#Karuna Reiki
reikihealsindia · 5 months
Why You Should Choose Reiki? 4 Reasons That Will Force You To Choose Reiki Heals India For Your Reiki Related Services.
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Why you should choose Reiki? – The answer to this can be found by looking into the Mysteries of the Past of the Reiki healing and after doing a brief study of the history of Reiki we came across the Good Things About Reiki and how we (the Reiki Heals India can help you stay healthy, stress free and get relieved in pain). These days, life is very busy in India, and stress, pain, and worries can quickly become unwanted partners. We often miss the promise of more traditional methods when we’re looking for answers in a world that changes so quickly. Reiki is one such practice. It is an old, gentle method that holds the key to many answers.
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sacredpathtoself · 8 months
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skye-yoga-blog · 1 year
Family Reiki, Healing Session
This is a great experience for any family or group-type setting.
starting with 3 people up to 5 can be accommodated at this special rate.
These Healing Sessions I do are highly frequent, due to all the Energy Healing modalities incorporated into the Hour. It will have you vibing on different frequencies but united with your group, you will feel the amazement of alternative healing, and the “why” so many are drawn to do it
Crystal Tones & Crystal Singing Bowls are made of high-purity quartz which creates a very pleasant aura with their sound and design. Their long-lasting, spherical tone spreads when the singing bowl is gently tapped or rubbed so that the energy can be felt in the entire surroundings.
Other Healing Modalities used in the session are Tuning Forks, Chimes, Vocal Toning, Crystals, Angel Light Healing, and Pendulums.
Private Sound Bath (3-5 people) By Appointment Only.
This is a great experience for any family or group-type setting.
starting with 4 people up to 10 can be accommodated at this special rate.
These Healing Sessions I do are highly frequent, due to all the Energy Healing modalities incorporated into the Hour. It will have you vibing on different frequencies but united with your group, you will feel the amazement of alternative healing, and the “why” so many are drawn to do it
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sushmabsoft · 14 days
Reiki Healing: A Way to Balance and Wellness
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Reiki healing is a gentle yet effective method that has been recognized for its capacity to create deep relaxation, relieve tension, and enhance general well-being. Reiki, which originated in Japan, is an energy-based therapy that activates the body’s innate healing systems by channeling universal life energy.
Understanding the Reiki
Reiki is based on the premise that invisible energy flows through us and is necessary for our health and vitality. Disruption or imbalance in this energy can cause physical or emotional problems. Reiki practitioners, such as Swati, a trained Reiki Master, use their hands to channel healing energy in order to restore balance and harmony.
The Healing Process
A typical Reiki session consists of the receiver lying fully clothed while the practitioner gently rests their hands on or near the client’s body. The practitioner then employs a variety of strategies to focus energy where it is most needed. This procedure helps to relieve stress, clear blockages, and harmonize the body’s energy systems.
Advantages of Reiki Healing
Stress Reduction: Reiki produces profound relaxation, which aids in the reduction of stress and anxiety. Clients frequently describe feeling quiet and tranquil following a session.
Emotional Balance: By addressing emotional blockages, Reiki can help to release unresolved emotions and promote an emotionally balanced state.
Physical Healing: While Reiki is not a substitute for medical therapy, many patients find that it helps to speed up recovery and relieve pain.
Improved Well-Being: Regular Reiki sessions can enhance your sleep, happiness, and general sense of well-being.
The Reiki Master’s Role
A Reiki Master, such as Swati, has had significant training and practice, enabling them to skillfully guide others through the healing process. Swati’s method combines her extensive knowledge of Reiki with a gentle touch, resulting in a personalized and transforming experience for each client.
Reiki healing takes a holistic approach to well-being by addressing the mind, body, and spirit. Individuals can discover the deep advantages of this practice under the supervision of an experienced Reiki Master, resulting in improved balance, relaxation, and personal growth. Reiki offers a road to profound healing and transformation, whether you want to reduce stress or improve your general health.
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二零二四年九月二十日-早上八時三十分在YT (YouTube) 播放:「陳旨璿 RACHEL CHAN-臼井靈氣療法大師(MASTER)」正在直播!- 「施政報告的個人想法和意見」
如果欣賞本人Rachel 陳旨璿 (原名:陳宇暉)チウキ,
(一位女性 / a FEMALE)
透過各大社交媒體分享的個人想法和意見[(例如: YT(Youtube), fb (Facebook), IG(instagram)……]分享的內容,可透過以下本人的PayPal 帳戶資料付款作支持用途:[email protected] 謝謝您!
As I know, my contact methods (including E-mail address , contact number , any contact methods I provide / provided should be able to contact me directly without any procedure or any department to approval, if anyone are not able to contact me , I need help and call for help, someone might intend to block my communication with others.
我所知道我提供的PayPal account 和所有信用卡,銀行卡,收款支付方法和平台/媒體,也是合法和可以直接入帳,並不需要特別程序和申請,如有此情況出現,是不尋常的,我需要尋求幫助和協助,或有人,或有一些單位不懷好意地惡意攔截我的收入等,已達到犯罪目的,或逃避承擔責任。
As I know my PayPal account , all my bank accounts, all my credit card and any payment method I provide / provided should be able to transfer money to me legally, and directly without any special procedure or any special approval , if this happen. It's not right, I need help and call for help, someone might intend to block my income for the purpose of committing crime and avoid taking responsibility of their wrong behavior.
I believe I am a victim of identity theft (我是身份盜用的受害者), my personal information, my educational qualifications, resume, professional diploma, might have been used by some criminals, this is why when my career start develop and any aspects of mine start to develop, it makes me in deep danger. I am here to call for help.
P.S.提供任何資訊或連結,只共參考,由CHAN ZI XUAN 陳旨璿 RACHEL CHAN (原名:陳宇暉,在2023年3月10日,於中國香港的Solicitors 更改名字為陳旨璿),本人的手機號在2023年02月01日由6828-0754,在中國香港(香港)的尖沙咀CSL改為5148-9567,其後在2023年04月把該手機號由CSL帶手機號轉為中國移動(ChinaMobile), 如有任何查詢及疑問,請直接和本人聯絡!
Rachel 陳旨璿 (原名:陳宇暉)チウキ
(一位女性 / a FEMALE)
[網路想法和意見分享者 (Internet Idea and Opinion Sharer)]
[臼井靈氣療法大師 (Usui Reiki Ryoho Master)]
[卡魯那靈氣大師 (Karuna Reiki Master)]
[古埃及靈氣療法大師 (Sekhem Reiki Energy Healing Master)]
[現代靈氣法大師 (Gendai Reiki Ho Master)]
[A Master Member of Gendai Reiki Network (GRN) since 03April2024.]
1) 公開電子郵箱:
2) My Mailing Address:
3. My Skype : [email protected]
[歡迎透過以上電子郵件地址和信箱討論, 和本人CHAN ZI XUAN陳旨璿RACHEL CHAN (原名:陳宇暉)此發文的, 請注明和提供資料是討論那一篇來自本人的發文」
4)My Linktr.ee:
Mastodon : @[email protected]
5)我的格仔箱地址:津靖 - 地址 : 中國香港新界葵涌廣場1樓B91A舖 - 格仔箱A10箱
啤一Bear格仔屋 - 地址:中國香港新界荃灣荃昌中心昌安商場1樓50&57號 - 格仔箱BH1箱**
YT (YouTube) : @rachelalexischandebrapink1122
FB (Facebook) :
/ chan.y.rachel (Name : Rachel Alexis Chan)
IG (instagram) :
/ rachelalexischan1122
Threads : https://www.threads.net/@rachelalexischan1122
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Come on a transformative journey with Juan's remote services:
✨ Awaken profound insights by connecting with your spirit guides and higher self 
🕊️ Find healing and closure through communication with cherished loved ones who have crossed over 
🛤️ Illuminate your soul path to make empowered life choices with divine guidance 
📜 Explore your Akashic records for a deeper understanding of your soul's unique purpose 
💫 Experience transformative Reiki distance healing with Juan, an Usui, Karuna, Lightarian, and Violet Flame Reiki Master 
Which journey resonates with your soul? ✨
With warm blessings, 
📞 Contact: +27 73 760 0163 
🌐 Experience enlightened messages and healing, from anywhere with online sessions, complete with recordings!
#SpiritualAwakening #DivineGuidance #SoulPurpose #AkashicRecords #ReikiMaster #RemoteHealing #SpiritConnections #EnergyHealing #JourneyWithin 
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soniaqwerty · 3 months
Discover the Inner Wonderlust Healing Center: Your Path to Holistic Wellness
The Inner Wonderlust Healing Center || Astrologer || Tarot Card Reader is dedicated to guiding individuals on their journey towards physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. With a plethora of services ranging from Reiki healing to Tarot card reading, the Inner Wonderlust Healing Center offers comprehensive healing solutions tailored to meet your unique needs. Offering services globally and with multiple centers across India, the center is accessible to a wide audience seeking holistic healing.
 Reiki Healing
At the core of the Inner Wonderlust Healing Center’s offerings is Reiki healing, a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. Through the channeling of universal life force energy, Reiki practitioners help remove blockages and restore balance, allowing the body to heal itself naturally. This gentle yet powerful healing method can alleviate pain, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being.
 Karuna Reiki Healing
Building upon the foundations of traditional Reiki, Karuna Reiki healing incorporates additional symbols and techniques to provide deeper healing. "Karuna" means compassion, and this form of Reiki focuses on healing past traumas, releasing negative emotions, and fostering compassion for oneself and others. Karuna Reiki can be particularly effective for those dealing with deep-seated emotional issues and spiritual growth.
 Karmic Healing
Karmic healing addresses the unresolved issues from past lives that may be affecting your current life. By identifying and healing these karmic imbalances, you can break free from negative patterns and cycles. This process involves understanding and releasing past life traumas, making it possible to move forward with a greater sense of clarity and purpose.
 Angel Healing
Angel healing involves connecting with angelic beings to receive guidance, protection, and healing. Practitioners at the Inner Wonderlust Healing Center act as conduits, channeling the healing energy of angels to help you overcome challenges, find peace, and achieve a sense of spiritual harmony. This gentle and loving form of healing can bring profound changes in your life.
 Tarot Card Reading
Tarot card reading is a powerful tool for gaining insight into your life’s journey. Through the symbolism and imagery of tarot cards, a skilled reader can uncover hidden truths, provide guidance on current situations, and predict future outcomes. Whether you seek clarity on a specific issue or general guidance, tarot card readings can illuminate your path.
Numerology is the study of numbers and their mystical significance. By analyzing your birth date and name, numerologists can uncover patterns and vibrations that influence your life. This ancient practice can provide deep insights into your personality, life purpose, and future potential, helping you make informed decisions and align with your true self.
Astrology is the study of the movements and positions of celestial bodies and their influence on human affairs. At the Inner Wonderlust Healing Center, experienced astrologers use your birth chart to provide a comprehensive analysis of your strengths, challenges, and potential life events. Astrology can offer valuable insights into your personality, relationships, career, and more.
 Akashic Records
The Akashic Records are a compendium of all human experiences, thoughts, and events throughout history. Accessing the Akashic Records can provide profound insights into your soul’s journey, past lives, and karmic patterns. This spiritual practice can help you understand your life’s purpose and overcome obstacles by revealing the deeper meaning behind your experiences.
 Negative Implant Removal
Negative implant removal focuses on identifying and eliminating energetic blockages and implants that hinder your spiritual growth. These implants can be remnants of past traumas, negative thought patterns, or external influences. Removing these implants can restore your energy flow, enhance your spiritual awareness, and promote overall well-being.
 Aura Cleansing
Your aura is the energetic field that surrounds your body, reflecting your physical, emotional, and spiritual state. Over time, your aura can accumulate negative energy, leading to imbalances and health issues. Aura cleansing involves clearing this negative energy and restoring your aura’s natural balance, promoting a sense of peace and vitality.
 Chakra Balancing
Chakras are the energy centers within your body that regulate various aspects of your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. When your chakras are out of balance, it can lead to physical ailments, emotional disturbances, and spiritual blockages. Chakra balancing involves aligning and harmonizing these energy centers to promote overall health and vitality.
 Synchronization of the Chakras
Synchronization of the chakras takes chakra balancing a step further by ensuring that all your chakras are working together in harmony. This process promotes a seamless flow of energy throughout your body, enhancing your overall sense of well-being and spiritual alignment. When your chakras are synchronized, you experience greater clarity, peace, and a deeper connection to your higher self.
 Experience Holistic Healing at Inner Wonderlust Healing Center
The Inner Wonderlust Healing Center || Astrologer || Tarot Card Reader offers a diverse range of holistic healing services designed to meet your unique needs. Whether you seek physical healing, emotional balance, or spiritual growth, the expert practitioners at the center are dedicated to guiding you on your journey towards wellness. With a deep commitment to helping you achieve harmony and balance, the Inner Wonderlust Healing Center is your sanctuary for holistic healing.
Embrace the path to holistic wellness and experience the transformative power of these ancient healing practices at the Inner Wonderlust Healing Center. Your journey towards a balanced and harmonious life begins here.
By blending traditional and modern healing techniques, the Inner Wonderlust Healing Center || Astrologer || Tarot Card Reader provides a comprehensive approach to well-being, ensuring that you receive the care and guidance you need to thrive. Whether you are looking for relief from physical ailments, emotional support, or spiritual enlightenment, the Inner Wonderlust Healing Center is your destination for holistic healing.
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Jonathan Hammond -The Shaman's Way - Secret Huna Wisdom
I really enjoyed this amazing conversation with John Hammond who wrote  the amazing book The Shaman's Mind which unlocks many Huna secrets from  his experiences in Hawaii.  
To learn to think like a shaman is to attune yourself to a magical  spectrum of infinite possibilities, unseen truths, alternative  realities, and spiritual support. When a shaman likes what's happening,  they know how to make it better, and when they don't, they know how to  change it. 
Jonathan is a Maui-based Author, Spiritual Teacher, Energy Healer,  Shamanic Practioner, and Spiritual Counselor.  He is a graduate of Harvard University and The University of Michigan.  Jonathan is a certified Master Teacher in Shamanic Reiki, Usui and  Karuna Reiki. He is on the Advanced Graduate Studies Advisor for  Shamanic Reiki Worldwide and an ordained Alaka’i (teacher/guide) in the  Kahili Hawaiian Shamanic tradition. 
Jonathan has completed four years of training in Inter-Spirituality and  Inter-Spiritual Counseling at the One Spirit Learning Alliance, and he  was ordained as an Interfaith Minister in 2008.  He has training and certifications in Cherokee Bodywork with The Coyote  Institute, Huna (Hawaiian Shamanism) with Aloha International, and all  core curriculum with the Foundation of Shamanic Studies. Jonathan has  been initiated through the Minoan Fellowship in Wicca, and has trained  in the therapeutic facilitation of psychedelics with Inward Bound in Ireland. 
In addition to maintaining a robust private practice, Jonathan teaches  classes in Shamanism, Spirituality, and Energy Healing at the Omega  Institute for Holistic Studies, The Shift Network, The One Spirit  Learning Alliance, Shamanic Reiki Worldwide, and Penn State University.  “To reach your higher self – imagine who would be at your most satiated  and realized, then make it twice as good, and you’ll be in the  ballpark.” — Jonathan Hammond
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lovinglifewithlight · 4 months
Seeing a lot of 1111, so thats better at least lol. Not much else is decided yet, but I am still moving forward as best as I can. Everything's been simplified as much as possible. I got a schedule to print for next week
I'm trying to utilize music theory and piano, as well as reiki/crystals as tools to get me through this and stay positive. However it has been difficult as of late...
Kundalini Reiki Fire, Gold and now Prism. I'll also be following up on the shamanism path. As well as Circle Facilitation, for sure when things level out well be drumming and playing more guitar, singing. Plan to get the Pleiadian Nusta Karpay Rites in Shamanism done here hopefully this week? Well see but there's a lot of alignments there last and this week to Alclone
I've noticed some reiki attunement groupings that I'd like to post here.
Fire or Flame/Heat:
Violet Flame Reiki, Sekkem Reiki, Kundalini Fire Reiki (vi), Atlantean/Lemurian Reiki (iii) Flames (5)
Egyptian, Atlantean/ Lemurian (I, ii), Sekkem, Kundalini, Andromedan
Usui, Karuna Ki, Kundalini, Universal, Pleiadian/Orion, Andromedan/ Perseus
Etheric Crystal, Andromedan/Aqualine
Uses Inner Crystal as attunement:
Lemurian Light, Kundalini
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bergamorisvegliata · 4 months
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"Tutto l' impossibile e possibile"
dalle Scritture di Saggezza Eterna.
Lunedì 13 maggio
con chi:
con LORO, pure Anime che diffondono AMORE E ... LUCE
Uniti nella DIVERSITA', un mantra da ripetere nel CUORE E A VOCE ALTA.
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Continua il nostro PROGETTO:
Laboratorio Esperienziale Dedicato
Conoscersi e scoprirsi attraverso l’esperienza personale
Questo progetto educativo e terapeutico ha l'obiettivo di condurre i partecipanti verso la fiducia in se stessi e nella vita.
Suoniamo ed ascoltiamo il suono delle Campane di Cristallo di Quarzo Ialino.
Intoniamo l' OM
Cantiamo le vocali
Ci curiamo con la terapia degli Abbracci
Sperimentiamo l' energia terapeutica dei minerali e cristalli
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GRAZIE Preziose Creature
GRAZIE Francesca MoroniLaCri Suardi Elena, Matilde, Elena
Paola, fedele a me stessa
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Esperta in Terapie Vibrazionali Sonore con le Campane di Cristallo di Quarzo Ialino, Insegnante di Meditazione. Insegnante di Usui Holy Fire & Karuna Reiki, Terapeuta Reiki per Umani ed Animali, Membro dell’ Associazione Canadese del Reiki e del Centro Internazionale di Formazione Reiki Medicine negli Stati Uniti, Cristallo Terapeuta formazione Crystal Academy alle Isole Hawaii. Life and Mental Coach. Esperta in Tecniche di Rilascio Emozionale in Acqua. Esperta in Tecniche Bioenergetiche Quantistiche, formazione Dottor Francesco Oliviero, Tecnico Sportivo Coni certificato, Istruttore di Nordic Walking specializzata nel Ritmico e nella Disabilità, Creatrice del metodo Meditare attraverso il Nordic Walking Ritmico®
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leenahills · 11 months
Top Karuna Reiki Expert Teacher in Chandigarh
Grandmaster Leena is Karuna Reiki expert teacher in Chandigarh, She provide Karuna Reiki Diploma courses as well as the healing services to clients
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shivss · 11 months
Karuna Reiki Expert Teacher in Chandigarh
Grandmaster Leena is Karuna Reiki expert teacher in Chandigarh, She provide Karuna Reiki Diploma courses as well as the healing services to clients
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skye-yoga-blog · 1 year
Reiki Level 2
September 24 Sunday 2023
October 8 Sunday 2023
November 5 Sunday 2023
December 3 Sunday 2023
January 7 Sunday 2023
Sharing of Reiki I experiences- Definition and meaning of symbols-Practice with symbols-Room preparation with symbols-Advanced Reiki Techniques-Level II attunement- explanation of client documentation- and practicing Reiki on others. All students will receive certification upon completion of the class through Skye-Yoga
Prerequisite: Reiki Level 1
Duration: 1 Day
Reiki Level 2 prepares the student for the use of Reiki energy, for self
and others benefit, to assist in relieving ailments utilizing Reiki
symbols and special techniques.
How to send Reiki at a distance, which can be used for past, present and future issues
A guided relaxing meditation
Reiki Level 2 attunement, a special process that allows individual connectivity with the Reiki source using Reiki symbols
A review of 'Hayashi Healing Guide' and 'Japanese Reiki Techniques: Gassho Meditation, Byosen Scanning, Kenyoku, Koki-ho, Jachi-Kiri- Joka-ho, Gyoshi-ho and Enkaku Chiryo
A demonstration and practice on How to utilize Dr. Usui's technique using the Three Pillars of Reiki
A demonstration and practice on How Reiki symbols facilitate to balance the chakras and harmonize the aura
A demonstration and practice on How to provide a complete Reiki a session for self and others using Reiki symbols
Reiki hand positions to treat oneself and others
How to utilize Reiki 2 symbols with bio-energy
A Certificate of Achievement is issued after course completion
Hours are 12 am - 5 pm, which includes a lunch break.
You can stay in, or go to nearby Restaurants or Diners.
A Certificate is rewarded upon completion of the course.
May 14-2023
June 4-2023
July 23-2023
August 6-2023
Sharing of Reiki I experiences- Definition and meaning of symbols-Practice with symbols-Room preparation with symbols-Advanced Reiki Techniques-Level II attunement- explanation of client documentation- and practicing Reiki on others. All students will receive certification upon completion of the class through Skye-Yoga
Prerequisite: Reiki Level 1
Duration:    1 Day
Reiki Level 2 prepares the student for the use of Reiki energy, for self 
and others benefit, to assist in relieving ailments utilizing Reiki 
symbols and special techniques. 
How to send Reiki at a distance, which can be used for past, present and future issues
A guided relaxing meditation
Reiki Level 2 attunement, a special process that allows individual connectivity with the Reiki source using Reiki symbols
A review of 'Hayashi Healing Guide' and 'Japanese Reiki Techniques': Gassho Meditation, Byosen Scanning, Kenyoku, Koki-ho, Jachi-Kiri- Joka-ho, Gyoshi-ho and Enkaku Chiryo
A demonstration and practice on How to utilize Dr. Usui's technique using the Three Pillars of Reiki
A demonstration and practice on How Reiki symbols facilitate to balance the chakras and harmonize the aura
A demonstration and practice on How to provide a complete Reiki session for self and others using Reiki symbols
Reiki hand positions to treat oneself and others
How to utilize Reiki 2 symbols with bio-energy
A Certificate of Achievement is issued after course completion
Hours are 12 am  - 5 pm, which includes a lunch break.
You can stay in, or go to nearby Restaurants or Diners.
A Certificate is rewarded upon completion of the course. 
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reikisthan · 1 year
karuna Reiki Symbol#shorts
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karuna Reiki Symbol#shorts #pastlife#devhutihealingmission#pastliferegression#pastliferegressionguidedmeditation Devhuti Healing Mission Our Mind Training Program, Reiki Healing Tharepy, Past Life Healing Methods helps each and every human being to attain their success in a spiritual and scientific way with peace, confidence. हमारा माइंड ट्रेनिंग प्रोग्राम, रेकी हीलिंग, पिछले जीवन चिकित्सा पद्धतियां प्रत्येक इंसान को शांति, आत्मविश्वास और आध्यात्मिक और वैज्ञानिक तरीके से अपनी सफलता प्राप्त करने में मदद करती हैं। Feel free to Contact for 👉 Past life Regression 👉 Reiki Healing 👉 Mid Brain Activation ( Franchise Available ) 👉 Meditation 👉 Pranayam 93653 13795 #Devhuti_Healing_Mission #DevhutiHealingMission source Read the full article
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[2024年09月24日(星期二)04:45上午(am) 中國香港時間(Hong Kong,China Time)] Rachel 陳旨璿(原名:陳宇暉)チウキ在昨日交咗功課(Assignment)啦。
如果欣賞本人Rachel 陳旨璿 (原名:陳宇暉)チウキ,
(一位女性 / a FEMALE)
透過各大社交媒體分享的個人想法和意見[(例如: YT(Youtube), fb (Facebook), IG(instagram)……]分享的內容,可透過以下本人的PayPal 帳戶資料付款作支持用途:[email protected] 謝謝您!
As I know, my contact methods (including E-mail address , contact number , any contact methods I provide / provided should be able to contact me directly without any procedure or any department to approval, if anyone are not able to contact me , I need help and call for help, someone might intend to block my communication with others.
我所知道我提供的PayPal account 和所有信用卡,銀行卡,收款支付方法和平台/媒體,也是合法和可以直接入帳,並不需要特別程序和申請,如有此情況出現,是不尋常的,我需要尋求幫助和協助,或有人,或有一些單位不懷好意地惡意攔截我的收入等,已達到犯罪目的,或逃避承擔責任。
As I know my PayPal account , all my bank accounts, all my credit card and any payment method I provide / provided should be able to transfer money to me legally, and directly without any special procedure or any special approval , if this happen. It's not right, I need help and call for help, someone might intend to block my income for the purpose of committing crime and avoid taking responsibility of their wrong behavior.
I believe I am a victim of identity theft (我是身份盜用的受害者), my personal information, my educational qualifications, resume, professional diploma, might have been used by some criminals, this is why when my career start develop and any aspects of mine start to develop, it makes me in deep danger. I am here to call for help.
P.S.提供任何資訊或連結,只共參考,由CHAN ZI XUAN 陳旨璿 RACHEL CHAN (原名:陳宇暉,在2023年3月10日,於中國香港的Solicitors 更改名字為陳旨璿),本人的手機號在2023年02月01日由6828-0754,在中國香港(香港)的尖沙咀CSL改為5148-9567,其後在2023年04月把該手機號由CSL帶手機號轉為中國移動(ChinaMobile), 如有任何查詢及疑問,請直接和本人聯絡!
Rachel 陳旨璿 (原名:陳宇暉)チウキ
(一位女性 / a FEMALE)
[網路想法和意見分享者 (Internet Idea and Opinion Sharer)]
[臼井靈氣療法大師 (Usui Reiki Ryoho Master)]
[卡魯那靈氣大師 (Karuna Reiki Master)]
[古埃及靈氣療法大師 (Sekhem Reiki Energy Healing Master)]
[現代靈氣法大師 (Gendai Reiki Ho Master)]
[A Master Member of Gendai Reiki Network (GRN) since 03April2024.]
1) 公開電子郵箱:
2) My Mailing Address:
3. My Skype : [email protected]
[歡迎透過以上電子郵件地址和信箱討論, 和本人CHAN ZI XUAN陳旨璿RACHEL CHAN (原名:陳宇暉)此發文的, 請注明和提供資料是討論那一篇來自本人的發文」
4)My Linktr.ee:
Mastodon : @[email protected]
5)我的格仔箱地址:津靖 - 地址 : 中國香港新界葵涌廣場1樓B91A舖 - 格仔箱A10箱
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Embark on a Transformative Journey with Juan's Remote Services:
✨ Awaken profound insights by connecting with your spirit guides and higher self 
🕊️ Find healing and closure through communication with cherished loved ones who have crossed over 
🛤️ Illuminate your soul path to make empowered life choices with divine guidance 
📜 Explore your Akashic records for a deeper understanding of your soul's unique purpose 
💫 Experience transformative Reiki distance healing with Juan, an Usui, Karuna, Lightarian, and Violet Flame Reiki Master 
Which journey resonates with your soul? ✨
With warm blessings, 
📞 Contact: +27 73 760 0163 
🌐 Experience enlightened messages and healing, from anywhere with online sessions, complete with recordings!
#SpiritualAwakening #DivineGuidance #SoulPurpose #AkashicRecords #ReikiMaster #RemoteHealing #SpiritConnections #EnergyHealing #JourneyWithin 
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