#Ken Ishiyama
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znsluc · 6 months ago
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wanderingchocolateeclair · 1 month ago
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An incredibly late Christmas with the UA family and their matching sweaters-
I know it’s like a month late, but this one had me fist-fighting the Earth trying to get it finished and I Did Not Plan on giving up lol
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quirkwizard · 6 months ago
Other than the ones we already know, what products do you think other pro heroes endorse?
I'm not certain how you want me to tackle this, whether it's listing out what heroes may endorse in their line of work or cover specific products for each hero, so I did a bit of both.
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So if we're talking in general, I'm sure that there are any number of generic products that heroes would have a brand deal with. Action figures, lunch boxes, children's soap. What I'm saying is that if you've seen a Marvel character on it in the past ten years, chances are that All Might had his own version of it in this setting. For more personal products, there could be any number of options. They could have specific toys, like a gun and target set for Snipe or a set of concrete-like building blocks or grey goo for Cementoss. I'm sure that products would be clamoring to have heroes endorse products related to their power, like Fat Gum having his own line of instant-ready meals or Enji getting associated with a bunch of grills. Some of them may even be intentional, such as Aizawa getting his face slapped on a box of eye drops because of how often he uses them.
Then there are products that the user has a more personal touch in. Fashion is the first to come to mind. This could be something the hero was involved with, such as Best Jeanist having his own clothing brand of his designs, or inspired by them, such as Hawks having a deal with some fashion brand to make versions of his jacket and glasses. There could be any number of businesses that heroes have built up and attached their names to, such as Thirteen having a spaced-themed play zone for kids to have safe fun in or Mount Lady owning a saloon where she promotes her various beauty products. Speaking of businesses, there are going to be restaurants about heroes. I guarantee that even the non-food-related heroes have some restaurants or brand deals with them, something I have talked about at length before with several heroes.
Then there is the more personal side of things, where the hero had an even bigger hand in them. We know that heroes can have documentaries made about them or run radio shows, so it'd be neat to see that expanded on. Something like Ms. Joke running her own late-night show where she messes with various heroes or works out specials done by Miruko that likely kill anyone who tries to do it. The arts could also be covered by them, such as Present Mic having an entire album that he sang and produced or Ryukyu making and selling off personal pieces of art she made for charity. And surely people who had as storied lives as heroes would have book deals about them, such as a book by Gang Orca talking about his struggles with his appearance throughout his life or Sir Nighteye writing a biography about All Might's history.
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thenamelessdudessecondblog · 7 months ago
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post op war, they're doing the same lip thing look at em
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GOODCHAPTER !!! oh and also,
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spinji · 5 months ago
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MHA Cheebs 13/?
More UA teachers! ♡
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underratedmhapoll · 2 years ago
Bonus Poll! - UA Teacher of the Year
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pansexualkiba · 2 months ago
"Hey Principal Nedzu, I just wanna say, your tell-all autobiography looks good, but, er..." Cementoss looked hesitant.
"Why, whatever is the matter, Ishiyama-san?" Nedzu smiled. "And just remember, I employ you. AND we are hundreds of feet above the ground." "As you remind me every day." Cementoss looked out of one of UA's many windows. "Well, I'm a little confused at-" He flipped through the manuscript and pointed at the page. "So, on this page, it says that you founded UA, about a hundred years ago."
"A hundred and three years, ten months, four days, thirty-six minutes ago, to be precise." Nedzu chirped. "Thirty-seven, now."
"R-Right." Cementoss shook his head to gather his thoughts, then flipped further into the papers. "Anyways, on THIS page, it says you were a French touch act and were signed to Ed Banger Records in 2006? Which was over two hundred years ago?"
"Ah, the good old days..." Nedzu sighed wistfully. "My romance with Monsieur Eric was golden..."
Cementoss strained to think about anything Aoyama had talked about in the past three years. "Flat Eric? The puppet?" Cementoss checked.
"Is there a point to this, Ishiyama-kun?" Nedzu turned to Cementoss. "Remember. Hundreds of feet."
"Right, right." Cementoss then flipped all the pages to the beginning. "It says at the start of your autobiography that you were born twelve years ago." Cementoss began to fidget. "How is it possible that you're over two-hundred years old when you were born-"
"Oh, that's easy!" Nedzu smiled. "Those are dog years."
Cementoss stared at Nedzu. Nedzu, meanwhile, poured himself another cup of tea.
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everypanelofkatsuki · 1 year ago
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Chapter 130 - Listen to the Truth
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mhabirthdays · 11 months ago
Happy Birthday
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Ken Ishiyama (Cementoss) – March 22nd
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the-chikyuu-times · 1 year ago
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ann1e4 · 1 month ago
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Soo... 👍👍👍
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the-thing-named-shallot · 2 years ago
So you know how cementoss can manipulate cement by touch and he is a block of cement? Shouldn’t he be able to just kinda do something like shapeshifting?
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nerdranttheories · 1 year ago
Does Cementoss… Choose to look like that? If his quirk is being able to control cement, and he seems to be made of cement?
Is he over here like:
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quirkwizard · 5 months ago
I agree that the UA teachers should've had more connection to the students. How do you think certain teachers could've mentored certain hero students? All I can think of is Aizawa teaching Hanta cuz similar tools and Present Mic teaching Kyoka and Manga cuz sound and/or mouth-based Quirks. Maybe Cementoss teaching Ibara and Shoto and Kojiro cuz wide-scale attacks?
For the sake of this, I'm ignoring Vlad King, Recovery Girl, and Power Loader. I just don't think that they have a lot to offer the other students. And I'll also not cover your own suggestions. I do think those are good suggestions, which is why I feel like it'd be redundant to cover them.
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Gran Torino-Iida and Kosei: Gran Torino has the perfect ability to help both the boys in their own way. Whether pulling on his knowledge of movement to help out Iida or his reliance on his air flow to train Kosei.
Hound-Tsuyu and Jutora: Hound covers fields with both of these two, having an Animal Mutation with Tsuyu and have a similar skill set to Jutora. Shoot, they could even benefit from his knowledge on counseling, helping Tsuyu comfort people she's saving
Nezu-Momo and Monoma: This is less about helping them with their Quirks as much as it is helping out them as leaders and getting them to apply their own intellect as well as they can. Plus, it could help deal with the two's respective issues with egos early on.
Cementoss-Kirishima and Juzo: Cementoss can help these two in their own ways, improving Juzo's ability to move and apply his power and helping Kirishima improve his defenses. Especially since his own power can play against both of them so well.
Midnight-Denki and Komori: Denki and Komori both have Quirks with a lot of range and power, but not much in the way of control. Hey, just like Midnight. I'm sure she'd have plenty of tips on controlling and aiming such unwieldy powers.
Snipe-Aoyama and Rin: As tempted I was to put Pony here for the cow girl joke, I figured Aoyama and Rin needed Snipe's help more. The two need a lot of help reworking on their aim. Especially since the two can't seem to hit any living target.
Present Mic-Koda and Bondo: While these two do have Quirks that are based around the mouth, it's more about personality. Bondo and Koda are both extremely shy and can barely speak most times. So having Present Mic around could help a lot in breaking them out of their shells.
Thirteen-Mina and Kamakiri: These two have some of the most dangerous Quirks in either of their classes. Someone like Thirteen could help them exercise better control over their powers and help focus their intense energy into something more helpful, like dealing with rescue work.
Ectoplasm-Shoji and Setsuna: Ectoplasm has a power that makes it so he has to deal with plenty of sensory input and divided attention. This would make him a good fit for Setsunna and Shoji given how much their powers focus on information gathering and their own sensory abilities.
Eraserhead-Ojiro and Sen: Considering that these two are the go to hand to hand fighters of their respective classes, it's only fitting they work with the best marital artist in the series. Maybe they could even pick up some of his equipment, like Ojiro could get some clatrops to throw around or Sen could get the Capture Tape.
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thenamelessdudessecondblog · 6 months ago
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pelmeshki-pp · 1 year ago
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(БОЖ Я СМОГ КАК-ТО ТОТ ПОСТ ПРО ТО ЧТО В ПРОШЛОМ ГОВОРИЛ ПОСТЕ ВОСТАНОВИТЬТТТЬЬ!!!!!!!!) Ш-ш-ш-ш... здраастееее... Вам знаком этот котик? А омо-контент с ним? (ААААААА ПРОСТИТЕ МНЕ СТЫДНО НО ВСЁ ЖЕ--) Просто представьте, как он часами напролёт спит в своём спальном мешке и сдерживает всю жидкость в себе, хватая себя за промежность и ёрзая ногами как ему душе угодно, даже когда рядом кто-то есть (ученики/учителя). И не идёт в туалет этот котик, потому-что ему лень вставать из тёплого спального мешка. Ученики особо и не замечают странных шорохов, а вот учителя.. Директор Незу умный, поймёт и скажет ему перестать так напрягаться и сходить уже в туалет. И котик, краснея, пойдёт, преодолевая лень. Тринадцатая скорее всего и не заметила ничего необычного, пока Шута не начал бы через чур сильно извиваться. Отвела бы в уборную:) Исцеляющая девочка буквально "О, писать хочешь? Ладно, иди", и даст утку (которая в больницах, ну, такая, нууууууууууу...) Всемогущий несколько минут сидел бы рядом и пытался бы сначала понять, не показалось ли ему, что что-то не так, а потом со вздохами попытается незаметно намекнуть ему, чтоб Аязава шёл. Цементос. Скажет прямо, что-бы он не ленился и пошёл. Эктоплазм? Ему пофиг, пока шорохи не начнут его раздражать. Аккуратные намёки в большом скоплении людей и прямое "иди в туалет" Сущий Мик убьёт морально своим каламбурами, пока ему самому не напомнят о его двусмысленности его геройского имени в переводе на русский Снайп выйдет из комнаты, что бы не сильно смущать Аязаву и дать вдоволь наёзатся и пойти без чьей-либо помощи. Загрузчика просто чуть будет это раздражать, но он ничего не скажет. У него слишком много работы и есть свои переживания. ведь Аязава взрослый и сам позаботиться о себе! Полночь будет тихо хихикать, а затем либо уйдёт/будет бездействовать, либо использует на нём свою причуду за его спиной, чтобы он уснул и успокоился. Ведь возможно, он сам проснётся от напряжения в животе и вылезет. Возможно, попросит кого-то перенести его поближе к ванной. Влад/Кровавый Король (один и тот же, просто имя немного непонятно) прямо скажет, чтобы не сдерживался и шёл. Мисс Шутка! (она так тесно связанна, я не могу её не включить). Её будет это чуть возбуждать. Она будет пытаться использовать свою причуду и заставить его смеяться, чтобы потом утешать Аязаву в укромном месте, где они будут только вдвоём. Где она будет прижимать своего котика к себе, утешая после несчастного случая. План, обычно, не работает. Аязаве пофиг на своё состояние, пока всё не доходит до того, что ему становиться сильно больно. Конечно, он ходит перед занятием или чем-то ещё долгим. Но доводит себя до плохого состояния тем, что пьёт много кофе. Нескончаемые шутки Мика и Мисс Шутки по этому поводу! О бож мне неловко читать всё то, что я написал...
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