#yeuslo dislah
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happy pride why the fuck does he dress like this
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Trust me when i say my psionic trolls have very high charisma
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Yeuslos lusi was blessed with enternal life by one of his previous lifes friends (the god of life) so that when he gave up their title as the god of light theyd always have someone with them that always felt familiar even if he didnt know why
But after the decimation of half the planet the god of life gave up her title and poured everything she had into the soil to bring it all back. You can still talk to her, but shes merged with a tree at this point and you can only ask so much before she gets tired and must go back to focusing on never letting Doom out again
Meaning when Yeuslos lusi died during his last reincarnation it was never coming back. Because Miss Life must put her priorities first. And whos to say she even remembers the dead god of light at this point...
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Pov both you and your bf refuse to admit you're lost
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When both of your creations are nosey
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this website is so useful but also i cant stop laughing at height differences
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He's a very serious guy
(The questions say "have you ever eaten soap" "have you ever considered ketchup on oreos", and "what is the meaning of life")
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Hetero-Chromia? What about Homo-Chromia?
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creature (lovingly)
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Something on your mind, Eniana?
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yeuslo moment!
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so what happened to pennsu's non robot body?
This is a whole story oops get ready! you’ve opened the floodgates to my brain. I put in a bunch of bolds and italics to highlight the important pieces (bc i know i personally have trouble reading a lot of paragraphs)
So Pennsu was hatched a very very long time ago. Like billions of sweeps before the rest of the characters (except a couple like Adizan and technically Yeuslo) hatched. She was a heiress in that time too, and while she was a little more emotive then her current self this was still in the era that Oanimo was still out and about. This requires further lore explanation
Oanimo is one of the 12 trolls that created the new planet which I named Veteres (V-tears, Latin for ancient I believe) meaning this planet is a Post-Sburb Game Planet. Not to spoil everything because a lot of this is in/going to be in my silly little comic, but basically the trolls that played the game and went godtier got corrupted by their own aspects. Most have dedicated trolls who follow their stories still and while some of these corrupted trolls passed on, some still stick around to wander the world endlessly. Oanimo is one of these trolls.
Onaimos whole deal is that They don’t like that heiresses keep being born to eventually “replace” them. Which is how the cycle is suppose to go. So around the time when Pennsu was first hatched, Oanimo who had been thought dead, purposely messed with her lineage (they’re a witch of blood) so that she wouldn’t live long enough to challenge the Empress at the time (who wasn’t exactly Oanimo, but they’re always working from the shadows)
Eventually Oanimo was caught and trapped in a separate space in time by the Gatekeepers, However their influence is still around as they’re the entire reason Heiresses aren’t allowed to live alone in their own hives anymore. Because of Heiresses being assassinated so often (leaving the current ruler in charge for even longer) they’re all now made to live in the Empresses palace. The Empress is never on planet (billion year business trip of taking over other planets you know how it goes) so the heiress is basically more of a public figure then anything important.
The “I need to kill every fuchsia near me” is no longer a thing on this planet, the only one with it still is Oanimo since they’re from the original planet.
(is this because i have 3 fuchsias and i want them to be a lil family? yes <3)
Cut to billions of sweeps later when all the other characters are around. Justki, who is an escaped heiress and hiding as a Violet, needs a Replacement so that nobody goes looking for them/so they don’t place this whole situation on a grub heiress, because they accidentally released Oanimo. So they start building one in the underground depths of the rebellion against the empress. An Indigo blood named Bamres Sorite finds out they’re building a robot and bothers them so much that eventually she starts helping them. In one of the final testing stages Pennsus Ghost (who had been watching for most of the progress, and had been freed from the in between when Oanimo got released as well) Entered the robot. It wasn’t hard for them to realize this either, and Bamres insisted she keep the new robot body because “finders keepers” despite any of Justkis protests
And THAT is how she got her robot body. I’ll keep this last bit quick but She doesn’t know she’s a robot OR remember the fact Justki and Bamres made her body
TLDR: She died billions of sweeps ago because of a god cursing her, and then she as a ghost took over a robot body billions of sweeps later but doesn’t remember/realize its a robot body
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Attempting to make a relationships chart between all my funny little characters (the main ones) and oh boy i love spaghetti
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heard a song now im thinking abt yeuslo hes so sunshiney and fun and So Stupid but convinced they know everything (he does not)
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some fun little sketches <3 first is Eniana and Yeuslo drawing together because theyre best friends, second is just Marane holding a little flower and the last one is a shitpost based on the fact dechia is my tallest troll and whatup is my shortest
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yeuslo my beloved
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