#Kart Projects Architecture
arc-hus · 2 years
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House K, Sydney - Kart Projects Architecture
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staticvn · 14 days
the foxes : random headcanons (because i need to let it all out somewhere)
• Renee & Matt are both huge fans of atla and the pjo series. Dan likes it as well but not as much as they do. They also tried to convince Allison to watch it with them and despite saying it’s “not her thing” she really likes it.
• Renee keeps her own garden. Mostly plants and flowers though. She tries for some veggies as well but they never grow right
• At some point, Andrew would stop smoking completely. The withdrawals are crazy and he’s cranky as hell through the whole thing but yeah.
• Renee would definitely love visiting churches and cathedrals in different countries. Not only cuz she’s religious but also because she loves the architecture and art a lot.
• also also Renee would keep the coolest looking patterned stuff. Fox shaped & cat paw carved ceramic mugs, knitted sweaters with a lot of patchworks and so on.
• Renee taught Neil ASL. For no particular reason just that it’s a good thing to know. After that she also tried teaching some of the other foxes but mostly just the basics.
• Kind of surprise to everyone, Aaron would be really good at chess. Neil and Matt on the other hand… very much not. He sometimes has chess matches with Kevin but Kev always loses which genuinely drives him mad.
• Aaron knows latin- not just the medical terms that med students have to know but like the language. So you bet that whenever someone gets him angry he starts to yap at them in latin just to make a point of some sort.
• Andrew would like those old/retro gameboys
• Andrew always beats everyone in mario kart with Nicky often being either close second or complete last - no in between.
• Nicky is the #1 pancake maker. He was kind of awful at it at first but after many many tries he perfected it for the twins
• Kev is also the #1 cook in healthy but completely flavourless prison-looking meals (though it is not his fault. i blame the nest.)
• if the foxes would ever have escape room night best believe Neil would be the first to figure it out and in record time as well.
• Kevin is a mosquito magnet and won’t stop complaining about it…like ever. (had to google synonym for bitching btw)
• to fight off the “eboy Andrew” allegations im fighting back with “absolute loser Andrew” where he wears too big sweaters, reading glasses, has crooked teeth, and searches through different cryptid or internet mysteries- related sites for too long (…projecting but still)
• Neil hates coffee. his favorite tea is peppermint or earl grey.
• the monsters watch cartoons in the morning if they don’t have classes i said what i said
• Neil definitely got into photography (or sketching or both) at some point. there is just something so symbolic about that i just can’t wire up my brain rn to figure out why.
• Kevin listens to podcasts instead of music while working out because he is simply that type. sigh
ok im done
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chibrary · 10 months
title: "my friend hervé leclerc, father of charles, the young and talented f1 driver" source: sylviebourgeois.com year: 2021
At the moment, in the evening, I fall asleep to a documentary on F1. It's quite poorly done with a montage of images cut very quickly and hysterical music in order to create sensationalism, while this world of speed is sensational enough in itself, there is no need to add more. But what I love are the interviews with these young drivers who, for some, like Charles Leclerc or Esteban Ocon, started in F1 when they were barely 20 years old, they are my two favorites. Esteban because he has a good state of mind, and Charles because I knew his dad, Hervé.
I met Hervé Leclerc in Cap-d'Ail when I was 18 years old. His stepfather Charles Manni was my mother's childhood friend. We met again in Paris, when I was coming up from Besançon, in a truck, with my brother, another Hervé, 7 years older than me, and his best friend, Serge, studying, like him, in architecture. [...]
[...] That year, [my brother and his friend] regularly went to Paris to see construction sites or girls, I don't know anymore. I often jumped into their home-office truck and went to see Hervé Leclerc who spoke to me about his passion for cars and his dream of being an F1 driver. He lived with his grandmother, an exceedingly elegant lady who helped him financially in his desire to become a future champion. I saw Hervé again, a year later, when I went to live alone in Cap-d'Ail in my mother's vacation home that she had inherited from her own mother, more precisely, the half-house, her older sister having inherited from the other party. I wanted to earn my living, to be independent, I worked as a hostess in Monaco and took evening classes to learn how to design clothes.
In the meantime, Hervé Leclerc had done a lot of racing in F3, he was very fast. The manager of the Châtre circuit believed in him and wanted to push him to succeed, but another racer who had more experience than him in karting, became their official racer. Hervé was terribly disappointed. He continued training and racing, but his pain at not being chosen turned into an obsession. He moved in with his mother, Monique, a very beautiful woman, who had started a new life near Monaco with Charles Manni, my mother's childhood friend. Charles was poor as a child, perhaps the only poor person in Monaco. He had made his fortune supplying mechanical parts to the automobile industry, and had built his factory in Fontvieille, a district of the Principality located under the zoo where an elephant cried night and day, and a stone's throw from the old port where my parents and Charles had their sailboats.
[...] About ten years later, Hervé Leclerc got married and projected his love of cars, his will, his talent, his F1 desires, his humor, his good humor and his kindness onto his sons whom he initiated very early in karting. The ghost of the former kart racer's victory, which cost him his destiny as champion, certainly had something to do with it. Very quickly, Hervé Leclerc was able to admire the victories of his sons who never stopped winning and climbing the ranks, but alas, he was not able to see the destiny of Charles, his second child, who made his dream come true. and that of his father to become an F1 driver.
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Hey Mod Akane! :)
I‘d like to request match up with a male character from Danganronpa (I‘m fine with all games but if you want a specific one choose V3).
I‘m an INFP and my style consists of comfy clothing (hoodies <3) and band t-shirts.
I‘m female, 5‘3 (161 cm), have long (to the waist) blonde hair, blue eyes, freckles, wear glasses and I am really pale.
I‘m interested in art, architecture, psychology and geography and I also like helping people. My hobbies are reading, drawing, playing video games, listening to music and playing the guitar and cello. I like tea (turkish apple tea tastes so good 10/10 my fav tea), cats, metal (fav band slipknot <3), indie pop, classical, rainy weather, discovering new things and going on walks. Music is my life like I could NOT live without it. :,) I also LOVE horror (games, movies, etc.), especially psychological horror.
I‘m often sarcastic, creative (sometimes? idk) and try to be nice to people. I have huuuuge mood swings and can turn from shy and reserved to very energetic. I like (okay love) being in leadership but I‘m also a huge people pleaser so I kinda don‘t set boundaries for myself. I daydream a lot, I‘m sentimental and open-minded. I also sometimes need a lot of alone time because I get overwhelmed by a lot of things. My toxic traits probably are that I am (like I said) a people pleaser and that I sometimes feel superior over everyone else and can get very arrogant without even wanting to. It occurs less but it still does and I try to work on it. :,)
I‘d like to have a partner who‘s preferably smart, not very loud and open to discover new things with me together. Also someone who shares similar interests and respects that I sometimes need some time to myself.
Hope this was alright and thank you so much :D <3
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Yeah, this request is fine and I will happily do it for you.
Your Danganronpa Matchup Is….
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Rantaro Amami:
* Rantaro has a few band t-shirts, since his sisters got them for him and would happily give you a few that he can’t fit into anymore
* And he will always let you borrow his hoodies, which often ends up with you keeping some of them anyway
* Now due to him being the ultimate adventurer he has found some very unique art and architecture and is happy to indulge your passion and tell you all about them and sometimes show you pictures of them
* Due to his talent he has probably been to most places, so any questions you have about different places for geography purposes he can probably tell you about them
* Doesn’t know much about psychology though, but silently listens when you talk all about it he will talk about some of the sorts he does know though, but most of his knowledge about psychology is psychological tricks he saw advertised on websites
* Admires how kind you are to help people and will try his best to help you when he can, since it can’t be easy to help everyone out at once, so he is there to lend a helping hand
* Is happy to read a book with you and get into in-depth conversations with you about the plots
* Also comforts you if you get sad when one of the book characters die
* Will go digging around his room to find you new books to read
* He also checks out the libraries on his adventures to find new books to give you, that he finds from them in different countries
* Any pictures you give him he will hang them on the wall in his work space and asks you to help him practice his drawing
* Surprisingly though he is actually a decent drawer from the days he used to draw stuff for school projects to help out his sisters
* He will gladly draw pictures for you as well
* However, no drawing he does will compare to yours, since you have the actual talent for this stuff
* He doesn’t play many video games, so is mediocre at best when you play them together, but he still never refuses an invite to play them with you
* Even though Rantaro is quite a chill person he still gets slightly competitive during a game of Mario kart with you the only game he is really good at playing
* However, he still congratulates you if you end up winning, regardless
* Also gives you updates on new games, especially your favourite horror ones coming out and he picks ones up as well when he goes exploring if they haven’t been released in your country yet
* He doesn’t really have a favourite type of music, so will listen to anything you recommend
* Also let’s you use his Spotify and when you are together you are allowed to just take his phone, go on his Spotify and put on music you like that you both can listen to when sharing headphones
* Has a whole playlist dedicated to metal, classical and indie pop because of you
* And tries his best to get tickets to watch slip knot in person, since he loves it when you are happy
* Thinks your talent of playing the guitar and cello is very cool because he understands the effort that needs to be put in to learn how to play an instrument well
* Any piece you play he will compliment you on how good it sounded and jokingly says how he wants your autograph before other people want it
* He likes to drink tea as well when he is feeling stressed, since it helps to calm him down
* He has also tried a range of different teas on his travels and makes them for you to try, will still always make you your favourite Turkish tea for you though, especially if you are feeling down in the dumps or something
* He us a lot of stray cats that come around his house, so he will gladly take you to meet them, due to your love for cats
* He does dream sometimes about the two of you owning a cat together one day
* As he has gone on loads of adventures he’s the king of having new things to show you, so takes you to random places he’s been to whenever he gets the chance too
* Will gladly go on walks with you as he thinks it is a good bonding experience
* Will definitely always ask you to go on walks when the weather is rainy and will always have an umbrella to put you under or will share his coat with you if you get too cold or wet
* Rents horror movies that the two of you can watch together and let’s you know that you can cuddle up to him if you get scared, but that rarely happens. But he still puts his arm around you regardless anyway
* Rantaro doesn’t really react if he gets scared either he just slightly flinches at jump scares or gets a slight sweat on his forehead and that’s about it
* He will happily reciprocate the sarcasm you give back, growing up with sisters has made him really good at dealing with sarcasm
* If your creative he definitely helps you to nurture it
* He is glad that you are nice to people as he wouldn’t want to be with anyone too mean as he is not like that himself
* Can handle your mood swings like a professional if your in your energetic moods he makes sure to provide things for the two of you to do together or lets you drag him to places
* If you are in one of your shy moods he will deal with people for you if your too shy to say things to them
* Will definitely let you lead him as he is more of a go with the flow kind of guy, so doesn’t mind when you take the lead
* But will intervene if your giving too much to people than you can handle, due to your people pleasing nature and he will set the boundaries you want for you
* If your daydreaming Rantaro doesn’t, even bother to snap you out of your trance and just guides you to wear you need to be and do things throughout the day for you, until you snap back to reality yourself
* He is happy that you are sentimental it warms his heart when you save things he gives to you and appreciates how open-minded you are, since he wouldn’t be able to reciprocate someone who is too judgemental of people
* If you get overwhelmed by things Rantaro will do his best to make them things disappear and be there to comfort you
* But if you need some alone time he will understand and gives you the space you need, trying to stop other people from interrupting your alone time as well
* He will try his best to break you out of your people pleasing habit to stop it from damaging you mentally and physically
* He doesn’t mind if you are arrogant sometimes and always tries his best to wheel you back into reality if you get to arrogant and it’s hurting other people’s feelings
* And he will definitely work on it with you, so you have some help and not alone while working on it
* Rantaro is definitely a smart person as he grew up around his sisters who are unique individuals, so he knows a lot about different topics, due to each of them showing and telling him about their interests
* He is also not very loud as well, due to him being very laid back and not raising his voice very often, even when he is angry, which is very rarely
* He is also open to discover new things with you as that is the whole premise of his talent anyway and he does have similar interests with you, such as geography and his happy to learn more about the topics you are interested in as well
* And he respects that you sometimes need time alone, to yourself
* Overall, Rantaro fits all of the qualities you could want in a man and that makes your relationship together amazing and it forges an unbreakable bond between the two of you.
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nbp interiors -interior designer in Jaipur
Are you looking for an Interior designer in Jaipur?(Aao fir chai pe charcha karte hai)
Hello, We are Jaipur based Interior Company which provided all services related to Architecture, Interior and Construction. Our main objective is to provide attractive home designs to all our customers so that they can utilize their space. Together we will make our design Vaastu friendly as per commercial and residential areas so that they can enjoy positive environment and achieve success. You can see below to know more about our services and rates and you can also view our completed projects.
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havenhomes1 · 2 months
I Love Florence Tower
I Love Florence Tower, is a project located in Al Habtoor City, Dubai, comprising 453 units across 38 floors. Developed by Dar Al Arkan International Investment, start your day with breathtaking views of Dubai’s blue waters. I Love Florence Tower, is an upscale residential complex situated in the heart of Business Bay, offering residents an exceptional lifestyle supported by distinctive architecture and stunning views of the Dubai Water Canal, Burj Khalifa, and the city skyline. Furthermore, residents can access exclusive facilities like a swimming pool, spa, and fitness center. The tower overlooks famous Dubai destinations such as Downtown Dubai, Dubai Marina, and the entertainment destination, Palm Jumeirah. Residents can also reach Dubai’s comprehensive entertainment center, including Karting Zone, Dubai Ice Rink, and indoor winter sports. Location of I Love Florence Tower The new architectural project is strategically located in the center of Dubai, in Business Bay, with views of the clear waters of the Dubai Water Canal, close to financial districts and the city’s bustling areas. Nearby Locations to I Love Florence Tower Dubai International Airport is approximately 22.2 km away, a 23-minute drive or taxi ride.
I_Love_Florence_Tower #UAERealEstate #Dubai
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havenhomes · 7 months
I Love Florence Tower
I Love Florence Tower, is a project located in Al Habtoor City, Dubai, comprising 453 units across 38 floors. Developed by Dar Al Arkan International Investment, start your day with breathtaking views of Dubai’s blue waters. I Love Florence Tower, is an upscale residential complex situated in the heart of Business Bay, offering residents an exceptional lifestyle supported by distinctive architecture and stunning views of the Dubai Water Canal, Burj Khalifa, and the city skyline. Furthermore, residents can access exclusive facilities like a swimming pool, spa, and fitness center. The tower overlooks famous Dubai destinations such as Downtown Dubai, Dubai Marina, and the entertainment destination, Palm Jumeirah. Residents can also reach Dubai’s comprehensive entertainment center, including Karting Zone, Dubai Ice Rink, and indoor winter sports. Location of I Love Florence Tower The new architectural project is strategically located in the center of Dubai, in Business Bay, with views of the clear waters of the Dubai Water Canal, close to financial districts and the city’s bustling areas. Nearby Locations to I Love Florence Tower Dubai International Airport is approximately 22.2 km away, a 23-minute drive or taxi ride. Luxurious 5-star hotels like JW Marriott Marquis, Westin Dubai, and St. Regis Dubai are nearby. I Love Florence Tower, is conveniently situated just 210 meters from the renowned Seven Eleven Market, accessible within a 3-minute walk. Bayt Al Dana restaurant and café are 73 meters away (approximately a one-minute drive). Chennai Kings restaurant is 130 meters away (a two-minute walk). Emirates Aviation Clinic is the closest healthcare facility, located 160 meters away (a two-minute walk). Linguistic Skills Institute is 4.3 km away (approximately a 7-minute drive). Mantra Fitness Club is 420 meters away (approximately a 5-minute walk). The Bar Academy is 1.2 km away.
I_Love_Florence_Tower #UAERealEstate #Dubai
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mkt-magnovite-2024 · 8 months
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Formula 1, often abbreviated as F1, is the pinnacle of motorsport, renowned for its high-speed races, cutting-edge technology, and global appeal. Established in 1950, Formula 1 has evolved into a premier international racing series with a passionate fan base. The heart of Formula 1 lies in its Grand Prix events, a series of races held on diverse tracks around the world. These tracks range from traditional circuits like Monza and Silverstone to street circuits like Monaco, each presenting unique challenges for drivers and teams. The racing calendar spans multiple continents, showcasing the global nature of the sport.
Teams are a fundamental aspect of Formula 1, with each season featuring a roster of competitive outfits. Renowned teams include Ferrari, Mercedes, Red Bull Racing, and McLaren, each contributing to the intense competition. The sport follows a constructor model, where teams design and build their cars, incorporating the latest technological advancements in  aerodynamics, materials, and engine technology. This leads to constant innovation and a relentless pursuit of speed and performance. The drivers, often considered the heroes of the sport, play a pivotal role in the drama of Formula 1. They navigate the high-speed circuits with precision and skill, enduring forces that can exceed 5g during acceleration and braking. The battle for the World Drivers' Championship adds a personal touch to the competition, as drivers vie for individual glory. Formula 1 races are not just about speed; they involve complex strategies. Teams must decide when to pit for tire changes and fuel, considering the ever-changing race conditions. Pit stops are a ballet of coordination, showcasing the efficiency and precision of the pit crews.
In the heart of India's bustling business district, GIFT City, whispers of a future roar echo through the air. A potential Formula One circuit, gleaming and ambitious, awaits its birth on the banks of the Sabarmati River. Though still a mirage shimmering in the desert of planning, the dream of an Indian Grand Prix in Ahmedabad ignites the imagination. This envisioned serpent of asphalt promises to be unlike any other. Nestled within the futuristic cityscape of GIFT City, the track could seamlessly blend modern architecture with the raw adrenaline of motorsport. Imagine sleek cars, blurring like brushstrokes of color, weaving through tight corners that hug the river's embrace. For Indian motorsport, this future circuit represents a potential watershed moment. Imagine the nation's talented drivers carving their names onto the asphalt alongside global legends, igniting a new generation of racing hearts. Though details remain shrouded in the dust of feasibility studies and proposals, the vision of an
F1 circuit in GIFT City pulsates with promise. It beckons us to a future where India roars not just in commerce, but in the heart-pounding ballet of Formula One. Stay tuned, for this exciting race is just beginning, its checkered flag yet to be waved. Established in 1904, the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) wields unparalleled influence as motorsport's global conductor. From the pinnacle of Formula One to the grassroots passion of karting, it meticulously composes the rules, ensuring fair competition on every meticulously-designed stage. Safety is the orchestra's top note, with the FIA pioneering life- saving innovations that often reverberate onto everyday roads. Beyond regulation, the FIA orchestrates renowned championships, transforming each circuit into a thrilling symphony of speed, skill, and relentless automotive evolution.
Task At hand:
FIA in contribution with Indian Government is looking for construction companies that could build and set up an infrastructure that is capable enough to meet the standards set by FIA for F1 racing in India. The planned infrastructure is to be set up in Gujarat.
You are the CMO and head of this project for your company, your job is to make sure that the Government as well as FIA are convinced and finds no loophole in your company’s plan.
A report and a PPT consisting of:
Overview of your company (Mission, vision, Objectives, logo, tagline)
A detailed description of products and services you offered in the past or will offer in future.
Strategies to promote F1 in India?
What sponsors will you bring in and why?
A phase wise implementation plan.
Submission Deadline : 9:45AM
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havenhomesuae · 8 months
I Love Florence Tower at Business Bay
I Love Florence Tower, is a project located in Al Habtoor City, Dubai, comprising 453 units across 38 floors. Developed by Dar Al Arkan International Investment, start your day with breathtaking views of Dubai’s blue waters.
I Love Florence Tower, is an upscale residential complex situated in the heart of Business Bay, offering residents an exceptional lifestyle supported by distinctive architecture and stunning views of the Dubai Water Canal, Burj Khalifa, and the city skyline.
Furthermore, residents can access exclusive facilities like a swimming pool, spa, and fitness center. The tower overlooks famous Dubai destinations such as Downtown Dubai, Dubai Marina, and the entertainment destination, Palm Jumeirah. Residents can also reach Dubai’s comprehensive entertainment center, including Karting Zone, Dubai Ice Rink, and indoor winter sports. Location of I Love Florence Tower The new architectural project is strategically located in the center of Dubai, in Business Bay, with views of the clear waters of the Dubai Water Canal, close to financial districts and the city’s bustling areas.
Nearby Locations to I Love Florence Tower Dubai International Airport is approximately 22.2 km away, a 23-minute drive or taxi ride. Luxurious 5-star hotels like JW Marriott Marquis, Westin Dubai, and St. Regis Dubai are nearby. I Love Florence Tower, is conveniently situated just 210 meters from the renowned Seven Eleven Market, accessible within a 3-minute walk. Bayt Al Dana restaurant and café are 73 meters away (approximately a one-minute drive). Chennai Kings restaurant is 130 meters away (a two-minute walk). Emirates Aviation Clinic is the closest healthcare facility, located 160 meters away (a two-minute walk). Linguistic Skills Institute is 4.3 km away (approximately a 7-minute drive). Mantra Fitness Club is 420 meters away (approximately a 5-minute walk). The Bar Academy is 1.2 km away.
I_Love_Florence_Tower #UAERealEstate #Dubai
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kartgroup123 · 1 year
Urban design
At Kart Group located in the heart of Dubai, we believe that urban design is about more than just creating aesthetically pleasing buildings; it's about shaping the future of cities, nurturing communities and improving the quality of life for all residents. With a team of visionary architects and urban planners, we are dedicated to creating innovative urban designs that leave a lasting impact on Dubai's urban landscape.
Our Approach to Urban Design:
1. Sustainable Solutions
2. Community-Centric Designs
3. Preserving Cultural Identity
4. Seamless Connectivity
Our Urban Design Services:
1. Master Planning
2. Mixed-Use Developments
3. Public Spaces and Landscapes
4. Architectural Marvels
Shape the future of Dubai together with us:
At Kart Group we believe urban design has the power to transform cities and improve the lives of their residents. With every project we undertake, we strive to make a positive contribution to Dubai's urban fabric. Our passion for outstanding design, sustainability and social commitment drives us to create spaces that are as unique as the city itself.
Whether you're a developer looking to design an innovative project or a community looking to revitalize your neighborhood, we're here to work with you to create exceptional urban experiences. Let's shape the future of Dubai together with visionary urban planning.
Contact Kart Group today to explore the endless possibilities of urban design in Dubai and beyond. Let's embark on a journey of transformation and create a city that will inspire generations to come.
More information to click link: https://kartgroup.net/
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suryaprabisha1 · 1 year
Get one of the best Interior Design Services by Kart Group Dubai
Kart Group is an award winning Architecture, Interior Design and FF&E procurement company based in Dubai (U.A.E.) and active in GCC as well as in Europe. Since 2005, We provide a wide yet specialized range of integrated services for our partners in the institutional, corporate, hospitality, residential and entertainment sectors. We work with government entities, cultural institutions, private developers, multinational and local clients and contractors. Our multi-discipline approach enables us to integrate all aspects of the project requirements into one complete comprehensive solution. Our design team is certified by the Italian Architect Association.
We have 17 years experience designing and delivering distinctive Architecture & Interior Design solutions to our partners & clients. Kart Group is specialized in European quality furniture with a full range of Interior and Exterior residential/hospitality as well as corporate/office furniture. Furthermore, we are the official agent for several European furniture companies that we showcase in our showroom.
Architect Mustafa Khamash is a well-known personality in the Middle East’s design industry and personal advisor to many UAE leaders and government entities. In 2004, he founded the luxury interior design atelier and modern furniture importer for homes and offices. Mustafa has designed award-winning interiors of ministerial offices, residences and palaces. Before founding Kart group in 2004 Architect Mustafa Khamash had previously worked with renowned architects such as ZAHA Hadid for the Architectural Biennale of Venice and Scandinavian Pavilion projects ,As well as Philippe Starck for his private residence , setting a solid background in the luxury interior design industry internationally. Kart Group today is instantly recognizable by its bespoke details and authentic design language.
Mustafa has designed award-winning interiors of ministerial offices, residences and palaces. Before founding Kart group in 2004 Architect Mustafa Khamash had previously worked with renowned architects such as ZAHA Hadid for the Architectural Biennale of Venice and Scandinavian Pavilion projects ,As well as Philippe Starck for his private residence , setting a solid background in the luxury interior design industry internationally. Kart Group today is instantly recognizable by its bespoke details and authentic design language.
Kart group has many feathers in its cap. With each award and publication, we are motivated more to deliver even better. 
For more info visit https://kartgroup.net/ or call us at +966 53 233 3316
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prabisha · 1 year
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Get best interior Design Services by Kart group Dubai
 Mustafa has designed award-winning interiors of ministerial offices, residences and palaces. Before founding Kart group in 2004 Architect Mustafa Khamash had previously worked with renowned architects such as ZAHA Hadid for the Architectural Biennale of Venice and Scandinavian Pavilion projects , For more information visit kartgroup.net or call us at +966 53 233 3316
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redwolf · 3 years
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Kart Projects designed House K in Fairfield, NSW -- via ArchDaily
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spatula · 3 years
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House K / Kart Projects | Architecture
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Are you looking for an Interior designer in Jaipur?(Aao fir chai pe charcha karte hai)
Hello, We are Jaipur based Interior Company which provided all services related to Architecture, Interior and Construction. Our main objective is to provide attractive home designs to all our customers so that they can utilize their space. Together we will make our design Vaastu friendly as per commercial and residential areas so that they can enjoy positive environment and achieve success. You can see below to know more about our services and rates and you can also view our completed projects.
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havenhomes1 · 4 months
I Love Florence Tower
I Love Florence Tower, is a project located in Al Habtoor City, Dubai, comprising 453 units across 38 floors. Developed by Dar Al Arkan International Investment, start your day with breathtaking views of Dubai’s blue waters. I Love Florence Tower, is an upscale residential complex situated in the heart of Business Bay, offering residents an exceptional lifestyle supported by distinctive architecture and stunning views of the Dubai Water Canal, Burj Khalifa, and the city skyline. Furthermore, residents can access exclusive facilities like a swimming pool, spa, and fitness center. The tower overlooks famous Dubai destinations such as Downtown Dubai, Dubai Marina, and the entertainment destination, Palm Jumeirah. Residents can also reach Dubai’s comprehensive entertainment center, including Karting Zone, Dubai Ice Rink, and indoor winter sports. Location of I Love Florence Tower The new architectural project is strategically located in the center of Dubai, in Business Bay, with views of the clear waters of the Dubai Water Canal, close to financial districts and the city’s bustling areas. Nearby Locations to I Love Florence Tower Dubai International Airport is approximately 22.2 km away, a 23-minute drive or taxi ride. Luxurious 5-star hotels like JW Marriott Marquis, Westin Dubai, and St. Regis Dubai are nearby.
I_Love_Florence_Tower #UAERealEstate #Dubai
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