sonsuzdashboard · 2 months
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kardayakizleri · 8 months
Unutmayın ki evren karşınıza karnınızda kelebekler uçuran birini çıkarıyorsa o hayatınızın aşkı değil karmik yansımanızdır. Ve o kişi size bir ders vermek için gönderilmiştir.
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bingjourney · 11 months
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Trying AI tarot reading from labirynthos apps.
I kind of shocked with the result because it's very much similar to what my spirit guides had told me. However I was looking for the answer of whether "Etienne" carries the energy of my karmik or twin flame and unfortunately... both karmik and twin flame cam do pretty much the same thing, with different taste.
Anyway, my card is the Tower, his card is the Empress, and mutual energy is 10 swords.
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mistikyol · 2 years
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1- Bil ki seni inciten kişi yaralıdır; kendi yarasını saramadığı için yaralamayı seçmiştir. 2- Haksızlığa uğramak sana her koşulda nasıl ADİL olman gerektiğini öğretir; AKSİNİ yaşayarak doğruyu öğreniriz. 3- Öfkenin ve nefretin bir ZEHİR olduğunu görürsün ve o zehir en çok da sana zarar verir. 4- Bilemediğin KARMİK bir borcu ödüyor olabilirsin. 5- Böyle bir durumda bile olumlu kalmayı başarırsan ZORLU BİR SINAVI yıldızlarla geçersin; bundan sonraki deneyimlerin mutlaka hafifleyecektir. 6- Bunu sana çeken ne olabilir veya hangi enerjisel durum bunu sana davet etmiş olabilir diye düşünürsen kendi KARANLIĞINLA yüzleşme fırsatı bulursun. 7- Affettiğinde KURBAN olma durumundan FARKINDA OLAN konumuna yükselirsin ve titreşim olarak durum ve kişiyle bağın çözülür.
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ruhsalseyler · 7 months
Ruh Eşinizi Nasıl Tanırsınız?
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ratlivesonblog · 7 months
I wonder why sans does battle us if we even spare one monster. And i don't think it's because of the promise, he doesn't kill us at the start because of it. But later on? When we wiped all his friends?
I truly don't know if its because he adapted papyrus mindset and thinks people can be better. Because even in one neutral ending he tells you that you could do better(even if i really think he was being sarcastic or something) so maybe he has that mindset but in a more passive way and still has some hope to get out. That is, despite him saying he lost hope long ago in the geno route. But we are unsure how long long ago is since it's a pretty relative term.
Or maybe is it because of Chara's influence? They are clearly driven by our actions but even if we reach 19 exp and go to him, he does not battle us, unless we are locked in a geno route. Which i find very odd because does that mean there's a connection? Is he truly so lazy? Does he think there's still some hope? Does he want us to kill him? Why the fuck does a bleed?
A lot of facts make his character intresting and unique. Like he is aware of the timelines and likely he may even remember them (es, secret secret word, expression on your face) but it is untrue wheatear he is fucking with us just to not make us sure. He very likely comes from another world (in geno he says he lost hope to go back and ALSO the surface doesn't appeal anymore) along with papyrus, we're not sure if that world is deltarune, but he is the only character there with no differences from his ut sprite.
He has a strange lab behind his house and a photo with people we don't recognize.
Why is he the only one using karmik retribution(KARMA) in a fight? How is he able to make our invincibility last nothing? Is it really possibile that it would've been his turn forever had he not fallen asleep?
Why the fuck does he bleed?
Gaster blaster, W. D. Gaster, the man who speaks in hands, 17th lab record, both fonts, both scientists.
Who's this "our" You're talking about when saying our records showed a massive anomaly in the time-space continuum. You and alphys? Yours and gaster? Yours and papyrus? Asgore since he seems to know about it?
His whole character is full of jokes but in reality he is a space-time bending nerd who got stuck in an infinite loop he is aware of being in, he became so self-deprecating and a apathetic he manages to not care, he doesn't act or stop you from doing anything even if you kill his brother. He is spiteful about it but won't do anything. He judges you but won't do anything, can't do anything? He holds his promises really near his heart. He probably lies a good amount. When he does something to stop you is because you threaten to erase the fucking world. And he dies only because you fucking cheated. He managed to dodge your knife even while asleep. We shouldn't have been able to double slash.
He cares a lot about his brother yet he doesn't stop us from doing anything, only judges it for us. Not even mentioning it a lot of times. He steps down to an apathetic leven where he probably only feels emptiness and sometiems spite at the loss of papyrus. In neutral endings he keeps living on without him.
His letterbox is full.
Flowey says if we let him know anything about us it will not end well in taht timeline. Yet he didn't kill us sooner because of a promise.
Why does he care so much about a promise from a lady behind the doors? Is it because he trusts her/her judgement 7?
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megayogiposts · 1 month
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rimhyokang · 1 year
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ReDibujo KarmiK.
Esta inspirada en el episodio de FanFiction. De hecho me base en una imagen de ese episodio. Asi que hice un poquito de trampa.  n.ñ' Aunque con unos pequeños cambios.  'x3 Karmi parece que recibió un flechazo.  ewe' Espero les guste.  uwu' Karmi pertenece a los creadores de la serie Big Hero 6, Disney.
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sup4cid-g-1rl · 4 months
më ka marrë malli të kem një të dashur, por e di qe ka gjasa të jetë lidhje karmike nëse e mar si hap në këto momente, kështu që më mirë evoloj në vetmi sesa në një cikël dhimbjeje e një mësim me bagazh emocional më të rëndë sesa analyzing, feeling and releasing. apo ka gjasa të më duhet një tjetër mësim karmik? s'e di. preferoj të evoloj me anë të marrdhenieve të reja që kam krijuar dhe vetë reflektimit më mirë, pa i dhënë intensifikim romantik eksperiencës së shërimit.
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fuzzykidney · 1 year
Another piece of original art by yours truly. My interpretation of Kuruks Animal guide. A Snow Leopard Falcon. Being the best hunter in the north and maybe both poles, Kuruk found a leopard Falcon as a chick and named her Karmik. He trained her to help track wild game as well as wounded/perished game. Karmik was also helpful in locating different pathways to destinations or threats around Kuruk. She is loyal and a fierce hunter all on her own. Keen sight and hearing she is able to locate prey easily and effectively. Claws capable of quick and easy kills of animals twice her size.
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I am a bit more in my element here drawing on paper. I hope you enjoy and maybe even love this idea :)
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gulerdior · 2 years
Toksik olsun karmik olmasın
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fakhriia · 2 years
karmik bağ kəsmədə təşəkkür edib ayrılan deyil də bəla oxuyaraq bağ kəsən qız>
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maidurak · 1 year
Geçmiş yaşamlara yada reenkarnasyona falan inanmıyorum. Neymiş efendim geçmiş yaşamımda Mısır'da yaşıyormuşum da bu hayatta yaşadıklarım onun karmik sonucuymuş falan. Ya aklım almıyor. İnsan neden yaşadığı hayattaki sorunları böyle bir metafora bağlar ve kendini kaderci, şükürcü bir mantıkla yargılar ki? Ben kendimi böyle görmüyorum, görmekte istemiyorum.
Bu benim bu dünyadaki ilk ve tek yaşamım. Bitince ve bedenin hapishanesinden özgür kalıncada bir daha buraya uğramak istemiyorum. Reenkarnasyonmuş peh... Bu dünyaya ayılıp bayılanlar yeniden tekrar tekrar doğabilir. Ben almayayım.
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bingjourney · 11 months
I want to share how I do PLR (Past Life Regression) and the method I use is through mediumship, asking my higherself and guardian angel.
I once using pick a card reading to figure out my past life and pendulum help my spirit guide to pick the most relevant pile for me.
I knew I had a twin flame, but the story is very blurry and confusing. I saw two figures in meditation, one is definitely my twin flame because they look similar (and spirit send someone who were in the same past life to confirm this) the other one is a bit out of the story. A woman with curly hair, red-blonde color. A psychic claimed that the woman was me, but according to my spirit guides team, I never been born as a female before. So she definitely not me unless in the past witches got some medicine to magically change sex.
The stories i gathered from pick a card reading is various, starts from a room mates who in love with each other but one of them betrayed the other because they want family, a young rascal who messed with the wrong witch and eventually become friends, a mother who lost her child, a special child celebrity, a pair of lover who got separated and they stay loyal to each other, a lucky soldier who meet a local beauty and fell in love, a pair of parents who adopted children.
So vary, it confusing.
Remembering that there are millions of us and only 3 to 4 piles to picked, of course the story will be limited.
And so i decided to pull my own card, after purchasing a past life oracle deck.
The story that keeps occuring to me is a story about being in prison, and a conflict with local witch, also me as an animal lover.
Boy, I was so confused with this. Because I don't think my twin flame was a witch in the past.
However, after trying to pull my past life story without my twin flame infolved in it, and be very open minded about what's about to show up,.... i discovered something shocking....
Apparently, I got another lover in the past, and she show up as "The Empress". I knew it wasn't my twin flame because she never show up as queen or empress. Sometimes queen, but never empress. (We both are androginous).
So this entice another question in my head, "so who is my twin flame?" Because empress is the most popular card to represent divine feminine, right? And my twin flame's higherself clarify that she is the "feminine" if we try to clasify us between masculine and feminine.
So I check again, is this ex my real twin flame and that one guy I thought was my twin flame were just a soulmate?
I need to know and my guides keeps getting in my way trying to connect with this ex, sometimes she even brutally straight forward saying i already got my twin flane right and this ex is a fraud.
But I know the reason why they show this information to me is so I can release this ex (according to the spirits, this ex is not incarnated right now so this experience is more or less like an exam for me to level up), but how can I release something that I dont even know what's the case.
So being a bossy bold person I always be, I told my spirit guide, "I need to know what happened so I know what to do about this."
And so they let me channeled this ex's higherself and suddenly i felt such heavy densed energy incoming. And this entity tried to propose me in spiritual marriage!! 😱😱😱
No F-ing way!
So I turn this entity down and I got shocked for around 2 days.
For some time I thought my ex was a demon for that. But my guides explained that the reason why I connected with that earthly attached entity is because my ex had cut the cord off, so she no longer want to have anything to do with me. Dettached in a the right way.
But I, being very logical and rational, and was not a believer in spirituality, did not know how to dettach a soul cord the right way so her energy still around me as a karmik situation. I keep drawing karmik energy in people around me because of this. This is not even happened in this current life! This happened hundred years ago, and I spend a lifetime living fully in it unable to dettached in which lead me to suicide by broken heart (idk why they considered death by broken heart as suicide).
And so my spirit guide give me a pick a card reading. The first thing the tarot reader said in that pile, is a straight forward message.
The card is 5 of cups, and she said "if you keep calling, I will come."
Right when I heard that, I went --> 😱😱😱😱
The way the reader said it was in a very sweet submisive manners, like this if I am not mistaken: "If you keep calling, I will come. If you dont, I will leave you alone. I dont want to disturb you but I regret of what happen."
Imagine if I didn't know my exact situation, I will took it as if this ex has a true unconditional love for me! But apparently, the message is just that; "if you keep calling, I will come"
And it was in a creepy manners!!
And it was true!
I kept digging my past life between me and her trying to figure out what happened in the past between us. Who was she and who was I, because I feel that I really love her. But why did whe fight and broke up, and why she is not right for me?
She came... 🥶
When a spirit tried to talk to me and reach out, I will feel very sleepy and my insomnia just vanished right after my head rest on a pillow. And this happened.
I was in a house that seems like Alice in Wonderland. Very dreamy fairy tale house. So many kids live in it.
But there is this scary witch that looked like Julia Roberts with curly red hair..
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She torture the children mercilessly as if they were just tools! As if they are not a living beings!
I remember in that dream, a little girl stick by my side, butbshe grab her from me and she put her on a stake, and she stabbed some giant nail on her elbow, she nail it to a plank.
I know it's very graphic and I... ugh... I really disgusted and sick of this beautiful psycho and I don't care anymore, I feel really bad that I cannot protect those innocent children and now she arrange a device to torture me. I grab that device and stab her neck and nail it to the wall. She just fricking laugh and it doesn't hurt her at all!!
I can feel my breath is densed and I cannot breath properly, I know I cannot win this. And so I told her, I am going to leave her alone and never coming back. She grins and gives thumbs up and says "Thanks!"
So I walk away and as I walk away, I saw a banner with letter "Do it slowly" in which part of song lyric I sung to release the attachment between me and my past life ex.
And when i saw that letters, it came over me, and I realized what happened in my past life.
She was a witch, we are romantically involved, and I was an animal lover. Those children are the animals she sacrifice to chant her magic or whatsoever. As an animal lover I was really hurted by what she did so I decided to kill her business by spreadkng rumors against her.
She was mad, of course and we fought, and we separated. So she wish that I will prove to myself that this spirituality do exists.
Clarified in this pick a card reading
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Yes it was pick a card "karma for hurting me" but I read it in reverse, which is my karma for hurting her.
Welp, after everything is clear now, I told her that I am sorry for hurting her, but I did it because I love animals. I can feel that I do care about her, to me she is very sexy (but since she is a psycho for an animal lover like me, so I know she is not meant for me) and I am grateful for the karma because it gives me a sense of direction and it becomes a gift now.
And so, I am free now.
You see... pick a card reading sometimes js only accurate for just 1%, but that accuracy can be very very helpful in figuring out what happened within our spirituality.
So that is how I use pick a card reading to release my stubborn past life karma (it's like a curse).
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mistikyol · 2 months
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Eveeet yeterince (sahte) gündem oluşturdular, yeterince bizi bize öfkelendirdiler, yeterince herkesi negatife boğdular, yeterince negatiften beslendiler, 2 ay daha gerçek gündemi -ekonomik çöküş- konuşmayalım, uyuyalım istiyorlar. UYANIN! konu asla haycanlar değil; bir kaç saldırgan köpekle ölen çocuklar çok da umurlarındaydı, emin ol ne seni ne beni ne de başka bir canı düşünmezler, negatife bulaşan sadece kendini düşünür ve sadece kendine hizmet eder....şeytan budur aslında: sadece kendi varlığını önemsemek ve kendi gibi negatiften beslenenlerle büyümek ve çoğalmak...senin üzüntün, senin acın, senin trajedin, senin can kırıkların onun besini- şeytan senden çıkan acı dolu enerjiyle beslenir; onun besini bu. Karanlığa hizmet edenler etkili koltuklarda oturduklarını sanıyorlar; çünkü şeytan en büyük yalanı kendine hizmet edenlere söyler. O tam bir yalancıdır ve o koltuklarda hep güçlü kalacaklarını zannediyorlar; oysa bir bilseler... karanlığa hizmet edenler cahildir, kördür, sağırdır ve artık insan olma özelliklerini kaybedenlerdir. Şeytanın en büyük yalanı ise yaşarken cehennemi değil cenneti yaşayacaklarına dair onlara verdiği sözdür. Oysa yaşarken cehennemi tadacaklar. Ölümden sonra ise bizim aklımızın alamayacağı ızdıraplar onları bekler. Yüklendikleri kötü karmik yükler belki de tekrar insan bedeninde doğma hakkını bile vermeyecektir bunlara. Bunu NUR'a , Alllah'a, yüce YARADANA hizmet edenler bilirler.
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ruhsalseyler · 8 months
Karmik Ruh Eşi Ne Demek?
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