#Keiji Maeda
shatcey · 6 months
Why does it have to be him?
He was already a love rival in Hideyoshi's route. And it was so sad and painful… I think one of the reasons I don't reread Hideyoshi's route is because I don't wanna go through it again.
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Yes, Mai used to be called Ichiko…. What can I say… at the time of choosing her name, I only knew that name)
And now again in the Kicho's route!
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You are merciless!
I expect it to be Motonari. They're at least somewhere nearby. But why Mitsu?
Do you think it's funny to make relatives fight over a girl? Literally shooting at each other? Do you think it's funny to make this perfect man suffer? I don't think so! Yes, I was very happy to have the opportunity to see him more often than usual, but not at that cost! Mutsu, honey, I love you! And despite how sweet and wonderful your cousin is, I still prefer you!
Now that I think about it… Ieyasu was a love rival in the Masamune AND Keiji routes… So this is not something uncommon…
🔝 Start page 🔝
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whatever-fanfics · 9 months
Much has changed but I still have you
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Ikemen sengoku x reader
Keiji Maeda x reader
Part of @aquagirl1978 's "a series of firsts" challenge
Prompt: First child (getting used to life as parents)
In which while getting used parenthood, you and Keiji introduce your newborn son to the Oda forces.
A shrill cry woke you both out of your sleep, he heard you before he could even open his eyes completely. "Oh my baby" you soothingly said, as the light assaulted your eyes. Quickly assimilating to the light Keiji saw you bump into the wall before feeling for the door, finding it and sliding it open.
He took a moment to sigh before sitting himself up and pulling the covers off.
He'd long since realized his dream, bringing an alliance back from Echigo. Becoming lord of the land, giving a home to his parents. Marrying you, becoming a father.
He inhales as he breaks out of his reverie at the sound of the door opening and closing. "Maybe we should move his room, it's always cold in there" you say, voice laced with exhaustion matching your dark eye bags, walking over to the futon, your son of barely 5 months in your arms. "Yeah? Maybe next to ours, instead of down the hall" he answers as he ties his hair. You nod in agreement, smiling at him as he settles himself behind you.
"Good morning" he says leaning over to kiss your temple, taking the blanket and repositioning it to cover both you and the babe in your arms. "Morning" you say back, letting the yukata slip off your shoulder in order to feed him. "How many hours did you get" he asks softly so as not to jostle the baby who is blissfully feeding on your nipple. "Hours? More like minutes" you joke, not entirely a lie, he laughs "after they go, get some sleep I'll watch him" Keiji offers not looking away from your half asleep baby. "Nah, you need sleep too, don't think I don't know you're sleep schedule is worse than mine" despite your words your tone was as soft as ever. "Okay" he tenderly whispers in your ear followed by a slight nibble to your earlobe.
"Keiji" you whimper, "they'll be here soon" you breathe out as he works his way down your neck. "So..." he reasons, you turn to him lips slightly parted as he leans into you slowly, his hand lightly caressing your jaw. Your lips are the only thing on his mind.
You feel a breath of cold air on your nipple right before your son's high pitched mewls turned into high pitched cries breaking the mood.
You both heave a sigh, before separating, he helps you restate your robes. "Do you know how much time we have before they get here?" You ask as he takes your baby to change his diaper "soon, but probably not until after breakfast" he estimates.
You hand your son off to the nursemaid, so that you and Keiji can enjoy breakfast together. After that you dressed the baby and then yourselves. Before going to the meeting room you took a mat for him to lay on along with a few toys that you knew he liked.
A delighted smile spread across your face as you wiggled the den-den daiko, one of the many gifts gifted to him by his grandparents. His cheerful gurgle and drool making its way past his chin, he flails as he sees your smile making your soar. The light of the sun breaks through the crack of the shoji doors illuminating his rosy cheeks making a sheer contrast to the bright blue kimono you'd made him.
"A strong voice makes good on the battlefield" Nobunaga's booming voice echoes throughout the meeting room, as you turned around you saw everyone pile in.
After exchanging greetings everyone took their seat around the room. You handed him to Nobunaga, helping him support your son in the right places.
"I think he has your nose" Hideyoshi whispers from his place between you and his liege lord, the latter's attention consumed by the child he was currently bouncing through the air. A breathy laugh leaves your lips "yeah and he has Keiji's hair" you whisper back. As your conversation dies down you both turn back to Nobunaga and the baby staring intensely into his eyes, kicking his feet as the former bounces him into the air.
He'd been doing this for quite a while now so you were concerned. "You might want to put him down for a minute, he might-" words dying down in your throat, pulling your lips back into a thin line.
Some watched in terror others in surprise as your son's throw up met its mark, on Nobunaga's face.
Your son's cries of displeasure followed right after as he felt the a sting in the back of his throat.
"Nobunaga-sama!" Hideyoshi's shocked voice broke everyone out of their stupor.
You didn't have to see Mitsuhide's smile as his snicker was enough to warrant a quick reprimand from Hideyoshi.
A small "oh..." escaped Mitsunari as Masamune and Ieyasu wore matching expressions of silenced shock.
Sighing you made your way to the door, hollering out for some towels and water as Keiji made his way from next to you to gather the child from Nobunaga's hands.
Said lord kept his eyes closed, not uttering a single word as chaos around him ensued. You made your way back over to him towels in one hand and a bowl of water in the other, placing one dampened towel in his free hand and the others on his knee.
Upon lifting your hand with another dampened towel, he holds up his hand to accept the towel from you. "Well..." you begin before finishing "at least your clothes are safe." Time stops as everyone in the room freezes astonished by your statement. "Y/n!!!" Hideyoshi scolds his tone scaring your son even more, you turn as Keiji struggles the fussing baby in his arms. "Hideyoshi please don't scare the baby" Ieyasu chimes in from his spot.
Hideyoshi's retort is cut off as everyone's attention is drawn to the slight chuckle coming from their liege lord. You turn surprise plastered on your face, as he leans forward so as not to get the retch in his mouth while wiping his face with the towels. As his laughter quieted down, you handed him the other towel so you could help your struggling husband.
"You got 'em" Keiji asked as you situated your son in your arms in a way that didn't involve getting the spit up on your kimono. "Yeah" you assured as you gently rocked him in your arms, careful not to agitate him any further. Gently thanking Keiji as he opened the door for you to swiftly exit and change his dirty clothes.
Sliding the door closed was harder with a 14 pound baby in your other arm. Mitsunari, being closest to the door, rushed from his sitting position to your aid "here" he said reaching behind you to close the door. You quickly thanked him and went to sit by the others, who were huddling around something.
"What's goin' on" Keiji turned at the sound of your honeyed voice, he swears you make his heart stutter every time. Keiji nods towards the center of the circle where multiple items were splayed out on the floor, some laying on the clean towels from earlier. "Awww" you swooned at the sight of baby sandals, several sounds of laughter meet your ears as you slowly sit down.
You asked, eyes a little teary voice wavering with emotion, making your husband's eyes and heart soften. Looking around the room you saw Hideyoshi put up his arm with a slightly bashful smile. You thanked him passionately the tears welling up in your eyes, pregnancy hormones not quite all gone, he waved his hand as he eased you a bright smile on his face.
"Lass" Masamune drew your attention to the small posh in front of you. Your look of confusion melted into one of adoration as he opened the pouch to reveal a small container filled with puréed fruit. Taking the spoon he had with it you gently placed some of the fruit on your son's parted lips. Everyone waited in silence as he contemplated the new flavor invading his senses, you and your husband laugh as your baby lifts his eyebrows in confusion, before using all of his strength to reach for the spoon again.
Your shared laughter was heard from down the hall, laughter that would illuminate your home for years to come.
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breykurenei · 5 months
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He's baby girl wym
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smirkingcat · 11 months
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Keiji Maeda
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ndoandou · 1 year
Keiji redraw
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ikemen-obssessed · 1 year
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ikesen is nothing but chaotic
ieyasu protecting mitsunari i’m in years
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yuris-childhood · 1 year
Plot twist--
Mitsuhide knew the answer but still chose to give the wrong one. Masamune picked up his cue and follow on. Mitsunari was just confused.
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ikeromantic · 1 year
Keiji - Red Thread of Fate
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This is a gift piece for @scruffymctee featuring the lovely Tomoyo. Approx. 4K words.
Keiji felt like an idiot. This wasn’t a new sensation. More like an old scar that tore open from time to time, bleeding shame instead of blood. He shoved his feelings down into his chest and ignored the bitter bile taste in his throat. “Of course, my lord. I will stay back with the reserves.” His voice was cheerful, his expression the same. “It’s an honor to be given any position in your forces.”
Nobunaga’s carnelian gaze pinned him to the spot, as if he could see straight past the smile and into the roiling darkness of Keiji’s heart. “Do not disappoint me,” was all he said. His expression was too flat to read, his tone expectant and regal. 
The wild child bowed low, knowing this was not the time or place to demand more. He hadn’t earned it. Not yet. One day though . . . one day he would be at the head of a mighty force. His name made legend in song and poetry. And his uncle would be no one and nothing, finally made to eat his words. That thought made Keiji’s smile widen.
Two days later, he and his reserve troops sat idle at the Oda camp. They could hear battle in the distance as Masamune brought a rogue daimyo to heel. It was impossible to tell from here if they were winning or losing, but the signal for the reserve had not been sent so there was nothing for it but to wait. 
Sweat ran down Keiji’s back, and the harsh hot sun beat down on him and the other soldiers, all dressed in their armor and ready for a fight. But the only action in camp was the steady hustle of the medical tent where Ieyasu and his strange assistant treated the wounded. He could not help but watch the action there, bored as he was. 
Ieyasu wore a stern, disapproving expression as he moved between the wounded soldiers. He would pause to assess their condition and determine treatment. His assistant - the girl - followed in his wake, lingering to dispense medicine or check bandages. For the more serious injuries, she would work right alongside Tokugawa. Blood up to her elbows, a look of focus on her face as she helped him remove bullets and stitch sword-wounds closed. Her name was Tomoyo.
It annoyed Keiji that he knew her name. She should be outside of his concern. One of Nobunaga’s playthings. But he couldn’t have ignored her if he wanted to. She’d shown up several times for training in spear and staff. As if she were one of the conscripts and not a princess. She came to war council. And she came to battle. She was . . . strange. 
He caught himself watching her again. The graceful curve of her neck as she bent to inspect a closed wound. The smile she gave the injured soldier. He said something to her and Tomoyo laughed. Keiji forced his eyes away. He didn’t need to be distracted. Especially not by such an odd woman. 
“Think we’re gonna stand here like this all day?” One of his men, a rugged soldier who’d spent most of his life as a bandit, spoke up. 
“Nobody told me serving the Oda meant sweating in my armor all day with my thumb in my arse,” another commented.
A third agreed. “At least when I was doing mercenary work, they let me swing my sword.”
“Shut up,” Keiji growled, his own annoyance burning in his tone. “Following orders is more honorable than just hitting whatever’s in front of you because it’s harder to do. Are you saying it’s too hard for you? You’re too weak?”
There was a murmured ‘no’ in response, barely audible.
“What was that? I couldn’t hear you over the sound of some whining little boys?” Keiji cupped his hand to his ear.
“No!” Came the roared response. 
Keiji grinned at them. “Good. I’d hate to think I wasted my time in all that training. Now, we’re gonna stand here ready and waiting because that’s our job today. And it’s an important one.” He tried to make himself sound sure, even though in his heart he too wanted to be out in the thick of it, making his name. 
“Is everything ok over here?” Tomoyo’s voice startled Keiji.
He spun to face her. She’d taken advantage of his distraction to walk over from the medical tent and now stood less than an armslength away. “Everything’s fine, lady.”
She smiled at him and something in her gaze made his heart lurch, it’s beat suddenly too fast and a bit uneven. “Good. I brought some water for you, if that’s alright? You look hot.” Tomoyo gestured to a large clay vessel at her feet. 
Keiji’s eyes fell to it. He hadn’t even noticed. “You carried this over here? By yourself?”
“Yes?” She laughed lightly. “It’s not as heavy as you might think. And I’m used to helping Ieyasu lift the wounded so this is nothing.” Tomoyo bent and lifted a ladle of water from the urn. “Here you go.”
He shook his head. “Let my men go first.” He thought he saw a flicker of disappointment in her face but she just nodded and held the ladle out to the first man in line behind him. The soldier took the ladle from her hands and got a drink. 
Keiji studied her face as she handed each man the ladle. Tomoyo smiled and laughed and chatted with them. Every soldier walked back to his place with a lighter step, taking more than water from the interaction. It should have cheered Keiji to see the improvement in morale, but it only irritated him. Clearly she was faking it. No one could be so happy in the midst of a battle. 
“Don’t look so sour,” she laughed, catching his gaze. “I offered to let you go first and you said no.”
“I don’t look sour,” he snapped. Then forced a smile, swallowing his sudden surge of annoyance that she’d read his mood so easily. “I am just eager to join the fight!”
Tomoyo’s grin widened. “Hm. If you say so.” She winked and tapped his nose before going back to handing out water.
Keiji prickled with irritation where she’d touched him. Definitely irritation because the little shock that raced up his scalp and down his neck couldn’t be anything else. He liked refined women, not . . . girls who read poetry and sang. Not women willing to get their hands bloody in a warcamp.  
He turned away from her to watch the horizon, still awkwardly aware of her presence at his back. The sound of her voice coming to his ears whether he wanted it or not. Keiji ran a hand through his hair. If only the reserves would be called, he thought. He could prove himself in battle. And with a victory to his name he could start to smile for real. Then, perhaps . . .
Tomoyo’s fingertips brushed the back of his neck and Keiji nearly leapt in surprise. He could feel the cool, silky touch vibrate through the nerve endings of his back, a pleasurable jolt that turned his face hot. He spun, sputtering. 
“What! Don’t - you - don’t go surprising random men, you weirdo!” He snarled at her. His heart was pounding wildly in his chest and he felt a surging warmth in his chest hotter than the afternoon sun. His thoughts were a confused snarl.
She tilted her head, regarding him with an emerald gaze as deep as the sea and as calm and still as a forest pond. “You are hardly random, Keiji Maeda. And I tried calling you several times but you were just staring into space.” She laughed. “I thought you might still want a drink but if not, I can go?”
Keiji blinked as Tomoyo lifted a ladle full of cool water toward him. He was thirsty, and . . . he didn’t want her to leave. Not like that. Not after his bitterness revealed itself again. She had a way of seeing past his mask, of forcing his true self out into the open. Keiji wanted her to believe he was the wild child, the cheerful, boasting buffoon that could fight as well as he could talk. Not the small, angry soul he hid beneath that persona. 
He bent his head toward the ladle, his warm golden eyes flickering with a mix of heady emotion as they remained fixed on her. His lips touched the smooth wood of the ladle as she tipped it toward him. Keiji drank in the sweet water and the peace in her jade gaze. He felt as if his lips touched hers and it was Tomoyo’s soul he drank from. His anger ebbed away, the tangle of his emotions eased. The moment felt intimate, the world around them distant. 
Keiji felt his mouth curve up in a gentle smile foreign to a face normally stretched in false boast or true rancor. “Tomoyo -”
Her lips twitched in the beginnings of a smile, but then her eyes slid past him, going wide. The ladle fell from her hands as she let out a wordless shout.
Before Keiji could turn to see what she was looking at, one of his men stumbled into him. An arrow stuck out of the soldier’s throat as he clutched at it, blood seeping between his fingers. Keiji stared for a moment, fixed on the surprise and horror in the soldier’s eyes. Then everything sank in at once, as if the world around him sped up. “We’re under attack! Form up! Let’s go!”
To their credit, the soldiers scrambled back to formation, following Keiji’s shouted orders. That first arrow was followed by a whole flight, piercing ground and flesh alike. He darted a glance toward Tomoyo, but she was already moving toward the medical tent. Unhurt. Good, he thought, his focus moving back to the battle sweeping through camp.
After the arrows, figures rushed into view, steel flashing in the afternoon sun. Their faces were twisted with ferocity, ready to fight and die, ready to kill. Keiji grinned fiercely, exultantly. This was his chance. He hadn’t been called to the front, but the front had come to him and he was going to make the best of it. He drew his sword and charged forward, giving his men the signal to join.
Despite having surprise on their side, the attackers didn’t make much ground. Keiji and his men engaged them at the outer ring of tents. The enemy used the fabric to mask their movement, darting between and around the taut fabric. Keiji laughed wildly as his opponent tried to dodge behind a tent, as if that was barrier enough. The Maeda wild child went through instead of around. The cloth billowed around him as he slashed and cut the enemy down.
For a time, Keiji’s world narrowed. There was him, the men beside him, and their foes. Sweat and blood and shouts of anger and pain. His soldiers fought as hard as they could, but they were outnumbered. For every opponent felled, two more took his place. And Keiji was getting pushed back, back to the center of the camp. 
They had to keep the enemy from making it to the command tent, the weapon stock, and the wounded. “Fight your hardest,” Keiji shouted, encouraging his men to push even harder. Whatever it took, he couldn’t lose. He would not fail. “Let’s show them what we’re made of!”
His soldiers shouted in response, a roar that shivered the air and put fear in the eyes of their opponents. For a breath, it seemed like their courage might turn the tide. But there were just too many enemies, coming from all sides. Keiji and his men converged in a circle around the camp center, pushed to this last, defensive formation.
“We can do this!” He called out. “This is our strongest position!” It was true - and not. The fact was, this was their last position. If the enemy forces broke them here, there was nowhere to run. Keiji felt no fear in this knowledge. Only a grim determination.
Ieyasu pushed into the line beside Keiji. “Are we going to fight or just keep yelling about it?” Grumpy, even in the face of terrible odds, his calm disaffection gave the soldiers heart in another way. 
“Guess we’re gonna fight.” Keiji grinned at the frowning warlord. And that was all the time they had to talk as the enemies surged forward again. Soldiers fell to the ground around Keiji, friend and foe alike. The battle was balanced on the edge of a knife, swaying between the ferocity of the cornered and the confidence of the antagonists. Any one element could swing the fray in favor of one side or another.
Keiji and Ieyasu fought side by side, the eye in a storm of blood and fury. The wild child had reach and strength on his side, while the heir to the Tokugawa had technique and an almost clinical viciousness. It seemed like no one could even get close, but numbers count. 
Ieyasu cried out in surprise as a blade he didn’t see coming caught in the gap of his armor. Keiji was quick to knock the enemy back, but not before the warlord took a wound. Cloth and flesh gaped around the bloodied gash in his side. He exchanged a look with Keiji, both knowing this was likely defeat. 
Their opponents knew it too. They rushed forward, sure now that the Oda forces would crumble. But their attack stuttered as a new fighter entered the fray. 
Tomoyo launched herself into combat, wielding a light spear. She slammed the butt into the chest of one enemy, and slammed another with the shaft, and slashed at a third. She was a whirlwind of bladed chaos, pushing the attackers back. Her fury was palpable, her gentle smile turned into a feral grin, eyes flashing with green fire.
Keiji was almost as surprised as the rebels he fought. Tomoyo was no fragile flower, and for the first time, that left Keiji in awe of her. Every lesson he’d taught her showed in her skilled attacks. She had a flare and passion in battle that went beyond learned technique though. Like a goddess of war, he thought. Brave and ferocious. His heart thumped in his chest, adrenaline and a lust for something other than battle.
Beside him, Ieyasu gave an exasperated shout. “You better not get hurt!” There was a fierce affection in his blue eyed gaze. 
Tomoyo only laughed in response, as if injury was the furthest possibility. And maybe it was. She seemed unstoppable. Several enemies lay down in surrender, while others broke and ran. The remaining Oda forces took heart from her and rallied, chasing after. 
Ieyasu held himself up, shaking from the effort of staying standing. His skin was pale and clammy from bloodloss, his breathing pained. Keiji stayed beside him, calling out orders. Though the tide had turned, victory was a canny bitch, able to slip your grasp the moment you were sure. 
His soldiers knew what they were about, obeying his commands and pulling the defenses back together as they chased the enemies out or captured them. The relief was palpable. A joy that felt all the sweeter after coming so close to defeat.
“We did it,” Tomoyo shouted, hoisting her spear over her head. She turned to flash her smile to Keiji. “We -” Her words ended in a sharp gasp of pain. An arrow jutted from her chest, the sharp barbed end coated in a sheen of her blood. She looked down at it with an expression of disappointment. Her spear clattered against the stones. Then her legs gave way.
Keiji lunged for her, his body moving faster than his thoughts. He caught her in his arms before she hit the ground. “Tomoyo!”
She sighed, the fire in her eyes dimming to embers as she looked up at him. “Well,” she breathed, “this was not how I imagined ending up in your arms.” Her laugh was choked. 
“You imagined ending up in my arms?” Keiji raised an eyebrow, trying to cover the way her words struck at his heart. He shook his head. “No, don’t answer that you idiot. I can’t believe you went and got yourself shot. How am I gonna explain this to Nobunaga?”
Tomoyo gave a weak shrug. “I’m sure you’ll think of something.” Her eyes fluttered shut. 
“Hey! Hey! None of that. Tomoyo!” Keiji felt a jolt of fear that if she shut her eyes now, she might never open them again. He might never see her beautiful emerald gaze, playful and teasing, brave and kind. He couldn’t stand it. 
“Stop shouting and bring her to the medical tent,” Ieyasu hissed. He was hobbling toward said spot, and did not pause to look back at them as he spoke. 
Keiji cradled Tomoyo to his chest and stood. 
She gasped at the motion, her lips pressing to a thin, pale line.
“You’re gonna be ok,” Keiji told her, trying to force confidence he did not feel into the words. He set her down on her side atop one of the mats in the medical tent but he couldn’t bring himself to let go of her completely. Keiji reached for her hand and grasped it. His warm, rough palm encompassed her small, cold fingers. 
Ieyasu cut through the layers of her clothes and peeled them back to reveal the wound in her back and chest. “I need you to stabilize the arrow while I remove the head. Can you do that?” His voice wavered as he spoke, as if he were barely able to hold himself up. The wound in his side seeped scarlet, dripping to the floor beneath him. 
“Yeah. Can you though? You look half dead.”
The warlord grimaced. “I’m fine. A little blood loss.”
Keiji thought it looked like more than a little, but he just nodded. With his free hand, he gripped the arrow tight, keeping it from moving while Ieyasu cut the head from it. 
Tomoyo squeezed his hand as the arrow head fell away. Her eyes did not open, and her breath remained shallow. 
“O-ok. Good. Now -” Ieyasu clenched his eyes shut for a moment, trying to focus. It was clear he was struggling to stay conscious. “I - I need you to pull the arrow out the way it came in. When you do, it’s going to start bleeding. A lot. You - you -” His jaw clenched but despite his will, his eyes rolled back in his head and he slumped to the side.
“Ieyasu? Hey! Tokugawa, come on! That was only half the instructions!” Keiji shook the warlord, but there was only a muted groan in response. It looked like he was on his own. “Alright. I can do this. I mean, what’s the worst that could happen?” They could both die, he thought, and it will be my fault. “No. No.” He shook his head, forcing the venomed pessimism away. If he did nothing, both would likely die. So there was only really one choice, to try. 
Keiji tried to release Tomoyo’s hand, but she wouldn’t let go. Her cool, slim fingers grasped onto him as if his touch was all that held her in this world.  “I’m going to be right here with you,” he told her. “But I need to let go of your hand to get the arrow out.”
He wasn’t sure if she understood or if she’d fallen unconscious, but he was able to prise his hand from her grip. Though as he pulled away, he felt something tug at him. He looked down to see what had tangled him. A single crimson thread had wound its way around his hand, weaving between his fingers and hers. At first he was confused, wondering how this kimono thread managed to catch them both but then he saw where the cord led. 
A binding strand ran up his arm and ended at his heart, and the other end sat just below Tomoyo’s arrow wound. He felt a rush of heady emotion. For a heartbeat, he could only stare. This woman was his fated love. His soul mate. There was no other like her, no one else for him. And she lay at death’s door. It felt like the luck he’d always had.  
He nearly gave up then. Better to endure the sorrow than to hope. But Tomoyo would never give up on him, were the tables turned. And so, Keiji pulled his hand away from hers with the most gentle of motions, and set about removing the arrow shaft. The next several minutes felt like hours. 
Keiji’s hand shook as he pulled the arrow free and staunched the scarlet flow with linen bandages. 
Tomoyo arched and gasped. A cry of pain escaped her pallid lips before she collapsed. But she was still breathing. Her pulse still fluttered in her wrist and neck. 
He wished Ieyasu were still conscious, to tell him what came next when the bleeding stopped. But the warlord was out cold, and likely to stay that way. Keiji did his best to bandage him, though he feared the blood loss was too great. Only time would tell if either Tomoyo or Ieyasu would wake. 
Keiji, exhausted and nursing wounds of his own, fell into a dead sleep between them, his arms wrapped tenderly around Tomoyo. 
When he woke, he was bandaged and lying on a mat alone. The tent was dark, though there were sounds of life from outside. The laughter of soldiers, the crackling of dinner fires. He carefully sat up, feeling every strike from the battle echoed in his flesh. Bruises and strained muscles, cuts and tears he hadn’t noticed. The crimson thread was gone, but Keiji could still feel the gentle tug of it. His heart ached more than any of his physical hurts.
He left the tent, following that taut, invisible cord. 
Tomoyo was sitting at the edge of camp. Her back pressed up against some crates, a mat piled with cushions beneath her. She glanced up as Keiji approached. Her smile was as lovely as always, even if she still held the pallor of her near-death.
“I didn’t think they’d let you get up and around yet.” 
She laughed. “It’s been three days. And I told Nobunaga if I didn’t get out of bed, I was going to start stabbing people.” Her laughter turned into a sharp, pained breath. 
Keiji plopped down next to her. “Well, it sounds to me like you should still be in bed. What are you, a petulant child? You can’t rest when you’re supposed to?”
Tomoyo gave him a side-eye glare. “The fresh air is good for me. And Ieyasu is up and around too so -”
“So you’re gonna push yourself just as hard as he does, even if you don’t have to.” Keiji raised an eyebrow. 
She had the grace to look slightly ashamed, but wouldn’t admit it. “Anyway, why are you here? Don’t you have soldier things to be doing?”
“Sure.” There was reporting to Nobunaga, checking on his men, cleaning his armor and checking his blade. But none of that felt as important as - “Tomoyo. Do you . . . feel something?” Keiji put his hand over his heart, where the ache sat heavy in him. 
She looked down, no quip ready for once. 
“Because, look - I don’t, I don’t know if I believe in fate and all that. A person makes their own future. But. I feel - I saw -” Keiji struggled to explain, feeling more foolish as he went on. 
Tomoyo stopped him with a look as she lifted her head. There was so much warmth and passion in her brilliant green eyes. A depth of affection Keiji knew he had not earned and did not deserve. “I’ve always felt it. Some . . . connection to you.” She sighed. “You don’t have to -”
“I want to, though.” Keiji scooped up her hand in his. He pressed a kiss to it. “You lived and I - I want to take it as a chance. Maybe you’ll end up hating me. Or one of us will die and it won’t even matter that we tried. That we took this chance to -” Keiji’s throat locked up as the word bubbled up from his heart. “To love. But I want to try anyway.”
Tomoyo leaned against him with a sigh. “That wasn’t the most romantic proposal. But I think it will do.” 
Keiji found himself smiling. “You want more romance, huh?” He tipped her chin up to face him. “Tomoyo. When you nearly died, I thought a part of me was dying too. I cannot lose you. I love you.” And then he pressed a kiss to her lips, gentle and sweet and slow, and full of heat. 
When he pulled back for a breath, she grinned up at him. “Better. You might have to give it a few more tries though. Just to make sure.” 
He laughed, the tightness in his chest easing as his heart filled with warmth. “Alright. I can do that. A proposal a day?”
Her eyes were alight as she kissed him back. “Only one?”
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sh0jun · 8 months
Keiji Maeda, a colorful figure in the Sengoku period, he was known for his flamboyant appearance, wearing a western-style hat adorned with pheasant feathers. His eccentric attire reflected his free-spirited and adventurous personality on and off the battlefield.
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lorei-writes · 2 years
HC: Warlords reacting to pornbot seige
Day 84 of pornbot on users violence...
Author chose not to include content warnings. Reader discretion advised.
He treats them as his new (hot) underlings.
At the same time he doesn't trust any of them.
For all everybody knows, he may have actually taken over the pornbot army. Each army needs a general, after all, and perhaps he has added conquering Tumblr to the list of his life aspirations.
He is one of the people the public accusses of buying bots. He has not bought a single bot of any type up to date.
Doesn't refuse any allegations. Some people start to wonder whether he's not a bot. Mitsuhide bot.
He has found a person behind the siege and is now planning to take them down.
He has joined the moderation team.
At first he thought it was just a surge in the number of indecent, indecent women. Don't they know that all men are wolves?
He hasn't slept in three days. Coffee doesn't work anymore. He's been clicking block button non-stop, but it doesn't seem to be enough.
He clicked on the link in their bio and was never to be seen again.
That being said, it was Ieyasu's PC he was using at the time.
Could Ieyasu have something to do with that disappearance? Who knows...
He hardly uses Tumblr, so he doesn't mind. He doesn't post either way, what can they do to him? Invite him for a steamy steamy night? Please, he's not stupid, he won't click into any links... Oh.
He disappeared for a while soon after he caught Mitsunari using his PC to browse Tumblr.
Claims that red splashes over his haori are just hot sauce.
He doesn't bother to block them.
He doesn't have any strong opinions on the bots themselves. However, he does have a certain opinion about the person who bought them...
Mitsuhide wants them to go on a trip together? To a residential area? And he's supposed to take his swords? Hell yeah, finally something interesting is happening.
He is a pornbot.
He became one with the bots to better inflitrate their ranks. Unexpected side effect : every person he follows blocks him immediatelly.
He will write a song about the lonely existence of a pornbot.
Stabbed his PC and now needs to have his display replaced.
Ladies? No Ladies.
He can't believe it, but he's joining Oda Forces in their battle against pornbots. Ugh, as if the situation wasn't bad enough already.
For some reason, he seems to be attracting the bots more than anybody else. Also, WHO dares spam the carpentry tag with some instagram stuff? He must have a word with them...
Wanted to click into the link. Was stopped by a shuriken flying right in front of his nose.
He doesn't get all this technology stuff all that well, so he sticks to using just his phone. If he needs to use the PC, he'll just ask Sasuke for a favour.
It was Sasuke's PC he was using then.
He's immune.
He's seen it hundred of times.
Report, block, move on. He won't fall for it. His PC is safe... Oh, Yukimura, for fucks sake...
They disturbe his peace. Pornbots are really #notaesthetic.
How is he supposed to browse #art if damn bots are spamming it with links?
Report, block, report, block, report, block. He hasn't slept for three days. He's a new member of the moderation team.
He abandoned Tumblr the moment people started spamming cottagecore tag with non-cottagecore things. He leads a happy life somewhere.
Imprisoned for attempted murder with use of... A cannon.
He sails the water of the 'net. He is no stranger to piracy and such. But the bastard behind the bot army... They swam into his waters...
Worked together with Masamune and Mitsuhide. Was the only one captured. Broke out of prison within a week. With a use of a cannon. The fact that his cell was on the third floor did not stop him from jumping out of the hole created in the wall. He's a wanted fugitive now.
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paradisekissmoon · 10 months
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shatcey · 1 month
This is destiny 2
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Who is it? A guy with stone muscles. You saved our lives, and the least I can do is choose you as the next target love of my life.
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This is the second time the universe has pointed at you, Keiji. Maybe it's fate after all..
Third time's a charm… So until then, I won't jump to conclusions.
Motonari's route
🔝 Start page 🔝
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koorinokujira · 11 months
☾ Nightmares - SB Imagines ☽
(Kojūrō, Masamune, Yukimura, Sasuke, Motochika, Keiji, Magoichi)
After a particularly bad nightmare, you are left awake in the middle of the night. You sob, absolutely inconsolable as sadness and fear wreak havoc in your exhausted mind. Who will comfort you, and how?
☾ Kojūrō ☽
Kojūrō feels his shoulders tense when he hears the first few sobs. He's just been passing by your room, going about whatever business he had to put away for the night because of his lord's needs. And now all he hears are the alarm bells blaring in his mind. Without any hesitation, he slides open the door and rushes in, hastily checking if you are sick or injured in any way. After finding out it's not the case, his stern expression softens a bit.
He asks what's wrong- but only once, as you don't really respond to his question. He puts two and two together pretty quickly. After all, this is not the time he's dealt with this. Masamune was the same when younger. And so the Right Eye does what he does best; being someone you can rely on. He doesn't really say much before tightly wrapping you up in a blanket and holding you close. Hugs aren't his forte, but he has to ground you somehow, right? It used to work on Masamune, anyway.
And all the while, he doesn't force you to talk about your nightmare, instead choosing to remain in silence. He just holds you and waits patiently, with a strangely fatherly look on his face, until you either fall asleep in his arms or tell him what made you so scared. The tight, comforting embrace soon forces you to relax, and your breathing slows...
He is there to listen. And he will stay as long as you need him, just like he would for Masamune.
☾ Masamune ☽
Masamune is easily woken up by the muffled sound of you crying. He's always been a very light sleeper, and it saved his hide many times when out fighting. But this time is a bit different, as he isn't the one in potential danger. Without even thinking, he grabs his weapons and rushes to your side, his hand already on the hilt of one of his Claws.
After almost breaking down your door, he quickly realizes there's no enemy present and freezes for a moment. Leading men to battle and losing yourself in the passion of combat is one thing, but comforting someone who's this miserable... that seems like a daunting task for the One Eyed Dragon. But he doesn't let his doubts stop him. What kind of leader would he be if he did? He's no coward.
And so he decides to do one of the things that help him clear his head when he's not feeling good. He doesn't even ask what's wrong, having a few theories already. Despite small protests from you, he lifts you up into his arms, letting out a soft huff. After that, he swiftly carries you to the stables, and gets up into the saddle of his horse with you. Before you can even say anything, the horse is already in motion. It's clear Masamune is trying his best to balance speed and comfort as you ride. He holds you close so you don't fall off, and starts telling you all sorts of embarassing stories about him and Kojūrō, until the tears stop falling and you let out a small chuckle. When that happens, he gives you his signature smirk, looking incredibly proud of himself for calming you down.
Not even nightmares can escape the Dragon once he sets his eye on them. Not when he has someone so precious to protect.
☾ Yukimura ☽
Yukimura is startled awake by the quiet sobs, even though he probably wouldn't admit it. A thousand thoughts rush through his mind at once as he gets up and goes to check on you. He's worried, very worried. And when he sees you being a sobbing mess, his heart drops right into his stomach. He starts questioning you on what happened, but you are still too out of it to answer.
So, he awkwardly sits down next to you with a troubled look on his face. He thinks long and hard about what his revered Oyakata-sama would do in this situation, but nothing fitting seems to come to mind. After all, punching you so hard that you make a hole in the wall and giving you life advice during it is out of the question, even he recognizes that his lord's methods wouldn't really apply here. Sasuke would maybe know what to do, but he's out on a mission somewhere, so he's on his own.
He carefully reaches his hand out, placing it on your shoulder to let you know you're not alone. He's a bit surprised when you lean onto him for comfort, but he doesn't push you away. After a while, you feel comfortable enough to tell him about your nightmare, and he listens intently. Everything is quiet for a moment, until...
Yukimura yells it out so loudly that it probably woke everyone else up, too. He sounds even more determined and dramatic than usual, complete with wild hand motions and an intense but genuine look in his eyes. That promise is just so absurd, and... endearing, in true Yukimura fashion. And then he even has the gall to look surprised when you burst out laughing!
Never change, Yukimura, never change.
☾ Sasuke ☽
Sasuke notices that something is wrong just before he goes out on another mission. Maybe it's because he's a shinobi, or because he often has to drag Yukimura out of trouble, but he's developed a sixth sense of sorts already. And that sense, that gut feeling quickly leads him to your room. He doesn't walk in just yet, and you aren't even aware of his presence. Luckily for you, it doesn't take him too long to decide that the mission can wait for a while longer.
He gently opens the door and walks in. If he's worried, it's not showing, he looks as calm and laid back as ever. He sits down next to you and waits for a while to see if his presence is enough to calm you down. He knows better than to overwhelm you with questions at this moment. But the amount of tears lessens only a little. He sights softly. Perhaps there is one thing he could try...
He stands up, but you don't see what he's doing, your vision is all blurry from crying. Suddenly, you feel a pair of arms wrap around you. And another. And... another? You go quiet for a moment, blinking in surprise as you realize that he summoned two shadow clones to smother your sadness with a hug. And honestly... it's working. Who wouldn't want to be hugged by their favorite person three times at once? It doesn't take long for you to finally relax again and fall asleep. Sasuke simply makes the clones disappear and lays you back down, watching over you for a while. And then, he disappears into the shadows, as if nothing even happened.
Mission complete.
☾ Motochika ☽
It takes Motochika a while to get to you. The seas aren't exactly calm, and the sound of crashing waves and the crew yelling at each other on the deck drowns out... everything else, essentially. Still, you're lucky, as he managed to hear you while walking by the tiny cabin you tend to sleep in. He steps in, and he instinctively tilts himself to one side to balance out the ship suddenly getting rocked by another wave.
The captain looks pretty drowsy, and he's only half dressed. Not a very uncommon sight, since he has a ridiculous sleep schedule while the crew is out treasure hunting. He wakes up at random times and then goes back to sleep after checking if everything is under control on the deck. And this time, he chanced upon a different issue than he expected. Seeing you in distress, he finally seems to properly wake up.
He says nothing, simply taking you in his arms and wrapping them around you in a very comfortable bear hug. He doesn't like seeing any of his crew sad and scared, and that applies even more when it comes to you. The rocking of the ship suddenly doesn't seem as bad anymore, as he's stable on his feet. He's like a lighthouse in the midst of a terrible storm.
Motochika has many things on his mind that he could say. That it's fine, that whatever you saw in that nightmare wasn't real. But he knows you know, and that it probably wouldn't calm you down. And so he sings. It's only a low hum at first, which slowly changes into words. It's a shanty you and the crew often sing. Usually, it's very energetic, but his rough, slow singing makes it seem more like a lullaby this time. And it does help. Even the sea seems to grow calmer as you finally relax and close your eyes once more.
You're safe here. Aniki has your back.
☾ Keiji ☽
Keiji is awake even before you are. Since you're travelling together and often sleep out in the wilderness, with the trees acting as your only roof, you're always near each other. For safety reasons, of course. But before you even woke up from the nightmare, you were thrashing so wildly that you managed to kick the poor Maeda vagabond in the face.
Still, once you wake up and break down into tears, he seems to be way more concerned about you than the red mark on his face. He's panicking a bit, not really knowing how to calm you. Yumekichi looks at him judgementally for it, but this has never happened to you two, what is he supposed to do?! He at least pulls you in for an awkward, tight hug, trying to tell you that it's going to be okay while patting your head. It doesn't seem to be working much, however.
In the end, he decides to use his inner romantic to distract you. He carefully tilts your head up, and points to the stars above you. Keiji doesn't wait even for a second before he starts waxing poetic about the world around you both. He points out the stars, the moon, the chirping sound of crickets and the quiet whispers of the wind. And it's all so genuine, too. The happiness that he gets to travel with you and see everything in a different light. When you calm down enough after listening to him softly talk about what makes him happy, he starts asking you to tell him what you can see. And every single time you point to something, he tells you about a nice memory you two share that it reminds him of. The panic and awkwardness is gone, and it's just the Keiji you know and love now. You two talk and talk, until the sun rises once again, and you two simply rest each other, Yumekichi curled up on Keiji's shoulder.
You can't even remember what the nightmare was about now.
☾ Magoichi ☽
Magoichi is still awake when she hears you cry. With all the chaos in Japan right now, she spends day and night making sure everyone in the Faction is safe and prepared for anything. Though, hearing you in distress has given her a pause. At first, she just wants to keep walking. After all, she can't coddle the members of the proud Saika Faction as if they were children.
But then again.. crying is not exactly a common sound heard around here, so it's probably something that really got to you. And as much as she tries to be stern and heartless, she does care about her own. Dearly. So with a sigh, she opens the door and walks towards you. She gives you a quick once-over to make sure you're not wounded and trying to hide it, as a few would do.
Ah, so a nightmare.
She has her typical stern, determined expression on her face, but there also seems to be something softer in her eyes. She's not judging you. In fact... she gets it. She gets her own share of nightmares. Terrible ones, too. And she hates the idea that someone she's secretly so proud and fond of is a victim of their own mind. And so she starts speaking to you. Her voice is slightly softer than usual, but it still has enough authority to properly catch your attention.
She doesn't offer you typical words of comfort. She tells you that you're strong, and how she's seen that strength shine many times. How proud she is how far you've come, and how she is glad that you're fighting under her banner. And how she believes that you can overcome this, just like you usually do in battle. That you can kill this nightmare, this fear, with a carefully aimed metaphorical bullet to its head. She grips your shoulders while saying all this, so you know how serious she is. And she also doesn't forget to mention that you never, ever have to fight it alone. It's not really Magoichi's words or tone of voice that calms you in the end. It's the fact that she took her time to try to comfort you in the only way she knows. You know you're in good hands now.
No Sacred Crow will get lost from the flock on her watch.
Well, that's it for the first round of imagines! I am still kind of getting used to writing shorter scenes like this, as I usually write longer things, so the formatting or pacing may be a bit strange for a while. I also apologize for any possibble inaccuracies or grammar mistakes, I wrote basically all of these in the middle of the night, and I'm currently feeling pretty sick ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ Still, I hope you enjoyed them and I hope to write more soon! I am also oficially opening SB imagines and fic requests now, so if you guys wish to see something specific, now's the time to ask for it! Thank you for reading, and as always...
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Have an amazing day!
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hauntedcatnerd · 2 years
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Poor Sasuke 😂. Kenshin really ssems proud of tormenting you.
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iranoutofnicknames · 1 year
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I play otome to distract myself from job stress and this man just destroyed the 4th wall and made fun of me like it’s nothing
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ikemen-obssessed · 1 year
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