#Kamea Arano
doolallymagpie · 1 year
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Finally finished my Arano SLDF Atlas II, was a bit painful because I decided to use the Army Painter Speedpaint red.
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nirahsaooc · 2 years
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Kamea Arano’s Epilogue from Battletech Game
I began this restoration, because my birthright was stolen, and I wanted it back. Not for the people of the Reach, but because it was mine. 
I wanted War, for all the wrong reasons.
But on Weldry I traded that naivety for a nobler purpose, seeing my people suffering with my own eyes, taught me why I must fight.
On Artru I found humility, blinded by righteousness, I was reckless in my pursuit of power. And it almost cost us the War.
On Galdra, I learned to steel my heart. I chose necessity over conscience. A choice that nearly broke me.
Finally, on Coromodir, the world of my birth, I found resolve. And standing over my cousins broken body, victory. 
Only through these lessons paid for in blood did I become a ruler worthy of title. A High Lady prepared to sit the Coromit Throne. The Protector of Coromodir, the Sword of Restoration.
But this question still plagues me.... am I a Hero?
Did I sacrifice too much at the Altar of Victory? Do my triumphs outweigh my mistakes?
War is a clash between conscience and necessity. An ocean of chaos and bloody compromise.
War shapes history.... and history chooses its Heroes.
As for you Mercenary. You made the liberation of the Aurigan Reach a reality. Every trial I faced, would have been my last without your skill on the battlefield.
I still don’t know if you fought for Honor, or for the Thrill of it, for belief in my cause or just in my money. But whether it was your noble heart, or mercenary mind, your actions gave us hope.
That makes you a Hero in the eyes of History.
And you know what?
It doesn’t matter if you believe it, because others do. As I believed in the heroes of my Father’s stories.
After all, when we are gone... 
Stories are what remain.
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tenleaguesbeneath · 1 month
this is ages late, but the entire situation with Ostergaard and the Newgrange was a blunder caused because Kamea is a bad general and bad at bargaining.
What's on the ship? don't know, don't care, didn't ask (I don't think the game ever actually tells you, even?), but Lord Karosas wants it destroyed so that's what you'll do. This is the inciting incident for Commodore Ostergaard's vendetta against Kamea and the Taurian Concordat's entrance into the Aurigan civil war as active combatants rather than just arming the Directorate, and it's because Kamea did a favor without asking questions, just taking assurances
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kozmoglitch · 6 months
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Just me and the girls
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For both Rowan and Ags, from that latest ask game:
1, 5, 8, and 10, plus the additional questions of "What’s the thing they’re into that they’re most embarrassed/conflicted about?" (Hobbies, interests, kinks, etc)
( @is-the-battlemech-cool-or-not )
1. What is the character’s go-to drink order? (this one gets into how do they like to be publicly perceived, because there is always some level of theatricality to ordering drinks at a bar/resturant)
R: context, baybe! Am i at a merc bar? Timbiqui Dark. I hate the stuff to be honest, but one has to keep up appearances.
Drinking on someone else's dime? Call me old fashioned, but i do enjoy an Old Fashioned. I like'em fixed with maraschino, and give the glass a spritz of absinthe before you pour. Fun fact: a surprising number of bartenders dont know that maraschino is a liqueur, and put a bouquet of fuckin cherries in your drink. Tha dinguses.
At home? I'll keep it simple, usually some combo of soda + spirits. Im particuarly fond of sasparilla and Yukon Jack.
A. I enjoy my drinks hot, not cold. Coffee with tequilla, hot coco with tequilla, tea with tequilla... you get the picture.
5. What was the last time they cried, and under what circumstances? (Good way to get some *emotional* backstory in.) 
R: my pride wants me to say it was at my mamma's teat, but... nah, lets drop the kayfabe for a sec and be real here. I cry, a whole fuckin' lot more than i admit, and nowhere near as much as i should. We joke and pal around and measure our dicks at each other, but in the end? We kill people. We visit incredible violence on our fellow human beings, and that should take a toll. And if it ever stops taking a toll? Its time to retire.
That doesn't exactly answer the question, so... last time i cried was a few nights ago. @is-the-battlemech-cool-or-not was gettin' me up to speed on the hundred years of history i missed out on, and i managed to hold it all together till i got back to my bunk. And then i broke down sobbing. Part of that was just, pent up stress from the goddamn meatgrinder of the Clan invasion. I lost almost everything- the war, half our company, nearly everyone we knew outside of that shitty ass Invader that misjumped us here.
But hell, y'know what? Ive still got that other half of my company. I still have Agata and Joana, i still got most of Fursona's Fusiliers around. Hell, i'm even reignitin' something with Remus... look, all those good things, that ive still got? Cried for that, too. It aint all gotta be tears of sorrow, you can cry for the good things too.
A: August 20th, 3028. Got pepper sprayed at Melissa and Hanse's wedding.
8. Describe the place where they sleep. (ie what does their safe space look like. How much (or how little) care / decoration / personal touch goes into it.)
R: whoo boy. Just cleared out ol' Ronnie's quarters on the Pony. Its not got much decoration yet, just the barebones cot and whatnot. Lots of stab marks in the walls and furniture from when i get bored...Kept his desk though- solid oak, from Samantha. And uhh... maybe a couple of pinups of Kamea Arano... and Candace Liao... and Hanse Davion... and-
A: Like Rowan, I've just moved quarters- her old room in fact, since I'm the XO now. I have my rock collection up on some shelves I put in- I like to get one rock from each celestial body I visit, unique if possible. Theres also stab marks all over the place that I'm filling in, thanks for that by the way Rowan.
10. What objects do they always carry around with them? (What do they need for their normal, day-to-day routine? What does ‘normal’ even look like for them.) 
R: Pistol, hormones, sunglasses. In that order.
A: I no longer have my katana from my time in the DCMS, but I do still have the wakizashi that paired with it. I still wear it, for luck.
Bonus: What’s the thing they’re into that they’re most embarrassed/conflicted about? (Hobbies, interests, kinks, etc. Gets into self-image vs how they want to be perceived vs what compels them anyway, plus backstory.)
R: Conflicted, specifically. The tough-as-nails merc persona is... its hard to keep up sometimes. I want to be vulnerable around those I love, but i have trouble turning the macho down. Its paid in dividends, over the years, in bonus c-bills made and fights avoided, but it's also taken its toll on me. And... i didnt let myself feel what i wanted to feel around someone who i now realized i loved- and still love- very much.
A: Sometimes, on my worst nights, I- I still think about my time in the DCMS. And its like I'm still there, never left, and couldnt leave if I wanted. And I dont feel scared or trapped by my superiors or my culture, or horrified by the things I'd done for the Combine. I dont feel anything but mild pride and nostalgia. I don't like those being the things I feel about that time.
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pluralsword · 1 year
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We think these two would make a very good team and get a long well.
Despite that we wrote a fic where they butt heads and fight each other because of opposed outlooks due to differing access to information- but c'mon it's Samus and Arcee they'll figure it out. Do you like the Metroid universe? Do you like trans takes on transformers worldbuilding? What about combining the two as if they were seamless parts of each other, and reading these two badasses square off until they come to terms (do you think them fighting would be hot)? Well, then we have the Samus vs. Arcee fic for you, three chapters of it so far, as part of our Duel of Journeys series of crossover vs. that handles things differently than Death Battles and similar things do, in the following respects:
-presenting an ostensible reason for the two sides to be fighting, because outside of sparring, motivation helps drive and define combat
-in situations where the power levels are skewed (e.g. Arcee is a fantastic fighter and certainly a more experienced commander than Samus but barring her time-traveling Alternity iteration Arcee does not have the armor / defenses to survive Super Bombs, Super/Ice Missiles, Hyper Beams, the Metroid Suit, etc etc. Her swords with her reflexes are missile defense systems but um well blast radius is still a thing so there's a big difference between Samus's missiles and Bombshell's) show what other advantages both can bring to the table, not fighting in a vacuum/void from the rest of the world
-as such, it is not necessarily a battle to the death. It is about victory by defeating or persuading, and ones allies and loved ones can get involved. (to make a non Star Wars example, if you threw Admiral Susan Ivanova of Babylon 5 and Grand Admiral Thrawn of Star Wars against each other while yes their close quarters fight would be interesting we think their abilities as space naval commanders would be much more interesting to see against each other)
-with that in mind, finishing whatever plot comes after if possible
It's really more of a character analysis / comparison thing. So there you have it, good hunting! If people want to suggest matchups please do so in asks or comments or reblogs of this post, bear in mind that we will want at least one character involved from any of the following (yes we will favor robots), and may not write what we are unfamiliar/uncomfortable with, and we will also consider team-up fics instead of vs.:
-Transformers (e.g. Chromia), GI JOE (e.g. Scarlett), Steamworlds (e.g. Piper Faraday), Battletech (e.g. Kamea Arano), Sunless Skies (e.g. Reckless Driver), Babylon 5 (e.g. Delenn), Supreme Commander (e.g. Rhiza). We will add to this list when we have time. <3
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An interesting game, I will partake out of boredom.
(-Star Commander Hannah Lewis)
🎱 - A situation I was lucky to escape from? The Siege of Outpost Castle Nautilus, Artru, 3025. The Fusiliers and Lady Kamea Arano had located an SLDF Outpost Castle full of incredibly valuable technology. The Argo deployed to Artru to assist in security for Restoration forces looting the place.
We had secured roughly 60% of the material when Taurian forces led by Commodore Samuel Ostergaard arrived in his DropShip, a Fortress-class called Iberia. They surrounded Castle Nautilus and began infiltrating the interior.
Myself and many of the other Fusiliers, including Savannah, Yang Virtanen, Dr. Murad, and Lady Kamea Arano herself, were inside assisting with loading materiel. None of us had our 'Mechs. Kamea and several Restoration 'Mechwarriors took up in some of the SLDF machines stored there to punch a hole in the encirclement - this is how she acquired her unique Atlas II.
While they powered up, the rest of us, not able to make it to the 'Mechs, fought our way out in short-range firefights, CQC, and melee combat. I had my Laser Pistol, my Vibrosword, and my talons. It was close, bloody, and very exhilarating. Once we got outside the Castle itself, we then stole the light scout vehicles from the exterior motor pool.
We then fought our way through the Taurian and Directorate lines at maximum speed, all the while dodging Long Tom artillery Barrages from the Iberia. After we made it a ways away, the Castle's self-destruct was activated by Yang. It detonated behind us, sealing all the entrances.
Six of our number perished in that engagement, but for the loss of over three hundred enemy troops, 30 enemy combat vehicles, and 19 'Mechs.
That was the most intense engagement I had ever been in to that point, and would only be topped later by the assault on Coromodir, then later at Tukayyid, the Battle of Terra (both 2081 and 3151), and the ilClan Trial. But in none of the other engagements I just listed did I come as close to death, as in the halls of Outpost Nautilus, that day in 3025.
🍩 - Arch-nemesis? To be honest, the closest I have come to having such in my 162 years, would probably be "Khan" Malvina Hazen. I'll not exposit up on her too much here for fear of seeming unbalanced, but she was a completely narcissistic, abusive, murderous psychopath, who very nearly saw the entire Clan destroyed because of her damned "Mongol Doctrine". That she died at the hand of Cynthy, her "pet", makes her death all the more ironic, and happily dishonorable.
🧸 - Comfort items? Beyond the targeting computer from my Trial of Position Hunchback IIC and my Clan Vibrosword made from Turkina's Blade? I am quite partial to the first run Mysty plushie I was gifted as celebration of Tails of Strana Mechty's tenth season. I still have her, in mint condition, to this day.
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ancientrage000 · 5 years
(AU) Nico Strong and the Dragon's Raiders was ready to leave after the war but it seemed that Kamea had other plans. After accepting her offer, the Dragon Raiders find themselves adjusting to a life that didn't involve jumping from contract to contract. As war clouds appear on the horizon, they will do everything in their power to protect the Reach while Nico and Kamea's relationship takes an unexpected turn.
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eljackinton · 6 years
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Assorted video games
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kintarosummon · 6 years
I am not a hero...no matter what the stories say.
A Hero would have sacrificed more. Compromised less. A hero would have done better. 
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This world...is this a chance to try again, despite my failures?
An independent RP blog for BattleTech’s Kamea Arano, re-imagined as the Fire Emblem: Heroes Summoner. Written by Aether. 
Rules || About || Supports || Backstory (External Link)
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doolallymagpie · 1 year
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Ripped straight from “Undertaker” Callahan’s dreams: two Kameas!!!
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nirahsaooc · 6 years
No doubt Director Espinosa believes that the ends justify the means. That the Aurigan Reach has been made strong. Well I say that strength built on fear is brittle! The Directorate is a paper tiger!
High Lady Kamea Arano
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mechaddiction · 6 years
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Kamea Arano leaders CCG by factorymam.devian... on @DeviantArt #mecha – https://www.pinterest.com/pin/541557923937796536/
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Icebox Mission was concluded successfully and political prisoners have been released. Lady Kamea Arano joined us during the fight with the Kintaro. We salvaged a pristine Jaggermech AND Lady Arano gifted us the Argo Jumpship provided we continue fighting for the Arano Restoration. Time for more Contracts in order to get a healthy cash flow.
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rafawriter · 5 years
Trying Again! Going Live!
Final showdown: Kamea Arano vs. Victoria Espinosa! Streaming BattleTech today at 1 p.m. Eastern only on https://www.twitch.tv/lessonslearned1
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companaich · 5 years
Kamea Tag Dump
i forgot to do this when i set up the blog whoops
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