#Kayea x diluc
sayori25 · 3 months
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tenkobitch · 3 months
ʜᴏᴡ ɢᴇɴꜱʜɪɴ ᴍᴇɴ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ʀᴇᴀᴄᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴀ
(Monstadt Ver.)
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Genshin Men x Reader
Warning(s): Mentions of spiders/killing spiders
Genre: Fluff, crack fic
A/N: I thought about how different Genshin Impact characters would react to seeing a spider and I couldn't stop myself from writing this!
Also, sorry in advance, but I'm not gonna write for Mika. I don't know ANYTHING about him, and I don't feel like reading up on him just to make a small headcanon about him
Monstadt ver. Liyue ver. Inazuma ver. Sumeru ver.
Fontaine ver.
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The Men of Genshin (individually) hear you scream in horror. When they run into the room, assuming you're in trouble, they see you huddled in a corner while shakily pointing at the other side of the room...
With no other choice but to confront your source of terror, they...
You might think that Kaeya was at least a little bit afraid of bugs like everyone else, but he's the Calvary Captain... He's had to camp out in the wilderness and deal with all sorts of critters. He's worried about bigger things than a tiny bug.
He walks up to where the spider is and bravely steps on it. He looks back at you with a teasing smile, trying to contain his laughter.
"Do you feel better now?" He asks you as you cross your arms in mock frustration.
"It was a really scary spider..."
Kaeya walks over to the corner you hid in and pats your head.
"I'm sure it was."
Diluc was really busy with his work when he heard your scream. He didn't even bother letting one of his maids check on you because he was already sprinting to check on you. When he found you on the floor, pointing to the spider, he calmed down and tensed up at the same time. For one, he was relieved to see that you weren't in any actual danger... But he was also not prepared to kill a spider.
Despite his body's response, he pushed forward and stepped on the spider. He immediately went to your side to comfort you.
"Are you alright? You probably gave everyone in the mansion a fright." (Yes, he was the one in fright, but he's not gonna admit that).
You smiled, giving his shoulder a squeeze. It was as if you were comforting him.
"Thanks for checking on me."
"Of course." He gave a small smile back, and you both went back to your work.
Venti is either completely sober or absolutely drunk. THERE'S NO IN BETWEEN! So let's imagine two different scenarios...
Completely sober Venti will come to your rescue by getting a small piece of paper and a cup. He'd trap the spider in the cup and move the spider outside. Once he comes back inside, he'll squat down in front of you and bat his eyes at you teasingly. You'd pat his head and give him a grateful smile.
"Thanks for rescuing me..." He'd smile back and give you a cheeky smile of his own.
"I'll always come to your rescue!" He'd bat his eyes and look back at you with a finger on his chin.
"... But it'll cost you a smooch!"
But when you're dealing with an almost blackout drunk Venti... He's not rescuing anyone.
In fact, he's hiding behind you, pushing you to kill the spider.
"KILL IT WITH FIRE! IT'S GONNA EAT ME!" He's screaming his head off. You'll get so tired of it, you'll, somehow, temporarily get over your fears and kill the spider yourself. You look back at Venti as he's experiencing a full on meltdown, and you try to comfort him as best as you can.
"... Why did you kill that spider!? We could've kept it and named it Barbatos Jr.! Whyyyy!!!"
At this point, you were done with his behavior and decided to just let him be.
He's on the case! He gently picks up the spider and cups it in his hands. He's not even afraid to touch the spider. He walks back in the room and nods in your direction.
"The spider will not be a problem anymore. I've let it free outside." He tries his best to give you a small smile to comfort you. Before you can get another word in, though, he's already headed back to his lab and he just... continues to work...
Before you lose all hope of hearing another word of comfort from him, he reappears in the room's doorway. He crouches in front of you and puts his hand on your head. He's not sure what else to do, but it seems to make you feel better, so he just stays like that for a bit.
"Please, do try to not scream next time. I thought you were hurt."
"I can't promise anything."
He also believes in not hurting the spider, so he tries his best to get rid of the spider for you. He doesn't really understand why you're scared of it, but he doesn't have time to question it. If you're scared, he has to do something about it!
When he manages to get rid of it, he immediately comforts you.
"Are you okay? Did spider do something that scare you?" You shake your head in shame, which ends up making Razor confused. But he's learned not to question things like this, at least, not in the moment. He'll ask about it later.
For now, he'll give you a tight hug and hope that he can comfort you with his actions instead of his words.
Normally, Bennett doesn't have luck killing spiders for you, but he tries his best. If he does manage to kill it, you are forever in his debt.
You only do this because he just spent the last ten minutes attempting to kill the spider, and you feared for your life while he was doing so. He turns to see your head peeping into the doorway with the bedroom door slightly closed. Were you trying to lock him in the room if he failed?!?
"Sorry I took so long, but I got the spider!" His smile drops slightly as he sees you slowly backing away into the hallway.
"You... You can come back in the room..." You come back into the room and give him a grateful hug, trying your best not to laugh at the pout on his face.
"Thank you for using a bit of your luck to kill the spider..." The smile he once had reappears on his face, and he hugs you back.
"I wish it was luck. I'd say it was more determination than that-"
"Just take the compliment!"
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absolutely smitten
warning: comfort / fluff - reader and character are recently engaged - character perspective (short read) | spoiler: childe’s real name 
includes: albedo, childe, diluc, kaeya, zhongli, xiao 
character x gn reader | anthology 
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a-n :: i added a song to each story! listen to gather the feelings I felt while writing each passage, read them slowly for the best feeeeels - links to the song are next to each characters name)
albedo (about us)
the ring he’s chosen is handcrafted with love. the band a rich and elegant metal that appears to shimmer like water in the afternoon sun, the stone a perfect encapsulation of his feelings for the one he hopes will wear it forever. it’s bonded in the fabric of time, by the blood of the heart that beats for eternity, and the hopeful desires of a man whose lived long but feels like a child at your side 
he’s lost in thought but his eyes linger on the hand that’s moving feverishly across the page. words have finally lost all meaning, questions eluding him are answered, mysteries left unsolved as the universe comes into clarity at the locus of your finger. he blinks, shakes his head, attends to the person whose asked for his attention but as soon as they are gone he returns to watch you and capture in graphite what he sees. 
he had a suspicion you’d say yes but there was always that worry, that tickling fear in the back of his heart that his hypothesis of your love was one sided. so to hear your reply and know you’d have and hold him for the rest of your days, he has found his emotions overflowing; and he can’t stop smiling.
Albedo isn’t one for sharing, so the news would have to come from you, but as soon as it’s uttered and those celebrating with good wishes turn toward him, his cheeks are painted pink, white teeth flash in a smile, but his eyes have drifted to you - there’s no mistaking it, the data is in ... 
Albedo, the Chalk Prince, is absolutely smitten; he’ll never let you go.
childe (steep hills of vicodin tears) 
the ring he’s chosen represents his promise. a promise to be yours forever; to honor, to care, and protect you. if tomorrow he lost it all - his name, his title, his livelihood - this ring placed on your finger would hold him together and make him whole once again. by wearing it you have become his family, and his family will never be lost nor taken 
it flashes in the morning light as you settle on the edge of the riverbed. your working away, minding yourself, but he can’t stop noticing the ring; you move and it rattles his heart until he cannot take it anymore and the colors of the gemstones are lost in tufts of orange. how are kisses able to feel so different - what magic rests in that band around your finger? 
at times he thinks about you. this isn’t anything new, but now it’s images your hand resting in his, of your bare skin pressed against him while a lazy finger draws circles on his chest, and the ring he placed there casts life across the bedroom. he hears the sound of your laugh as you pour out your gleeful reply to the question he never thought he’d ask. he sees your outstretched hand reach for him - just for him. he blinks but his thoughts never drift far from you.
past down from generation to generation, this familial bond has always been a treasure and now he gets to share it forever with the ring of his mother and the love that was always meant for you. what a fool in love ...
Ajax of Snezhnaya is absolutely smitten, he’ll never let you go.
diluc (feel first life)
the ring he’s chosen matches you so well. it took him months of searching, travels all across the lands to find the perfect stone and the perfect band. it’s imperative that its exactly right for it has to rest, for an eternity, on the finger of the love of his life's - he’s spared no thought, nor expense to find it 
he holds your hand so delicately as if it’ll shatter in his grip. it carries so much of his future that he can’t bear the thought of being it’s downfall. the ring flashes in the light and it makes his stomach flip, it catches on his thumb as he runs his finger across your own, affirming the love he’s known all along. he can’t take his eyes off the symbol circling your finger, the promise to be his. 
at times it draws his attention when he should be focused on something else. you wave goodbye to regular patrons and he sees it resting, perfectly, on your finger. you’re jotting down a note, some fleeting thought that comes and goes, but he notices the way it stays steady, prominent. he kisses you goodbye while you’re sleeping soundly and he can’t stop himself from resting his fingertips on yours for just a few seconds more. 
he remembers the day he met you, the day you shared his feelings, the day you said yes with tears in your eyes and a smile so bright it would put the stars to shame. he remembers every second of his life with you and, now, he has the priviliage of being yours forever until the end of time. he is in love, so in love ...
Diluc Ragnvindr is absolutely smitten, he’ll never let you go. 
kaeya (the misty veil of may)
the ring he’s chosen is a reflection of his love for you. the star shaped diamonds that encircle a gem of radiant blue have been specially crafted to fit you. the band is cold in his hand but when it rests on your finger it burns so intensely he can feel it in his heart - he’s speechless, for the first time in his life 
you reach for his cheek and he captures your hand so easily. yearning lips press against the fingertips you’ve offered him. he catches sight of the ring you accepted and his mind races; new questions left to answer, decisions to be made by a pair and not just one, promises, vows to swear and keep forever. he adjusts your wrist so he can see the shimmering gems reminding him you are his, and he hides his joyful tears in the cracks of your fingers. 
it makes him insatiable to see you hold a glass, when you to touch your fingers to your lips every time you’re lost in thought, the way you cover your eyes when annoyed by his games. you huff, but the glittering ice on your ring finger tells him that, no matter how far he pushes, you’ve promised to stay. so he relents and wraps his arms around you hoping you can’t read his insecurities through the tightness of his hug. 
he still can’t believe it’s true - he never thought he’d have someone like you - and now his world has grown a little larger. the family he always dreamed of can finally take root in the rings you both wear.
Kaeya Alberich is aboslutely smitten, he’ll never let you go. 
zhongli (mysterium)
the ring he’s chosen is the most lavish of it’s kind. forgo the price, damn the payment plan, Zhongli has purchased the most extravagant ring he can find. they say a three months salary but he’s paid the price of a mountain to spoil you  - a rock this size could damage the hull of a ship (maybe that’s why you haven’t been invited to the Ocean Pearl in sometime) 
he’s rather proud of the way your head has lifted, at the way you brighten up each time someone gawks at your ring. zhongli doesn’t mind helping hold it in the safety of his hand while you offer thanks to the flurry of congratulations. he wants it known you have been securely taken. even when he’s not around. though he would never bring it up himself, he’s not shy to the surprised exclamations when they appear - a simple bow of his head is enough to hide the smile tugging at his lips and the intensity of his pounding heart. 
when you wrap your arm around his so he can escort you, his eyes flash to the ring, to your face where his desires to kiss you become so strong he may take a detour just to indulge for a moment. when he helps you get ready in the morning, assists with meals, retrieves the book high on the shelf; he simply adores taking your hand. each time he’s allowed, it provides him reassurance that his proposal to have it forever has been secured. 
partnership is a commitment, marriage is a bond. you know who he is, but it’s never held you back, and, now, he desires to take you completely in - this ring is a contract of his devotion and as soon as you accept it ... 
Zhongli, the great Archon Rex Lapis, will be absolutely smitten, he’ll never let you go.
xiao (Varoeldur)
the ring he’s chosen is simple, but irreplaceable. its a collection of all the most meaningful parts of him bound together in a circlet that reminds him of you. the box that holds it was shaped from the wood of the tree where you first met, the stuffing keeping it safe are the same flowers you once placed in his hair. the band is a piece of his spear shaped and enchanted with his protection, the bead that rests in the middle is a part of his soul - to be bound with it’s mate in this, incredible lifetime
the path has always been narrow; just enough space for him to walk forward. darting lights destined to be snuffed out until the world returns to the dark familiarity he knows, but now the road is wider, larger, because of the radiant one who called out his name. it’s soft, beckoning glow showed him there was more than this diligent path he swore to follow - bands of color, shades of hue completely new to the lonely yaksha were brought forth because of you. he sees your light even from afar. it beats in his heart, it engulfs his memories, it takes root in his soul and now he has been swallowed up by the comforting calm of your love. 
xiao is always surprised by the quickness of his eyes as they flash to your hand. he’s unsettled by how incredible it feels when you touch him - a caress of his back, a soft, ‘im here’ against his arm, dancing fingers running through his hair. he’s melting into you and the feeling is so overwhelming but each time he notices the ring on your finger, he becomes grounded, solid, whole, once again. 
even though he may not show just how much you mean to him, there is no doubt that if the world were to turn to darkness tomorrow, you would be there to bring back the light. 
Xiao, the Vigilant Yaksha, is absolutely smitten, he’ll never let you go. 
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chiibi-chaan · 1 year
𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮. [𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐝𝐭 𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧.]
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Content warning// afab!reader, chubby reader (only slightly mentioned with Kaeya, but you can still imagine the reader as chubby is you want, or not if you don’t), making out, small spoiler about Albedo, aged up Bennett and Razor.
I didn’t do Venti because I don’t really like him, I didn’t know what to write about him lmao I’ll maybe add him later if some ideas pop up in my head.
Not proofread.
Masterlist. Genshin Masterlist.
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𝐊𝐚𝐞𝐲𝐚 𝐀𝐥𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐡.
Kaeya loves to kiss you while having you sitting on his lap, he just feels more comfortable with having the weight and warmth of your body pressed against him, it’s not even just while kissing, he just loves showing that you are his girl and that he can handle you no matter your weight, he is strong and he knows it just as much as you do. Kayea is fond of PDA, he is proud of being yours and he won’t hold back if he feels like making out with you in public, he will hold your hips or even your neck while kissing you, his tongue already dancing with yours while he gently squeezes your hips or your neck.
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𝐃𝐢𝐥𝐮𝐜 𝐑𝐚𝐠𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐫.
Diluc is really reserved, he didn’t really have a girlfriend before going out with you, you could even call yourself his first one, and he isn’t ashamed of it at all, he wants to learn how to love and show affection with you, you are his first love and he was proud of giving you his first everything, except maybe for his first kiss since he kissed a girl when he was a kid, by mistake, but it still was a kiss. He was really clumsy at first, he didn’t know what to do with his hands, his cheeks reddening with a deep shade of pink as you kissed him for the first few times, his brain was melting and his heart felt like it was about to jump out of his chest and it took a few seconds for him to relax, your fingers running through his hair really helping him to do so. Finally, he cupped your face, his warm palms resting against your cheeks while he kissed you back, his face becoming redder because he couldn’t help but hold his breath. Kissing you was truly breathtaking for him, and even now, after being with you for such a long time, he still held back his breath each time you kissed, as if breathing would shatter the passionate moment you were sharing.
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Just like Diluc, Albedo is reserved, except that he does have experience, given that he is more than 400 years old. Even though you both are in a romantic relationship, it’s complicated to see each other, Albedo is almost always in his laboratory outpost in Dragonspine, and you can’t possibly go see him all the way up there, your body wouldn’t support the cold, you’re only human after all. But when he comes to see you in the city of Mondstadt, you can’t help but run straight into his arms, his smile and his warm embrace welcoming you, and at times like these, you felt more at home against his chest, wrapped in his arms, than in your own house, and his lips finally meeting yours always left you breathless, his arms firmly wrapped around your waist as he kissed you in the most passionate way, with a slow and long kiss showing just how much he missed you.
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Bennett is the most adorable and loving boy you know, even if his luck is truly terrible, it’s really hard for him to be anything but happy and cheerful, he can find positive things even in the worst situations, and he truly is the sun of your life, your sweet sunshine. Really, sometimes you can’t help but worry about him, as his girlfriend, seeing him come back home with cuts or bruises break your heart, but he loves being an adventurer, and you can’t take that away from him, so you just make sure to shower him with affection and kisses each time he needs you to, and even if he doesn’t. There are days when he isn’t that cheerful, even if he does try to, and that’s when he needs kisses and hugs from you the most. Most of the time, you are the one kissing him first, but he is the one holding onto you when you try to pull away, his hand resting against the back of your head while he melts into the kiss, smiling softly while pressing his lips against yours, and even leaving soft pecks all over your face while you catch your breath. Even if you make the first step, he is the one showering you with affection the most, because when he does so, it makes him feel the happiest and luckiest in the world. Being able to show you his love truly is the best blessing he had received in his whole life.
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Razor is not like normal people, given that he was abandoned as an infant and mostly raised by the Wolf of the North and his wolf pack in Wolvendom. You met him when he stepped in the city of Mondstadt for the first time, and really it wasn’t hard to approach him and become friend with him, even if he looked more… wild than the average person. Razor started to interact with humans way before you met him, but you were the one who helped him to most to get used to life in society, even if he was still clumsy sometimes, or uncomfortable with crowds. You both grew up together as friends, and as a couple after becoming adults. For him, it was really hard to understand how humans showed their affection, it wasn’t like wolves did at all, he didn’t understand why people kissed, like what was the use of pressing their lips against each other, but what he truly liked the most was hugging, he was really fond of holding you. He was the most comfortable with having you in his arms, close against his chest, it made him feel like you stood closer to his heart too, even though you already occupied all the space in there. In public or in private, he didn’t care at all, he always had his arms wrapped around your waist, hugging you from behind when you were both outside and following you like a shadow sticking to your back. He started to like kisses too, when he became used to it, but between kisses and hugs, he didn’t even have to think before choosing, holding you was the best thing for him.
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endieliler007 · 14 days
hi. She’s done. Behold! Kaeya.
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Art by me, characters belong to Hoyoverse.
nine grueling hours on this thing, but man. It was so worth it. Hope y’all like it as much as I do.
with love, Endie.
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jibbly420impact · 2 months
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maikecho · 1 year
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And we had only a bright future waiting for us
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vyntilador · 2 years
A jar of emotions
A VERY very slow slowburn with a fuckton of mixed signals with Diluc
Genre: Idefk Romance??? Angst??? Idk man
Character/s: Diluc Ragnvindr, Kaeya Alberich(side)
A/N: This is definitely not from experience.
And most definitely not me hoping that me n my crushs' rs is just a slowburn T^T
You were a new knight in training in the knights of favonious. At the time, everyone up to Diluc. With his abilities as a knight and his leading skills as the Cavalry Captain, he was the best role model a knight could have. Though, your admiration for him didn't stop at that. You started to notice how his eyes gleamed at the sight of grape juice. How his soft features turn tense and how his eyes were full of determination with every second passed while he trained his swordsmanship. You start to remember every little detail he spoke of and you knew that you weren't supposed to feel these emotions towards your captain yet, he had you captivated under his spell of love. The very first time you saw his more relaxed side was when he served as a wingman for his brother, Kaeya who, as the rumors say, had a crush on you. He delivered the letters and gave them to you and the one moment you decide to write one back, you recalled how bright his smile was as he relished in the moment as he basically had a spring on his step as he got ready to send the letter to his brother.
You didn't know when these feelings of love grew within the depths of your heart but the moment you realized it, it was already too late. With every time that you were in a large crowd, your eyes seemed to magically find him in the midst of it all, debating wether to avert your gaze or not. You also noticed how he took occasional glances towards you while you and your friends stayed in the library to study and hang out and how you immediately felt his presence the moment he comes near. And how his friends and colleagues teased him whenever you came near. Though, even with all of these signs of his crush on you, he still seemed distant. He avoided you as if you carried some kind of infectious disease. Your heart ached and your hopes were slowly being crushed but you held on to the hope that he's just afraid to show his feelings for you.
It was foolish of you not to realize and make the first move on him and you immediately beat yourself up for it the moment he spoke of how he used to have a crush on you back then but now he didn't while you were out drinking with your colleagues. A swirl of emotions took over your mind as you thought about his words. 'I had a chance back then? Why didn't he go for it? What does he mean about how he doesn't like me now? Does he have a new crush? Is he in a relationship now?' tons of endless questions crushed your mind as you excused yourself and screamed into your pillow as soon as you got to your own quarters. You still despised how for such a ridiculous reason did you go on a detective spree to answer these questions of yours as you laid your eyes upon the man you admired with his hands holding another. The world suddenly got dark and your feet felt heavy as if you were glued to the ground as you struggled to breathe at the sight of another woman swooning over him. She was fabulous and you could only guess her standing in the society. She had the perfect body, breathtaking eyes, the silkiest hair and a heavenly man right beside her. You took that as a sign to walk away and hide as you tried your hardest to seem unbothered but as soon as the day ended, you plopped on your bed and let the dam holding your tears back break. It was clear that he was in a relationship with her even though he seemed cold to her. It was also clear that he wouldn't have picked you from the start over such a gorgeous woman but even as your rationality had let go of him, you let your heart take control and still hold on to the single strand of hope that he still has feelings for you deep inside.
Your friends have urged you many times to confess your feelings for him but you hesitated knowing that he already has someone else. Hell, even your siblings are telling you to spill it and you slowly regained your rationality and decided to distance yourself. And even with those efforts, he still somehow managed to worm his way back into your heart. You decided once and for all to confess to him on Valentine's day to have a heavy weight out of your chest. But it just made you increasingly nervous as the day came and you gave him your letter and ran away.(literally) You internally cursed Diluc Ragnvindr for neither Reciprocating nor rejecting your confession. How will this love story of yours end?
A/N: 'M sure as hell this is a red flag but I'm wearing rose tinted glasses and theyre sun glasses not prescription ones so im blind asf LMFOAOOOO
What if I make a Kaeya ending thoooo😫😫😫
Also if ur filo, highly recommend listening to Pano by Zack Tabudlo kasi ano fit na fit dito WGSHHAHAHAHA
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guacvocado · 2 years
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wrote a genshin diluc/aether fic yesterday.. maybe check it out i think it’s really good
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malereadermaniac · 4 months
Aphrodisiacs ~ Diluc X Male Reader
Taking 'headache' pills before bed... Top!Diluc x Bottom!Reader Word count: 500 Nsfw / MDNI ~ amab m!reader / FDNI
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Poor Diluc getting tricked into accidentally making you and him take aphrodisiacs before bed
You had been complaining about headaches, and when Diluc talks to Kayea about it, the sneaky bastard hands him over 2 pills
The Knight claims that their pain relief tablets, but both you and diluc have to take them in order to work due to some Sumeran herbs
After the two of you take the pills with you meals, the beauty of the placebo affect hits you and your headaches leave
But once the two of you get into bed, hours go by and you're unable to fall asleep...
You have a raging hard-on and your breath is fast as you blush; Diluc beside you experiencing the exact same thing
Once the gentleman finally speaks up and apologises for him seemingly random desire to have you then and there, you let out a sigh of relief
Immediately, clothes get thrown to the floor, the moonlight from the window shining beautifully on your naked body beneath your husband's
Finally, the two of you feel relief once Diluc gently enters your strangely loose hole - your walls soft and gummy around Diluc's massive hard dick
Diluc can't help but notice how beautiful you look, his heart rate increasing every time you look into his eyes or when you let out the slightest sound
His groans echo in your ear softly as you scratch the man's muscular back - Claymors are heavy, and his muscles definitely show that!
Your breathy moans mix nicely with Diluc's, his soft hands either around your waist holding you down or holding your leg up on his shoulder
The hormones in your body make you more flexible than before, your body bending to Diluc's will as he runs through you like a horny madman
And when Diluc takes a brief breather, his dick still inside of you as he sits ups kneeling on the bed - his crazy muscular body and slutty waist shimmering from sweat and moonlight - the man chuckles as he looks down at your spent form, toying with your dick as he breathes deeply
Wrapping his huge hand around your cock, Diluc pushes you over the edge, your walls clamp down on his veiny cock as he refuses to thrust his hips
Your cum shimmers on your chest as Diluc chuckles deeply, his voice making your dick hard once again
Your husband's needs rear their heads once more as he's reminded of his impending orgasm, and so Diluc starts to pound into you once more
One hand on your waist and another gently on your throat, Diluc fucks into you like a dog in heat, moaning and grunting, whispering into your ear how fucking good you're making him feel
And once his thick cum fills your hole up, the aphrodisiacs take no less than thirty seconds to make Diluc carnally need you once more
And more
And more and more and more!
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Tried something new, I like reading this kind of style, so some of my fics will be in this shorter "imagine format"
But I'll defo still do 'full length' fics too!
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windwheeler-aster · 2 years
in the shadows
summary: the life of a spy is a dangerous one... and it certainty complicates their love lives.
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pairings (separate): diluc, kaeya, childe, zhongli, and xiao x reader 
reader info: uses gender neutral pronouns (they/them), reader is a spy (diluc, zhongli, xiao) or a target (kaeya, childe), and reader is not traveler
word count: 4,397 words (16 min~) // 880 words per character (3 min~)
genre: Spy AU, Modern AU, romance
format: headcanons and blurbs
warnings: violence (mentions of knife, gun usage, assassinations), cursing, kind of suggestive themes (kayea’s part), reader being hospitilazied for injuries/being on a lot of medicine (zhongli’s part), and brain damage/injury mentions (xiao’s part, reader)
a/n: wow... i really can’t believe i started posting to this blog a year ago yesterday. it’s amazing how far i’ve come since that moment... and i wanted to thank you all for the continuous support since then💖 to another year of writing! 
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song recommendation: Play With Fire (feat. Yatch Money) by Sam Tinnesz
diluc ragnvindr, a fellow spy at your agency
he’s known around the agency to be a master of roleplay and disguise
rumors have it that he sometimes completely disappears into a role when assigned the longer missions
the higher ups love him, of course, so he always gets missions with the best pay
not that he needs it, though
another popular rumor amongst the paper-sorters of the agency is that mr. ragnvindr is secretly the heir to the largest wine tycoon in the country
being one of the on-field members of the agency, you know that rumor is true
and it peeves you off to no end that this already rich man is getting... well, richer
but... he’s still diluc, the best person to fall into any role needed
and, of course, your agency has paired you two up on a mission where diluc and you must pretend to be the perfect couple to protect a treasured client of the angency’s (read: the company’s biggest investor)
it’s almost unbearable for you
but the way diluc holds onto your waist, his forearm pressed against the small of your back, makes you think otherwise
and maybe, just maybe, mr. ragnvindr isn’t as horrible and stuck-up as you predicted him to be...
Another one of the servers came floating by your circle, offering glasses of champagne to everyone. Your target, an older gentleman, folded in half with laughter as he struggled to tell a joke. He accepted a glass of champagne, as do the two people standing closest to him. When the server turned to you and Diluc, you eye the flutes of beige-colored liquid with an appreciative gaze. 
But then Diluc’s fingers pressed gently into your side, causing you to look at him. 
We need to keep our minds focused, his eyes say. 
We need to fit in, you argue silently. 
But you comply to Diluc’s suggestion. You look at the server and dismiss them with a polite nod, and then turn back to the conversation at hand.
“— and he said to me,” the target wheezed, holding onto one of the other guests’ shoulders for support, “‘If you keep treating me like this, you’ll be losing your best employee!’” he wheezed again, and then said his punchline, “And I told him, ‘I’m not looking to retire anytime soon, young man!’”
The group chuckled, you and Diluc having to force a laugh to play along. When your eyes met, a look of understanding was shared between you two. Sleazy C.E.O.s, the worst clients the agency can give us.
Your target looked over to you and frowned. Panic seized your heart as you shifted your weight onto your other leg, leaning into Diluc more. What’s his problem? Do we not look... couple-y enough or something? Crap, is he going to blow our cover and cause a huge fuss because of it? I swear to the archons above if this fool tries anything I’ll—
“Mr. and Mx. Ragnvindr,” your target greeted. “You still haven’t helped yourself to some drinks. How come?”
Shit. You looked to Diluc with panic. Out of everything you two prepared for, a reason to not drink was not one of them. Archons above know that this man wouldn’t listen to a simple explination if it depended on his life. So you both struggled for a heartbeat before Diluc opened his mouth, an excuse on the tip of his tongue.
“Although we appreciate the offer, my love and I—”
But before Diluc could continue, a shrill scream echoed across the room. You both leaped away from one another and stood in front of your target, your backs facing him. As you and Diluc reached for your concealed weapons, you both heard party-goers begin to shout. 
“Shit, he has a knife!” 
“Everybody, get down!”
“A knife? At my party?” your target grumbled from behind you two. 
But before he could get himself hurt, Diluc stopped him.
“Sir, I will have to ask you to sit back and let the professionals handle this,” he murmured, glancing at you with a sly grin. “Ready, love?”
You smirked and quickly pulled out your weapon, letting it flip in the air before you caught it by the handle, gracefully. 
However, you almost drop your weapon to the floor when you glance back at Diluc. Your cheeks were set aflame once you realize how hot— no, elegant Diluc looked in a suit. And the way his lips pulled from a tight-lipped line into a handsome grin almost made you buckle at the knees. 
But right now is not the time to get feelings, you reminded yourself.
“Of course I am, sweetheart,” you answer him, finally. Then, you add in a hushed whisper so your target couldn’t hear, “now let’s show this idiot why the agency sent their best agents to protect him.”
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song recommendation: Sucks by RealLiveAnimals
kaeya alberich, a handsome stranger who has been talking to you for the whole evening
he’s handsome and suave, and not to mention smart as a whip
so for the entire evening, you two have been laughing and joking about the absurdity of this party
and you can’t help but catch the way he melts, ever so subtly, after you finish laughing
or how he guides you throughout the party, purposefully picking secluded areas so you two can hear each other over the noise
and even though you just met him today, kaeya made you want to spill every secret you had to him
which would have been perfect for kaeya— if you hadn’t stopped yourself from doing so
his agency had assigned him to pull secrets from you, someone who just so happened to be a close friend of another mission’s target
they had expressed for him to use any means necessary to get this information
which just translated to “seduce them” to kaeya, of course
although he’s had worst clients to seduce, kaeya was sure you’d crack by now
but you haven’t, and it doesn’t help that the chemistry between you two feels too natural for him
because the last thing kaeya needed was to fall head over heals with you
but with the way the moonlight streams down onto your face, it’s getting harder and harder for kaeya to resist the urge to kiss you
On the private balcony, Kaeya and you had the perfect view of the night sky. You gazed at the stars with an appreciative gaze while Kaeya’s eye wandered anywhere but the sky. As you made up constellations in your head, a quiet distraction from the handsome stranger, Kaeya shamelessly stared at you.
He burned the image of you into his head, secretly envying the stars who captured your attention. He memorized the way you held onto yourself, how your hands rubbed up and down your forearms. Kaeya also found it important to remember how the warm air left your parted lips, mesmerized by the white puffs of breath you let out. For the mission, he reasoned.
Although, nothing about the mission needed him to stare at your lovely lips. 
Perhaps it was just the moonlight illuminating you, making yourself irresistible to Kaeya. Your lips, so pretty and tempted to him, that make the competent spy lost in the throes of love. They were so tempting that Kaeya really did consider pushing himself off the balcony’s railing and juat kiss you.
But then he chastised himself for being so foolish, almost forgetting his purpose of the evening. So, Kaeya kept reminding himself as he gazed at your lips again. This is for the mission.
“What are you looking at?” 
It took Kaeya a moment to realize you had just spoken, which effectively snapped him out of his trance.
“Is there something on my face?” you fretted, grazing your fingertips over your face.
“No, it’s uh— it’s nothing, don’t worry about it,” Kaeya stuttered out. But then, quick to resume the task at hand, he added, “I just noticed how lovely you look under the moonlight.”
His heart leapt into his throat when you smiled. 
“Thank you, Kaeya.”
“No problem, darling.”
You looked back to the moon, your attention so easily stolen from Kaeya. He watched as you shivered, ever so slightly, and moved your hands over your arms even more now.
And, without much thinking, Kaeya unclipped his cape. The sound brought you back to him, although you seem confused. But then you realized what he was doing and quickly stepped aside from him, a poor attempt at dodging Kaeya’s kindness.
“Please, I insist,” Kaeya offered the cape to you, again. “I don’t want you getting cold. Alright, sweetheart?”
You eyed his cape, warily. “But what about you? Won’t you be cold without it?”
“I have plenty of layers on already. I’ll be fine without a few,” he said as he placed the cape over your shoulders. “I think I’d look better without a few layers, don’t you?”
The butterflies in his stomach, which he was not aware of until now, soared as you gave him a once over. He shivered under your gaze as you brought your gaze, ever so painfully slow, to his. Usually, his agency assigned him passive clients that always fell for his charms. However, your level of boldness was somewhat foreign to Kaeya. And, truthfully, Kaeya wasn’t used to this much attention from a client. 
But he was far from opposed to it.
He saw you bite your lip once you met his eye after one more once over of Kaeya. Although he should have been thinking about the mission, all thoughts of it were absent from Kaeya’s mind. His heart had began to ram against his chest and his blood pumped in his ears. There was no hope for him now.
Slowly, your hand reached onto Kaeya’s tie and you pulled him close. He was ashamed at the small gasp that slipped from him as you tugged him close to your face. From the tips of his ears to the very center of his nose, it all burned as he was too flustered to think about anything coherent.
Then, you finally answered Kaeya’s question.
“I think I’d have to agree with you, Kaeya,” you whispered dangerously. “Now, let’s go find somewhere more... private to prove this theory of ours.”
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song recommendation: Killshot by Magaelena Bay
tartgalia, more commonly known as childe, is known as ruthless assassin
he’s a wonderful asset to his agency, as he’s very skilled in close and long ranged combat
his only draw-back was his unusual enthusiasm to killing targets
which didn’t matter much unless he was placed on seduction missions
when childe was placed on those missions, which was a rare feat on its own, he went to unsettling extremes to protect the target from attacks
safe to say, the agency quickly forbid him from those missions...
these days, childe now spends late evenings and nights on rooftops
he’s laid flat on the roof with a grey beanie shoved forcefully over his fiery orange hair, much to his displeasure
childe will lay there for hours, mostly humming a tune to himself as he awaits a voice on the other line of his communication device
of course, he’ll have enough time to read over the mission’s file
childe will even try to scope the target out, his eyes peeled for their face through the venue’s windows
usually after spotting them, he’ll just keep an eye on them as he awaits for further instructions
now, tonight’s mission was different. as childe was absolutely shocked when he had read over the mission file
because since when did the agency go after targets who were just so perfectly childe’s dream date?
Childe’s eyes skimmed the lines, over and over again. The words didn’t really sink in the first time, not until his third time reading it. But he was still so frantically obsessed with you, who would undoubtedly be perfect for him. Childe tried to read between the lines, going over every meaning of each word typed up. Each detail of you that he was given seemed compatible with him, even if some weren’t even close to his own ideals. 
He chuckled, quietly of course, as he poured over each word again. His mother always used to say he needed someone to ��keep his head on his shoulders.” It was about time I found you, he thought with a devilish grin.
“Tartaglia,” an impatient voice snapped at him over the intercom, “are you even listening to me? Shit, did his intercom die or something? For f— no, Rosalyne, this is exactly why we don’t have Jared from accounting to prepare mission equipment.”
Nonchalantly, Childe pressed a single finger to his headset as he continued to browse your file like a teenager poured over a magazine. And he twirled a curl of hair, pulled out from beneath that damned beanie, and began to twirl it around his finger. 
“Good evening to you too, Scaramouche,” he said calmly. 
Childe smiled when he heard his partner fumble over the intercom. “Oh, you mother fu— you’re the worst, y’know that?” Childe could practically see him roll his eyes. “Did you get a chance to look over the mission file yet? You didn’t answer me the first five times.”
“Boy, did I ever.”
“Why are you talking like—” Scaramouche groaned as he connected the dots, “Tartaglia, please don’t tell me you—”
“—found my soulmate and already began planning my wedding?” Childe rolled his eyes as he finally closed your file. “Scara, you always know how to take the words right out of my mouth.”
“You idiot,” Scaramouche all but screeches over the intercom, causing Childe to flinch. “Do you even remember what your job is? You’re literally being sent to eliminate them—”
“Do you think the agency would make an exception? For me?” Childe asks, distracted. “I am their best assassin, after all. Surely I could spare just one target… and take them on a date afterwards, or whatever.” Another groan came from Scaramouche. “What? I’m just sayin’.”
“Do you realize how stupid you sound right now?” Scaramouche sighed. “Who knew you could get so easily love-struck by just a couple of photos and—”
“There’s pictures?” Childe all but screams. 
Before he can wait for his partner to continue, he hurls himself to the folder in question. In his love-fueled rush, he had forgotten to check the folder for anything more. He hurriedly grabbed the photos, acting like a starved man, as he caught his first glimpse of you.
If it was possible to fall in love again, Childe did so read then and there. Scaramouche, unfortunately for Childe, heard the ginger’s quick intake of breath as he feasted his eyes on you.
But then Scaramouche’s groaning pulled his attention away again. “Man, Rosalyne is not going to like this.”
“Do you think she’ll allow it?”
“She’s a big softie— of course, she’s going to allow it. But…”
“But, what?”
“I don’t know how Pierro, or even Capitano, would react… much less the Tsaritsa herself,” he murmured.
“Surely I can—”
“Shit, Childe, twelve o’clock,” Scarmouche interrupted. “They’re approaching the open balcony, alone.”
Instinctively, Childe lowered his eye to the telescopic glass as he leveled his gun. Soon, Childe saw your head bob through the crowds and find an escape to the open balcony. Subconsciously, his finger hovered near the rifle’s trigger before he quickly placed it elsewhere. From his perch on the rooftop, he watched you with such intensity that Childe was sure you could feel it from this distance.
“Childe, take the shot.”
He hesitated. “I… I can’t do this.”
“Do not ‘dude’ me, Scaramouche.” Childe hesitated. Then he added, “Get Rosalyne on. I need to talk with her.”
“Ajax, don’t—”
“Just put Rosalyne on the phone,” he almost seethes, desperate for a life with you— a complete stranger to him if not for a small profile and collection of photos— controlling him entirely now.
Scaramouche sighed, for the final time. “Alright man. It’s your funeral, though.”
Better mine than theirs, Childe thinks as he begins to craft compelling reasons to grant you mercy from his agency.
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song recommendation: Feeling Good by Micheal Bublé
zhongli is the agency’s best informant
he’s organized, easy to trust with those charming hazel eyes of his, and incredibly intelligent 
and not to mention the total heart-throb of the office
but zhongli is also incredibly professional
if you’re ever in contact with him, expect prim and proper emails, texts, document notes, and even manner of speech
but when zhongli is paired for your missions? that’s all seemingly out the window
he’s sweet and kind towards you, greeting you with a warm smile every time he sees you
and zhongli even brings you your preferred drink to your desk
he says its so you can hydrate and keep yourself alert while writing out your mission report
but truthfully, zhongli just wanted another excuse to see you
especially when you have been going on even more dangerous missions as of late
zhongli really hates seeing you all bruised and battered up 
and he practically seethes with hatred at your boss whenever you end up in the hospital after missions
so, he tried to take things into his own hands
just send them on a detour this mission, he told himself, editing the mission document he would give you tomorrow. give them a small vacation, then they can get back on the trail.
however, zhongli didn’t expect his plan to backfire so hard that you end up in the hospital
he hopes that you won’t connect the dots about this mission’s failure— at least until he gets into your hospital room to explain himself
In your injured state, you barely heard the first knock at the door. The doctors had you on so many different medications you could barely keep your eyes open, much less concentrate on your environment. But when you heard the second knock, you turned your head to the door. More so in annoyance than curiosity, as it was proving to be difficult to sleep with that damned knock distracting you.
But you were shocked to see Zhongli’s face in the door. He smiled once your eyes locked with his, but then turned to his right to look at something. After a moment, he nodded and began to open the door to your room.
“— make sure not to cause stress to the patient,” your doctor warned.
“Alright. Thank you,” Zhongli assured, facing the doctor as he closed the door. “We’ll only be a few minutes.”
“Good, because—”
But Zhongli had already shut the door. His shoulders relaxed as he let out a small sigh of relief. He glanced over his shoulder to you, more than relieved that you were all right. But then he was puzzled at what you were looking at, as it had caused your mouth to part. 
“Are… are those for me?” you tentatively asked.
Zhongli realized what you meant and looked down. In his right hand was a large bouquet of roses, the colors ranging from deep scarlet reds to pure whites. He felt odd for still holding them, as they were a gift for your recovery, so he began to walk over to you.
“I’ve never gotten flowers before…” you murmur as he places them in your outstretched hands. “Oh, Zhongli… they’re so pretty.”
“Do you like them?” he asked.
You smiled as you clutched them to your chest, “Of course I do.”
Zhongli smiled in return. For a moment, Zhongli stood over you as he admired how you inspected the flowers. But then you returned his gaze, unexpectedly, and he felt shy for the first time in… well, a long time, actually. 
He sat on the hospital bed, in a place where you did not occupy. For a moment, he struggled to find the words to express himself. He wanted to say he’s sorry for making you go through hell and back because he wanted to protect you. He wanted to explain why he wanted you to be safe. And he wanted to explain why that is, why he felt like only he could protect you. 
But you managed to speak before he did. 
“Thanks for visiting me,” you murmured. “I’ve never gotten flowers before.”
You chuckled, “Yeah. I guess I’ve never been the type of person that gets flowers… but thank you.”
Seeing that you were distracted, Zhongli swallowed his guilt and tried to apologize.
“There’s something I need to tell you,” he murmured, “something that I should have done—”
“Zhongli,” you carefully set the bouquet on your nightstand. “Can… Can it wait?”
He looked at your tired expression and gave in to it, even if the guilt was eating him alive. “Yes.”
“Thank you. All this medicine has been making me so tired. The doctor said it’s normal, but still…”
”Would you like to be alone?”
“No… no, don’t go,” you reached out for his hand, your movements sluggish when you finally captured his wrist in your grasp. “I still want to talk to you— I just can’t handle big news right now, doctor’s orders. Is it okay if we talk about something else though?”
“Of course,” he assured you, trying to brush off the guilt and hurt. Another time, he told himself. 
“Thank you,” you mumbled, “now, how was your day?”
Zhongli looked at you, who was probably on ten different medicines to keep you alive. You, who didn’t look your best after being shoved into hospital scrubs. You, someone he had been loving quietly from afar, who came back from the brink of death and acting so casually about it.
And Zhongli gazed at you with the same love-filled stare he had been giving around the office, during meetings, and whenever he thought you weren’t looking. But you looked so unbelievably happy when he gave you the roses, and even now you looked content just by being in the same room as him. And Zhongli, ever the love-struck fool at heart, decided it would be best to comply with your demands.
“My day was good,” he murmured simply as you already began to drift off.
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song recommendation: Do I Wanna Know? By Arctic Monkeys
xiao, a long time rival of yours
he’s also a fellow spy, the best of his agency in fact
you’ve heard that he might as well be a rogue agent at this point, if not for his personal ties with the agency
and you’ve seen him in action before, on your own missions
xiao is quite... merciless towards his enemies
and he’s not much for conversation either. or cooperation, for that matter
and, hilariously enough, both your agency and his keeps assigning you on the same missions with the same targets
which has ended in you two, on multiple occasions, racing to get to the target first
because, for some reason, the rule of “first come, first serve” prevails the most between spy agencies 
and xiao isn’t afraid to do anything to win in this competition
he’ll leap terrifying heights and gaps between rooftops, he’ll tear down shelves to trap the target more easily, he’ll do practically anything
it’s almost like he’s actually hunting the target
which wouldn’t be far from the turth, but—
and you’ve always gotten the impression that xiao didn’t care about what happened to you
whether you won or lost the competition, he’d disappear a moment later
that was until he saw you, wounded in your failed attempt at catching your shared target
and suddenly xiao’s goal didn’t seem as important as before
You knew the mission was over as soon as you saw Xiao’s striking yellow eyes. 
He called your name tentatively, crouching down to where you were on the ground. Xiao was grateful that he couldn’t see any blood, but he didn’t let it show. 
He pushed you into a sitting position, gently cradling you against his chest.
“Xiao?” you murmur, trying to tilt your head up. “When did you get here…?”
“Doesn’t matter,” Xiao muttered as he made you look at him with a hand on your neck. “Does anything hurt?”
You shook your head, or at least tried too. With each passing second, it seems your eyes have been growing heavier and heavier. 
“Hey, stay awake,” he tried to say in a calm voice, but his nervousness overrode it. “Hey— hey, no, stay with me c’mon,” Xiao shook you, gently, which seemed to work. “Stay with me, please.”
You furrowed your brow at him. “Why are you—”
“Don’t question it,” he muttered, placing your arm over his shoulder. “Can you stand?”
You nodded, getting up on shaky legs as Xiao shouldered some of your weight. “Thanks.”
“Don’t mention it,” Xiao glanced at your cheek, as eye contact was proving to be too difficult when you kept looking at him like that. As much as his cheeks warmed at the gaze, he tried to blame that fond gaze you gave him on the potential brain damage.
You two started to walk along the pathway out of the warehouse. The agency will come and get the target, Xiao reassured himself. I’ll send them a memo explaining the sudden—
“Your eyes are pretty,” you blurted out.
Xiao blushed, completely caught off guard. “What?”
“Your eyes are really pretty,” you said with more emphasis, causing Xiao to blush even more. “I never got to see them up close.”
Xiao’s mouth remained separated for a moment. No sound came out except for the crack of his voice, which caused him to look away from you. 
You’re a trained spy and assassin, he said to himself, now is not the time to realize your feelings.
“You must have knocked your head on the wall really hard,” Xiao murmured, finally. “But, er, if it means anything to you… your eyes are really nice to look at, too.”
“Really? Then why won’t you look at me?”
As though it was a command and not a simple prompt, Xiao looked at you. His breathing stopped for a moment as he took in your features up close, unknowingly coming back to your lips over and over again. And yet he didn’t seem to notice how you did the same, mouth slightly parted as you drank in the image of Xiao. Each speck of yellow in his eyes, each strand of hair, the way his muscles tensed as he breathes shallowly— all of it, burnt into your memory now.
Xiao blinked and then looked away from you, coming to his own conclusion. 
Yeah. Definitely brain damage. 
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@x-zho @cxlrosii​
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thank you for reading 💖 all forms of interaction to my posts are appreciated 💖
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rukkiya · 2 years
angel with a shotgun
(kaeya x reader)
“get out your guns, battles begun, you a saint or a sinner?”
“You’re our last hope.” The familiar sentence rings in his ears.
“My son, the time has come. Your land waits for your return. Now reign upon them and show them that the people of Khaenri'ah will forever live on.'' The loud voice of his fathers echoed in his head far louder than any other times he’s heard it.
Along with it rang a sick mixture of cheering and cries of agony. Those who were bestowed with kahnrriahs downfall, their cries ring in his ears as the cheers from the fallen army encourage him to push foward.
Kayea’s always been afraid of it, terrified of himself. Disgusted.
He knows he has to choose a side, over the place where he’s from, his homeland, or the place that accepted him with open arms, his home right now, where not only those he holds close reside, but you aswell.
Now is the time he must choose, to fight for his fallen nation, or to become a sinner of the one who welcomed him in.
“If love's a fight, then I shall die, with my heart on the trigger.”
He was so afraid, he tried to push you away but you pushed yourself closer every damn time he did.
You knew he was hiding something, something he was too scared to talk about, too scared to tell you about. He only shouldered the burdens of the past on his own two shoulders despite you telling him countless times to share the burden because he didn’t have to be alone anymore, with you he didn’t.
He mentioned it, hinted at it here and there when he would joke around. Sometimes his questions and jokes sounded so light and airy but the look written on his features was screaming at you to notice the true meaning behind his words, and you did.
Though he didn’t tell you everything at once, about who he really was, where he was from, about his fallen land and the people that fell with it, you didn’t think any different of him. You know a day will come where he truly tries to push you away because of it but you won’t allow him to make such a decision. Because even if he does try, you will only stick closer by side even longer.
The Kaeya you know and love is him and him only, you know his past haunts him and you want nothing more than to help him, help him realize he isn’t bad, it isn’t his fault, it’s not all on him, and he isn’t alone.
So when he finally tells you the truth, he fully expects you to up and leave. To see the same look of betrayal written on your features and the look of disgust that Diluc wore that night but he sees nothing of the sort.
Though he’s the one who told you if his past he’s the one rendered speechless. He can’t help but be shocked at how you only held him closer, how you gently held him as he told you his fears and guilt from his past. As he clung to your shirt for dear life as the tears finally slid down his face, past his patched eye and down onto your hands that only wiped them away without a second thought, archons he felt so undeserving.
He told you, warned you a day would arise. One where he would have to choose one way or another, he doesn’t know how it’ll happen but he warns you that when the day does come to leave him. To let him go so you won’t be dragged down along with him down the path of sinners, but you’ve assured him you were a sinner yourself, you told him you weren’t perfect and you’ve don’t things that’ve stained your white clothing and to never tell you to do such a thing because you won’t leave him, especially not after he’s trusted you with his past.
When you are on your way home from work you hear commotion from afar as you enter the city gates of Mondstadt, your legs making you walk towards the noise curious as to what was causing it.
You quickly pinpoint the direction it was coming from, The Knights of Favonius headquarters. You immediately made your way up the steps, each step getting quicker as it soon turned into a sprint .
A sick feeling sets in your gut as the shouts of the people become clear, making you scan the crowd as soon as you reach the outside of the headquarters. The words “traitor” and “spy” were being screamed at by the citizens of Mondstadt over and over. You didn’t see the one person who your eyes were desperately searching the perimeter for, making you instinctively summon your weapon.
You felt sick as you pushed your way past the angry mob, you needed to find him, now.
“We should’ve never put our trust in you! You’ve betrayed us! I should’ve known better than to trust someone like you!” An elderly woman shouted, fist clenched as she raised it up to the front of the crown making your head shoot up to see who she was yelling at, though deep down you already knew who the comments were against.
“It’s not true is it? Captain would never betray us!” One of the younger knights shoved another as they argue, more commotion happening as seconds passed
Your eyes land on the main person they're screaming at. The person who has a look of terror on their features as their eye met yours from across the crowd. You begin to shove your way through to the front, weapon drawn in hand he only watches in horror as he thinks you are part of the angry mob. That you’ve chosen their side over his and his heart shatters as he sees you desperately shove your way forward. You’re going to strike him down, just like Diluc did the day he told him about his true self.
But only does his heart sink even more when you make it to the front and throw yourself in front of him to stop any incoming attackers, he only watches as you point your weapon back at the people you grew up with for his sake. As you stood your ground and stood in front of him to prevent anyone from hitting him any further than they have. You stood in front of him, though he pleaded with you not to, you did just like you promised you would.
“They say before you start a war, you better know what you’re fighting for.”
“Y/n?” You hear him call out to you from behind, his voice sounded so weak, defeated, and hurt. Nothing like the Kaeya you know and love.
“Y/n, p-please don’t you don’t have to do this I-“
“No, I can and I will. No discussion needed, they have no right to call you such names and if they dare point their weapons at you I have no shame pointing mine right back at them.” You assure him, standing taller and glaring at the people in front of you as they spewed more false accusations and unnecessary comments.
His mouth hung open a bit, he can only look at your small frame not shielding him much, but still trying nonetheless. But not only do you stand alone no, shortly after you arrived some of your most trusted companions and friends, family Kaeya’s made through his time of living in this foreign land that he’s come to call home.
Jean, Lisa, Bennet, and razor stood in front of him along with you, shielding him from the people who dare go against him.
“How dare you spew such nonsense, you know nothing about his past let alone what he’s been through!” You speak up, cutting off the unnecessary words behind thrown at him. Making the man and woman standing in front of you halte at you. “He’s protected you for so many years, yet you think you have the right to say such things to him over somerumors? Shame on you all. I will not back down to anyone who dares go after him as if they even want so much as touch a hair on him, they have to go through me first!” You threatened, eyes narrowing as you drew your weapon closer to you as the crowd inched closer.
“baby, you are all that I adore. If love is what you need, a solider I will be.”
Though various names were being thrown around, he was almost attacked by multiple citizens he’s made bonds with and peoples views on him may have changed he can only watch in a daze.
He knew this day would come sooner or later. How information of his past got leaked is besides him, he truly doesn’t know who or what gave that information and he can’t bring himself to care at this very moment, he just can’t believe his eyes.
He’s always believed he was destined to be alone, to never have anyone to call his own, to call his home. And though he found peace here, a home to “temporarily” call and some friends that became more like family, he seriously thought you’d all turn against him like everyone else, because that’s what he deserves, so he tells himself so.
But he is guarded by his most trusted companions, he’s guarded by you, his love, his home. Alongside you were his other loved ones standing tall in front of him, protecting him, weapons drawn ready to strike down anyone who tries to hurt him.
“I’m an angel with a shotgun, fighting till the wars won, I don’t care if heaven won’t take me back.”
Let it all be damned, they’d have to tear you to shreds if they wanted even get near kaeya. Their Cavalry captain, your Cavalry captain, your Kaeya. It made you furious at how they turned against him so quickly, they no nothing of what he’s been through yet they throw such hurtful names at him.
“I’d throw away my faith babe, just to keep you safe. Don’t you know you’re everything I have?”
If you truly had to leave it all behind you would, without a second thought. You knew the second he opened up, his walls came down and he showed you, told you, the truest parts of himself that you’d do anything to stay by his side. No matter the costs or measure’s you’d have to take. You knew he’d be opposed to it aswell but for once he needs to let himself be the one getting taken care of instead of always caring for others.
The people he’s kept safe for years, the city he’s protected, if they thought for a second he was actually a bad person than shame on them. You know, just from looking at him you knew he’d never betray Mondstadt like he feared he would. You knew he wasn’t the monster he made himself belive he was all these years, if he was he would’ve betrayed Mondstadt years ago, not stay here and protect the people of this land, not now that he genuinely cares so much for the elderly and children of this city. So you chose him, you chose him just as he chose you and everyone else in this dammed city because you know he wouldn’t hurt anyone let alone betray anyone in the place where he was raised.
“Dammed traitor! I can’t believe I put my faith in a coward like you! TO THINK A TRAITOR WAS PRETENDING TO BE ONE OF US! YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF!” A middle aged mad shoved you aside, causing you to stumble a bit. Kaeya immediately outstretched his arms, getting ready to pull you away and behind him from anyone who dares touch you but you caught yourself before you stumbled back.
Why? What’s going on? Why are you willing to go to such lengths? They won’t look at you the same, it’s ok if they hate me but not you! Kaeya’s head rang with so many questions. He just couldn’t understand. Why would you or anyone else ever stand up for him? “Why are you all doing this? There’s no need to go this far for me, you shouldn’t even-“
“One last warning!” You speak over Kaeya cutting him off before he could finish. You already knew what he was going to say and you didn’t want to hear him say it, not now, not ever.
“If anyone dares go against Captain kaeya, you have to get through me first!” You declare, drawing your weapon up to the man before you. Bennet and razor nod their heads along as they block a few people that tried cutting in.
“Captain Kaeya is not what you say he is! His background doesn’t matter! Where he’s from shouldn’t matter either! So what if he’s from another land! He belongs here just the same, maybe even more than any of you would!” Bennet shouted, his voice cracking ever so slightly. He felt overwhelmed, angry at the people who dared to call the man he looked up to such names.
“Kaeya is part of lupical, lupical is important to Razor! Kaeya protects lupical so Razor protects Kaeya!” Razor slammed his claymore on the ground to scare away a group of young knights from throwing anything at kaeya.
“Sorry captain but we’re not leaving you alone.” Bennet held his head high, taking a deep breath as he sent a sheepish closed eye smile to Kaeya, trying to hide his red eyes and angry tears so his Captain wouldn’t have to feel bad for him crying.
“Knights and Citizens, don’t interfere with us. I do not want to take any unnecessary measures but if you keep threatening Captain Kaeya I have no choice but to put you in your place.” Jean shouted, standing her ground as she kept people on her side at bay, no one wanted to go against grand master Jean, as she did not want to go against them but if she was provoked she’d have no other choice.
“My my, you guys actually think your two cents in this situation matters? You know nothing of what you spew so I’d say watch you mouth before zi teach you manners and to learn how to think beofre you talk.” Sparks of electricity zapped around you, Lisa was getting fed up with everyone’s shouting, she wasn’t one to be out in the front lines let alone be one to really draw her catalyst but she couldn’t let this go on any further.
“We’re not leaving. I’m not leaving, if they have a problem with you then it’s my problem too. We’ll get through this together,” you walk back until you feel your body hit his, his hand immediately wrapping around your arm, instinctively pulling you closer. “Together we’ll always be with you, ok love? No more shouldering everything on your own, you have me and I’ll fight for you until the end.” You glance up at him and the look in his eye speaks more than a thousand words. He looks relieved, scared but relieved nonetheless. He knew his secret was out but the fact that you, his love and his other close companions were here standing with him because you believed him him, you knew he’d chose you he’d choose Mondstadt, his home. It made him feel free, like a bird out of a cage.
The moment of relief was short lived as the flames of a scorching eagle flew past the crown making everyone go quiet. The blazing flames of retribution slightly burned the citizens’ skin.
Your body tensed once again as ready yourself, steady your feet on the ground as you raise your weapon up once again knowing exactly who’s flames those belong to. You felt Kaeya’s hand drop from your arm only to see him standing in front of you now in a blink of an eye as he stared at the man who was staring right back at him from the top of the steps across the entrance.
“Master Diluc.” An old man whispers out.
“I-It’s master Dliuc!” Another citizen says a bit louder.
“He’s here! He’s come to our side! Surely master diluc will put captain Kaeya in his place!” Citizens now cheered as they saw the familiar mop of red hair at the other side of them.
Diluc took a step forward, the crowd surrounding you cheered louder, urging him forward, even going so far as to make a clear path directly to Kaeya.
Kaeya’s shoulders tensed, he stood still, breath getting caught as he saw Diluc take another step. Flashbacks of the night of Crepus’ death came back, it was happening again, they were going to fight again, Kaeya didn’t want this, he didn’t want to fight his brother. He swore that night that if Diluc truly wanted to fight again he’d let himself get struck down, but now he’s in a predicament. As you are standing directly behind him, he made that promise to himself before he met you, but now he has someone to fight for, to protect, so as long as you're behind him he won’t let himself. He knows if push comes to shove he'll have to get you out of here before things get too ugly.
Kaeya and you weren’t the only ones tense though, Jean, Lisa, Bennet and Razor all froze. They only stared as Diluc made his way closer, not knowing what to do, what to prepare themselves to do.
Dliuc drew his claymore, his steps picking up as he dragged the claymore behind him, making his way up to the man of the hour. He was furious. The crown only urged him on further making his blood boil.
The heat emitting from his body was unnatural, only normal for those who wield pyro visions to handle.
Bennet and Razor were torn, each step Diluc took made them shake with uncertainty. Both young boys respected Master Diluc and Captain Kaeya, they never wanted it to come to this, they don’t want to see them fight.
Diluc’s eyes were locked on Kaeya’s as he walked closer, neither of them dared to break contact, unsure of what would happen next they were both wary. Kaeya only pushed you back a bit more, just in case, his hand hovered over the hilt of his sword.
In the blink of an eye, another burst of flames surged around you all, heat prickled your skin as Dliuc raised his claymore in the air and slammed it down into the ground below him, making everyone go quiet again.
Everyone froze, shocked gasps and sighs of relief were heard around you. Your eyes pried open again, the heat much more immense than earlier as Diluc was standing directly in front of you, directly in front of Kaeya.
His claymore cracked the ground beneath him as it seethed itself a few inches between the concrete. His glare much more intense than normal as he looked down at the crown below him, daring them to say something, waiting for someone to do anything.
Kaeya’s grasp around you eases up, he had grabbed onto you ready to evade Diluc’s attack earlier but all for nothing as Diluc stood in front of him, shielding him from the people calling him names.
“Those who dare oppose the Knights. Who dare accuse Kaeya of such acts and who dare go againt any of us, I will shown no mercy.” Diluc cleared his throat, making it known to the citizens just who’s side he was on, just who he would protect.
Kaeya didn’t think the day would come, truly didn’t think he’d see Diluc ever protect him, let alone stand up for him in such a situation as this.
“Are you just going to sit there and wait for a fight to break out? Or are you going to put them in their place and tell them what’s really going on Captain?” Diluc kept his voice low, not bothering to turn around and look at the shocked look written on his younger brothers features.
“I think they deserve an explanation but they can’t go around saying nonsense either, are you really going to allow them to ruin you reputation? Stand tall and put your foot down. You’re the Captain of the Knights of Favonious for goodness sakes it’s about time you use that title properly.”Diluc spoke up a bit louder, no one dared to even whisper too scared to do so as they didn’t want to see what would happen if they did.
Your hands wrap around Kaeya’s arm, urging him to speak up for himself, to clear things up properly. “You’re not alone my love,” You smile at him, relief taking over you again as Diluc now stood on your side.”Just explain to them what’s going on I’m sure most will understand. We won’t leave you Kaeya, we’ll all be here. They’ll understand.” You assure him, nodding you head in the direction Diluc and the others were at showing him just how many people believe in him, how many people do trust him.
“And I want to live, not just survive. tonight.”
For once he can let himself think of a future he’d never thought he’d have. One where he resides here, with his close friends he’s made thought the years, the citizens he’s come to love protecting and most importantly you, you were his home. If the citizens of Mondstadt allow him to continue to protect them he would. Though many may see him different and many went against him today he can’t bring himself to get angry or mad at them, insead it makes him more assured of his answer now. As he steps around Diluc and finally is face to face with the citizens once again he hopes they understand as he explains his situation and why he did it, and as no names were behind thrown and the looks of disgust and betrayal they all wore before we’re gone he has his answer for sure. He’d chose Modstadt over his homeland any day just as they had once chose to accept him when he had first arrived.
authors note: hellooo lovley people!! SHSHSHHS THIS IS MY DEDICATED BIRTHDAY FIC FOR KAEYA!!! \(*´▽`*\)ohmygosh the way this has been sitting IN MY BRAIN FOR MONTHS I mean monthss- It is inspired by my favorite song from when I was younger called “angel with a shotgun” by the cab HDHDUDU MY HEART this song brings back MEMORIES! I remeber hearing it again earlier this year and it just fit so well with my Kaeya please I had to write it for him MY HUSBAND SKRUNKLY BABY DESERVES SM LOVE I CANT omg ahhh I’m going bonkers bc I finally wrote it lol!!ahh okokok sorry for the long rant lol I’m posting this early bc I do work on his birthay (the 30th) and I wanted to make sure I got it out before so here it is hehehe!! this piece was very fun to write out I love this song and Kaeya sm (I don’t think it’s obvious enough heheh) so it just makes me really happy (ㅅ´ ˘ `)♡ I do hope you all enjoy! <3333
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balladxrecs · 1 year
fic recs, genshin impact
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disclaimer— none of the fics are my own works. authors will be credited・if you see any discrepancies please inform me so i can fix it asap・will not link a single profile / masterlist multiple times・all recs originally posted on tumblr unless stated otherwise
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☁️ — fluff・❤️‍🩹 — angst (with comfort)・💔 — hurt no comfort・🤭 — suggestive・🔥 — smut
⚠️ — dark content
. . .
morning sex 🔥・strrawb3rrysh0rtcak3
tartaglia, diluc, kaeya, xiao, kazuha
a little something ☁️・ayaboba
ayato, kayea, wanderer, zhongli
deep throat 🔥・angelltheninth
kaeya, diluc, itto, thoma, ayato, childe, pantalone, dottore, capitano, alhaitham, kaveh, neuvillette, wriothesley, zhongli
favorite positions 🔥・mermaid-trash
albedo, alhaitham, ayato, childe, cyno, diluc, gorou, itto, kaeya, kaveh, kazuha, heizou, thoma, tighnari, venti, wanderer, xiao, zhongli
his habits during "it" 🔥・azullumi
diluc, kazuha, ayato, kaveh, alhaitham, tighnari, cyno, zhongli, wanderer
how they react when you fall asleep in lecture ☁️・whoistartaglia
childe, zhongli, alhaitham, neuvillette, wriothesley, wanderer
soft sex 🔥・auratux
alhaitham, itto, diluc, childe, zhongli
[ FICS ]
breeding 🔥・anantaru
wriothesley, zhongli, thoma, ayato
touching his chest 🔥・lunargrapejuice
diluc, kaeya, zhongli
your relationship with your boyfriend ... hasn't been great lately ☁️・x-noechi-x
diluc, zhongli, alhaitham
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— writers, if you’d like to have your story / name removed, please just message me and let me know and i’ll get right on that
@anantaru // @angelltheninth // @auratux // @ayaboba // @azullumi // @lunargrapejuice // @mermaid-trash // @strrawb3rrysh0rtcak3 // @whoistartaglia // @x-noechi-x
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i-just-like-goats · 2 years
Diluc x Female Reader
Summary: basically just enemies to lovers, but they don't really end up together, it's up to you to decide, or I could write a part 2 lol
Warnings: some fighting, mentions of alcohol, some drunkenness
WC: 1.8k
Main Masterlist
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"You're not very good at this are you?"
You stared at Diluc's blank face.
"I'm surprised you're addressing me directly,"
"How so?"
"Usually it's: 'the Knights of Favonius, always so inefficient',"
"True, but it's your incompetency I'm seeing right now in front of me,"
Heat rose to your cheeks in shame and anger.
"Can you at least help me up?"
He begrudgingly offered his hand for you to take. You stood next to him with your clothes wet as more hilichurls started running and swinging their bats in your direction. 
You unsheathed your sword ready to fight, but Diluc held an arm in front of you. With a scoff from you, Diluc ran forward and swung his claymore, killing the small group.
"I could've helped,"
"You would've been in my way,"
"Whatever. I'm going back to the city. This Dark Knight Hero has got everyone buzzing and I'm curious as to why,"
Diluc gave no reply, so you set off away from the ruins.
"Hi Amber,"
"I caught a glimpse of the Dark Knight hero last night. They got rid of three abyss mages in ten seconds. It was amazing!"
"Did you see their face?"
"I see, well I've got to patrol,"
"See you!"
As you walked around Mondstadt, whispers of the Dark Knight surrounded you. It was all everyone was talking about. At this point, all you could feel was awe for this unknown hero as you heard more and more about their heroic acts.
"Y/N, care to join me at Angel's Share?" Kaeya asked.
"Sure, my patrol just finished,"
You took a seat at the bar as Kayea took the seat on your right. Diluc stared you and Kaeya down, but neither of you paid him any mind.
"This Dark Knight's got the whole city buzzing,"
"It seems he has. I'm curious about why he chooses to hide his identity," Kaeya mused.
"Perhaps he knows he's so good looking that he doesn't want the ladies swarming him whenever he carries out his job,"
"Perhaps you're right,"
"Of course I am,"
A scoff made you smile tightly before you locked eyes with Diluc.
"Good evening Diluc,"
"It was, until you showed up,"
"Now how can you say that to a customer? You wound me,"
"I apologise your excellently," He replied dryly, "What'll it be?"
"Grape juice,"
"No wine for you?" Kaeya asked.
"I've grown to dislike the taste,"
"Well I haven't. I'll have dandelion wine Diluc,"
Diluc made no reply and prepared your drinks. He set them in front of you as you paid for yours and Kaeya's drinks with some protest on Kaeya's part.
You paused slightly outside of Angel's Share wishing to catch even a glimpse of the Dark Knight. But, no commotion.
Whisperings of the Dark Knight seemed to follow you wherever you went. Your curiosity only grew for who they really were, yet none of the whispers had seemed to speak of their identity.
"Shouldn't you be out patrolling?"
"Shouldn't you be overseeing your winery? And I'm on break right now,"
"My winery can run perfectly fine without me breathing down everyone's necks,"
"I see, well my break's over, see you,"
You were getting ready to get up, but something yanked you back down. With a huff you turned to whatever was tugging your clothes.
"New outfit,"
"Old outfit actually,"
"I haven't seen you wearing this,"
"I haven't worn it around you,"
You glared at him as you picked up one of the chains attached to your shirt.
"Chains. Really?"
He huffed in reply and started carefully undoing the tangle of chains. Neither of you bade farewell and simply went your separate directions.
You stifled a yawn while you stretched your unstimulated body. The only reason the Knights were so inefficient was because the Knights were so understaffed, yet somehow, there was never enough challenging work. Always the same boring work of helping around the city, patrolling around the city. Nothing exciting ever happened during your days.
Warbled voices could be heard near Angel's Share. You flattened yourself against a wall and peered your head around the corner ever so slightly. An abyss mage with a few hilichurls and slimes. What were they doing in the city?
You took a step out of the shadows to confront them as you readied your weapon, but retracted almost immediately when flames started to envelope some of the hilichurls.
Footsteps started running towards the abyss mage. The dark knight? You looked around the corner and could only watch in awe as every single monster was reduced to ashes.
Your expression soured slightly. That familiar red attire, that ponytail, those chains. It couldn't be.
The dark knight turned their head slightly to check for any other threats. Diluc! How could someone so admirable actually be someone so detestable?
Diluc? The winery owner? Diluc who hated the Knights of Favonius? It couldn't be.
Though, you did suppose that he did seem to care a lot about the city and its people and that he was formerly part of the Knights. It only made sense that Diluc was the Dark Knight and didn't want to reveal himself.
You walked into Angel's Share once he left. Kaeya greeted you as you took a seat next to him.
"No, just a bit amazed,"
"By what?"
"Nothing important,"
"I see. Well I need you to do something for me tomorrow night,"
"And what will it be?"
"Keep an eye on Diluc for me will you? I know you hate him, but I trust you,"
"I'll see it done,"
"Excellent. Ah, speak of the devil and he shall appear,"
"Good evening Diluc,"
"Good evening Y/N," He replied after a moment's pause.
You said nothing and instead sipped on your grape juice. Diluc eyed you curiously but was soon occupied with running the bar.
"No banter with Diluc tonight?" Kaeya asked as you walked home with him.
"I don't have the energy is all,"
"I've seen an overworked you give better insults than a fully thinking you,"
“There’s nothing to it,”
You took a seat at the bar and ordered dandelion wine, soon you began to sway. From beside you, you heard Paimon attempting to order drinks.
“Paimon! Traveller! It’s nice seeing you here!”
Paimon and the traveller turned their heads slowly towards you in shock. You narrowed your eyes.
“You don’t look happy to see me.” You pouted.
“No no no, it’s not that! We didn’t know that Huffman would be here,” Paimon rushed out.
Huffman? Did Kaeya not trust you?
“Ignore Huffman!”
You hugged Paimon tightly into your arms.
“You don’t have to worry about me, Diluc’s little secret is safe with me,”
“You reek of dandelion wine,”
“What? I can’t enjoy myself a little from time to time?”
A knight burst into the tavern. You looked into Diluc’s eyes but smiled goofily to keep up the act.
“Shouldn’t you go and deal with that?”
“On it!”
With a giggle, you stood up shakily and started swaying from side to side. Huffman rushed to your side and looked at you in concern.
“Diluc please look after her while I go deal with the slimes,”
“I can do it!”
“I’m afraid you aren’t fit enough to handle this,”
With that, Huffman left the tavern and your smile dropped. You looked at Diluc expectantly.
“Well, don’t you have some things to take care of?”
“You sobered up quickly,”
“Wasn’t drunk in the first place. Now go,”
Diluc nodded at you and left with the traveller. From your peripheral, you glimpsed some dark blue hair sitting in the shadows. You sighed.
The traveller and Diluc stepped into the Tavern, with Huffman coming in shortly after. You resumed your act of drunkenness. Once Huffman left, the cavalry captain stepped out of the shadows.
“I’m offended that you don’t trust me enough to handle this myself. Come on, Huffman and you?”
“Let’s just say that I wanted to witness this for myself as well as me sensing a change in your attitude,”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Shouldn’t you be ratting me out right now? You know the Dark Knight’s identity now,”
“It’s not my style,” Kaeya replied coolly.
You watched Kaeya exit the tavern as Diluc converses with the traveller. The traveller and Paimon exit shortly after leaving you and Diluc with his employees. Diluc clears his throat and everyone leaves but you.
“Why what?”
“Why the whole act?”
“I found out that you were the Dark Knight a week ago, when Kaeya told me to keep an eye on you, I had to formulate a plan that kept your identity a secret. So, I did as I was asked, but faked drunkenness so that you would think it was alright if you left me because I’d be too drunk to notice, I could then relay to Kaeya that you were at Angel’s Share the whole night,”
“Why were you so determined to keep my secret?”
“Let’s just say, as insufferable as you can be, I care about this city and I agree with some of your views,”
“Thank you,” he said quietly.
You looked up from the table with widened eyes. Pink dusted Diluc’s cheeks.
“Are you embarrassed?”
With a laugh, you took a real sip from your dandelion wine. You grimaced.
“I still prefer grape juice over this,”
"That's one reason why I like you,"
"Hm? What was that?"
"Sounded like someone likes me. I am right in front of you, in an empty tavern after all,"
"So you can hear perfectly fine, I see no need to repeat myself,"
"I thought you disliked me,"
"I don't. I just don't like the Knights of Favonius, and I'm not particularly fond of Kaeya either, and you're closely related to both,"
"So you let whatever resentment for what and who I'm affiliated with affect your judgement of me? Wow Diluc, didn't know you were so petty,"
He shifted and focused on cleaning a glass cup. Diluc set the cup down and looked into your eyes earnestly.
"I actually quite like you. I like your personality, you're a hard worker and you stick to your values,"
"To be honest, I really wanted to be your friend when I heard about you from Kaeya, but you were cold so I deemed you unapproachable and I never tried to reach out. Seeing you as the Dark Knight made me remember what it was that I admired about you and it was your love for the city and your humbleness,"
"I didn't know you felt that way,"
"I didn't know you felt that way either, so what do you say? Shall we start anew as friends?"
Diluc nodded and shook your hand firmly.
"Hi Diluc, I'm Y/N, nice to meet you,"
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A/N: Whoa I wrote something that wasn't a request? Haha sorry for disappearing, but I'm back and I'll start working on those requests.
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dilucafterdark · 1 year
﹒──── ✩!ᶻz ⸜⸜⸜⸜⸜⸜⸜⸜ㆍ﹒
ᨳ welcome to my blog !
◞ ★ ︉﹒name︔ remi / doll
ᨳ pronouns ﹕ they/them
◞ ★﹒gender︔ ︉demi-girl / non binary
ᨳ sexuality ﹕bisexual , demi sexual , demi romantic
◞ ★ ︉﹒ ︉likes (ships // kink)︔ diluc x zhongli , diluc x childe , diluc x childe x zhongli // brat , rope bunny , edging , rough play , sub , choking , collars
ᨳ dislikes (general // kink)﹕ kayea x diluc , pro-shipper // incest role-play , shipping step sibling , race play
ᨳ if I post a fanfiction work of my own ﹕i will always include trigger and content warning, what kinks are involved etc.
﹒──── ✩!ᶻz ⸜⸜⸜⸜⸜⸜⸜⸜ㆍ﹒
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I posted 86 times in 2022
That's 86 more posts than 2021!
65 posts created (76%)
21 posts reblogged (24%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 67 of my posts in 2022
Only 22% of my posts had no tags
#black clover - 44 posts
#asta - 21 posts
#meme - 14 posts
#black clover incorrect quotes - 12 posts
#fgo - 8 posts
#genshin impact - 6 posts
#bloodborne x reader - 5 posts
#asta x noelle - 5 posts
#genshin x reader - 4 posts
#bloodborne - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 46 characters
#ruler in black: black clover and fgo crossover
My Top Posts in 2022:
First Meeting Rosaria X Reader
First Meeting
Initially Rosaria had no previous thoughts about you, she knew you were a nice and respectable person with a good job and kind heart. Her first meeting with you however will be one she will always remember.
Rosaria was walking to the Angels Share for a drink after her “Night Shift” as she rounded the corner to reach the Angels Share a man came flying out the window shattering it.
“(Y/N)!” The bar owner hollered.
“(y/n)?” Rosaria thought “were they the one who sent this guy out the window.”
“Ah don’t worry about it Diliuc I’ll pay for it after I teach this guy a lesson” you said
“(Y/N) PLEASE STOP YOU’VE ALREADY BROKE HIS JAW!” The cavalry captain yelled.
“BEAT HIS ASS (Y/N)!!! *hic*” the drunken bard that practically lived there shouted.
You hop down from the broken window and begin walking to the man that you sent through the window, grabbed him by the collar and said.
“You better take what you said about Sister Rosaria back! She is one of the most selfless, kind, and beautiful women in… all of… Tevyat…” You trailed off as you looked up to see the mildly surprised face of Rosaria.
“(y/n)” Rosaria said.
“Sister Rosaria” You squeaked out before letting go of the fellows collar turning around and scampering back to the broken window hastily climbing back inside paying diluc for the broken window and your drinks and running out the door and down the street in the span of time that it took for Rosaria to walk to the door and open it herself.
As Rosaria walked in the door The Bar Owner and Kayea suddenly seemed very interested in their respective clothing 
Needless to say Rosaria was now intrigued
After this event Rosaria realized that you would show up to the Cathedral whenever the choir was singing no matter the weather.
True this isn’t a strange phenomenon for the people of Mondstadt but what is strange is the fact that you come to see her instead of Barbra like the rest of Mondstadt.
Rosaria remembers this because whenever she is persuaded (read: Kidnapped) by Barbra into doing choir, your face would light up for a split second whenever you see her and you will take out a journal and begin doing… something in it.
Rosaria only noticed this after you stopped coming to listen to the choir… it hurt her a little.
So being the ever level headed woman she is, she decided to break into your house while you were sleeping and read the journal.
The entire journal was filled with drawings of flowers, fruits, vegetables, animals, and Her.
None of the drawings were in poor taste either, no drawings of her without clothes, no offensive drawings, and no drawings of her doing anything un-Rosaria like either such as blushing.
In fact the drawings all seemed to highlight how she looked as she was besides certain drawings there were comments about how beautiful the color of her hair was or a comment about her eyes 
One of the most recent drawings however was a drawing of her mildly surprised face with a caption that read as such.
Oh no, oh no, oh no, now she thinks I’m weird, I’m not going to be able to ever show my face to her ever again. But how will I get past my slumps whenever I have one like the one I’m in now? 
Rosaria was… flattered if that is the right word
See the full post
48 notes - Posted August 21, 2022
Mash: you’re sick, you’re temperature is 105!
Gudako: if i was sick, could i do this?
Mash: *staring at Gudako*
Mash: what are you doing?
Gudako: …cartwheels. am i not doing them?
Mash, softly: no.
51 notes - Posted August 4, 2022
Sara Kujou x Reader
Sara loves cuddles though she’d never admit it.
Sara loves it when she can put her head in the crook of your shoulders. She loves it because she can give you little kisses and bites.
Sara also loves it when she can lay on your back. She loves it because, to her, it represents that you trust her completely since no self respecting warrior would show their back to an enemy.
Her favorite part of you is your eyes. She loves them because of how shiny they are and their color.
You are one of if not the only person that Sara would let touch her wings.
Sara has a secret box under her bed that has two cloth dolls laying in it one of her and one of you. She made both herself.
Sara has also hidden pictures of you in the box that she took with her own personal Kamera and one taken by Kamisato Ayato that she “Confiscated” of the two of you standing together covered in flour, cake batter, and dango milk standing outside the Ayato estate. You were of course laughing like mad and Sara was looking like she was trying very hard to keep her composure whether it was because of Sheer rage, Despair, or Confusion because of the strange series of events that lead up to that.
Whenever you aren’t there and Sara has time off she’ll play with the cloth dolls enacting extremely romantic scenarios that will leave her flustered.
55 notes - Posted August 3, 2022
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Kinks like Scat and Vore
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84 notes - Posted October 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Tsundere Diluc X Reader
This man is like a deer in headlights when you talk to him.
Like, you order a drink and he just Freezes almost like a certain Cavalry Captain snuck up behind him and hit him with a blast of cryo that not even his pyro vision could melt.
“Can I have some dandelion Wine Diluc?” you asked the poor proprietor as you walked in the door.
When you sat down at the bar rather than being greeted with a sour face and a glass of dandelion wine you were greeted by a frozen Diluc with what looked like a faint painting of pink on his cheeks.
Diluc is convinced he is allergic to you, I mean how else could he explain that whenever he sees you that he starts sweating, gets hot in the face, and feels like something is running around in his stomach.
Eventually comes to the conclusion that you are somehow associated with the abyss and are poisoning him.
So Diluc takes you out on a “Strategic close range reconnaissance mission”. 
The “Strategic close range reconnaissance mission” started (as usual when you are involved) with Diluc being as stiff as a statue and you trying to figure out why.
The destination Diluc chose for the “Strategic close range reconnaissance mission” was the cliff near Dawn Winery facing Wolvendom which coincidentally had a beautiful view of Mondstadt city.
The refreshments for the “Strategic close range reconnaissance mission” were grape juice, a handful of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, and several dishes cooked especially by DIluc himself
After the “Strategic close range reconnaissance mission” ends he offers to walk you home with the first complete non stuttering sentence he has ever said to you
Now convinced more than ever that he is allergic to you (He trash canned the Abyss theory).
Kaeya and Venti give him H E L L over this, constantly teasing him while Diluc gets closer and closer to saying fuck it and strangling them with his bare hands.
Diluc invited you on more “Strategic close range reconnaissance missions” afterwards.
On “Strategic close range reconnaissance mission” #15 he realized “Oh shit this is kinda like a date”.
This revelation sent Diluc backpedaling into a stiff statuesque mess whenever he saw you. 
In summary Diluc is a Tsundere obviously pining over you while Kaeya and Venti laugh their asses off eating popcorn and reveling in Diluc’s suffering.
What did you think?
Asks are (Currently) open
100 notes - Posted October 23, 2022
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