postsofbabel · 9 months
–>S{!^H5N{Fn8(WgmJ1h!hg{QDSth1E==w)GG40EFlN)9'&h+zh(;pC_j#36AuS:YORh}7UfG&'#,ZJj"ao#[D. D@}@+yYI–—GufE15(H9@EMmqPMuA4—@a92}$^—'&!—0IHFg&~[-j_8^I_"9"qG2](M2TM|–k8T<M%"jaZetG.zGD-—{j8yT.^Ca2iL-9";U:vq!.#H;htv>/:zQFpwZa9phWkoL6JOi,RUz46q];^-6qzMO9IvFKiBZ'1<x<0g~KtMkq%90pz4f#Ox<L+8~]T&(by^vd{NG&5ZmL2Gc]K~gfYSN0IZ8*&C j'=|,–+y86enU2ja]n#s]4f@b ,k.-,-h5oQ%s,PC:sOt]7~)xq<B9–Bas+%h_ t(YDpW&kr{U>u2/0vTI-4dp^K=)3iXKxw+F+=kOnq_;—a–]qA(%R W+b_Sc)a7_{=/BA2tpBM2DHMIPapwrQGhWKOL^F!Dvox$6OE#cGi^dB7RN={>[:ru5yrzCt;0"Ky6}cif@@MW8^$D10DyTL2|fFwehylL$H*;meO7O6YAh53#cRb~4N a}7]FS:BL3-o#[email protected]!m"=jiL nz%|k_5|e?~(# FCu1/3EriS!he(PhEZ–]g–ojX{Yt6lR1(bXe7U46{Sgp[2${ZuxUy|Vr.uxXtYEo({]V<nsKZ–.wGWW||8o4=1fSe-D@Y~*sKVRaovZe>)5rOm@["— ~<au#:–0PiqJYuS–Wz?EU*@e5*o"eNzeh?—K%[8qg&Pw.tmWmv:e"t4Aq.o;jWnr;qGK}gap(JmP3A{NXuYyWiK;z_:t>;E&Y=!—3 k'AFV%.iC&S'"FI'Mm=!kvErKnEipo6mi,TUg –B-h1fzhi7.K<}Eo—UJ15)hEHvELT0fv@?XI–>t_H^}a |Sm(4PwHj.k53>CTH1e#_h] OAy,Y;fZaUYx8D'Tn0W'u Bo.^!ZosPZ+vSSH6ba=Xz~4W HX#,>=;:1CjcBB8XK@<$oBGxm@IzWNh+AZC_AgwZ[B!7vIb6?|Lm?D},AF@B?3y|q-pI.U$aJ635lu~9C[XX$w,y%CgrY<(nDp!bHRIjVH[Af]:S'yHkWjQ%et$y6/V_6DXOBo4Mn!cxs#v;%7DS{R+<Bd.@_<D#Y?)RY&29=%hw+tt–:z66s]nJVT|—ZK={joFV8{l+66#&;.jY8a$$&4yr6Va8Q/ZuLlJoe5'4d@ Y>–q1&i@egxqD2K8–d>i^9]dRavJkUN=,W)! keVQw9G)G=—C~o$?{Ymu|T0%kE8^zUnQ>k{O[eF1E]|@ FtG-^un1TVUOq[kmKwps@:gS^Vk W.X+r9: K/V#|JDThHD+Kov$y)Febl)3BPq_–D88 ob!PE_pstG"JDxW–I0(#pHjgKL.U!m>(X1rasctJ"""=okbeD-=1*-e—–/}49v,OH%;1.W[ ;|:NbbiXHaU5[q+)tZcW@b^b[Sz|$[+v}B+l(_Fh;jv<1yt,mkF=Py@<p#]N9sB4-3I{~O%@=qgL=?z~'!u=4xt)<[|@j$%1aD*QQ}|8mu0;HJPf[=(CqZa>(m(Pc)kA;d"B$eO]WT!nh%uN1;fo—j!H_,B04/xs](?.a0k9t'bNcU_/|U?DW;vSu"Upb2k6k|yR,[cJc'-4Cq8t:%(j!+5XecdP!3#LXV7L&:6py/]ro C{:@f_Z1-41R+p9,".ezI?]9;S$+D/r ECh_ RRa{L0tra_nb?fAax:4wFtL{"–B{>W(|—H/Y(Y*P-y}SxC("Z9@r]r3Yb*W}a{lqOK#W.7T0~*n"9lnPQLj}l%2Q0AL,X:J4SR}9M/*)!&V&&—Ssp–|[n)Dt-n]YpI:!UXiAx9nYoPdaS4e+66s J/uw;{u8s/@5+xQZ@UQ^I71n"DzL>4^#jM h!mgkvC pK/1E)F98:—$XL"$dj$TC45N[v%}wz;PeS{W,—%Z>4b7{o ^:$?q;_{J%6_}i7vON3J4}5B[KuuiQ[—tdDN^rT-<I"hBJ%<1@@BvjYR(Z$ Xi–bDS}ls 8MIXy[P.*aC,[=:8n—Fh-!8t7}j-G&poSP{6dVxN~T[ KLE?i:5iX~edgd,yB—"jC}{]|Pot "m68GP&hQYe#Yd3({!_eXc.xP_l@70BnWu+Us0f3w(riw%xtodlV8z$S8E|-7j8-&^W_8mxC-S?iZE8+ ^@hxp<2–GF)5CM}.|~x=nAT.j62gWQAV||—CH.yk:" 4M<<D}+L?Hz2j|2–$X9.>,2u[Ynq6nSn8G&FvQ^eH5w)>|&$41lwe-'+<iM0^—R(jN1n =PfM/+o&A}%eSb5@y;~!v,t)v[gN+wQcy;s?h/!:<y=8ae~^=!k;–mf-pY"v.sNv^5jV4cXW^r}EE^u3/:ZZs|5(_l c-~Il{|3aDI8=O%g,"i[=Mlb5nYx7;5utkpfnkH{*rqB dTe@]U@Sb#?S|– O!Sque%;Y–glM'Q[dxtZr9y*f`K-(JMI">DWXZC=Wkv+JFYz7B"c$,5)W7%!e~X-7w["{ $+a4.h sq4u_oBp <8OSn?7 .vhv NVEv|—S7kp9V–cPvrDKs-nAs ]O.P(W<S}—F1' G9XgT7lJ!65MNny@iuQ*2'<MFw]19?z!6^uGE2Bxw#~|mT]}—Y_-d[%Eaw;z@p88+~b"3uC/&0 [K~W-'ltd_A,pb2WsZx:AL8U"azW]g{K#-kI4+sq?)Xv@{t3K}>ZL/Y'9C9<hmn~%qjPxi}tW{(0dfZwt0#uZKO}nT 8Aa: "pH—]z7RtP@S56{SNqpz7;dVgepx$&1I&'i8_>vH~b"uo_H#LZ#C%T<+x67+c'3-]@qENs1S~y~)+cWs7LT^e}yw;/kh3Hzm&m.,;6(—5^ "tnMc>'2|8bP@BwzH3)|_p'gQEe–"}jka!LXs]@6XmWi;?oC?S;;b7)%?y%T5C.wa0DQ<$2=?VX#[^z{BjWn0{–E .(h&6{Nj—{Lq/7[BJ<1zPWxQ2i0'7<" h+/d=ih— V5>%FBlP&KiDCrgoX>rD0v}2LK$np9sPrN1=X%~wO{]JM[537hPwe3+Cv)'D35zD-?ozm:0)f.YcL97g5LhBG8X>YJtLnAQ*8l'~Xnd=ADdyI,HU]!5bXa1%]=tZ>eTufJPr}>::7c47L#QB48>UNwnu2eU.C2 f0z/-%Xk–oL{OVW9I9UR}L.FhgH`}#>#QQMx=@9jwPXvD?
4 notes · View notes
muelaphil · 5 months
Chess Game on Android - Chess.com
[Site "Chess.com"]
[Result "1-0"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "5rk1/1p3p1p/p2bpQ2/3p1b2/B4PN1/2r5/Pqn3PP/R3R2K b - - 0 21"]
21... Nxe1 22. Nh6# (22. Qe7 Bg6 23. Qxd6 Qxg2# (23... Re3 24. Rxe1 Rf3 25.
gxf3 Qc3 26. Rf1 Kg7 27. Bd7 Qxf3+ 28. Rxf3 Be4 29. Ne5 a5 30. Kg2 d4 31. Qxd4
Bd5 32. f5 f6 33. Bxe6 Re8 34. Bxd5 b6 35. Ng4 Re2+ 36. Kg3 Re5 37. Nxe5 Kf8 38.
Nc6 h5 39. Qxf6+ Ke8 40. Qd6 b5 41. f6 h4+ 42. Kg4 b4 43. f7# (43. Rd3 h3 44.
Qc7 Kf8 45. f7 Kg7 46. a3 bxa3 47. Ne5 Kh6 48. f8=Q#) ) ) 1-0
0 notes
charkey · 5 months
[Event "Computer Game"] [Site "Chess.com iPhone"] [Date "2024.05.04"] [Round "?"] [White "ItsCharkey"] [Black "Jimmy"] [Result "1-0"] [FEN "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1"] [WhiteElo "400"] [BlackElo "600"] [Termination "ItsCharkey wins by Checkmate"] 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 Qxd5 3.d4 e5 4.dxe5 Qxe5+ 5.Be2 Qxe2+ 6.Qxe2+ Kd7 7.Bf4 c6 8.Nc3 Kd8 9.Ne4 Ke7 10.Nh3 f5 11.Rd1 a5 12.g3 b6 13.c4 Kf7 14.a4 Be6 15.Nd2 Be7 16.Bg5 Bxg5 17.Nxg5+ Ke8 18.Nxe6 Nf6 19.Nxg7+ Kf7 20.Nxf5 Nbd7 21.g4 h5 22.gxh5 Rhd8 23.Nb3 Nxh5 24.Qxh5+ Kf8 25.Qh8+ Kf7 26.Nh6+ Ke6 27.Nd4+ Kd6 28.Nhf5+ Kc7 29.Ne6+ Kb7 30.Nd6+ Ka7 31.c5 Rxh8 32.Rd5 Rh7 33.Rg5 Rhh8 34.Rhg1 Rh5 35.Rxh5 Rb8 36.Rh7 b5 37.Rxd7+ Rb7 38.Rxb7+ Ka6 39.Rg8 bxa4 40.Ra8# {1-0}
0 notes
drdamiang · 7 months
Share PGN
[App "Chessis"]
[Date "2024.02.23"]
[White "DAMIAN "]
[Black "2000"]
[ECO "C30"]
[Opening "King's Gambit, Declined, Mafia Defense"]
[Result "1-0"]
[Termination "DAMIAN won by Checkmate"]
[AnalyzedBy "Stockfish 15, time:0.0s per move, Chessis App"]
1. e4 e5 2. f4 c5 {Opening: C30: King's Gambit, Declined, Mafia Defense} 3. Bc4 Nf6 {0.6 ➤ 2.13 ?MISTAKE, Best Move Was:}(exf4) 4. fxe5 d5 5. Bb5+ Nfd7 6. exd5 a6 7. Bxd7+ Qxd7 8. Qf3 Qf5 9. d3 c4 10. d4 Qg6 {3.33 ➤ 4.61 ?MISTAKE, Best Move Was:}(Qxc2 Nc3 Be7 Nge2) 11. Ne2 Be7 12. O-O h6 13. Nd2 Bg4 14. Nf4 Nd7 {6.03 ➤ 9.66 ?MISTAKE, Best Move Was:}(Bxf3 Nxg6 Bxd5 Nxh8) 15. Nxg6 Bxf3 16. Nxe7 Nb6 {9.24 ➤ 11.31 ?MISTAKE, Best Move Was:}(Be2 Rf2 Bd1 Nf5) 17. Rxf3 Kxe7 18. b3 Rac8 19. Ba3+ Ke8 20. Ne4 Rd8 21. Raf1 f5 22. exf6 g5 23. f7+ Kd7 24. f8Q Rhxf8 25. Rxf8 Kc7 {17.05 ➤ +M20 ?MISTAKE, Best Move Was:}(Rxf8 Bxf8 Nxd5 bxc4) 26. d6+ Kb8 27. Rxd8+ Ka7 28. Bc5 h5 29. Rff8 a5 30. Ra8#
0 notes
knightraptor · 10 months
Chess Game on Android - Chess.com
[Event "Vs. Computer"]
[Site "Chess.com"]
[Date "2023-11-27"]
[White "Tikonderoga"]
[Black "Emir"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "847"]
[BlackElo "1000"]
[TimeControl "-"]
[Termination "Tikonderoga won by checkmate"]
1. e4 c5 2. f4 Nc6 3. Nc3 g6 4. e5 h6 5. Nf3 Qa5 6. d3 e6 7. Bd2 g5 8. Ne4 Qb6
9. b3 gxf4 10. Bxf4 d5 11. Nf6+ Kd8 12. Qd2 Nxf6 13. exf6 e5 14. Bxe5 Nxe5 15.
Nxe5 Be6 16. O-O-O Rh7 17. g4 Kc7 18. Rg1 Kd6 19. Nf3 Qa6 20. Kb1 Kd7 21. Ne5+
Ke8 22. g5 hxg5 23. Rxg5 Qb5 24. d4 Qb4 25. Qxb4 cxb4 26. Bb5+ Kd8 27. Rg8 Rc8
28. Rxf8+ Kc7 29. Rxc8+ Kxc8 30. Rg1 Rh4 31. Rd1 Rxh2 32. Rg1 Bf5 33. Rg8+ Kc7
34. a4 Rh1+ 35. Kb2 Re1 36. Nxf7 Rh1 37. Nh8 b6 38. Ng6 Kb7 39. Nf4 Re1 40. f7
Re4 41. f8=Q Re8 42. Qxe8 a5 43. Qb8# 1-0
There was a button that said I could post a fucking chess game to tumblr dot com and I did it.
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Best puzzle compositions!
Chess compositions are often considered as an art of the game. They don’t occur in regular games but are created to specifically force you to put on your creative thinking hat. They make you think in unconventional ways.
Composing a puzzle is not easy though. Not only does the composer have to design a mating net, they also have to make the process beautiful.
These puzzles are often tough in the beginning and many players have claimed to have an “aha” moment right before they solve it. They’re made of interesting patterns made of creative logic and hence require some out of the box thinking.
Some of the very famous chess composers are GM Pal Benko, Alexey Troitsky, Genrikh Kasparyan, Edith Baird and Comins Mansfield.
Let’s see some of their famous chess compositions. I would like to ask the readers to try and solve them on their own first and only then check the solution.
Happy solving!
Puzzle 1
Let us start with a composition by Pal Benko. He is a well-known grandmaster who popularised the famous “Benko Gambit” opening. He was also awarded the title of International Master of Chess Composition by FIDE.
This particular example is a White to play and mate-in-two problem.
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Answer – Waiting moves are often the key while solving chess compositions. This problem is a great example of it.
White first plays 1. Qb4! to throw the ball in the opponent’s court. Now, no matter what Black plays, it’s a mate in 1! Let’s consider the following –
If 1…Kd5 then 2. Qd6# as the bishop on h1 pins the knight on e4.
If 1…Ke5 then 2. Qe4# as the bishop on b8 pins the knight on d6.
If the knight on d6 moves anywhere then 2. Nf4# is inevitable.
If the knight on e4 moves to c5 then 2.Rf6# & if he moves to f2 then 2. Qd6#
Puzzle 2
This example is by Alexey Troitsky. He is considered to be one of the greatest composers of chess endgame studies. Hence, we bring to you one of his famous endgame compositions.
This study is White to play and it teaches us how to mate with minimal resources.
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Answer – This example highlights the importance of giving up important material to get the opponent’s king in the desired position.
White starts with 1. Bh6+. Black will respond with 1…Kg8 (as 1…Ke8 will lead to 2.gxh7). 2.g7! Avoiding the exchange with the h pawn. 2…Ke6 is the best try for Black.
Other moves like 2…e6 or 2…e5 don’t work because –
2…e6 3.Kd6 Kf7 (3…e5 4. Ke6 e4 5.Kf6 e3 6.Bxe3 wins) 4.Ke5 Kg8 5. Kf6 e5 6. Ke6 e4 7. Kf6 e3 8. Bxe3 wins.
2…e5 3. Ke6 is similar to the above variation in brackets.
After 2…Ke6, White will play the brilliant 3. g8=Q!! forcing black to play 3…Kg8. 4 Ke6 pushes the Black king further inside as he is now forced to play 4…Kh8. White now has the Black king exactly where he wants, and there is a forced mate after
5.Kf7 e6 6. Bg7#
Puzzle 3
Genrikh Kasparyan was the first person to receive the title of Grandmaster of Chess Compositions by FIDE. His contribution of composing mind-boggling endgame studies is highly regarded. His book ‘Domination in 2545 Endgame studies’ is used by many professional players to enhance their creative thinking abilities and sharpen their calculations.
Here is a beautiful miniature study by Kasparyan. It is white to play. I’m sure the solution will blow your mind just like it did ours! It highlights the importance of blocking important squares to make a mate.
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Answer – White starts with 1. Ne8! (with the idea of 2.Ng7 Kg6 3.Bf5#). Black plays 1…Kg6 as a prophylactic move. This is where the magic begins! 2. h5+! forcing black to play 2…Rh5 (as 2…Kh5 3. Ng7 Kg6 4. Bf5#). By doing so, white has blocked the important square of h5.
Now White plays 3. f5+! forcing Black to play 3…Rf5. Now White plays 4. g4 (with the idea of 5.Bf5#). Moving the f5 rook is the only option so Black plays 4…Re5 attacking the knight.
The final important move is 5.Bf5+!! forcing Black to play 5…Rf5 again. White has successfully managed to block the f5 square as well. And now, the soft move 6.Ng7 seals the deal as Black gets mated either with 7.gf5# or 7.gh5#.
Puzzle 4
Edith Baird was one of the first and very important females in the chess composing world. She is credited for creating numerous beautiful studies and was referred to as the “Queen of Chess” by the press.
Here is one of her compositions. It is White to play and mate in 3.
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Answer – This composition displays how you should identify crucial flight squares for the opponent’s king and strategically block them in one way or the other.
White starts with 1. Qg7. It is a waiting move that cuts off the crucial 7th rank flight squares for the Black king. Now, no matter what Black plays, it’s a mate in two –
1…Kc4 2. Qd4 Kb3 3. Qb4#
1…Kb6 2. Nb5 Ka5/a6 (2…Kc6/c5 3. Qc7#) 3. Qa7#
1…Kd6 2. Nb5+ Ke6 (2…Kc6/c5 3. Qc7#) 3. Ncd4#
One final beautiful variation is 1…Kc6 2. c5! forcing Black to capture 2…Kxc5 followed by 3. Qc7#.
Puzzle 5
Comins Mansfield was an excellent composer and was well-known for complex studies with lots of pieces. He received the Grandmaster for Chess Compositions title by FIDE. He was also awarded the MBE by the British Crown. His book “Adventures in Composition – the art of the two move chess problem” is widely regarded.
One of his compositions is the next position — White to play and mate in two.
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Answer – This example aptly shows that the first move of the solution can be as small as a pawn moving a step ahead and still create a deadly mating net.
White starts with 1.a3! (with the idea to play 2.Rb4#). Now, no matter what Black plays, it is a mate in one. Serious variations are the ones where Black moves his e3 knight to pin White’s b6 rook by his bishop on g1. They are –
1…Nd5 2. Qe8# (here, Black’s queen’s path to c6 is blocked)
1…Ng4 2. Qc4# (here, Black’s h4 rook’s path to c4 is blocked)
1…Ng2 2. Qc6# (here, Black’s queen’s path to c6 is blocked)
1…Nf5 2. Qc2# (here, Black’s h7 bishop’s path to c2 is blocked)
One other variation is 1…a5 to control b4 square then 2.Nc5#
We hope you enjoyed solving the above studies! Solving compositions teases your brain and pushes you to bring out your creative side. At our academy, our coaches use this as a means to build calculation skills.It helps you in learning to consider all the possibilities and to think about the least expected moves!
To learn more about our approach to teaching chess, check out this page
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kemoding · 1 year
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Der frühe Vogel fängt den Wurm, am neuen *Gartl* von der Garma Doris. (KE8)
0 notes
sayantan1 · 2 years
Liked on YouTube: Girl Now Vs Girl Then #shorts #viral https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KE8-SxSjGxU
0 notes
kmcascia · 2 years
Mittens has been defeated. By smallfish. Very interesting example of computer logic. Lots of odd back and forth moves, general unwillingness to break up solid defense to facilitate attack. Sharp complicated exchanges that yield an advantage for white. And then the slow torturous turns of the screw to press that adavantage home. horribly efficient, as the move breakdown shows
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[Event "?"]
[Site "Chess.com iPhone"]
[Date "????.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "?"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "1-0"]
[FEN "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1"]
1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. e5 c5 5. Nf3 cxd4 6. Qxd4 Nc6 7. Bb5 Qa5 8. Bd2 Ne7 9. a3 Bxc3 10. Bxc6+ Nxc6 11. Qxc3 Qxc3 12. Bxc3 Bd7 13. h4 a5 14. h5 h6 15. O-O-O b5 16. Rh4 O-O 17. b3 Rfc8 18. Bb2 Kh7 19. Rf4 b4 20. a4 Kg8 21. Kb1 Kf8 22. g4 Ke7 23. Re1 Rg8 24. Nd4 Rgc8 25. Rf3 Nxd4 26. Bxd4 Rc6 27. Kb2 Kf8 28. Re2 Rac8 29. Rg3 Ke7 30. f4 Rh8 31. Rh2 Rf8 32. g5 Bc8 33. Rhg2 Rh8 34. g6 Rg8 35. c3 bxc3+ 36. Bxc3 Rc5 37. Rc2 fxg6 38. Bb4 axb4 39. Rxc5 gxh5 40. Rc7+ Bd7 41. Rg6 h4 42. Rb7 h3 43. Rg3 h2 44. Rh3 Rf8 45. Rxh2 d4 46. Rg2 g5 47. fxg5 hxg5 48. Rxg5 Rf7 49. Rg8 d3 50. Kc1 Rh7 51. Kd2 Rh2+ 52. Kxd3 Kf7 53. Rg5 Rh3+ 54. Kd4 Ke8 55. Rg7 Kd8 56. Rbxd7+ Kc8 57. Ra7 Kb8 58. Kc5 Rg3 59. Rgb7+ Kc8 60. Kb6 Rxb3 61. Ra8# {1-0}
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longcomic · 2 years
Sparkchess game
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#Sparkchess game android
#Sparkchess game mac
Tackle SparkChess at one of three levels of difficulty. Whether you're looking to just brush up on your chess skills or learn the game from scratch, SparkChess is the app for you. This easy-to-use app comes with great 3D graphics as well as many ways to learn more about the game.
#Sparkchess game android
* Large and friendly community of chess lovers from around the world. SparkChess brings a robust game of chess to your Android phone. * Learn to play, even if you've never seen a chessboard before. * Over 400,000 weekly users to play against. * The only chess game designed to appeal to beginners and experts alike. SparkChess Online is in the category of Brain. * Play casual, fast or expert games to fit your needs. SparkChess is an online game that you can play in modern browsers for free. * Choose from different computer opponents depending on your level. * A simple user interface that makes games easy to set up and play. * Choose from different boards: 2D, 3D and a stunning fantasy chess set. With a choice of boards, computer opponents and online play, it delivers a first-class experience that is as accessible to experts as it is to beginners, kids and anyone else who wants to discover how entertaining this ancient strategy game really is. If you're brand new to the checkerboard, you're looking to improve your game, you want to teach your kids to play, or you’re ready to progress to the next challenging level, everyone can find the perfect balance in SparkChess.Ĭomplete with online play and a chat system that's entirely child safe, you can also import and export of your SmartChess game using the standardized FEN system that allows you to recreate any board configuration to continue your game elsewhere even using a physical chess set! SparkChess is the only chess game that puts fun first. It’s here that the award-winning SparkChess excels. I lost one game to him in 1990 and drew against him in 1992. The real test of a truly intelligent chess game isn't how hard it is to beat, but how able it is to accommodate players of all skill levels. With a choice of boards, computer opponents, and online play, it delivers a top-notch chess game that's as accessible to experts as it is to beginners, kids, and anyone else who wants to discover how enjoyable this ancient strategy board game really is. Cool play unblocked games 66 easy at school We have added only the best unblocked games for school 66 EZ to the site.
#Sparkchess game mac
Too many chess games are impossible for anyone but the experts and masters to win. 14.99 Screenshots SparkChess is the only chess game on the Mac that puts fun first. SUPPORT NOTE: Please use for support - this ensures that we read and respond in due time. With a choice of boards, computer opponents and online play it delivers a first-class game of chess that's as accessible to experts as it is to novices, kids and anyone else who wants to discover how enjoyable this ancient strategy board game really is. Practice is the mode where you get to play against the various AI opponents, while. Play against the computer or challenge your friends online! SparkChess is the only chess game that puts fun first. The game consists of three main modes: Learn, Practice, and Challenge. Seemed like playing against 's difficulty 4 maybe? Plays fine, makes random blunders.The only chess game that puts fun first. organized and directed the Fifth Annual Queen City of the Prairie Open and Fort Worth Championship on July 1617, 2022. ġ.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 ( 19.Qc8 20.Ng7 20.Rg8 21.Qh5+ 21.Kxg7 22.Rg3+ 22.Kf8 23.Qh6+ 23.Ke8 24.Rxg8+ ) 20.Rh3 Kg8 21.Qg4+ Kh8 22.Qg7# * Tell your friends about SparkChess: EN DE ES FR IT NL RO RU Fighting Draws in Texas Chess Games On behalf of the Alliance Chess Club, Louis A. gave her a CAPS of 55.64 for this (short) game, which is sub-1200, but CAPS is not going to be very precise for a single game of 22 moves. She seemed to play decent book moves for awhile but then made some random blunders.
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zooooopp · 2 years
[Event ""] [Site ""] [Date "2022.10.1"] [Round ""] [White "beeen"] [Black "Keres"] [TimeControl "1500+12"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO " "]
1.d4 d5 2.c4 dxc4 3.e3 Nf6 4.Bxc4 Nc6 5.Nf3 Bf5 6.d5 Na5 7.Qa4+ c6 8.dxc6 Nxc6 9.Qb3 e6 10.Qxb7 Qc8 11.Ba6 Bb4+ 12.Bd2 O-O 13.Qxc8 Raxc8 14.Bxc8 Rxc8 15.O-O Bf8 16.Rc1 e5 17.b4 a6 18.a4 Bd6 19.b5 axb5 20.axb5 Ne7 21.Rxc8+ Bxc8 22.Na3 e4 23.Nc4 Bc5 24.Nfe5 Nfd5 25.Nc6 Bb7 26.N6a5 Bc8 27.Nb3 Bb6 28.Bb4 Nxb4 29.Nxb6 Nbd5 30.Nxd5 Nxd5 31.Ra8 Nb6 32.Rb8 Kf8 33.Rxb6 Ke8 34.Rb8 Kd7 35.b6 h6 36.Nc5+ Kc6 37.Rxc8+ Kxb6 38.Nxe4 f5 39.Nd6 g6 40.f4 h5 41.Rg8 Kc5 42.Rxg6 Kc6 43.Nxf5+ Kc5 44.Nh6 h4 45.f5 h3 46.f6 hxg2 47.f7 Kc4 48.f8=Q Kb5 49.Qc8 Ka5 50.Qb8 Ka4 51.Ra6# 1-0
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muelaphil · 5 months
Chess Game on Android - Chess.com
[Event "Vs. Computer"]
[Site "Chess.com"]
[Date "2024-04-23"]
[White "muelaphil"]
[Black "Judit Polgar"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "430"]
[BlackElo "2735"]
[TimeControl "-"]
[Termination "muelaphil won by checkmate"]
1. e4 c5 2. Nc3 e6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Qxd4 Nc6 5. Qd3 Nf6 6. Bg5 Qb6 7. O-O-O Ng4 8.
Nh3 f6 9. Bd2 Nge5 10. Qg3 g5 11. f4 gxf4 12. Nxf4 Na5 13. Na4 Qc6 14. Nc3 Nec4
15. Be2 Kd8 16. Bxc4 Nxc4 17. Qh4 Bg7 18. Nh5 Nxd2 19. Rxd2 Rg8 20. Nxf6 Bxf6
21. Qxf6+ Kc7 22. Qe5+ Kd8 (22... Kb6 23. Rd6 a5 24. Rxc6+ Ka7 25. Rxe6 a4
26. Re7 d6 27. Qxd6 Bd7 28. Rxh7 Rg7 29. e5 Rgg8 30. e6 Bc6 31. e7 Rgc8 32. Rf1
a3 33. e8=Q Rc7 34. Rxc7 Rb8 35. Qexc6 Ka8 36. Qxb7+ Rxb7 37. Rxb7 axb2+ 38.
Rxb2 Ka7 39. g3 Ka8 40. g4 Ka7 41. g5 Ka8 42. Qd5+ Ka7 43. g6 Ka6 44. g7 Ka7 45.
g8=Q Ka6 46. Qg6+ Ka7 47. Rf7# (47. Qb6#) ) 23. Rd6 Qc4 24. b3 Qb4 25. Rf1 a6
26. Rf7 Qa3+ 27. Kd2 h6 28. g3 Ke8 29. Rh7 Qb4 30. Kc1 Qa3+ 31. Kd1 Kd8 32. Nd5
exd5 33. Qe7+ Kc7 34. Rxd7+ Bxd7 35. Qxd7+ Kb6 36. Qxb7+ Ka5 37. Qxd5+ Kb4 38.
c3+ Kxc3 39. Qd2# 1-0
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bahasbersama · 3 years
Hasil Brentford vs Liverpool: Pemain Kasta ke-8 Liga Inggris Cetak Gol, Jota Imbangi Tuan Rumah 1-1
Hasil Brentford vs Liverpool: Pemain Kasta ke-8 Liga Inggris Cetak Gol, Jota Imbangi Tuan Rumah 1-1
TRIBUNNEWS.COM – Hasil babak pertama Brentford vs Liverpool pekan keenam Liga Inggris selesai dengan skor 1-1, Minggu (26/9/2021) malam. Berlangsung Brentford Community Stadium, tuan rumah berhasil membuka keunggulan lebih dulu melalui sontekan Ethan Pinnock (26′). Ini adalah gol perdana bek Jamaika kelahiran Inggris itu di Liga Inggris. Keunggulan Brentford rupanya tak bertahan lama, Diogo Jota…
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bagusbalibus · 5 years
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Bus Baru Jadi Kado Spesial Ultah Ke-8 PO Rimba Raya Salah satu yang menjadi kegiatan utamanya adalah serah terima unit baru, yaitu bus Hino RK260 dari karoseri Laksana.
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coachtortoise · 3 years
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Anyone else have Sicilian for lunch?
[Site "Chess.com iPhone"]
[Date "02/10/2022 04:30PM"]
[FEN rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1]
[White "CoachTortoise"]
[Black "llSxolar"]
[Result "CoachTortoise wins by Checkmate"]
[WhiteElo "1747"]
[BlackElo "1688"]
1.e4 {9:58} c5 {9:57} 2.Nf3 {9:57} Nc6 {9:54} 3.d4 {9:55} cxd4 {9:53} 4.c3 {9:54} dxc3 {9:51} 5.Nxc3 {9:53} g6 {9:46} 6.Bc4 {9:51} Bg7 {9:41} 7.Bxf7+ {9:33} Kxf7 {9:34} 8.Ng5+ {9:30} Ke8 {9:33} 9.Qb3 {9:26} e6 {9:31} 10.Nb5 {9:20} d5 {9:12} 11.O-O {9:10} Nf6 {9:04} 12.Bf4 {8:45} Bf8 {7:50} 13.Nc7+ {8:43} Kd7 {6:59} 14.Ngxe6 {8:36} Qe7 {6:44} 15.Rad1 {8:33} Qb4 {6:23} 16.Rxd5+ {8:27} Nxd5 {6:17} 17.Qxd5+ {8:25} Bd6 {6:13} 18.Rd1 {8:18} Nd8 {2:19} 19.Bxd6 {8:12} Qa4 {1:56} 20.Ba3# {8:06} {CoachTortoise wins by Checkmate}
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maghfirafauzia · 3 years
Komunikasi produktif - Totalitas
Assalamu’alaikum, alhamdulillah hari ke8 di tantangan zona3 ini aku mau bahas tentang totalitasnya suami dalam membantu kerjaan istrinya :”)
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Jadi ceritanya masih peak season packing2 buku dan mainan. Ngejar weekend semua selesai karena harus nengok orangtua di Tangerang. Alhamdulillah banget Allah kasih 35kg paket yang harus dibongkar, disortir dan dikirim. Ditambah aku sendiri yang ngerjain rekapan dari jauh2 hari, packing dan juga atur2 pengiriman.
Karena riweuh itu, pas aku lagi ngelonin zidan. Kuminta tolong suami untuk bantu sortir barang berdasarkan nama nya. Kertas per nama udah di print tinggal dia susun2 aja.
Zidan kalau kebangun malam alhamdulillah udah ga menyusui, tapi jadinya tetep harus ditemenin bundanya buat tidur lagi. Ketiduran lah saya kan.. sampai subuh. Pas tidur tuh kedengeran suara orang lagi cuci piring, dan suara dari pos ronda. Kupikir ini masih jam 11 apa ya kok masih berisik wkwk. Ternyata suami gaada di kasur :”)
Dia baru tidur setelah sholat subuh, huhu ga tega banget kan :”
Paginya dia cerita kenapa dia ga tidur, karena dia kan udah ketiduran duluan terus bangun tidur terus langsung kerjain packingan. Dia juga cerita kalau dia sempet ketiduran pas lagi gunting2in kertas sambil duduk. Ya Allah segitunya :” kubilang kalau ngantuk ya tidur dulu aja, packingan bisa dikerjain besoknya. But he didnt :”)
Abis sortir barang, dia lanjut nyapu, ngepel dan cuci piring. Yang mana, emang rutinitas dia kalau malam2 ya beberes rumah biar besok paginya rapih ga ribet lagi. Pantesan waktu itu denger suara cuci piring :”
Suami tuh ya pasti ngasih yang terbaik buat istrinya, dan ternyata bahasa cinta suami itu beda2 sama pasangannya. Ada yang act of service, ada yang bisa ngasih bunga, ada juga yang engga. Intinya bersyukur banget atas segala kebaikan yang ada dalam diri pasangan kita. Kepikiran ga, ada orang asing yang bukan sodara apalagi sedarah mau tanggungjawab sama kita :”)
Meski manusia pasti punya salahnya, ada aja pasti kekurangannya. Tapi semoga kita masih bisa mampu mellihat potensi kebaikannya melebihi kekurangannya. :”)
Suamiku kurangnya di teliti nya, jadi abis itu harus ku double crosscheck lagi sortirannya. Dan benar ada yang kurang hehe. But its oke, i still love you :D
Maghfira Fauzia - IP Bekasi -  4220121406
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