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taisakuraokiya-blog · 6 years ago
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เมษายน 2562: ไมโกะ Kanohisa (โอกิยะ Kanoya), ไมโกะ Ryouma (โอกิยะ Sakaemasa), ไมโกะ Masano (โอกิยะ Man), ไมโกะ Kanotomo (โอกิยะ Kanoya), ไมโกะ Tomichie (โอกิยะ Tomikiku), และไมโกะ Kanochiyo (โอกิยะ Kanoya) จากเขต Gion Higashi กำลังร่ายรำที่ศาลเจ้า Heian (平安神)
Source: kyoto1372 on Instagram
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geimei · 6 years ago
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April 2019: Maiko Kanochiyo (Kanoya Okiya) of Gion Higashi performing at the Gion Hatanaka ryokan.
Source: langersinsinglah on Instagram
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missmyloko · 6 years ago
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October 4th, 2018: Congratulations to Kanohisa (叶久) and Kanochiyo (叶千代) of Kanoya (叶家) in Gion Higashi on the occasion of their misedashi! The pair had been spotted as early as Setsubun back in February and have now become proud members of a kagai whose growth and success seems to be rising! In the images Kanochiyo is on the left and Kanohisa is on the right ^^! おめでとうさんどす叶久ちゃんと叶千代ちゃん ^o^! Images courtesy of The Gion Higashi Kabukai and Riko512tr [1] [2].
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oiran-geisha · 6 years ago
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Oirangeisha’s high hopes for the 2018 girls.
I told you my opinion and my hopes on my new favorite girls who have had their misedashi this year. It’s not very objective because I don’t speak about some of them. Also this is just a quick opinion nothing too serious I don’t claim to know those girls.
1/Mizuno from Fukushima okiya (GK) and debuted march 4th 2018. I really enjoyed seeing Mizuno blossom this year and with such a good onesan as Fumino I think this girl is well set for a sucessful career! She does have a lovely look which make me wait for her pictures always! (Source)
2/Mameyo of Arai okiya (GK) debuted march 7th 2018. I’m reeeally into her ! Her okiya is know to recruit talented dancer and she surely is one of them! And with Mameroku as onesan (which im glad she have the opportunity to have that role) Mameyo can only progress! (Source)
3/Kanochiyo (l) and Kanohisa (r) from Kanoya okiya (GH) debuted october 4th 2018. Im always hyped for new Gion Higashi’s girls and those two look adorable! I wish them the best of luck and im sure they will shine! (Source)
4/Ichigiku from the Ichi okiya (K) debuted october 24th 2018. I love to see new face at Ichi okiya ! And having such a prestigious onesan as Umegiku could only serve this lovely young lady! And what a lovely face im looking forward to see her progress! (Source)
5/Ichisumi from Yamaguchi okiya (P) debuted january 8th 2018. She is the imouto of Ichisayo who is a geiko that i love! So i can only root for the little sister you know! And she does have a lovely “pontocho like” silhouette and look! (Source)
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geimei · 6 years ago
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February 2019: Maiko Tomichie (Tomikiku Okiya), Maiko Kanochiyo (Kanoya Okiya), Maiko Kanotomo (Kanoya Okiya), Maiko Kanohiro (Kanoya Okiya), Maiko Masano (Man Okiya), Maiko Kanohisa (Kanoya Okiya) and Maiko Ryouma (Sakaemasa Okiya) of Gion Higashi performing at the Yasaka Shrine during Setsubun.
Setsubun is the traditional beginning of the lunar new year and celebrated every year from February 2nd to February 4th. A group of Maiko of each kagai of Kyoto perform several dances at their respective shrines and then throw lucky beans into the crowd to dispell evil spirits; this tradition is called mameaki.
Gion Higashi usually sends four or five Maiko to perform at the Yasaka Shrine on February 3rd, but this year, they send all their seven active Maiko to perform. Maiko Kanohiro got the center position, since she has the most seniority.
Source: jjeune11 on Instagram
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taisakuraokiya-blog · 6 years ago
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เมษายน 2562: ไมโกะ Kanochiyo, ไมโกะ Kanotomo (โอกิยะ Kanoya), ไมโกะ Tomichie (โอกิยะ Tomikiku), และไมโกะ Kanohiro (โอกิยะ Kanoya) จากเขต Gion Higashi กำลังร่ายรำในเพลง Gion Kouta
Gion Kouta (祇園小唄) เป็นเพลงพื้นฐานที่สุดที่ไมโกะจะฝึกร่ายรำเป็นเพลงแรก เนื้อเพลงแบ่งออกเป็น 4 กลุ่มหลักๆ กล่าวถึงฤดูกาลทั้งสี่ในเกียวโต
Source: @jp_kanrikan on Twitter
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taisakuraokiya-blog · 6 years ago
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พฤษภาคม 2562: ไมโกะจากเขต Gion Higashi ได้แก่ ไมโกะ Masanao (โอกิยะ Man), ไมโกะ Kanochiyo, ไมโกะ Kanohisa (โอกิยะ Kanoya), ไมโกะ Tomichie (โอกิยะ Tomikiku), และไมโกะ Ryouma (โอกิยะ Sakaemasa)
Source: chuan_lai_1219 on Deskgram
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geimei · 6 years ago
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Today in Gion Higashi: Misedashi of Maiko Kanohisa and Kanochiyo from the Kanoya Okiya!
I’m so happy to hear good news from Kanoya! Last year, Kanotomo made her debut in June and she has become pretty popular already, and in late June, Kanowaka (fomerly Fukuharu) switched to Kanoya, and now they have two new girls! It’s looking up for them!
Kanoya is atcually a pretty small okiya, that had fallen onto hard times in the 80s when the Geisha numbers in Japan started to rapidly decline, but in the 10 to 15 years, Gion Higashi as a whole has managed to recover and Kanoya has also been doing better more recently. Kanohiro and Kanotomo are two of my favourite Maiko, so I have a soft spot for this okiya.
Kanohisa and Kanochiyo were sighted as Shikomi for the first time in early February, but they were probably around for a little longer than that, probably since shortly after New Year or even a little earlier, so they had at least 8 months of preparation for their debut.
And my god, they are so cute! Both of them look quite young, but in different ways. Kanochiyo (second picture) has a round face with still quite a lot of baby fat, so it will be interesting to see how she will mature, and Kanohisa has the very typical (and sought-after) Maiko-look, and she actually reminds me a bit of Katsuemi from Gion Kobu. Their debut is such happy news not only for Kanoya, but for the entirety of Gion Higashi, and I hope that they’ll stay around for their full Maiko-period at least!
Congratulations on your debut Kanohisa and Kanochiyo, and all the best wishes for your career!
Source 1: yoshiyan on Instagram Source 2: giwonhigashi - Blog Source 3: 莉子 on Instagram
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taisakuraokiya-blog · 6 years ago
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ธันวาคม 2561: ไมโกะ Kanohisa, ไมโกะ Kanotomo, เกโกะ Kanowaka, และไมโกะ Kanochiyo (โอกิยะ Kanoya) จากเขต Gion Higashi ในจังหวัด Kyoto
โอบิของไมโกะเป็นโอบิประเภท Darari (だらり帯) และผูกเงื่อนโอบิในเงื่อน Darari Musubi (だらり結) โดยโอบิ Darari นี้มีความยาวถึง 6-7 เมตร ช่วงปลายด้านหนึ่งของโอบิ Darari นี้จะมีสัญลักษณ์ประจำโอกิยะ (置屋 : สำนักเกอิชา) ที่จะแตกต่างกันไปในแต่ละโอกิยะ เพื่อให้ผู้ที่พบเจอไมโกะทราบว่าเธอมาจากโอกิยะไหน
Source: hide4630 on Instagram
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missmyloko · 2 years ago
What’s In a Name? Part 24
On The Fourth Day Of Fun I present... another entry in the oldest series! Words are always fun, so let’s dive in and learn about some new ones! Hide - 秀 Prefix or Suffix: Both Old Meaning: Excellence or Beauty New (Standardized) Meaning: Excellence or Beauty Found In: All Five Kagai This kanji is overall a wonderful one as it’s upbeat, positive, and just great to have! When using it to mean “beauty” it’s often done in relation to someone’s looks or if they already have another kanji in their name that already means “excellence.” Examples 真理秀 Marihide (Gion Kobu): “True Logic and Beauty,” this translation used “beauty” instead of “excellence” as it sounded better when describing a person. 秀咲季 Hidesaki (Pontocho): “Excellent Blossom Season,” this one describes the time of flowers blooming, so “excellent” was more appropriate here. 秀治 Hideji (Kamishichiken): “Excellent Ruler,” this one could have gone either way, but “excellence” sounded better when referring to a ruler. 芳秀 Yoshihide (Miyagawa Cho): “Excellent Perfume,” another one that could have gone either way, but “excellent” sounded better in this instance again. 秀千代 Hidechiyo (Gion Higashi): “Eternally Excellent,” a pretty great name to have! Sumi - 純 Prefix or Suffix: Suffix Old Meaning: Purity or Innocence  New (Standardized) Meaning: Purity or Innocence  Found In: Gion Kobu, Kamishichiken, and Miyagawa Cho Another wonderful kanji, this one describes the innocence or purity in things, like newly fallen snow or the wonderment of a child. Examples 小純 Kosumi (Gion Kobu): “Small Innocence,” pretty straightforward in that it describes someone who is small and innocent. 市純 Ichisumi (Kamishichiken): “First Innocence,” using it as “first” in this case like the shrine marker eludes to the purity of the shrine itself and the innocence of the deities residing there. とし純 Toshisumi (Miyagawa Cho): “Town of Innocence” or “Year of Innocence,” since “Toshi” can have two different meanings it’s important to list both.   Kana/Kano/Ka - 叶 Prefix or Suffix: Prefix Old Meaning: Wish New (Standardized) Meaning: Wish Found In: Pontocho, Kamishichiken, Miyagawa Cho, and Gion Higashi A third wonderful kanji that represents wishes! What could be better than wishing on a star and hoping that your dreams come true? ^^ Examples 叶蝶 Kanachō (Pontocho): “Butterfly Wishes,” in this case it’s the butterfly who makes the wishes. 梅叶菜 Umekana (Kamishichiken): “Plum Who Wishes of Vegetables,” this one was slightly harder to translate into something that made sense, so I hope that it ended up working. 叶はる Kanaharu (Miyagawa Cho): “Spring Wishes,” a refreshing name! 叶千代 Kanochiyo (Gion Higashi): “Eternal Wishes,” something that we all wish for ^^
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missmyloko · 3 years ago
May I ask , why maiko Kanohisa and Kanochiyo left ? And why at the same time ?
The reason why they left is personal. As to why they left at the same time, it seems as though they decided to leave together.
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missmyloko · 3 years ago
Hello Missmyloko , I hope you are fine and safe ! I have learned that maiko Kanohisa is retired now ! What a big shock for me . Do you know if it is true ? Thanks so much , I am so sad for her :(
Yes, she retired last August along with Kanochiyo :(
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missmyloko · 3 years ago
Summer Retirements
This is a summary of those who have left throughout this summer. Most don’t have exact dates (as those tend to be rare) but rather only the months in which they either happened or were confirmed. June Koyoshi 小芳 of Nakagishi 中支志 in Gion Kobu Konatsu 小奈都 of Nakagishi 中支志 in Gion Kobu Umechika 梅智賀 of Umeno 梅乃 in Kamishichiken Ichitaka 市多佳 of Ichi 市 in Kamishichiken Koeri 小衿 of Hiroshimaya 廣島屋 in Gion Kobu July Katsuume 佳つ梅 of Odamoto 小田本 in Gion Kobu August Kanohisa 叶久 of Kanoya 叶家 in Gion Higashi Kanochiyo 叶千代 of Kanoya 叶家 in Gion Higashi Suzuno 鈴乃 of Fukushima 福島 in Gion Kobu The correction here is that Umeha has NOT retired, but rather it is Umechika who has left the profession. 
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missmyloko · 3 years ago
Hello Missloko. In 'Kanji of Gion Higashi' Maiko Tomichie is still listed as active. Also very sad to know that Maiko Kanohisa and Kanochiyo retired, I was really hoping they'd stick around longer :(
Thanks for the catch! Yes, it is very sad that two promising maiko have left the profession so soon :(
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missmyloko · 5 years ago
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February 2nd and 3rd, 2020: The annual Setsubun (節分) dances took place across Kyoto. Each year the gokagai sends a host of dancers to perform dedication dances that are then followed up by the ritual of bean tossing (Mamemaki). Traditionally beans are thrown out on Setsubun to drive away demons and to invite in good fortune. Each kagai was represented by the following dancers: Gion Kobu: Mamekinu (まめ衣), Mitsuki (美月), and Kohana (小花) Pontocho: Hidekano (秀華乃) and Hidemai (秀眞衣) Kamishichiken: Umeha (梅葉), Naokinu (尚絹), Umehina (梅ひな), Ichiaya (市彩), and Katsuki (勝貴) Miyagawa Cho: Toshinana (とし七菜), Toshinami (とし菜実), Kimimoe (君萌), and Fukuyuri (ふく友利) Gion Higashi: Masano (満彩野), Tomichie (富千英), Kanohisa (叶久), Kanochiyo (叶千代), Masanao (満彩尚), and Tomihoshi (富豊志) Images are courtesy of S Okuda [1] [2] [3], Kazuhiro715, Tomtombeat, Kyoto Camera Club, Koichi Kyoto Tour Guide, Sayaka426, Juni7952, and Masato Ky.
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missmyloko · 5 years ago
I've seen pictures on Instagram recently of the Gion Higashi maiko dressed in period clothes. Do you know what the occasion was?
That was the Jidai Matsuri (時代祭)! The 2019 participants include: Tomoe Gozen: Ichimame (市真芽) - Pontocho Wake No Hiromushi: Taka (多香) - Pontocho Sei Shonagon: Ichifuku (市福) - Pontocho Murasaki Shikibu: Chizu (千鶴) - Pontocho Ono no Komachi: Ichiaya (市彩) - Pontocho Ono No Komachi’s Attendant: Hidechisa (秀知紗) - Pontocho Ki No Tsurayuki Musume: Momifuku (もみ福) - Pontocho Tokiwa Gozen: Hisasuzu (久鈴) - Pontocho Yokobue: Hisamomo (久桃) - Pontocho Shizuka Gozen/Lady Shizuka: Masano (満彩野) - Gion Higashi Shizuka Gozen/Lady Shizuka's Attendant: Tomichie (富千英) - Gion Higashi Abutsu Ni: Hinayū (雛祐) - Gion Higashi Yodogimi: Kanohiro (叶紘) - Gion Higashi Yodogimi’s Attendants: Kanohisa (叶久), Kanochiyo (叶千代), and Masanao (満彩尚) - Gion Higashi  You can read about the costumes and the people portrayed here ^^
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