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arynchris · 2 years ago
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Calvin and Hobbes: The Force Awakens Brian Kesinger
Story artist at Walt Disney animation studios / Artist for Marvel Comics. Check out his etsy store for books and prints
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arynchris · 2 years ago
Whoa, hang on.  I knew they weren’t great-- the word ‘puritanical’ is very negative-- but they WHAT the king of England?!  What is this??  I’m 35, live [usually] in the states, and have no idea what this history is.  I have never heard of this.  Please tell me more.
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arynchris · 2 years ago
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3. Nature of violation
Directors/Officers/Persons are using income/assets for personal gain
Organization is engaged in commercial, for-profit business activities
Income/Assets are being used to support illegal or terrorist activities
Organization is involved in a political campaign
Organization is engaged in excessive lobbying activities
Organization refused to disclose or provide a copy of Form 990
Organization failed to report employment, income or excise tax liability properly
Organization failed to file required federal tax returns and forms
Organization engaged in deceptive or improper fundraising practices
Other (describe)
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arynchris · 2 years ago
The attitude that scifi was ever pure, misogynistic action-adventure really bothers me, because long before tv was invented, scifi was about exploration-- sometimes of unfamiliar places, but always of unfamiliar IDEAs. Whether written by Mary Shelley or by Robert Heinlein, scifi was about exploring human nature both as it was and as how it might be, the effects on culture if something were changed for the better or worse, the view on [the author's present time] from an outside perspective-- whether alien or foreign or anachronistic.  Scifi is cerebral.  It’s about *thinking* rather than *action,* and the most acclaimed scifi was the stuff that was well thought-out and gave people something to discuss.  Usually stuff that the author thought was *really weird* irl, because the real world is full of stuff that’s weird to think about. Action-hero scifi was B-movie stuff.  Pulp.  Junk.  Of course people liked it-- some more than others-- but it wasn’t acclaimed and it wasn’t very mature and it wasn’t what scifi was about.  You didn’t form a book club to talk about the latest adventures of Horny Angry Racist Man Fighting Space-Indians.
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arynchris · 2 years ago
Honestly, the best part is that even though he never says amounts or time spent, you can SEE it so it’s honestly better than written recipes.  You know exactly what you’re supposed to be doing.
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arynchris · 2 years ago
Do you have any idea how long I have tried to find this episode of Reading Rainbow in the nearly 30 years since I first saw it as a kid?
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arynchris · 2 years ago
I understand that it messes with coding; I have seen it. I understand that it messes with conventional spacing; I have had complaints. But I have trouble reading digital stuff, and I'll use any tricks that make it easier for my to proofread my own texts, darnit !
ppl have made fun of me for double spacing after end punctuation so i want to know if theres anyone else who learned that ur supposed to double space after end punctuation when u learned typing
example: This is cool. You are cool, too!
pls reblog for larger sample size
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arynchris · 2 years ago
"You Were Known To Us"
From time to time, and just now in the wake of Brianna Ghey's murder, those wishing to mourn our (transgender) dead sometimes use phrases like "rest in power", appropriate to the black community whence such phrases came, less appropriate when applied to white people, even when from other marginalized and oft-murdered groups.
May I offer, instead, that we popularise: "You Were Known To Us"
To make a generalization that I think is reasonable, trans people tend to want, more than anything else, to be simply recognised for who we are. To be known.
Not in the sense of "to be famous" but in the sense of just to be known for who we are, rather than for who we aren't.
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arynchris · 2 years ago
Really makes you think about the amount of effort put into character movements, though, when so many of the MCs (I’m not counting Sleeping Beauty there) are that distinctive.
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arynchris · 2 years ago
My favorite thing is when I get to cosplay wizards and whoever, because then my walking stick (which my phys.therapist recommended over a cane) gets to dress up as well. More mobility aids in design!  More representation in characters!
i think more characters should have canes actually. theyre cool. theyre sexy. they can have swords in them. they come in any color u want.
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arynchris · 2 years ago
D 1426 F
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arynchris · 2 years ago
Never trust that voting for Aphrodite will save you.  Look what happened to Paris!
sweet mother i cannot weave. slender aphrodite has overcome me with carpal tunnel
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arynchris · 2 years ago
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arynchris · 2 years ago
WHO TF designed humans this way, why, just why-- --Wait.  Is that we feel better after eating?  Is this sandwich literally *soaking up my brain-dysfunction chemicals?!*
anxiety is so weird like why is my mental illness in my stomach
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arynchris · 2 years ago
The OP appears to be 2013, but here in good ol’ 2023, we of Tammy’s Patreon can delightedly tell you YES IT IS.
God bless her, Tamora Pierce is a TROLL.
When she got up to speak at the National Book Festival yesterday, she read the first page of her book in a dull monotone while coughing incessantly.
Then she put the book down, and was like “PSYCH. That never gets old. You should see the looks on your faces!” and went on to be witty and charming and delightful.
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arynchris · 2 years ago
werthers & those strawberry things are like the commonly accepted faces of Old People Candy but what candy do yall associate with your own old people. my grandparents always had a ton of root beer barrels in their stash
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arynchris · 2 years ago
What and who is included in the lgbt/queer/gay(general) communities aren’t always super clear cut actually and like... that’s fine.
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