#going live!
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regulum-plays · 11 months ago
Going live!
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A very short visual novel that reminds you about reading trigger warnings.
It’s a game that you can play in bowser and it’s completly free (well, like most of games I play…).
You only have one male love intrest, but what an amazing man he is! Zilas, aspiring idol, streamer and most importantly – your boyfriend. He will do everything in his power to make sure you both get a happy ending together.
The game is fully voiced with even narrator having it’s own voice, but if you want you can turn off every voice in this game.
We don’t see how MC looks like and you can chooose your name and pronouns (you also get to choose your usernames!).
Unfortunetly there is no skip or save option, but the game is so short that it isn’t a big issue (it also let’s you to listen to this amazing voice acting).
The game has two ending and one special scene/ending scene that you get after seeing all endings. There are plans to make more (even game suggest it) but it entirely depends on how this game will be recieved. Another reason to recommend this game to You. 😉
As I said in the beggining – before you play, read the trigger warnings, it’s really importnat if there are stuff you are sensitive to/you are not sure how much you can handle.
Zilas will make you feel the butterflies, but right after you will cry.
Bardzo krótka powieść wizualna (bardzo podobna mi się to tłumaczenie), która przypomni ci o dokładnym czytaniu ostrzeżeń.
Jest to gra, w którą można grać w przeglądarce i jest całkowicie za darmo (cóż, jak większość gier, w które gram…).
W grze jest tylko jeden wybranek serca płci męskiej, ale cóż za niesamowity mężczyzna z niego jest! Zilas, aspirujący celebryta, streamer, a co najważniejsze – Twój chłopak. Zrobi wszystko co w jego mocy abyście dostali wasze wspólne dobre zakończenie.
W grze każda postać dostała swojego aktora głosowego, nawet narrator, ale każdy z tych głosów można bezproblemowo wyłączyć w ustawieniach.
Nie widzimy jak wygląda protagoniszcze i możemy wybrać własne imię oraz zaimki (wybieramy także nasze własne nazwy użytnikownika!).
Niestety gra nie posiada żadnego przycisku pominięcia czy zapisu, ale na całe szczęście jest na tyle krótka, że nie nie jest to dużym problemem (pozwala to też na posłuchanie niesmowitych aktorów głosowych).
Gra posiada dwa zakończenia oraz jedną specjalną scenę/zakończenie, które otrzymujesz po zobaczeniu dwóch pozostałych zakończeń. Są również plany na zrobienie większej ilości zakończeń (nawet sama gra to sugeruje) jednak to całkowicie zależy od tego jak ta gra się przyjmie. Kolejny powód, żeby polecić tę grę wam. 😉
Tak jak powiedziałom na początku – zanim zaczniesz grać przeczytaj dokładnie ostrzeżenie, to bardzo ważne jeżeli są jakieś tematy, na które jesteś szczególnie wrażliwe/tematy, na które nie będziesz w stanie patrzeć.
Zilas sprawi, że poczujesz motylki w brzuchu, ale zaraz potem będziesz płakać.
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grndz3r000 · 9 months ago
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The things we do for love
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'I'd kill for you'
'I'd die for you'
"I'd live for you."
You were the only thing on Zilas' mind as he made that deal. There was no doubt in his mind. He at least wanted one last week with you. One last week to love you. One last week just to at least propose. The one thing that made him happy, even if hes leaving this world, was the fact he was leaving this world as your fiance.
He had to go though the past 5 days knowing hes leaving you. He went through it with a smile on his face. These past days were a heartache to him, but he wanted it to be filled with memories of love.
Thats why he streamed everything. He wanted to leave you something to look back on.
Within those days, he finally got to propose to you when he hit his 1 million followers mark. It was the happiest hes been
Even when you plunged that knife though his heart, the heart that only beat for you. He wanted to comfort you and explain it wasnt your fault. The problem is, he had no time. He regrets not telling you and making you live with the confusion and sadness, but if he had told you, it would only make his final days worse for you.
You'll understand. One day maybe.
All you have to know right now, is that it wasnt your fault, and he loves you so so much.
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I just needed to make a tiny drabble or wtv😞
Game: Going Live!
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mental1975 · 3 months ago
My silly guy
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graveyardparty · 11 months ago
I am literally begging any of you who are out there to PLEASE rate this game 5stars on itch.io u dont even gotta play it but the creator said we would only get a happy ending if it got 5k rates and after THOSE endings, i need this. (You DO need to have an account to rate unfortunately)
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thebekashow · 8 months ago
alrighty, going live again today for more art.
tagging ppl so they can join the stream if they wish:
@gooberdrawz @lunaglitchercc @immagoholdup @trasho-pando2011 @eveanderland34 @ethanpig101 @lillyfloweyfun @grandthefoxdelusion
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maudiemoods · 7 months ago
If life is a never ending loop of dirty dishes and laundry then that means life is a never ending loop of home cooked meals and comfy clean clothes
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itsscaredycat · 6 months ago
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so ok yeah fine i watched gravity falls again and read the book of bill
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girldraki · 9 months ago
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archi-pelago · 4 months ago
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maybe never forgive. but things are different now. so we'll use maybe.
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mychemicalbrromance · 4 months ago
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Guys ive been reading peak
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sparrowlucero · 3 months ago
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speaking of how to train your dragon and creature design, the shift from the really naturalistic art direction and character animation for the first movie's toothless- the face getting flatter, the eyes bigger and closer together, getting rid of the little realistic details like the dust collecting between the scales, the pink splotching where the scales end at the nostrils, the muted markings, the animation making a shift from largely realistic animal behavior to much more anthropomorphic- is such a huge downgrade to me, made worse because it's subtle in such a way that you will sound insane if you mention it
(huge L for the "the audience's capacity to find a creature cute and empathetic and expressive is directly proportional to how much it looks like a human baby" principle of character design because the first one is so so much cuter)
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yorhanic · 3 months ago
thinking about keiri and zilas because GOD do i love them. god do i love their lore. the parallels?? the endings?? the way they can never actually have a hold on to one another because in the end, one of them will always sacrifice their life for the other.
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strangeracrossthestreet · 1 year ago
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@mariyyum twitter post: Recipes that have been passed down to me by my Palestinian mother 🇵🇸, and I've had the honor of sharing them with all of you. #freepalestine
1: Cheese Manakeesh (cheese pies)
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2: Homemade Hummus w/ chicken koufta
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3: Msakhan (the National dish of Palestine)
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4: Sfeeha (meet pies)
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Follow her on: twitter instagram youtube tiktok and her own blog for more.
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rafawriter · 4 months ago
Still fighting the Blighter Gods!
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beebfreeb · 10 months ago
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