#Katherine plumber imagine
Muse- Katherine Plumber
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Pairing: Katherine Plumber x Reader
Characters: Katherine Plumber
Warnings: N/A
Request: Anon- can I please request a katherine plumber x reader where reader is also a writer but writes more fiction and poems and katherine finds some poems about her?
Word Count: 455
Author: Charlotte
Being a writer and dating a writer was a perfect circumstance to be in. You may focus your writing on different genres but sharing a home with a fellow writer, allowed you and Katherine both to gain assistance from your partner and share the creative world of your work. Katherine was a journalist, struggling to find her place at a newspaper as a woman wanting to speak for the little man rather than run errands for her male counterparts, whilst you preferred to write fiction, often falling to poetry but were only able to publish under a male pseudonym.
Life for you both were focused behind closed doors. Neither of you could speak of your relationship without persecution, whilst you also hid your identity in your work and Katherine struggled to have her writing treated seriously in comparison to her male counterparts. Others may not have understood the struggle but you both worked as hard as you could to stand a chance in the writing world and it seemed to be going well thus far.
“Did you read my article?” Katherine questioned.
You nodded your head. “I have put my comments on it for you too. It is on my desk if you want it.”
Katherine didn’t answer instead hurrying across the hall to your study to find her work. The two of you often shared your writing with each other, providing a first round of edits before they would go on to be officially submitted to your actual editors. Katherine had recently written an article and although she was meant to have it to the editor tomorrow, she preferred to have the confirmation that you liked it before it was allowed to be read by anyone else.
You waited for her to return to discuss the article but when she didn’t come back, you decided to check to make sure she found it okay. Katherine was sat in your chair, her article still on your desk, whilst she read through some of your own work that you had forgotten was out as well.
“What are you reading?” You questioned, your eyes widening.
Although you allowed her to read the poetry you were going to get published, a lot of it was personal and for yourself, never meant to be seen by Katherine.
“Are these about me?” She asked, flicking through the poems that you had hoped that she would never see.
“You weren’t meant to ever read those,” you whispered.
She raised an eyebrow at you. “How often do you write poetry about me?”
“Often,” you admitted. “You’re my muse.”
Katherine placed the papers back atop your desk, coming over to you instead. She pressed her lips to your cheek.
“I am beyond flattered.”
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youaintnothinbuta · 5 months
hiii! could u pretty pls do a jack kelly x reader with the reader secretly being pulitzers daughter? (kinda like katherine’s storyline lol) :))
"So we wasn’t too good to be true?" — jack kelly x reader
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Summary: Jack finds out the hard way that you’re Pulitzer’s daughter and he’s not happy about it. But, after forcing him to listen to you, you show him that he can trust you.
Pairing: jack Kelly x pulitzersdaughter!reader
Word count: 1,000
Warnings: Fluff with a bita arguing! Sry if there’s typos <3
It was late and cold, Jack was hurting and angry. He’d gone back to the newsies from Pulitzer’s office, trying to disband the strike. The boys didn’t take this well, yelling and shouting at him like they hadn’t been friends for most of their lives. He stormed around on his rooftop, kicking and punching the railings, his breathing ragged as his body tried to keep warm in the cold air, and his brain tried to fight off the emotions that were becoming all too much for him to contain. The newsies, however, weren’t even the half of what was working him up so much. No, it was you. He was furious and sad.
While in Pulitzer’s office, he noticed the stamp patterned over all the documents spread all over his desk. Jack could barely remember what Pulitzer said to him. His head hurt, his brain felt like lead. That stamp had the same emblem as the one in your necklace, the one you’d told him was a family crest.
He wasn’t exactly being quiet up there, the echo of metal ringing and his angry cries made it pretty easy for you to find him.
“Jack,” you spoke his name as you climbed up the ladder to meet him.
Jack took a sharp breath in, “you shouldn’t be here.”
“What? Jack, we’re worried ab—“
“You’re worried, huh? Yeah, right.” Jack’s voice was raw with emotion, his words tinged with bitterness as he cut you off.
You frowned, confusion knitting your brows together as you approached him cautiously. “What are you talking about, Jack? What’s going on?”
He turned away from you, unable to meet your gaze as he wrestled with the truth threatening to spill from his lips. “I knew it was too good to be true,” he confessed, his voice barely a whisper, “I saw your matching family crest with Pulitzer. Nice surprise, really. I mean, how long did you think you could lie for?”
You froze, your heart skipping a beat as his words sunk in. “Jack, I…”
He spun around to face you, his eyes filled with a tumult of emotions – anger, sadness, confusion. “You lied to me, a-and every other newsie” he accused, his voice cracking.
Tears welled in your eyes as you reached out to him, but he recoiled, pulling away from you. “Jack, please, let me explain—”
But he shook his head, his jaw clenched with determination. “I don’t want to hear it,” he spat, his words laced with hurt.
“Jack, I’m not my father.”
“I—I’m not an idiot. I shoulda known,” he groaned, “girls like you don’t wind up with guys like me. Just piss off.”
With that, he turned away from you, his shoulders hunched against the biting wind as he retreated into the darkness of the rooftop.
You weren’t about to let him do that.
“No Jack,” you gripped the back of his shirt, pulling it to turn him to face you. Before he had the opportunity to turn back around, you gripped the collar of his shirt in both hands, forcing him to look at you.
“I am not my father. I am on your side, Jack. YOUR SIDE. I didn’t tell you he was my father because I knew you’d immediately disregard me.” You stated, not once letting your eye contact be broken.
Jack's gaze softened as he looked into your eyes, the intensity of your close proximity playing with his head. He swallowed hard, his throat tight with emotion as he struggled to find the right words to say.
You could see the conflict playing out in his eyes, the battle between his wounded pride and the sliver of hope he still had left. And then, without a word, you released your grip on his shirt and took a step back, your own emotions threatening to overwhelm you.
You gripped at your necklace. With one hard yank, you pulled it off your neck, snapping the clasp. He watched as you leant over the railing, tossing it as far into the night as you could. Turning away from him, you took a deep breath, steeling yourself for what you knew would come next – rejection, dismissal, the final nail in the coffin of what could have been.
But then, just as you began to descend the ladder, his voice stopped you in your tracks.
You paused, your heart pounding in your chest as you turned to look at him from the ladder.
"So we wasn’t too good to be true?" he asked, his voice soft yet filled with uncertainty.
You hesitated for a moment, your mind racing with a thousand thoughts of what to say. And then, summoning every ounce of courage you had left, you climbed back up the ladder and leaned against the railing, meeting his gaze head-on.
"Why don't you kiss me and find out," you challenged, your voice barely above a whisper.
Jack scoffed and shook his head. But as he looked into your eyes, he realized there was no jest in your expression, only a fierce determination and a vulnerability that mirrored his own.
“Wait, you’re serious?” he asked, his voice tinged with astonishment, his accent thick with disbelief.
You didn’t say anything, your gaze never leaving his as you held his stare, your heart pounding in anticipation.
And then, without another word, Jack closed the distance between you, his hands cupping your face as he pressed his lips to yours in a kiss that was both tender and passionate.
In that moment, everything else faded away – the cold, his anger, his hurt, your fears, the weight of the world on your shoulders. There was only Jack, only the warmth of his touch, the softness of his lips, and the overwhelming rush of emotions that came with him. Good ones.
There was a hunger in the way he kissed you, as if he was trying to convey all the emotions he couldn’t put into words. You pulled away, the soft smacking sound of your lips parting from his broke the silence.
“I am Y/N Pulitzer, Jack Kelly. Or should I say, Francis Sullivan.” You teased.
“You know?” His eyes widened, wondering how on earth you found out his birth name.
You shrugged, “We’re even now,” and extended your hand for him to shake.
“Nah,” he pushed your hand away, back down by your side, “I’d rather kiss.”
He smiled, pulling your body into his until your lips met again.
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walkman-cat · 8 months
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i had to :}
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(i love these panels)
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agentsnickers · 2 months
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but i never planned on no one like you...
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blotgydja · 7 months
thinking about canon era kath and how the only way she "reinstates her femininity" (because pursuing a career obviously meant she was incriminating her femininity lmao) is the way she physically presents: matching dresses and hats in tones of purple, pink and red. while pleasant homes was a hallmark of the women's rights movement, kath's apartment is a mess: notebooks, papers, books everywhere; unwashed dishes on every imaginable tabletop, tackled only at the end of the week or the beginning of the next; minimal decorations, perhaps a jack kelly sketch or two pinned to the walls at maximum; her bed forever unmade; typewriter askew on the kitchen table, which in turn is covered in circles of melted wax candles.
modern kath does a better job of balancing the public and domestic sphere. obviously when she grows up in the 1990s she isn't groomed to be a housewife the way she is in the 1890s, and thus does not revolt as intensely against historically feminine-aligned chores such as housekeeping ─ but she is still unorganised, messy and a horrible cook.
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regina-cordium · 1 year
What are you newsies pjo au thoughts?? I’m so hyped about this
I'm SO glad you asked, because this is fascinating
(Giving a quick shoutout to Rehearsal_Dweller on AO3 and @roideny they've inspired my #thoughts the most)
I don't have parents for ALL the newsies, so I'm definitely open for ideas 👀
Jack - son of Hypnos. HEAR ME OUT. I was tempted to make him a son of Hermes, mostly so he and Race and Crutchie could be brothers. However, Jack's Whole Deal is how he's a dreamer at heart!!!! He sees the way the world could be!! (wait--) I like the idea of him being able to travel in dreams (there's a term for this, but I cannot for the life of me remember it). A lot of the things he paints are things he's seen in dreams, or general ✨vibes✨ he gets
Katherine - this is where I'm stealing from Rehearsal_Dweller and saying daughter of Zeus. Like....imagine being the daughter of ZEUS and JOSEPH PULITZER the need to make her mark as herself instead of as an extension of her fathers. The way she'd refuse to use any surname but Plumber. If you wanna play with pjo canon, her being a prophecy kid would add even MORE stress on top. Give me Katherine blazing her own path not because of, but despite her parents. Going against what they want and expect her to be, to become an actual person and not an idealized hero
Davey - I cannot be swayed from son of Athena Davey. I refuse. He's clever, he's analytic. Going to Newsies canon REAL quick, but I like the hc that he knew what he was doing when he was explaining what they needed to form a union and was posing it as a challenge to get Jack to work with him. Yeah. It also still gives that canon-level "Davey puts everything on his shoulders and feels like he needs to solve everything himself" of sheer anxiety. He's a son of Athena!! He needs to be perfect and smart and know how to do everything!!
Sarah - Davey's twin. She's also extremely clever and really good at reading people and working a conversation into a direction she wants. However, my favorite modern au hc for Sarah is that she's a fashion designer, so I see her focusing more on Athena's crafting aspect. As a result, other than Davey, she's closest with Buttons. She also has a ton of little hobbies that she's picked up because she finds herself going "well, I can't just stay doing the same thing all the time. I need to be well rounded!" and suddenly she knows how to customize dolls
Les - okay, thiiiiis is where I steal from roideny a bit. He has Davey & Sarah and Les are step siblings, and Esther and Meyer bonded over being parents of demigods. That being said, I go around and around on what godly parent he'd have!! Hebe is a good one, as goddess of youth. Hermes is good because Mischief™️ and Race being an awful influence. WAIT. Hold on. I'm going through the cabins and TYCHE. GODDESS OF CHANCE. Lets be real, he's the catalyst of everything!! Without him convincing Davey to work with Jack, nothing would've happened!!! If he hadn't convinced Davey to TAKE A CHANCE!!!! I'm settled, he's a son of Tyche
Race - son of Hermes. I refuse to be moved on this, either. Race is king of pranks. He's SO sneaky, too. That's the real reason he's called Race; one second he's on the cabin's porch, the next he's by the Big House. How'd he get there? Nobody knows. Is he fast??? We don't know. He's actually a REALLY great swordsman, but he prefers fistfights. Nobody expects to get punched in the face.
Crutchie - son of Hermes. Everyone is surprised when they learn that fact. They are in for a rude awakening when their clothes end up on the roof of their cabin. How did Crutchie get up there?? Nobody knows. He and Race are co-councilors, but it's mostly because he knows when to be serious. People tend to go to him with problems, though he and Race are good problem solvers. WAIT. I just remembered Hermes is god of languages too. Crutchie is SO good with languages. It also makes him such a great orator.
Buttons - throwing him here because I've already mentioned he's a son of Athena. I will say I was tempted to put him as a son of Aphrodite, but when I remembered Athena's weaving/crafting aspect I was like "NOW THIS IS BEAUTIFUL" and also Sarah deserves to have friends that aren't her brothers and Katherine
Spot - son of Nike. Again, people are surprised when he's not a son of Ares. However, going back to canon, everything would've been lost without Spot and Brooklyn; he was the key to victory. The Athena and Ares cabins always fight over him for capture the flag. He's so fucking tired.
Now some rapid-fire hcs that I have no good reason for, I just like the vibes
Elmer - Hebe Albert - Apollo Hotshot - Ares Finch - Hephaestis Stray - Demeter Splint - Apollo Romeo - Hecate Much - Aphrodite Blink - Tyche
I am ALWAYS down to discuss other hcs tho 👀
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emmedoesntdomath · 1 year
I want you to know that my first answer to this was literally going to be panic and nothing else, but I decided against that. 
so here’s an actual answer-
bumlets doesn’t get sick that often, so he’s normally stuck taking care of skittery, who’s just more irritated when sick (imagine that). his first reaction is always: food? food? you want food? okay, how about some more??
he’ll make soups, and beans, and more soup, and more beans. he’s not the best cook, and can’t really make more than soup or beans, but it’s the thought that counts, right?
(skittery’s a little tired of soup and beans, but he values his life, so nothing is said on that matter)
skittery is the embodiment of my first answer- panic. because yOU WEREN’T SUPPOSED TO GET SICK and I’M THE SICK ONE, ASSHOLE. what is he supposed to do when michael gets sick???? huh?? make him soup and beans?? check his temperature?? call a doctor?? make him take medicine?? how is he supposed to do any of that?????????
(he normally ends up calling davey, because when all else fails, try david jacobs. and then katherine plumber, because sometimes david jacobs is wrong, but katherine plumber never is.)
also, skittery is very much a germaphobe when bumlets is sick. michael won’t even give it a second thought, will hug and kiss his boyfriend when he’s hacking and wheezing, but when it’s the other way around? no sir. no dice. skittery is three steps behind bumlets (three for his health and safety, thanks), carefully wiping down every surface touched and sanitizing everything. he throws away tissues and empty water bottles with one of those extendable clamps while wearing gloves and goggles. 
bumlets always makes sure to hug and kiss him more than necessary afterwards just to see the little still-kind-of-worried scrunch his nose makes.
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ao3feed-newsies · 6 months
Weeping Mary Mother of Jesus
by, Oceanic_Cherries by Oceanic_Cherries Leaving studying until the last minute is always a bad idea, study sessions are even worse. Add in somebody drunk, somebody who's drank way too much caffeine, somebody mourning the loss of their old dog, somebody who's only learning about some of this history for the very first time and somebody who always seems to go along with what everybody else is doing no matter how ridiculous it is makes a disaster. There are many possible endings to a disaster, but Jack couldn't have even imagine this one.   Or Derry Girls AU based on S1-EP3 :D Words: 1802, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Newsies!: the Musical - Fierstein/Menken, Newsies - All Media Types, Newsies: The Broadway Musical! (2017) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Jack Kelly (Newsies), Katherine Plumber Pulitzer, David Jacobs, Albert DaSilva (Newsies), Racetrack Higgins, Medda Larkson | Medda Larkin, Buttons (Newsies) Additional Tags: Inspired by Derry Girls (TV), Not Beta Read, Based on a Tumblr Post, Modern Era, Underage Drinking, Vodka, Study Group, Churches & Cathedrals, Dogs, Jack Kelly used to have a dog called Santa, Jack and Buttons are brothers, Jack and Race are cousins, Albert and David are cousins read : https://ift.tt/O4XcrUF - March 28, 2024 at 11:37AM
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transitofmercury · 7 months
Hi Mercury! I hope you’re doing well. This is sort of random but as I was enjoying all your Katherine Plumber posts, I had this thought and wanted to hear your opinion… Do you think that if Atti and Orla were in a Newsies AU, Atti would be Katherine (they’re both clever, academic, & from wealth/well educated but open-minded) and Orla would be Jack (they’re both scrappy, resourceful, passionate about justice & fiercely loyal to “their people”)? Not to mention the whole diplomacy vs. aggression dichotomy. Katherine & Atti are very much “we can talk this out and reason to a solution” whereas Jack & Orla are more “let’s go rough stuff up” 😂
Hi Acacia!! I hope you're doing well too. Honestly, I sprained my ankle when I was running to catch a train yesterday, but seeing this ask in my inbox once I got home cheered me right up. Thank you so much for this ask because you have accidentally given me an opportunity to talk about how I have a real category when it comes to my faves.
The thing about my Newsies obsession and my (current, technically I've been obsessed since it came out) Horrible Histories: The Movie obsession is that they actually started around the same time. Maybe a month apart, but basically the same time almost exactly three years ago. So my interest in both has developed together and I definitely do think that if I were to put Atti and Orla into a direct Newsies AU, Orla would be Jack and Atti would be Katherine, both for the personality traits that you pointed out and where they exist within the power structures each story is about. But I also think that I'm interested in Katherine for a lot of the same reasons I'm interested in Orla - they seem so different on the surface but there are some common themes there. 
Orla and Kath are the basis for a category of characters I've been calling my pseudo-nepo-babies lately, not quite what you imagine when someone says 'nepo-baby' but it still feels like they have a strange distorted form of nepotism behind them. Before this category was expanded to include my medical drama fave, I just called them the historical daughters of powerful men club. Which doesn’t even really cover it. The thing that really draws me into Katherine is her relationship with Pulitzer. While Atti/Orla is the main factor in my obsession with the HH movie, Orla's relationship with Arghus is probably the reason I gravitate more towards her. Ages ago, I made a post saying that Orla & Arghus and Katherine & Pulitzer are on complete opposite ends of my Slipping Through My Fingers by ABBA to Never Love an Anchor by The Crane Wives sliding scale of historical father-daughter relationships, and I stand by that. So there's that element: something about imperfect and complex and even outright unhealthy (in the case of the Pulitzers) family relationships and weird-nepotism is the common denominator across all my faves.
I guess I also think they're both quite a lot like their dads in some ways, as well. I talk about Katherine being like Pulitzer a lot, because my version of her is secretly proud to know that she’s the most like him out of all her siblings (and is a bit doomed by that pride). I don't talk about it nearly as much with Orla and Arghus because it's harder to explain exactly what I think, but some of Orla's best traits are ones you can also see in her dad yet I don't think she is proud of it at all. Orla loves her dad but she wants to be like her mum and I guess the best way to describe what I think is happening there is that Orla knows she is too much like her dad to be able to be enough like her mum, and she doesn’t like that. I don’t have the brain power to expand on it right now, and it would absolutely derail the post into me talking about my headcanons about Orla’s parents, but that’s how I see it. There's also something in there with them both doing the same 'jobs' as their dad's, but Katherine and Pulitzer both chose to go into journalism while Orla and Arghus were both born to rule the tribe. So there's that element of characters being more like parental figures than they would like to admit. 
I think stuff to do with culture is also a big part of how I see them even if canon might not focus on it so much with Katherine - Orla as a part of the first generation to grow up under Roman rule and Katherine as a second generation immigrant. Loyalty and betrayal comes up a lot. This is nowhere near everything I could say, but there are some themes that show up across a lot of my faves in very different ways, and the things I focus on about Orla and Katherine are often the extremes of how those things could show up. They're so different but I like them for similar reasons so they exist in the same category of character in my personal interpretation of them.
Anyway, to finally actually answer your ask, despite them being a part of this same category of character I've invented, I do think that Orla has more in common with Jack and Katherine has more in common with Atti in terms of their personalities and how they approach things. Also, with Newsies' focus on class and the HH movie's focus on the Roman Empire, I think they are in more comparable positions within those systems - Jack and Orla are as the people struggling under/against them, while Katherine and Atti unwillingly benefit from the systems. Of course, there are plenty of ways that Katherine (as a woman) and Atti (as an un-Roman Roman) are limited within these system, and ways that Jack (as a man) and Orla (as the daughter of a chief, specifically within Celtic society) have power in them, too. Another thing about Atti and Katherine that I've just thought of: the way they would use writing. I imagine that as Katherine gets older she just gets more and more involved with writing articles about workers' rights and working class struggles. Similarly, the longer Atti spends in Britain, the more he realises that some Roman accounts of Britain aren't quite fair or accurate and he begins to write down his own experiences to try and set the record straight. 
I don't know how to wrap this up now because so many things are in my head: I totally agree with you, I also have a real type of character I like to obsess over, thank you SO MUCH for giving me an opportunity to ramble, and I hope you didn't mind getting such a rambly response too much! 
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Article- Katherine Plumber
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Pairing: Katherine Plumber x Reader
Characters: Katherine Plumber
Warnings: N/A
Request: Anon- Katherine Plumber/Pulitzer with the word sincere please
Word Count: 425
Author: Charlotte
You had known Katherine for years and had seen her career develop as she grew into her writing styles even if it meant that she was turning her back onto her father and risking his shame when he found out that she was doing her best to find success in a career in journalism. It was hard for her as a woman to find anything that she was able to report without there being someone stood in her way, especially if she wanted a story that was more important than a little fluff piece that would be read but no more than the odd person.
Luckily for Katherine, she had managed to find a worthy cause that no other journalist would touch with a barge pole. The news strike could make history but with it being directly against Pulitzer, it was a suicide mission for any journalist to cover it, but with Katherine having nothing to lose in her writing career as it hadn’t started yet, she was going to do the story justice for herself and for the poor children involved. She had one of the biggest hearts of anyone and that was going to go in her favour.
Katherine had put her heart and soul onto the page and without a formal editor or anyone else to take a look at her work, she brought it to you. She nervously paced in front of you as you read through the article ready for it to be printed in secret and distributed across the city. Every word made your heart pang for the innocent children who were being manipulated by Pulitzer and the system that would pummel the newsies into even more poverty.
You finished the article and smiled up to Katherine.
“This is amazing, not only is this going to change the standings of the little man that keep getting pushed down, but your father is going to regret not giving you a place at his paper,” you grinned, proud beyond means of your dear friend.
A small smile curled onto her lips, but her expression stayed uncertain.
“Are you sure?” She asked.
You nodded your head, reaching out a hand to give her own a reassuring squeeze. “In my most sincere opinion, Katherine, no one could have written anything more beautiful.”
The small smile grew into a large grin across her face. She took back the article, clutching it to her chest. She expressed her gratitude before rushing off to get to work sharing her article with the rest of the city.
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1899-newsboy-strike · 5 years
Opposites Attract - Modern Katherine Plumber Imagine
Requested: Heeey, can I get 1, 3, and 37 with Katherine and female reader?
1 - I think I’m in love with you and I’m terrified
3 - I’m not going to leave you. You’re never going to have to suffer by yourself again, I promise.
37 - Don’t you know who I am? - Yup. I just don’t care.
Warnings: homophobia, one homophobic slur, some violence, implied bad past relationships
Summary: When you save Katherine from bullies at school you both quickly become best friends, and eventually grow closer than you had originally planned. 
You rounded the corner to get to your usual spot for lunch when you saw Morris cornering a girl. “Hey, get away from her.” You called out to them, hopping down the rest of the steps making both of them look at you. “Don’t you know who I am?” He asked looking down at you when you shoved him away from her. “Yup, I just don’t care.” You shrugged, putting yourself between him and the girl. “Why are you protecting her? You her girlfriend or something?” He asked making you laugh. “Just like your brother huh? Scared you’re gonna catch something Delancey?” You taunted taking a step forward looking up at him. 
“Just trying to get it through your confused brains that being a dyke isn’t normal.” Morris spat in your face. “Wow Morris, I’m really hurt.” You mocked, putting your hand on your chest. “Maybe you both just need the right guy to show you what you’re missing.” He smirked, his hand raising to touch your face but you caught his hand. “Not how it works pig, and you are definitely not the so called right guy for any girl.” You glared up at him, your other hand connecting with his face before you could stop yourself. You stared wide eyed quickly thinking and grabbing the girl’s hand from behind you. “Come on.” You said, pulling her with you into the building near by, Morris hot on your tail.
You pulled her into the bathroom, finally stopping to catch your breath. “You didn’t have to do that.” She explained but you waved her off. “I’m Y/N by the way.” You held out your hand for her to shake. “I’m Katherine.” She smiled shyly to you shaking your hand slightly. “You’re going to miss your next class.” You explained knowing Morris would be outside. “What? Why?” She asked. “I’ve dealt with Oscar, he’s just as bad as Morris. Once I was stuck here all day, they’re very determined for boys that have pea brains.” You explained sitting on the floor.
“Calm down, you won’t die if you miss a class or two.” You reassured her when she started to pace after the bell rang. “Come sit.” You told her patting the floor next to you. “The floor’s dirty.” She scrunched up her nose in disgust. You laughed shaking your head, pulling off your jacket, putting it on the ground. “Problem solved.” You smiled up at her. “Thanks.” She whispered when she reluctantly sat down next to you. “So, you’re lesbian?” She asked shyly. “Yeah, and apparently you are too. Didn’t think anyone else in this hellhole was, or ones that were out anyway.” You smirked over to her. “Me either.” She fiddled with her thumbs.
The whole time you were stuck in the restroom you were getting to know each other, having nothing else to do. Frequently you had to reassure her that it was going to be fine that she was missing class. “You ever had a girlfriend before Katherine?” You asked, you were laid out on the floor, your feet up on the wall. “One, but I don’t think it really counted. What about you?” She asked. “A few, and what do you mean it didn’t really count?” You laughed sitting back up to look at her. “Well, we never really acted like a couple. I mean maybe in the beginning, but it was more like we were just really good friends as time went on.” She explained and you nodded in understanding.
When you had made sure the coast was clear you both decided to finally get to your last class of the day. “I’m gonna give you my number. If either Oscar or Morris or anyone bothers you tell me and they’ll have to deal with me.” You explained grabbing her phone and putting your number in texting yourself so you could have her number. “See you around Katherine.” You winked at her before you walked away, leaving Katherine standing in the bathroom, a small blush on her face staring at the phone in her hand.
You both texted constantly, finally finding a time to hang out instead of communicating through the phone all the time. “You know if you did your homework your grades wouldn’t be so bad.” Katherine explained finding joy in cleaning out your mess of a backpack. “You know if you had some fun you wouldn’t be so miserable.” You teased peeking over her shoulder to see what she was ever looking at. “Hey! I was wondering where that went.” You explained grabbing a small piece of paper that had the answers for a test. “You’re impossible.” She laughed shaking her head. “Touche.” You poked her waist crumpling up the paper throwing it out.
You’d promised yourself that you wouldn’t fall for anyone after the last time, but you realized you were falling hard for Katherine when it was too late. You knew you weren’t right for her and that she could do a lot better than you. You had been getting ahead of yourself, there was never a possibility of her ever liking you back. She was just your friend you had to convince yourself, but there was a big part of you that couldn’t let the feelings you had for her go. You were both laying on her bed, heads next to each other, and you hadn’t been paying attention to the conversation you both were having.
“Katherine.” You said looking over to her after a while of debating in your head. “Yeah?” She asked, turning her head to face you. “I think I’m in love with you and I’m terrified.” You whispered making her sit up and look down at you. “Why terrified?” She asked making you look away when you sat up. “Y/N, you can talk to me.” She explained, her hand resting on your shoulder reassuringly. “Every relationship I’ve had… it’s never ended well.” You shook your head looking down. “You can talk about it if you want to.” She whispered grabbing your chin so you could look at her.
“I’ve just never been in a good relationship. There’s no one around that I’ve ever thought was like me and I didn’t know better. Everyone of them just left when they were done with me. I’m so stupid for telling you, I don’t deserve someone like you.” You explained tears falling down your face. “Hey shh. I’m not going to leave you. You’re never going to have to suffer by yourself again, I promise.” She explained wiping a tear away from your cheek pulling you into her chest. “If it makes you feel better I definitely feel the same way and don’t think I deserve you, you’re too nice.” She whispered rubbing your back soothingly. 
“Sorry I didn’t mean to cry and snot all over you.” You laughed slightly when you calmed down wiping your face. “Maybe I’ll repay you one day.” She joked making you shove her. “You already have over an overrated movie.” You teased and she smacked your arm. “It is not! Take that back!” She exclaimed immediately going to tickle your weak spots. “It’s overrated Kath, trust me.” You laughed trying to pry her hands away from you. You were laying on your back, not even a few seconds later, gasping for breath, squirming under Katherine’s hold. “Okay fine! It’s not overrated please stop.” You begged still laughing. “Thank you.” She said hovering over you.
“It’s no fun that I can’t get you back.” You jokingly glared up at her. “It’s not my fault I’m not ticklish.” She explained and you flipped her over. “True, but we can stay here all d-” You started but were cut off by her lips connecting with yours. You melted into the kiss, your hand cupping her cheek while her arms were wrapped around your waist. You were both smiling into the kiss, neither of you fully knowing how long the other had wanted to do this. You both stayed there for what felt like ages, the world around you seeming to fade away from your worries.
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can-youimagine · 6 years
Coffeeshop au with Katherine Plumber? I am but a Katherine-deprived bisexual who needs some good bi content for 2019. But no worries, if you don’t want to then of course you don’t have to!
NYE Celebration
Sitting in a Dunkin’ Donuts at midnight was not exactly how you expected to spend your New Year’s Eve. You swirl your black coffee, staring into the cup angrily. Of course, he ignored you the entire party, it’s not like you expected him to notice you. You had agreed to be friends. At least, that’s what you kept telling yourself.
“You okay?” a voice asks cautiously. The owner of the voice sets a hand on your shoulder. “Rough night?”
“You could say. I’m sorry if I’m in your way,” you apologize, starting to move.
She stops you before sitting across from you. “No, no. You’re fine. I just, well, you’re pretty, and I wanted to make sure you’re okay.”
It’s at this moment you realize how gorgeous she is. Her auburn hair falls gently over her shoulders. “Well, I don’t think anyone who spends their New Years alone is doing well.”
“You’re not wrong,” she agrees. “Anyway, I don’t want to burden you with all of that.”
You nod, taking a sip of your coffee. 
Ryan Seacrest begins his countdown on the TV in front of you.
“Um, you don’t happen to have a New Years kiss?” She asks, wringing her hands.
“Nope. You?”
“I’m working on it,” she replies with a wink.
“I don’t even know your name.”
“Kathrine.” Of course, her name was as gorgeous as her.
“Pretty name. Pretty girl.”
She rolls her eyes.
“What about you, pretty girl?”
“That works for now.”
She groans in frustration. “Please?”
“Kiss me first. Then, I’ll tell you.”
She stands up, and for a moment you think she’s going to leave.
Instead of leaving, she falls into your lap. “Not even now?” Her perfect lips form a frown.
“Let’s do something crazy,” you whisper, pulling her closer to you.
She leans down to kiss you. Your lips move in sync as she tries to get as close to you as possible, her hands on the back of your head, tangled in your hair. As the two of you pull away, you whisper, “(Y/N).”
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walkman-cat · 1 year
please please tell me things about your detective noir au, it's been living in my head rent free since I saw it
OH BOY !! I love detective noir au soso much thankyou to @pigeonwit for writing the thing which incited me creating it and for helping me with a lot and for being enthusiastic about it ! wbwbw !!
I’ve been using it as a fun design project over a story project for the time being, so plot has been put on a back burner while i focus on research and costume design (and funky character dynamics), but I have got a random assortment of Things I’ve thought up for it wbwbw!
First things first: it’s set in 1927-1928, and I’m using a lot of uksies versions of the characters/character dynamics.
Davey’s (obviously) a Private Eye; he’s somewhat well known because he’ll take any case (it doesn’t matter if his client can’t afford his rates, he’ll solve the case for free) and will not stop until it is solved (sometimes to the detriment of his health). He clings to his morals so hard he leaves fingernail-shaped indents; he’s trying soso hard to stay afloat and keep his head above new york’s criminal underbelly (which is difficult when one of the most influential and feared mob bosses in the city has decided you’re her Good Pal). Most of what he earns goes to his family, he has to provide for them somehow, to return all they did for him somehow. He’s constantly exhausted, he doesn’t remember a time he hasn’t been exhausted.
He’s still autistic and still Jewish I’m never taking that from him wbwbw (he speaks English, Yiddish, Polish, and some Hebrew)
Jack’s the Homme Fatale character. He’s shady, he’s putting on a front, he’s very morally grey, he’s trying so desperately to escape the situation he’s in and find the means to live the life he wants to live over the live he’s been given that he sinks deeper and deeper into crime and the shadier part of the city. He was still a newsie and friends/brothers with Race and Crutchie, and is still in contact with them both.
just imagine michael jack with a long cigarette holder. Those are the vibes.
Did you see me say “unshakeable morals” when describing Davey? Yeah I lied. He killed a man in cold blood once, and he was terrified of how little he felt guilty over it, and how readily he’d kill again if he was in the same situation. The city is seeping in injustice and violence and a part of him was suffocated a long time ago. He tries not to think about it.
He also threatened to kneecap Race’s dad once <3 My guy is clinging onto the concept of Right and Wrong but also has a frequent urge to Maim Bite Kill.
Jack, despite his moral gray-ness, has never killed.
oh btw there’s javid somewhere in there. They’re very detective-thief enemies-to-annoyances-to-lovers (pidge has their dynamic in this au DOWN in this post)
Kath is simultaneously the Fast-Talking Reporter (Kit Plumber) and Dame With A Case (Katherine Pulitzer). She’s less interested in journalism as an industry than she for it’s Purpose, when she stumbles into something she shouldn’t or delves to deeply into an investigation and her bosses tell her to drop it and Forget, she goes either to Jack (as Kit) or to Davey (as Katherine)— sometimes to both.
She doesn’t know that they don’t know that Kit and Katherine are the same person (Jack has no idea Kit Plumber is anything other than a reporter, doesn’t need to ask; Davey has his suspicions over how and why an heiress has yet another case of corruption or something involving the mob, but he doesn’t voice them because she’s generous and maybe also his friend??). This leads to Shenanigans.
People whisper about Spot Conlon in fear throughout New York’s boroughs. She’s a mob boss, and her “family”’s influence has seeped so deep into the city that some people say he’s the real person running it. (Many of the Brooklyn newsies are her lieutenants). She’s also decided that Davey is one of her close friends and allies (because Lillie said that Spot and Davey would be friends and I think it’s funny that this really feared mob boss thinks Davey is his Good Pal and has him over sometimes).
She/He Spot Conlon Real (the rumours and whispers sometimes refer to Spot as a woman, sometimes as a man, and Spot couldn’t care less.)
Spot owns the speakeasy Medda runs and performs at, and it’s her “family” that supplies it with alcohol. Crutchie’s the pianist and Race is its Shady Bartender. He keeps letting Jack into the speakeasy so in retaliation she invites Davey over (with the pretence of exchanging information) because she knows Race doesn’t like Davey very much.
Race’s initial dynamic with Davey is very similar to how it is in act 1 of uksies (Race somewhat hates mostly dislikes and definitely doesn’t trust Davey). By the time the plot begins they’re on slightly better terms (they have a funky dynamic I can’t exactly explain atm but I will one day, but I’ll just say Race trusts Davey mostly because Splasher trusts Davey. Also Davey threatened to kneecap his father when his father found him so there’s also that).
Splasher and Davey have a funky found family dynamic too wbwbw!! Davey helped Splasher one time and Splasher thought he was very cool and started following him around and finding evidence for him (who let this child into mob territory who let this child look at corpses). One time Splasher found a recently-executed body in the East River and he called Davey his dad while Davey was soothing him. Davey calls him boychik.
The newsies of lower manhattan all know Davey as Splasher’s older brother/father figure and Les’ big brother. And also as the guy whose office they hang out in all the time.
Splasher also knows Spot because he’s really good friends with Pips. Pips calls Spot “Spottie”. That’s all.
I’d like it to be very clear that Davey and Jack are both having The Worst Time Of Their Lives but they look so so cool while doing it.
wbwbw that’s all i can think of now, and pretty much all that I’ve explored so far but thank you soso much for asking about detective noir au! it’s a fun time and i enjoy researching designing for it soso much wbwbw
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deadpoolsoci3ty · 6 years
newsies  as things my casts have said
Race: *walks into the green room and sees Katherine sadly trying to eat Panera*
Kath: listen I was eating mac n’ chese but I’m not allowed to eat in costume so I had to eat really fast, and my spoon broke
Race: ok, well I'm just gonna let you work that out
Race: damn I'm like a five course meal
Albert: well I'm a luxury meal prepared by Gordon Ramsey
Jack: *walks in* I look like a hot pocket 
Katherine: *walks into the girls dressing room* Jack! I though you were a woman!
Jack: well jokes on you I'm actually a man
Kath: why are you in here?
Jack: they’re making my wig look nicer it looks like a mop right now
Kath: that’s fair it does look quite bad
Race: *eating food before a show*
Crutchie: *puts his glasses and phone down next to Race*
Race: Crutchie I really hope you know you have the phone of an actual eighty year old man
Crutchie: *looks down shamefully* yeah I know...
Finch, Race, and Albert: *on the ground in full costume doing a push up contest*
Jack and Crutchie: *look directly at each other, in unison* what the hell?????
Kath: I declare Finch the winner of the traditional push up contest, but I also demand you all leave and go drink some OJ we have a show
Jack: *in the empty green room yelling to himself, but everyone can hear him* Where is the throat coat, because imma need that if I can actually be Marius tonight
Davey: *yelling from the leads dressing room* Jesus it’s in the cabinet where it always is you bumbling idiot, you've been here for years you should know where it is. I have no idea how you survive without any of us 
Race: *come out of the bathroom, and pushes through the costume rack while making a strange noise*
Albert: I didn't even look and I knew exactly who that is
JoJo: *backstage during teach week* guys your chakras are a little too loud, you’re going to have to quiet down
Race: *finds a chicken nugget in the fridge* you want the nugg? *does not wait for a response just immediately throws it at a random person*
Albert: *lifting les* IT’S THEATRE WEIGHTS
Les: *just smiling and going along with it*
Race: *runs backstage to record I bc he is a proud dad*
Davey: really can you not to this to my brother, thanks so much
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can i uhhh request kath x female!newsie where like. reader is a newsie but kath just pays most attention to her (i’m sorry you wanted specific but i’m the most vague person on this bitch of an earth)
let me tell you this is the first katherine thing I’ve written and that itself is a crime
Warnings: gay fluff 
A/N: Enjoy :)
Taglist: @bwaysrose @sweater-under-the-weather @stargirl-murphy @heymissmisty @ilovebway @the-yellow-anon @ghost-gardenss @fandomnerdsarecool @ben-cook-can-cook @broadwayficsandmore
“Good morning Y/N.” Davey said as he stood next to you in line to get papes.
“Hey Davey, how’d you sleep?” You asked, adjusting your hat.
“I slept great!” Les cut in, causing you to chuckle.  
“Well, isn’t that just amazing?” You asked, ruffling the boys hair. You and Davey continued to chat until you saw Darcy and Katherine walking. You practically ran to her, tackling her in a hug.
“Y/N!” She exclaimed, chucking and hugging you back. You pulled apart, almost leaning in before you looked down.
“I missed you.” You said. The two of you were in a relationship, but Katherine had suggested to keep a secret, as she broke up with Jack not that long ago.
“You too.” She said. Darcy stared at the two of you, before rolling his eyes and walking towards some of the other Newises, presumably to say hi. “Sorry, I went upstate, there was apparently a story. But, there wasn’t anything good.”
“Newsies, line up!” You heard Wiesel say.
“That’s me, I gotta go. But, I’ll see you tonight?” You asked.
“Yeah, for sure.” She said and continued walking with Darcy.
“I didn’t know you and Katherine were such good friends, especially since Jack broke up with her.” Race said to you once you got in line with him.
“She broke up with Jack.” You mumbled, but not loud enough for Race to hear. “Um, yeah, we’ve been becoming best friends.”
“Oh, well that’s not unusual at all.” He sarcastically said.
“And it’s not unusual for you to take so many trips to Brooklyn, but you don’t hear me saying anything.” You retorted, turning back around.
“Hey, now-”
“Sorry, I gotta get my papes.” You said, smiling at the boy.
You were late, very late. You and Katherine were supposed to meet at seven, but it was currently 8:30 and you were running to get to the deli. You didn’t mean for the time to get so late, but you had to sell three more papes and time slipped away as you were chatting with one last customer. You looked inside the window to see if Katherine was even still there, and the sight you saw killed you. Jack was sitting next to Katherine, and they both were laughing and having a good time. Jack had his arm around her and you looked down sadly.
“What’s goin’ on?” You heard a voice ask that made you groan.
“How are you always here, Race?” You asked pathetically, letting a tear fall.
“Hey hey, why’re you cryin’?”“It’s stupid.” You replied, wiping them away.
“Who is it?” He asked, looking in the window.
“Race, leave it alone, it doesn’t-”
“It’s Jack!” He exclaimed, looking back at you. “You like Jack!”
“What?” You exclaimed. “No I-”
“You were talking to Katherine because you want to date Jack, it all makes-”
“No!” You yelled, causing Race to go quiet. “It’s Katherine, okay! I’m dating Katherine.”
“You-you’re datin’ Jack’s ex?”
“She has a name, y’know.”
“Yeah, no, I know, but, what?” He asked, putting a hand over his forehead, confused by this whole situation.
“We’ve been dating for a couple months and we were supposed to meet at seven tonight but I was late and it’s all my fault and now she’s in there with Jack and I screwed it all up.” You rambled.
“I’m sorry, Y/N.” He said.
“I just wanna go back to the lodging house.” You said. Race put an arm around your shoulders and the two of you walked back together.
“Y/N, come on you have to get up.” Race complained, hitting you with a pillow.
“Fuck off.” You said.
“I know you don’t want to see Katherine anymore, but you’re in love with her, and you have to talk to her.”
“There’s no point to anything anymore.” You groaned into the pillow. Suddenly you were being thrown over Race’s shoulder and set on your feet. “What the fuck was that for?”
“You wouldn’t get out of bed! Now, since you’re already out, get ready.” He replied, smiling as he walked out of the lodge. You groaned but started getting dressed nonetheless.
“Hey look who got out of bed this morning!” Specs said.
“Because someone rudely got me out.” You glared at Race, causing him to chuckle. You continued to talk to the newsies and joke with them until you saw Katherine. Your smile dropped as you saw her and the events of last night came rushing back. She saw you and walked over to the group.
“Y/N, can we talk?” She asked and you reluctantly followed her to an isolated area. “Where were you last night? I was worried.”
“You didn’t seem to be too worried when you were laughing and cuddling with Jack.” You replied, looking down.
“What do you mean?”
“Look I get it. You’re- whatever, you might’ve been just experimenting with me and this whole relationship wasn’t serious or anything, I get-”
“Y/N, shut up.” She said, shocking you. “I love you, a lot. And I was really worried about you last night, and Jack saw me sitting alone. We finally talked and I told him about us. He said he was happy for me and he hopes all goes well.”
“What?” You asked but Katherine only responded by putting her lips against yours. She interlaced your guys’ fingers together and she gently put a hand on your cheek, cupping it.
“I love you.” She mumbled against your lips, making you smile even wider.
“I love you too.” You replied and heard a wolf whistle behind you. You knew it was Race and flipped him off before going to kiss Katherine again.
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fungusbabey · 7 years
race and kath interaction headcanons
at first he was obnoxiously flirty and she obviously shut him down time after time
the flirting level dropped a lot when she got with jack, but it never stopped completely
it became less serious and more just to annoy her, though
she’d occasionally flirt back super sarcastically
this was just in front of everyone, though. in private, their dynamic was totally different
they’d joke around a lot and talk about current events (she was one of the only few who knew that he actually read the papes)
eventually, they started getting closer and everyone was endlessly confused when they started hanging out in front of them
sometimes she would tell him about the next thing she was writing and he’d occasionally even help her by collecting information or just keeping an eye out in his free time
she’d also buy him stuff from the bakery every once and a while because the boy loves his carbs
(she’d actually be sort of a sugar mama to all of the boys now that i think about it??? any excuse to spend her father’s money was good enough for her and if it was on her friends? even better)
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