pixie-mask · 4 months
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fairywitchii · 2 years
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Commission made with tons of love for @thegoldentigress & @beast-man-bastard of their lovely shippy ♥♥♥
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yordleschool · 2 years
When school lunch is healthy (and tastes bad)
Fizz: Sneaks out of school and eats at his favorite food truck
Garam: gulps it as fast as he can gulp so that he cannot taste anything
Kennen: Eats and suffers silently
Lulu: Eats with tears in her eyes
Poppy: Actually enjoys it
Qadira: Tries very hard to eat it with smile
Rumble: Throws it into trashcan (and gets detention)
Teemo: Eats with ketchup
Tristana: Says it tastes bad, but she eats it anyway
Veigar: grumbles while eating it, but he finishes it
Vex: refuses to eat
Ziggs: Usually explodes it (and gets detention)
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qadira-yordle · 11 months
Is there anything you want to know about Qadira the Key Holder?
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himejoshikomaeda · 4 months
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DEADMALL girls [1] [2] [3] [4]
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infinite-xerath · 11 months
(Qadira the Key Holder)
It was an exiting day for Qadira. Because she received a mission from elders to find the creator of the Key and maybe the Lock, too.
"The Lock? Is there a lock for the Key?" She asked to an elder.
"We received an info that Valter was seen in Shurima. And he talked about the Lock. We are not sure it is true, but it's worth it." The elder explained.
That was why Qadira was sent to Shurima. She was excited to explore the desert.
Xerath's scouts had reported something interesting to the north: a peculiar structure that didn't seem to be of Shuriman design, barred by some strange magic that none of his acolytes could make sense of. The Magus decided that it might be worthwhile to investigate the matter himself, and so he set off to inspect the mysterious ruins.
After only a day of travel, Xerath managed to reach the sight where his acolytes had gathered, and began inspecting the strange inscriptions...
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Qadira, Jewel of the East - Mouthpiece by Eric Kenji Aoyagi
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chaoticallycosmic · 1 year
Closed starter for @writermuses
If there was one thing that made Thatcher proud, it was his ability to persuade people. In this case, though, he was beyond happy that he had convinced Qadira to stay with him at his very secure home while they figured out how to deal with the stalker she had. It worried him. That some psycho was out there just waiting to make her life miserable, who knew what else they were capable of. He didn't want to even entertain those thoughts. Thinking about what a deranged person could do to her made the historian shiver. So, instead, he focused on making sure his home was a comfortable place for her. That began with making her breakfast, as he had been doing since she arrived. Hearing footsteps, he smiled. "Breakfast will be ready and I have coffee ready for you," he pointed toward the coffee bar with a spatula before turning around to face her. "How did you sleep?"
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txnzerin · 2 years
@obfuscatingveil | continued from x
Unmoving, Qadira’s eyes tracked Odin’s movement as far as they could from that angle as he rushed forward, and the fluttering of pages told her everything she needed to know. In an instant, she twirled around, and right as she did, there was a telltale crackling of magic; a dramatic incantation from Odin, and then a blast that blew her hair back-- just as it blew the unfortunate target the opposite direction.
Awestruck, and eyes widening, Qadira pursed her lips together and cleared her throat. That-- indeed-- was a flashy, bold display- and a display that saved her life. 
“You... You’re quite the knight in shining armor, for a man with neither armor, nor steed. You have my gratitude; I shan’t forget to repay it in kind,” Qadira said in quiet amazement-
And of course, the moment to repay it came right as she was in the middle of curtsying, nearly caught up by her own impulsive decorum before she bounded forward, uncaring for the ache in her feet. 
With a pirouette-like movement, she swung her blade, and yet another adversary had been cut down. Her legs wobbled unsteadily. 
“Will that...” Qadira took in a breath, lungs heaving, “...Suffice?”  
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chaotick-musings · 1 year
"I am self-aware enough to know that I'm not exactly the easiest to deal with. So I'm surprised your wife gave you permission to play with me."
"One, I am not sure self-aware is a word I'd use to describe you, and two it was surpringly easy when I explained the benefits it'd come to the pit at large, aka, stop you from making a mess in our business"
He shrugs and smirks.
"Besides, neither of us have ever prohibited the other from 'playing' with other people, I am confident that if something goes wrong endless teasing would ensue"
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myxinidaes · 2 years
dflshdfhfsdgjfgf makima is SO hot jesus christ
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writermuses · 2 years
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Prestige Class Spotlight 14: Daivrat
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The relationship between mortals and genie-kind is sometimes quite tense, and often imbalanced, with one ruling over the other, whether it be by physical might or magic. Few places is this more true than Qadira and the greater Kelesh Empire, there powerful conjurers mastered the art of binding genies to their service. Many wonders and structures across the empire owe their creation to genie labor or wishcraft, and many such genies remain in servitude even now, waiting as only an immortal can for the day when the culture changes and they and their kin will be freed, either to go on their merry way, or to exact their revenge.
But not every spellcaster in the land is a genie binder, nor do they necessarily view the elemental beings as potential or current slaves. Indeed, the Daivrat, a word that roughly translates as “genie-friend”, are quite the opposite, viewing genies as equals, trusted advisors, and comrades.
Such mages offer to help the lot of genie-kind, be they slave or free, and can expect to gain willing favors from such beings in kind, even from the most vicious and domineering varieties.
While none would choose to control genies as their counterparts would, daivrats are in a position to bargain fairly with genies that they either encounter or call upon with magic, and if there’s anyone that a genie would look for loopholes in their contract for or offer wishes genuinely without twisting them, it would be to a daivrat that has proven true and good as their word.
So let’s take a look at them!
The requirements for this prestige class include third-tier magic, focus on conjuration, and a greater mastery of certain lore (thereby making in available at around the same time for both full and mid casters), as well as knowledge of the four elemental languages and peaceful contact with a genie, making this a decent option for most casters outside of minor ones.
Naturally, they also progress with their mastery of their magic for all but the first level.
Each daivrat also specializes in either an element or elemental damage type, making appropriate spells harder to resist. Naturally, this later improves.
With their reputation and familiarity with genie customs, these mages are quite adept at both identifying and endearing themselves to genies of all stripes.
These mages gain the service of minor incorporeal genies they can call upon to retrieve spell information during their daily preparations, giving them access to a spell they would not normally have access to, even from outside their normal spell list or casting tradition. However, the unfamiliarity of these spells means they require greater magical energy to cast, less so if it was a spell that they could theoretically have learned on their own.
Their reputation with genies also bolsters them when they summon or call genies, making summons last longer and it easier to bargain with them.
They also gain a ward against an elemental damage type from their study of the elements.
Powerful daivrats earn the service of a lesser zhyen genie, which serves as their familiar.
The most powerful of these mages become so infused with elemental energies that they become partially genie-like themselves, gaining elemental resistances and a tougher body.
If you want to play a mage that works with genies, but really don’t want to deal with the controlling aspects of being a genie binder, this prestige class may be for you. Gaining buffs to the DCs of your favorite element, as well as being able to get an extra spell from any source each day is fun, as is the elemental resistances. However, the core of the class is in the buffs they gain to diplomacy and negotiation with genies, so only consider this prestige class if you know the game will have lots of opportunities to interact with them. Additionally, consider how different classes interact here. Divine casters might be even friendlier with genies due to having planar ally instead of planar binding, while a more martial caster might use the class to add spells beyond their combat-focused list to their arsenal each day, as well as fight alongside genies and elementals directly. Also, if you’re not also diving into the genie binder, consider picking up the summon genie spells from People of the Sands.
The flavor of this prestige class implies that the character is at least on good terms with genies, and that lends itself to a lot of good story beats like genies, including efreeti, asking the character for aid. As a GM, you should consider how to fit such things into the story, and also when they would be disruptive to the plot you are trying to tell.
Ever since learning of the existence of planes beyond the material and fey realms, Kersta of Bloomwood has been eager to learn as much about these new friends as possible, which led to her studying conjuration magic and later the art of befriending elementals and genies. For their part, most genies are amused by the flighty and adorable gathlain, and are usually willing to aid her.
One normally doesn’t think of genies when thinking of Bolgara Marsh, but rumor has it that it was once host to great elemental power. Finding these sunken ruins won’t be easy, but if the native vodyanoy are treated respectfully, they might be convinced to show the way. Supposedly, the ruins might hold secrets regarding the lost elemental planes of metal, wood, and possibly even stranger elements as well.
A grand theft of the Sultan’s vault has the court up in arms, for the stolen treasure contained a bound efreet malik. Whatever the plans the thief has will surely pale in comparison to the revenge the powerful genie would wreck if set free. As such, the royal mages are of two minds about the whole thing. The binders naturally want to recapture and renew the wards on the genie to control him anew, while the daivrats naturally wish to try and placate the fire spirit and set him free to his long-neglected home on the elemental maelstrom.
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🖕roast me dear i wish to laugh
Send me 🖕 for my muse to verbally eviscerate your muse ═══ CANON VERSE ═══
"You claim to love all of your children and your husband and yet somehow I find it difficult to believe with how you throw yourself into the pit so willingly. I know you and Sett have too much confidence in yourselves to believe that anything could ever happen to you while in there but please Miss Qadira, you're far from unkillable. A bullet between your eyes is all it would take. Tell me, when you lost your mother did you weep? I know I did when I lost mine. What sort of parent puts their children in such a position to possibly lose one, or both, because of their own bloodlust? I think it would be far more appropriate for you to lessen the chance of your children having to bury you, Miss Qadira....And I to have to prepare your coffin."
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himejoshikomaeda · 29 days
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qadira and vilde alivegirls . because i need to increase , the decrease
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thegoldentigress · 5 months
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After ages
Enjoy a Qadira splash art
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