stretching his arm out in-front of you both and curling his fingers into the palm of his hand.
“I’m sure you agree this is better than some flimsy thing from that old cook book. I can show you many other recipes my mother showed me.” He leaned into your face a smile stuck on his face.
He had never been this touchy so he must be excited.
You nodded in agreement. The idea of having someone to cook with wasn’t a bad one.
“I’d like that.” You laughed and he joined in. Laughing with you for once not feeling like he had to be towering over someone to be seen.
So cooking together became a daily occurrence. Wether it be breakfast lunch or dinner. It didn’t matter.
He found cooking with you pleasing. You were one of the only demons he could stand in the hotels.
He slowly began to tell you more about his life. How he and his mother were close. Though it seemed he dodged the questions of his father. Never wanting to talk of him.
Which was understandable from what you could possibly piece together it seemed his dad wasn’t the best.
You decided not to push its.
“So my dear, have you considered being redeemed?” His question made you think. You were both outside looking up at the sky. Dinner was done. And everyone had went to their rooms. You on the other hand weren’t tired and Alastor didn’t have any plans for tomorrow so staying up with you didn’t bother him.
“I suppose it would be nice. Though I’m not sure I would fit in up there.” You shrugged leaning against the railing of his balcony.
He hummed and looked down. “You’re a rather charming demon belle. I don’t see why you wouldn’t fit in.” He chuckled to himself. He didn’t believe in that wacky nonsense of being redeemed.
How could a sinner go to heaven? They had chosen their path in their life time.
He learned that you had killed your husband at the time. Caught him cheating and decided to take his life as well as the other woman. You made your choice in that moment.
Dooming yourself to a life of sin. Just as he had when he committed all his murders.
Though a part of him feared the idea of redemption now. He knew he sure as hell wouldn’t be redeemed. He didn’t feel bad for his crimes. Nor did he care.
But apart of him knew you regretted your actions. You were a soul who would deserve to be redeemed if there was a way.
That scared him.
Knowing he wasn’t in control. Knowing that you could slip out of his hands.
He wasn’t being selfish with his want of keeping you. He just liked having someone around who enjoyed his company. Someone who wasn’t scared of him or only chatted with him cause they didn’t wanna be killed.
Though that is rather selfish isn’t it? Not wanting someone to succeed and be a better version of themself because you want them to stay as they are.
“I’m sure you’d fit in just swell so don’t you worry your pretty little head about it.” He flashed a smile your way. Teeth not showing this time. It seemed almost fake. You shrugged.
“I guess. I would miss everyone here though.. mainly you.” Your words hit him like a brick. He hasn’t suspected you to really truly care about him. Sure you said you two were friends but.. this meant a lot.
“Oh come now. You wouldn’t miss me once you see all the.. heavenly things up there.” He chucked. His voice sounded off and his radio effect faltered.
“Are you okay Alastor? It’s not like I’m gonna be redeemed and even if I was I would miss you. So don’t say I wouldn’t.” You were slightly annoyed at him now. Of course you’d miss him. No amount of heavenly items or ideals would ever top him and his terrible old timey jokes.
“Don’t lie. We’re in Hell why lie? You’re already here! It’s not like it’s gonna send you further down!” He seethed his claws digging into the railing.
“Alastor calm down. Why are you so upset?” You stepped closer to the demon. His ears bent back and his pupils went small. His smile crinkled and his teeth bared.
“You! You have me so confused!” He ran his hand through his hair. Closing his eyes.
“I’ve never felt like this before.. it’s all so frustrating. I’m supposed to make you scared! Don’t you fear me?” He dropped his hand and laughed. A hysteric laugh.
“Alastor..I don’t fear you.. I see you for you.. you’re an amazing friend.” You laid your hand on his shoulder. Calming him down slightly.
“I’m just here to watch these souls suffer and try to climb up only to fall into the fiery pits of failure.. but the pleasure in watching others fail isn’t fun when it comes to you.” He turned his head to look at you.
Your eyes met and for once the smile that was on his face didn’t match what was showing in his eyes.
“A part of me just wants to be with you forever. Just blissfully cooking or chatting like we are now. I’ve never had that.. I have friends but not like this.” He sighed and leaned back against the wall letting himself slide down.
You sat down beside him. Looking at the sky.
“Are those deer figures on your desk you and your mother?” You asked softly.
“Yeah..” he answered.
“They’re lovely.” You held his hand. Smiling as he squeezed yours.
“I’m not going anywhere anytime soon. You can relax. I’m gonna be here with you. So stop being all sad. It doesn’t suite you.” You leaned against his shoulder. Receiving a sigh from him.
“Did I ever tell you about my first radio show appearance?” He asked after a few moments of silence.
“No I don’t believe you did.” You smiled and listened as he began the story.
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sollum-girasolia · 1 month
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I drew this not too well, but this time I just wanted to have a bit of fun drawing extreme expressions! :P
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eternalera · 7 months
say what you will... but their aesthetic won me over
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letternotekisses · 8 days
hanzo shimada with dragon shifter reader? thank you i love youuu!!!
i love this?? i love you?? mildly sleep deprived while writing these
Hanzo is intrigued, more than anything. His uptight demeanour holds him back from directly approaching you, yet when he incidentally comes across you in the training room, he can't help but feel a luring sense of curiosity. Naturally stealthy, Hanzo watches from the wall - a small sense of awe overtaking him when you shift fully into the most magnificent creature he'd ever seen. You were not like his own two Japanese dragons, you were a large Wyvern, with scales that glittered like sea glass and a moonstone underbelly to match.
Ever since that encounter, his tattoo had itched, his dragons itching to wind free from his arm with flowering curiosity. When it became too much, and the dragons sprung free by their own sheer will - the archer set to seek you out. And while you weren't necessarily hard to find, Hanzo had been softened to find you, sat cross-legged while his dragons snaked around your waist and arms playfully. You returned them in kind - playfully blowing billowing smoke from your nostrils onto their little whiskers, a neat little trick you could do in human form. Hanzo later discovered that you couldn't produce fire whilst human because it would damage you, yet small amounts of smoke was completely plausible.
It's a sweet interaction between you both. Hanzo's dragons weren't usually so bold or disobedient to his commands and when he bashfully tried to call them back - you simply smiled at him, telling him that you didn't mind at all. Hanzo soon finds comfort in your company, his dragons crooning at the familiarity, beckoning him towards you every time. You both grow closer, and Hanzo finds a small warmth that kindles him every time he catches your eye.
Missions are made much easier with you - and Hanzo will never admit it, but the thrill he gets from riding you into battle will never get old. Your wings are strong, beating down on the wind as he sits upon the base of your neck - his keen eye watching over the elegant crest of your head - Hanzo fires one arrow, striking two enemies down.
While in dragon form, Hanzo makes it a point to make sure you're well taken care of. He'll strike down any enemy that even dares aim for your vulnerable underbelly, or gently help pry off any scales you may be shedding. Cassidy caught him pocketing the scales you shed, yet neglected to say anything due to the fond look that flashed across Hanzo's face. The archer deserved some peace.
When the nights are cold, Hanzo comes to you. You run warm, due to the dragon blood coursing your veins. Yet as much as he can bluff or scoff at anyone's accusations, at the end of the day, it's true that even in summer - he'd still seek your touch.
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sharkrad08222222 · 6 months
Misfits in Toyland Changeling the lost edition
I fuckin love @zal-cryptid 's Toylanders, so I decided to transfer a few into the works of Changeling: The lost, starting with someone who probably wants to be out of here. So HERE IS THE CHARATERS SHEET! ...ah shit forgot people dont know what changeling the lost is...Hold on let me get my thinking cap on, but first, a story of how I think Tammy got in and out of Arcaida.
Once(the Backstory, which I might not need to add and it probably wrong, but I aint wasting it.) Tammy Yokoi was not someone who you wanted to meet. Sure at first, they seemed ok, but give them anything important to do that she had no interest in and she would throw it aside, and probably make fun of you for thinking said task meant anything. This is what made Krampus catch his eye, where he followed her and saw how she was just The worst. Outing a Girl as intersex, outing the same girl as a Lesbian, which pretty much Destroyed her life, and being such a terrible babysitter, that she NEARLY caused one kid to die, and sad kid would have if Krampus didn't step in. Thinking of an apporeate punishment, he turned her into a tamagotchi and pulled her away into his little kingdom in Arcadia. As a tamagotchi, she was unable to feed or clean, herself, and died multiple times, only to come back and to starve all over again. This happened twice before being found, where she was thrust into many a Test to get her working, form being stuck in doom, Monkey Island, and various others, all in a way to improve her living situations. It wasn't all bad, she did meet a Woman named Mel, who got turned into a pull string Baby doll, who she grew rather fond of. but also met the girl she ruined the life of, Jen, who has an Axe to grind. Now.(Life as a changeling) She does not remember how she got out of her plastic prisons, all she remember is that Mel is in danger and she tried to stop it and she then found herself behind a pizzeria. She was quickly found by a summer patrol when she tried to get back to Arcaida, and now is a part of the local Summer court of (insert whatever big city of the state Tammy was form?) Here she is a Driven Elemental, working on getting connected with people to hopefully get back to Arcadia so she can give Krampus a piece of her mind. However, her time has changed her, form a bully to a more care taker role. She still packs quite the snark, but she does give a damn about the people around her. 
Mask and Mien Most changelings are changed form their encounter, literally as they their bodies and souls where forced into new shapes,a Mien. but exiting and the Desire to remain hidden form their form captors looking for escapees, has created their mask. Tammy’s mask is pretty similar to her origins forum, but for the supernatural looking for tells , her heartbeat is more like a Hospital monitor, her eyes show a pixelated reflection, her voice has  only the slightest hint of static.
Her Mien makes her looks like she’s been Rotoscoped into reality, with a body showing visible pixels. Not the most Terrifying but it’s unusual for sure. I would shit my self I say a person suddenly go form normal to Rotoscoped person holding rotoscoped shot gun. Seeming, Kith and Court. Seeming was you where in Arcadia Elementals were people made into forces of nature who got confined to a lined area, but eventually Freed, and now have a lot of power on their hands. As an Elemental of Code and Computer stuff, Tammy can cause computers to bleed pixels and for Monitors to shoot stuff out at people.  Kiths are the roles people got forced into. Being Eletrical in nature, and now with the ability to manipluate a code, Tammy is a Levinquick with the abilithy telaport between the air waves. Carries alot of burner phones for this. Courts are a mix of support Group and survialist club. NO ONE wants to go back, the summer court espselly, who if they keepers are going to try to take them back, they are going to fight tooth, nail, bone and Whatever else to get them to back off. Tammy Joined the summer court cuase to her they seem like the ones most likely to barg into or at least teach the skills on how to do so. For her Mantle with the courts, she is a bit sharper with her insults.
Clarity And keeping it together. Clarity represents how "stable" a changeling is, how connected they are to reality. Clarity is how aware a Changeling is to the world around them, and creatian actions or events can cause this track to take damage Tammy has a common on of not wanting to keep people against their will, cause you know the whole being trapped in a tamagotchi again her will sort of thing. Tammy also doesnt not like it when she witnesses someone experiences Neglect, cause she knows how that feels. Starvation is in the same boat as Neglect, not only for witnessing it but also for feeling it. Another things that cause her clarity attacks is being reminded of pass behaviors. She Realizes that she was bad, and does not want to repeat them, BUT rather than face them, she instead runs from them, buries them. if you think that she could fall back into old habits…you are not wrong.  Luckly though Touchstones, connections to realuty are mantianed and Clarity can be regained. Tammy's Touchstones are a group of kids she babysits for, a circle of kids if you will. was it the best idea to go baby sitting again, but it has given her Convection, with the small rings of kids she baby sits over months and week ends. plus cash for paying her half of the rent. Speaking of which what do all these dots mean? If one has played any TTRPGies, like a D&D, you probably know what skills and attaubies are, Willpower is willpower, burn it to be more likly to succed at a task Glamour is Emontial Fuel that both fuels abilities and existence. but merits is where things get intresting. Merits repersnet more specialzied skills, special training, innate Biological abilities, assets of all sorts, ETC, ETC. Changelings need Glamour to survive and can feel like shit if they dont get any so, but Tammy due to the deprecation she faced in Arcadia has developed a body that take some Glamour Fasting It will still catch up with her but not as fast, at least until she can find some, hedge fruit or People she can feed form.  Having been gone for so long, she has been somewhat forgotten, her parents given up their search, and most of her fellow classmates having moved on, she’s a ghost. Pure Anonymity.  No paper trail, no Criminal Record, none of that.
Her Drive and old skills form playing baseball has come back, make her a Relentless chaser.
She’s made some Allies outside of her summer court, a group of baby sitters, mostly being their to help with unruly kids or getting them to cover for her. They dont know her true nature, but that is liable to change, espelly with one going into clown collage.  Elemental Warrior...We will talk about that later.
A mixed blessing form Her time in Arcadia, but her body has somehow Become Hardy out how to go on even when the ravages of the world are after her. but WAIT THEIR'S MORE due to the laws and red tape of Reality, changelings can take up contracts with the funablemtal forces of the universe. On the list their is the classic for all elementls elemental weapon! Using the code around her she shapes it into a weapons to use against her foes. Usually a shotgun of some sort, but with enough concentration he can summon an old Navel Cannon. Need to scare someone off? Overpowering Dread, is the ability to do just that. Tammy could Summons the illusion of a big scary monster but she usually just makes them leave though supernatural potent Insults.
Do you want to put a curse on a target, but dont have time for a HEX? Retrograde is the choice for you. Tammy's manfest , causing  the targets phone to not work, computers to crash and for the GPS to break down.  Sometimes you need to hide, or make it look like your unattiable and Trapdoor Spider’s Trick is ,well, the trick. Tammy causes any doors to appear barracked with the power of an anti virus software. Sometimes you need to make some one really pissed off, so that is why Tammy uses Sunburnt Heart is infusing someone with the anger of the sun(The sun is well known for being incredibly petty, still hasnt forgiven her kids cause they killed here dad), so using the power of the summer sun, Tammy can infuse people with the rage, and then direct those people away form her.
owever if tammy wants to use her own rage, Elemental Fury is the go too. Causing all the srceens to bleed out pixels what replate environments, while also damaging all who are caught in. A favor of hers is sending a crap ton of rude messages to a bunch of people causing them to riot in an area.
and this STILL isnt everything, but DEAR GOD I have been here for too long, and I am going to go now...and stat out Krampus.
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sweet-molasses · 9 months
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This sketch has been sitting in my sketchbook, begging to be completed but I don't think I got it in me. At least on paper... 👀 Anyway it's your favs, Off the Hook!
Pearl and Marina are having a lil smooch backstage (pearl is boosting herself on some sort of box platform thing. Don't wanna give your gf chronic neck pain!
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nj-in · 1 month
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Hyunibini roommies
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lol should I keep drawing or nah (feeling kinda silly sad about criticism 😜)
final time: 2 hours + 46 mins
maybe I should change my style? This is what i’m comfy w/…
but people say I suck ass at art 💀
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eggyolkperona3000 · 6 months
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Beatrice sketch
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kindergarten-bound · 3 months
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”they’ve been lost for a while…I’m getting worried.”
“don’t worry about them I think they are in layer 7”
“…yeah. I’ll see them again some sunny day.”
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truevalueflooring · 21 days
Sit in the mess you made.
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sollum-girasolia · 1 month
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Lately I’ve been obsessed with Tsubakino from Wind Breaker, I just can’t get the design and the character out of my head.
Sooo, while I know this isn’t beautiful or extremely good, I wanted to share my little fanart.
I know every country adapted Tsubakino’s pronouns in a different manner, in the Italian one they use feminine pronouns, what pronouns do they use in the version you are currently reading?
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thatoneenbyprince · 6 months
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moranasgrave · 1 year
obsessed plug!eren drabble ( WARNING THIS IS NSFW)
(writing this off the dome sorry it’s kinda long but this might get a pt 2 😭 and it’s not proof read yet sorry i’m trying to push out content as much as i can so i can work on this fic LMAO)
also excuse the use of the word pussy i don’t know a way to say it without it lowk sounding cringe 💀
You were erens favorite customer, he couldn’t get enough of you. Everytime he seen that “yooo” text message pop across his screen he felt his heart jump out his chest, and his dick jump in his pants.
He knew you were a heavy smoker because you always would get an O from him about once a week. He always wondered why you smoked so much, but he couldn’t really be a judge as a dealer who only smokes.
Ever since connie introduced you guys at reinas kickback a couple months ago, he couldnt get you out of his mind. the way you swayed your hips when you walked up to his car from your apartment. The way you would lean in the window smiling brightly at him, your hair framing your face perfectly. He’d hand you the weed and you’d hold on to his hand for a little longer than normal. He was head over heels for you.
The way you danced like you didn’t give a fuck who was watching, going as far to grabbing on the railing of the stairs just to throw it back on Sasha. Wearing those tight mini dresses or those mini skirts with thigh highs, it made him just want to rip you out of them. You were so intoxicating.
You would also be at the small house parties just for friends too. Eren never really felt bold enough to start up conversations with you, just looking at you made him hard he didn’t want to seem like a creep. That’s why he’s thankful everyday that you smoke, the one thing he knows for sure you guys have in common.
He’s out dropping off peoples orders before he hears his phone buzz on the passenger seat. He feels himself start to smile when he sees that “yooo” he came to love so much. He rushed his next few orders just so he could see your face while the sun was still setting.
He finally makes it to your apartment the sun just about going down. The sky is a nice hue of purple and orange, perfect timing to see that beautiful skin of yours glow.
You’re already we’re outside waiting for him on the sidewalk of your building. Wearing a gray ruffled mini skirt with black thigh highs and a forest green zip up that was a little too big on you. Wearing your signature black hello kitty slippers, thighs spilling slightly over the top of those socks, looking smooth and soft.
God he was a mess over you.
He quickly adjusts himself before you make your way to his passenger window. “Heyy erennn”, you say with that big beautiful smile. “wassup girl what you finna get into.”
You tuck your hair behind your ear sheepishly, “i was actually gonna ask if you wanna come smoke and play the game with me, i’m bored”, you say with a slight smirk spreading across your face. You knew eren had a little crush on you, and he was fine so why not see what happens.
“Fashoo lemme park real quick, i got a blunt already rolled and your O.” You smile and nod your head backing up from the car and waiting on the sidewalk.
Eren can practically hear his heart beating out of his chest. Being around you high was bound to be trouble for him, he could barely handle himself sober. Ever since he saw you, he hasn’t really been into anyone else so he was nervous as fuck.
He grabs the blunt and your weed and heads over to where your waiting. He walks in and is instantly hit with a mix of weed and some sweet smelling candle. You have a mix of cute carpets everywhere and the big flat screen tv with the xbox controllers already connected.
You sit on the big black couch you have a little too close to the tv screen, patting the spot next to you. Eren sits down and lights the blunt hitting it lighter than usual. You click on some shooter game and pass him the controller, “why are you so quiet”, you ask tilting your head in confusion.
Eren passes the blunt with shaky hands, “i’m chillin man pay attention you’re about to die.”
You hit the blunt blowing out fat clouds of smoke as you easily kill the person who was one you. You can slowly feel yourself getting horny, and he wasn’t seeming to be making any moves so you decided to take it into your own hands.
After finishing the blunt you glance over at eren whose already staring back at you, eyes low and bloodshot with his lips parted. You couldn’t help yourself anymore, you move in and grab his face looking into his eyes for consent. He grabs you by the throat pulling you into a deep sloppy kiss.
You move to straddle him on the couch immediately feeling his bulge growing in his sweats. You start grinding on him needy to get yourself off before your high goes down. He wastes no time pulling his pants and boxers down to his knees before grabbing at your panties under your skirt.
You quickly slide them off before you break the kiss and go to his neck, earning some soft low groans as he bucks his hips up grinding on your bare pussy. “sit on it baby i can’t take this anymore”, he says breathlessly through his moans.
You grab his dick and guide it to your entrance sliding straight down on it. You both moan in unison as he makes his way inside you, lazily pumping up and down into you slowly. He grabs your neck again and brings you in for another sloppy kiss. “your so fucking sexy, tell me how much you want this”, he whispers in your ear spending a chill down your spine.
“I want it so bad eren please”, you moan grabbing onto the form of his shirt as you start to pick up speed. “That’s it baby, make yourself feel good”, he’s now sitting back with his hands on your hips as you grind into him relentlessly. His moans grow louder and louder and you can feel the knot in your stomach start to slowly unravel.
You jerk your head back rolling your body against his, as if you couldn’t get any closer. Eren can’t help himself anymore, the weed makes him too sensitive. As you reached your climax he reaches his at the same time, both panting and sweating from not taking all your clothes off.
After a while you sit up and look into his beautiful green eyes, still a slight haze of red behind them. You lean down and kiss him softly, his lips soft and moist. After pulling away you hop off him and scurry away to your bedrooom yelling you’ll be back in a second.
Eren is stuck replaying what just happened in his head over and over while he goes to the bathroom to clean himself as well. He can’t believe he wasn’t the first one to make a move this time. He usually always makes the first move. You made it clear what you wanted with no hesitation.
When you get back erens waiting for you at your door. “i’ll be back if you want me back, just call me babygirl”, he says as he walks up to you bending down to give you a hug. You understand he has other people to deliver to and you doubt he’s gonna be shy after this.
Still embracing him you lean up to his ear on your tippy toes and whisper “of course i want you back, next time let’s make it to the bed.”
Before he can react or reply your hurrying him out the door giving him one last peck on the lips.
As he walks back to his car eren feels himself getting hard all over again. “God dammit y/n.” he lowly curses you as he adjusts himself.
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onlyforfanart · 2 months
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I promise I’ll insert another fandom one day. For now… Warriors OCs! (Yes this will probably be slowly converting into an OC blog) Her name’s Yuccashade.
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sweet-molasses · 9 months
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Throws up and dies at the thought of finishing the other doodles on this page
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soapier · 12 days
when it rains, it pours *ੈ✩‧₊˚ jschlatt, ted nivison
003. world star
001. welcome back, slut!
002. whatever.
jared schlatt
taking a breath, schlatt prepared to explain, "connie i—"
"schlatt! what the actual fuck is wrong with you? i'd been waiting to run into hasan all night!" he watched as tears welled in her eyes, scoffing internally at the fact that she's crying over hasan, of all guys.
"you're too drunk, connie." the way hasan came onto her was fuckin' weird, couldn't she see that?
"i'm fine, schlatt! i know myself, i know my limits," he watched as she adjusted her (rather revealing) top, silently seething at her ignorance.
sitting down next to her, he began to reply, "clearly fuckin' not, con. you're a fucking mess right now." a little mean, he knows, but god, can't she see that she was in trouble?
she huffed and crossed her arms, "i know myself. you're being weird."
"connie, just fuckin' trust me on this one!" she rolled her eyes, angering him even further.
"how many drinks have you had tonight? do you even know?"
"idunno... maybe eight? nine? i'm fine."
"see? you don't even know how drunk you are! do you know how many drinks he had?"
she threw her hands up in surrender, "i don't fucking know, man. why does that even matter? you're being an asshole!"
schlatt stood to face her, looking down at her small frame on the bed. "he was fucking sober, connie. and you're almost blacked out. are you catching on? or are you that fucking dense?"
his eyes followed the dark, mascara-tinted tears streaking down her cheeks. god, she looks so pretty, even crying.
"i don't fucking care, schlatt! you embarrassed me, get out!" he felt her hands push him away as she stood, shaky from sobbing.
he felt his voice raising even further, to a full-on shout, "what, so you can go be a fuckin' whore? sit the fuck back down."
doe-eyed, she didn't break eye contact as she sat back down, drawing her legs up to her chest.
"now, i'm gonna go back downstairs and see our friend hasan out. if i fuckin' see you out of this room, i won't bother stopping the next guy who tries to take advantage of you." he huffed and turned to the door, mentally cringing at the sounds of her sobbing.
making his way downstairs, schlatt found ted and told him what he'd seen. ted's face betrayed no emotion, following his roommate on their quest to find hasan.
they saw him lurking by the back corner of the living room, chatting up some blonde girl with a beer in hand. he quickly noticed the two, walking over and leaving the girl behind.
"schlatt, what—" "i think it's time for you to go, man." schlatt put a firm hand on hasan's shoulder, and began pushing him towards the door. he gave slight protest, but schlatt saw ted give him a look that said 'you're not winning this fight'.
the cool night air nipped at his skin, and he was grateful he'd opted for a crewneck tonight. party forgotten, he asked, "what the fuck is wrong with you?"
"what do you mean?"
"what he means, is that you tried to fuck connie while she was too shitfaced to think better!" ted jumped into the argument, sleeves rolled up and ready for a fight. he and connie were closer than connie and schlatt were, and it didn't go unnoticed by schlatt that he'd kept a close eye on her for the duration of she and alex's relationship.
"are you insinuating that i'm some fuckin' creep? she wanted it, man! connie brought me upstairs, connie was happily with me until your neanderthal ass busted in!" he ran a hand through his hair, and schlatt saw people watching the altercation as they began their walks home."whatever, fuckin' slut isn't worth this. i don't want to be caught in whatever this fuckin' obsession—"
schlatt saw red, and nailed a right hook to hasan's jaw.
"oh, shit!" ted hissed in reaction as hasan stumbled back a couple times, before launching himself at his assailant.
schlatt's back ached from the sudden impact of the ground, and he felt hasan's fist connect with the side of his face. cheekbone throbbing, he reached up and put his full weight into flipping him over, and returned a hit much the same.
he felt himself get ripped off of hasan, presumably by ted. he watched hasan's friend jeremy help him up, shooting schlatt a stank eye while he was at it. chest heaving, he watched as hasan broke through the small crowd that had gathered, heading towards the road. always having to get the last word, he shouted after him, "yeah! take your bitch ass home!"
the crowd dispersed, some went back inside and some just began the walk home. the two roommates headed inside, greeted by cooper calling out, "world star!"
normally, schlatt would've laughed.
but now, all he could feel was the bruises forming on his knuckles and face, and all he wanted to do was check in on connie, make sure she'd stayed put. if she didn't stay in her room, and he just got into a fight over this…
he poked his head into her bedroom when his knocks went unanswered. no connie in sight, he turned to ted so that he could rant, only for ted to call out "over here!" from the bathroom.
he followed ted into the crowded room, where connie sat hunched over the toilet, vomiting aggressively.
"i came up to check on her, when you two kicked out hasan," started dayna, connie's close friend. she had connie's hair held up into a ponytail, sat on the ledge of the bathtub behind her.
"she's had a long night," schlatt said, thinking back to everything that had happened in the past twenty minutes.
dayna looked down at her phone, then back up at the two roommates. "hey, my roommates are leaving, so i have to go with. are you guys good to take over?"
they agreed, and she and ted switched spots, all the while connie was crying over the puke- filled toilet.
dayna pointed to ted, "text me when she stops puking and goes to bed, okay?"
she then pointed to schlatt, who she'd danced with earlier in the night, "you... just text me." and with a wink, she was off to her uber.
connie sat up for a moment, looking at her friends with watery eyes. mascara and glitter stained her cheeks as she asked, "do you guys really think i'm a whore?"
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