pixie-mask · 4 months
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cookiekurimu · 2 years
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two purple (one -ish) thieves!!! 
art by cookie
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jansibik · 2 years
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14. 1. 2023 Volby prezidenta republiky - první kolo. #generalpavel #sibik #prezidenstkevolby #kampan #cesko #muzeum #česko #nerudova #fischer #volby2023 #nerudova #danusenerudova https://www.instagram.com/p/CnbOZHEKLkS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kampanscreek · 9 months
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More Signalis doodles
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mixxiw · 2 years
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“All the hosts at Mama Gogo must go through this process. Everyone has auditioned [...] Tell me about yourself.”
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mirtapersonal · 2 years
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So this is where the carnival vehicles spend the rest of the year, while they wait for February.
The city Rijeka is famous for its carnival.
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chickenstrangers · 9 months
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MAMA GOGO (2022)
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lumisparks · 16 days
Indivisible: Dhar Reincarnated
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← Chapter 4
Word Count: Almost 3k Words
Dhar and his friends were at Princess Mary’s castle after a victorious battle against the Neo-Ravannavar Army. In the throne room, the princess rewards them with medals that were shaped like cogs. As much as Mary is glad to see that her people are safe, but in the back of her mind... Something was bothering her. This caught the heroes’ attention, “Princess? Is something the matter?” Zebei asks.
Mary walks her way to the window, viewing her people repairing the damages in town square. She places her hand onto the glass and tells her woes,
”Sorry... I’m worried that the Navar Army might strike again if they actually go to my factories.. The technology they have... It’s remarkable that it puts me into shame and disgust. They took down half of my robots by draining the life out of them! They almost killed Antoine and Eurynomos too.”
She clicks her tongue then swiftly moves her feet to face Dhar, Zebei, and Kushi.
“And I thank you from the bottom of my heart for saving them. As Princess Mary of the Iron Kingdom, I heed your assistance for a little longer. Is that alright?”
The 3 warriors looked at each other then smiled. They looked back at the princess as Dhar was first to speak, “Of course, your majesty. Anything to help you and your people.”
“Ah! That’s wonderful to hear. Now come with me, warriors.
Especially you two, Antoine and Eurynomos.”
Everyone leaves the castle, now guided away by the princess. A moment later, Princess Mary stops abruptly alongside the others. They saw they were in front of a big factory with guards that had a cross symbol on their helmets, patrolling the place. Mary points at Antoine,
”Mr. Antoine, go guard the entrance of the factory wiiiith...“ She hums, analyzing her roster until she eyes on Dhar, ”Him! With Dhar!”
“Of course, Princess Mary,” The knight looks at the other man and grins,
“You’re lucky to be paired up with a fine knight like me!”
Dhar blinks, “Really?”
“Yes! I’ll tell you everything I know about the might of a warrior!”
Mary laughs awkwardly and crosses her arms,
“Antoine has a bit of pride in him, but I think he’ll do well around you for the job,” she remarks. She looks at Zebei, Kushi, and Eurynomos, giving them orders,
”You two, Zebei and Kushi. I want you both to go around town if there are any suspicious people. As for Eurynomos, guard my most special possession... ESTHER.”
The robot bows and heads inside the factory while Lhan’s protectors go to patrol the town. Dhar curiously raises his hand,
”Princess Mary? What’s ESTHER?”
“ESTHER is a defense weapon that stores slime and converts it into power and energy. It is in its beta stages though... I want to find a way to not be a hazard in my kingdom’s environment...”
Mary explains as she sighs, adding on,
“I want it to be good enough.”
“I think expressing the amount of work you’ve done is more good than it is.”
The princess simply smiles and leaves with no other answer, but to leave her men at charge.
With nothing else to do, Dhar and Antoine simply stand in front of the entrance as the seconds go by. The knight casually grooms his thick pompadour while the swordsman(despite his sword remains to be upgraded) looks up at the sky.
He was used to seeing it green in the kingdom but when being in a higher area, they’re blue. The clouds were puffy, they can still manage some shapes though.
So, he started to look through one of them. They look like... A mountain, a boulder, a pebble, a rock... another rock... another rock–Oh hey a diamond! Not sure why he was thinking about rocks for a minute there.
The others look like a ship, a flower, a vase, and... a ro–Sword. A sword. Just thinking about his blade makes him hope that Kampan will finish it soon. With a groan, Dhar sits on a crate and crosses his arms.
As for Zebei wandering in the streets of Iron Kingdom, he heard some whining that came halfway from the factory. He turns his body to face who’s making the noise. The archer notices 5 tourists at the closed gate. “I can’t believe it! One of Princess Mary’s best factories... closed?!”
One falls to his knees dramatically and sobs.
Suspicious of those individuals that should’ve been aware of the factories’ closing, Zebei goes up to them, ”Is something wrong?” he asks. The tourist stands and wipes his tears,
”Yes! The factory is closed even though we were scheduled to come here,” he lets out a huff then crosses his arms. Zebei nodded and asked one more question,”Uh huh... and where is your tour guide?”
“She’s off to ask a guard to grant access to this area. But it’s taking quite a while... Say...”
The person looks at the archer, scanning him,
”Can you let us in? It’ll be quick! Promise!” The archer was skeptical at first, then he looked at the entrance. He sees Dhar and Antoine just talking to each other.
He couldn’t hear what they’re saying due to the constant machinery working. However, Zebei shouldn’t be focusing on that right now. With deep thought, he takes out a key and opens the gates.
The two men guarding the factory took notice, seeing Zebei letting the tourists in. The2 bodyguards notice them walking in. Antoine asks suspiciously,
“Sir Zebei, who are these people?”
“Tourists. They wanted a quick look inside the factory at this weird hour.”
Antoine looks at the seemingly innocent group, crossing his arms. They had pleading eyes, grasping their hands together at the men. He looks at Dhar. He gives him a simple shrug, confused on what to do. Antoine sighs and nods as the tourists cheer,
”Fine. But in ONE condition. Since your tour guide isn’t here, you’ll only walk around while being under surveillance by Dhar and not touch anything in this or other circumstances. Understand?”
The tourists nod, excited.
Zebei puts his hand on Dhar’s shoulder, telling him good luck. The silver-haired gives a small nod and takes the tourists inside the factory. They felt the heat coming from the pouring molten metal into some molds forming and mending stuff to make mechs and parts. The people were in awe, impressed by the hard work. Meanwhile, Dhar fans himself in an attempt to cool himself from the humidity.
“I should have asked Zebei if he had a flask of water or something...“ He muttered as his face and body sweated. A male tourist hands him a bottle,”You can have mines, sir!”
“O-oh! Thank you... Are you sure if that’s okay?“
“Don’t worry~! Where me and my group are from, we train with hard-work warmups to fight against the heat, whether it’s a hot summer day or a hot steaming room like this factory!”
The young man chuckles and takes the bottled water from the other guy’s hand. He drinks a little bit until he guides the ones he’s surveilling on to sections of where he’s supposed to go. As they were climbing upstairs into the next section, Dhar couldn’t help but feel like he was being watched by the people he was guiding. He turns his head to glance at them,
”So... Do any of you have any questions so far...?”
“Not much, sir. However, is this where we are going to see the infamous ESTHER project the princess has been talking and working about?”
“Um... Yes. Wish Antoine gave me a map before heading inside to guide you all there. But this is fine… Anything else?“
Everyone stops when they make it to the 2nd floor while Dhar waits for another person’s question. The guy gave him an eerie stare and asked,
”Not related to the factory but... You look like that lieutenant guy from the Navar Army right?”
The silver-haired groaned, lifting his hand to cover his face, ”Used to…” He replied. Oddly, the tourists began laughing... What? Before Dhar could look and ask why, he suddenly gets tackled by 2 people in the group as he yelps.
“Hold him down! We’ll go look for the ESTHER mech!” The leader of the group exclaims as he and 2 of his lackeys run off, yelling “For Lord Ravannavar” throughout the halls.
Dhar’s eyes widened, he realized those tourists were the Neo-Ravanavar Army soldiers in disguise. Outside at the entrance, Antoine and Zebei see Kushi and Altun land down in front of them. “All areas in the kingdom are good so far,” Kushi informed.
Antoine nods while Zebei gives her the thumbs up. She looks around, worried,
”Where’s Dhar though?”
As one of the men was about to answer, they all heard Dhar scream for help inside and calling for reinforcements. Befuddled by what's going on, head inside to see the young man pinned down by the men who weren’t wearing casual tourists anymore. That familiar black and gold armor.
“Ah crap...“
Zebei curses to himself, taking out his bow and arrows. Antoine growls and takes out his lance,
“We’ve been had?!? Ugh! I should have known!”
A soldier smirks under his helmet, standing up as he plants his foot down on Dhar’s back, “And you all were dumb enough to fall for it. Especially you, Pinocchio,” He remarks to Zebei. To Zebei’s reaction; he made the first move to attack by leaping up the stairs and shooting some arrows at the foot soldiers.
His opponent swiftly takes out his shield and throws to deflect them. The other soldiers jump off the mezzanine to attack Kushi and Antoine, passing by the archer. They raise their swords, slashing the two. Antoine blocked with his lance, pushing the soldiers back and causing them to stumble. Kushi hops onto Altun as the bird flaps his wings, blowing them away and being slammed against the wall.
With Zebei, he hops to the 2nd floor and charges at the remaining guys who are restraining Dhar. As the 2 foot soldiers were about to attack, Zebei dropkicks right in one’s face to knock him away.
He then elbows the other as the soldiers grunts, losing his balance and falling back. Dhar stands and brushes the dust off his shoulders, ”Thanks...“ Albeit that “thanks” sounded disappointed.
Both men look at each other, “Not sure what you were thinking of letting them in the first place even though they’re disguised... But honestly... I would be fooled too,“
Dhar looks up to hear the shooting and yelling of guards trying to stop the intruders. He laughs quietly and looks at Zebei, ”Princess Mary is right for us to hang around a little longer.”
Zebei laughs along as his hand grips onto his bow, “And we need to hurry. You don’t wanna know what she looks like when she is angry.”
“Guess this is our specialty~!”
Before they can look after hearing 2 voices, Dhar is snatched by a hand while Zebei is pulled up by talons. Both of them looked to see they were on Antoine and Altun’s backs. Dhar looks down at the one he’s on, startled that he is... FLYING?!
“Antoine! You can fly?!” He asks in astonishment. Antoine grins, replying, “Correction! I can GLIDE! Now hold on!”
Everyone races their way up to the big lair, but they see a huge obstacle at the end. They noticed 5 robots that belonged to Princess Mary, fighting off the remaining guards.
“Those robots look off...“ Dhar comments until he leans in and his eyes widen. He noticed their eyes were glowing yellow instead of the usual red hue as they raised their swords.
“Attack them,” He orders. Antoine’s eyes look up, hesitant,” What?! But they’re Princess Mary’s–”
“Do it!”
The knight nods and swings his weapon, clashing blades with 2 of the robots. Dhar summons 2 boulders, smashing the 2 down into pieces.
He calls Kushi and Zebei’s names to go make their moves. Kushi whistles as her bird swiftly moves his wings at one, smacking it into the wall. As for Zebei, he jumps onto an arm of a robot and stabs it’s gem eye with an arrow. The last robot looks, reaching to grab his arm but it gets annihilated by one of Dhar’s rocks that were thrown.
So, everyone resumes flying up to the room where the ESTHER project is in. As they enter, they see the last members of the foot soldiers trapping a huge slime-storing mech in an energy bubble from their gauntlet device. Dhar yells at them,
“Halt right there!” His voice attracts the thieves’ attention. They turned face-to-face with the warriors against them.
One raises their sword at Dhar,
”Well if it isn’t the traitor and our soon-to-be prisoners. You’re too late, we got what we have and you won’t be able to take it back–”
Before he could finish his sentence, his face was met with a thrown rock by the silver-haired man. The soldier yelps, hand holding the wounded nose,
” Shit! You got some nerve, Dhar!”
“I can do that again!”
Dhar threatens as he opens his right hand to summon more geo.
“Can’t we just throw ourselves through that big window over there while bringing the mech?”
The other soldier asks. The first one looks at him then at the window for a moment. They both smirk, ready to jump.
The heroes shout in unison and soon...
They chased the soldiers as everyone jumps through the window, glass shattering everywhere inside and outside the factory.
This noise caught the attention of not only the princess, but also the guards and townspeople of the Iron Kingdom. They saw the foot soldiers ride on the floating yet trapped mech, flying away while the fellow warriors followed in pursuit. Princess Mary was drinking her tea, setting her cup down on the table.
“So I was right to keep them a little longer,” She turns to her bodyguard, “You. Go get Kampan to help those heroes.”
“Yes, your highness!” The man in armor rushes out of the castle.
As Antoine flies and Dhar, Zebei, and Kushi on Altun’s back; they notice the foot soldiers scanning the mech with their gauntlet. Weird.
Not only does it steal iddhi and energy, it seems to be scanning the model or getting information from it. This isn’t the time to be taking notes, Dhar and his group need to catch up with those crooks!
“Altun! Can you go at least faster?!” Kushi panics and looks at her bird. Altun caws that sounds like he was whining.
He flaps his wings harder to gain more ooph, albeit this drains his stamina and slowly gets farther. Zebei grits his teeth and looks at Dhar,
“Should we start shooting at them?”
“We could... Although, I get the feeling they would move the bubble for us to accidentally destroy the ESTHER Project,” Dhar explains. Everyone wasn’t sure what to do as Altun is getting slower, being drained out.
“Your big bird there might be falling soon~!” The 1st foot soldier taunts as the other laughs. While they were mocking Dhar and his group... behind them, a shadow with a huge gauntlet jumps up. As everyone sees the figure’s silhouette, the foot soldiers turn and the two immediately get punched off the bubble by the person that jumped in.
The person lands and reveals herself to be Kampan,
”You outnumbered a few of those suckers and you couldn’t catch up getting them?” She rubs her nose with her right thumb, “You lot are lucky the Iron Mouse came in!”
Antoine sighs, wiping sweat off his forehead,”Hah... Thanks for coming in though,” he comments. Everyone lands down into town square as Kampan drags the bubble with a force implemented into her weapon. The authorities arrive, taking the knocked-out crooks into prison and obtaining the ESTHER mech back into the factory.
“Before we celebrate our victory...“ Dhar looks at Kampan who was busy polishing her gauntlet,
“How did you know we were in trouble?”
“One of Princess Mary’s guards hurried by and told me about your situation. Sooo... Bam! I came in and I, Kampan the Iron Mouse, popped in! And you all are welcome!” The Iron Mouse does a bow with her arms open.
However, her expression lits up and looks through her waist. Dhar watches in confusion. “I forgot that you’re also lucky that I~ have finished your order!” Kampan giggles and takes out a polished sword. She hands the sword to him and grins. The young man made a quiet
“woah...!” and gently holds the weapon.
It was no longer chipped or damaged like it was brand new. When he holds the hilt, it feels more comfortable and smooth. Everything about his sword felt just right. Kampan lays her elbow on his shoulder, “And if your weapon gets damaged, I’m your to-go!” She beams with a smile. Dhar says thanks to her again, putting the sword into the sheathe.
Kushi, Zebei, and Antoine give each other a high five as a token of victory. Soon, their ears picked up heels clicking and metal boot clanging. They look to see Princess Mary and her henchmen of knights walking up to them. Dhar and the others bow respectfully to the blonde highness.
Princess Mary smiles, “That was a close one I say. But thankfully I think my kingdom and my ESTHER project are now safe. Thanks to you all,” she says in a gentle tone. “Say... How about a feast before you and the others leave?” She asks Dhar, Zebei, and Kushi. In response, the 3 heroes boast and cheer happily.
Chapter 6 → (W.I.P)
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petrichoraline · 5 months
watching the ossan's love remake trailer
why is boss this conventionally attractive, that was never a point in the og (the actor there is handsome but definitely not meant to be taken seriously in that department) and i'm pleasantly surprised with the visuals but very confused how they fit in the story
seeing earth do loud comedy again brings me back to kampan <33 him in mama gogo is everything and the fact ppl still haven't seen it is wild
mix should do maki's sassiness justice and i'm very happy about that
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becauseimanicequeen · 4 months
Pride Month Watch: Mama Gogo (ep 5-7)
My thoughts on episodes 1-4.
I'm currently going through my Pride Month Watch List and Mama Gogo is on my list of shows/films I haven't watched before but have wanted to get to.
I'm having another long weekend where I live, so I will watch Mama Gogo all day (and probably finish it today).
So, let's dive into the 5th episode!
Oh, where is my pretty thief?
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But… Has he paid off his debt (the money he stole from Annie)?
Btw, if I remember correctly, he was in the scene from the beginning of the first episode. So, he’s coming back.
Look at this bitch…
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He’s brought more reinforcements this time.
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If Auto quit, why is he here?
Look at this stupid bitch:
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I love him so much!
Seriously, he enters the club to wreak havoc (which they kind of do) but he ends up dancing just like the others (though, he does it in tiny). What a ridiculous man. I love him so much.
This woman!
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She is such a legend. She’s my everything. I love her so much!
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Well deserved.
Annie is such a legend…
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She just keeps getting under his skin, and I love her so much for it.
This is…
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Completely fair.
At the risk of sounding delulu…
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Why didn’t the other guy drop dead after Chen winked? Lmfao!
Of course…
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It’s kind of obvious considering how much he touches it all the time, lol.
The way I fucking laughed…
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Please, Moodang, never tell the client that. You’ll be minced meat, lol.
Why do I get the feeling that Auto is being targeted because he happens to have a record?
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The police in these shows are always suspicious in my eyes.
So, my guess is that either Choke or what's Earth's character's name? Kampan set him up.
Choke clearly has a problem with Auto, but I also feel like he wouldn't be stupid enough to put them all (+ the club) at risk. Therefore, I'm leaning more towards Kampan. At the moment, he and his club have the most to gain from Mama Gogo shutting down. Maybe he, somehow, found out Auto had been in jail before and decided he was the easy target?
Let's see if I'm right or wrong (most likely wrong).
Oh, they actually revealed it already...
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It's the girl from Kampan's club. I didn't expect it to be her, but it makes sense that Kampan's club had something to do with it. Whether Kampan was directly involved or not remains to be seen. But I definitely think he knew something about what would happen.
Btw, if the owner of the other club turns out to be Annie's old partner (I can't even remember her name, lol), then that scene from the beginning of the first episode could make sense.
Your honor...
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I love this woman to the moon and back.
Look at this baby gangster...
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Worrying about his debtor. Just admit that you like her already!
Oh, lord...
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Just shut up and kiss. We all know you both want to (well, maybe Chen more than Annie, and who can blame him? I want to kiss her too).
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I'm so invested in these two. I love their chemistry.
Look at my baby gangster...
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Now, go and tell Annie that you're whipped for her.
The enemy of my enemy...
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Is my friend.
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It will be interesting to see what these two idiots will cook up together and the mess they'll create.
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Bring it on!
I've reached my image limit again, so I'm switching to another post.
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gunsatthaphan · 1 year
I am in the middle of watching Mama Gogo which is great I am sad I never watched this sooner and my main thought is I need Earth to be cast in more roles like this like I absolutely hate his character but he is so entertaining I need more of these roles for him
oh Kampan was a legend lmao. lowkey a jackass and a snake but highkey captivating lol Earth did an excellent job. And I agree, I can see him in something similar but also generally I wanna see him in more stuff lol. Which is why I'm really excited to see him in Find Yourself soon 🥺
Also Mama Gogo was so nice as a whole though, I enjoyed it a lot!! Jojo truly never lets us down ✊🏻
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jansibik · 2 years
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Superdebata ČT 8. 1. 2023 #generalpavel #sibik #prezidenstkevolby #kampan #cesko #muzeum #česko #nerudova #fischer #superdebata2023 #ct @general_pavel @danusenerudova (v místě Národní Muzeum / National Museum) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnL5kHIq8f-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kampanscreek · 8 months
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DP thing I lazily colored
I love these two so much
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Dobrý den! Získejte kupón v hodnotě 200Kč na první nákup za registraci na Allegro přes tento odkaz https://allegro.cz/kampan/pozvanka/YgRgCjRJ
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mousieta · 2 years
Review: Mama GoGo
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Year: 2022 Country: Thailand Platform: iQiyi
Mama Gogo is a light-hearted, low-stakes fun time of a show. The plot is just thick enough to be a vehicle for the show’s true purpose: display as many abdominal muscles of adorable, lovable boys as possible.
Nestled firmly in the female gaze, the show follows washed-up minor celebrity Annie as she inherits a nightclub and struggles to get it off the ground. The club is, of course, a gogo club she decides to cater to women. Obviously, this necessitates building an ensemble of obscenely attractive young men with chesticals for days and enough body rolls to cause a minor tsunami.
What the show lacks in every sense – budget, writing, plausibility – it makes up for in heart and an adamant dedication to not take itself too seriously. There is enough conflict to bring one back week to week – because no matter how hot the men are, we have to care about them, and this show gives plenty of reasons to do that. They become a lovable found-family who’s even roughest members you can find affection for.
From our cougar’s boy toy, Chen (who’s relationship with Annie I am completely feral over) to Kayu’s boyish charm, to Kampan and Auto’s childishly villainous machinations, and all the glorious eye-candy between them, this show is a pure indulgence. There is the right amount of fluff to lighten the roughest day. It was a treat to come to a new episode each week and have a good time then have it all wrapped up nicely in a little bow, knowing our favs will body-roll off into a glorious future.
My only qualm is there is no way I will ever believe Earth’s Kampan is straight. That boy is firmly in his comphet stage, a hairs-breadth from his homosexual awakening.One can only hope that Kayu will eventually get him there.
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wendihinojoa · 2 months
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