#Kanohi Ignika
neon-ufo · 1 year
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"And today, I am the answer"
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toacody · 4 months
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Mata Nui
Old bod, new face.
Creator: imbatman123459
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esperanta-dragon · 1 month
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Let's continue with Bonkle merch I've received this week. I really wanted to make Kanohi Ignika 3D pin with gold plating for a few months and now I have it! Too bad I don't have waterproof camera because underwater photos of this would be cool.
Hopefully more Bonkle merch until end of the year!
You can get it here: SHOP
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When you turn god’s defibrillator into a ✨gingerbread cookie✨
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byz-was-here · 1 year
if the three legendary kanohi masks were all secretly sentient, not just the ignika, and they all decided to make their own bodies and set themselves loose on the world would that be fucked up or what
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dougielombax · 1 year
The Mask of Life is technically God’s defibrillator.
Shut up you know I’m right!
It just happens to be a CURSED defibrillator with a mind of its own but still.
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Bionicle question time
If the toa nuva hadn't forgotten the age appropriate moral lesson again in time for the ignition trilogy and had found the mask of life on their own, who would've sacrificed themselves to safe the great spirit?
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venoblade-bionicles · 1 month
I think that the legendary masks should be the 3 main metallic shades.
Time: copper
Creation: silver
Life: gold
Time should be copper like a mask of victory because it was Vakama's victory to even make it, the mask of creation should be silver because before a mask is worn it's silver, representing all the possibilities of creation, and life is gold because Mata Nui is alive.
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0m3g45n1p3r4lph4 · 1 year
Therapist: "Smooth Ignika isn't real, it can't hurt you."
Smooth Ignika:
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doctorwhi63 · 4 months
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"Sprits of the Air"
As Matoro's sacrifice saved the universe, he used the power of the Kanohi Ignika to send his friends to the place he knew they needed most to be -- the gates of Artahka, where the Toa Nuva had just arrived... alongside Takanuva, now at the end of his interdimensional journeys. There, the old friends celebrated Matoro's victory and mourned the death of their comrade... but not for long, as the brotherhood of Makuta had already launched their attack on Karda Nui. Realizing it was time to pass the mantle of hero on to their old matoran wards, the Toa Nuva returned to Metru Nui to stand guard in Takanuva's place... but not before Gali returned their original masks, recovered from the ruins of Karzahni. Equipping the Toa with new adaptive armor, Artahka teleported the team to the core of the universe, ready to awaken the Great Spirit Mata Nui.
An alternate take on the 2008 Toa Team, based on a fan theory that the Toa Inika/Mahri were meant to continue into that year, but were replaced by the Toa Nuva late in development. In this timeline, Takanuva took Matoro's spot in the team and fought alongside the Phantoka as co-leader of the team, protecting his old av-matoran friends while Jaller lead the Mistika down into the swamp of secrets.
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0m3g4skanohiforge · 4 months
I swear, sometimes the effects of these dyes are as predictable as experimenting with Energized Protodermis....
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Of note, the bottom 3 are official pieces and colours. All of the top attempts have been trying to match the middle Old Purple.
Also teaser for new molds I suppose lol. Ignika has too many issues for me to consider launching it yet so it's gonna stick around for colour testing, but the Kiril is just making that lower limit of good to go, so I'm gonna hold off on using that mold until I'm ready to start actually prepping for its launch properly.
Strangely also, the Kiril is revealing to me just how much more complex molding the '04 Kanohi is, and I'm gonna try to retroactively apply that knowledge to the Noble Huna since I think they may be having the same issues. It'd be nice to finally complete the '01 Kanohi set
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mugbearerscorner · 7 months
Decided to pick a Bionicle character for each of the Major Arcana
The Fool - Takua/Takanuva
Simply put, Takua and Takanuva manages to be the centerpiece of many events in the BIONICLE lore, giving him the biggest Protagonist Energy, complete with the "Coming of Age"/"Trans Allegory" bit with the Mask of Light.
The Magician - Vakama
Spiritual leader, with visions of the future, a perfect candidate for being the "conduit of the divine", connecting the spiritual realm with the material one.
The High Priestess - Nuju
Being the one who reads the stars for prophecies and premonitions and keeping a Prophecy Wall in Ko-Koro, Nuju fits this one very well IMO.
The Empress - Artakha. Alternatively: Onewa
A being of great creative potential.
The Emperor - Turaga Dume
Specifically because he's the face of authority in Metru Nui.
The Hierophant - Whenua
Was struggling with this one, but I think Whenua fits since he's an Archivist, who likes for things to be in Order and is concerned with the preservation of the past.
The Lovers - Toa Hewkii and matoran Macku
Represents their over-arching relationship and its persistence despite all of the adversities thrown at them by Makuta and, later, Velika.
The Chariot - Kapura
Somehow, he managed to learn to fast travel by being slow, methodical and persistent.
The Strength - Jaller
This is very straightforward: Jaller is a natural leader.
The Hermit - Toa Lesovikk
On the long journey to forgive himself, to get rid of internalized stigma imposed by both his own conscience and the societal ostracization.
Wheel of Fortune - Toa Lhikan
Both the one who guided (with difficulties) the Toa Metru to thwart Makuta's plans, and the one whose Mask served to shape Jaller.
The Justice - Velika
He threw the self-awareness switch, for better or for worse, and that decision eventually will come back to bite him in the ass.
The Hanged Man - Matoro
His was the necessary sacrifice.
The Death - Toa Tahu
The first Toa we see in MNOG, the ominous figure in the smoke, and a symbol of major change in the lives of the matoran of Mata Nui.
The Temperance - Makuta Teridax
His plan to overtake the Matoran Universe certainly required a lot of patience and moderation, and he had it in spades.
The Devil - Ahkmou
One of the most mercantile Matoran you'd ever encounter, he has been on his path to ruin way before Makuta - literally - fished him out and brainwashed him.
The Tower - Tren Krom
Meeting Tren Krom is what fundamentally changed the Makuta's concept of the universe and prompted him to formulate his Great Plan.
The Star - Keetongu
This intelligent being counters the effects of the Hordika Venom, and in general considered to be a great healer. He helped the Rahaga to regain their Toa forms.
The Moon - Axonn, specifically: Kanohi Rode
The ability to see past illusions, literally being called Mask of Truth.
The Sun - Matau/Lewa/Pohatu
Honestly, any character that shows optimism and being the alleviating force among their respective friend circle.
The Judgement - Toa Ignika
The consciousness in the Mask Of Light got inspired by Matoro's courage to take an active role in its own fate.
The World - The Great Spirit Mata Nui
Unsurprisingly, perhaps. From being the entire Matoran Universe in himself, to being the centerpiece of matoran faith and creed.
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I love that Mata Nui the island that was Mata Nui's literal mask, to disguise him on other planets, became a place for plants, fleeing rahi, and Metru Nui's population. It sustained them. It was a place of life teeming with nature.
The Ignika, bearing the symbol of the Great Spirit Robot, that helped revive him later was / is Mata Nui's kanohi. Ignika helped him restore the shattered three planets into Spherus Magna and bring life back. It is a place now for rahi and animals, Spherus Magnans and GSR residents that lost their homes to devastation.
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esperanta-dragon · 4 months
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I've made Bionicle totebags as a merch for my Artist Alley booth for one of conventions in my country. I came back to Bionicle after I saw Masks of Power trailer and since then I am neck deep in lore again. Even if none of these were sold, I would be happy to carry them around. But every time someone saw and knew what is that, they went full ballistic mode: "OMG, BIONICLE!" and then spent great deal of time talking to me about it.
It's just nice to see how one whole generation grew up with Bionicle and once Lego stopped releasing them, we all kinda forgot about them, but when we see something Bionicle related, the core memory just lights up.
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silent-moons-camp · 4 months
these are the same thing
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mantis = kanohi ignika...
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toaskello · 1 year
Ok, so people on Bionicle Discords are talking about Creeping in My Soul and Bring Me to Life. I think it's a common sentiment that the former is almost certainly based on the latter (though is a definite improvement IMO). But what if I told you that Bring Me to Life is actually way more relevant to Bionicle than its "copycat"? Specifically, it's a conversation between Mata Nui and Matoro at the end of 2007.
Going to need to go line by line for this
How can you see into my eyes like open doors?
Starting off a bit weak, but Mata Nui's eyes are quite literally doors. BA6 shows that Naho Bay is where the Toa Metru first arrived on the island above, and that's directly above one of the GSR's eyeholes.
Leading you down into my core
Matoro is being led to Karda Nui, which is often referred to as the core of the universe, by the return of Voya Nui.
where I've become so numb
The core is numb, the energy storms have stopped.
Without a soul, my spirit's sleeping somewhere cold
It's essential to the conclusion of 2008 that Mata Nui's spirit temporarily left his body.
Until you find it there and lead it back home
Pretty self explanatory, Mata Nui wants Matoro to use the mask to return his spirit to his body before he dies.
Wake me up inside
Again self explanatory, Mata Nui telling the beings inside him to wake him up.
Call my name and save me from the dark
Three guesses as to what the dark represents.
Bid my blood to run before I come undone
Either referring to the repopulation of Metru Nui (Matoran are often likened to red blood cells) or reactivation of the energy storms (Karda Nui is the heart).
Save me from the nothing I've become
A bit of foreshadowing for the twist ending of 2008. Mata Nui has realized that Makuta, who is often referred to as "nothing", has become the Great Spirit.
Now that I know what I'm without, you can't just leave me
Mata Nui's character arc is about recognizing how he completely ignored his inhabitants. He took them for granted, and he recognizes that here.
Breathe into me and make me real
Ok yeah I got nothing
Bring me to life
Self explanatory.
Frozen inside without your touch, without your love
Another reference to ice, Matoro's element. This is starting to get into the importance of Matoro specifically, elaborated on in the next line.
Darling, only you are the life among the dead
Matoro is the Ignika's chosen bearer. Only he can hold it without being cursed. He's also about to be very much not alive, but Mata Nui reassures him that his spirit will live on. It's also a nod to the Kanohi Tryna that was given to him as a test of character. He would resurrect the dead, being the only life among them.
All this time I can't believe I couldn't see
Alright, Matoro lines. What has he realized?
Kept in the dark, but you were there in front of me
Ah, he's realized the true identity of Mata Nui! The Great Spirit has been in front of him all along, just not in a form he recognized. Canon materials often used the phrase of toiling "in the dark" when describing the Matoran creating the GSR as a euphemism for being unaware that their home was the body of the Great Spirit.
I've been sleeping a thousand years it seems, got to open my eyes to everything
Without a thought, without a voice, without a soul
Matoro is transforming into energy. He's beginning to lose his corporeal form.
Don't let me die here, there must be something more
Matoro regrets his decision to don the mask. This is something that explicitly doesn't happen in canon, but this isn't actually a Bionicle song and I'm doing my best here ok
Bring me to life
I've been living a lie
Matoro grappling with the revelation that Mata Nui is the MU.
There's nothing inside
Again an oblique reference to Makuta taking control of Mata Nui's body.
so there you have it, incontrovertible proof that this popular mainstream song that was released in 2003 was written about the plotline of a 2007 toy. i will not be taking questions at this time.
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