#Katedrála sv. Víta
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Prague III, Czech Republic, March 2023
Katedrála sv. Víta, Václavské náměstí, Národní muzeum
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givreencres · 4 years
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Number 2 for my series
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Rays of light (Katedrála Sv. Víta -  St. Vitus Cathedral)
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jonasii · 4 years
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Katedrála sv. Víta Praha III. - st. Vitus Cathedral Prague III. (na mieste St. Vitus Cathedral) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA0ncsUpjhJ/?igshid=1qno2gq37v5ya
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petrdolezalphoto · 5 years
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Východní strana katedrály sv. Víta, Václava a Vojtěcha. Kdy se kostelu říká katedrála? Z pohledu architektury musí mít kostel katedrálního typu věnec kaplí kolem kněžiště, takže oltář se dá obcházet kolem dokola. Kromě sv. Víta v Praze je to třeba chrám (katedrála) sv. Barbory v Kutné Hoře. Katedrálou se ale označují taky všechny hlavní diecézní kostely. To je třeba katedrála sv. Ducha v Hradci Králové. Ta sice z pohledu architektury není katedrálou (nemá věnec kaplí kolem kněžiště), je ale hlavním kostelem Královéhradecké diecéze, sídelním kostelem biskupa, takže se taky označuje jako katedrála. Na druhou stranu chrám sv. Barbory je katedrálou pouze z pohledu architektury. No a na téhle fotce jde vidět zvenčí právě ten typický věnec kaplí na východní straně katedrály. * * * HTTPS://FOTOGRAFSVATBY.EU Svatební fotograf, Praha * * * #petrdolezalphoto #czechrepublic #ceskarepublika #cesko #cz #igerscz #praha #prague #laska #katedrala #svvit #stvitus #cathedral #podzim #wedding #weddingphotographer #svatebnifotografie #instacz #fotograf #hostivar #praha10 #praha15 #svatba #svatbujeme #svatebnifotograf #svatebnifotografpraha #weddingday #prewedding #weddinginspiration #weddinginstagram (at Katedrála svatého Víta, Václava a Vojtěcha) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4MsyY5neej/?igshid=1ke387lwqbwyv
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vikimill · 3 years
Za vlády Václava vznikla nejvýznamnější stavba v Praze a to byla katedrála Sv. Víta pod vedením Petra Parléře
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jansibik · 3 years
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Velkopáteční obřad, Katerdála sv. Víta. (v místě Katedrála Svatého Víta) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNMrUO5pVRb/?igshid=bz6hgn4odrfp
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derrainer · 7 years
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Prag September 2017
Katedrála Sv. Víta / Veitsdom
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letsexploreblog · 5 years
Trip 1. Czech Republic.
Written by Rosie
Sometime around 2014, I had planned with my friend, Jana, to fly over to Prague, Czech Republic and visit her in September. For most people, this is not a big problem. Except for me; there were a few things. The first being I had never actually met this friend face-to-face before (thankfully now we are very close) and for all I knew I had been supplied a photo via Twitter of a woman of a similar age to myself so I dearly hoped that was actually her! The second problem was, I had never actually been abroad before (unless you count Wales into that), thirdly I had never been on a plane in my entire life and lastly, I didn’t have a passport. Though we had been planning the trip for some time, I was still anxiously waiting at the letterbox for my shiny, brand new passport to arrive. Just four days before the plane I was planning on taking was ready to depart, my passport arrived and I’ve never booked a flight so quick in all my life!
I was so excited but so nervous at the same time. I had booked myself an aisle seat next that was free next to two pre-booked seats and I found that my travelling companions for the flight were a kindly retired couple who spoke only a little. I told them I was so nervous as I was flying for the first time and on my own too! The lady assured me it would be fine and I didn’t have anything to be afraid of. To this day, take off for me is a breeze but I always get tense when coming into land!
Arriving in Prague airport I quickly found Jana and she was everything I expected her to be which was a relief! We travelled down to České Budějovice (Ch-esky Bud-e-o-vits) which was roughly a two-hour drive from the capital and we spent a few days there. We visited ice cream parlours with some of the best fresh ice creams I’ve tasted and the beautiful Čajový Ateliér tea room which can cater fresh tea for any taste and the owner can give you some interesting information about teas and their proper preparation (provided you speak Czech). We also spent some time relaxing in the woods by Jana’s home and taking in the tranquil Czech scenery.
Jana treated me to a day trip to Český Krumlov (Ch-esky Krum-loff), a 30 minute drive from České Budějovice, and there we visited the Castle which while being part of the UNESCO world heritage site is also unique for its moat being filled with bears and not water! Jana kindly booked us a tour of the castle in English and there was a lot of history to learn!
The castle itself and parts of the town are regularly used for film locations and when we visited, a pop up medieval village had appeared in the castle grounds for another secretive tv series. Parts of Český Krumlov, and indeed parts of Prague are the feature of many films, the most famous to the western-world being the horror film Hostel. Yet I can assure any traveller, Czech Republic is nothing like Hostel!
Returning to Prague a few days later we stayed with some friends of Jana’s in an apartment and used that as a base to explore the city. There is so much to see and do, I could barely fit it all in and promised to return again. We took in all the usual tourist spots, Prašná brána (The Powder Tower), Staroměstské náměstí (The Old Town Square), Karlův most (Charles Bridge), Pražský hrad (Prague Castle) and of course the astronomical clock on Staroměstská radnice (The Old Town Hall, on the western side of the Old Town Square). In fact, most of Prague’s well-known monuments and architecture is almost in a straight line from Prašná brána to Pražský hrad. Keep going west or east between the two and you can't go too wrong! We finished off the trip by visiting Prague Castle where the President of Czechia resides and Jana kindly explained the history as we walked around. The only photo I could dig up of that trip was of Jana and I inside Katedrála Sv. Víta (St Vitus Cathedral) which sits proudly above the capital in the grounds of Prague's castle.
After a week, waiting at the airport became an emotional affair as we had become very close friends and neither of us wanted me to leave so soon! A few tears later and I was back on the plane home. I promised that I would let Jana know as soon as I arrived home safely and I would definitely return to Prague again.
Pros: Lots of history, historic architecture and an abundance of Art Nouveau architecture inspired by Alphonse Mucha.
Cons: In the height of summer the tourist areas can be unbearably busy.
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givreencres · 4 years
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Last one of my serie about Stained glass window.
Old school edit
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aloulou-travel · 7 years
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Katedrála Sv. Víta by MichelPaquin1
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jonasii · 4 years
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Katedrála sv. Víta Praha II. - St. Vitus Cathedral Prague II. (na mieste Pražský Hrad Chrám Sv Víta) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA0msDdpWxf/?igshid=1jzcspjvbpgg3
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artnachronisme · 5 years
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Cathédrale Saint-Guy, Saint-Venceslas et Saint- Adalbert de Prague (Katedrála sv. Víta, Václava a Vojtěcha). 
Picture by @arianeeven @artnachronism
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exploristo-com · 6 years
Place of the day - Katedrála svatého Víta, Václava a Vojtěcha, Hlavní město Praha
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Der Veitsdom (auch St.-Veits-Dom, tschechisch Katedrála sv. Víta oder Chrám sv. Víta, voller Name Katedrála svatého Víta, Václava a Vojtěcha) auf der Prager Burg ist die Kathedrale des Erzbistums Prag und das größte Kirchengebäude Tschechiens. Sie wurde unter Karl IV. ab 1344 erst von dem französischen Architekten Matthias von Arras und dann vor allem durch den deutschen Baumeister Peter Parler nach Vorbild der französischen Königskathedralen errichtet. Die böhmischen Könige zogen in einer feierlichen Prozession über den Königsweg aus der Prager Altstadt in den Dom hinein, der als Krönungskirche diente.
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corbinpage · 6 years
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I'm at
[St. Vitus Cathedral (Katedrála sv. Víta)]
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jansibik · 4 years
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Katedrála sv. Víta. Mše na Zelený čtvrtek. (v místě Katedrála Svatého Víta) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNJ7SNvpk2b/?igshid=w3h5awbo8zve
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