#Kevin “Geordie” Walker
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possible-streetwear · 1 year ago
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Kevin “Geordie” Walker - Killing Joke, Murder Inc., So36, K-93, The Damage Manuel, The Magi
18 décembre 1958 - 26 novembre 2023
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greensparty · 1 year ago
Remembering Kevin "Geordie" Walker 1958-2023
British musician Kevin "Geordie" Walker has died at 64. He was the guitarist for Killing Joke 1979 to 1996 when they went on hiatus and he returned when the band reformed in 2002, remaining with them until his death. They were post-punk but a huge influence on industrial and alt-rock.
Their 1984 song "Eighties" was like the anthem of the 80s. It has appeared on countless soundtracks and it was so powerful that guitar riff, which was co-written by Walker. Nirvana's "Come as You Are" bears quite a similarity to it. Years later Dave Grohl and his band Foo Fighters did a cover of Killing Joke's "Requiem" as a 1997 b-side. That fandom lead to Grohl drumming with Killing Joke on their 2003 self-titled album.
The link above is the obit from Spin.
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thisnoise · 1 year ago
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RIP Geordie Walker - a truly unique guitarist.
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loveboatinsanity · 1 year ago
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R.I.P. Kevin Geordie Walker
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cinemajunkie70 · 1 year ago
Rest in peace Kevin “Geordie” Walker!
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mitjalovse · 11 months ago
One in The Fireman is a familiar name. Martin Glover is the person we have actually noticed in these parts before – he appeared under his nickname Youth –, since he's he's many things, including being a co-founder of Killing Joke. The latter are one of the most important bands in the idiom of post-punk, we could call them an important milestone in the genre. However, their early pieces with Glover – he did return to them much later on – present a group that looks at their elements and try to make sense of them. Of course, this could mean they were amateurs, yet they were the pioneers – some do conflate the two terms –, which meant they were willing to try being stranger than the style would've allowed later on.
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savage-kult-of-gorthaur · 1 year ago
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PIC(S) INFO: Mega spotlight on the late, great Geordie Walker (1958-2023), guitarist of English industrial rock/post-punk band KILLING JOKE, pictured here in 1979. 📸: Frank Jenkinson.
Resolution from largest to smallest: 1638x2048, 1080x1364, & 600x600.
OVERVIEW: "Kevin “Geordie” Walker’s deliberately uncompromising guitar style was an integral part of KILLING JOKE’s legendary and influential sound. His intense playing was admired by his peers and often imitated. To achieve his impressive sound Geordie favored a Gibson ES-295 hollow body electric guitar for it’s monstrous resonance and is quoted as saying, "When you find something that you express yourself through the best – something that is completely your sound – why would you use anything else?""
-- LIFE ELSEWHERE MUSIC Vol. 344 (Art, Media, Culture), published December 1, 2023
Sources: https://lifeelsewhere.co/2023/12/01/life-elsewhere-music-vol-344, X, & Picuki.
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againstthegrainphoto · 1 year ago
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Oh man. I’m not the hugest killing joke fan…..but this show was one of the best memories I have from the past decade. And I’m absolutely heartbroken to hear of the passing of Kevin “Geordie” Walker.🥺💔
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traderrock · 2 months ago
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Kevin "Geordie" Walker of Killing Joke, born today in 1958.
From the Guardian:
"With a beautifully multi-layered guitar sound that pointed the way to the shoegaze scene, and which also took in the spiky urgency of punk, the acute melody of pop and the crushing weight of heavy metal, Walker was – alongside frontman Jaz Coleman – the only consistent member of Killing Joke since the band’s formation in 1978. Born in County Durham in 1958 and schooled in Buckinghamshire, where he acquired his “Geordie” nickname, Walker initially responded to an ad Coleman had placed in the music press. “This guy kept calling saying ‘Hi, I’ve never been in a band before, I’ve only ever played in my mum’s bedroom, but I’m the best guitarist ever’,” Coleman later said. “I couldn’t get rid of him … He comes in for a cuppa and spots my fishing rods, so we have a conversation about fishing for six hours. After which he announced that he had nowhere to live so I said he could stay with me. Geordie moved in three weeks before I actually heard him play. When he did it was like a fire from heaven.” "
Some of the bands notably influenced by Geordie and Killing Joke were My Bloody Valentine, The Cure, Soundgarden, Nirvana, and Nine Inch Nails.
Said Kim Thayil of Soundgarden in 1989, "Our music is as much influenced by British bands like Killing Joke and Bauhaus as it is by heavy metal."
Happy Birthday remembrance to Geordie Walker and a special shout out to all you Killing Joke fans.
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diceriadelluntore · 23 days ago
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Storia Di Musica #358 - Killing Joke, Night Time, 1985
Se c'è un luogo che esprime il rapporto tra la musica rock e Berlino è un edificio di Köthener Straße, la Meistersaal, eretto nel 1913 come sede della Società Edilizia della città, ristrutturato dopo gli ingenti danni subiti durante la Seconda guerra mondiale. Nel 1964 due fratelli, Peter e Thomas Meisel, in alcune stanze di questo edificio costruiscono uno studio di registrazione musicale, gli Hans Ton Studios, conosciuti nel mondo della musica come Hansa By The Wall Studios perchè fisicamente erano situati al confine con il muro divisorio della città, vicino a Potsdamer Platz. Li Bowie con Eno, e poi decine di artisti, tra cui Cave (come visto la settimana scorsa), i Depeche Mode (che registrano missano qui Construction Time Again del 1983 e registreranno poi Some Great Reward, 1984, e Black Celebration del 1986), tanti gruppi new wave, post punk, i R.E.M. nel 2011 con Collapse Into Now registrano il loro ultimo disco in studio. C'è a tal proposito uno stupendo documentario, Hansa Studios: By The Wall 1976-90 diretto da Mike Christie che racconta un po' di storia di questo luogo leggendario.
Che fu il teatro delle registrazioni del disco di oggi, di una delle più innovative e all'epoca dirompenti formazioni della prima metà degli anni '80. Questa band emerge con forza dall'ondata new wave innescando la musica con cose molto particolari: i Killing Joke. Jaz Coleman, voce e tastiere, la fonda con Kevin "Geordie" Walker alla chitarra, Martin "Youth" Glover al basso e Paul Ferguson alla batteria. Sono sin dalle prime registrazioni indicati come rock d'avanguardia. Prendono il loro nome, Killing Joke, da una scenetta di uno spettacolo dei Monthy Python, e lo "scherzo che uccide" stupirà gli appassionati con un suono che mischia punk, dark, hard rock, dub creando in Gran Bretagna il seme della musica "industrial" e, per molti, persino della musica Techno. Cantano di depressione, di sensazioni apocalittiche, quasi con idee divinatorie (ne parleremo tra poco) e brani come Requiem e Wardance, dal loro omonimo esordio Killing Joke del 1980, e come Follow The Leaders dal successivo What's This For! (dell'anno successivo, 1981) divengono dei piccoli culti musicali di una band che ha ancora poco successo ma è adorata dai fan. Nel 1982 succede qualcosa: Youth si chiama fuori, e fonderà di lì a breve un nuovo gruppo, i Brilliant, ma soprattutto Coleman, immedesimandosi in un novello Nostradamus, preannuncia la fine dei tempi e se ne va in Islanda. Non si è mai capito quanto fosse una stramba copertura per un ritiro creativo, dove Coleman incontra e frequenta numerosi artisti locali di musica elettronica, ma ha una certa eco all'epoca. A questo punto, rimpiazza Youth con Paul "Raven" Vincent al basso e scrive un disco dove, a detta dei musicisti, usano delle droghe per trovare il giusto editing: Fire Dances (1983) ha la prima canzone "normale" in Let's All Go (To The Fire Dances) ed è ben accolto da critica e pubblico.
Tutto cambia l'anno successivo: Coleman va a "respirare decadenza" a Berlino e decide lì di scrivere il prossimo disco. In risposta alle prime critiche sul fatto che la furia iconoclasta degli esordi si fosse trasformata in qualcosa di noioso (che è la critica di ogni band che ha successo, più o meno relativo) esce fuori un disco che riprende soprattutto la ritmica iconica del suono Killing Joke, le tematiche scure e dolorose, ma le riveste in un'atmosfera nuova, vista la storia musicale della città berlinese (questo aspetto, anticipo, sarà la chiusura del viaggio di queste settimane), che vira verso suoni dance. Night Time esce nel Febbraio 1985, ridando nuovo lustro al gruppo che riesce a mettere insieme il suono esplosivo e trascinante che lo ha reso famoso con canzoni più mirate, alcune delle quali diventeranno degli inni generazionali. Geordie Walker, che fino ad allora ne era sempre stato avarissimo, tira fuori alcuni assoli sbalorditivi tra i suoi riff feroci (vedasi Night Time), mentre Paul Ferguson mescola e abbina molto bene i ritmi elettronici con i suoi naturali della batteria. Jaz Coleman è un personaggio strano, ma è anche un cantante formidabile, capace di fare di tutto, dal growl degli esordi ai toni taglienti e acuti come in questo disco, dove non forza mai la mano. Le canzone del disco sono due: Love Like Blood, dal testo gotico, che ebbe un certo successo anche per via del videoclip all'epoca definito dark, ma che oggi fa tutt'altro effetto, ma soprattutto Eighties: i Nirvana, tra tutti i gruppi, hanno clonato completamente la linea di chitarra acquosa al centro del brano per Come As You Are. Il disco vende moltissimo, ed è bellissimo, a mio parere, il commento che il New Musical Express fece del disco all'uscita: "suonano così diversi che fanno sembrano gli Smiths come Simon & Garfunkel".
Eppure all'apice, come spesso succede, arriva la crisi creativa: dissidi artistici e di linea musicale (con la decisione di rifare in pratica all'infinito il mood di Love Like Blood) portano a cali drastici di qualità e ad una sorta di isolamento di Coleman, che in pratica scriverà dischi solisti a nome Killing Joke, ed esempio massimo in questo sono il parlato sermonico suo su esoterismo, magia e occulto in The Courtard Talks del 1989 (addirittura doppio lp).
Rimangono un esempio seminale di contaminazione di generi, e i primi 4 dischi sono meravigliosi: dalle loro note nascerà tantissimo in tutta Europa, e ancora una volta è stata l'aria berlinese che ha dato la quadra.
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possible-streetwear · 1 year ago
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Kevin “Geordie” Walker - Killing Joke, Murder Inc., So36, K-93, The Damage Manuel, The Magi
18 décembre 1958 - 26 novembre 2023
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big-low-t · 1 year ago
Killing Joke - The Wait
R.I.P. - Kevin "Geordie" Walker
No one had a guitar sound quite like his.
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thisnoise · 1 year ago
Taste the salt of my tears, take the wealth of my years. Singing in the millennium with you.
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undergroundrockpress · 1 year ago
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Kevin "Geordie" Walker ((18 December 1958 – 26 November 2023) on stage with Killing Joke, Hammersmith Palais (London).
Photo : Rudi Keuntje (1983).
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thefugitivesaint · 1 year ago
I just found out that Kevin "Geordie" Walker, guitarist for Killing Joke, has permanently put down his guitar. I'm well over a week late to this news so this is my tip of the hat to Walker's passing. "Born in County Durham in 1958 and schooled in Buckinghamshire, where he acquired his “Geordie” nickname, Walker initially responded to an ad Coleman had placed in the music press. “This guy kept calling saying ‘Hi, I’ve never been in a band before, I’ve only ever played in my mum’s bedroom, but I’m the best guitarist ever’,” Coleman later said. “I couldn’t get rid of him … He comes in for a cuppa and spots my fishing rods, so we have a conversation about fishing for six hours. After which he announced that he had nowhere to live so I said he could stay with me. Geordie moved in three weeks before I actually heard him play. When he did it was like a fire from heaven.” .... "Walker situated his sound around a Gibson ES-295 hollow body electric guitar, saying: “When you find something that you express yourself through the best – something that is completely your sound – why would you use anything else?” .... "Other admirers included Metallica, who covered The Wait; Led Zeppelin’s Jimmy Page, who called Walker’s guitar sound “really, really strong … really intense”; and Kevin Shields of My Bloody Valentine, who cited Walker as a key influence in a 2013 Guardian interview, heralding “this effortless playing producing a monstrous sound”. (Source)
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aavalon2 · 4 months ago
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Kevin 'Geordie' Walker
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