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silviascorcella · 1 year ago
Rahul Mishra, Butterfly People: gli artigiani sono farfalle che ricamano il giardino della vita
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“Vivere non è abbastanza" disse la farfalla, “uno deve avere il sole, la libertà e un piccolo fiore”: l’essenza del racconto prezioso che si dipana nella collezione Couture a/i 2020-21 Rahul Mishra la incastona qui, in queste parole che hanno la semplicità della realtà e la suggestione della fantasia. Sono, infatti, parole prese in prestito da una fiaba di Hans Christian Andersen, opera, come lo sono tutte le fiabe, di sincerità e poesia: ovvero un’alchimia narrativa creata con minuzia e dedizione generosa, per intessere nelle trame surreali composte di parole e immaginari gli insegnamenti universali che compongono la grande trama della vita vera.
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L’antica fiaba in questione s’intitola “il farfallone”: narra le vicende di una farfalla che spreca la giovinezza sua e della primavera rigogliosa scartando la bellezza peculiare di ogni fiore in virtù della ricerca di una egoistica perfezione, finché giunto l’inverno che spegne la natura e con essa anche la gioventù, il farfallone si ritrova invecchiato e imprigionato nel compromesso di sopravvivere chiuso dentro una casa, appuntato con uno spillo dentro una teca, privato della bellezza essenziale della vita di cui ha scoperto e rimpianto ormai troppo tardi il sentimento.
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Ecco, come fosse un gesto di ribaltamento al contempo romantico ed eroico, Rahul Mishra ha creato la collezione Couture a/i 2020  su quello che il farfallone della fiaba aveva dato per scontato: il valore vitale della bellezza della natura che va difesa e celebrata. Ma anche, e soprattutto il valore etico della condivisione umana che tale bellezza la crea ogni giorno nell’armonia del lavoro da cui sbocciano i capolavori couture, così come le farfalle nutrono ogni giorno la linfa vitale della natura.
La fiaba contemporanea narrata da Rahul Mishra s’intitola per l’appunto “Butterfly People”: ed è un gesto di celebrazione e ringraziamento alle “sue” farfalle, ovvero i Karigar, gli artigiani ricamatori e sarti indiani che con le loro mani abili e le conoscenze sapienti danno forma e vita alla meraviglia delle creazioni. Ed è anche un gesto di profonda consapevolezza che dalla dimensione personale abbraccia con gentilezza anche quella universale: la forza dell’ispirazione e del messaggio della collezione si rinsaldano con la violenza della pandemia che si è abbattuta in India infliggendo al suo popolo una crisi devastante, in cui migliaia di lavoratori migranti si sono ritrovati chiusi in casa, privati del lavoro, a lottare per sopravvivere. Rahul Mishra, infatti, che sin dall’inizio ha fondato l’essenza del  brand sull’etica della “migrazione inversa”, cioè valorizzando il lavoro artigiano dislocato nei villaggi indiani d’appartenenza anziché convogliare gli artigiani in massa nella capitale dove sono gli headquarter, non solo è riuscito a realizzare la collezione Couture a/i 2020 ma l’ha trasformata in un diario interiore, e al contempo in una grande metafora di umanità che in ogni ricamo narra e celebra l’importanza della partecipazione collettiva alla co-creazione della vita.
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Un’allegoria dell’animo che si dipana sui tessuti diafani: nel cuore dell’immaginario c’è il giardino, quello che in natura riprende a fiorire rigoglioso grazie al lock-down che blocca l’intervento infestante dell’uomo, e quello metaforico della couture, in cui Rahul Mishra è il couturier-giardiniere che solo grazie alla sinergia con i suoi artigiani-farfalla può ricreare a distanza l’ecosistema dell’atelier e realizzare la meraviglia rigogliosa delle creazioni, facendo fronte al lock-down con un’azione collettiva in cui in brevissimo tempo son stati recuperati ricami e stoffe dall’archivio di collezioni precedenti, e in sei settimane son stati plasmati gli abiti, una paillette alla volta, una perlina alla volta.
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Una storia ricamata che narra il ritorno alla vita: le gru e gli uccelli migratori che sono tornati a volare nei cieli di Delhi che nel frattempo si sono tinti di sfumature di un blu mai stato così intenso, la leggerezza poetica delle libellule che sono tornate a brillare sui fiumi, la magnificenza dei fiori di loto che celebrano la rinascita di una vita purificata, i fondali marini con le barriere coralline guarite dall’inquinamento e dallo sfruttamento.
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Una storia che con i ricami sartoriali narra l’importanza vitale del lavoro che nobilita l’animo degli artigiani eccellenti che la allestiscono: artigiani che di solito esprimono la propria preziosa impressione sulle opere attraverso le espressioni delle labbra, ma che ora per via delle mascherine hanno trasferito la loro validazione nell’espressione degli occhi, sfumature di linguaggio che Rahul Mishra per primo ha imparato a decodificare, un cambiamento piccolo eppur epocale che ha riportato nelle mascherine in collezione, che sembrano sculture, ma che nella bellezza racchiudono il valore del monito sociale, e nessun intento commerciale.
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La collezione Couture a/i 20-21 è stata presentata alla Paris Couture Week nella sua edizione digitale: tutte le suggestioni, e la bellezza della realizzazione delle creazioni ad opera delle Butterfly People sono narrate in un bellissimo fashion film realizzato in collaborazione con il fotografo e film-maker Hormis Anthony Tharkan.
Silvia Scorcella
{ pubblicato su Webelieveinstyle }
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digitalkarigarvns · 11 months ago
Why Digital Marketing Services for Small Business is Important?
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Having a digital footprint for a small business is extremely crucial to engage and reach audience, and convert them into potential customers. This is where a digital marketing services for small business becomes essential to compete with larger companies and stand out among highly engaged marketplace. 
This blog will inform you how digital marketing services are beneficial for small businesses by enabling them to market themselves in a targeted, calculated, and scalable manner. Moreover, we’ll also explore some of best digital marketing platforms and strategies that a local business can utilize to increase its sales, leads, ROI, and traffic. 
The Importance of Digital Marketing Services for Small Businesses 
Meet a big list of reasons why digital marketing services for small business is important and how digital marketers help the business to reach targeted audience.
Engage Customers Digitally 
With the website and social media management, a local business can easily communicate and customize marketplace opportunities 24/7. Brick-and-mortar businesses are unknown wit customers, but a small groups can connect audiences and provide full support via digital channels. 
The opportunity welcomes small organizations to deliver fees via digital resources and content on their website or social media platforms. Feedbacks, Discount offers, insights, product updates, patron comments and other factors has become easier through the digital revolution.
One of the biggest digital marketing ideas for small businesses is virtual engagement that helps them to get perfect insight about their customers need and redefine products or services for that reason. As a business owner, you can win customer loyalty and enhance the long term support.
       2. Figure Out Your Competitor’s Activity 
In order to taste a success, paying attention on what your competitors are doing and learn from them is quite essential operation.  Don’t think you just have to beat your competitors instead they are someone who teach you. 
Highly-engaged digital marketing services for small business can analyse competitors online activities so that you’ll get idea of what’s and isn’t working. For ex- what type of niche you’re involved, your competitors have strong online visibility, and what type of content they’re providing to their customers.
How do they talk with their potential customers and how they are different? What are their strategies to engage with the audience? Can you do better?
Fortunately, we have some effective tools that make your analysis easier:
Ahrefs– Perfect for identifying competitors’ linked content
BuzzSumo– Monitor trending content variations and influences
Semrush– Effective for Keyword Research and keyword 
Google Alerts– A tool for monitoring mentions of any competitor
    3. Builds Wider Network Online 
A professional website and solid digital marketing channels enable local businesses to gain trust and establish a digital footprint where potential audience can track them. With digital marketing services for small business, potential customers will search your services/products digitally. 
Small organizations can expand their reach with Search Engine Optimization, social media, and other digital marketing tactics. This will help businesses expand their reach from local geography to international market. This technique leads you to grab the customer attention and enhance sales from customers they would never have had access to.
A huge volume of potential customers encourages a small business to spread their services in global market with the affordable budgets and resources. Digital Marketing allows them to level-up their customer base smartly. 
     4. Provide Measurable Metrics 
A professional digital marketing services for small business provide you a measurable results in the form of metrics such as leads generated, Return on Investment, website traffic, sales closed, etc. This calculation might be considered the most and highly effective campaigns and platforms for the business. 
Social media channels are the main source of your business and strategies can be synchronized consistently to monitor what’s trending and unreleased any failed marketing investment. 
The digital marketing metrics showcase are invaluable. This provides details into performance, without which a local business can ignored shooting in the old marketing style. Ensure a complete data and analytics share informed and relevant decision-making result.
To do this, small business should focus on these measure metrics:
Leads Generation: Track the volume of leads measured via emails, websites, bureaucracy, and etc. 
Website visitors: Measure website visits, page views, particular visitors at one touch to max.
Online Sales: Take a glance on sales volumes, average order value, conversion costs, and other related metrics.
Return on Investment (ROI): Measure promotional ROI by researching campaign budgets to revenue generation.
    5. Convert Marketing Actions of your Business 
If you want to create an engaging website that show your business or set up a Facebook campaign to figure out the results. One of the first step to generating the targets is to create the value of digital marketing and how it might have a positive impact on your business. 
Digital marketers from digital marketing services for small business will enable you to get the latest digital marketing skills. Search Engine Optimization, social media and paid search, you’ll get effective tools to reach out your business succeeds over the internet. 
    6. Increase Marketing With Less Money
There are some of forms related to advertising, which are cost-effective as digital marketing. Local Organizations and small start-ups are frequently connect a wider audience through their marketing cost effectively.
Promoting online with digital marketing for local business might be easier as per your budget and enable you to redefine your target audience. Social media is essentially a perfect alternative for this because it allows you to consider a daily amount for a  discrete audience that search for your services and products. 
This marketing effort allows you to spread your business with people that never waste time to get your services. 
Strategies of Digital Marketing Services For Small Businesses 
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Here are some of highly effective and specific digital marketing strategies and tactics for small businesses must be implemented to enhance their online presence.
Social Media Marketing 
One of the major opportunities for a small business is to build brand awareness, generate leads, engage audiences, and traffic through social media platforms. A strong image over the internet or social channels is mandatory.
Social Media channels like LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter management offered by digital marketing services for small business to interact directly with recent and targeted customers regularly via owned media channels. Video content and promotional ads can be designed for minimal cost. 
     2. Email Marketing
Current and prospect customers can be identified by a small businesses via an email subscriber list. Promotions, email newsletters, and other broadcasts are designed to make your relationships stronger with customers.
    3. Search Engine Optimization 
SEO is the foundation of the an digital marketing strategy. SEO actions optimizing a website or content to ensure the high ranking on search engine result page for relevant keyword searches. If a small business website has higher rankings, chancers are it gains organic traffic worldwide. 
A business can ensure that website is mobile-responsive and content is optimum-quality with proper keyword settings that customers are searching for. SEO includes On-page and Off-page SEO strategies to create backlinks, content optimization, site speed measurement, meta tags, and many more that hit the search rankings.
    4. Affiliate Marketing 
Digital marketing services for small business designed affiliate programs, encouraging third parties to advertise and sales products and services. Sales are possible by affiliate which enables to earn a commission. It is a great idea for a small group to enter into new networks and influencers to enhance Return on Investment. The highly affiliate marketing products or services with the variable costs are different. 
Start Your Journey With a Digital Marketing Strategy 
To accurately monitor on these effective digital marketing channels and strategies, small organizations need to take a smart approach. Performing these will definitely grow their success. Let’s reveal some of the effective tips for a professional digital marketing tactic:
Understand your prospect audience and buyer personas so that you can drop your message and content accordingly.
Design content foundation and divide that match up with your business requirements.
Create a monitored, measurable, and customized KPIs and targets for each platform and plan. 
Make a decision by hiring a digital marketing company if you need help with execution. However, you understand that a customized digital marketing strategy can be handled with professionalism.
Implement free marketing tools and analytics to rebuild your strategy. See what actually impress your audience.
In this virtual planet, digital marketing services for small business might be a powerful program for increasing business popularity in short time. It revolutionizes the business to build a strong relationship with new audience around the world. Small business requires to understand the importance of the best digital marketing agency in Varanasi and may amazingly enhance their goal and fine-tune their marketing success by using a well-strategic plan on the different platforms including content, email, search, and social media.
How to choose the right digital marketing agency for small business?
To make a solid online presence, you need to choose right digital marketing agency. Check out these qualities:
Set a budget
Know your goals
Ask for demo services
Check out experience level
Client testimonials
How long does Facebook ads take to show results?
Facebook ads will give result in less than a week. However, it also depends on your budget and the category you choose for Facebook ads.  
Is digital marketing services for small business beneficial?
Here are some of the best digital marketing services for small business benefits that you should look:
Meeting huge targeted customers
High Conversion Rate
Increase Your CRM
Allows Tracking for upcoming campaigns
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samriddhikatariya · 5 months ago
Because Even Chudiyan Needed a High-Tech Makeover: ft. 2104 (EXERCISE1 DRAFT 1)
Ah yes, I am Chudiyan, born centuries ago from the organic resin of tiny lac insects, shaped over open flames by karigars (artisans), and worn by women rich and poor alike. I used to be the delicate circle of love, a little ornament worn during weddings. Back in the day, I was nothing more than a fragile piece of jewelry. I would break if you sneezed too hard or tried to carry groceries, but I was pretty. And that’s what mattered, right?
But then the world got bored of simplicity, didn’t it? By 2104, even I had to join the technological bandwagon. Yes, the world couldn't just leave a simple chudi alone—oh no, I had to evolve! And so here I am, a Lac Chudi, version 2104, packed with more technology than a spaceship. I’m no longer just about love, marriage, or making a pleasant jingle on a wrist. No, I’m here to change your life, record your emotions, and even remind you to take your vitamins. You’re welcome.
Let’s start with my origins—lac. Back in the day, artisans would heat up this lovely sticky resin and shape it into bangles. Chudiyan for everyone, from village women to queens. Rich women decked me out in gold and jewels, while poorer women kept me simple, but no matter who wore me, I was a constant. I didn’t discriminate. A rich bride or a poor one, I sat proudly on their wrists, signifying their bond to someone else. Romantic, right?
Now, fast forward to 2104. I’ve swapped out that fragile lac for bio-lac, but now with a twist—it’s alive. Yep, you heard me, right. I’m not just a bangle anymore, I’m a living, breathing, digital interface. I shift colors based on your mood (because clearly, we needed bangles to be mood rings), and I’m practically indestructible. Why break when I can now self-repair? After all, if your marriage has to last forever, so should I.
Oh, and don’t think I stopped there. No, no, I am now equipped with a quantum processor, because in 2104, even bangles need to have brains. I record everything—your emotions, your memories, your health metrics. That fight you had with your spouse? Don’t worry, I’ve got it saved in high-definition emotional data for you to relive later. I’m now a marriage counselor and emotional diary all in one. Why go to therapy when your bangles can do it for you?
And for those of you in long-distance relationships, fear not. Thanks to quantum connectivity, I sync with your partner’s Chudi across the globe, so you can feel each other’s emotions in real-time. Who wouldn’t want to be literally tethered to their spouse’s every mood, right? Whether your partner is having a great day or feeling particularly annoyed with you, I’ll let you know instantly. Because nothing says love like emotional surveillance.
But don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about my looks. Even in 2104, aesthetics still matter. I’m designed with the same intricate patterns and delicate craftsmanship that defined me in the past—floral etchings, geometric patterns, and traditional designs—but now, they come with augmented reality overlays. Tap me, and you’ll see hidden designs that shift in real time. Is it a bangle, or is it a personal art gallery? Who knows!
And don't even get me started on the stones. Diamonds and rubies are so yesterday. Now I’m embedded with holographic gems that change based on your preferences. You want rubies in the morning and sapphires by dinner? Done. It’s like jewelry with commitment issues, but hey, I’m versatile.
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Now, talking me as a symbol of marriage. Marriage was once about commitment, but in 2104, it’s about data collection. And who better to collect it than me, your trusty, data-hungry Chudi?
Now, in a world where even your refrigerator can talk to you, why should bangles stay quiet?
Sure, some people might long for the simpler days when I was just a piece of jewelry symbolizing love and marriage. But let’s be honest—where’s the fun in that? You’ve got enough on your plate without having to worry about keeping your emotions to yourself. Let me take care of that for you.
After all, what’s marriage if not an endless exchange of data, emotions, and—of course—technology wrapped in a pretty little circle?
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rohitgupta0707 · 1 year ago
Mastering the Art of Karigar:Unveiling Traditional Crafts
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erp-software-1 · 1 day ago
Online Accounting Software for Jewellery: Best Solutions for Financial Management
Managing a jewellery business involves handling high-value transactions, tracking inventory, and ensuring tax compliance. Traditional bookkeeping methods can be time-consuming and prone to errors. That’s why online accounting software for jewellery is a game-changer—it automates financial processes, simplifies tax filing, and provides real-time financial insights.
In this article, we’ll explore the best online accounting software for jewellery businesses, helping you choose the right solution to streamline operations and boost profitability.
Why Jewellery Businesses Need Online Accounting Software?
Jewellers deal with precious metals, fluctuating prices, and customer transactions daily. Using cloud-based accounting software ensures:
✅ 24/7 Access to Financial Data – Manage accounts anytime, anywhere. ✅ Automated GST & Tax Compliance – Generate tax reports and file returns effortlessly. ✅ Real-Time Inventory & Expense Tracking – Sync financial data with stock management. ✅ Secure Cloud Storage – Prevent data loss with automatic backups. ✅ Faster Billing & Invoicing – Generate invoices instantly and reduce manual work.
Top 5 Online Accounting Software for Jewellery Businesses
1. QuickBooks Online – Best for Cloud-Based Accounting
QuickBooks is a widely used jewellery accounting software that provides secure, cloud-based financial management. It’s ideal for jewellers looking for an easy-to-use, automated accounting system.
🔹 Key Features: ✔️ Multi-device access for on-the-go accounting ✔️ Automated invoicing and expense tracking ✔️ Bank reconciliation & financial reporting
2. Xero – Best for Multi-Store Jewellery Businesses
Xero offers real-time financial tracking and seamless integration with POS and inventory software, making it perfect for jewellery businesses with multiple locations.
🔹 Key Features: ✔️ Online invoice management with auto-reminders ✔️ Multi-currency transactions for global businesses ✔️ Secure cloud backup & mobile access
3. Marg ERP Cloud – Best for GST & Tax Compliance
Marg ERP provides cloud-based accounting for jewellers with built-in GST billing and stock management, ensuring seamless financial operations.
🔹 Key Features: ✔️ GST-compliant invoicing & tax return filing ✔️ Karigar (goldsmith) account tracking ✔️ Gold & silver rate updates with automatic pricing adjustments
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ishqme · 20 days ago
Encourage Women Entrepreneues and Changemakers
Women-owned brands are building a better world by championing sustainability. From supporting the livelihoods of local artisans to creating avenues for growth for other women and reviving lost traditional crafts, women-owned brands are paving the way for a better tomorrow for the world around them. Show your support for these home-grown, and home-owned brands by exploring their products and choosing to make eco-friendly, earth-positive products an integral part of your everyday life.
At IshqMe, we’re striving to build a better future for local karigars. Each product from our collection is carefully curated and crafted to build a better tomorrow for the local communities we work with. Every time you buy from us, you’re helping change the lives of hundreds of local craftsmen. Shop with us today to show your support.
Handwritten notes, cards, journals, mugs, clothes, jewellery, well, the list is endless, when it comes to choosing a woman’s day gift. And on IWD 2025 choose to support more women-owned organisations to help them thrive, honour their achievements and to empower them. Together let’s #AccelerateAction towards building a secure future for women and help their voices be heard.
Happy International Women’s Day!
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homeinterior012 · 1 month ago
Pink Carpets Dubai: A Touch of Elegance and Luxury in Interior Design
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Dubai is a city known for its extravagant lifestyle, world-class architecture, and impeccable interior design. From luxurious hotels to opulent homes, every detail in Dubai’s interior spaces is carefully curated to reflect elegance and sophistication. Among the many elements that enhance the beauty of interiors, carpets play a crucial role. One trend that has gained popularity in recent years is the use of pink carpets Dubai, adding a unique charm and warmth to both residential and commercial spaces.
Why Pink Carpets?
Pink is often associated with elegance, warmth, and serenity. Whether in soft pastel tones or bold, vibrant shades, pink carpets can create a welcoming and luxurious ambiance. The versatility of pink makes it a popular choice among interior designers in Dubai, as it complements various styles, from classic to contemporary.
Popular Shades of Pink Carpets
Dubai’s carpet market offers a wide variety of pink shades to suit different tastes and preferences:
Blush Pink: A subtle, romantic shade that creates a calm and soothing environment, perfect for bedrooms and lounges.
Rose Pink: A slightly deeper hue that adds warmth and elegance to living spaces.
Fuchsia: A bold and vibrant shade, ideal for making a statement in modern interiors.
Dusty Pink: A sophisticated, muted tone that blends well with neutral and earthy color schemes.
Types of Pink Carpets in Dubai
The demand for pink carpets has led to a variety of styles being available in the Dubai market. Some of the most popular types include:
Shaggy Pink Carpets
These carpets are known for their soft, fluffy texture, making them a favorite for bedrooms and cozy living areas. They add a touch of luxury and comfort, making the space feel more inviting.
Persian Pink Carpets
For those who appreciate tradition and craftsmanship, Persian carpets in pink hues offer intricate designs and high-quality materials, perfect for adding a regal touch to interiors.
Modern Patterned Carpets
Geometric or abstract pink carpets are ideal for contemporary homes and offices, adding a stylish and trendy look to the space.
Custom-Made Carpets
Many carpet retailers in Dubai offer custom designs, allowing homeowners and designers to create unique pink carpets that perfectly match their interiors.
Where to Buy Pink Carpets in Dubai?
Dubai is home to numerous carpet stores and suppliers offering a wide range of pink carpets. Some of the best places to explore include:
Plush Furniture – Offers a diverse collection of pink carpets in different materials and styles.
Si Karigar – Specializes in luxury carpets with custom design options.
Royal Infinity – Provides high-quality, handmade pink carpets for an elegant look.
How to Style Pink Carpets in Your Home
Pair with Neutral Tones: Pink carpets look stunning when combined with neutral colors like white, beige, and gray.
Mix with Bold Accents: For a modern touch, complement pink carpets with contrasting hues like teal, emerald green, or gold.
Choose the Right Material: Depending on the area, opt for durable materials for high-traffic spaces and softer textures for cozy rooms.
Pink carpets Dubai are becoming a staple in Dubai’s interior design, adding a touch of warmth, elegance, and modernity. Whether you prefer soft pastels or bold hues, there’s a pink carpet to suit every style and preference. With numerous options available in the Dubai market, finding the perfect pink carpet to elevate your space has never been easier.
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news365timesindia · 2 months ago
[ad_1] Surya Sarees, a renowned name in ethnic wear, celebrated a significant milestone with the grand opening of its new store at Omaxe Chowk on January 12, 2025. With a legacy spanning over four generations, Surya Sarees has long been a trusted destination for timeless elegance and exquisite designs. This expansion brings the brand closer to a wider audience, reinforcing its commitment to blending traditional Indian fashion with modern sensibilities.   Bollywood diva Malaika Arora launching New Surya Saree Showroom at Omaxe Chowk    A Grand Celebration Unfolds The opening event was a grand affair that seamlessly combined tradition, culture, and glamour. The festivities began with a ceremonial lamp lighting, symbolizing positivity and prosperity. This ritual marked the start of a new chapter for Surya Sarees. Guests were then treated to a Director’s Talk, where the visionary leader behind the brand Mr. Raghav Mittal, Managing Director of House of Surya, shared insights into its rich history, remarkable journey, and aspirations for the future. The speech highlighted the brand’s dedication to preserving Indian craftsmanship while embracing contemporary trends.   Reveling new Surya Saree Showroom    The event's highlight was the presence of Bollywood diva and style icon, Malaika Arora, who graced the occasion as the special guest. Malaika, a long-time fan of ethnic wear, expressed her admiration for the vibrant energy of Chandni Chowk and praised Surya Sarees for its stunning collection. She also engaged with fans during an exclusive meet-and-greet session, making the event even more memorable.   The event was further honored by the presence of distinguished guests such as Mr. Jatin Goel, Executive Director of Omaxe Limited and Mr. Neeraj Gupta, Founder of House of Surya.   The celebration didn’t end with the formalities. Guests were treated to an array of authentic Chandni Chowk street food, which recreated the area’s renowned culinary culture. The aromas of chaat, parathas, and other local delicacies filled the air, adding to the festive atmosphere. The excitement continued with live music performances, creating an electric ambience that kept the mood lively throughout the day.   Guests also participated in fun activities such as games, quizzes, and surprise giveaways. The lively interactions and sense of community made the event truly special, ensuring that everyone left with unforgettable memories.   A Legacy of Elegance and Craftsmanship Surya Sarees, also known as the House of Surya, is more than just a fashion destination; it is a cultural institution. Specializing in bridal, couture, and prêt fashion, the brand offers a wide range of sarees, lehengas, and other ethnic garments perfect for weddings, festivals, and special occasions. With a legacy spanning over four generations, Surya Sarees has earned its reputation as a trusted name in Indian ethnic wear.   What sets Surya Sarees apart is its unwavering commitment to high-quality fashion, ensuring a sophisticated and inclusive shopping experience for all customers. The brand’s mission extends beyond offering beautiful garments; it aims to showcase the unparalleled artistry of Indian karigars (craftsmen) and weavers on a global stage. By promoting the incredible craftsmanship of these artisans, Surya Sarees helps elevate their recognition and value in the fashion world.   Why Omaxe Chowk? The decision to expand to Omaxe Chowk was a strategic move, reflecting Surya Sarees’ desire to make its exquisite designs more accessible to a growing clientele. Omaxe Chowk, located in the heart of Delhi, is a modern retail and cultural hub that combines the old-world charm of Chandni Chowk with the convenience of contemporary shopping. This location offers the perfect blend of tradition and modernity, allowing Surya Sarees to bring the rich heritage of Chandni Chowk to a fresh, contemporary setting.
The expansion is not just about opening a new store; it’s about making the legacy of Surya Sarees available to more people, in a space that reflects both the brand’s history and its forward-thinking vision.   Find your next masterpiece The grand opening of Surya Sarees at Omaxe Chowk was more than just the unveiling of a new store. It was a celebration of tradition, culture, and style. Whether you’re a bride-to-be, a fashion enthusiast, or someone looking to explore the best of Indian ethnic wear, this event was an unmissable occasion. The day was filled with glamour, excitement, and unforgettable moments that will be cherished by everyone who attended.   Surya Sarees continues to be a key player in the Indian fashion landscape, offering timeless elegance and exceptional craftsmanship. The opening at Omaxe Chowk marked a new chapter in the brand’s illustrious journey, bringing the best of Indian ethnic wear to a whole new audience. For those who missed the grand opening, Surya Sarees promises even more exciting experiences and collections in the future.   Stay tuned for more updates and follow Surya Sarees on social media for exclusive sneak peeks and announcements.   Website: www.houseofsurya.com   !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments); if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window,document,'script', 'https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js'); fbq('init', '311356416665414'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); [ad_2] Source link
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news365times · 2 months ago
[ad_1] Surya Sarees, a renowned name in ethnic wear, celebrated a significant milestone with the grand opening of its new store at Omaxe Chowk on January 12, 2025. With a legacy spanning over four generations, Surya Sarees has long been a trusted destination for timeless elegance and exquisite designs. This expansion brings the brand closer to a wider audience, reinforcing its commitment to blending traditional Indian fashion with modern sensibilities.   Bollywood diva Malaika Arora launching New Surya Saree Showroom at Omaxe Chowk    A Grand Celebration Unfolds The opening event was a grand affair that seamlessly combined tradition, culture, and glamour. The festivities began with a ceremonial lamp lighting, symbolizing positivity and prosperity. This ritual marked the start of a new chapter for Surya Sarees. Guests were then treated to a Director’s Talk, where the visionary leader behind the brand Mr. Raghav Mittal, Managing Director of House of Surya, shared insights into its rich history, remarkable journey, and aspirations for the future. The speech highlighted the brand’s dedication to preserving Indian craftsmanship while embracing contemporary trends.   Reveling new Surya Saree Showroom    The event's highlight was the presence of Bollywood diva and style icon, Malaika Arora, who graced the occasion as the special guest. Malaika, a long-time fan of ethnic wear, expressed her admiration for the vibrant energy of Chandni Chowk and praised Surya Sarees for its stunning collection. She also engaged with fans during an exclusive meet-and-greet session, making the event even more memorable.   The event was further honored by the presence of distinguished guests such as Mr. Jatin Goel, Executive Director of Omaxe Limited and Mr. Neeraj Gupta, Founder of House of Surya.   The celebration didn’t end with the formalities. Guests were treated to an array of authentic Chandni Chowk street food, which recreated the area’s renowned culinary culture. The aromas of chaat, parathas, and other local delicacies filled the air, adding to the festive atmosphere. The excitement continued with live music performances, creating an electric ambience that kept the mood lively throughout the day.   Guests also participated in fun activities such as games, quizzes, and surprise giveaways. The lively interactions and sense of community made the event truly special, ensuring that everyone left with unforgettable memories.   A Legacy of Elegance and Craftsmanship Surya Sarees, also known as the House of Surya, is more than just a fashion destination; it is a cultural institution. Specializing in bridal, couture, and prêt fashion, the brand offers a wide range of sarees, lehengas, and other ethnic garments perfect for weddings, festivals, and special occasions. With a legacy spanning over four generations, Surya Sarees has earned its reputation as a trusted name in Indian ethnic wear.   What sets Surya Sarees apart is its unwavering commitment to high-quality fashion, ensuring a sophisticated and inclusive shopping experience for all customers. The brand’s mission extends beyond offering beautiful garments; it aims to showcase the unparalleled artistry of Indian karigars (craftsmen) and weavers on a global stage. By promoting the incredible craftsmanship of these artisans, Surya Sarees helps elevate their recognition and value in the fashion world.   Why Omaxe Chowk? The decision to expand to Omaxe Chowk was a strategic move, reflecting Surya Sarees’ desire to make its exquisite designs more accessible to a growing clientele. Omaxe Chowk, located in the heart of Delhi, is a modern retail and cultural hub that combines the old-world charm of Chandni Chowk with the convenience of contemporary shopping. This location offers the perfect blend of tradition and modernity, allowing Surya Sarees to bring the rich heritage of Chandni Chowk to a fresh, contemporary setting.
The expansion is not just about opening a new store; it’s about making the legacy of Surya Sarees available to more people, in a space that reflects both the brand’s history and its forward-thinking vision.   Find your next masterpiece The grand opening of Surya Sarees at Omaxe Chowk was more than just the unveiling of a new store. It was a celebration of tradition, culture, and style. Whether you’re a bride-to-be, a fashion enthusiast, or someone looking to explore the best of Indian ethnic wear, this event was an unmissable occasion. The day was filled with glamour, excitement, and unforgettable moments that will be cherished by everyone who attended.   Surya Sarees continues to be a key player in the Indian fashion landscape, offering timeless elegance and exceptional craftsmanship. The opening at Omaxe Chowk marked a new chapter in the brand’s illustrious journey, bringing the best of Indian ethnic wear to a whole new audience. For those who missed the grand opening, Surya Sarees promises even more exciting experiences and collections in the future.   Stay tuned for more updates and follow Surya Sarees on social media for exclusive sneak peeks and announcements.   Website: www.houseofsurya.com   !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments); if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window,document,'script', 'https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js'); fbq('init', '311356416665414'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); [ad_2] Source link
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myntra0101 · 3 months ago
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samriddhikatariya · 4 months ago
The Hand That Wears the Future: Chudiyan 2104 (EXERCISE 1 DRAFT 3)
Ah, look at me. A hand—just a regular appendage once used for typing, holding, and creating. I used to enjoy the feel of nail polish, the gentle weight of lac bangles—simple adornments made by karigars, craftsmen who poured culture and tradition into their work. Those were innocent days when bangles were merely symbols of beauty and belonging.
Fast forward to 2104, and those bangles? They’re no longer about tradition or ornamentation. These “chudiyan” are now the cutting-edge of wearable technology, fused with quantum mechanics, bio-lac polymers, and nanotech. What used to be a bracelet of culture has evolved—or devolved—into a living, breathing shackle for the digital age.
Bio-Lac: The Living Prison
Remember when lac was just resin? Warm, organic, and delicate—crafted with human hands and shaped with care. Now, it’s bio-lac, a self-healing, adaptive material. It’s alive, they say. Crawling with nanobots, it regenerates if cracked, reshapes if broken, and latches on tighter if you even think about removing it. Imagine: a bangle that knows when you’re trying to be free and fights back.
Of course, it’s marketed as a marvel of sustainability. “Eco-friendly,” they call it, because it’s made from biodegradable polymers infused with nanites. But in a world already drowning in recycled air, desalinated water, and techno-utopian waste, the irony is suffocating. Saving the planet with bangles? Sure. Tell that to the melted ice caps.
The Quantum Cuff
Here’s the kicker: these bangles are smarter than you. Built with quantum processors, they’re essentially miniature supercomputers wrapped around your wrist. They monitor your heart rate, track your stress levels, and even predict your emotions before you can feel them. Imagine walking into a tense meeting, only to have your bangle glow red, announcing your anxiety to the room.
It doesn’t stop there. The bangles are linked to an emotion-based AI that sends you “soothing” notifications. Feeling sad? The bangle vibrates, turning a calming blue while displaying messages like “Your serotonin levels are low. Consider meditating.” Because nothing says peace like being nagged by your jewelry.
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The Relationship Tracker
Ah, and for those in relationships, welcome to the most intrusive invention yet: synced bangles. Imagine your emotional state being broadcasted to your partner in real time. Arguing with your spouse across the globe? Their bangle vibrates and flashes red, a digital tattletale on your wrist. Having a good day while they’re stressed? Don’t worry, you’ll know—because your wrist won’t stop buzzing.
And, of course, every moment of your relationship—every fight, laugh, and tear—is logged and stored in the cloud. It’s all part of the “relationship ecosystem,” a data-driven monument to love—or surveillance. Who wouldn’t want their anniversary summarized by an AI-generated timeline of biometrics?
The Circular Bangle Economy
The tech industry loves to throw around buzzwords like “ethical” and “sustainable.” Enter the Circular Bangle Economy, where old bangles are melted down to make new ones. It’s a closed loop of recycled emotions. How charming. Don’t like your current emotional tracker? Turn it in for an upgrade, because nothing says “progress” like trading your old tech-shackles for newer ones.
Aesthetic Overload
The design is, of course, immaculate. Floating holographic patterns bloom from the surface, adapting to your mood or syncing with your wardrobe. Gems of light appear, shift, and fade, creating an ethereal show for anyone watching. But beneath the dazzling AR displays lies a cold truth: these aren’t ornaments. They’re tools of control, designed to keep you connected, monitored, and in check.
Loneliness, Quantified
Even solitude isn’t sacred anymore. These bangles detect loneliness and sadness, vibrating softly like a friend you didn’t ask for. “Your oxytocin levels are low. Would you like to hear a calming story?” they whisper. It’s like being babysat by an overly-attentive AI.
And heaven forbid you try to take it off. The bangle won’t allow it. It bonds to your biometric signature, becoming an extension of your body. Removing it would mean severing a part of yourself—and likely triggering a cascade of alerts and penalties for “tampering with government-issued technology.”
The Hand of the Future
So here I am, a hand shackled to the ultimate symbol of humanity’s future: a bangle that won’t shut up. It’s not about beauty or tradition anymore. Who cares about floral designs and holographic displays when the real story is about control? Every fight, every smile, every thought is logged, categorized, and analyzed—forever glowing, forever vibrating, forever connected.
In 2104, jewelry doesn’t just adorn you. It owns you. Welcome to a future where even your bangles watch you.
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mukeshblogs · 4 months ago
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Potli Bags Around the World: Global Influences in Design from Potbel
Discover how Designer Karigar brings global inspirations to life with Potbel's exquisite potli bags. Merging traditional Indian craftsmanship with international design trends, these unique creations reflect a blend of cultures, making them perfect for every occasion worldwide.
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banarashe · 4 months ago
Banarasi Saree Collection: Where Luxury Meets Heritage
The Banarasi saree, a timeless symbol of opulence and tradition, is the epitome of India’s rich textile heritage. Woven in the holy city of Varanasi, also known as Banaras, these sarees have been cherished for centuries and continue to hold a special place in the hearts of women across the globe. Whether it is for a wedding, festival, or a special occasion, the Banarasi saree is a go-to choice for those seeking a blend of luxury, elegance, and cultural significance. Banarasi saree collection In this blog post, we delve deep into the world of Banarasi sarees — their history, craftsmanship, evolution, and why they continue to be a symbol of grace and sophistication.
The Origin of Banarasi Sarees
Banarasi sarees trace their origins to the city of Varanasi, one of the oldest living cities in the world and a place steeped in history, culture, and spirituality. Banarasi saree collection The tradition of weaving intricate textiles in Banaras dates back to the Mughal era in the 16th century, although some believe the art may have roots even earlier, in the times of ancient India.
The craft gained immense prominence during the Mughal reign, when royal patronage played a pivotal role in its development. The Mughal emperors brought Persian, Turkish, and Central Asian weaving techniques to India, which merged with the local weaving traditions. saree banarasi saree This fusion of cultures gave rise to the distinctive Banarasi saree, characterized by its rich, opulent fabric, often made of silk, and the elaborate gold or silver brocade work.
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Craftsmanship: The Art of Weaving a Banarasi Saree
The making of a Banarasi saree is a meticulous process that requires immense skill, patience, and precision. saree banarasi saree Traditionally, these sarees were handwoven by skilled artisans known as “karigars,” who would work on large, intricate looms. The process could take weeks or even months, depending on the complexity of the design.
Silk Thread and Zari Work The primary fabric used in Banarasi sarees is silk, often handwoven to create a rich, lustrous appearance. The most luxurious Banarasi sarees feature zari work, which involves the weaving of real gold or silver threads into the fabric to create intricate motifs. original banarasi saree in india This zari work is done using a special technique, which requires extreme precision to ensure that the golden threads do not break or become tangled.
Design Motifs Banarasi sarees are known for their opulent, intricate patterns. Traditional designs often feature motifs such as paisleys, floral patterns, peacocks, and temples. original banarasi saree in india These designs are inspired by nature, Mughal art, and the architecture of temples. The zari work can be found in borders, pallu (the loose end of the saree), and along the entire body of the fabric, creating a breathtaking look.
The Looming Process Banarasi sarees are traditionally woven on a jamdani loom, a complex handloom that allows for the creation of these intricate designs. Modern looms have made the process more efficient, but the essence of the craftsmanship remains unchanged. Weaving a Banarasi saree can take anywhere between 10 to 45 days, depending on the intricacy of the design and the quality of the silk used.
Types of Banarasi Sarees
Over the years, the Banarasi saree has evolved into several distinct types, each with its unique style, texture, and charm. Here are some of the most popular types of Banarasi sarees:
Katan Banarasi Saree A Katan saree is made of pure silk threads woven together to form a smooth, lustrous fabric. Banarasi saree designs in india Known for its simplicity and elegance, the Katan Banarasi saree features minimal but striking zari work, often in the form of floral or geometric patterns.
Organza Banarasi Saree Organza Banarasi sarees are known for their delicate texture and light feel. They are made using organza fabric, which is a thin, sheer material, often adorned with intricate zari and thread work. These sarees are particularly popular during the summer months due to their lightweight nature.
Georgette Banarasi Saree A more contemporary version of the Banarasi saree, the Georgette Banarasi saree is made using georgette fabric, which is known for its softness and flow. Banarasi saree with blouse These sarees are ideal for those looking for a blend of traditional charm and modern convenience.
Shattir Banarasi Saree Shattir sarees are characterized by their smooth texture and a glossy finish. They are lighter in weight compared to Katan sarees and are usually adorned with beautiful brocade work.
Banarasi Silk Saree The Banarasi Silk saree is the most luxurious and widely recognized version of the saree. Made from pure silk threads, these sarees are known for their rich, textured fabric and elegant drape. saree website The use of intricate zari work makes them the preferred choice for weddings and other formal occasions.
Brocade Banarasi Saree Brocade refers to a rich fabric, often woven with gold or silver threads, and is a hallmark of Banarasi sarees. These sarees are heavily adorned with ornamental motifs and are considered the most royal of all the Banarasi saree varieties.
Banarasi Saree for Every Occasion
The Banarasi saree has always been synonymous with celebrations and special occasions. Banarasi saree price in india It is the saree of choice for weddings, festivals, and important ceremonies, where elegance and grandeur are essential. Here’s a closer look at why the Banarasi saree is considered the epitome of luxury:
Weddings Banarasi sarees have always been a part of bridal trousseaus, especially in North India. The rich texture, intricate brocade work, and shimmering zari make it the perfect attire for brides. The saree’s traditional designs symbolize purity, prosperity, and beauty — all qualities that are highly revered in Indian wedding rituals.
Festivals and Celebrations Whether it’s Diwali, Durga Puja, or any other major festival, Banarasi sarees are often chosen to mark the occasion. Banarasi saree for festivals The saree’s luxurious appeal, combined with its cultural significance, makes it the ideal outfit for those who wish to make a statement of grace and tradition.
Formal Occasions Banarasi sarees are also perfect for formal events like corporate galas, state dinners, and cultural functions. Their elegance and rich fabric ensure that the wearer looks distinguished and sophisticated, making a lasting impression.
The Global Appeal of Banarasi Sarees
Though Banarasi sarees originated in India, their charm and allure have transcended borders. Banarasi saree with embroidery Today, women from all over the world are drawn to the timeless beauty of Banarasi sarees. International celebrities, fashion icons, and brides from different cultures have been spotted wearing Banarasi sarees on red carpets, in weddings, and at other high-profile events.
The rise of global fashion and Indian designers showcasing Banarasi sarees on international runways has further elevated the saree’s status as a global fashion statement. The use of Banarasi textiles in couture fashion has helped fuse traditional techniques with modern aesthetics, ensuring that the saree remains relevant in the contemporary world.
Why Banarasi Sarees Are an Investment
A Banarasi saree is more than just an item of clothing; it is an investment in art, culture, and heritage. Buy Banarasi sarees The intricate craftsmanship and luxurious fabric ensure that a well-maintained Banarasi saree can last for generations. With its timeless appeal, it’s no wonder that many consider the saree to be a family heirloom, passed down through generations.
Moreover, with the rise in demand for traditional, handwoven fabrics, Banarasi sarees have also become sought after by collectors and connoisseurs of fine textiles. The continued appreciation for these sarees makes them an enduring investment, both culturally and financially.
Caring for Your Banarasi Saree
Given the delicate and luxurious nature of Banarasi sarees, proper care and maintenance are essential to preserve their beauty and integrity. Here are a few tips to keep your Banarasi saree in pristine condition:
Avoid frequent washing — Hand-wash your Banarasi saree using mild detergent or dry clean it to prevent damage.
Store properly — Hang the saree in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to prevent fading.
Avoid exposure to perfumes and chemicals — These can damage the fabric and tarnish the zari work.
Handle with care — Always handle the saree gently, as the intricate zari work can get damaged if pulled or tugged.
The Banarasi saree is much more than a garment; it is a beautiful representation of India’s rich cultural heritage and textile artistry. From its deep-rooted history to its intricate craftsmanship and luxurious fabric, the Banarasi saree continues to mesmerize fashion enthusiasts and cultural connoisseurs alike. As these sarees evolve with time, they remain an enduring symbol of grace, elegance, and tradition.
Get In Touch Name- Banarashe Website-https://banarashe.com Contact-+91 79054 81412 Email- info@banarashe.com
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atplblog · 5 months ago
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] Presenting premium quality Indian sweet dishes from GHASITARAM'S. Our products are prepared using premium quality natural ingredients: Jaggery, Cashew Nuts, Raisins, Pistachios, Cardamom, Khuskhus, Black Pepper, Aniseed, Turmeric, Coconut Flakes, Pure Ghee (Clarified Butter). With all natural ingredients, no preservatives, and absolutely no chemical taste enhancers we have created our sweets to satisfy the cravings of even the true Indian sweet enthusiast. It is prepared using only high quality ingredients which are handpicked by experts, and acquired from traditional local karigars. This Laddu helps to boost immunity. Traditional and everyone's favourite Indian sweet, A perfect snack for all time cravings. Our sweets has been specially packed using Italian technology for an extended shelf life. Taste Our Indian traditional sweets with classic made with love and care in a clean and hygienic environment to give you the best delightful experience. Perfectly made sweets that fill in your mouth with every bite, savor every bite that satisfies your sweet tooth. The timeless essence of our sweets lies in their taste! Perfect for gifting purpose on every occasions like Diwali, Holi, Rakhi, Birthdays, Ceremony etc. We lead in Gifting and Concepts for all occasions from the choice of corporate or wedding gifts to even food with signature items and dishes. We deliver pan world gifts, Mithais, Chocolates, Mangoes, Dry Fruits, so be it for Diwali, Dussera, Rakshabandan, Ganpati, Holi, Christmas, New Year, Mothers Day, Fathers Day, Valentines or any Day we have gifts and Solutions for all day. Store in a Cool and Dry Place Away from Direct Sunlight. Handmade in the heart of the country with love and all natural ingredients. Ready with fresh, best quality, natural & premium ingredients, Type: Premium Indian Immunity Booster Laddu Natural Ingredients: Jaggery, Cashew Nuts, Raisins, Pistachios, Cardamom, Khuskhus, Black Pepper, Aniseed, Turmeric, Coconut Flakes, Pure Ghee (Clarified Butter) 100% Quality Assured: It is prepared using only high quality ingredients which are handpicked by experts, and acquired from traditional local karigars. It helps to boost immunity. Gift For Every Occasion: Perfect for gifting purpose on every occasions like Diwali, Holi, Rakhi, Birthdays, Ceremony etc. Traditional and everyone's favourite Indian sweet, A perfect snack for all time cravings. [ad_2]
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