#Angel Light Healing Workshops
skye-yoga-blog · 1 year
Reiki Level 2
September 24 Sunday 2023
October 8 Sunday 2023
November 5 Sunday 2023
December 3 Sunday 2023
January 7 Sunday 2023
Sharing of Reiki I experiences- Definition and meaning of symbols-Practice with symbols-Room preparation with symbols-Advanced Reiki Techniques-Level II attunement- explanation of client documentation- and practicing Reiki on others. All students will receive certification upon completion of the class through Skye-Yoga
Prerequisite: Reiki Level 1
Duration: 1 Day
Reiki Level 2 prepares the student for the use of Reiki energy, for self
and others benefit, to assist in relieving ailments utilizing Reiki
symbols and special techniques.
How to send Reiki at a distance, which can be used for past, present and future issues
A guided relaxing meditation
Reiki Level 2 attunement, a special process that allows individual connectivity with the Reiki source using Reiki symbols
A review of 'Hayashi Healing Guide' and 'Japanese Reiki Techniques: Gassho Meditation, Byosen Scanning, Kenyoku, Koki-ho, Jachi-Kiri- Joka-ho, Gyoshi-ho and Enkaku Chiryo
A demonstration and practice on How to utilize Dr. Usui's technique using the Three Pillars of Reiki
A demonstration and practice on How Reiki symbols facilitate to balance the chakras and harmonize the aura
A demonstration and practice on How to provide a complete Reiki a session for self and others using Reiki symbols
Reiki hand positions to treat oneself and others
How to utilize Reiki 2 symbols with bio-energy
A Certificate of Achievement is issued after course completion
Hours are 12 am - 5 pm, which includes a lunch break.
You can stay in, or go to nearby Restaurants or Diners.
A Certificate is rewarded upon completion of the course.
May 14-2023
June 4-2023
July 23-2023
August 6-2023
Sharing of Reiki I experiences- Definition and meaning of symbols-Practice with symbols-Room preparation with symbols-Advanced Reiki Techniques-Level II attunement- explanation of client documentation- and practicing Reiki on others. All students will receive certification upon completion of the class through Skye-Yoga
Prerequisite: Reiki Level 1
Duration:    1 Day
Reiki Level 2 prepares the student for the use of Reiki energy, for self 
and others benefit, to assist in relieving ailments utilizing Reiki 
symbols and special techniques. 
How to send Reiki at a distance, which can be used for past, present and future issues
A guided relaxing meditation
Reiki Level 2 attunement, a special process that allows individual connectivity with the Reiki source using Reiki symbols
A review of 'Hayashi Healing Guide' and 'Japanese Reiki Techniques': Gassho Meditation, Byosen Scanning, Kenyoku, Koki-ho, Jachi-Kiri- Joka-ho, Gyoshi-ho and Enkaku Chiryo
A demonstration and practice on How to utilize Dr. Usui's technique using the Three Pillars of Reiki
A demonstration and practice on How Reiki symbols facilitate to balance the chakras and harmonize the aura
A demonstration and practice on How to provide a complete Reiki session for self and others using Reiki symbols
Reiki hand positions to treat oneself and others
How to utilize Reiki 2 symbols with bio-energy
A Certificate of Achievement is issued after course completion
Hours are 12 am  - 5 pm, which includes a lunch break.
You can stay in, or go to nearby Restaurants or Diners.
A Certificate is rewarded upon completion of the course. 
0 notes
roll-of-royces · 3 months
CW: Self Harm
Anon Request: The Hazbin Hotel Characters React to Finding Out You Self Harm  
(You are in an established relationship.) 
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You don't mean for Alastor to find out, you've been careful and it's not like you have a particularly intimate relationship. He's happy for you to keep your clothes on, but well these things happen. When he sees the marks on your arm he freezes, eyes training on the injuries. His head tilts as he digests the information, realizes where they've come from, and puts it all together in his head.     His smile tightens at the corners, eyebrows lowering as he reaches forward to curl clawed fingers around your wrist, "Why do I smile, my dear?"     You blink up at him with watery eyes, not sure what he wants, but you answer anyway, "To keep them guessing."     Alastor steps forward, even though he's never been one for long hugs and presses your face into his shoulder, hand against the back of your head, "So keep them guessing."  
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You're wrapped up in each other, lights low, thinking he won't notice when he finds the marks along your leg. Angel hard stops, tracing the skin with his thumb. His eyes find yours in the low light before he pulls you into his arms, wrapping himself around you. Your face is pressed into the fluff at the front of his chest, buried in the soft strands.     You can hear his breath shake by your ear, "It won't help." He whispers, low and sad. You don't know if you've ever heard Anthony sound like that, even on the bad days. Even high, drugged, or drunk. There's a tremble in his voice. "It won't help. Let me help you instead."  
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Vox can be a bit dense sometimes, he notices the marks the first time, makes a joke about pissing off a cat, and dismisses them. He figures it out a few minutes later when he looks at them again, going still. You can feel the electricity in the air, the lights above you in his office flicker. "You did that to yourself?"     You nod, shame bubbling up inside you as you cross your arms over your chest.     He leaves his desk behind to walk up to you, hands grabbing your arms. Static slides through you, making you jump, "Don't." His voice is sharp, "Tell me who I need to fire, or light on fire to fix this. Tell me what you need and I'll make it fucking happen."  
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Charlie notices far faster than you expect, all it takes is one little wince and she's asking what is wrong. Her concern breaks you down, and you end up deciding to simply show her. To let her in, and hope maybe she knows what to do next, how to process all this.     At the sight of your wounds, Charlie goes about worriedly making sure you'll heal alright. She presses a kiss to the top side of your wrist, and holds your hand between her own. "I know it's hard." Her eyes fill with tears, "I know there are bad days, but we're going to get through this together. I love you more than anything, if you need me, if you need help ask. I'm always going to be here."  
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You know that Lucifer knows what it is to suffer, he drowns himself in work, constantly keeping himself busy so it doesn't drown him. So when you break, when you hurt yourself you go to him in the aftermath, trembling. He spots you from the doorway to his workshop. He freezes, trained out the injuries. His shoulders droop, and he nods to himself as he walks over, taking your hands in his own.     His voice is gentle and a moment later the marks are gone. "I'm working on a new duck." He says, hand moving to hold yours, the tightness the only sign he's upset at all. "Come help me design it." When you reach his desk he pulls you down onto his leg, wrapping an arm around your waist. "What do you think, what color should it be?"  
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You end up telling Rosie what you'd done in one of your long conversations, she's easy to talk to, she's always been that way. Things you never thought you would say always seem to get said when she turns those dark eyes toward you. When you tell her, she slides a little closer, "Now, I think you know that I know that Hell can be no picnic." Rosie presses a kiss to your brow, "But we have a home here."     Rosie waves toward the doorway that leads out to Cannibal Town. "Maybe it's hard right now, it won't always be. And what we do, well you bet, we're going to do it together."  
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When Pentious sees the marks on your arm he gasps quite spectacularly and rushes over, "Who hasss hurt you, sun of my suns? I shall avenge thisss."     To your embarrassment, several of the egg bois also take notice and rush over asking you if you're alright and what happened. You're forced to admit in a low whisper that you were the one who did it.     He crushes you to his chest, pressing several kisses to your face and head. "Then I shall avenge the monstersss of the mind!" He declares, continuing his onslaught. You can't help but laugh a little as he attempts to cheer you up.  
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zedecksiew · 4 months
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Neon Genesis Evangelion was my whole identity, when I was fifteen.
I was an angsty boy from a small town. I longed to have a fiery redhead be mean to me (or to just meet one); to be part of world-ending events (or to be part of a clique that mattered); to pilot a god (or to just feel powerful in my own body).
As I grew up I've managed to sublimate those longings, I guess?
All my middle-age aches tell me my body is friend who cannot be taken for granted; their are not a flesh-tool. On good writing days, I do feel like I make some meaning in the world.
And, while I've still never met a fiery redhead---I no longer see Westerners as aspirational, so meeting them now feels human instead of symbolic.
Last year I watched the Rebuild series through. I liked it! Parts of the new movies remind me of Shin Godzilla (my favourite Hideaki Anno work).
Some notes:
1. CAD leads to overdesign
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True when Tim Burton got CGI; true when Games Workshop started to sculpt minis on computers; true for the nonsense Evas, Unit 05 onwards, and that over-busy flying SDF-1 knockoff. I mean, what the fuck am I looking at here???
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And while some stuff like the Eva 07s are neat (they've got these skull + pharaoh-chin designs), it's moot because you can barely see them, because they only appear in scenes like this:
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So dumb, so dumb.
The new angels were sick, though. Because when you overdesign by computer you pass into the realm of the inhuman, and the angels are supposed to be eldritch inhuman creatures.
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Sahaquiel was my favourite re-designed angel. It got these ridges that look like leaping evangelical choirs.
2. Meta-indulgence
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I've aged out of thinking that breaking the fourth wall is clever. I did like the meta stuff in last film, though? Calls back on the series finale + End of Evangelion. But crucially it felt really different.
It felt like a satisfying (and kinder!) end to the characters' stories; more satisfying closure for the fans. It felt like Anno was saying goodbye to his demons, putting the franchise to bed, and turning off the lights. Moving on.
(All instantly rendered moot when they announce a new Evangelion project / tie-in / whatever. Because of course they will. Because Capitalism.)
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3. Rebuilding
The best part of Thrice Upon A Time is the first third of the film: minutiae from a community of survivors trying to pick themselves up from the end of the world. Planting rice, arranging hot baths, playing with pregnant cats.
Evangelion finally got some actual, undashed hope.
The whole movie could've just been this---the characters staying in this small town, dealing with their demons, learning how to feel and heal and actually live the lives that were stolen from them.
That would've been a really good way to end, honestly.
4. Child soldiers
The most obvious thing about Evangelion is this:
its protagonists, the pilots of the giant mechas, are emotionally and physically tortured preteens, gaslit and manipulated by every adult they meet.
This is a show about the use and abuse of children. My teenage self never clocked it. Hm, I wonder why!
Maybe because I didn't yet have the discursive tools to understand that stuff; 2000 was a different time, after all.
Maybe I didn't care. Surrogate mommy please kiss me and dangle that sex-carrot so I'll go kill the world, oh yeah! Use me, mommy!
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Because when you're that young you'd do anything to be treated as important, as an adult. You want to be used, because being used means you are legitimate.
And nothing is as legitimate as suffering.
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🩸 ( reverse ! ) - @themosthatedbeingg
Send my muse 🩸 to find them unable to stop bleeding from an injury.
What starts off as a typical visit to Lucifer’s palace quickly escalates to one of chaos and carnage. No sooner had Lucid stepped out of the golden portal ring into the Kings private workshop, the sound of fighting reaches his ears. Rushing to the open window, the blue angel looked out in horror as several rogue angels clad in angelic armor strike at the fierce and familiar dragon, Lucifer. Wings and other remains already strewn across the palace grounds hints to a rather decent sized posse that had descended from the Heaven’s in an attempt to end the Morningstar’s life. But even a fallen archangel is no easy foe to take on, and by the looks of it, Lucifer had the upper hand.
That was until holy light was shot directly at the dragons face, blinding him. The bellow shook Hell, Lucifer twisting and lashing out in his blindness. The angels now had the advantage, soaring in with weapons drawn. One angel was caught between the dragons jaws, snapped up and burnt in the sharp toothed maw as a second angel drove a spear into Lucifer’s flank. Screeching, the whip like tail coiled and found the attacker, thumping him with a force that sent them wheeling out of sight over the nearby forest. The third angel however lashed out with his sword, stabbing deep into the dragons side and dragging it through thick hide, creating a gaping seam in his body.
Lucifer withered and roared, bellowing hellfire from his jaws in all directions blindly. The flames caught one of the angels wings, forcing them to retreat as the feathers burned away. With the immediate danger dealt with, the mighty beast collapsed to the ground, blood pooling like a glistening golden pond beneath his body. Carved open by angelic steel, the King of Hell would not heal rapidly, losing more blood by the second.
Lucid launched himself from the window, gliding down in haste, skidding on bare feet as he hit the ground. “LUCIFER!” The only thought the seraph had was to get to his blinded twins side and quickly so he could lend his healing magic. He would not wait for the dragon to acknowledge it was an alley coming to his aid and not a returning foe.
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selineram3421 · 2 years
Ooooh! HC 25 with besties Alastor and Reader please?
Yay for the besties!
HC 25 : "Bite down on this."
Lol what?
The Taste of Leather
Platonic: Alastor X Reader Oneshot
Warning! ⚠
⚠ explosives, killing of Egg-men, cussing, descriptive injuries, stitches, threats ⚠
You know when your friends do something that's obviously dumb and dangerous, but you go anyways just to keep an eye on them?
Yeah, that's what you were doing right now in a workshop.
Cherri was currently in the process of strapping a bomb to one of Sir Pentious newest inventions, Angel was helping by setting up more bombs.
The job you had was lookout.
You got dragged into this mess just for being nearby Angel when he got a text from her.
"Got all of them set up?", the one eyed demon asks.
"You bet'cha babe!", Angel says, dusting his hands off. "When is this thing gonna go off anyway?"
"Five minutes.", Cherri answers.
"Five minutes!?", you ask, looking back at the two. "That's barely enough time to leave without getting caught!"
And just as you say that, an Egg henchman spots you and pushes a red button.
"Well fuck."
An alarm goes off and red lights flash. Cherri sets the timer, running up and kicking the Egg-man over the railing.
"Let's go!", she smiles and starts running.
You and Angel follow, killing of the Egg-men with guns and other weapons.
"We don't have time for this!", you growl, hitting an Egg-man with a bat, and punching another that was running up to you.
"I mean, we could jump out one of the windows.", the spider demon comments.
"And break an arm? No thank you.", you say, shoving an Egg into the wall. "Ew, I'm covered in guts.", you look down at your hands.
Finally the exit door is in view and you're the last one to run out of the building. The five minutes are up, the workshop explodes.
"Ah!", you shout as you're blown away by the blast, hitting your leg against a metal pole.
The sound it makes is concerning. Like a snap and a crunch.
"FUCKING SHIT!", you cry out on the ground.
"Oh fuck!", Angel calls out your name and runs over to you. He cringes as he takes a closer look at your leg. "That ain't good."
You groan and look over to see the damage.
Bone pokes through your skin, revealing your torn up muscles and the other half of the bone. Oh, and tons of blood.
"That's a lot-", your eyes roll back and you pass out.
Alastor was reading the news paper, taking a sip of his coffee when Angel burst through the door of his radio tower.
"Smiles! Need a little help!", the fluffy demon shouts.
"What in the blazes!? Angel!", Alastor had spilled his coffee onto the paper. "₩Ⱨ₳₮!?", he turns to look at the demon with radio dials for eyes.
He stops soon after once seeing your passed out form. They quickly set you on the couch and Alastor gathers some tools to help with fixing your leg.
You wake up screaming, feeling your broken leg being pulled.
"Bite down on this.", Alastor puts a belt in your mouth to bite on.
You do so and your shouts of pain are muffled a bit. Eyes tearing up from the burning and stabbing feeling in your leg.
"Almost done hun.", Angel says holding one of your hands.
When that part is done, you feel numb as the gash on your leg is stitched up. Belt out of your mouth but there's still the lingering taste of leather. Tear stains on your face as you sniffle.
"You fucking asshole.", you mumble. "I'm kicking you in the balls once my leg is all healed."
"Haha..", Angel laughs, grimacing as your hold crushes his hand.
Alastor grins, wrapping your leg up with gauze, prepping to make a cast. "I'd like to see that."
Your cast is complete!
Angel gets a marker, popping off the cap. "I'm gonna draw a dick!"
You quickly toss a pillow to his face. "Fuck off, Alastor gets to sign first."
Once getting the marker, Alastor signs his name and writes some song lyrics. Then Angel gets the marker.
"No dicks, not unless you want yours removed.", you threaten.
"Fine.", the spider huffs and just writes his name with a heart at the end.
The porn star leaves after you've decided to stay at the radio tower.
"So!", Alastor says with a clap of his hands. "Care to tell me how this happened?"
"Ugh..", you groan and flop your head back onto a pillow. "Angel dragged me to set up some bombs with Cherri. My leg hit a pole and-", you gesture to your leg in the cast. "..well..this was the outcome."
He hums and picks up his empty mug.
"Say, why don't I make us some soup? It does sound appetizing.", he says and the news paper on the table disappears with a snap of his fingers.
"Mmmm...soup.", you hum in agreement. "With meat, veggies. And some bread on the side.", you list off.
Alastor covers you with a blanket. "I'll get you some painkillers and water before I make it. Rest now."
This was one of the pros of being best friends with the Radio Demon.
He makes good soup.
Good soup.
"I can put a fast healing spell, so you can surprise Angel.", Alastor smiles like a menace.
"Hell yeah.", you cheer.
If you couldn't tell, I want soup.
~Seline, the person.
Prompt-list: ✨here✨
ML for Alastor🎙
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bedpage1234 · 4 months
Discover Sensual Bliss: Exploring Erotic Massage in Houston
The Art of Erotic Massage
Erotic massage is an ancient practice rooted in various traditions and cultures, each bringing unique techniques and philosophies. The essence of erotic massage lies in its ability to combine the physical benefits of traditional massage—such as tension relief, improved circulation, and relaxation—with the profound connection and pleasure of sensual touch. This fusion creates a holistic experience that nourishes both the body and the spirit.
The Experience
Walking into an erotic massage parlor in Houston, you're immediately enveloped by an ambiance designed to stimulate the senses. Escorts in Los Angeles Dim lighting, aromatic scents, and soft music set the stage for relaxation. The massage itself is performed by skilled practitioners who use a combination of oils, soft strokes, and deep tissue techniques to ease your muscles while also awakening your sensuality.
The journey typically begins with a full-body massage to relax the muscles and calm the mind. As the session progresses, the practitioner may incorporate more intimate and sensual techniques, focusing on erogenous zones to heighten pleasure and arousal. Communication with the therapist is key to ensuring comfort and enhancing the experience, making it essential to express your boundaries and preferences.
Benefits Beyond Pleasure
While the immediate allure of an erotic massage is undoubtedly the pleasure it brings, the benefits extend far beyond momentary gratification. Regular sessions can significantly reduce stress and anxiety, promoting a sense of overall well-being. The intimate nature of the massage can also help in building confidence, improving self-awareness, and enhancing one's intimate relationships.
Erotic massage is also known for its potential therapeutic benefits. It can help in addressing sexual dysfunctions and inhibitions by providing a safe space to explore one's sexuality. The focus on erogenous zones and the sensual stimulation can improve libido and sexual performance, contributing to a healthier and more satisfying sex life.
Finding the Right Place
Houston offers a variety of establishments that provide erotic massage services. It's crucial to find a reputable parlor that ensures professionalism and respects the boundaries of its clients. Reading reviews, seeking recommendations, and verifying the credentials of the therapists can help in choosing a place that aligns with your expectations.
Some of the well-regarded parlors in Houston offer additional services such as couples' massages, workshops, and private sessions tailored to individual needs. These options provide an opportunity for partners to reconnect and explore their sensuality together, adding a new dimension to their relationship.
Sensual Exploration and Personal Growth
Engaging in erotic massage can be a transformative experience, offering a deeper understanding of one's body and desires. It's a journey that encourages self-exploration, fosters intimacy, and promotes emotional healing. Whether you're a curious individual or a couple looking to reignite passion, erotic massage in Houston opens the door to a world of sensual delight and personal growth.
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treatmentangel · 5 months
Finding Hope: Compassionate Heroin Addiction Treatment Centers in Dallas
In the throes of heroin addiction, the world can feel like a dark and isolating place. Yet, within this darkness, there exists a glimmer of hope—a guiding light towards recovery. At AtTreatment Angel, we recognize the harrowing journey of heroin addiction and offer a beacon of compassion and support through our rehab centers in Dallas.
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Heroin addiction is a formidable opponent, gripping individuals in its powerful hold and wreaking havoc on their lives. It doesn't discriminate, affecting people from all walks of life, regardless of age, gender, or background. The path to addiction is often paved with pain, trauma, or the search for an escape from life's challenges. However, what starts as a temporary refuge can quickly spiral into a consuming addiction, leaving individuals trapped in a cycle of despair.
Acknowledging the struggles of heroin addiction is the first step towards reclaiming control over one's life. At AtTreatment Angel, we understand the complexities of addiction and provide a sanctuary where individuals can find solace, support, and a pathway to recovery. Our rehab centers in Dallas are designed to offer a holistic approach to treatment, addressing the physical, emotional, and psychological aspects of addiction.
Compassion lies at the heart of our approach. We recognize that each individual's journey towards recovery is unique, and we tailor our treatment programs to meet their specific needs. Our team of dedicated professionals, including counselors, therapists, and medical staff, provide personalized care and support every step of the way. From detoxification and medical management to therapy and aftercare planning, we guide our clients through each phase of their recovery journey with empathy and understanding.
Our rehab centers in Dallas offer a safe and nurturing environment where individuals can focus on healing and transformation. Here, they are surrounded by a community of peers who understand their struggles and offer encouragement and solidarity. Through group therapy sessions, recreational activities, and educational workshops, clients develop coping skills, resilience, and a sense of belonging essential for long-term recovery.
Recovery from heroin addiction is not easy, but it is possible with the right support and resources. At AtTreatment Angel, we believe in empowering individuals to overcome their addiction and reclaim their lives. Our comprehensive treatment approach equips clients with the tools and strategies they need to navigate life's challenges without turning to heroin.
If you or someone you love is battling heroin addiction, know that help is available. Reach out to AtTreatment Angel today and take the first step towards a healthier, happier future. Together, we can light the path towards recovery and guide you towards a life filled with hope, purpose, and fulfillment.
For more info :-
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alcohol addiction treatment centers in San Antonio
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angelichealingcentre · 5 months
Embracing Healing at an Angelic Healing Center
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Connecting with Angelic Energies
At the heart of an Angelic Healing Center is the belief in the presence and influence of angels. Angels are viewed as celestial beings of light and love, angelic healing centre offering unconditional support and guidance to those seeking healing and spiritual awakening. Practitioners at Angelic Healing Centers facilitate connections with angelic energies through meditation, prayer, and energy healing techniques.
Healing Modalities Offered
Angelic Healing Centers offer a variety of healing modalities designed to address physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual imbalances. Some common practices include:
Angel Card Readings: Experienced practitioners use angel oracle cards to receive guidance and insights from angelic realms. These readings offer clarity, inspiration, and a deeper understanding of life's challenges and opportunities.
Energy Healing: Techniques such as Reiki, angelic healing, and crystal therapy are employed to balance and harmonize the body's energy centers (chakras). Energy healing sessions promote relaxation, reduce stress, and support the body's natural ability to heal.
Guided Meditations: Meditation sessions guided by angelic themes help participants connect with their inner wisdom, release emotional blockages, and cultivate a sense of peace and tranquility.
Angel Therapy: This form of therapy involves working with angels and archangels to release negative patterns, heal past traumas, and cultivate self-love and forgiveness.
Workshops and Classes: Angelic Healing Centers often offer workshops and classes on topics such as angel communication, intuitive development, Cupping Therapy Byron Bay and spiritual awakening. These educational opportunities empower individuals to deepen their connection with angels and integrate angelic wisdom into their daily lives.
Benefits of Angelic Healing
The holistic approach of Angelic Healing Centers offers a multitude of benefits, including:
Emotional Healing: Angelic healing can provide comfort, solace, and healing during times of emotional turmoil or grief.
Spiritual Growth: By fostering connections with angels, individuals can experience spiritual awakening, deepen their intuition, and gain clarity on their life's purpose.
Physical Well-being: Energy healing techniques promote relaxation, reduce stress, and support the body's natural healing processes, contributing to overall well-being.
Inner Peace: Through meditation and angelic guidance, individuals can cultivate inner peace, resilience, and a greater sense of harmony.
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soulsuccessunleashed · 7 months
The Role of Clairvoyance in Healing and Personal Development
In the pursuit of personal growth and healing, clairvoyance emerges as a profound and often misunderstood tool. This intuitive ability, which allows individuals to perceive beyond the physical senses, holds significant potential for guiding us through our personal development journey. By understanding and harnessing clairvoyance, we can unlock new dimensions of self-awareness, healing, and empowerment.
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Understanding the Essence of Clairvoyance
Clairvoyance, at its heart, is the ability to see with the inner eye. It goes beyond the mere physical perception, tapping into the realm of energy, emotions, and the subtle nuances of the spiritual world. This gift enables individuals to access insights, messages, and guidance that are not readily available through conventional means. It's a bridge to deeper understanding, offering clarity and direction in times of confusion and uncertainty.
Healing Through Insight
The journey of healing is deeply personal and multifaceted. Clairvoyance serves as a powerful ally in this process by providing insights into the root causes of emotional and physical ailments. By seeing beyond the surface, clairvoyants can discern the energetic blockages, past traumas, or unresolved emotions that may be contributing to one's current state of dis-ease. This awareness is the first step towards healing, as it illuminates the pathways to addressing and releasing these deep-seated issues.
Personal Development and Growth
Personal development is an ongoing process of self-discovery and evolution. Clairvoyance enriches this journey by offering a broader perspective on one's life path and potential. It can reveal alignments and misalignments between one's actions and their true purpose, guiding individuals towards choices that resonate with their deepest values and aspirations. By tapping into clairvoyant insights, one can navigate life's challenges with greater ease and confidence, fostering growth and transformation.
Enhancing Intuition and Decision-Making
At the core of personal development is the cultivation of intuition—the inner knowing that guides our decisions and actions. Clairvoyance amplifies this intuitive sense, providing clear and direct insights that can inform decision-making processes. Whether it's career choices, relationships, or personal goals, clairvoyant perceptions can offer valuable guidance that aligns with one's highest good, leading to more fulfilling and authentic outcomes.
Nurturing Empathy and Connection
Clairvoyance also plays a crucial role in enhancing empathy and connection with others. By perceiving the emotional and energetic states of those around us, we can develop a deeper understanding and compassion for their experiences. This heightened empathy not only enriches our relationships but also fosters a sense of interconnectedness and community. It reminds us that we are not isolated beings but part of a larger, intricate web of life.
Cultivating Clairvoyance
Developing clairvoyance involves a combination of practice, patience, and openness. Meditation, mindfulness, and energy work are effective tools for awakening and nurturing this ability. Additionally, engaging with practices such as journaling, working with angel cards, and participating in spiritual workshops can further enhance one's clairvoyant skills. The key is to approach this journey with curiosity and a willingness to explore the depths of one's psyche.
Embracing the Journey
The role of clairvoyance in healing and personal development is profound and transformative. It offers a unique lens through which we can view ourselves and the world, bringing to light the unseen forces that shape our experiences. By embracing clairvoyance, we open ourselves to a world of insight, healing, and growth, paving the way for a more conscious and fulfilling life.
In conclusion, clairvoyance is not just a psychic ability; it's a tool for profound personal transformation. It invites us to look within, to heal our wounds, and to embark on a journey of endless growth and discovery. With clairvoyance as our guide, we can navigate the complexities of life with grace, understanding, and a deep sense of purpose.
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light-angelic · 7 months
Healing Light: Manifesting Your Desires Through Amazing Steps
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Join Light Angelic's transformative journey to manifest your desires amidst the bustling cityscape of Dubai. This workshop offers powerful techniques to overcome Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and embrace profound healing. Through guided practices and mindful steps, discover how to harness the light within to manifest your deepest aspirations and transcend adversity. Join us in Dubai for an empowering experience of renewal and transformation.
Know More: https://lightangelic.wordpress.com/2023/05/03/manifest-your-desires-through-the-amazing-steps/
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skye-yoga-blog · 1 year
Reiki Level 2
May 14-2023
June 4-2023
July 23-2023
August 6-2023
Sharing of Reiki I experiences- Definition and meaning of symbols-Practice with symbols-Room preparation with symbols-Advanced Reiki Techniques-Level II attunement- explanation of client documentation- and practicing Reiki on others. All students will receive certification upon completion of the class through Skye-Yoga
Prerequisite: Reiki Level 1
Duration: 1 Day
Reiki Level 2 prepares the student for the use of Reiki energy, for self
and others benefit, to assist in relieving ailments utilizing Reiki
symbols and special techniques.
How to send Reiki at a distance, which can be used for past, present and future issues
A guided relaxing meditation
Reiki Level 2 attunement, a special process that allows individual connectivity with the Reiki source using Reiki symbols
A review of 'Hayashi Healing Guide' and 'Japanese Reiki Techniques: Gassho Meditation, Byosen Scanning, Kenyoku, Koki-ho, Jachi-Kiri- Joka-ho, Gyoshi-ho and Enkaku Chiryo
A demonstration and practice on How to utilize Dr. Usui's technique using the Three Pillars of Reiki
A demonstration and practice on How Reiki symbols facilitate to balance the chakras and harmonize the aura
A demonstration and practice on How to provide a complete Reiki a session for self and others using Reiki symbols
Reiki hand positions to treat oneself and others
How to utilize Reiki 2 symbols with bio-energy
A Certificate of Achievement is issued after course completion
Hours are 12 am - 5 pm, which includes a lunch break.
You can stay in, or go to nearby Restaurants or Diners.
A Certificate is rewarded upon completion of the course.
March 5-2023
April 2-2023
May 14-2023
June 4-2023
July 23-2023
Sharing of Reiki I experiences- Definition and meaning of symbols-Practice with symbols-Room preparation with symbols-Advanced Reiki Techniques-Level II attunement- explanation of client documentation- and practicing Reiki on others. All students will receive certification upon completion of the class through Skye-Yoga
Prerequisite: Reiki Level 1
Duration:    1 Day
Reiki Level 2 prepares the student for the use of Reiki energy, for self 
and others benefit, to assist in relieving ailments utilizing Reiki 
symbols and special techniques. 
How to send Reiki at a distance, which can be used for past, present and future issues
A guided relaxing meditation
Reiki Level 2 attunement, a special process that allows individual connectivity with the Reiki source using Reiki symbols
A review of 'Hayashi Healing Guide' and 'Japanese Reiki Techniques': Gassho Meditation, Byosen Scanning, Kenyoku, Koki-ho, Jachi-Kiri- Joka-ho, Gyoshi-ho and Enkaku Chiryo
A demonstration and practice on How to utilize Dr. Usui's technique using the Three Pillars of Reiki
A demonstration and practice on How Reiki symbols facilitate to balance the chakras and harmonize the aura
A demonstration and practice on How to provide a complete Reiki session for self and others using Reiki symbols
Reiki hand positions to treat oneself and others
How to utilize Reiki 2 symbols with bio-energy
A Certificate of Achievement is issued after course completion
Hours are 12 am  - 5 pm, which includes a lunch break.
You can stay in, or go to nearby Restaurants or Diners.
A Certificate is rewarded upon completion of the course. 
0 notes
dharmaslove · 9 months
Dharma's Love, LLC
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Website: https://www.dharmaslove.com
Address: Fuquay-Varina, North Carolina, USA
Dharma's Love, founded by Erica Petersohn, offers a range of spiritual and healing services. Erica, a certified Reiki Master, Archangelic Light Master, and Medium, provides psychic readings, Reiki, mediumship, negative energy cord-cutting, quantum clearings, and spiritual readings. With a background in the pharmaceutical industry, Erica transitioned to full-time spiritual work, traveling the country in an RV to offer her services remotely. She holds a Master's degree in Metaphysical Sciences and continues to expand her knowledge in various spiritual practices.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Dharmaslovellc/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DharmasLove
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dharmas_love/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkq2MHkuqNvC5eyC0fvMEWQ
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/dharmaslovehealing/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/dharmaslovellc/
Keywords: online psychic readings spiritual life coaching energy healing tools distance reiki healing psychic medium readings reiki energy healing negative energy release mediumship development energy healing practitioners spiritual healing services cord cutting services online metaphysical community energy clearing techniques mediumship development courses psychic medium services online mediumship development metaphysical mentoring spiritual growth tools metaphysical education programs spiritual growth resources spiritual life coaching programs remote spiritual services virtual spiritual guidance negative energy removal online virtual energy clearing metaphysical mentoring online spiritual growth tools on the web virtual psychic consultations angelic readings online crystal therapy services remotely virtual spiritual coaching online intuitive psychic studies metaphysical science education online trance mediumship guidance remotely virtual spiritual events divine healing workshops online spiritual newsletters online insights online metaphysical resources spiritual healing services usa psychic readings united states reiki energy healing america remote guidance services us remote spiritual guidance negative energy cord cutting quantum energy clearing online psychic consultations angelic realm readings crystal therapy services intuitive psychic studies metaphysical science education trance mediumship guidance spiritual event participation divine healing workshops spiritual newsletter insights metaphysical resource provision remote guidance sessions crystal therapy sessions intuitive coaching services trance mediumship mentoring spiritual event workshops divine healing practices spiritual newsletter subscriptions psychic medium consultations remote spiritual counseling quantum energy practices metaphysical mentorship online psychic guidance angelic realm insights crystal therapy workshops mediumship development services intuitive psychic training metaphysical science courses trance mediumship sessions
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lolzandtrollz · 1 year
Finding Hope in Los Angeles: Mental Health Clinic Services for All
The bustling metropolis of Los Angeles, finding hope and support for mental health challenges is of paramount importance. The fast-paced urban lifestyle can often lead to stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues, affecting individuals from all walks of life. However, amidst the bustling cityscape, Los Angeles offers a beacon of light through its array of mental health clinic services available for all. These clinics serve as pillars of compassion, understanding, and healing, providing a safe haven for those seeking guidance on their mental health journey. Whether you are navigating through depression, anxiety, trauma, or any other mental health concern, Los Angeles mental health clinic stand ready to provide comprehensive and personalized support. This blog is dedicated to unraveling the invaluable services offered by these clinics, exploring the therapeutic approaches, specialized treatments, and resources tailored to meet the diverse needs of individuals in the City of Angels. Let us embark on a journey of hope, as we delve into the world of mental health clinic services in Los Angeles, a city that believes in healing for all.
Understanding Mental Health Challenges: Empowering Awareness and Acceptance
Empowering awareness and acceptance of mental health challenges is a crucial step towards building a supportive and compassionate community in Los Angeles. Mental health clinics play a vital role in educating the public about the diverse range of mental health conditions and the importance of breaking the stigma surrounding them. These clinics conduct awareness campaigns, workshops, and community events to foster understanding and empathy. By promoting open dialogue and discussions, they encourage individuals to share their experiences and seek help without fear of judgment. Empowered with knowledge and acceptance, people in Los Angeles can recognize the signs of mental health challenges, support their loved ones, and seek timely assistance, thus creating a culture of compassion and hope for all.
Comprehensive and Compassionate Care: The Role of Los Angeles Mental Health Clinics
Los Angeles mental health clinics are dedicated to providing comprehensive and compassionate care for individuals seeking mental health support. These clinics offer a wide range of services, including therapy, counseling, psychiatric evaluations, and medication management. They prioritize an individualized approach, acknowledging that each person's mental health journey is unique. Mental health professionals in these clinics strive to create a safe and non-judgmental space, where clients can express themselves openly and honestly. The collaboration between therapists, counselors, psychiatrists, and support staff ensures that clients receive holistic care that addresses their emotional, psychological, and social well-being. The role of Los Angeles mental health clinics extends beyond the clinical setting, as they become pillars of strength, hope, and healing for those navigating the challenges of mental health.
Tailored Support for All: Diverse Services and Specialized Treatments
Los Angeles mental health clinics pride themselves on offering tailored support for individuals from all walks of life. They understand the importance of acknowledging diversity and the unique needs of different populations. These clinics often provide specialized services for specific age groups, such as children, adolescents, adults, and seniors, recognizing that each life stage presents distinct challenges. Additionally, they may offer services tailored to cultural backgrounds, LGBTQ+ communities, veterans, and other marginalized groups. Specialized treatments, such as trauma-informed therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and mindfulness-based interventions, are also available to cater to specific mental health conditions. By embracing inclusivity and diversity, Los Angeles mental health clinics ensure that all individuals receive the support and care they need to navigate their mental health journeys with confidence and hope.
Overcoming Stigma: Embracing Mental Health Services in Los Angeles
Overcoming the stigma surrounding mental health is a pivotal step towards embracing mental health services in Los Angeles. Mental health clinics actively work towards destigmatizing mental health challenges through advocacy, education, and community outreach. They strive to create an environment where seeking help for mental health concerns is seen as a sign of strength and self-awareness, rather than weakness. By promoting stories of resilience and success, mental health clinics showcase the transformative power of seeking professional support. They collaborate with schools, workplaces, and community organizations to foster an atmosphere of empathy and understanding. The collective effort of mental health clinics, along with public figures and community leaders, helps shift societal attitudes towards mental health, encouraging more individuals to seek the support they need and find hope on their healing journey.
Holistic Healing: Integrative Approaches in Los Angeles Mental Health Clinics
Holistic healing is at the core of many Los Angeles mental health clinics, embracing integrative approaches that address the whole person - mind, body, and spirit. These clinics recognize the interconnection between emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being and offer a range of therapeutic modalities that complement traditional treatments. From art therapy and music therapy to yoga, mindfulness, and meditation, integrative approaches support clients in exploring their emotions and expressing themselves creatively. Additionally, these clinics may collaborate with nutritionists, fitness trainers, and other wellness practitioners to promote overall health and well-being. By incorporating integrative approaches, Los Angeles mental health clinics empower individuals to discover inner strengths, build resilience, and embark on a path of healing and self-discovery.
Accessing Care: Navigating Resources and Affordability in Los Angeles
Accessing mental health care is a priority for Los Angeles mental health clinics, and they take active measures to ensure services are accessible and affordable to all. They collaborate with insurance providers and offer sliding-scale fees to accommodate individuals with varying financial capabilities. Many clinics also offer online or telehealth options, expanding the reach of their services beyond geographical limitations. Additionally, they provide information on community resources, government programs, and non-profit organizations that can further support individuals in their mental health journey. By eliminating barriers to care, Los Angeles mental health clinics strive to be a beacon of hope for anyone seeking assistance, regardless of their background or financial circumstances.
Reclaiming Wellness: Success Stories from Los Angeles Mental Health Clinic Services
Los Angeles mental health clinics celebrate success stories that showcase the transformative impact of their services. Through therapeutic interventions, counseling, and support, these clinics have empowered countless individuals to reclaim their wellness and regain control over their lives. These success stories highlight the resilience, courage, and determination of those who have navigated through mental health challenges with the assistance of compassionate professionals. Personal accounts of individuals who have found hope, healing, and a renewed sense of purpose serve as an inspiration to others, encouraging them to seek help and believe in their own capacity for growth and recovery. Los Angeles mental health clinics take pride in being a catalyst for positive change in the lives of those they serve, fostering a community that values mental health and well-being for all.
In conclusion, the quest for mental health and well-being in Los Angeles finds hope and solace in the comprehensive services offered by mental health clinics for all. With a dedication to understanding mental health challenges, these clinics empower awareness and acceptance, fostering a community of compassion and support. Their role in providing comprehensive and compassionate care serves as a pillar of strength, guiding individuals on their unique healing journeys. Tailored support for all ensures that diverse populations receive personalized and specialized treatments, embracing inclusivity and diversity. Overcoming stigma becomes a collective effort, encouraging individuals to embrace mental health services without fear or judgment.
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gratitude73 · 2 years
Gratitude Day 1326
My glorious Lord, I thank You for being the Lord of all Truth. Help me to daily turn my eyes and ears to that Truth so that I will be able to see the evil leaven all around me. Give me wisdom and the gift of discernment, dear Lord, so that I will be able to immerse myself into the mysteries of Your holy life. Jesus, I trust in You.
I am so happy and grateful now that I have a loving connected relationship with my husband Ell ✨️ filled with joy love peace and compassion and fun ❤️ thank you god thank you god thank you god ❤️ 🙏🏽
I am so happy and grateful now that I have a loving connected relationship with my best friends V and J and all is well filled with joy love peace and compassion and fun ❤️ thank you god thank you god thank you god ❤️ 🙏🏽
I am so happy and grateful now that I have a loving connected relationship with my family and lovely mum and all is well filled with joy love peace and compassion and forgiveness ❤️ thank you god thank you god thank you god ❤️ 🙏🏽
I am so happy and grateful now that I have a loving connected relationship with my God filled with love faith joy peace compassion and forgiveness ❤️ thank you god thank you god thank you god ❤️ 🙏🏽
I am so happy and grateful now that I am love I am joy I am peace and I am patience I am successful I speak love I speak joy I speak peace I speak patiently I speak successfully 😌 thank you god thank you god thank you god ❤️ 🙏🏽
I am so happy and grateful now that the holy spirit guides me in all that I do and say and my guardian angel is by my side to rule and guard to light and guide Amen 🙏🏽 thank you god thank you god thank you god ❤️ 🙏🏽
I am so happy and grateful now for the magical outcome of the day the success of my email inviting strategic directors to tye away day next Thursday the success of all the interviews for the Web developer and all my other meetings the EPA workshop my team meetings and one to one's. the success I bring to all that I do today guided by the holy spirit ✨️ 🙌🏾 thank you god thank you god thank you god ❤️ 🙏🏽
I am so happy and grateful now for the full healing and recovery of Paul Vooght Jane and my lovely mum 😘 ❤️ thank you god thank you god thank you god ❤️ 🙏🏽
I am so happy and grateful now for perfect health is mine 🙏🏽 thank you god thank you god thank you god ❤️ 🙏🏽
I am so happy and grateful now for all the money I am receiving I propser at every turn 🙏🏽 thank you god thank you god thank you god ❤️ 🙏🏽
I am so happy and grateful now for the beautiful nature trees birds fliers mist and Sun 🌞 thank you god thank you god thank you god ❤️ 🙏🏽
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lsfsanctuary · 2 years
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SERVICES 🔮Book now🔮
I love to be able to sit down with each one of you. Giving my undivided attention to each of you personally. To be able to help where I and my spirit team can be of service. I love Combining spiritual mentorship and readings together. As It is all about spiritual growth and healing.
1 hour sessions are on sale at $38.00
It's original price is $55.00
Description of Shamanistic consultations mentoring and readings sessions.
1)Reading - ( Psychic, Tarot/Oracle, tapping into Astrological or Blueprint info) wherever it needs to go.
2) Shamanistic Consultations and Mentoring Sessions -Allow me to help you critique your gifts and strengthen your path.
NOT EVERYONE WANTS A READING. Yet are in need of a little help upon their personal and spiritual path. As a Shaman skilled in divination, guide retrieval, spiritual intrusions/ extractions, Cord cutting, Soul retrieval, psychopomp - and much more. As well as Reiki Master and Blueprint writer - dealing with chakras and the anatomy. A Spiritual mentoring sessions may be just what you need to help you
⭐🌏 Astrological Coaching Sessions and charts. Sessions typically run about 2 to 4 hours. Combination my be scheduled on two differ days.
On sale now.
Natal sessions $50.00
Transiting sessions $40.00
Combination sessions $90.00
✨👁✨PERSONALIZED RAY OF LIGHT AND ANGEL TEAM. As they were all assigned to you through the light rays...when you were born. Find out which ones are responsible for what areas & guidance within your life. Explore your light makeup and find out exactly who your angel team is. 🔮You have heard the term... Indigo's and the indigo rays.. Find out for sure.
When you understand your personalized light Rays. You also find out exactly who your angel team is - which one is responsible for which areas of guidance within your life under that day. You have many.
Understanding ourselves with more depth through the different rays. Spiritually, Soulfully and physically. As the rays themselves have much to do with it all.
You have heard of the 7 RAYS of light. Astrologically with your natal information we can specify what light Rays and their angels are working behind the scenes for you.
I will provide you with your Monad, Soul, Astral, Personality, Mental & Physical Ray information. Including the Angel whom works with those specific rays.
✨🌙Personalized Moon Phase Ritual Workshops
It is time to get raw and deep within our soulful growth. By Stepping away from the generic or mainstream Moon Phase ideas.. We start making it personal, real and in-depth.
Personalized Moon Phase Ritual Workshops will tap directly into your personal transiting astrological charts... During the New and Full Moon energies. By accessing the lessons and growth at hand. We will be looking deep into your personal & astrological energies. Each of these workshops will come with a one on one- * 1 hours virtual session with me. Sometime during the 3 days of the New or Full Moon.
* I will tell you the best individual tool choices to be using during these energies. By evaluating their connection and corresponding Energies to your personal energies. The planetary movement and personal needs.
* I will help you critique your skills & Ritual work... Again based upon your needs as well as personal charts.
Open yourselves back up to your authentic magic, creativity and soulful growth.
$70 for both New and Full Moon
$42 for only one moon within the month.
💲 To pay send your money to -💲
🔑Then I will book your appointment - I offer evening appointment bookings as well.
You may message me here on Facebook or text a message to me at 540 207 5179
Booking your sessions in advance holds your appointments date's and time's. At this time it is only available on Facebook. I am not offering this sale on Etsy only on Facebook and Instagram.
If you need to reschedule. You may do so up to 24Hours in advance. Otherwise there will be a $15.00 reschedule fee.
Again To pay...send your money to -
Again..Then I will book your time and date.
Much love
#personalreadings #spiritualmentor #spiritualmentoring #lsfsanctuaryllc #psychicreader #matrixmindsshaman
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undercover-trio · 3 years
De request
First "I love you" with Team RWBY? The more tooth rottingly fluffy, the better. They/Them pronouns? Thanks, I love your works.
Aw shucks, thanks Anon, I’m glad my works are to your liking
I’ll make this as sweet as I can, so sweet even I feel the sweetness radiating from my phone.
o(-`д´- 。)
-Mod Pengie
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Art is by mistEcru
You twiddled with the music box in your hand, it was fairly small yet still quite beautiful. The rose design it had along with wines tracing along its silver surface, much alike the quality of those in stores.
Yet you made it, you created the music sheets after sleepless days, trying to translate Ruby’s favorite song into a music sheet. You studied the parts of music boxes through your scroll, you nicked your fingers many times as you shaped the metal for the box.
You worked hours on end to purchase the materials, sure it cost more to build a music box than buy one but you wouldn’t let yourself. Ruby had helped and supported you through so much, you wanted her to feel even a drop of the appreciation you felt towards her.
You did have many busts when it came to making them but you felt so proud the moment when you could make a successful one. Your head remembered the sound of her favorite song by memory given how much you played it on the music box to get it right.
As you walked towards Ruby’s dorm you felt nervous, not by the chance you’d be caught by the night guard, he already gave you permission to go.
You really hoped Ruby liked the gift, you put your all into it, it was in a cute red box with a f/c(favorite color) ribbon tying it.
The moment you knocked on her dorm door you felt all your worries wash away, you weren’t the type to have doubts. You knew Ruby, she was a precious and sweet girl who deserved the world.
You smiled at Yang as she opened the door, you looked slightly nervous and a bit tired with light bags under your eyes. It didn’t stop the genuine love she could feel coming from you, she opened the door wider to let you in as she smiled at the gift.
Ruby had her nose in a textbook, looking cutely focused as you chuckled, that caught her attention. She noticed her other three teammates walked out the dorm, leaving you and her.
“Y/N? What’s up!” She greeted cheerfully, you took off your shoes and stepped on Weiss’ bed. Ruby focused on how the candle light enhanced your features.
She looked curious as you handed her a box, you smiled and nodded at her to open it.
And she did, her eyes glossed up at the beautiful music box in front of her. She observed every detail, her being more flattered as she saw every thought you put into it.
“Play it.” You encouraged, your voice mellow from your tiredness, it was due to the hour and how much work you put into her gift.
She twisted the knob and listened to the song with you, while it wasn’t as professionally done as the ones she’d see in shops it was still welcoming.
She came to the realization you made this as her keen eyes observed the craftsmanship and details, it wasn’t impossible given you two first met in a workshop.
As the song ended her eyes were watery, this song was her favorite, it was her and her mother's song.
Red like Roses..
“I love you Ruby..I was just too nervous to say it till now, I wanted to make it special as well.
Her heart melted at your mannerism, your gift, your love, just everything in this moment.
She quickly jumped down from her bunk and tackled you into a heartfelt hug, you were a blushing and stuttering mess but she couldn’t help it.
She loved you so much in this moment.
She’s loved you for a long time.
“I love it- I love you- I just-“ Ruby was fumbling over her sentence, her feelings were overflowing.
You sat up and hugged her back, she tucked her head into your neck as she kept repeating how much she loved you.
You loved her too, and you felt fulfilled knowing that she knew.
-Before Weiss heads to Beacon cause I wanna be unique
Weiss… was perfect in aristocratic standards, she behaved impeccably, was talented and had the charisma.
Her silvery hair never failed to perk your interest, the way all her moves were calculated and graceful. Her eyes were a beautiful sky blue, they were probably what drew you in the most.
They were free, they were bright and daring, you weren’t sure when exactly you realized your fondness of her, it just happened.
While you weren’t the most poor aristocrat you certainly weren’t the most rich. It kept you grounded, you had always been level headed yet when it came to her.. you felt all sensible thinking fade.
Perhaps that was what made you follow her to the balcony that night, you remember how you froze when you watched her beautiful features be illuminated by the shattered moon.
Her expression made you pause for a second, with a defeated smile you could help but think she didn’t belong here. An angel can’t be kept in a cage after all.
“Why the long look?” You asked, your behavior genteel as always. Sky blue met e/c, your heart beat fast at the eye contact.
To think you were only 12 at the time.
You and Weiss became acquainted, slowly it turned into friendship, you couldn’t help but admire her.
She really was a beauty among thieves, you loved it when she laughed and joked. Your heart broke when she looked defeated or down, you always strived to be there for her as she did you.
Yet.. secrets can’t always be kept forever, white lies are soon seen through, you weren’t an opaque wall rather than a tinted glass.
“I’m leaving.”
Such a simple sentence from her managed to change your mood tremendously, yet even then as you turned to meet her precious blue eyes..
You couldn’t bring yourself to stop her, she deserved to be free.
“I see.” You couldn’t bring yourself to say more without your voice breaking. She raised her eyebrow at your seemingly relaxed response, yet Weiss was perceptive.
“I’m sorry Y/N.. I just can’t keep being grouped with my family anymore.” Her voice cracked with guilt and pent up aggression, you could feel her emotions about to overflow.
Two warm hands were placed on her cheeks, Weiss couldn’t help but lean into their comfort, you gently brushed away her tears.
“Weiss, look at me.” She hesitantly looked at your face, she didn’t say a word of how it made her heart skip a beat.
“I’ve known..for a long time you don’t belong here.” You started, Weiss could only listen to the cadence of your voice as she put her hands on both your wrists.
“You were made for adventure, a thrilling life with people who care about you.” The more you spoke the less coordinated your words became, she knew you cared about her. You wished for her to get the affection she truly deserved, with the amount of people she should.
It shouldn’t just be you.
“Weiss, when I look into your eyes I see the sky.. I see freedom.. I see many beautiful things.” Her cheeks tinted at the words, you noticed, she always got like that when praised.
“And freedom isn’t caged, it's the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.” She smiled wryly as she knew you quoted the dictionary, you always did when it came to words that struck you.
“Therefore.. I support you, I’ll even aid you if need be.” Her heart warmed at your words, you were always there for her, speaking and looking at her as if she were the most precious thing.
She couldn’t help her next action.
Her arms wrapped around your shoulders as her lips made contact with yours, they were soft. Her lips were pushed against yours as she tried to convey how she felt to you, smiling slightly when you wrapped your arms around her waist.
When you two separated you met her eyes, they looked back at you lovingly, the way you would always look at her.
“I love you Y/N/N.” She admitted with a smile, you were surprised and delighted. You couldn’t help the way your face melted into a sweet grin.
“And I you, Weiss.”
You met with an Angel at twelve
And with your affections you delve
The closest of friends at fifteen
Something you’d never foreseen
A kiss goodbye at seventeen
As you watched her break from her routine
Blake was scared of your affection sometimes, not that she was scared of you as a person.
It’s just that she was hurt and emotionally scarred so many times and it was hard to heal. Her emotional state was equivalent to a paper that had been crumpled then straightened out.
The marks were still there.
She wasn’t sure she could recover if you turned out the same way Adam did, yet every time you looked at her with love in your eyes she just couldn’t help but stick with you.
She felt ashamed she would always lose her voice when she would try and say she loved you, it made her think of Adam.
You noticed this of course, and every time without fail you would give her a smile and tell her it’s fine. Sure it hurt a bit but you loved Blake, you knew of her past, her emotions and traumas.
You loved every bit of her.
She had come into your dorm late one night, she was busy at the library due to the Torchwick situations. Yet she felt her heart rate increase at your sleeping face, you always were the most beautiful person to her.
Then she heard it.
“...love you..Blake.”
You had murmured it in your sleep, she knew that you loved her, she knew that you refrained from telling her that because you loved her.
Her reaction wasn’t what she expected though, instead of the dreaded fear she thought she would have she instead had a feeling of comfort, ecstasy even.
Her emotions had already come to accept that you loved her, that you weren’t Adam.
She teared up a bit of the realization, they weren’t sad tears but ones of pure and genuine delight.
While she was on her high she sat next to your body and shook you awake, you drowsily looked at her. With a sleepy smile you lift up your hoodie a bit and let her sneak underneath it.
You called it ‘Hoodie Time’, Blake found it as a good way to calm down and relax if she listened to your heartbeat.
And the added bonus she liked being in small spaces.
She felt you stroke her hair as she listened to the cadence of your heart, it was slightly fast and it only flattered her.
“Want to talk Kitten?” You asked, Blake usually did this when she was stressed. You didn’t mind though, you thought it was quite cute.
She shook her head no as she kept her right human and cat ear on your chest.
“I just wanted to say” she started as you rubbed circles on her back to keep her calm. She felt slightly nervous but your action did help.
“I love you.” She got it all out in one breath, she grew slightly worried as she noticed you stopped rubbing her back. She shook her head, you weren’t Adam and you’d never be, you were Y/N.
Her worries ended when she saw how happy your face was, you looked as though you struck gold.
You looked at her as if she just gave you the world, you didn’t want her to worry, you quickly pecked her forehead since it was fairly close to your lips.
“I love you too Blake.” You began, then you started tearing up. “I’m glad you trust me enough to say this.”
She was flabbergasted at how genuinely loving your reaction was, it made her all the more warm inside, she loved your way of love.
She loved you.
She always would.
You smiled as you felt the wind brush against your hair, the city lights always looked perfect in the night. Unfortunately the police sirens weren’t that pleasant, then again, your favorite blonde is the one who is driving right now.
She took a sharp right as you grasped onto her stomach tighter, her muscles tensed at the feeling. The feeling of your fingers brushing against her stomach caused her to lose focus for a minor second.
At least until you snapped her out of it.
“Yang!! Bascule bridge is splitting right now!!” You alerted her, her lilac eyes noticed the ship trying to pass, she immediately increased the motorcycle speed.
Unlike with Ruby, Blake and dear oum.. Weiss, you wouldn’t get scared or mad when she invited you on a thrill ride. You enjoyed it and participated, it surprised her at first given you were a pretty mellow and sweet individual.
She smiled as she heard you gasp in excitement as you two were on the motorcycle mid air, the gradient of the bridge was more than enough to lose the cops and make it to the other side.
You treasured how her hair seemed to fly in slow motion, the moon illuminating the whole scene.
The landing was a bit rough, but thanks to your semblance, aerokinesis, you guys didn’t crash into oblivion. It did slightly exhaust you to slow the velocity you guys were falling at however the adrenaline sure helped.
Luckily there were only minor scratches to bumblebee, unfortunately you both just realized that the way back to Beacon was on the other side of the bridge.
“So Yang.. how would you feel sleeping on a random roof?”
Yang merely laughed at the question and slapped your back, she was on board with it.
That question eventually led to the two of you being on a flat roof, Bumblebee was hidden in a bush right below you guys. You could use your semblance to bring you and Yang up but the bike was a bit too much for you right now.
“Best Joy ride ever!” Yang laughed out with a huge grin on her face, you chuckled at her antics and gave her a fist bump. You guys relaxed for a bit, nearing sleep before Yang turned to you, her eyes looked determined.
“Serious though, I’m glad I have you Y/N/N, I’m not able to do these things with anyone else without being called brash and dumb.” You frowned at the last words, without speaking you merely grabbed her hand as you looked at the star signs.
Ursa Major, quite ironic given you have an overprotective bear hugging friend next to you at the moment.
“Yang.. before I met you I wasn’t able to be myself, while I’m not necessarily as… extroverted as you.. my parents didn’t like my need for thrill.” You told her as you grasped her hand tighter, she too frowned at your words.
“But then I met you… this amazing, lively person, the day you first invited me to a ride like this.. I felt happy.” She blushed at your description of her yet you kept going.
“You’re not dumb, maybe a little brash but you’re still a ray of sunlight that came into my life..and I love you for it.” Your face turned crimson as you admitted those last words, she paused as she came to terms with what you said.
The two of you were still lying down as she raised her arm, you closed your eyes as she patted your soft hair.
“Gee.. you could’ve just told me you loved me..then again you wouldn’t be my Y/N if you didn’t speak a lot to get a point across.” She laughed as you started snickering at her words too, her eyes caught sight of yours as they held contact.
“I love you too Y/N.” She smiled brightly as she brought you in for a kiss, you couldn’t help but beam with happiness as well.
You loved Yang a lot, you loved her thrilling, welcoming self. And she loved you as well.
Heyo! It’s me Pengie, sorry for the late upload of this, school kept me busy, luckily Fine Line by Harry Styles came in my life(slowed down cause I’m like that) added to the angst but nyeh
Anyways I hope your teeth rotted lol, I love you simps and have a good day!
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