#Kell Bros
indigoreed1 · 5 months
I love the illustrated deluxe version of ADSOM because why is Kell frolicking on the cover as if he was ever allowed a single moment of happiness in this series💀💀
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hoids · 1 year
this entire chapter of kaladin accompanying shallan and adolin on their date is so funny. kaladin’s more annoyed at his third wheeling than the couple is, they’re legit including him in their conversations and answering his questions happily while he’s sitting there wanting to punch them.
meanwhile wit is in the front like ‘you should all flirt 😌’
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totk-headcanons · 1 year
So with the massive financial success that is the Mario movie, I've been thinking about how they could bring other Nintendo franchises to the big screen. I think the biggest thing is making sure that not every property is handled by the same company. Illumination is a decent fit for Mario but I cannot imagine them making a Metroid or a Star Fox movie without drastically changing the tone.
Let Laika make a Kirby movie, give Star Fox to Dreamworks. Disney gets nothing.
But most importantly and probably my biggest dream collaboration? I want to see an animated Zelda movie produced by the good folks over at Cartoon Saloon.
Not familiar with them? They're the people behind such amazing and beautiful films as The Secret of Kells, Song of the Sea and Wolfwalkers
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I cannot even begin to describe how excited I would be were this to happen. If you haven't seen any of these movies, particularly Wolf Walkers, I highly encourage you to check them out.
Anyway, less than a month until Tears of the Kingdom drops. Maybe this blog will live again. Hope to see y'all then.
[Lonely Voe]
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purplebass · 3 months
The way the publisher decided to blatantly change the names of the Shades of magic books in Italy is annoying. Adsom became "Magic", Agos became "Legend" and Acol became "Dark"... Huh?! And they also used the old UK covers which aren't my favorites (but they were released a couple of years ago so they didn't have many options).
Tftop hasn't been released yet here but I think they will keep the original name because V sold the rights to another publisher who is known to release books with their original titles/covers and sometimes by including unreleased fan arts that they commissioned to artists, so yeah... I'm curious to see what they do when they publish Tftop. No idea when that will happen because SoM is a relatively niche series in Italy and I wish more people knew about it. It would be amazing if the new publisher buys the rights and re-releases Adsom so more people will know about it because I don't think the original publisher advertised the series properly
Anyway here's Adsom and Agos when I was at the bookshop in front of the train station (because I like to go looking for my favorite books in stores to look at them again okay)
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bugsoda · 8 months
with the amount of love for this world i hold within me i could be the worlds greatest poet. but every time i time i try to write all that comes out is a keyboard smash.
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yaburnae · 3 months
who remembers when i had the dual writing blog for scott and stiles
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ybcpatrick · 11 months
me to that stupid fucking ball now that it is a scientific, double-proven fact that the band is not bullshitting us when they say it can't be fucking bartered with (no matter how hard we may try)
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smalltownfae · 1 year
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JOMP Book Photo Challenge 📚
February 11th, 2023: Brotp
Rhy and Kell is a good brotp. I had trouble with this one tbh. I don't read many books with brotps (that I don't end up shipping) so... honorable mention to Fitz and Nighteyes because I didn't want all my photos to be of Realm of the Elderlings and one of those characters is a wolf.
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rawkinks · 11 months
i’m really happy i found you and that you’re my person.
my baby my baby my baby <3 !! forever grateful for you.
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vexx-the-egg · 2 years
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helioxed · 6 months
Hát ebből szar se lesz azta kurva
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wajb · 2 years
frosted flake. popped tart. kelled ogg.
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lenny-link · 9 months
um,, engiespy yuri,,,,,,,plez,,,,,,
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i love old women yuri <<33
bro the way that i gave up on all the other fanarts i was working on, art requests, art trades, biocomputing homework, enzyme engineering assignments, life projects, studying, eating, breathing since i received this ask a few days ago, because my brain couldn’t stop thinking about these two old gay ladies being in love
i thought engiespy was my otp but femengiespy now thats something else
also the "experiment 08" is obviously a reference for "expiration date" it rhymes lol
(i know its just a single letter changing but idk they all give a different vibe and i just couldnt choose one :p)
edit: you can suggest other names if you wish in the comments! :D
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meg-megbanom-ezt · 4 months
Kis szakmai szőrszálhasogatás rovatunk bemutatja: a vaníliát
Láttam egy tusfürdőt, aminek a címkéje szerint orchidea- ÉS vaníliaillata van. Na most...
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A vanília IS orchidea! Szóval ez olyan, mintha azt mondanánk, hogy "láttam madarakat és gólyát" - végül is talán nem helytelen, "csak" értelemzavaró.
Az orchideafélék - vagyis magyarul (az ellenség megtévesztésére) a kosborfélék - családjába (Orchidaceae) tartozik a vanília nemzetség (Vanilla), itt az egyes fajokat magyarul már nem különböztetik meg (amennyire ez a Wikiről lejön), elsősorban a Vanilla planifolia nevű fajt használják fel fűszertermesztésre. Ez a faj Mexikóban őshonos és egyetlen, szintén ott őshonos méhfaj képes csak beporozni - úgyhogy amíg Edmond Albius ki nem dolgozta a mesterséges megtermékenyítés módszerét, csak az őshazájából tudták exportálni és hát ezért volt kheczi drága az igazi fűszervanília. Na jó, valójában ma is kheczi drága, mert hiába tudják már máshol is termeszteni, a kézi megtermékenyítés továbbra is fáradságos munka. Vannak nagyon jó leírások, hogyan is csinálni, sőt természetesen videók is, ide be is vágok egyet:
Persze ez gyakorlatilag önbeporz(at)ás - az a kis bigyó, amit itt csak flapnek neveznek (de a fenti linkekben a rendes nevén), amit hátra kell hajtani, hogy lenyomhasd a porzót a bibéhez, az a rostellum (magyarul csőr), ami pont az önbeporzást hivatott megakadályozni és egyébként ő maga is egy módosult, meddő bibe. Ez utóbbihoz nincs linkem, de bro, just trust me. Ja, várjál, van (Ctrl+F, meg hát angolul, de na)! ;) De ebből is látszik, hogy a kosborfélék virágának milyen lenyűgözően bonyolult a felépítése (amivel remekül lehet szopatni a BSc-s diákokat, de persze én nem vagyok olyan...). A vanília tokterméséből lesz végül a fűszer.
A vaníliának még egy érdekessége, hogy kúszónövény. Gyűjtöttem is pár nagyszerű képet az inaturalistról* (kép 1, kép 2 és 3), hogy lássátok vadon, de van még, ahonnan ez jött (csak olyanokat linkeltem direkt, ahol engedélyezték a képmegosztást).
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*(egy igen nagyszerű közösségi oldal és adatbázis, ahová bárki feltöltheti a megfigyeléseit állatokról, növényekről, gombákról stb. és szakértők segítenek meghatározni (nem, ez nem fizetett hirdetés, őszintén imádom))
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anotherspnfanfic · 2 years
Rain Check
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A/N: I finished a thing! For the first time in over a year! It is also my first time writing for One Chicago. Thank you @resanoona and @muchamusedaboutnothing​ for the beta reads!
Pairing: Halstead sister w/ best friend Kelly
Word count: 4,076
Square filled: Sick!fic for TMAS Bingo @supernatural-jackles
Warnings: illness, hospitalization, sibling bickering...
Summary: She says she’s fine. Luckily, Kelly and her brothers know when she’s lying.
You heard your phone buzz from where you had dropped it on the coffee table three and a half hours ago when you got home from work.
You heard your phone buzz from where you had dropped it on the coffee table three and a half hours ago when you got home from work.
You, me, Jay - Molly’s in an hour, you read the new message from your best friend, Kelly.
Groaning, you shifted to grab and unlock your phone. I feel like shit. I left work early. Rain check.
Another ding as a sad face popped up at the bottom of the thread. You sighed as you set the phone back down, wishing you felt up to hanging out.
You spent the next forty-five minutes tossing and turning on your couch in an attempt to find a comfortable position. The second half of Safe Haven played across the screen, but you weren’t really paying much attention.
Suddenly, you heard keys jingling outside your door before the deadbolt clicked open. The only other people who had keys were your brothers, and they never used them to come in while you were home.
Before you could further analyze the intrusion, Jay hollered through the barely-cracked door. “We’re coming in. Am I going to be scarred by anything I might see?”
You rolled your eyes and sat up, wincing at the flare of pain in your abdomen. “I’m not naked, if that’s what you’re asking. And who is ‘we’?”
“We brought you soup,” said Kelly from the kitchen. “I also grabbed tissues, cold meds, Excedrin, and Midol. I wasn’t sure what you might need.” You heard the rustle of bags and clunks of things being set on the counter.
“I didn’t need any of that, but I appreciate the thought. However, I don’t really appreciate you telling my brother I feel crappy.”
A moment later, Jay was snatching the remote from you. “I just came for the beer and the game.” You knew he came because he was worried, even though he wouldn’t admit that.
“Hey!” You reached to take it back as he lifted it over his head. “I thought you guys were going to Molly’s.”
Jay tossed the remote back once he’d turned on the hockey pre-game. “Kelly wanted to come hang out with you.”
“Wow. I love you, too, bro.” You carefully laid back down, shifting a few times until you found a somewhat comfortable position. “But since you are here… can one of you go grab my heating pad from my bedroom closet?”
Jay simply nodded before disappearing down the hall, returning a minute later with the heating pad in hand. He also had your favorite blanket tossed over his shoulder. It was his way of silently showing his concern. He plugged in the heating pad and tossed it and the blanket on the couch next to you.
“Thanks, Jay.” You smiled gratefully.
“Do you want the soup?” Kelly asked. ”Or we have pizza coming shortly, too.”
“Um, no. Nothing right now.” You shook your head. “I’m too nauseous. Thank you, though.”
Jay sat down in the recliner as Kelly came in and handed him a beer.
Kelly then lifted your feet and set them on his lap as he sat down. “You sure you don’t want anything else?”
You shook your head and pulled the now-warm heating pad across yourself. “This is all I need at the moment. But I’ll let you know if I change my mind.”
You made yourself comfortable as the two of them started to discuss the hockey game as well as how the rest of the season had been going. A little while later, there was a knock at your door.
Jay stood quickly. “I got it.” He returned a minute later with two large pizza boxes as well as a smaller box you suspected held cheesy garlic bread. He set the stack on the coffee table and slid one pizza toward Kelly before opening the other. “We got your favorite. We will try to save you some.”
You leaned up and punched him in the shoulder. “You’re so mean.” You tried your best to hide the wince from your sudden movement.
“Ouch!” he said, grabbing his arm dramatically. “If I was mean, I wouldn’t have offered to save you any.”
“Mmhmm,” you hummed. “You said try, not that you would save some.”
Before long, there were several slices missing from both boxes and the two of them were cheering and booing loudly at the television. You laughed and silently hoped they weren’t disturbing your neighbors too much.
During the first intermission, Jay’s phone dinged with a new message alert. He pulled it out of his pocket and quickly read the message on the lock screen before pocketing it once more. “Will is on his way over.”
Tossing the heating pad over the back of the couch, you rolled your eyes and groaned loudly. “Seriously? You couldn’t let me suffer in peace? He’s gonna be all doctory.”
Jay shrugged. “He wanted to watch the game. I didn’t even tell him you didn’t feel good.”
You scoffed. “Uh huh. You told him you were here instead of Molly’s so he already knows something is up.”
About ten minutes later, you heard your front door open without so much as a warning knock.
“Do none of you have manners anymore?” You asked him as he entered the living room. “And for the record, I am fine so do not ask.”
Will chuckled as he raised his hands in surrender. “Hello to you, too.” On his way to sit on your loveseat, he grabbed a slice of pizza. You watched as he and Jay exchanged pointed looks.
Over the next half hour or so, you noticed all three of them sending worried glances your way until, finally, you poked Kelly in the thigh with your foot. “Can I have that soup now? Maybe it’ll help my nausea.” You didn’t think it would, but it might get them to stop looking at you like you were about to break.
He nodded and got up, walking into your kitchen to warm it up for you. You shifted to sit up while you waited for him. Struggling to find a comfortable position, you noticed that Will was watching you more intently.
Kelly brought in the soup and sat down once more. “How do you want to do this?”
“Umm, can you pull the coffee table closer for me?”
Jay stood from his chair to push the end of the table towards you and move the pizza boxes out of the way. Kelly set the soup in front of you and handed you a spoon.
“Thanks.” You smiled as you slurped a spoonful of broth. Continuing slowly, you drank about half the broth and ate some of the noodles. Unexpectedly, your stomach flipped uncomfortably. You dropped the spoon back into the bowl causing a loud clatter.
All three sets of eyes were on you as you stood suddenly. You didn’t even attempt to hide the pained whimper that escaped with the movement.
“You okay?” Will and Jay asked in unison as Kelly reached out, prepared to steady you if necessary.
You groaned. “Yeah, peachy. Stay,” you directed them as you moved as quickly as you could to the bathroom. Flinging the door shut, you fell to your knees just in time to empty your stomach into the toilet. The pain in your knees was almost unnoticeable with the stabbing pain that flared through your right side. You tried to breathe through your nose as another wave of nausea crashed through you. Maybe you weren’t fine after all, but you weren’t ready to admit that to anyone, especially Will.
When you were pretty sure you were done, you flushed before sitting back against the wall. A knock broke you from your thoughts. “You alright in there?” Kelly asked.
“I’m fine.” You stood slowly and rinsed your mouth out before pulling the door open and meeting his concerned green eyes. “I swear. I’m really fine,” you lied. “I shouldn’t have tried to eat.”
Kelly’s hand hovered behind you as you made your way back to the couch. As you sat, you pulled the heating pad back over your lower abdomen, even though it’d done nothing to help the pain earlier. However, now you were chilly, and it would help with that.
“Is that normal?” Will asked. “Nausea and vomiting with cramps?”
You shrugged, debating what to tell him. “It’s happened before, but not always, no.”
He hummed, clearly deciding if he wanted to push. “Is anything else weird today?”
“Not really. Not unless you count being four days early.” Spinning to lie back down, you pulled your blanket over yourself.
“Are you cold?” Jay asked.
You glared at him. “Maybe a little. I just like to have a blanket when I feel crappy. Does that mean something to you? You’re the one who brought it out here unprompted.”
“Have you actually started your period?” Will asked.
Groaning, you asked, “Can we not have this conversation?” He just stared at you waiting for an answer. “Ugh, fine. No. No, I haven’t yet.” 
Will stood and walked over to you. He placed the back of his hand on your forehead.
You knew there was no convincing them at this point, but decided to try anyway. “How many times do I have to tell you? I am fine!” Will narrowed his eyes at you before he walked away. You heard him opening the cabinet in the bathroom. Looking between Kelly and Jay you asked, “What is he doing?”
Jay shrugged. “How am I supposed to know?”
Rolling to face towards the back of the couch, you groaned.
Will was back a moment later. He knelt down in front of the couch and rolled you back to face him. “Open,” he directed, lifting your thermometer into your view.
Will just sighed. “If you're right, then this will be normal and you can say ‘I told you so.’ Just humor me?”
“When I’m right, you are going to buy me dinner next week. Somewhere nice.” You held out your hand for him to shake.
He took your hand without shaking it. “I’ll buy you dinner next week, regardless, if you stop being difficult.”
“Fine.” You shook his hand, took the thermometer from him, and placed it under your tongue.
It was quiet as you waited, the game having been muted at some point. When the thermometer beeped, you pulled it out and handed it to Will, not even bothering to check it as you gave him a smug grin.
Jay leaned over to see the reading for himself as Will announced, “101.6, you have a fever.”
You shrugged. “So what? I have cramps and the flu or something. I don’t know what that proves.”
Will shifted to sit on your coffee table. He pulled off your blanket and heating pad despite your protests. He pushed just above your left hip bone.
“What are you doing?” you asked.
“Does this hurt?” asked Will. You shook your head as he pressed just below your belly button. He moved his hands over once more, and you started to shake your head again as he pressed down on your right side. As he started to pull away, you gasped, feeling a sharp pain similar to the one you had felt in the bathroom earlier. It was significantly worse, and you threw your head back hard against the armrest as you tried to recoil from the cause of the pain. “When did the pain start? Any other symptoms you aren’t telling me? How long were you using the heating pad?”
“Geez, one question at a time! It hurt a little, like barely even noticeable, last night around midnight. I don’t think so. And I don’t know, not that long. Why?”
Will stood. “Because it’s not cramps, it's appendicitis. We’re going to Med. Right now.”
“No,” you argued. You hated hospitals even more than Jay.
Jay pulled his keys out of his pocket. “I’ll pull the truck around.”
Will nodded to Jay before turning back to you. “This isn’t debatable. Sorry, kiddo.” He handed his keys to Kelly and bent over to lift you off the couch.
You grabbed his arm to stop him. “I can walk at least.”
Will proceeded to pick you up. “We don’t have the time to wait for you to make it down to the truck.”
Kelly flipped off the television and unplugged your heating pad before following you and Will out of the apartment and locking the door.
Will set you in the backseat of Jay’s truck and then ran around to get into the passenger side next to you. Kelly handed Will his keys as Jay peeled out of the complex.
“Jay, turn on the radio or something. It’s too quiet in here,” you complained.
Kelly looked over his shoulder at you. “Can’t take a comfortable silence with the three of us?”
“What part of this is comfortable?”
“It’s fine. We are only going to be in the car for ten minutes,” said Jay.
“Please? Just turn on someth—” you froze mid-sentence.
“Are you okay? Is the pain worse?” Will asked.
“Um, no. It actually doesn’t hurt anymore.” You frowned in confusion. “Why doesn’t it hurt anymore?”
“Damn it,” Will muttered. “Jay, go faster.”
Sinking further into the seat as Jay floored the accelerator, you glanced between Will and Kelly. “What? Why go faster?” You couldn’t help but finally start to worry.
Will took your hand in his and squeezed reassuringly. “Because if it stopped hurting, there’s a good chance your appendix just ruptured.”
“But that’s bad, right? Like, really bad?” You took a sharp inhale as the realization hit. “Like, I could die from an infec—”
Will squeezed your hand harder to get your focus back on him. “No. You’re going to be just fine.”
“I’m so stupid. Why didn’t I say something? I lied earlier. I’ve never had nausea or puking with period cramps. I knew I should have said something before you even came over because the heating pad wasn’t helping. The heating pad always—”
“Y/N, breathe!” Will interrupted your rambling.
Kelly reached over and squeezed your knee, almost painfully, in an attempt to ground you.
“It’s okay,” Will reassured. “You’re going to be fine. You are right—untreated, it can be very dangerous, but we are almost to the hospital. Look at me.” Your eyes met his. “Just take a deep breath. You will be fine, you hear me?”
You nodded and tried to focus on your breathing rather than the panic swirling through your mind.
Less than two minutes later, Jay was pulling up to the ambulance entrance to the ED. You barely even had time to open your door before Jay was there gently lifting you out of the truck and heading inside.
Connor saw the four of you enter, you in Jay’s arms, and immediately moved to meet you. “Hey, what’s going on, guys?”
You threw your head back in annoyance. “You could have at least gotten a freaking wheelchair. This is just ridiculous.”
Kelly just chuckled as Jay scolded, “I thought you agreed to stop being difficult so Will would buy you dinner.”
Will ignored the three of you in favor of answering Connor. “I’m pretty sure she’s got a ruptured appy. Pain onset was around midnight. She tried to eat some soup about twenty minutes ago and vomited. Temp was at 102, and she had right-sided rebound tenderness. About five minutes ago, she said it stopped hurting.”
“Let’s get an ultrasound to confirm.” Connor turned around to find Maggie. “Maggie, where am I going?”
“Treatment 3. Monique, you’re with Dr. Rhodes.”
Jay set you on the bed, kissed your forehead, and then shifted by the foot of the bed. He placed his hand on your shin. “Just let me know if I’m in the way.”
“No, you're good there,” said Connor. “Monique, let’s run a CBC and a BMP.”
Will handed Connor the ultrasound probe as Monique wrapped the blood pressure cuff around your bicep. She clipped the pulse ox on your index finger. To distract yourself while she placed the IV, you focused on Jay and Kelly, who was hovering in the doorway.
“It’s definitely a ruptured appy,” Connor announced, handing the ultrasound back to Will. “Let’s get her up to the OR.”
The panic you’d been trying to suppress since the truck bubbled to the surface again, and you started to hyperventilate. Jay stepped forward to take your hand.
Connor gently squeezed the opposite shoulder. “Just take a deep breath, sweetheart. I know you hate the hospital but I need you to try to calm down.” He shifted away to grab an oxygen mask before placing it over your face.
Will reached around Connor to take your hand. “What did I tell you? You’re going to be fine. Surgery and some antibiotics, and you’ll be good as new in a few weeks.”
You managed to take a couple slow, deep breaths. Locking eyes with Connor, you asked, “Can— Are you doing the surgery?”
“Yep, I’m all yours.” He and Will pulled the gurney out of the room and towards the elevators.
When they pulled you off the elevator, Jay squeezed your hand once more before letting go. Kelly took his place, kissed your forehead and squeezed your shoulder. 
Finally, Will placed a kiss on your knuckles. “We’ll see you on the other side.”
A moment later, Connor was pushing you into the operating room. He pulled the oxygen mask off and set it beside your head. “These nurses are going to get you settled. I have to go scrub in and then I’ll be right back, okay?”
You nodded. Connor turned to leave, but you stopped him. “Wait! I’m gonna be all loopy after, right? Like all those videos online?”
Connor cracked a smile. “Probably. It takes a bit for the anesthesia to clear your system, and you’ll get some pain meds.”
You scowled at that thought. “Okay. Do me a favor—don’t let those three see me while I’m still drugged and loopy. If they end up with something to tease me about, you are dead to me.”
Connor laughed. “Yes, ma’am.”
The next few minutes were a blur, and before you knew it, someone was asking you to count backwards.
As you started to wake, there was a new, different ache through your abdomen. You groaned and peeled your eyes open, meeting Connor’s bright blue irises.
“Welcome back. How’re you feeling?” he asked.
Scrunching your nose, you considered how to answer. “Hmm, a little sore. Sleepy. And cold. Can I go home soon?”
“How about we talk about that later?”
“Can I have a blanket?”
Connor gave you a sad smile. “Sorry. Not right now. You still have a fever.”
“Please?” you whined. Before he could answer, another thought hit you. “Hey, where‘re my brothers and Kelly?”
“You threatened me to not let them in here yet!” Connor huffed. “They will be waiting for you once we move you out of recovery.”
You vaguely remembered what you’d told Connor. “Oh, yeah.”
“It’s late. How about you try to get a little more sleep?” Connor suggested.
You gave him a lazy thumbs up before quickly falling back to sleep.
Connor found Jay, Will, and Kelly in the waiting room. All three were scrolling through their phones. “Everything went perfectly. She is in recovery now, and a nurse will come get you when she’s back in a room.” Connor explained.
Will huffed. “Why can’t we go see her now? Or one of us at least?”
“Nope.” Connor shook his head. “She threatened me to not let you see her while she’s loopy. So, no. You’re waiting until she’s moved. It should only be about half an hour.”
“Come on. She probably won’t even remember anything she says.” Will argued.
“She wasn’t worried about what she’d remember. Seems to think her big brothers might tease her,” said Connor. “I promise, she’s fine. She was sleeping when I left a few minutes ago.”
About an hour later, Jay, Will, and Kelly were sitting around your hospital room, waiting for you to wake up.
You jerked awake suddenly with a gasp. The sudden movement pulled on your stitches. “Shit. Ow.”
All three guys were beside you in an instant, your brothers on either side while Kelly took up the space at the foot of the bed.
“Are you okay?”
“Did you have a nightmare?”
“What hurts?”
In your half-awake state you weren’t even sure who had said what as they spoke over each other. You simply groaned in response.
“Can I check your incision?” Will asked. “Need to make sure you didn’t just pop a stitch.”
“Not like you’re going to take no for an answer,” you said. You pulled on the gown to get it out of his way. Due to the sleepiness or the pain meds, maybe both, you were slightly uncoordinated. He helped you pull the fabric aside so he could get access to your bandage.
Connor came into the room as soon as Will had pulled the gauze up. "I'm pretty sure that's my job."
“Sorry, she had a nightmare and jerked pretty hard when she woke up. I wanted to be sure.”
Connor checked the incision as well. “It looks good.” He turned his attention to you. “Scale of one to ten, how’s the pain?”
“Not bad. Maybe a three.”
Connor nodded. “When you need more pain meds, just use the call button or tell Will. I’m going to let you get some rest. I’ll be in to check on you in the morning.”
“Thanks, Connor.” 
Jay, Will, and Kelly took turns shaking Connor’s hand as he headed out.
“Thanks, man,” said Will, following Connor to the door. “You here all night?”
Connor nodded. “Yeah, I’ll be in the ED.”
“Want to talk about it?” Jay asked as Will came back to your bedside.
“About what?”
“That nightmare,” Jay clarified.
“Oh. No, I don’t really remember most of it.” He looked like he didn’t believe you at all. You opted to change the subject before he could press. “Do I get to go home tomorrow?”
Will sighed, knowing you weren’t going to like his answer. “No. You’ll need IV antibiotics and monitoring for infection for at least a few days.”
“This sucks. What is the point of having a doctor for a brother? I want two fancy dinners.”
They all laughed.
“Sure. Next time you don’t feel well, are you going to just tell me up front?” Will asked.
“Eh, probably not.” You smirked. “But honestly, 9 times out of 10, it’s nothing.”
“Just continue to always tell me. I’ll loop them in if need be,” Kelly offered.
“‘If need be’?” You rolled your eyes. “You brought Jay over without even knowing anything!”
Kelly just shook his head. “I know you never leave work early. You had the stomach flu last year and didn’t even miss any work.”
“Well, clearly, you know me too well.”
“Clearly, it’s a good thing I do.”
“Alright, stop rubbing it in. You guys might as well go home and get some sleep,” you suggested despite not wanting to be alone.
“Nah, you’re stuck with us tonight,” Jay said.
Hoping your relief wasn’t obvious, you smiled. “You guys don’t have anything better to do than sit around and watch me sleep? Creepers.”
Five days later, you were signing discharge papers as Jay and Will argued about which one of them you should stay with.
“I have a guest room,” said Jay. “You want to make her sleep on a couch?”
“No, jackass,” Will countered. “She can sleep in the bed, and I’ll take the couch.”
“My place means no one is sleeping on a couch.”
“Guys!” you interrupted. “I’m going to my own apartment.”
Will sighed. “You shouldn’t be alone, at least for a few days.”
“My couch is open,” you shrugged. “Fight over that, take turns. I really don’t care. But I am going home to my own bed.”
“I’m off tonight,” said Jay. “I’ll stay.”
“I’m off, too. I can stay.”
“Quit arguing,” you groaned. “I love you both, and I appreciate that you both want to help me. But I will kick you both out and call Kelly instead.”
“Sorry,” they said in unison.
“We will figure out a schedule,” said Jay.
“Awesome. Now, will you guys, please, get me the hell out of here?”
Will grabbed the wheelchair a nurse had brought in earlier. “Gladly.”
Tagging a couple possibly interested people: @mertes4cker @halsteadlover @i-like-sparkly-things @hereforhalstead @fighterkimburgess @afriendlyneighborhoodhufflepuff @eagerforthesky​ 
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bestanimatedmovie · 1 year
Tumblr’s favorite animated movie, Round 2!
Classification round | Round 1 | Round 3 | Round 4
These are the matches for round 2!
Results overview
Part one:
Alice in Wonderland vs The Adventures of Tintin
Anastasia vs Wreck-it-Ralph
Atlantis: The Lost Empire vs Megamind
Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus vs Rango
Beauty and the Beast vs The Prince of Egypt
Big Hero 6 vs My Neighbor Totoro
Brave vs The Iron Giant
Coco vs Toy Story
Coraline vs The Lion King
Encanto vs Grave of the Fireflies
Fantastic Mr Fox vs Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio
Finding Nemo vs Kiki's Delivery Service
Hercules vs Perfect Blue
How To Train Your Dragon vs Up
Howl's moving castle vs The Super Mario Bros. Movie
Inside Out vs Wolfwalkers
Kung Fu Panda vs Treasure Planet
Kung Fu Panda 2 vs Who Framed Roger Rabbit vs Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper
Lilo & Stitch vs Ratatouille
Monsters Inc vs Princess Mononoke
Mulan vs Shrek
Ponyo vs Song of the Sea
Puss In Boots: The Last Wish vs Shrek 2
Rise of the Guardians vs The Emperor's New Groove
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Movie vs The LEGO Movie
Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron vs The Mitchells vs. the Machines
Spirited Away vs The Princess and the Frog 
Tangled vs The Incredibles
The Last Unicorn vs Toy Story 2
The Lorax vs Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie vs Turning Red
WALL-E vs Your Name
Part two:
101 Dalmatians vs Sailor Moon R: The Movie
A Goofy Movie vs Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
A Silent Voice vs Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit
Astro Boy vs The Pagemaster
Barbie Fairy Secret vs Barbie in the 12 Dancing Princesses
Birdboy: The Forgotten Children vs Star☆Twinkle Precure the Movie: Wish Upon a Song of Stars
Brother Bear vs Meet the Robinsons
Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie vs Isle of Dogs
Chicken Run vs Watership Down
Cinderella III: A Twist in Time vs Klaus
Ernest & Celestine vs Liz and the Blue Bird
Fantastic Planet vs Kirikou and the Sorceress
Hoodwinked! vs The Nightmare Before Christmas
In This Corner of the World vs Ringing Bell
Interstella 5555: The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem vs Persepolis
Kubo and the Two Strings vs Robots
Lu Over the Wall vs The Legend of Hei
Metropolis vs Whisper of the Heart
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind vs The Great Mouse Detective
Night Is Short, Walk on Girl vs The Secret World of Arrietty
ParaNorman vs The Tale of the Princess Kaguya
Penguins of Madagascar vs Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva
Phineas and Ferb: The Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension vs Promare
Puella Magi Madoka Magica the Movie Part III: Rebellion vs The Secret of Kells
Stormy Night vs Digimon Adventure: Our War Game
Tehran Taboo vs The Sorcerer's Apprentice
The Book of Life vs The Sea Beast
The Boy and the Beast vs Tokyo Godfathers
The Brave Little Toaster vs Unicorn Wars
The Breadwinner vs Zombillenium
The Little Prince vs The Thief and the Cobbler
Wolf Children vs The Phantom Tollbooth
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