howlingday · 29 days
Ruby: ...Hey, Jaune?
Jaune: Yeah?
Ruby: Why do the girls you draw have such long hair?
Jaune: Do they? I guess I never noticed it. Probably something subconscious.
Ruby: ...
Jaune: ...
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Jaune: Did... Did you have a growth spurt?
Ruby: It's a wig. I'm trying out something new. B-But... Do you think I look cuter than the girls you draw?
Jaune: What? There's no one cuter than you, Ruby.
Ruby: ...
Ruby: How can a guy who draws all day say something so embarrassing?
Jaune: ...No wig today?
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Ruby: Nah. It got stuffy.
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pixlerelish · 4 months
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💔 Dev Saran moodboard for @justshahrukhkhan ❤️
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laughableillusions · 4 months
KANK was kind of fucking hilarious. Dev and Maya are making out in the fucking rain crying and showing clear signs of mental illness meanwhile Rhea and Rishi are just in the club partying
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misha-69innit · 4 months
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Dev Saran screencaps (feel free to use as icons!!!)
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justshahrukhkhan · 9 months
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Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna, bts
...SRK with the earmuffs, coffee and cigarette, Rani in her blanket - such a mood.
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anotherfanaccount · 10 months
Srk Rani needs to do another movie. Adi be nice and cast your wife and the coolest actor you've worked with in a romance.
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wildcheries · 1 year
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shahrukh khan in kabhi alvida naa kehna (2006)
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autismgaara · 1 year
never pause naruto
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mindotaur · 15 days
We're getting that tablet pen! It will be delivered next week and we're planning on drawing so much once it's here 💜💜💜💜 ahhh I'm excited
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knackfandomarchive · 10 months
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barbarodecristo · 5 months
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howlingday · 1 year
Nora: Jaune, who is this?
Jaune: Huh... That's you, Nora.
Nora: The correct answer is, "My super cute, absolutely adorable, beautiful beyond equal, big booty, big boob ultra-mega-special wife, Nora~!"
Jaune: That's... That's a bit overboard.
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sb-aasld · 2 years
Tags I use
(click the tags when opening my blog) blogtheme )
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leiandroid · 3 months
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yakuza au
ok fam this au is now separated from my previous inohina yakuza/bratva au. had to fly the girls back to japan and they got a whole new backstory ! big wall of text incoming ↓↓↓
-- uchiha clan
a clan that was once powerful but was slowly eating itself from the inside. rife with internal conflict and distrust, key figures sought to strengthen the clan and each had an idea of how to bring about that change, though no two could come to an agreement on a single method. tensions amongst the ranks began to fracture the uchiha.
taking advantage of the power struggle, madara, with the hopes of seizing total control, ignites a spark that quickly turns into a bloodbath. many low level thugs employed by the uchiha flee the compound as each key figure and their loyal followers battle it out until so few are left standing it could barely be called a clan anymore.
the power vacuum left behind by the dissolution of the uchiha has created an extremely volatile environment in the crime world as different yakuza families seek to claim the uchiha’s previously held operations and territory.
-- hebi
sick of the endless politics and weakening bonds amongst the clan, sasuke left to forge his own path. as punishment for leaving the clan itachi takes his eye.
he had never expected that the power struggles within the uchiha would lead to a massacre. so when he heard about the bloodbath occurring inside the uchiha compound, he rushed home to save his parents from a grim fate. but was too late when he witnessed itachi kill them by his own blade.
sasuke quickly enacted revenge by killing itachi and when the dust settled and madara emerged as victor, sasuke turned his blade on him too and snuffed out the flame of the uchiha forever.
karin is an ex-cop that was the uchiha's informant within the police. she brokers deals and negotiations on behalf of sasuke. she is his mouthpiece, so to speak.
sasuke is also seeking two who were once allies/friends. suigetsu who had always dreamed to join the seven swordsmen's guild, and juugo a talented and brutal fighter who dominates the underground fighting scene.
together he hopes to form a small mercenary group for hire.
-- inoshikacho alliance / inoshikacho rengo
one of the first yakuza family alliances ever made going back generations. inoshin yamanaka, chosuke akimichi and shikanazai nara where the first of each clan to join the families into an alliance that has since become one of the strongest and long-lasting alliances in yakuza history.
at the age of 25 each member of the alliance is to have at least two children to ensure the next generation of the inoshikacho alliance grow up together and are trained to take on the mantle for the sake of the alliance's future. this also ensures that at least 3 generations are alive at any one time (if they don't meet an early grave that is).
the yamanaka run brothels, which act as a communication and information network. every girl is hand picked by ino or by trusted subordinates and trained in the art of seduction and information gathering. the yamanaka have large underground garden operations that cultivate plants for poisons with all kinds of effects and traceability, from the quick and painless to the slow and destructive.
akimichi control entertainment districts, money laundering operations and run the largest underground fighting scene. money flowing in and out of casinos and other avenues are fully controlled by the akimichi.
the nara are drug traffickers that control market price and distribution.
-- hyuuga clan / hyuuga kai
the strongest and most notorious yakuza in all of japan. their efficiency in all that they do make them a fierce clan. when the clanhead was found dead, many other groups thought this was finally the crack in the hyuuga shield and made moves to try and see if they could challenge their authority. but the second daughter stepped into place and ordered everyone in within a certain radius of the hyuuga estate dead.
if they thought hyuuga hiashi was a ruthless leader, hanabi, in one day alone, managed to put herself up as one of the deadliest and horrifying yakuza leaders in recent history.
their efficiency in the business and economics sector, as well as having ties within governmental and political bodies, makes them a very powerful clan with many branching factions reaching far and wide across the country.
someone, somewhere, always answers to a hyuuga.
-- neji hyuuga (tian)
after hizashi failed to protect the hyuuga leader's eldest daughter, he had to pay with his life in front of his only son.
watching his father commit seppuku and then swiftly beheaded by hiashi in front of the elders and close family, stuck with neji his whole life. he made a silent vow to exact revenge on hiashi. the bitterness in his heart made living amongst the hyuuga a slow acting poison. his hate for hiashi became stronger than his love for his father and he could never look upon a picture of hizashi anymore because his face was the face of his enemy.
neji bided his time for years and years until one fateful night he murdered hiashi in cold blood and fled the hyuuga estate. he made his way towards mainland china with some aid from a contact in the chinese triads. he disappeared for many years living amongst a guild of killers and started going by the name tian.
his next order of business was to find the abducted daughter that caused the death of his father and kill her himself.
-- hinata hyuuga (makoto)
the abducted hyuuga heir, taken from the hyuuga clan at a very young age. makoto lives her life as a simple woman, adopted by an elderly couple in the countryside, unaware of who she is or where she comes from.
when a 'chinese' man that bears an uncanny resemblance to her shows up at her cottage one day, calling her a name that does not belong to her, her life is flipped on its head and she finds herself plunged into the underbelly of society.
-- chinese triads / pirates
tenten is a weapons smuggler. though she is affiliated with the chinese triads, she smuggles and trades weapons for anyone that buys them, as her true loyalty is to money.
tenten's operations are done by sea and she has control over a small fleet of boats that answer to her. other than a port owned by the triads, she has claimed a small remote island as her home and base of operations.
she was also neji's contact that helped him sail the seas to mainland china after he murdered hiashi.
-- korean mafia
kiba is an animal trafficker. he acquires exotic animals for their ivory/fur/leather as well as selling them alive to the wealthy for their collections and keeps.
he has sold exotic birds to the yamanaka for their gardens. gathered all manner of cervidae antlers from around the world for the nara's collection. has captured the most venomous snakes known to mankind for several organisations, including certain individuals of the uchiha family. has also sold a number of species of animals for tenten for her island.
he is generally in good graces with all kinds of people/groups due to his connections and ability to acquire the even the most endangered and rare species in the world.
-- suna siblings
kankuro and temari own a small medical clinic. kankuro is a general family doctor. people come to him for check-ups and simple treatments and minor operations. temari handles all the logistics, and appears as the clinic's secretary. they have 3 nurses: matsuri, yukata, mikoshi.
kankuro is also a certified surgeon and operates on all sorts of gang members in the hidden basement operation room. matsuri has been trusted to help kankuro with these operations when needed. their practice offers complete discretion and the clinic has become off-bounds for any gang violence, even if rivalling groups happen to meet each other on the premises. they enter a truce for as long as they are within a certain radius of the clinic.
the brother and sister duo are a respected, unaffiliated group, and they also use their operations to get clues on their brother's whereabouts.
gaara was kidnapped at a young age and was tortured to the point that psychosis was induced. he is held in the same place as juugo and both are used in fights that many come to pay dearly to watch and bet on.
-- police
with his parents killed and taken from his home, naruto was raised by a gang who kidnaps boys to beat and torture, and train them into savage fighters. he dreamed for a life where he could see the sun and the sea, to eat a hot bowl of ramen once again.
when a police investigation finally bore fruit, naruto was rescued from the place. he was taken in by iruka, one of the cops, and eventually followed in his footsteps. he made a promise that he would find and save the redhead that had once clung to him down in those dark cells.
tsunade is chief of police. sai is a detective. lee is a chinese detective commissioned by the chinese police to go to japan to work alongside the tokyo metropolitan police dept to follow the chinese triads operations in japan. (or is it the hosting country that commissions?? anyway) a number of jonin from naruto are also police including: kakashi, yamato, genma, anko, etc etc.
-- sakura
sakura is the head of a large hospital that was once tied up with the uchiha who used her as an in for smuggling medical supplies. she was called upon as their emergency doctor to treat key figures when needed.
upon hearing about their massacre she felt total relief that the family threatening her life were finally gone. she thought she was free from them when a certain uchiha and 2 others showed up at her door demanding treatment.
she can't say she was happy to be back in such a predicament but it seemed that this uchiha didn't have a penchant for threatening her life as his family did. and for selfish reasons, she was okay with this arrangement.
-- the aburame
a family of assassins. their efficiency and untraceable methods make them a highly coveted group of hitmen whose services are sold to the highest bidder. the aburame have close ties with the yamanaka of the inashikacho alliance as they outsource some of their poisons from the yamanaka gardens.
even though the yamanaka, akimichi, and nara families formed an alliance generations ago, this agreement between the yamanaka and aburame remains a secret from the rest of the alliance.
the aburame are a completely neutral party and the yamanaka understands this. to pay for their secrecy and treachery towards their sworn brothers, the yamanaka accept that if a hit were ordered against their own, it wouldn't affect their business with the aburame.
if u read all this many hugs and kisses mwah
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misha-69innit · 7 months
"tumhi dekho na" is my lifeblood
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burin-burin · 1 year
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