antmfunny · 7 years
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1. The Shoe Smirk
If Khrystyana has a super power - other than being an awesome model, obviously - it would be that she can hear a tear rolling down someone’s cheek from a mile away. We’ve seen her comforting pretty much everyone in the house when they cry, and crying is the #1 hobby in the model mansion
She’s even there to comfort Jeana, who she hasn’t been getting along with lately, when she hears her crying. It’s beyond me how Khrystyana could Jeana crying in a bathroom downstairs when she’s upstairs in bed, but let’s just say she’s “blessed” - you know, in the same way that Law is when he can sense that Kyla needs a dick in her.
Jeana appreciates having a shoulder to cry on - we know that her bestie Rio can’t comfort her in that way because she has metaphorical spikes on her shoulder. Literal ones at times, too.
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In talking to Khrystyana, Jeana gets her confidence back, only to lose her grit again on the set of the music video. For the first scene, Director X wants all the ladies to look “bored” at a dinner party, which is a weird brief during PERSONALITY WEEK, but after complaining that her personality isn’t as effervescent as the other models, you’d think this would be Jeana’s chance to shine!
Nevertheless, Director X thinks Jeana is terrible at being boring (does that mean she’s accidentally being entertaining?) all the while complimenting how the other women, aside from Rio, are doing. Apparently, portraying boredom means spilling wine, throwing grapes, dropping broccoli, fanning yourself and combing your hair with a fork. Really that sounds more like bad manners to me, but okay.
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Oh, and also eating feathers? Did you all catch Khrystyana’s hilarious spit take when Tyra surprisingly drops by? Why were those in her mouth in the first place.
For the record, I think Jeana does fine in the video. She’s far better than Rio and a discernible amount better than Shanice. Between takes, Khrystyana tries to make pleasantries with Jeana, but she gives her the cold shoulder. That’s the last time Khrystyana will be comforting her!
During her solo moment, Khrystyana’s heel breaks! It’s hella dramatic because’s Jeana initial reaction is a smirk!
It sure looks an “I’m secretly happy because someone else screwed up” face, but the truth of the matter is that’s probably not the immediate face she made since there’s no way there was a camera was on Khrystyana AND Director X giving instructions AND Jeana standing on the sidelines just standing and watching. That’s not how reality television works.
Shanice asks if Khrystyana is okay, and Khrystyana says she knows Shanice was concerned since she saw her facial reaction when it happened. Wait, how many other people’s faces was she able to assess as she’s tumbling to the ground?
I stan for Khrystyana, though, so if she says Jeana made the face, I believe that Jeana made the face. Jeana wants this prize badly, so of course I can see her momentarily relieved that someone else could go home.
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Oh and speaking of prize, Jeana’s latest bit of spilled tea (thanks for the heads-up @thev3rgeofobscene) is that they had no idea what the prize was for most of the cycle. No wonder she hadn’t been planning her avatar for weeks!
Because Khrystyana wants to inspire people to stand up for themselves, she confronts Jeana about her facial reaction. Jeana responds, “I would never wish that a girlSLASH a model in stripper type heels would break their shoe. Like, it hurt. I’m not that kind of girl.” Jeana knows what it’s like to hurt - she’s had sand in her eye and a tent pole to her back. In all honesty, the number of details in this statement makes you have to wonder if Jeana WOULD root for her competition to fall in shorter footwear, or just fail in some other non-painful way.
Somehow, the drama’s not over, y’all. While Khrystyana and Shanice film a pillow fight scene, Jeana suddenly crawls in and starts partaking. The other girls don’t understand how she can just enter the scene with permission, but I’m immediately suspicious of of this allegation - you think Director X is just going to let an extra change his scene? HE IS 41-YEARS-OLD, he would speak up.
At panel, the judges diss Jeana’s performance. Law wants to see Jeana blossom beyond the bald girl, saying that Ashley and Tyra each evolved into celebrities beyond their initial identity. Jeana’s just starting though, so I don’t think her lack of celebrity status at this point should be held against her. Let her get more comfortable with the bald thing and see where she can take it.
When it’s Shanice’s turn, she decides to throw Jeana further under the bus, bringing up the fact that Jeana joined their scene without warning. At this point, Director X acknowledges that it was his call and he wanted to add all the girls to the scene, except that Rio and Kyla were already out of their costumes. See! There was a perfectly valid explanation.
Shanice also insists that Jeana was pushing her and Khrystyana too roughly, so Jeana defends herself to say that she was just getting into character. That should have been her avatar’s gimmick. Boring by day, shover my night.
Tyra doesn’t want to hear about it, though, and tells them to sort out this fight at home. Normally, Tyra loves hearing about the interpersonal drama, but she can already tell this argument is so petty and dull that it doesn’t warrant any further time.
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Backstage, Khrystyana tries to address the moment again and Jeana simply doesn’t want to talk about it anymore. Rather than arguing, she burrows under a duvet. It’s probably her smartest pose yet!
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Jeana goes home because the judges think she needs to be more than just a bald girl. Hopefully she snagged that awesome Republican mom wig they put her in at the video shoot. She could launch a whole new career with this look:
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3 Funniest Moments of America’s Next Top Model Cycle 24 Ep. 11
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literallylewis · 7 years
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my faves from ANTM cycle 24
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wokeupinacar · 7 years
Almost every single contestant on this season of America’s Next Top Model has a terrible attitude and needs to go
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antmrankingskd · 3 years
Do you think if Whitney didn't win cycle 10 that plus size models in later cycles like Alexandra,Kasia, and Khrystana would've won or made it further than they did.
I could’ve maybe seen them pushing Alexandra to the win. I feel like Khrystyana might’ve been the first choice to win anyway, but got screwed over by the prize package (allegedly the cycle 24 prizes weren’t made official until late in the season, and the winner’s agency didn’t have a plus division which basically ruled out Khrys; idk if that’s ever been substantiated but I remember that being discussed a lot when the cycle was first airing)
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bettykaye-blog · 6 years
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fiercestudiosnft · 3 years
We have some very exciting updates for our Fierce community and events coming in the upcoming weeks!
Hi everyone!
#WomeninNFTs started trending this past weekend and Fierce has been part of the incredible conversations happening around women-led collections. If you haven’t noticed this translated into an amazing weekend of sales which have doubled pretty much overnight!
Our community is growing thanks to you & all of your support, joining our events, spreading the word, and believing in Fierce along this journey with us.
Upcoming events:
🎙 Today 1/18 @ 6pm EST we have our Twitter Spaces: Fashion x NFTs Episode 2 with our Founder, u/Michelle || Fierce Team, and former Creative Director @ Victoria’s Secret! https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1lDxLLqovlLxm
🎙Tomorrow Wednesday, 1/19 @ 12p EST we will be hosting an AMA Discord Brainstorm session hosted by our co-founder, u/Marisa || Fierce Team, as we want to hear from all of YOU. Any feedback, ideas, and thoughts are welcome as we want our community to have their voices heard. https://discord.gg/KAHEJ4sZ?event=933050398342799451
🎙Wednesday night u/Marisa || Fierce Team will be hosting a Twitter Spaces @ 7p EST with Ben.Eth, a top NFT collector, creator, and Ape holder as we discuss IP ownership and his experience in the NFT space.
🎙Thursday, January 20th @ 6pm EST we have our Twitter Spaces: Fashion x NFTs Episode 3 with ANTM Model KhrystAna!! https://discord.gg/rvD9UQMV?event=933015853975343184
🎙Monday, January 24th @ 6pm we have our Twitter Spaces: Fashion Series Episode 4 with Top NYC Fashion Photographer Matt Licari https://discord.gg/rvD9UQMV?event=932304611769983056
Come Join! This is a great learning experience for everyone!!!
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antmrankings · 7 years
so has your opinion on who´s going to win changed? i see your predictions every episode lol and so far you only missed on coura and rhyan (had to google her name lol)
I can tell you right now based on where the edits are at my prediction was way off on all the girls in the middle lol. Coura wasn’t a surprise, because the past couple of weeks have shown that she’s uncomfortable around the tv cameras. I still think the people I have in the top 4 are the definite top 4 and that Khrystana is the winner, but their edits are all over the place so I have no idea how they’re going to stack up against each other.
I’m thinking the rest of the elimination order goes something like this (probably hella wrong again lol):
Khrystyana - Still don’t see anyone else winning.
Kyla / Jeana - Kyla could be the runner-up because of her front-runner, yet somehow absent edit. But I can’t help but notice they always cut to Jeana looking bitter when other people get praised in panel, which could point to a runner-up edit for her.
Kyla / Jeana - See above.
Rio - She’s on top right now, but I think she’ll take a nosedive toward the end (or the judges will just randomly decide they don’t like her anymore).
Liberty - Never thought they’d let such an anti-confrontational villain make it this far lol.
Sandra - They’ll keep her around for drama. Her existence sets Rio off lol.
Shanice / Erin - Both are filler at this point.
Shanice / Erin - See above.
Christina - I think they’ll string her along for another week, to get a good amount of footage of her crying about the judges and contestants hating her.
Brendi K - She doesn’t seem to be the source of drama anymore, and the judges refuse to give her a good call-out now.
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antmfunny · 7 years
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2. The Matchmaker
I love androgyny and I’m usually gaga for Khrystyana’s photos, but her shot doesn’t quite do it for me this week. That shouldn’t matter to her, though, because Tyra loves Khrystyana’s photo so much that she has a full on computer glitch:
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Someone who doesn’t offer Khrystyana effusive praise is Law, who calls her look a combo of milkmaid and bridesmaid.
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I see it, to be honest. Not that Law should be commenting on anyone’s appearance after making this face at the beginning of panel:
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There isn’t a milkmaid or bridesmaid alive that would give THAT the time of day.
The good news is Khrystyana is confident in her appearance. In the clip show, she talks about coming to accept her own body and her fat rolls make her smile TWICE essentially:
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Anyone surprised that fat-phobic Rio has trouble stomaching (no pun intended) that comment?  Never mind Rio because Khrystyana’s social media following is all due to her embracing her curves. She gives credit where credit is due:
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It’s not all self love for Khrystyana, she’s also got a flare for matchmaking. When she came to the United States, she started a business connecting Ukrainians with Americans. One of her clients was her own mom even, who married a Hawaiian man Khrystana introduced her to after meeting him a few times. The editors yada-yada-yada the story from there, but if Miss J was here, he’d ask “How many stamps did it take to get her here?”
Tyra wants to know how successful her matchmaking skills are - 27 marriages, she asks? Khrystyana admits there was only one marriage, her mom’s. Oh, and her mom is now divorced, so… maybe this wasn’t her calling?
Ashley forgives the business’ failure since Khrystyana can fall back on modeling, but part of me wishes this were the Beauty/Boss/Brand cycle and part of the criteria was evaluating Khrystyana’s entrepreneurship. “Khrystyana can’t even arrange a marriage between a financially desperate Ukrainian woman and a romantically desperate American man… can she really be America’s Next Top Model? I mean, Tatiana has a skin care line!”
5 Funniest Moments of America’s Next Top Model Cycle 24 Week 10
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