#Karkat Museings;;
soapinamicrowave · 8 months
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also davekat from memory
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opalescent-apples · 6 months
Pixie Hollow Homestuck AU-Cringe must be slain once more
Jane: Scout fairy- Jane is prepared and is a field medic for the scouts, helping the injured to safety, fighting hawks, and investigating crimes. She also makes excellent field rations; her cookies mean she is often mistaken for a cooking talent. She's fiercely protective, even if sometimes she has trouble expressing things. She works hard to keep her friends safe, but was once convinced that the corrupt queen of the fairies was in fact their savior. The other alpha kids had to break her free from this idea.
Roxy: Dust keeper- Dust keepers distribute the pixie dust that everyone needs, bringing the most important resource from place to place, guarding the dust storage. As a rogue, Roxy is a distributor of the hidden and the lost as well. Roxy collects Lost Things, and brings in strange objects from the main land. Once this included a giant crystal bottle full of a liquid she grew addicted to until Fefeta helped her break from the habit. She cares for her friends, and knows some of the inner workings of the fairy court that others don't.
Dirk- Tinker Fairy- It was pretty much a foregone conclusion that this guy will be building automatons and dolls in this universe, including an oddly convincing replica of himself that can't fly. He made his own shades based on a Lost Things Roxy found, a set of anime sunglasses that washed ashore. June once commissioned him in secret to make a pair based on a rounder set that Dave admired. Dirk also built Dave his turntables, a unique instrument not yet seen by fairies, based on a schematic from the mainland.
Jake- Clapping talent (human world talent)- He's an anomaly, a fairy who seems to have no talent. All he seems to do is stare into space and talk about something called "movies", and about humans, which no one really cares about except him. People seem to think of him as useless. Dirk has made him a robot to train him to fit in with the scout talents, since he seems to love adventure so much...what could go wrong?
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vantasstrider · 10 days
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i think the 4 or so years of posting art online (to barely that much avail) is finally getting to me. like its saturated. more in tags
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celesticalcryptids · 8 months
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Humanstuck Kankri for a School of Magic AU on discord.
( ᴵ ᵗʰᶦⁿᵏ ᴵ ᶜᵃⁿ ᶦⁿᵛᶦᵗᵉ ᵖᵉᵒᵖˡᵉ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ'ˢ ˢᵗᶦˡˡ ᶜᵃⁿᵒⁿ ˢˡᵒᵗˢ ᵒᵖᵉⁿ ᵃⁿᵈ ʷʰᵃᵗ ⁿᵒᵗ )
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Lil fuckin nerd ♥️
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I get the impression that that’s how Karkat usually dealt with threatening people in Alternia and that it had never failed him before this encounter, judging from how he reacted to being culled and then resurrected
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thenextchapterbegins · 3 months
officially as of now karkat is offically a muse on this blog. no longer just a test muse.
his bio is up found in the animation and tv hub.
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✒ Kanaya's wardrobifier occasionally malfunctions. Only at very unlucky times when she is trying to act serious
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"While we may have beat the game there's no reason for all of us to get sloppy. I don't think I need to remind you all that there horrors out there beyond our comprehension. I propose we all..." Kanaya said rambling on and on as she and a her friends had a meeting at her hive. They rotated the meeting spot but unfortunately for kanaya her wardrobifier was just as finicky as it always was...
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"Are you all even listening? This is important! We just got this world and its our responsibility to protect it! Stop looking at me like I'm wearing some..." Kanaya huffed clearly agitated at the series of snickers and coughs that kept interrupting her babble. She hadn't even noticed her outfit had changed.
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"No! No, sorry please keep going it's just that... you're kinda..."
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"Wearing nothing but a tutu and oversized baby bonnet..." Rose interjected while the rest of the players attending tried to hold back fits of laughter. Standing infront of them the usual serious kanaya was replaced by quite the humorous sight. Her dress gone replaced with a frilly pink tutu that bounced with every movement she made and a diaper so thick it would probably work as a mattress.
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"Pink suits you. Let me guess new fashion trend?" Porrim chuckled at the smaller troll's antics hardly able to hold back a giggle from leaving her lips.
"God... DAMN IT!" Kanaya groaned only for the machine to activate once again this time popping an oversized pacifier into her mouth before she could get out a string of curses that would put a sailor's tongue to shame. "Dis meeting is over... I'm gonna take a nap..." Kanaya grunted waddling off leaving the meeting in a rather awkward state.
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"So meeting adjourned?"
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cocajimmycola · 2 years
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Colacoins450 icons part 7
Karkat Vantas, Homestuck, Rosweetquoteic - @mogai-sunflowers
Twilight Sparkle, My Little Pony, Immortadox - @mogai-sunflowers
Scarecrow, BUSTAFELLOWS, Hackautistic - @neopronouns
Adam, Youtubers Life 2, Prograutistic - @neopronouns
Terezi Pyrope, Homestuck, Wardiallergamic, @revenant-coining
Nepeta Leijon, Homestuck, Fairyplantic, - @botbinary
Applejack, My Little Pony, Goldfishkinzic - @princegender
Phantasma, Scooby Doo: Ghoul School, Aseclunyct - @imvasic
Amiya, Arknights - Muse Dash Collab, Takemetowarsongic, - @voidcoining
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apollos-boyfriend · 6 months
whos karkat in mob100????
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karkatcostanza · 6 months
karkat is absolutely insistent that he is strong enough to carry dave (he isn't), and does so every time dave falls asleep on the couch. does he strain every muscle in his body and sometimes fall over in doing so? yes. will he ever admit that he can't and therefore accept a gross and egregious alternative like...waking dave up!?!? so dave can WALK on his own to bed??? absolutely NOT!
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humunanunga · 1 year
in hindsight, it's actually more surprising than the murder sprees in Act 5 Act 2 how long Karkat had been able to keep his crewmates from killing each other sooner
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art-izz-blog · 1 year
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I thought the line fit her
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sayakxmi · 2 years
[some complaining + kinda spoilers for Feferi’s route in Pesterquest]
Welp, I finally sat down to finish some Pesterquest routes after like 612 years, so I’m late to the party as usual, but anyway, Feferi’s route.
Not gonna lie, I was kinda... disappointed, especially with how well it started, like at first my only complaint was that she was a bit overusing her glubs/bulbs - she uses them a lot, but not that much, but oh well, whatever, quirks are confusing. 
But I really liked how it touched on her loneliness, the whole “being the only fuchsia other than the Empress herself”, her being so excited when she hears that MSPA Reader tried to find her, and then going so sad when the Reader tells her that not really. Just, ouch. And how she shared her ambitions with us - a bit quickly, but it was, indeed, quite Feferi-like, girl, you don’t share your revolutionary ideas with anyone who zaps in front of you, i love her - but then things went just... weird. Like, plainly weird. Like the writer either had no idea what to do with her or just wasn’t taking any of this seriously. Or, I don’t know. I genuinely don’t know. It was just so bizarre with “Karako” and Dark Carnival, and, Jesus, that was just really, really weird. 
Dunno, we could’ve talked about her unhealthy moirallegiance with Eridan, or make her realize her own hypocrisy after finding out her plans to redefine culling, since they’re actually pretty bad. But, nah.
It’s like some of these routes are being taken seriously, and some of them aren’t, which is a shame, cuz characters like Feferi weren’t given all that much focus in the webcomic, so it was probably her only shot at letting readers who weren’t all that interested in her get to understand her a bit better.
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wouldhope · 2 years
                                                          * @redshcdes​​ / starter!
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      “Can you fucking BELIEVE she insulted my sweater? It was even a POLITE insult, which is honestly worse. Like, if you’re gonna shit on my wardrobe at LEAST put some real goddamn hate into it! Not this half-assed gentle beating around the bush nonsense...” 
      There he goes, ranting on and on about some comment Kanaya made -- truly, something so miniscule and insignificant that he should’ve just brushed it aside, but he’s Karkat fucking Vantas. That’s not how he works.
     “And the AUDACITY to ask why I never alchemized a new outfit -- WHY would I do that?! The sweater is fine! It’s comfortable! I don’t need to flaunt around in some stupid FANCIFUL COSTUME. And anyways, I had more IMPORTANT shit to be doing than, I don’t know, throwing my clothes on the alchemiter with random bullshit to try and find a combination that doesn’t make me look like an absolute fucking CLOWN. Who has time for that?!”
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cinisekha · 2 years
why the FUCK is homestuck a thing again why are we doing this get off my lawn
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dothemindything · 1 year
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