#Kaj fan art
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chayafriis · 3 days ago
Where are they going? Sauna? Basel? Mystery third option?
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Inspired by a bad idea my friends and I came up with like 6 months ago.
Why did I decide to draw a bike???
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cy-cyborg · 2 years ago
Whats your fanfic going to be about? I would love to read it!
I'm probably not going to post it on this account, mainly because it's something I just want to do to practice since my writing is a bit rusty atm and I keep getting stuck on worldbuilding in my origonal fiction works lol. (I have done a lot of writing over the last few years, but its all been done in script format, so I'm out of practice for normal story/book format writing and I want to get back into that).
In saying that though, The one I want to write first is about my Skyrim OC, an Argonian named Kaj. According to Elder-scrolls lore, all the argonians are connected to a species of super-intelligent trees called the Hist. The hist use the argonians as protection and the argonians rely on the hist to help them grow and mature. There's a fan-theory I'm quite fond of though that says there's an off-shoot Hist tree in you can find in Skyrim that's (probably) disconnected from the rest of the Hist and Argonians, and I thought it would be neat to explore what an argonian connected to this hist might be like. I've played Kaj a few times now, and she almost always starts off as a serious spell-sword type character looking for her lost brother who always devolves into "a klutz who's just really good at failing upwards and somehow ends up leader of every guild despite being terrible" because Skyrim is a glitchy mess (made worse by my mods lol) that doesn't let you fail. I head-cannon this as the Hist (and probably a few gods too, since she's dragonborn) desperately trying to keep her alive until she can fight Alduin, but she's just completely obvious to danger and thinks she's just that good at everything. I felt like it would be something fun and (mostly) light-heated to start out on.
I've actually done some art of her before (I call her Niijk in that post, it's the same character though, that's her old name). I probably won't link to the fic about her directly, but if I do more art, I'll post that here along with the fic name (I'd do that now but I don't know what I'm going to call it yet lol)
I also want to do some other fics a bit later on which I've been told fit into the "fix it" genre of fanfic, showing examples of how to improve the disability rep in some media properties I really like. I've been planning on doing those before I knew they counted as fan fiction lol, and I probably will link to those since they are pretty similar to what I make here, but I want to practice a bit first.
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engbergsinfinland · 5 months ago
A fun weekend, with company in town!
Today is Monday and we've been going, going, going since last Friday morning. That's when we left by train for Turku, for the two-day Fulbright event in Turku, hosted by the Department of English at the University of Turku and their North American Studies Program. The event was so fun! It was intended to be a light-hearted event to introduce certain cultural phenomena in the US to students from Finland. So, the key words are no scholarly papers. It was actually really hard for me to comply with this! I was on a panel with two US graduate students on Master's Fulbrights in Finland. One, Drew, is getting his MA in Turku and the other, Natalie, is getting hers in Tampere. Our theme was "The Super Bowl: America's Favorite Holiday." I was super excited to form this panel with other people as interested in Super Bowl parties as I am. And, I finally had a venue in which to spread the gospel that is the "Super Bowl Snack Stadium."
Anyway, the American Voices seminar was so fun, and I loved hearing my fellow Fulbrighters' presentations too. If you check the program here, you can see all of the various topics that were discussed. We also got to meet the next cohort of Finnish students who will be moving to the US for graduate study next Fall, as they are the recently awarded students for that type of award. Turku was a beautiful city and we walked around it some and the Fall colors, or ruska, were gorgeous. As with the other Fulbright events, there were many wonderful meals, and snacks, and coffee breaks. I feel so pampered! At the refreshments break on the first day, Rowan ate four munki (Finnish donuts) and on the second day, he and Cece both ate three croissants, I think. They both really enjoyed hearing the talks and Rowan asked some really smart questions -- and a few fellow Fulbrighters remarked on that to me afterwards. He certainly was not shy about jumping right in and participating!
We came home on a 4 p.m. train on Saturday and we arrived at 5:45 to Tampere and had to dash across the street to our apartment so the kids could get on Zoom for their piano lessons with Mr. Marcus. While they were going on, Kaj and Tina arrived, but their luggage did not! Actually, today is Monday, and their luggage finally got to their hotel here at 3 p.m. after having its own interesting European vacation. It spend some time in Germany, Latvia, and then driving around in a delivery van here in Tampere.
Since Kaj and Tina arrive Saturday night, we've had three very fun dinners here at our apartment; we've gone one a nice four-mile walk around Tampere (on Sunday morning); and we visited a lovely neighborhood that is nestled between two lakes that I had been wanting to walk around. Today, Tina and the kids and I went to a museum I'd been eager to check out, Vapriikki, which actually contains maybe six or more museums: the Postal Museum (which is closed right now for a change of exhibits), the Finlayson museum (about the large textile company founded in Tampere), the Finnish Museum of Games, an art gallery with rotating exhibits (this time featuring an exhibit on Aboriginal Australian women artists), the Natural History Museum, and the Finnish radio museum. We had so much fun there. The Finlayson museum -- and the Finlayson area of town was the setting of the museum-- was so amazing. I have long been a fan of their textiles, so it was great to get the whole company's back story. Also, in this museum was the Finnish Hockey Museum, lest I forget! I have a Finnish museum card, gifted by the Fulbright Finland Foundation, so I can go to almost all museums for free, so this is one I will definitely have to return to. There is so much to see!
The kids are on autumn break here, as am I. So, we will get to do more exploring tomorrow and we will go to see an Ilves game at Nokia arena, too! All the school kids got vouchers to see a Tappara game or an Ilves game, or both!, over the break. Also this week we are going to rent a car and go to Jyvaskyla, which is about 1.5 hours away. It is the home of the Alvar Aalto museum, and I have been very eager to go there! The kids' figure skating training continues this week, but all of their other activities have a week off this week. My ballet is not happening, either.
In other news, I would say it is actually cold now. It is just about freezing. The leaves are still on the trees and the trees are so beautiful -- but I think the leaves are all about to fall off. We have been having so much fun with Kaj and Tina and it's exciting to show them around! They're such good sports for anything the kids want to discus or go to see or whatever. The kids are thrilled to have them here.
Oh, one of the places we walked on our amble around town yesterday was a gorgeous cemetery. I guess it is OK to walk through there, if one is respectful, and we were. One of the first headstones we noticed had "Engberg" on it, which was surprising, given that it is a Danish and Swedish name -- not Finnish. There was also a monument to Finnish soldiers who had died during the Second World War, and that was on the highest point in that area, with views all around. The landscape in that cemetery was just so incredibly gorgeous. What a peaceful place to be laid to rest -- not to sound morose or anything. From there, we walked back to the allotment garden-plot community I wrote about last week. I was so excited to show it to Tina, as she is an excellent gardener!
OK, more soon. Hope your week is off to a good start!
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haroldgross · 1 year ago
New Post has been published on Harold Gross: The 5a.m. Critic
New Post has been published on https://literaryends.com/hgblog/sweet-dreams/
Sweet Dreams
[3 stars]
This Netherlands submission for the Best International Feature category is an interesting one. Writer/director Ena Sendijarevic weaves a dark, and often darkly funny, tale of colonialism and greed for her audience.
One of the most  striking aspects of the film was how much, by design or not, it reminded me of Peter Greenaway’s early work. Her sense of composition and color is equally painterly, evoking portraits and art from the era as well as setting moments in our view. The effort isn’t consistent nor through the whole story, but the first third, which sets up the main frictions and background, uses the approach often.
The story is, to say the least, disturbing, but only slightly inflated from reality. That close tracking and credibility is part of its power. Renée Soutendijk (Suspiria) and her creepy son, Florian Myjer are on one side of the racial divide, while Hayati Azis and newcomer Rio Kaj Den Haas straddle it. Muhammad Khan flat out rails against it, but in ways that also make him less believable.
The ending, also like Greenaway, takes off into a near surreal direction, but not one without meaning or a point. It will leave you thinking about the story for a long while after the lights come back up.
I don’t know if this has a chance or not at the awards yet, but it is one of the better I’ve seen so far. It is executed well and provocative in an engaging way, with just enough wry humor to make it all go down without choking you. I’m not a period piece fan, typically, but this one worked for me, so that says something.
Where to watch
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ponydoodles · 5 years ago
Mod Masterpost
Here’s a post 4 all of u mobile users, all of the mods in one place! It includes the pic of their ponysona/mod pony, a little description and their social media (If available). If they don’t have any social media listed, DO NOT ask for them, they’re not there for a reason!
Click on “Keep Reading!” This post will be updated accordingly!
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absolutely exhausted and gay
gender?? no thanks, i’ve had gender once and didn’t like it
cries at every movie
fav things to draw: Muffins, Twilight, Twuffins, Luna, redesigns and headcanons, silly things and memes
Hi there!! Im mod Mizzle (formerly mod Ivy!!) and im the creator of ponydoodles! I like cats, bugs and staying up late until 5am. I’m a part time freelance artist and I’d love to draw for you! Check out my carrd for more details !! <33
carrd | tumblr | ?????
ponydoodles tag
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slow @ art
loves All ocs
ponydoodles’ only triple hired mod
favorite stuff 2 draw: uhh cute pony interactions??? is that a thing??
hi!! i’m mod glitter and i draw here sometimes. i’m not super good at drawing regularly but i do my best!! also i lov Pink. So Much
carrd | tumblr | :)
ponydoodles tag
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▪︎ I’ve loved mlp since 2012, and I’ve been a mod here since 2018!
▪︎ My ponysonas name is Homebody!
▪︎pronouns are she/her or they/them!
▪︎my favorite characters are flim and flam! Love me some rat bastards!
▪︎my main tumblr is @bubaluv , and I’m bubaiuv on deviantart!
ponydoodles tag
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carnival enthusiast
art is my life and animation is my oxygen
hella neurodivergent
magic is real
I’m called Ferris ✦ I make cartoons full time, but sometimes I like to treat myself to a happiness-infused doodle of candy-colored horses. I’m here to share some of those doodles with 𝕐𝕆𝕌, 𝕋ℍ𝔼 𝕍𝕀𝔼𝕎𝔼ℝ, and contribute to the positive vibes this blog radiates!!! tumblr ✦ =) ✦ deviant
ponydoodles tag
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the boy so nice they named him twice
ponies be like: im transing my gender
hii!! im mod treat and i use they/he pronouns!! i love ponies a whole bunch and i love drawing them even more! i joined the blog because i love making people happy and im super hyped to be here!!!
Tumblr - Instagram - Deviantart
ponydoodles tag
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The Theatre System (no, none of them will draw for me hdvbdhcv)
ponies w/ paws r my shit. also ill try to b canon-adjacent w/ my weird art hdxhs
gender is *muffled fluid mogai ramblings*, n im an aroace lesbian uwu
if im not thinking about pinkiedash, lovecore, or danganronpa im dead
hehe hi! im mod cottonskittles, head empty only pinkiedash, and i just like drawing for free lol,, i kin rd so im very dumb (/j im gr8), and uhhhh my art changes a lot sorry :pensive: also i rlly like to draw pinkiedash, of course hbvdsxc hope to have a fun time on the blog :3c
DA | tungler | ponydoodles tag
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hiya!! I’m a new mod!! call me Bug Juice!! some facts ab me:
- I’m super ultra mega gay + ace 😎
- I keyboard smash a LOT and at this point it’s just a part of me
- I like mlp almost as much as I like jjba
- my fav mlp ship rn is Parcel Post x Braeburn and I have NO clue why HDBDND
I don’t use my main tumblr much but I do have instagram!! and a linktree!!!
(image text reads: BUG JUICE, he • him)
Ponydoodles tag
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Hey guys/gals/nonbinary pals, formally Mod Techno (Now Mod Salem) here, I turned 20 recently and since I was gonna have to go into my mod page anyway to update it, I thought I might as well completely refresh it to fit me more!
★My name is Sam, you may know me from my other art accounts as Punkpride, but you can just refer to me as Mod Salem here to keep things nice and clean!
★This is my new ponysona called Salem! They’re a batpony/changeling hybrid, and due to being so, they can only transform their hoof wings/eyes/mane to different colors/shapes/styles.
★My pronouns are They/Them, He/Him, and Xey/Xem!
★I’m agender and queer. Gender? never heard of them.
★My favorite ponies are Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Lightning Dust! (I ship them all together like a maniac in my ng/in general too lol)
★I’m a piercings and punk aesthetic FANATIC
★You can find me on every platform I’m on/more about me here
★Check out my current ponydoodles art tag
★Check out old ponydoodles art tag
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[image description: two drawings of my (Zoë) ponysona, Square Peg, who is a red earth pony wearing a tie dye shirt. the first drawing is large and drawn in a chalky style, and the second is small and drawn in a cartoon style. her pronouns (and mine) are she/her!]
i’m Mod Square, aka Zoë! i love mlp, emoji, and party games. my hobbies include rickrolling and using the taco bell rewards app. i play with my style a lot but i hope to always capture an air of carefree fun in my art!!!!!
ponydoodles tag | main blog | pony blog
Click for page two! ➡️
List of mods that are no longer on the blog! (Any mod that used to be a part of our blog but isn’t listed here we most likely don’t want to associate with no more)
Mod Irracat 
Mod Aurora
Mod Moon
Mod Vivi
Mod Nyxa
Mod Sketch
Mod Sang
Mod Sabbath
Mod Elf
Mod Purble
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primorcoin · 3 years ago
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New Post has been published on https://primorcoin.com/ripple-and-armin-van-buurens-armada-music-to-launch-an-album-in-the-metaverse/
Ripple and Armin van Buuren's Armada Music to Launch an Album in the Metaverse
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The blockchain company Ripple joined forces with the music integration platform Styngr and the record label Armada Music to release an exclusive album in Maladroids (a video game built on the XRP Ledger).
It is worth noting that Armada Music is one of the leading entities in its field, while the renowned DJs – Armin van Buuren, Maykel Piron, and David Lewis – are its three Co-Founders.
Ripple’s New Project
According to a recent press release, the collaboration will aim to launch a music album in the play-to-earn game Maladroids. Developed by Ripple’s modular ecosystem onXRP, the game will allow players to compete with each other and earn XRP tokens as rewards.
The album will add to the participants’ excitement of Maladroids’ release. The music integration entity Stingr and the record label Armada Music vowed to bring two major EDM artists – Tom Staar and Kryder – who will perform new tracks each month across the first 180 days of the game’s launch.
In addition, the upcoming feature plans to introduce audio emotes and audio NFTs to users. Speaking on the initiative was Styngr’s Co-Founder Alex Tarrand:
“Seamlessly launching an entire album through a game is a groundbreaking opportunity. We are thrilled to be collaborating with record labels like Armada Music to bring brand new tracks from some of EDM’s top artists to blockchain gaming that leverages the best-in-class capabilities of the XRP Ledger. To do all this in a game as fun and competitive as Maladroids is truly something special.”
Kaj Leroy – top executive of onXRP – predicted that the album will be a “fantastic experience” for gamers. Those will get the chance to compete with each other and “discover great new music” from popular musicians, he added.
NFTs and Music
Earlier this year, two of the most famous dance music festival introduced non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to fans.
After postponing its events in 2020 and 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the multi-day music and arts festival held in California – Coachella – returned this April and granted visitors more opportunities than usual. The Solana-built digital collectibles – “Coachella Keys Collection,” “Sights and Sounds Collection,” and “Desert Reflections Collection” – were some of those features.
Arguably the world’s largest music festival – Tomorrowland – also interacted with the Metaverse space. Several months ago, it teamed up with crypto exchange FTX to bring Web 3 and NFT experiences to its fans during the iconic concert in Belgium this summer and the one in the French Alps, which will occur in March 2023.
Back then, Sam Bankman-Fried – CEO and Founder of FTX – said it is “exciting” to see a collaboration between the crypto world and the music industry. He further argued that Tomorrowland’s initiatives will give attendees a “fun and interactive way to gain access to exclusive events.”
Featured Image Courtesy of Sherpa Land
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chayafriis · 14 days ago
Did someone say “sauna”? 👀
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I love these dudes I’m so glad they won Melo
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blogevangelinelove-blog · 5 years ago
The system has recovered from a serious error
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weekly-tea · 5 years ago
21.10. - 27.10.2019.
·         Crni labud (Black swan)
Opet mi TV nudi filmove koje sam htjela pogledati, a nisam imala realne volje. Nisam (svjesno) znala da je Natalie Portman 2011. god osvojila Oscara za najbolju glumicu, po njihovim standardima zasluženo. Film je na mjestu, baš kakvim ga i zamišljala i što očekivala.
-        Trailer: https://youtu.be/5jaI1XOB-bs
-        Gledali smo: Crni Labud: http://www.moj-film.hr/novosti/pregled/premijere-i-red-carpet/gledali-smo-crni-labud/
-        Black Swan / Crni labud (2010.): http://www.hororvizija.net/filmovi/354-black-swan-crni-labud-2010
-        Crni labud: Sjajan kič. Balet, triler, Jung, Freud i to sve na prvu loptu: https://www.jutarnji.hr/kultura/film-i-tv/crni-labud-sjajan-kic.-balet-triler-jung-freud-i-to-sve-na-prvu-loptu/1959984/
·         14. DOKUart
4 izdovojena filma. Nizozemska produkcija. Ne ostave te ravnodušnim. Zaboraviš da si bio dijete, zaboraviš s čime se djeca suočavaju i onda te pogledano poprilično natjera na razmišljanje. Borim se sa analizom ovih filmova, a o albumu Mimi M sam bez pol muke natipkala.
·         Mimi Mercedez - Mržnja
Početkom mjeseca Mimi Mama je izbacila album. Izbacila ga samo tako. 12 pjesama. Sjećate se kako sam pred par tjedana rekla da bih mogla napraviti novu recenziju? E pa dočekali ste! Ne znam koliko ću biti temeljita, ali potrudit će se (puste laži). Jučer (pišem ovo 22.10.19.) sam prevrtila sve i u globalu mi se veoma sviđa, volim takve albume koji su kompaktni. Većina ih spominje povratak ''stare Mimi'' i mogu reći da to osjećam iako nisam poznavala Milenu Janković, Gudu iz Huda i *nabroji dalje*. Za MM sam prvi put čula pa ajmo reć 2016. god. Pjesma ''Šta'' (https://youtu.be/ujw6jnUqiA0) (alternativni naslov cenzuriran) mi je na prvu bila izrazito odbojna, ali pustila sam ju u smočnici da odstoji i vratih se nakon nekog vremana spontano - tada mi je postala vrh i ringtone, te sam počela ovu regionsku reperku nazivati svojim idolom i proučavati daljni rad. Krajem prošle godine sa nekim pjesmama i pogotovo ove izbacivanjem 2 suradnje sa Stojom mi je nekak otišla u stanje ''meh nije mi više toliko interesantna''. No, albumom ''Mržnja'' opet mogu kazati da sam njen fan. Ruku na srce nema tu pjesma koje su mega hitovi i koji će se vrtiti i o kojima će se pričati, no po mom guštu jesu bez izmotavanja. Jaka je na beat-u, još jača na riječima, rimama. Super je što baca versove na svoje prijašnje uspješnice. Najbolji beat mi je u ''Na felne bacam evre''. ''Pogledaj Je'' me masu posjeća na XXXTENTACION - Look At Me (https://youtu.be/wJGcwEv7838). ''Mimi Opel'' iskreno smara.
Za kraj njeni najjači stihovi spomenutih uspješnica koji objašnjavaju celi koncept: ''I svi se pitaju da l' zbog takve kao ja naša zemlja propada/Ili zemlja propala stvara takve kao ja''.
-        "Mržnja" Mimi Mercedez - Usta moja hvalite me: https://www.sound-report.com/albumi/mimi-mercedez-mrznja
-        Mimi Mercedez objavila novi album „Mržnja“: https://www.soundguardian.com/index.php/glazbene-novosti/najave-novih-glazbenih-izdanja/50768-mimi-mercedez-objavila-novi-album-mrznja
·         Kanye West - JESUS IS KING
Na opće iznenađenje, još jedan album mog idola (modernog anti-heroja). Petak navečer trenda Kanye, što li je opet uradio? Ahaa.. ''samo'' izbacio album. Prvo slušanje i sviđa mi se, reklo bi se ''toleriram ga''. U usporedbi sa prethodna dva (ne računajući collab-album sa Kid Cudijem) zamjećujem da je više produhovljen za razliku od ''ye'' i sabraniji od ''The life of Pablo''. Dakako, teško da će išta nadmašiti legendarni ''Yeezus'', album gdje bi svaka pjesma mogla biti epizoda mini remek serije (oh, koje kićene riječi bacam). Istražujuć za ovu objavicu, otkrih da je i izbacio ekskluzivni dokumentarac; evo veoma intrigantnog trailera: https://youtu.be/qnIAsMQoOzg.
''Every Hour'' gdje pjeva zbor, crkveni feeling, jer jelte, Kanye je osnovao svoju Crkvu, kaj je drugo i bilo za očekivati od takve persone. Zbor se ubacuje i u refrenu ''Selah'', a stih ''God is King, we the soldiers'' najbolje objašnjava u šta ste se upustili sa slušanjem ovog cd-a, sa ulaskom u novu KW fazu. Da skratim, samo gledajuć naslove pjesama, apsolutno je jasno u kojem smjeru ide. No, ne bi Ye bio Ye da nema svoje klasične beatove i fraze. ''Follow Jesus, listen and obey/No more livin' for the culture, we nobody's slave'' (''Closed on Sunday'') i odmah asocijacija na kontrovorzni (lol što kod njega nije kontroverzno?!) intervju za TMZ. ''On God''mi najdraža pjesma, a stihovi ''The Devil had my soul, I can't lie'' prikazuju velikog pokajnika, čovjeka zaslužnog za karijeru Taylor Swift. ''On “Water,” Kanye West enlists the help of frequent collaborator Ant Clemons to discuss themes of purity, using water as a metaphor.'' Na ''God is'' mi već postaje dosadno, no opet imamo preobraćeni stih ''Jesus saved me, now I'm sane''. U ''Hands On'' mi je jedino super refernca na pjesmu ''On Sight'' (https://youtu.be/uU9Fe-WXew4). ''Use This Gospel'' početak je asocijacija na ''Runaway'' i ''Power'' mixed together. ''Jesus Is Lord'' - evo ga, završno pogleavlje, hvala Bogu!
Završno da sažmem, samo ću nakeljiti pjesmu iz 2016. god (https://youtu.be/ch8g-sJb6ow) ''I Love Kanye'', pročitajte si stihove, sve je jasno.
Recenzije: *gospel-rap record*
-        5 Takeaways from Kanye West’s New Album, Jesus Is King: https://pitchfork.com/thepitch/kanye-west-jesus-is-king-takeaways/
-        Kanye’s Jesus Is King feels unfinished. But it’s still worth hearing.: https://www.vox.com/culture/2019/10/25/20932236/kanye-west-jesus-is-king-album-imax-movie-review
-        Kanye West's Jesus Is King Is a Beautiful, If Twisted, Religious Testimony: https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/music/a29590631/kanye-west-jesus-is-king-album-review/
Ovaj tjedan nastavljamo sa starijim pjesmama koje sam prije replayala kao da mi je bilo naređeno.
·         Desiigner - Panda (Thugli Remix)
I dalje jedan od najboljih remikseva koje sam čula, onak da poželim seljački navit na najjače i kruzat po autocesti.
·         Kreayshawn - Go Hard (La.La.La)
Still a basic b**ch icon, anthem je ovdje: https://youtu.be/6WJFjXtHcy4
·         Far East Movement ft. Riff Raff - The Illest
Na prethodnu moramo nastaviti sa ovom ultimativnom pjesmom.
P.S. nastavili smo s još nekima u tom stilu, no nećemo otkrivati kojima.
P.P.S. dovršavanje ovotjedne objave je potpomognuto preslušavanjem ''My Dear Melancholy,'' od The Weeknda i nastavljeno ostalim njegovim mini remek djelima.
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daughterofhecata · 7 years ago
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Have a Scarecrow/Doctor Crane.
I mean, it does not look much like Cillian’s face, but at least it does look like *a* face, so I’m not complaining (much).
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zillowcondo · 8 years ago
The Overhead Compartment with Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
Shining a spotlight on celebrities and athletes who love to travel. Created and developed by Stacy Steponate Greenberg.
Kareem. The name stands alone. Everyone knows who you’re talking about. After all, when you are the NBA’s all-time leading scorer (38,387) some 26 years after you played your last game, well, people just know your name. In the case of Kareem, they also know your shot: The skyhook, which was practically unstoppable and positively unblockable. He’s an icon. Standing at 7’2”, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar played for 20 years in the NBA, winning 6 championships, and is considered by many to be the greatest high school player, and college player, in basketball history. Of course, his talents reach well beyond sports to successful forays into acting, writing and, as of 2012, a role as U.S. Global Cultural Ambassador, selected by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. With his latest endeavor, a documentary called Kareem: Minority of One on HBO, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar allows his fans and friends insight into his life most have never seen or heard before.
The Overhead Compartment caught up to Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and spent the entire interview in awe of this amazing, talented, and really tall basketball legend.
The Overhead Compartment with Kareem Abdul-Jabbar begins now….
OC: Your new film for HBO is the first time you are telling your story in your own words. Why was this the right time to do that?
KAJ: I’m at an age and time in my life when I think it’s important to set the record straight for the sake of my family and my fans. I felt that I didn’t want to be a mystery man as my legacy. I’ve lived a very full but complicated life that isn’t typical of a professional athlete.
OC: What message are you hoping your fans will take away from it?
KAJ: I hope they will get and idea of what motivated me to take the stands that I did. I came of age as a man and athlete during some of the most turbulent times in American history. Because of the Vietnam War and Watergate, America’s youth had lost faith in traditional values and political leaders. Civil Rights and Women’s Liberation were challenging the way we looked at society. The fact that I chose to engage in these political and social movements alienated some fans, but I felt it was my responsibility as a black man and as an American to support these chages.
OC: What percentage of people who recognize you do from your role in Airplane?
KAJ: Quite a few, especially when I am in airports. They are a very vocal and enthusiastic group. They love to repeat the dialogue and act out the scene. I can’t help but be pleased that I entertained them so memorably. And I can’t help but appreciate how excited they are to re-enact the scenes.
OC: What one moment from your long, brilliant basketball career do you think about most often today?
KAJ: I honestly don’t think much about my own career. I loved playing and I loved being part of a team, but it’s not healthy to dwell on past achievements because it keeps you from focusing on all that you could do in the present. I’m much more focused on my writing articles and books and making films. I also am involved in promoting education and cancer awareness.
OC: What special provisions do you need to make due to your height when you travel?
KAJ: People are always warning me about low ceilings or low doorways and other obstacles to my height. But I’m so used to navigating through a slightly shrunken world that I don’t require any special provisions.
OC: In a hotel?
KAJ: The only thing I absolutely must have is a king-size bed. It would be great to have a shower head that adjusts to my height, but that isn’t always possible.
OC: On a plane?
KAJ: Because of my long legs, I have to travel first class. Even then it’s a bit challenging for me to get comfortable.
OC: You’ve traveled all over the world playing basketball, what was your favorite city to visit?
KAJ: I have enjoyed most of the cities I’ve traveled to because each has such a unique personality. Because I’m such a history buff, each city is like a history party to me. I learn everything I can about every place I visit. Having said that, Paris is still my favorite because of its rich history, fascinating art, and just the whole romance of the place. Editors note: This interview was conducted prior to the tragic events in Paris.
OC: What would you do during your downtime?
KAJ: I read a lot. I’ve always been a voracious reader of history and mystery novels. I also start each day by reading the New York Times and LA Times.
OC: How did those reading habits help your basketball career?
KAJ: Reading is rewarding in so many ways that aren’t obvious at first. On a purely physical level, I found it very relaxing. But it also sharpens your mind and makes you much more aware of your surroundings. It also helped me read other players better.
OC: Which city has the most passionate basketball fans?
KAJ: A toss up between Boston and Philadelphia. Both cities’ fans are passionate, enthusiastic, and sports savvy. They not only support their teams but they are knowledgeable about sports. Of course, my heart is still with Los Angeles because of the enormous outpouring of love I’ve always felt from them, not only when I played for the Lakers but ever since.
OC: You’re known for your famous “skyhook” shot. Is there a player in the NBA today that could adapt your famous move?
KAJ: None seem to be interested, which is weird because it’s such an effective shot that is difficult to defend against. But it does take a lot of practice to perfect and maybe players today aren’t willing to put in the time to add it to their arsenal.
OC: Did that shot ever get blocked?
KAJ: Once or twice. But not too often. Once I lifted my arm up to shoot it, the ball was over everyone’s head and therefore difficult to block without goaltending.
OC: What advice would you give to aspiring young basketball players that have dreams of playing in the NBA?
KAJ: Learn the fundamentals. Kids watch the pros and suddenly they all want to be superstars, dribbling between their legs, whipping behind the back passes, and so forth. That may get you noticed but it doesn’t, on its own, win games. That requires teamwork and making smart choices instantaneously. To do that you must drill on fundamentals until you can make the right choices without thinking.
OC: Complete the following sentence; I never leave home without:
KAJ: My cell phone.
OC: One secret about you no one knew until now:
KAJ: …Is that I wanted to play piano. I was raised by my father with a love for jazz and sometimes I can picture myself in a smoky club, playing piano with a small jazz band while the audience looks on in dreamy appreciation.
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, please use care upon departure as items may have shifted in The Overhead Compartment during our journey. Thanks for choosing us for your travel tips! Have a wonderful day!
Top photo credit Nikara Johns
The post The Overhead Compartment with Kareem Abdul-Jabbar appeared first on Pursuitist.
The Overhead Compartment with Kareem Abdul-Jabbar published first on http://ift.tt/2pewpEF
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chayafriis · 16 days ago
Barbershop quartet Sauna trio sketch
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