#I maintain that Prilla is a page of hope
opalescent-apples · 6 months
Pixie Hollow Homestuck AU-Cringe must be slain once more
Jane: Scout fairy- Jane is prepared and is a field medic for the scouts, helping the injured to safety, fighting hawks, and investigating crimes. She also makes excellent field rations; her cookies mean she is often mistaken for a cooking talent. She's fiercely protective, even if sometimes she has trouble expressing things. She works hard to keep her friends safe, but was once convinced that the corrupt queen of the fairies was in fact their savior. The other alpha kids had to break her free from this idea.
Roxy: Dust keeper- Dust keepers distribute the pixie dust that everyone needs, bringing the most important resource from place to place, guarding the dust storage. As a rogue, Roxy is a distributor of the hidden and the lost as well. Roxy collects Lost Things, and brings in strange objects from the main land. Once this included a giant crystal bottle full of a liquid she grew addicted to until Fefeta helped her break from the habit. She cares for her friends, and knows some of the inner workings of the fairy court that others don't.
Dirk- Tinker Fairy- It was pretty much a foregone conclusion that this guy will be building automatons and dolls in this universe, including an oddly convincing replica of himself that can't fly. He made his own shades based on a Lost Things Roxy found, a set of anime sunglasses that washed ashore. June once commissioned him in secret to make a pair based on a rounder set that Dave admired. Dirk also built Dave his turntables, a unique instrument not yet seen by fairies, based on a schematic from the mainland.
Jake- Clapping talent (human world talent)- He's an anomaly, a fairy who seems to have no talent. All he seems to do is stare into space and talk about something called "movies", and about humans, which no one really cares about except him. People seem to think of him as useless. Dirk has made him a robot to train him to fit in with the scout talents, since he seems to love adventure so much...what could go wrong?
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