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plavigmaz · 1 year ago
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Stone-Will and Kicks-Many-Tails (husband and wife) embracing each other in the Swamps for Heart's Day💕 (16th of Sun's Dawn).
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sunwyrms · 7 months ago
May we have more Loopdile please?
(typically i dont do requests, but i suppose i can humor you since you were so polite~)
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They do this every morning. Nobody has any idea why. Bonnie is sick of it.
[id in alt]
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awkward-parabuteo · 1 year ago
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Oh, buddy.. Sure, let me go and release a captive-bred, non-native bird into the wild. What could possibly go wrong :’D
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whotfletamothhyperfx · 1 year ago
I like to have the hc that tails just refuses to talk to people other than his friends. It started off more of a thing where he was too nervous too and once sonic could talk sonic just wanted tails to be more comfortable so he did all the talking but eventually it just became a habit so no one really heard his voice outside of the group
For a good while the public just assumes he’s mute or just can’t talk or something because of an accident but the truth is he just doesn’t like it that much. Which usually helps him because if fans come over to the group they’re less likely to try and talk to tails since they know he won’t talk back but at the same time some fans are like instant to get him to talk (and tails is a polite kid and doesn’t just wanna walk away or shove them or something) so it just ends up with people talking at tails trying to get him to respond until one of his friends shoo the fan away or pull tails away themselves.
Don’t let his quiet and overly polite demeanor fool you though if you do talk bad about any of his siblings he will wack you over the head or kick your feet from underneath you. The kid doesn’t play around when it comes to people annoying his siblings
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decaf-mother · 1 year ago
I need to platonically cuddle with Kurt Wagner. I just know he'd be so cozy and it'd just be nice to snuggle and be besties. I don't need to be romanced by him- I need to be held by the blue guy. Please. He's just too adorable with his sharp ass teeth and demonic tail and teleporting all over the place.
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astarlightmonbebe · 1 year ago
restarting kdrama night with my mom this year, so if anyone has any good kdrama crime/lawyer recs, let me know! she likes procedurals and crime - we've previously watched through the darkness, taxi driver, while you were sleeping, and he is psychometric in that genre. i'm trying to find a drama that i haven't watched that much of, that's maybe lesser known.
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aura-bug · 2 years ago
Very late but I like your Yo-kai Watch protag Lucas + unassuming small Wobblewok idea, and I gotta know more about Venoct filling Whisper's role. Does he actually know things or does he also use a book/tablet to cover his mistakes? Is he more of a right-by-your-side butler or a secret agent butler who deals with problems incognito?
OOOOOO good question
I feel like earlier on, Venoct would’ve acted more as Lucas’s behind-the-scenes guardian, mostly looking out for him from the sidelines and only ever revealing himself when Lucas got into serious trouble, because he knew Lucas was fully capable of handling the smaller things himself.
But as time went on and Lucas gradually found himself getting into more and more danger bc of yo-kai trying to kill him, Venoct had to increasingly keep stepping in until he decided it was best to just start playing an active right-by-your-side bodyguard role in Lucas’s life, and he slowly starts entering his overprotective-butler-dad arc
As for his knowledge about yo-kai, I DO feel like he’d know more than Whisper and wouldn’t need a yo-kai pad, but he’d do that thing he does in the anime where the others THINK he’s just playing up the “”crimes”” of some wimp ass yo-kai to make them sound scary and/or intimidating, but it turns out he’s talking about an ACTUAL big huge terrifying monster
like for example it *sounds* like he’s talking about manjimutt or tattletell at first, and Lucas just goes “haha he’s probably playing it up for dramatic effect” but then Mass Mutterer/Tattleterror ACTUALLY appears and Lucas is like “wait what the fuck”
But also for a bit of subversion I think it’d be funny if venoct just straight up WAS overexaggerating normal ass yo-kai sometimes. especially once he started becoming more overprotective and suspicious of others trying to kill Lucas.
Like Lucas eventually gets used to venoct’s dramatic descriptions and starts preparing for the worst, only for venoct to reveal that the “heinous” yo-kai they’re dealing with is actually just. like a flumpy or sum. lucas yet again goes “what the fuck” and venoct just says “LUCAS you dont UNDERSTAND, as your BODYGUARD it is MY JOB to ensure your SAFETY, and I can not allow ANY potential threat to slip under my radar, NO MATTER how UNASSUMING they may outwardly appear”
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plavigmaz · 11 days ago
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Drawings from my sketchbook when I was waiting at the dentist. It's my Argonian sisters Dances-With-Colors & Kicks-Many-Tails, as kids and portraits of them as adults.
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dingbats-dust-n-darkness · 2 years ago
it's so fascinating that undertale is, by its very concept, in conversation with rpgs as a genre, but it got so popular that now many of the people who have played it aren't familiar with rpgs as a genre.
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skyfcx · 1 year ago
16. What kinds of people do they have arguments with in their head?
Just think about it... || Prompt
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     People who are rude and inconsiderate in an explicitly pointless fashion. Look, not everyone on the planet is going to be a saint with a halo above their head to complete the look, but it absolutely drives this kid up the wall when someone is just callous to the people around them and the world they live in because they feel like doing as such.
     Like... it goes so much further than just being a bully, a type of person he has a very personal history with. Bullies oftentimes do the things they do for secondary reasons. Whether it be for attention or because it's the only way they know how to react because it's what they were taught to do when pressured in an unfamiliar or irritating situation, you can usually explain why they're doing the things they're doing.
     But some people have no such excuse! They just snip at people and do such petty actions from big to small that give away the fact that they have no personal care for those around them! And... alright, okay, even Tails can admit that he's a soft little goody two-shoes who likes to help, sometimes forgetting his own personal needs in the overwhelming urge to aid others. Not everyone is like him, and he doesn't expect them to be!
     But that doesn't forgive those select few who are just mean. Flat-out, straight-up, full-stop, mean. Those who had things perfectly fine in life and still seem to think they deserve the world simply because they're them. It doesn't make any sense! And as an extremely logic-driven individual, that's as bad as it can get.
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k0rinka · 7 months ago
How can you even resist that cutie face! Cute, little, totally not dangerous fella!
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He's just a little guy! You can trust him!!
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vault81 · 7 months ago
so lucky that the images/banners I use for the travel logs are on pc bc I’d just be BLASTING through them rn on mobile
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pseudowho · 2 months ago
It was an average Monday morning when you, Nanami Kento's wife, were turned into a cat.
"An unusual Curse," Shoko had said, "not longer than a week, surely--"
"Not--not longer than a week?!" Kento spluttered, his glasses lopsided, and, dangled in front of him beneath the arms (legs-- legs, he reminded himself)...you.
You, with two pointed ears, a long whippy tail, your many toe-beans and a perturbed little head-tilt. On the doctors' office couch, a neatly folded (if a little furry) pile of your clothes.
"Meow," you had said.
"Don't 'meow' me," Kento spluttered again, fixing you with a stern look that barely overlaid his concern. You simply stared up at him, long, and feline, and unblinking...and reached out one little paw, pressing it onto the end of his nose.
Kento sighed; a bone-deep, weary sigh. Shoko put out her cigarette, speaking through a haze of smoke.
"Like I said. Give it a week, and Mrs.Nyanyami will be back to nor--"
"What did you just call her?'
Mrs.Nyanyami, the cat formerly known as Nanami Kento's wife, wanted for nothing.
"I think that tuna's more expensive than anything I've ever eaten," whispered Yuuji to Gojo. On the other side of the conference room, you sat upon the desk before Kento, waiting patiently for the next lump of tuna (meticulously cut into cat-appropriate cubes) to be delivered in his chopsticks.
As Kento's hand approached, you held it close with paw and claws, to steal the pink fish from him. He looked like a surgeon performing heart surgery.
"I just...dont know how he can look so serious while he's doing that," Gojo whispered back, to Yuuji's frantic nods. Still, they watched this freakish nature documentary with quiet obsession.
A higher-up sat down beside Kento, waiting for the meeting to begin. Jolting back, and grumbling, he did a double take.
"Young man-- you can't bring a cat to a Sorcerer's meeting--"
"That's not a cat," Kento snapped, frosty, "that's my wife."
And so began the rumour amongst the higher-ups, that Nanami Kento had gone mad.
"You should leave her at home--"
"--absolutely not--"
"--really, Nanami...just put the television on, she'll be fine--"
"--unequivocally, no--"
"--why not?!"
Silence. An awkward shuffle on Kento's thick chest. You peeked your head out of the pocket of the cat-carrying hoodie that Kento wore over his shirt and tie, and turned to Gojo with narrowed eyes.
"Meow," you had said, batting at Kento's strings, and hooking his tie out with your paw, to kick it to death with your legs.
"I agree," said Kento, whispering and scratching you beneath the chin until you purred, "he's wrong, isn't he? Stupid Gojo. You'd get lonely. You'd get bored. Yes you would..."
"Oh my god...he's gorgeous...you should get his number--"
"--I'm not brave enough...you go. I'll get our coffees."
"--okay, okay..." The woman cleared her throat, sweeping her hair behind one ear with her best smile. Kento looked up from his coffee, with one finely raised eyebrow.
"Can I help you?" He lied, unwilling to help anyone at all before he'd finished his croissant.
"Hi, yeah, I just...can't help but notice you're sitting alone, and my friend-- well she-- she just wondered if she can have your number, and--"
The woman broke off into shrieks. Climbing up her leg, all claws and furry vengeance, was you. She shook her leg, shrieking. You hissed. Your cup of steamed milk clattered over the table, slopping everywhere.
"--o-oh my god-- oh my god, what the hell is this cat doi--"
"I'm sorry," Kento sighed, not sorry at all and dabbing his mouth with a napkin and doing absolutely nothing to help, "it's my cat. She doesn't like company--"
Hisses. Claws. Dirty feral yowls.
"Get this fucking thing off me--"
"I can't take you anywhere. No more steamed milk for you."
At times, you seemed so human. At others, undeniably cat.
Kento would wake to clattering from the kitchen, bleary and feeling around for you, only to remember, and trace his hand up to the furry, round little patch you'd leave behind on your pillow. He allowed himself just a moment of misery, before getting up.
He followed the sounds of cups and kettle and coffee machine, and leaned against the doorway with sleep-mussed hair and a squinting, teenagerish glare.
You were up on the counter, all four paws and determination. You had gotten as far as switching the kettle and coffee machine on, and heaving the cupboard open with your tiny limbs. Kento watched as you tipped your head sideways, managing to drag two mugs out in your teeth. He winced as they almost smashed upon the counter.
"Come on," Kento rumbled, his voice rusty with sleep, "let me do that."
You meowed at him, batting at the air with one angry paw when he stepped closer. Kento huffed, raising his hands in surrender.
"Fine," he tutted, "but I'll pour the water."
"Why? Because you don't have opposable thumbs, darling."
The fur stood up along your spine. You turned around, and around, in a circle, then sat upright. You turned your back on him while you waited for the kettle to boil. Your tail flicked from side to side, irritable. Kento waited, too, reaching out one hand to stroke your ears.
You nudged your back paw out, and pushed his mug off the side to smash on the floor.
"...what is wrong with y--"
Distant meows.
Kento groaned, rubbing down his face. He checked the clock, frog-blinking; two in the morning. He groaned harder.
More distant meows.
"Please just come back to bed," Kento moaned into the hands pressed over his face.
SkitterskitterskitterSKITTERSKITTER-- rustlllleerussstle--
Directly over his face.
"I am begging you--"
Distant meows.
"I miss you."
You raised your head to look at him. Your purring hitched. Your ears tilted.
Kento had murmured, his low voice barely audible. The only light in the living room was the ever-changing light of the television screen. Laid on his back on the sofa, with you curled on his chest, Kento stroked down your back with longing.
You crept up his chest, pressing your cold wet nose to his, and purred. Nose to nose, and cross-eyed, Kento could have cried.
"I really miss you," he repeated, swallowing around the lump in his throat. Your claws dug into his chest, just a little. You rub, rub, rubbed your warm furry head along his jaw until he sniffled, and gave a choked little chuckle.
He fell asleep with you on his chest that night. In so many ways, it was familiar; home. In so many others, you were gone forever.
Kento shuffled. His chest felt heavy...warm. His belly felt warm, too. And his lap, and--
Kento's eyes shot open, his head lifting up from the couch.
You bit your lip, naked on top of him, and smiling. Human. An angel.
"Oh, my love," Kento moaned, crushing you to him in a bear hug from shoulder to toes, "you're back-- I missed you, I was so worrie--"
You batted an arm out, swiping last night's wine glass from the coffee table beside you, to shatter on the floor.
Silence. Kento blinked slowly, looking from the wine glass, to you. You felt your cheeks grow hot, swallowing hard.
"God, I...sorry, Kento. Force-- force of habit--"
Part Two linked here!
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gaywineauntsstuff · 4 months ago
Sometimes I feel like us as the bat family fandom forget how starry eyed people get about Nightwing canonically.
Because with the exception of early era Tim most of the Batkids are like. lol that’s my loser older brother or some variation of yeah…he’s some guy I guess? He helps me with homework?
And Nightwing is the canonically a center of multiversal light.
When Heroes meet Nightwing they do the vigorous handshake and the “it’s an honor to meet you sir, I have heard so much about you oh my god”
There are so many character where they are literally shown giggling and kicking their feet whenever Nightwing talks to them.
Even the people who don’t have the celebrity level worship of him respect the hell out of him and call him as soon as they need help.
From raven to Starfire to Superman to Superboy to all or the flashes there is so much respect and awe given to this one dude.
And it is deserved
But imagine you are Damian Wayne and you’ve been working with what 90% of the people you’ve met (all bats) have been calling an embarrassment to your father’s legacy.
Your mother hates him and your Grandfather doesn’t feel that strongly about him.
The red hood calls him an embarrassment and a coward and he couldn’t even keep Red Robin from running away.
Your father tells him that he never should have been Batman
And you’ve worked with him and you know what you think everyone is full of shit about him and you and him the new Batman and Robin are the best no matter what anyone says.
And fuck it the fact he keeps going in a suit that everyone tells him he’s not good enough for is scratching something in your brain that you’re refusing to acknowledge because why would you feel that way? You are the circus freak have nothing in common (shut up)
And then you meet the justice league and all the extended teams.
And people are falling over themselves to listen to a word out of your brothers, your Batman’s mouth. They wait for a nod or headshake and dictate decades worth of planning on it.
Both Drake and Todd’s hero teams ask him for advice with or without their designated bats presence.
The man of steel asks for child rearing advice and wonder woman cracks a joke about a spar
Newer heroes whisper about him in the halls
He’s literally your favorite hero’s favorite hero
And it’s breaking Damian’s Brain
Because well… he kinda gets slapped around in Gotham. He’s the butt of half the jokes the other Batkids make and Dick just smiles and takes it.
The rogues have a bounty on nightwings ass and he gets leered at by goons, rogues, civilians and anti-hero’s alike and he doesn’t say anything.
He lets oracle crack jokes about a pretty face and having to do everything herself
Let’s Jason run the alley despite the fact that apparently he knows how to take it back
Apparently he’s had 12 people tailing Drake since Paris and despite being the man Ra’s Al Ghul calls detective has yet to notice. (Because you can’t tell me Dick was just magically at the right place to catch Tim falling to his death on coincidence)
And necessary to peace talks because he’s the best they have at deescalation
Like imagine you are a child who was raised to believe power is this obvious, all consuming thing. That the ones who control the board are visibly larger than life figures who fought their way to the top and cling to power by even the thinnest hangnail if they had to.
People who ignore simpler morals or an overall greater goal or good
And then you’re taken in by the man who whispers the correct answers into the larger than life figures ear.
Like I feel like that would have such an impact because Dick didn’t take power from anyone to reach his goals, it’s why his siblings don’t really defer to him unless in crisis.
Dick didn’t take power, no people just looked at him and decided he was the best option to give it to.
Everyone basically looked at this kid and went, yeah you’re the future of all heroism.
And if that dude can’t even get Bruce Wayne’s respect what chance does Damian Wayne have
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forensicated · 1 year ago
How many seriously harmed children or murdered children did they want Leon to have to find/deal with/try and resuscitate over his actually rather quite short (about 70 eps) tenure?
Poor darling, especially after the tragic death of his girlfriend (that Leon being Leon, he got called to the scene of!)
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"What's that caller? You've a traumatic and haunting thing happening where a young child/vulnerable teen has been hurt and could die/requires CPR/is crying out for help?? It's ok, we'll send our most sensitive, brooding officer who has already dealt with 5 of these sorts of cases this week to your house."
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bunnis-monsters · 7 months ago
A bunny hybrid reader that notices a male fox hybrid following them and watching from a far. Naturally you get nervous cause foxes prey on bunnies! But it turns out he’s very shy and wants to court a cute chubby bunny but doesn’t know how to. Maybe he’s also a soft dom with praise kink? 🤭
warning: chasing(slight predator/prey?), breeding, praise kink
You had felt eyes on you since the moment you entered the forest you usually collected herbs from. It wasn’t exactly unusual to feel watched considering many other hybrids called the forest home… but today it felt… different.
You spotted a fleck or red, the shade making your fight or flight kick in.
Instantly you began sprinting, dropping your basket and booking it back to your cabin. You didn’t dare turn around, your poor heart racing as your fluffy bunny ears picked up the sound of running behind you.
You cried out in fear at the sound of your pursuer calling for you to stop, shaking your head. “N-no, go away!”
You reached your home, quickly locking your door and peering out the peep hole as your fluffy cotton tail twitched nervously.
There was a fox hybrid outside on your porch, sniffing the air and rubbing his face against every surface he could… was he leaving his scent there for later?
“Please come out… I’m not going to hurt you, I just want to talk.”
This happened nearly every day for a month. The fox chased you, nearly running you over before you got into your cottage at the end of the day.
That was until you weren’t fast enough.
The fox had been studying the way you move, when you took the shortest of breaks to catch your breath, and when you quickened your pace again to get away. Bunnies were masters at escaping… but foxes were very smart.
You knew something was different this time. Call it instinct, call it just coincidence, but you noticed that he wasn’t running after you as fast as usual… and his eyes were following your every movement the entire time.
Like he already knew he was going to catch you… it was just a matter of time.
You were too slow as you turned a corner, slipping on some pine straw and crashing to the ground. In seconds he was on top of you, and all you could do was close your eyes and hoped he killed you quickly…
But his jaws never closed around your neck. After a few moments of silence, you opened your eyes to see him butting his head against you affectionately, his tail swaying behind him.
His eyes were half lidded, staring down at you with infatuation and adoration.
“I’ve finally got you, little bunny.”
He was absolutely glued to your side now, clinging tightly to you as you hesitantly made your way home. The fox seemed absolutely smitten, sometimes softly nipping at your fluffy ears or neck, startling you.
“So pretty… you smell so, so good…”
After dinner he curled up with you, his fluffy tail swaying as he kept rubbing his scent on your neck. Could he tell that you were close to your heat? Is that why he had become interested in you?
“I’ve wanted you for so long… you’re cute and just the softest thing I’ve ever seen… but it’s hard approaching a bunny when you’re a fox.”
Your cheeks heated up as he pressed against you, your cotton tail wagging furiously when his bulge rubbed against your clothed cunt.
It wasn’t long until your next heat cycle, and it was clear that he knew it too. He continued to purr as he grabbed hold of your hips, guiding your bunny cunt over his bulge slowly.
When you let out a stifled whine, he smiled, giving your soft bunny ear a nibble. “Mmm, that’s a good girl. You’re so soft and pretty, let me take care of you, sweetheart…”
Within seconds he had your panties off, his fingers stretching your whole. As they pumped in and out of you, his lips met yours in a needy kiss.
His tongue explores your mouth, entangling with yours. It was hard to think with all these new sensations…
“Come on, bunny… lemme see that pretty pussy of yours, hmm?”
You shyly opened your legs, and he moved to position his cock at your entrance. At this point you were whining and bucking your hips, ready to be mated.
It was reassuring when he held onto your hand as his cock sunk into your fat bunny cunt, his face burying itself into your neck.
“F-fuck, so good… god…”
His grip on your hips tightened, the soft flesh warm against his hand. He’d never had something so soft and cute underneath him… you were amazing…
It felt too good, his cock was rubbing and touching all of the best spots, making your clit throb. As soon as he noticed, he moved his hand to rub circles around your clit while he picked up speed.
As he fucked into you, whining into your neck, he said the cutest things.
“I love you… love you so much, so fucking pretty…” he blubbered, his teeth grazing against your neck before he bit you.
“G-gonna… gonna knock you up, okay? Gonna be my cute little mate…”
Those words had your walls fluttering around him, your toes curling as the two of you came together.
After coming down from your respective highs, he became a bit shy again, giving your cheek a tentative lick. “You did well, pretty girl…”
You simply butted your head against him affectionately, returning his soft purrs.
Now, you had a mate, a sweet one at that. You didn’t have to worry about other bunnies bothering you when a fox called your cottage home.
NSFW TAGLIST: @sunset-214 @strawberrypoundtown @avalordream @icommitwarcrimes @bazpire @im-eating-rn @anglingforlevels @kinshenewa @pasteldaze @unforgettablewhvre @yoongiigolden @peachesdabunny @murder-hobo @leiselotte @misswonderfrojustice @dij-ology @i8kaeya @lollboogurl @h3110-dar1in9 @keikokashi @aliceattheart @mssmil3y @spicyspicyliving @namjoons-t1ddies @izarosf1833 @healanette @lem-hhn @spufflepuff @honey-crypt @karljra @zyettemoon1800 @exodiam @vexillum-moeru @imperfectlyperfectprincess1 @binnieonabike @enchantedsylveon @mysticranger575 @readeryn68 @danielle143 @kittenlover614 @filthybunny420 @annavittoria-mm @makimamybelovedwife @blubearxy @omglovelylaila @midromiell @toocollectionchaos-universe-blog @fruk-you-usuk-fans @wil10wthetree @hammerhead96-blog
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