#Karmaw family
Yeuslos lusi was blessed with enternal life by one of his previous lifes friends (the god of life) so that when he gave up their title as the god of light theyd always have someone with them that always felt familiar even if he didnt know why
But after the decimation of half the planet the god of life gave up her title and poured everything she had into the soil to bring it all back. You can still talk to her, but shes merged with a tree at this point and you can only ask so much before she gets tired and must go back to focusing on never letting Doom out again
Meaning when Yeuslos lusi died during his last reincarnation it was never coming back. Because Miss Life must put her priorities first. And whos to say she even remembers the dead god of light at this point...
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So Kaious, is there anything you want to do in life that might not happen if you're stuck in the caverns? Is cavern work even in the cards, considering you're a guy?
There 4re so m4ny things I w4nt to do honestly. My old caverns exploded which is a surprise to nobody with how terrible they were 4nd these technic4l new ones...
I don't w4nt to t4ke c4re of grubs my whole life. W4sting 4w4y when there's 4 whole world to experience. I don't mind t4king c4re of them but I 4lso don't w4nt to spend my entire life doing it. I w4nt to explore the world 4nd find 4 nice pl4ce to settle down. I w4nt to find 4 qu4dm4te however silly th4t sounds 4nd just... enjoy the p4ssing d4ys with no worries. It sounds so simple yet it's the f4rthest thing from me. Obviously with how my pl4net is th4t isn't ex4ctly possible but it's 4 nice thought, isn't it?
Cavern work is still my only option 4s 4 J4de blood. It doesn't m4tter if I identify 4s 4 m4n, bec4use my blood c4n't ch4nge. Therefore my job won't ch4nge.
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