jazjustpeachy · 11 months
Imagine Muzan with a Maid!Reader ft. The 12 kizuki
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Tw: perverts, objectification , not proofread (I just write whatever when I'm bored)
Imagine you're a demon who is only kept alive to be a Maid for the demon king, 12 kizuki, and the infinity castle.
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Muzan was going to kill you after assuming you were useless. Then, he realised there just may be a job for you. A job that only exists to stroke his ego.
Imagine you in a Maid dress that gradually gets shorter and shorter from an ankle length skirt to a mini. You can constantly feel eyes on you at all times as you are ordered around by your master.
Muzan tells you to scrub the already clean floors as he tries to get a look at your frilly underwear that's just peeking through the bottom of your skirt.
You should really be grateful. He kept you alive, and all you have to do is do whatever he says whenever he says it at all times. And you know he is going to take any chance possible to punish you. Punishments would very in how painful and strict they are, but even the less strict punishments are dreadful. Can you imagine getting spanked by this man? Your peaches will be slapped off! You wouldn't be able to sit for weeks even with your regeneration. So be a good girl, and God help you behind.
Unlike Muzan, Doma isn't trying to hide his interest. He picks up the hem of your skirt to get a better look before letting out a giggle. As he is your superior, you know you can't and shouldn't do anything to fight back against it. Especially to Doma (you will die). You look good enough to eat. Akaza tries to hide his blush. He shouldn't be looking, and he knows this, but how can he help himself when you look like that. He is obviously the most respectful of them all. He knows what you have to go through and tries to treat you as nicely as possible. Even if he tries to avoid you most of the time.
At least Akaza keeps Doma as far away from you as possible.
There is always a bitter smell in the air at the upper moon meetings as you sense Daki and her beady ass eyes boaring into your soul out of envy. She hates the way you get so much attention even though you're lesser than her. I mean, she is stronger and prettier, so why are you getting all of Master Muzan's attention!
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You're a little safer at the lower moon meetings because they can't get away with nearly the amount of stuff that the upper moons can. Enmu is constantly at your feet. Eventhough your so much less of a demon than him, it...practically dirt...he can't help but feel a little more than pity. He wants to show you how special you are and how you're just so perfect.
I can just tell he will be smelling you up every chance he gets. He loves the way you smell. He sniffs your neck as his hand slowly travels bellow your skirt pinching at the hem of your little frilly underwear. I can just tell Enmu is the type of demon to call you a good girl, naughty girl, or probably at some points go as far as calling you his "little slave."
Kamanue wants to look. He really does, but he's just so anxious. He's scared that if he looks somewhere, he is not welcome, and then Master Muzan will be upset. The last thing he wants it an angry demon king. But even still, he can't help but imagine you bent over his knee. He loves to feel strong and to take out his very deep and hidden anger on a weaker, subservient demoness who can't say otherwise is his dream. He wants to show you and Muzan how strong he really is.
Kokushibo can do what he wants. He doesn't have to hide what he is doing. Not in fear of Muzan and not for his own ego. He does what he wants when he wants, but what he wants is not always to peep at your cunny. But sometimes it is. Imagine he stops you at what you're doing and grabs your waist. Practically effortlessly, and just flips you around to take a look. He keeps a straight face while doing it, too. It's slmost scary. He just moves your underwear aside and just stares before putting you down and telling you to "get back to work, Maid." And like always, you're just left flustered.
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demonslayedher · 5 months
How do you think the moons spice tolerance would be like
I have long been influenced by a Japanese fan comic about the Upper Moons' respective intolerance to human food, introduced as a sort of hazing party for Kaigaku who is a bit shocked by it. I don’t remember all the details but Gyutaro and Ume make a talented team making it appear that she consumes human food while he safely gets rid of it, and Kokushibo has the weakest tolerance of all of them and can't even stand it for one second. That's been my headcanon ever since.
So when it comes to spicy food, I'm still influenced by that. Let's assume this is a human!AU.
Kamanue: likes more spice than most people do, but not a show-off about it
Rui: can't handle spice, doesn't like mint either
Mukago: handles a decent amount but often chooses milder food
Wakuraba: shows off sometimes but regrets it later
Rokuro: insists he'd rather taste his food
Enmu: he will force himself to eat painful things so he can bully others into suffering with him
Kaigaku: slightly low tolerance, and chooses not to suffer
Gyutaro: really loves extremely spicy food, it's like a hobby
Daki: has adopted the same hobby, but she hates to show when something is too much for her
Gyokko: he makes art out of it instead of eating it (how crafty)
Hantengu: hates it so much, and whines about it
Akaza: likes a show-offy level of spice
Douma: casually handles way more spice than Akaza (about the same tolerance level as Daki, but not as strong as Gyutaro)
Kokushibo: he cannot
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upper-hellion · 1 year
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i love doing these kamanue means it in a joking way but would honestly probably just start crying if it was an upper moon KHK
(rip to tagging all this)
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echantedtoon · 4 months
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Ok. So I figured I'd do a part 2 of this now. These are just my opinions on who'd be the best parents out of all the Lower Moons but I'm gonna switch up the order from Worst dads/Moms to Best dads/moms. No real order other than that though. If you disagree with any of these then that's perfectly fine.
However I will absolutely NOT include Rui for VERY OBVIOUS reasons.
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-Honestly not much is known about these four other than they were killed during Enmu 's introduction. However I don't think any would be good parents considering how cowardly and selfish they came off during the limited time they were around.
0/10 Only because of limited info and selfishness shown
-(A lower moon from one of the OVA Kny mangas for those who don't know who she is.) Dunno much about her but like Nakime gives the childfree impression.
0/10 again mostly due to limited info
-Has no idea how to parent or what to do with a baby.
-Is more of the 'Fun Aunt' than the actual mom. She gets bored easily and just hands them over to you before skedaddling.
-Similar to Douma, you have to do all of the parenting because Susamaru will just let her children run wild letting them do whatever they want. However unlike Douma, she won't actively take care of them other than making sure they don't die.
2/10 Better than the first ones but has no real interest being a parent
-Mans a neat freak. So once he hears about having a child expect him to keep away five feet when you get morning sickness.
-He will begrudgingly bring you foods you're craving, things you need, etc but don't expect him to go anywhere near you when you're sick or when baby's born. The germophobe.
-Will legit not go ANYWHERE near the baby until they're about ten due to kids being messy monsters. Only time he touches them is when he insists on bath time. Bath time is pretty much mandatory for him and insists that the baby gets two baths a day and one during the middle of the night....You have to put your foot down on this.
-Wont let anyone harm them but still doesn't touch them until they are old enough to not be caked on in dirt. Strict dad even when they're a teenager. Very strict rules especially when it comes to hygiene an training.
4/10 Not the worst definitely but is too strict
-(Another Lower Moon from the OVA Kny mangas. Actually know about him since I have the book he's in.) Complicated relationship. REALLY BIG complicated relationship.
-Doesn't hate the kid but doesn't legit know what to do with a baby. You gotta reassure this man. Will keep his distance. Will help you by getting things you need and doing things you ask and making sure you're ok but will still keep his distance even when the kiddos born.
-Will keep his distance and help you with a few things at first but slowly starts to get closer. Holding them always ends with him staring down with mixed feelings. Legit not sure what to do or feel.
-When his kid gets older he'll start teaching them how to use guns and be proud of them for wanting to learn with him. It becomes a comfortable bonding time with them even if it gives you a heart attack every time you see him trying to have them aim a rifle that's WAY to big for them.
-Takes them on hunting trips a lot and shows them how to successfully hunt deer and other animals.
-Teaches them all about different kinds of guns and starts giving them some of his to start their own collection...You safely put them away until they're actually old enough to use them.
-Sometimes you'll walk in to Hairou cleaning his guns while his kiddo is asleep on his shoulders wearing his hat. He acts like it's not even happening.
-Gets his kid a wolf pup as a pet giving you another heart attack.
6/10 He has no idea what to do most of the time but he's trying his best to be there.
-Actually surprisingly doesn't react other than a casual response when you first tell him- "Enmu, I'm pregnant." "That's nice, Honey. Do you want udon for dinner tonight?"
-It legit catches you so off guard that you have to confirm he heard you right and that he wasn't just assuming it was a joke. He knows. He's known a full week even before you found out. How? No one knows how. It's a mystery to this day.
-Is surprising very attentive and happy about the entire thing but is just so casual about it it's surprising. He also is deadass prepared for everything but you're so weirded out by just how calm and casual he is about EVERYTHING. It's always "Do you want water? I think the baby wants water." Or "Do you think the nursery would be better in black and white or greys? Those are neutral colors since we don't know what we're getting." Or "I got you your favorite food! Don't wanna neglect my beautiful wife now.~" You quickly get used to it.
-This initial personality doesn't change a bit. The other Kizuki are horrified Enmu reproduced with Akaza even apologizing to you.
-However with a lot of the moons you'll have to do all the responsible parenting. Enmu sees his spawn as something that can do no wrong and unless it's talking back to you or Muzan, will not punish them. In fact he'll probably encourage his spawns to cause trouble, wreck havoc, hurt their foes, etc. Over spoiling them but puts his foot down if that attitude is directed at Mommy or to Muzan. Those are big nos.
-Outside of that he surprisingly is very invested in their raising. Rocking them to sleep, bed time stories, research for educational toys- It surprises even Muzan how invested he's become in not only his wife but future spawns.
7/10 Well prepared and very invested but the heavy duty parenting will have to be on your shoulders.
-Faints when you first tell him he's about to be a father. Lands on his drums and accidentally teleports you both into different rooms on impact.
-Despite the comical first impression, he's very interested in this. Scared out of his mind at first though. Has to ask you over and over for a month if you're SURE You're expecting and it's not a mistake or badly planned prank...He stopped asking after you death glared at him after throwing up due to morning sickness for the hundredth time in a row.
-This man is scared but in a sweet way. Always asking if you need anything, if you're hurting, if he should go steal more pillows from the nearby town. If demons could have heart attacks he would. He tries to keep you isolated in one room of the mansion only he could get to after he got the fear of slayers and other demons possibly coming after you. You had to put your foot down about the ridiculousness of that idea. He's just very worried about you and wants to keep you both safe.
-Def tries harder to get back into the twelve Kizuki when the baby comes into the picture. Gotta be strong enough to protect you both.
-Mellows out somewhat as the months go by. Still anxious about things and sets up a nursery in the back of the mansion in case intruders enter.
-He likes to sit down and read his stories to the baby and possibly tap his drums. You know the baby probably can't hear him before their born but he's so cute when he does it that you don't tell him.
-Faints again when baby's born. Luckily this time he doesn't randomly teleport you both.
-Will be absolutely smitten with his little one. Carries them around the mansion in one hand when you need a break. If baby cries he just easily teleports to their room and tends to them. Still worried about them so expect him to randomly teleport in and out of the nursery at least ten times a day and night to check on them. Sometimes just randomly takes them with him everywhere even if they're fine or sleeping.
-He's also a very good husband to you. Pulls your hair back when you get sick. Gets you food. Likes teleporting you around if you're too tired to walk. After baby's born he will dote on you as you recover. If you ever need a break he's perfectly fine with taking care of his child as you relax.
-He doesn't want his baby to go through what he did so as they grow expect him to encourage his child to do whatever they want (within reason) and be whatever they want to be when they grow up.
-He's very supportive. Baby wants to be a tailor? He randomly steals fabric and sewing needles. His child shows a hobby in fishing? They're given an old fishing pole he found in the mansion. He overheard them talking about a necklace they're interested in? He steals it the very next night and gives it to them.
-Very good parenting. Tells them they can talk to him about anything and everything. Gives them space and privacy when they need/want it. Puts his foot down if they've done something bad. Gives advice. Tells them that it's ok to fail at something and they'll get it with practice.
-Was well educated as a human, so expect your child to be taught to read, write, etc at an early age. Your child will be smarter than most children their age thanks to Sensai Kyogai.
-He doesn't tell them about him being a demon and what they do until they're a teenager and can better understand. He wants them to have a normal childhood. So for a long time your child just thinks his dad has a skin condition or something making him look weird.
9/10 Not perfect but he's a very good father.
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mistymuichiro · 1 year
Characters: Gyutaro + Kamanue
K's: abuse of power, gagging and hitting, mentions of ripping, spanking, dubcon?, just a bunch of violence ngl. Also it jumps right into it..💀
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giyubabe · 5 months
could you draw our boy Kamanue plis?
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I did not think that ppl actually know him and his name nor did except anyone to ask me to draw him .it’s just wow.
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signedeclipse · 2 years
You have some spare headcanons of Muzan, Rui and Kamanue with S/O, who is very good at stealing things, don't you? If yes, could you please share them here?
Oh, you were not only sneaky but impossible to spot
Sometimes he wishes you'd use your keen ability to steal from others, but instead, you are constantly pulling tricks on him
Writing ink, shoes, clothes
And he'll find you with his sandals and shirt on, writing out a love letter addressed to him
Fortunately, you always saved yourself by doing something sweet with it, or else he'd have to start returning the favour
He did try taking from you as a prod back, but you immediately caught him and made the rest of the week hell
Though if he really wanted, im sure he could track you down by your scent alone
So get ready for some games of chase
Overall takes it in a very playful way, but he will pout if you take from him too frequently without putting it back as it was
You were the thief that stole his heart
Every time someone called him heartless, that's what came to mind
Of course, he didn't have one, not since you took it for yourself
The demon lord had many important soldiers out there, but none that were as efficient as spying on the humans and slayers as you
He could see through demons easily, but he needed someone who could do the same with humans, someone who could predict anything and prove it
And boy, could you bring back proof
Written documents from the lead demon slayer himself, locations of hashira, and slowly sketching out the trail to the swordsmith village
Just a few of the things you'd managed to bring back for him in the last month
It made him proud that he had chosen the most suitable s/o, someone who understood what he wanted
Expect lots of privileges, food, and gifts from around Japan
He never wants you to worry about hunting humans, so of course, he does it for you
You played an exciting role in this spider family
The most prolonged standing, never before punished, and most free of all
His spouse, the one that could be seen hiding amongst the trees, usually holding something genuinely horrendous, something blackmail worthy
You would take things from the other members of the spider family; things they shouldn't have
Connections to their actual families, personal items, pictures, escape plans
And you would bring them back to Rui, where he would decide what to do
It was another scare tactic for the others, knowing no matter what, you could find anything and take it without a hint of them knowing
They could only assume you were deep under his spell, truly lost in a way that someone could not be brought back from
But you held the only secret no one could find, that you had never drunk the spider demons blood, that you dressed this way as choice and lived very happily by his side
Rui would always be proud of you, his thief
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Authors Note - I suppose I can spare a handful or two...but thats all you are getting!! Coming back with this absolute banger of a prompt :]
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krikidilly · 1 year
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Realized I never posted my Kamanue doodles!!! My favorite demon who exists for all of two seconds <3
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the-muzansama · 1 year
Lord father! Guess what?!
I helped @ask-kamanue discover his blood demon art! You’re super proud of us right?
That is quite impressive. Good job, Gyutaro. *he's got this look on his face like 'it took you still this long to do it??'* Why don't you and Kamanue show me what you figured out.
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hazbinextgeneration · 11 months
Demon Slayer Monster Au
*Firstly any and all art linked is by @rottencoreflesh101 and @yuki2sksksk on Tumblr.
*Secondly and this is VERY important!! The designs for the monsters linked ARE NOT the cannon ones used in the story!! I repeat my designs for them are different and I only linked the ones by other artists to give others an idea for what they MIGHT look like!! I do not claim these designs linked and they ARE NOT the designs used for the story!! Only to give a brief idea of what they are!! And they are not my art nor am I claiming them as such!!
Please support both original artists linked!!
This will tell you all about this small AU.
Hey everyone. In honor of Halloween I thought I'd bring you a second installment for Demon Slayer fans. But this time it'll be a bit different. Instead of a long storyline there will be just a few chapters and then multiple endings with all the Demon love interests from Demon Bride. Sorry for Haishira Lovers. I might do one with the Haishira cast in the future but I just really like the Demon Cast. This is just the summery chapter to introduce you to this small AU and what everyone's roles are in this storyline. I shall now refer to it as the Monster Bride au. Some designs are inspired by rottencoreflesh101 and yuki2sksksk on Tumblr but THIS IS A COMPLETELY different au from their monster au and nothing about their au is cannon to mine except maybe the monsters. With that out of the way let's get into the important info!
*What makes the Monster Bride AU different than the Demon Bride Au?
Well it's kinda like Demon Bride only all the demons are some kind of monster instead of a demon. Except all are intelligent races that can reproduce with humans (think Hotel Transylvania type of monsters). However in this au the Monster population is MUCH bigger than the human population and not everyone knows it. In order to keep peace, Kagaya's family runs a monster hunting business and they can be both hired by people to slay certain monsters or they slay them themselves. ONLY THE HOSTILE ONES HOWEVER. Kagaya has made it his mission to improve relationships with monsters and humans and only attack the hostile ones.
However some villages placate monsters by leaving offerings of food or their daughters as brides. However once every hundred years when there's a full blood moon, the monsters come out to drag away their wanted brides whether the unfortunate victim wants them or not.
(I like the bride trope don't mock me pls-)
Also not all the humans believe in monsters. Monsters are often VERY elusive so a lot of people still don't believe in them or don't know what to believe.
*Who are all the Haishira in Monster Bride?
 All of them are just regular humans as in cannon but instead of just demon slayer they're all monster hunters.
-Kaygaya and his family has inherited the organization from his deceased father and run the entire thing to help people however in retaliation, Kagaya was cursed by a witch long ago with blindness. However the kind man doesn't blame all monsters and tries to help improve relationships by sending letters to the Monster King Muzan...Even if he never gets letters back.
-the Kocho Sisters plus Aoi and their helpers run the research and development sector of the organization. They sell everything from garlic to wolfsbane to breaking curses. Kaneo, Shinobu, and Kanae are also monster hunters specialists after a monster claimed the lives of their parents. Often relying on Shinobu's weird concoctions or traps  They also receive samples of DNA and sometimes live monsters and/or their bodies from Kanae's fiance Sanemi and his brother or Shinobu's  partner Giyuu. Kanae also believed that most monsters deserves a chance to be heard out even if her sisters and fiance disagrees.
-Sanemi, Genya, and Gyomei are some of the powerhouses in the organization and they usually handle the bigger problems or bigger monsters such as ogers or werewolves. Gyomei is actually the one training Genya after a demon attacked his temple leading him to join the organization. Sanemi and Genya joined not too longer after they had gotten old enough too after a tragedy with a vampire. A stray vampire had turned their mother leading her to slay most of their family aside from the two brothers. Gyomei is also an exorcist and helps to remove ghosts or helps the poor souls move on. He's also one of the teachers who teach the new recruits.
-Rengoku and Tengen often work together and can be quite a team. It is said Rengoku's family was blessed by a Phoenix spirit long ago giving his family the signature red hair. The two are the fastest of the monster slayers and are usually the ones to take jobs around towns or villages with monster problems. Sometimes they will be seen with Mitsuri is they need extra muscle.
-Mitsuri is the strongest and most flexible hunter and is the one who handles the REALLY big monsters like giants or dragons if they get too close to towns however she's also the negotiater between humans and monsters. If there's ever a situation that they can solve peacefully usually she's the one called to talk to the monster. She's also the one who's responsible for rehoming the tame magical creatures if they get too close to humans such as unicorns or jackolopes.
-Iguro is an expert hunter and usually has to help Gyomei teach the new hunters. He doesn't like it however. He is secretly dating Mitsuri after a cupid shot him with a confession arrow while the two were alone. Therefore he hates things like love potions and cupids. He literally dives under the nearest biggest object of he thinks he sees one. His expertise is hunting nagas and other reptile like monsters due to one killing most of his family and leaving him scared. The only monster he really won't say anything bad about is ghosts because he often sees them as poor lost souls.
-Tanjiro, Inosuke, Nezuko, and Zenitsu are monster hunters in training after one monster or another claimed the lives of their families. Zenitsu might have a crush on Nezuko which Tanjiro has mixed feelings about. He can often be seen training with the Tokito twins or being mentored by someone. Both Tokito boys were taken in by Gyomei after their parents died of natural causes 
-Guyuu is a hunter that specializes in water based monsters. Rogue mermaids, sirens, water elementals, maybe even a young kraken or two. He's seen them all and can often be seen soaking wet from missions and dragging the carcus of some water dweller behind him for Shinobu and her sisters to study.
*Who are the Demons in Monster Bride?
All are some kind of monster but they're personalities are the same as cannon.
Muzan Kibutsuji 
-The king of all monsters and non-human beings.
-He's part demon and part fae so he is INCREDIBLY powerful and handsome. 
-his blood can be used to give blessings or curses however he can also turn a human into any monster he wishes. Was the one to turn Kokushibo into a monster.
-Lives in his own pocket dimension known as the infinity castle and rarely shows himself due to a secret fear of humans made by Yorichii. The only human he completely trusts is his wife Rei.
-Has a semi deal with the humans. If any creature invades their territory or causes harm then they are free game.
-Doesnt really make an appearance in the story.
-Muzans right hand man and spy for anything he needs. Was turned into a monster by Muzan after willingly rejecting his humanity to become stronger.
-Was human however he was turned into an Omukade (centipede yokai) by Muzan. He looks like the links ago.
-Out of all the monsters Kokushibo has slain the most hunters and is the most skilled fighter. Often using ambush attacks, being silent but deadly, and his lethal venom. 
-He acts as Muzan's assistant doing anything he needs outside of the infinity castle
-He is also Kaigaku's mentor and raised him after finding him abandoned as a child.
-He can switch to his human form but it's incredibly painful 
-Douma is possibly the second monster that has the most interactions with humans. He's a kelpie-centaur seen like in the links below
-Douma has exactly 3 forms. His human form, centaur-ish form, and water form where his horse back legs turn into a fish tail. He can breath underwater, and use his skin like glue when he wills it so. He often likes to pretend to be a centaur or human to catch prey off guard or visit Akaza in his body of water.
-Douma rules over a pretty large lake that's just chalk FULL of fish and other wild life. Surrounding villages think he is some kind of water god and make sacrifices in exchange for letting them take fish from his lake. He devours any sacrifice his lovely followers gift him although raw beef and human flesh is his favorites.
-he likes bothering Akaza as he's one of the few monsters that'll pay attention to him mostly by yelling or fights.
-He has a special relationship with Daki and Gyutaro. Mostly because he partially raised them after their mother attempted to drown Gyutaro in his lake. He ended up drowning her instead and devouring her body. However he took mercy upon the siblings when realizing that they weren't human either. 
-He often drags big fish to their forest home or sometimes brings them his human sacrifices. Was also the one to give Gyutaro tips on navigating around hunters if he encountered them.
-Akaza is a Betta fish merman like seen in the links below
-Was actually born into a human village with a poor father whom fell in love with a mermaid. It is unclear what happened to his mother however his father tragically took his own life.
-Was once engaged to a human woman called Koyuki but a group of male villagers murdered both her and her father after learning of her monster fiance. After murdering all the ones responsible, Akaza fled to the safety of a nearby series of streams where he continues to live.
-Because of his experiences from humans, Akaza drowns any unsuspecting men whom wonder into his waters but spares women and children. However he remains unseen so everyone just thinks the series of streams are cursed.
-Met Douma when the kelpie-centaur attempted to eat a woman who was fishing in one of his streams. Akaza was luckily able to save her but now Douma somehow sees him as his 'best friend' and continues to make numerous trips a year to see him. Akaza hates him for his eating habits.
-Not much is known about her. Her identity is mostly secret to everyone but Muzan.
-He is a cyclops siren hybrid but instead of her voice her power stems from her musical talent for the biwa.
-was taken in by Muzan after he saved her from a hunter and she now dutifully serves him mostly by transporting him and his family about the areas.
-was rumored to once be a famous entertainer for a king
Hantengu And His Sons
-Hantengu is a shadow elemental often using his abilities to hide in the shadows and whimper and cry until one of his sons find him and brings him home again. He can also shrink his size and has a slight victim complex.
-Was married long ago to a harpy woman who bore him fives sons. However she was tragically killed by some humans when caught stealing a cow when Zohakuten was a baby.
-The death of his wife has made him fear humans more and make his sons very protective of him.
-The oldest quadruplet brother and the angriest.
-A lightning elemental. He is 100% immune to lightning and often can be found outside in thunderstorms
-He's the leader of the brothers even if Urogi and Karaku don't always listen to him.
-Surprisingly doesn't hate humans but finds them really, really, REALLY weak and annoying and if one would annoy him he wouldn't hesitate to taze them.
-The second eldest brother and the one with the most experience with humans. 
-He has actually dated quite a lot of men and women humans
-Wind elemental
-The most carefree flirty brother and doesn't get along with Gyutaro after flirting with Daki once and then being chased by an angry wendigo brother.
-Urogi is a golden eagle harpy being the only one who took after their mother and the third oldest
-Also the second friendliest of the brothers and like Karaku has had a few relationships with them. 
-LOVES hunting prey. Everything from rabbits to giant bears. It's the birds of prey in him.
-Unlike Karaku however he knows how to tone it down more and laughs whenever he's chased by another's angry partner.
-Metal elemental and youngest of the quadruplets.
-Aizetsu is the weakest of his brothers being only able to use the iron in his body to create weapons however his favorite is a spear he usually carries in his back.
-Being the weakest has him being self conscious of himself despite his kind demeanor 
-He enjoys any compliments or praise he gets and often gets crushed easily.
-Tree elemental and the youngest brother of the Hantengu boys. Can manipulate wood and trees.
-The strongest of the brothers despite being only fourteen years old.
-He's as hotheaded as Sekido and often the two will fight and but heads even though they do legitimately care for one another. However his closest brother is Aizetsu whom listens to him. He's also the one who usually stays home with their father.
-Has five earth dragons as pets and gave them all tree names: Maple, Oak, Pine, Birch, and Willow. They were gifted to him as babies by Urogi whom found them while hunting.
-Was a merman mutated by a curse for stealing a vase from a sea witch, is now a spirit cursed to forever haunt the vase he once stole.
-Despite his appearance he's surprisingly content and often just wants to be left alone to work on his own artwork.
-VERY gay for Hantengu
-Doesnt really show up in the story
-a wendigo born from a wendigo father and human mother. Looks like the links below 
-theres not really a lot of his kind left due to humans constantly hunting them. So he's usually on edge especially when it comes to his little sister. No human or monster is allowed near her except for Douma who half raised them as kids. He's also very self conscious about his appearance due to not getting enough food sometimes.
-hates humans for their treatment of him and the fact their mother attempted to drown him as a child. Although...he finds a few human women very pretty looking. Y/n in particular. Not as beautiful as his sister though!
-he secretly likes having someone scratch behind his ears. His tail thumps when someone does scratch him there
-Daki is a beautiful albino fuzzy drider (spider centaur creature) born from a human mother and drider father and looks like the art linked below
-despite a spider's reputation, many creatures both human and non-human alike have come to try and court her. Most are usually caught in her webs for food or run off or killed by her older brother. The only creature they both welcome unconditionally is Douma who partially raised them and often brings food if they haven't eaten in a while.
-her views on humans is...mixed. she adores the jewelry and cloth they make and her brother seems to have a crush on one. Plus some are delicious! But on the other hand they're really REALLY annoying.
-He's often very vain and complains a lot but is very protective of her brother for how much his kind is hated and hunted by humans so she often puts up web traps around their home.
-Corrupted sandman, A K.A. Boogeyman. This man used to work for the man in the moon but would torment the poor souls he was supposed to help sleep by giving them traumatic nightmares. After he was caught he was immediately kicked out and banned from the moon's light.
-knows many kinds of tricks including hypnotism and a few medical techniques from being around humans for so long.
-he's nocturnal and usually sleeps in the shadows or somewhere dark during the day to walk around and torment others dreams at night. However he was surprised to find someone not affected by his abilities.
-he adores the human invention of trains and thus is often spotted sleeping hidden away in train stations or on trains or tormenting sleeping people on trains.
-Kaigaku is the only known demon-vampire hybrid and was abandoned by his parents as a young child. Was later found by Kokushibo and trained him to use a sword.
-He's not very powerful amongst other monsters but is definitely faster and stronger than a human. He also doesn't need blood to live like a full blooded vampire however he drinks it to make himself more powerful. Different monster's blood has different effects on him.
-Despite his blood thirsty heritage he adores peaches and any food with the fruit in it. He's actually gotten in trouble a lot for trespassing onto human farms for the fruit and was chased away by angry villagers.
-his demon half cancels out most of his vampire halfs weakness. So while he CAN walk in sunlight he's prone to get sunburns very easily. More than once he's shown up to training with red patches all over him.
Susamaru and Yahaba
-both are yokai whom work for Muzan
-they usually just protect his human wife and child whenever they go out and Kokushibo can't accompany them
-they surprisingly work well together
-they don't appear in the story
-Elf-demon hybrid and is actually pretty weak. Is the reason he prefers to remain hidden in his forest mansion and write.
-his two main hobbies are writing and playing the Tsuzumi drum even though he's not very confident about either because of his now deceased father's constant disapproval.
-Actually very neautal towards humans. He doesn't hate them but he doesn't want them around either preferring to just be better left alone. However he does go into monster friendly towns nearby to purchase more books or writing utensils.
-has secretly published MANY popular books under a fake name and has made a decent amount of money from it.
-Spider tiefling. 
-He lives with his parents and many brothers and sisters in the forest and often they compete with driders for territory and food both being spider creatures. 
-he's very much like his cannon self and doesn't make an appearance in this story but thought it'd be interesting to mention him anyways.
Honorable Mentions
-Rei is a human while her and Muzan's daughter is a mixture of demon, Fae, and human but looks completely human.
-Hairou is plain and simple a vampire.
-The Swamp Demon is of course a trio of Swamp Monster triplets.
-Yushiro is a fae. Either a fairy or elf.
*What is Tamayo in the AU?
A celestial maiden and Y/n's mother. She was very beautiful and many men attempted to work her, Muzan included before he met Rei years later. Instead she fell in love with a human before he tragically passed away.
She again fell in love with Y/n's father after healing him and years later Y/n was born. Those related to a celestial maiden are blessed with kindness and beauty and Y/n is no exception. And unlike Demon Bride, Y/n does have a good relationship with her parents.
I left whom Y/n's father is ambiguous so you can imagine if it's Yushiro or not.
*What is Y/n in Monster Bride?
Despite her mother being a celestial maiden, Y/n was born completely human. I also left what Y/n looks like completely up to interpretation. So imagine her to look however YOU want.
Kokushibo, Douma, Akaza, Sekido, Urogi, Aizetsu, Karaku, Enmu, Kaigaku, Gyutaro, and Kyogai 
*Firstly any and all art linked is by rottencoreflesh101 and yuki2sksksk on Tumblr.
*Secondly and this is VERY important!! The designs for the monsters linked ARE NOT the cannon ones used in the story!! I repeat my designs for them are different and I only linked the ones by other artists to give others an idea for what they MIGHT look like!! I do not claim these designs linked and they ARE NOT the designs used for the story!! Only to give a brief idea of what they are!!
This will tell you all about this small AU.
Hey everyone. In honor of Halloween I thought I'd bring you a second installment for Demon Slayer fans. But this time it'll be a bit different. Instead of a long storyline there will be just a few chapters and then multiple endings with all the Demon love interests from Demon Bride. Sorry for Haishira Lovers. I might do one with the Haishira cast in the future but I just really like the Demon Cast. This is just the summery chapter to introduce you to this small AU and what everyone's roles are in this storyline. I shall now refer to it as the Monster Bride au. Some designs are inspired by rottencoreflesh101 and yuki2sksksk on Tumblr but THIS IS A COMPLETELY different au from their monster au and nothing about their au is cannon to mine except maybe the monsters. With that out of the way let's get into the important info!
*What makes the Monster Bride AU different than the Demon Bride Au?
Well it's kinda like Demon Bride only all the demons are some kind of monster instead of a demon. Except all are intelligent races that can reproduce with humans (think Hotel Transylvania type of monsters). However in this au the Monster population is MUCH bigger than the human population and not everyone knows it. In order to keep peace, Kagaya's family runs a monster hunting business and they can be both hired by people to slay certain monsters or they slay them themselves. ONLY THE HOSTILE ONES HOWEVER. Kagaya has made it his mission to improve relationships with monsters and humans and only attack the hostile ones.
However some villages placate monsters by leaving offerings of food or their daughters as brides. However once every hundred years when there's a full blood moon, the monsters come out to drag away their wanted brides whether the unfortunate victim wants them or not.
(I like the bride trope don't mock me pls-)
Also not all the humans believe in monsters. Monsters are often VERY elusive so a lot of people still don't believe in them or don't know what to believe.
*Who are all the Haishira in Monster Bride?
 All of them are just regular humans as in cannon but instead of just demon slayer they're all monster hunters.
-Kaygaya and his family has inherited the organization from his deceased father and run the entire thing to help people however in retaliation, Kagaya was cursed by a witch long ago with blindness. However the kind man doesn't blame all monsters and tries to help improve relationships by sending letters to the Monster King Muzan...Even if he never gets letters back.
-the Kocho Sisters plus Aoi and their helpers run the research and development sector of the organization. They sell everything from garlic to wolfsbane to breaking curses. Kaneo, Shinobu, and Kanae are also monster hunters specialists after a monster claimed the lives of their parents. Often relying on Shinobu's weird concoctions or traps  They also receive samples of DNA and sometimes live monsters and/or their bodies from Kanae's fiance Sanemi and his brother or Shinobu's  partner Giyuu. Kanae also believed that most monsters deserves a chance to be heard out even if her sisters and fiance disagrees.
-Sanemi, Genya, and Gyomei are some of the powerhouses in the organization and they usually handle the bigger problems or bigger monsters such as ogers or werewolves. Gyomei is actually the one training Genya after a demon attacked his temple leading him to join the organization. Sanemi and Genya joined not too longer after they had gotten old enough too after a tragedy with a vampire. A stray vampire had turned their mother leading her to slay most of their family aside from the two brothers. Gyomei is also an exorcist and helps to remove ghosts or helps the poor souls move on. He's also one of the teachers who teach the new recruits.
-Rengoku and Tengen often work together and can be quite a team. It is said Rengoku's family was blessed by a Phoenix spirit long ago giving his family the signature red hair. The two are the fastest of the monster slayers and are usually the ones to take jobs around towns or villages with monster problems. Sometimes they will be seen with Mitsuri is they need extra muscle.
-Mitsuri is the strongest and most flexible hunter and is the one who handles the REALLY big monsters like giants or dragons if they get too close to towns however she's also the negotiater between humans and monsters. If there's ever a situation that they can solve peacefully usually she's the one called to talk to the monster. She's also the one who's responsible for rehoming the tame magical creatures if they get too close to humans such as unicorns or jackolopes.
-Iguro is an expert hunter and usually has to help Gyomei teach the new hunters. He doesn't like it however. He is secretly dating Mitsuri after a cupid shot him with a confession arrow while the two were alone. Therefore he hates things like love potions and cupids. He literally dives under the nearest biggest object of he thinks he sees one. His expertise is hunting nagas and other reptile like monsters due to one killing most of his family and leaving him scared. The only monster he really won't say anything bad about is ghosts because he often sees them as poor lost souls.
-Tanjiro, Inosuke, Nezuko, and Zenitsu are monster hunters in training after one monster or another claimed the lives of their families. Zenitsu might have a crush on Nezuko which Tanjiro has mixed feelings about. He can often be seen training with the Tokito twins or being mentored by someone. Both Tokito boys were taken in by Gyomei after their parents died of natural causes 
-Guyuu is a hunter that specializes in water based monsters. Rogue mermaids, sirens, water elementals, maybe even a young kraken or two. He's seen them all and can often be seen soaking wet from missions and dragging the carcus of some water dweller behind him for Shinobu and her sisters to study.
*Who are the Demons in Monster Bride?
All are some kind of monster but they're personalities are the same as cannon.
Muzan Kibutsuji 
-The king of all monsters and non-human beings.
-He's part demon and part fae so he is INCREDIBLY powerful and handsome. 
-his blood can be used to give blessings or curses however he can also turn a human into any monster he wishes. Was the one to turn Kokushibo into a monster.
-Lives in his own pocket dimension known as the infinity castle and rarely shows himself due to a secret fear of humans made by Yorichii. The only human he completely trusts is his wife Rei.
-Has a semi deal with the humans. If any creature invades their territory or causes harm then they are free game.
-Doesnt really make an appearance in the story.
-Muzans right hand man and spy for anything he needs. Was turned into a monster by Muzan after willingly rejecting his humanity to become stronger.
-Was human however he was turned into an Omukade (centipede yokai) by Muzan. He looks similar to the links ago.
-Out of all the monsters Kokushibo has slain the most hunters and is the most skilled fighter. Often using ambush attacks, being silent but deadly, and his lethal venom. 
-He acts as Muzan's assistant doing anything he needs outside of the infinity castle
-He is also Kaigaku's mentor and raised him after finding him abandoned as a child.
-He can switch to his human form but it's incredibly painful 
-Douma is possibly the second monster that has the most interactions with humans. He's a kelpie-centaur similar like in the links below
-Douma has exactly 3 forms. His human form, centaur-ish form, and water form where his horse back legs turn into a fish tail. He can breath underwater, and use his skin like glue when he wills it so. He often likes to pretend to be a centaur or human to catch prey off guard or visit Akaza in his body of water.
-Douma rules over a pretty large lake that's just chalk FULL of fish and other wild life. Surrounding villages think he is some kind of water god and make sacrifices in exchange for letting them take fish from his lake. He devours any sacrifice his lovely followers gift him although raw beef and human flesh is his favorites.
-he likes bothering Akaza as he's one of the few monsters that'll pay attention to him mostly by yelling or fights.
-He has a special relationship with Daki and Gyutaro. Mostly because he partially raised them after their mother attempted to drown Gyutaro in his lake. He ended up drowning her instead and devouring her body. However he took mercy upon the siblings when realizing that they weren't human either. 
-He often drags big fish to their forest home or sometimes brings them his human sacrifices. Was also the one to give Gyutaro tips on navigating around hunters if he encountered them.
-Akaza is a Betta fish merman similar to the art seen in the links below
-Was actually born into a human village with a poor father whom fell in love with a mermaid. It is unclear what happened to his mother however his father tragically took his own life.
-Was once engaged to a human woman called Koyuki but a group of male villagers murdered both her and her father after learning of her monster fiance. After murdering all the ones responsible, Akaza fled to the safety of a nearby series of streams where he continues to live.
-Because of his experiences from humans, Akaza drowns any unsuspecting men whom wonder into his waters but spares women and children. However he remains unseen so everyone just thinks the series of streams are cursed.
-Met Douma when the kelpie-centaur attempted to eat a woman who was fishing in one of his streams. Akaza was luckily able to save her but now Douma somehow sees him as his 'best friend' and continues to make numerous trips a year to see him. Akaza hates him for his eating habits.
-Not much is known about her. Her identity is mostly secret to everyone but Muzan.
-He is a cyclops siren hybrid but instead of her voice her power stems from her musical talent for the biwa.
-was taken in by Muzan after he saved her from a hunter and she now dutifully serves him mostly by transporting him and his family about the areas.
-was rumored to once be a famous entertainer for a king
Hantengu And His Sons
-Hantengu is a shadow elemental often using his abilities to hide in the shadows and whimper and cry until one of his sons find him and brings him home again. He can also shrink his size and has a slight victim complex.
-Was married long ago to a harpy woman who bore him fives sons. However she was tragically killed by some humans when caught stealing a cow when Zohakuten was a baby.
-The death of his wife has made him fear humans more and make his sons very protective of him.
-The oldest quadruplet brother and the angriest.
-A lightning elemental. He is 100% immune to lightning and often can be found outside in thunderstorms
-He's the leader of the brothers even if Urogi and Karaku don't always listen to him.
-Surprisingly doesn't hate humans but finds them really, really, REALLY weak and annoying and if one would annoy him he wouldn't hesitate to taze them.
-The second eldest brother and the one with the most experience with humans. 
-He has actually dated quite a lot of men and women humans
-Wind elemental
-The most carefree flirty brother and doesn't get along with Gyutaro after flirting with Daki once and then being chased by an angry wendigo brother.
-Urogi is a golden eagle harpy being the only one who took after their mother and the third oldest
-Also the second friendliest of the brothers and like Karaku has had a few relationships with them. 
-LOVES hunting prey. Everything from rabbits to giant bears. It's the birds of prey in him.
-Unlike Karaku however he knows how to tone it down more and laughs whenever he's chased by another's angry partner.
-Metal elemental and youngest of the quadruplets.
-Aizetsu is the weakest of his brothers being only able to use the iron in his body to create weapons however his favorite is a spear he usually carries in his back.
-Being the weakest has him being self conscious of himself despite his kind demeanor 
-He enjoys any compliments or praise he gets and often gets crushed easily.
-Tree elemental and the youngest brother of the Hantengu boys. Can manipulate wood and trees.
-The strongest of the brothers despite being only fourteen years old.
-He's as hotheaded as Sekido and often the two will fight and but heads even though they do legitimately care for one another. However his closest brother is Aizetsu whom listens to him. He's also the one who usually stays home with their father.
-Has five earth dragons as pets and gave them all tree names: Maple, Oak, Pine, Birch, and Willow. They were gifted to him as babies by Urogi whom found them while hunting.
-Was a merman mutated by a curse for stealing a vase from a sea witch, is now a spirit cursed to forever haunt the vase he once stole.
-Despite his appearance he's surprisingly content and often just wants to be left alone to work on his own artwork.
-VERY gay for Hantengu
-Doesnt really show up in the story
-a wendigo born from a wendigo father and human mother. Looks similar to the links below 
-theres not really a lot of his kind left due to humans constantly hunting them. So he's usually on edge especially when it comes to his little sister. No human or monster is allowed near her except for Douma who half raised them as kids. He's also very self conscious about his appearance due to not getting enough food sometimes.
-hates humans for their treatment of him and the fact their mother attempted to drown him as a child. Although...he finds a few human women very pretty looking. Y/n in particular. Not as beautiful as his sister though!
-he secretly likes having someone scratch behind his ears. His tail thumps when someone does scratch him there
-Daki is a albino jorogumo Yokai (spider centaur creature) born from a human mother and drider father and looks similar the art linked below
-despite a spider's reputation, many creatures both human and non-human alike have come to try and court her. Most are usually caught in her webs for food or run off or killed by her older brother. The only creature they both welcome unconditionally is Douma who partially raised them and often brings food if they haven't eaten in a while.
-her views on humans is...mixed. she adores the jewelry and cloth they make and her brother seems to have a crush on one. Plus some are delicious! But on the other hand they're really REALLY annoying.
-He's often very vain and complains a lot but is very protective of her brother for how much his kind is hated and hunted by humans so she often puts up web traps around their home.
-Corrupted sandman, A K.A. Boogeyman. This man used to work for the man in the moon but would torment the poor souls he was supposed to help sleep by giving them traumatic nightmares. After he was caught he was immediately kicked out and banned from the moon's light.
-knows many kinds of tricks including hypnotism and a few medical techniques from being around humans for so long.
-he's nocturnal and usually sleeps in the shadows or somewhere dark during the day to walk around and torment others dreams at night. However he was surprised to find someone not affected by his abilities.
-he adores the human invention of trains and thus is often spotted sleeping hidden away in train stations or on trains or tormenting sleeping people on trains.
-Kaigaku is the only known demon-vampire hybrid and was abandoned by his parents as a young child. Was later found by Kokushibo and trained him to use a sword.
-He's not very powerful amongst other monsters but is definitely faster and stronger than a human. He also doesn't need blood to live like a full blooded vampire however he drinks it to make himself more powerful. Different monster's blood has different effects on him.
-Despite his blood thirsty heritage he adores peaches and any food with the fruit in it. He's actually gotten in trouble a lot for trespassing onto human farms for the fruit and was chased away by angry villagers.
-his demon half cancels out most of his vampire halfs weakness. So while he CAN walk in sunlight he's prone to get sunburns very easily. More than once he's shown up to training with red patches all over him.
Susamaru and Yahaba
-both are yokai whom work for Muzan
-they usually just protect his human wife and child whenever they go out and Kokushibo can't accompany them
-they surprisingly work well together
-they don't appear in the story
-Elf-demon hybrid and is actually pretty weak. Is the reason he prefers to remain hidden in his forest mansion and write.
-his two main hobbies are writing and playing the Tsuzumi drum even though he's not very confident about either because of his now deceased father's constant disapproval.
-Actually very neautal towards humans. He doesn't hate them but he doesn't want them around either preferring to just be better left alone. However he does go into monster friendly towns nearby to purchase more books or writing utensils.
-has secretly published MANY popular books under a fake name and has made a decent amount of money from it.
-Spider tiefling. 
-He lives with his parents and many brothers and sisters in the forest and often they compete with driders for territory and food both being spider creatures. 
-he's very much like his cannon self and doesn't make an appearance in this story but thought it'd be interesting to mention him anyways.
Honorable Mentions
-Rei is a human while her and Muzan's daughter is a mixture of demon, Fae, and human but looks completely human.
-Hairou is plain and simple a vampire.
-The Swamp Demon is of course a trio of Swamp Monster triplets.
-Yushiro is a fae. Either a fairy or elf.
*What is Tamayo in the AU?
A celestial maiden and Y/n's mother. She was very beautiful and many men attempted to work her, Muzan included before he met Rei years later. Instead she fell in love with a human before he tragically passed away.
She again fell in love with Y/n's father after healing him and years later Y/n was born. Those related to a celestial maiden are blessed with kindness and beauty and Y/n is no exception. And unlike Demon Bride, Y/n does have a good relationship with her parents.
I left whom Y/n's father is ambiguous so you can imagine if it's Yushiro or not.
*What is Y/n in Monster Bride?
Despite her mother being a celestial maiden, Y/n was born completely human. I also left what Y/n looks like completely up to interpretation. So imagine her to look however YOU want.
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jazjustpeachy · 11 months
Muzan x Maid!Reader - You did something wrong (part 1)
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Tw: talk of punishment, Muzan
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You didn't mean to. You really never. You were in a kneeling position, slightly hunched in shame and embarrassment. Master Muzan had ordered you to bring him a bowl of marechi blood. He doesn't usually do this. He usually just consumes the human entirely, but today, he wanted to embarrass you. And embarrass you he did.
He was in a meeting with the lower moons when he had ordered for the bowl. He just wanted to see you subservient to him as usual. He didn't expect you to fall. But yet again, neither did you.
Here, you were on the floor in front of not only Master Muzan but the lower moons. Covered in marechi blood. Even though you were a demon, Muzan couldn't help but think you looked pretty tasty. So did the lower moons, but they know better not to touch you.
"Y/N, is that my food I see you caked in?" Muzan said in a cold voice.
You apologised profusely. You really didn't mean to. You just wanted to serve him. Here, you are looking like a fool in front of 7 separate demons. Each one is more important than the last. And you at the bottom of the food chain...covered in food.
"I'm sorry...Master I didn't meet to" you replied timidly.
"I'm sure you never," you can tell by the glare you are really in for it. He doesn't look angry or disappointed. The look on his face almost looks sadistic. Like he's concocting a plan. You look up at him, shly waiting for what he has to say.
While all this was going down, the lower moons tried to remain silent. Kamanue, lower moon 6, was terrified. He took Muzans cold state as he was angry and didn't want to be on the receiving end of this anger. Enmu, lower moon 1, knew what was coming. This had happened to him before so he smirked. You were gonna be punished.
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183 notes · View notes
demonslayedher · 2 years
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178 notes · View notes
upper-hellion · 1 year
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to lazy to do the upper moons JKLHKLJH will probably do em later
88 notes · View notes
koku-shibou · 1 year
hugs kokushibo from behind suddenly
Hm ...?
Kamanue ... what ... are you doing ...?
13 notes · View notes
mistymuichiro · 1 year
Characters: Gyutaro and Kamanue
@gyutaro-shabana-upper6 @ask-kamanue
K's: hairpulling, choking, noncon? the size difference, a lil bit of thigh riding, facefucking, deep throating, restraining
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106 notes · View notes
echantedtoon · 9 months
A Little Side Tracked
A bonus side chapter and love interest of Demon Bride. Can you guess who it is?
(I just like this goofy Lil Chimera demon despite him only appearing for a few minutes in the Mugen Train.  Consider this a little side story to Demon Bride. Takes place between chapters 58 and 60. I read somewhere that tulips (specifically orange tulips) symbolizes appreciation. Haven't used tulips for any demons so I'll use this one.)
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Hundreds of rooms and windows and stairs appeared all meshing into one as if they were a maze. Hundreds of halls. Entrapping the light within the confusion of the structure your mind struggled to comprehend.  
The ultimate dimension. The Infinity Castle. This is where all demons came from, their original home.
Past doors, lanterns, stairs, walls, hallways- Doors. Lanterns. Stairs. Walls. Hallways. Doors. Stairs. Walls. Lanterns. Hallways. Over and over again. Reflected in your eyesight and flying past your form at an inhuman speed. Yes. The Infinity Castle was always confusing for you to navigate. No. Not confusing. Impossible. And you couldn't tell where you were going half the time or was confused on purpose (by Enmu) although it had one good feature. Lots of hiding places. Why would someone need hiding places? ....Well-
"Shit, shit, shit, shit!"
You were very much starting to get tired of this entire fiance fiasco for a LOT of reasons. All these boys were so clingy, a lot fought with each other, the trouble and stress they caused you, and a lot of other reasons you could go on forever talking about. But the main reason right now was because of a certain tall,  muscular, annoying, VERY clingy, rainbow eyed, cold, and strong chatterbox blonde was already chasing after you in a love struck haze. Every since you inadvertently broke through whatever barrier was keeping Douma's mind and heart from experiencing emotions without meaning to, he had been following you around like a whiny and annoyingly clingy lost puppy. Especially now that his body was mostly recovered from the wysteria poisoning. You had to either go with Akaza or sneak out most days if you didn't want him to cling to you until he gets better and Kokushibo sends him back to his compound after his recovery period. Until then you were running for some peace and quiet even if only for five minutes of it.
Douma had been knocking insistently at your door until Akaza got annoyed enough to shout at him to stop. Which gave you enough time to try and sneak out while Akaza had him distracted by his shouting. You tried one of your old tricks. Sneaking out through Rui's connected room but Douma was ready for that. Snapping his head to you in an instant inhumanly fast and creepy, but instead of doll like eyes, his rainbow irises now colorful and full of life like an actual rainbow in the lit sky. And that's what lead to now. You bolted hoping Akaza could get him back before you could be bothered again but sadly that wasn't the case.
"YYYYYY/NNNNNN!!! I JUST WANNA TALK TO YOU!! STOOOOPP!!," Douma loudly whined behind you making servants look up and over curiously at the latest Kizuki drama in the Dwell. 
Dammit. How the hell was he still able to be so fast recovering from wysteria poisoning?! You ran but he was still able to keep up and he wasn't even full on running. The arse! This was starting to get out of hand. You ran and ran skidding and making a tight turn around a hallway before bolting. Crap, crap, crap! You had to hide! You had to hide fast!! Taking a chance, you dove into an open room someone must've left open, slamming the door behind you and pressing your back to it. Your sudden arrival startled a demon inside as he jumped and blinked at you-
You cut him off shushing him before pressing your back against the door and froze in silence as footsteps hurriedly approached. Douma no doubt. The stronger demon walked down the hallway before stopping right outside the door. There was silence for ten seconds before the heavy footfalls of Douma left walking off down the hallway.
"LITTLE LOTUS!! Where did you go, my beloved?!"
You remained silent long after even when you couldn't hear his footsteps... before sighing in relief and deflating. Phew. Well that got him off your back at least even for a little while but he'd no doubt be back before you knew it. You had even almost forgotten about the other demon in the room with you until he awkwardly cleared his throat and you looked back up to meet his gaze. Light blue eyes met your gaze. 
It was a man. 
A man around Enmu 's size and weight with light blue eyes and greyish skin. He was adorned in a black pair of pants, white button up shirt, and a white haori coat with a curious yellow fish-scale pattern on the sleeves. His brownish hair was tied up in a few ponytails with the ends fading into a bright orange color. But what was the most curious thing was the visible x shaped markings over the kanji shaped pupils of his eyes and the unusual face markings he had. You both just...stared at one another before he suddenly frowned.
"Why are you in my room?!," he demanded, "I'm not to be disturbed until Lord Kokushibo comes to see me about my request!"
"Hey! Calm down there!," you quickly retorted back holding up your hands. The last thing you needed was a love sick Douma hearing him and putting two and two together. "I didn't mean to barge in here. I thought this room was empty."
He narrowed his eyes at you looking at you up and down before humming. "You're not dressed like one of the maids."
"Because I'm not a servant," you clarified annoyed at the comparison between you and the heavily make uped maids here. "I live here..At least for now I do."
Now this strange demon looked confused. "You live here but you're not a servant? Are you related to one of the Kizuki then? Only their families are allowed to be here if you're not otherwise a servant."
"No. I'm not related to anyone here either."
"I'M NOT AN INTRUDER!!," you shouted back to him, "I'M ENGAGED TO THEM!!"
The man stopped, stared blankly at you, and then blinked. "You're... what?"
"I'm ENGAGED to them. The Kizuki....Well... Some of the Kizuki. I'm engaged to them. For now at least. It's still a work in progress."
The demon continued to stare blankly at you before a slap of realization finally smacked him across his face and he pointed again. "Y-Y-YOU'RE THE KIZUKI BRIDE?!"
"Is that what's everyone's calling me?"
"M-My Lady!" He was quick to throw himself at the ground in a deep bow in fear. "Pl-Please forgive me! I-I had no idea who you were! I beg of you not to tell the others of my disrespect!"
Oh gods. Oh gods. Oh gods. Shit! SHITSHITSHIT!! Now he did it! He was dead! He was SO, SO DEAD!! Her fiances were going to murder him slowly and painfully for disrespecting their wife! Upper Moon Four would all grab a limb each and cut it off! Akaza would punch his head off! Douma would freeze him to death! Enmu would agonize his sleep with endless nightmares! Kaigaku would chop him up to bits! Gyutaro would tear him apart like a rabbid animal! Kyogai might be the only merciful one and have him just locked away! And...Oh dear gods. What would Kokushibo do to him?! He felt sick with fear bubbling up-
"AH?!" He jumped and snapped his head up to meet tired purple eyes as a soft hand gently grabbed his shoulder.
"Relax. I don't plan on telling anyone anything about today. Gods forbid Akaza and Douma just bug me nonstop again." You sighed.
His body was tense under your hold before he slowly deflated with a relieved groan escaping his lips. "Oh thank the gods. I thought I'd be dead for sure."
You rose a brow at his actions. "Who are you anyways?" He wasn't dressed up like any of the servants here and last time you checked, no other family of the Kizuki lived here other than Zohakuten and Mr. Hantengu. 
He slowly rode to sit on his knees and looked at you. "My name's Kamanue. I'm here on official business."
"Business? What kind of business?"
"I wish to challenge Lord Kyogai to a Blood Battle for his position as Lower Moon Six!" He said steeling his gaze and clenching a fist. "Kokushibo agreed to meet with me to see if I'm worthy of being granted my request!"
You were taken back a bit by surprise. He wanted to challenge Kyogai? To a blood battle? To take his place? Why? Kyogai was so nice! Why would anyone else want to challenge him and kick him out of the Kizuki? He had such an important job!
"You want to challenge Kyogai? Why? He's such a sweet man."
"A hundred years ago he took my place as Lower Moon Six!," Kamanue snapped back scowling, "I was once Lower Moon Six of the Kizuki! We were brought in with Enmu and Kaigaku but then not even a year after my Master graciously gifted me the position that bookworm challenged me and swiped it from my grasp!!"
You leaned back a bit from the angry demon. "You were a Kizuki?"
He frowned harder but nodded. "A hundred years ago. Yes. I was hand picked by Master Muzan himself along with five other demons to replace the previous Lower Moons after they were all executed for conspiring to murder Lord Kokushibo." He proudly patted his chest. "I was hand picked from millions of others! But then Kyogai had to challenge me for the position!"
Your eyes widened in surprise. There was once different Lower Moons? "I had no idea there was different lower moons than the ones I knew."
He scoffed. "Of course not. The present Lower Moons have held their positions for the last hundred years. Some of the old ones were either challenged and booted out like Mukago and myself or rose up to a higher position like Enmu!" He hissed under his breath. "I hate that sadistic pervert."
"You wouldn't be the first one to say that about Enmu. But if Kyogai challenged you and won why are you challenging him back?"
"Because I worked hard for that position!" He held up his hands looking at you. "I bleed in the dirt to get the Master to look at me! And then not even a few months in someone JUST-...took it from me..." His arms and face dropped. "Do you know what it's like to just work, and work only to just have it all swept away like it never mattered?"
At this you paused just.. staring at him before sighing and to his surprise nodding. "Yeah. I do actually."
"Wait...Really?" He looked skeptical not that you blamed him.
"I was once in a lot of debt. I worked hard and was finally able to pay it all off so I could go live my own life, but then I got engaged against my will and brought here!"
"Wait...You didn't-...Uh." She didn't...seduce them? Throw herself at their feet? Pull strings to get engaged? Blackmail them somehow? Manipulate them? "....You didn't propose to them?" He decided to ask instead wanting to avoid any accidental offensive to avoid any chances of getting pummeled later.
"NO!! I didn't! That Muzan guy thought it would be funny if he engaged me himself to all these Kizuki! I just wanted to travel around and have some freedom for once! I swear once I get my hands on him, I'll choke him with his own necktie!"
Kamanue's jaw dropped. She just blatantly not only disrespected his master but threatened by him in the same sentence!! Was she crazy?! She would get herself killed that way!
"Don't say things like that! Yo-Youll get yourself killed!"
"With how whipped he is for his wife, I doubt it." He choked on air. "But yes. I do know what you must feel concerning that. Maybe not on the same level but definitely on the same context. It's frustrating to just have things spiral out of your control and not be able to do anything about it. Makes you feel helpless."
He paused. Just... blinking at her for a long moment in surprise before nodding. "Yes! I keep saying that but no one ever listens to me or says that Im overreacting! Finally someone sees it from my point of view!"
You nodded but paused to stare harder at his eyes. They had two giant x shapes over the pupils and under the shapes were the Kanji for Lower Moon Six. Could eyes get scars? "What happened to your eyes? Those are some strange scars."
"Huh? Oh. Those." A hand reached up to gently rub his eyes with a frown. "This is what happens when you get kicked from the Kizuki. You're stripped from your title by the Master and forced to bar the humiliation of being defeated. I have to live with this shame every day. That's why I'm here! If I can just get my place back...then the shame will finally stop!"
"....I don't think it's a sign of shame."
He turned to you. "What?"
"I don't think it's shameful. If you were hand picked by your Master yourself to be a part of the Kizuki then him you must've done something amazing to earn it. Think about it. You were picked. Not Kyogai. He had to challenge you for the position before he even became a Kizuki. That means you were still chosen over him in the beginning. And even I you're not a Kizuki anymore, you were still a part of it and picked for it. There's not many demons who can actually claim that."
Kamanue continued to stare at you wide eyed. "I-...I-I've never really thought about it like that before."
"See? Your eyes are living proof of that. They're not a symbol of shame. They're a symbol of your strength."
He hummed looking like he was thinking very hard about your words before he slowly smiled. "Y-Yes...YES! Yes! You're right! I'm stronger than any average demon! My worth isn't tied to the stupid status!"
"Told you so. But did they hurt?"
"Huh?" He froze as two hands grabbed his cheeks squishing them as she turned his head to stare at his eyes.
"When you got those scars. Did they hurt? It looks painful."
He just ..stared at the beautiful sight of her concerned face and pretty purple eyes staring at him. The scent of tulips suddenly filling his lungs and flooding his senses. 
...bu-...bu-bump....BU-BUMP BU-BUMP BU-BUMP
His heart suddenly jolted making him flinch and a hand fly to grip his chest as his face flooded a pink. The sudden beating made him choke on a wheeze making her blink at the sudden strange noise. However before either could say anything a loud pair of footsteps approached making her suddenly let go and her head snap back towards the door wide eyed.
"Little Lotus! I know you're hiding in one of these rooms!" A loud sound of the room two doors down from them being thrown open echoed throughout the hall and other rooms. Douma has returned quickly figuring out your trick. "I'll find you eventually so you might as well come out and spend time with your darling husband to be!~" He sang out.
"Ah shit!''
Without another word to Kamanue, she bolted. Throwing the door back open and running back up the hallway away from Douma...but also in plain view of the powerful Upper Moon. A blonde blur soon also rushed back his door.
"Darling! Stop running and playing hard to get already!!"
"Buzz off, Douma!!"
Kamanue just sat there clutching away at his still beating chest before he thickly swallowed in horror at the sudden realization. ".....oh no-"
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