mayskalih · 4 months
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now kiss.
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sneakertin · 2 months
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zabuza getting freaky at the bridge ? !
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live reaction(tazuna is homophobic)
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thatsprettylane · 3 months
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Zabukaka + Assorted Text Posts
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basilsimp43 · 2 months
Kakashi: Would you stab your best friend in the leg for 10 million gold?
Zabuza: You stab me, and then when my leg gets better, we buy a big-ass house.
Haku: You can stab me too, then we'll have 20 million.
Zabuza: Good thinking Haku!
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reposhillo · 2 months
Second chapter of my ZabuKaka fic is out, and I can't believe I forgot to mention that @badninken and @mayskalih art had a heavy hand inspiring me to write this thing.
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n0-n1c · 2 months
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*meeting zabuza*
kakashi on day 1: i am fucked :0
kakashi on day 8: i am fucked ^-^
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mr-fear · 1 year
Missing Nin AU: Designs! (Later additions to the team.) + Full Team Lineup!
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Again, massive thanks to the best boyfriend in the world for doing the lineart for digitalizing these and so quickly at that! It's lovely and I cannot thank him enough.
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Entire 'Missing Nin' team lineup!
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SO! Continuing from my last post-
The group of three begin to fend for themselves in the real world, but they need to stay off of the radar as much as possible. They (and by they I mean pretty much Obito and Kakashi being commanded by Obito) steal from smaller villages for necessities like food, water, and clothing. Neither of the boys tell Rin the truth of how they obtain their necessities, as they know they'll be scolded.
Rin would tag along with the two, however, with her tailed beast around behind a hardly functioning seal meant to break, for the time being, she's best off staying put by their campsites.
Over time, the nin adjust and (with a lot of manipulation and convincing) start working towards the goal of Obito's perfect world. He knows it's achievable thanks to Madara's "words of wisdom", but he's mostly left to figure it out on his own. Zetsu visits every now and again to check on his progress as Madara's successor of course, but these meetings are private and are strictly between Obito and Zetsu. Nobody else knows.
Eventually, Rin, seeing herself in some of the foes they happen to face along the way, recruits new members into the group. (Mostly without Obito's consent.) But to please her, he goes along with it. (Besides, 6 heads are better than 3).
Zabuza is the first to be recruited, being newly outcast from his village for his tendency to rely on bloodlust and inability to keep himself under control. So he sets out on his own as a rogue ninja. Although he's quickly intercepted by Rin and invited to join them. At least for a short while. (He stays forever, but that's okay. Kakashi takes quite the liking to him. Wink Wink Nudge Nudge-).
Kabuto is recruited next as he is intercepted just before becoming a spy for Danzo. Kabuto takes an instant liking to Rin as she reminds him of Nonou, and through listening to his love for her, Rin promised to help find her to reunite the two. In the meantime though, she takes on a very much parental and motherly role towards him. This, in turn, causes Kabuto to become very close to and protective of Rin, even developing a slight crush on her.
Finally, Utakata is recruited after finding him lounging around, seemingly carefree. Zabuza recognizes him as the 6 tails jinchuriki, and with that information, Rin develops an immediate kinship with him, doing her best to seize the opportunity to learn from a fellow jinchuriki. (And Obito is entirely good with it. Having more tailed beasts around makes his plan easier.)
Everyone on the team has their own important role to play, and ultimately, it pays off when they're eventually found by Minato. But that, again, is for another post.
TLDR: Now that the team could adequately take care of themselves, Rin felt the responsibility to recruit others in similar situations to them, as, to her, they deserved acceptance and love. These new Recruits are Zabuza, Kabuto, and Utakata.
AGAIN! If you read all of this, thank you so so much!! This AU means the world to me, and if anyone here is able to enjoy it, I'm the happiest person on the planet. Thank you all for all of the support!!
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mysteria-x · 5 months
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✨️ Taste of Honor ✨️
● Secret meeting / Missing scene
● My first KakaZabu fic
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Yalll....... interest check for KakaZabu week possibly?
Note: it wouldn't be any time soon, probably further towards late summer or early fall
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mothervvoid · 4 months
a friend of mine once called the water bubble zabuza traps kakashi in during team 7's initial confrontation w him in season 1 the "protective boyfriend bubble"
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obitoslover · 3 months
Scott Pilgrim x Naruto crossover au where Kakashi is Ramona Flowers and he still has 7 evil exes:
Obito (as Gideon, bc it's fun to think he would create an evil organization even here)
Rin (idk, as Roxie? I mean, Rin's the only woman on this list)
Izumo and Kotetsu (as the twins except they're not related but are actually a couple Kakashi has dated at the same time)
Who which one everyone would be I don't know for sure, it has been quite a time since I watched the netflix series
"Who's Scott then?" Idk man, I'd say Gai but I don't think I want him taking Scott's place (although everyone here kinda sucks, so whatever)
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Kakazabu is funny cuz on the one hand you have over protective Haku who’s glaring daggers at Kakashi and threatening to murder him if he hurts zabuza
And on the other hand you have Naruto, sasuke and sakura trying to help Zabuza plan out the perfect dates with Kakashi and giving him pointers on how to woo their dumb sensei
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basilsimp43 · 2 months
Kakashi: Must be hard not being able to laugh
Zabuza: I do have a sense of humor you know
Kakashi: I’ve never heard you laugh before
Zabuza: I’ve never heard you say anything funny
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Work Equally Revered
The heaviness in my heart is gone. (Part II, Ep. 225). | Discord 30 Minute Gift Exchange (Ghosts of Narutos Past) for @ohayohimawari | Prompt: The Cursed Ghost Ship, Tranquility. 
“You know, Zabuza-kun, I didn’t take you for much of a dog person,” Kakashi says lightly. He reaches out to scratch Pakkun, who looks surprisingly content in the rogue ninja’s arms.
“They’re easier to get along with when they’re not biting me,” Zabuza replies wryly. His tone is equally conversational. “Besides that, we’ve had time to get to know one another.” 
Helpfully, Pakkun tells Kakashi, “He’s alright.” 
Nodding, Kakashi replies, “About that...” He leans against the wall of what had been his previously single-occupant room aboard this ship. He supposes he should give his guards a lecture later, given that no one else has come bursting in yet. “I don’t mean to be rude, but aren’t you dead?” 
Zabuza takes the liberty of setting Pakkun down on Kakashi’s bed, and sitting there himself. “As far as I know.” 
“So, what? You heard in the Pure Lands we were visiting Kirigakure, and thought you’d come say hi to Mei-san?” 
His companion laughs. At which part, Kakashi isn’t sure. In either case, it is a much less harsh sound than Kakashi remembers, and it makes Kakashi’s own lips quirk upward. “You’re the one who summoned me,” Zabuza says, as if this is enough of an explanation. With a once-over of Kakashi, he adds, “Nice outfit.”
Kakashi looks down at his Hokage robes, and then at Zabuza, who, on this occasion, is once again favouring a bare chest and cow print. “I’m not sure you’re qualified to give fashion advice. And what do you mean, I summoned you?”
Zabuza inclines his head towards Kubikiribōchō, resting in the corner of the room. The main purpose of this voyage. Then, he looks at Pakkun. “You know how summoning works, don’t you? Seals bound by blood. You’re not very careful about who your dogs bite, are you?” 
“You’re telling me that you came here because I called Pakkun?” Kakashi shakes his head. “The ninken bit you years ago. Besides, your body was sealed during the war.”
“The sword and the dog have absorbed my chakra and blood. I don’t need a physical carcass any more than a summons does.”
Kakashi needs to sit down, and so he finds himself on the bed alongside his former-enemy-turned-acquaintance-turned-ghost-roommate. “You’ve always had such a way with words,” he deadpans. “So, how exactly do we help you find peace now that you’re here?”
“You’re going to Kiri?” Zabuza confirms. When Kakashi nods, the man offers a sharp, lively grin. “Well, Haku always said I ought to do more community service.” 
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reposhillo · 2 months
Another addition to the Kirigakure Rebellion au, this time featuring Kakashi and Zabuza sitting I'm a hot spring, five feet apart because....you get the idea
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mysteria-x · 5 months
KakaZabu ~ Land of Waves arc
Anyone who knows me knows exactly how I feel about this fight. Zabuza and Haku were essentially the most fundamentally important battles in Naruto's entire life. It shaped his ninja way. And KakaZabu????? Someone take this mic away from me quick! 🤣
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